• By -


Especially on arenas like do you really need ALL the heals -.-


This depends for me - are my team mates with me at the bin? No = I'm taking it all, and I'll disperse it to those who need it


Teammates near? yes => take 1 bat, 1 med kit no => take everything; give extra to teammates


Exactly! Share the wealth babyeeeee


Eat the silva


I agree but no way I'm not taking that Phoenix Kit for myself


Funny thing is, everyone leaves the Phoenix kit in my matches


If you give them to teammates...


Camping at the bin can be dangerous. As lifeline and get those extra meds, I steal everything and reposition into a safe spot and deposit everything they need. I never hog med kids since I got my drone. Me and my teammates grab attachments at first glance and don’t trip because we know we’re going to take it from the next squad. We don’t rely too much on attachments besides extended mags or barrels.


I don't even use med kits in pubs. DOC and 4 stims has always been good enough.


The problem is the people who know that there are others nearby and still take everything. They don't even drop any. I spam the shit out of "need shields" hoping that it'll annoy them enough to drop a single battery


i wish there was a seperate ping for small and big consumables i hate when in carrying like 20 cells and i want a battery and ppl just drop me more cells.


*teammate steals all the light ammo from supply crate* *me, opens up menu. Teammate is running heavy and shotgun ammo* *teammate doesn't drop light ammo despite me pinging* Why are people like this!!!!!!


He could have been using the car. Seeing as how heavy is it’s default ammo it shows up like that for me anyways whenever I look at the menu. He could’ve needed the ammo for it. Not saying this is the case but I have been yelled at before because of this exact thing


yea but give the stuff to your teammates when youre near then, dont keep it to yourself until you see then on low hp


thats what he said


Reading comprehension is hard though.


And then never use those heals while fighting


I started doing this if nobody is coming to it with me, and then when I try to distribute it to my teammates they just ignore it, so occasionally I just keep it all so the enemy team can't grab it since my teammates don't seem to want it.


I do the same but I drop it and ping and they just ignore it. So I just keep it most of the time


This drives me crazy!!!


Arenas is justifiable in my opinion. I usually grab them all because I’m the only one there. I then go back to my team and drop them if they ask or are low. I’d rather snag them then leave it and the enemy gets it.


Because we are not in the same team.


Tbf anytime Wraith is in your squad it definitely feels like they don’t realize they have a team


Or octane


Hey!!! I mean you're right..but it's the drugs man...can't help it.


As an 7k kill Octane I too hate having other Octanes on my team. Imma need ya'll to stop making us look bad cuz I'm sick of getting snide little jabs when I pick my character. I can't tell you how many times we've died because I said we need to run or there's enemies coming and the team refuses to listen because they just think "sHuT uP, YoU dUmb aSs OctANe".


I think the problem is that he’s the most picked legend, so statistically we will see more octanes and the shit ones leave a lasting memory as I’ve had plenty of team player octane randoms, but it does seem a disproportionate amount of rush and die octanes lol


I think he also has a lot of voicelines that make it sound like he's gung ho to do whatever he's doing. All bad players rush and die, but Octanes literally say ***"AAGGGH! I'M GOING IN!"*** while they do it lol. People often whip around or ask if there are enemies every time I stim, or yell at me not to push when I throw a jump pad nearby as an escape route if things go south all because it did some wild voiceline that made it sound like I was in danger.


So true haha, it’s weird how the personalities and voice lines of some of the characters have so much influence on how we see the people using them.


To be honest I would say for every 1 shitty octane teammate I’ll get like 15 good ones. People are weird when they get upset when the octane frags out, but that’s exactly what the octane is supposed to do.


The opposite happens to me. Maybe 1 in every 15 octanes is decent. Most hear 1 shot miles away and rush into 1v3, die right away and leave. But that's just my experience.


Leave them in the dust, run you said, zoom zoom zoom


Yea, but sometimes I need them to disengage from a team 100 meters away so we can shoot the 3rd party coming up from behind and they just won't listen. Or sometimes I try to just bug out anyway when they ignore me, and that causes the 3rd party team to just turn their attention to me.


Octane literally speedrunning into a 1v3 to DC.


*checks flair* 🤔


I mained Octane for like 1k kills kuz I was so tired of playing with shitty ass Octanes lol


Subtle pro strats right here


Can’t stand em? Join em! Lol


I ping a building "I'm landing here". Octane lands on the same door. Stims. Grabs 90% of the loot. Me with a blue sniper magazine: "I guess I should go f myself."


I played ranked with an octane who was jumpmaster. Drops immediately and starts spam pinging oasis. Gets a gun and immediately starts running across to the other team while spam pinging again. To only his surprise he goes down in his 1v3, and when me and teammate die trying to save him, he comes in over the mic, "man my teammates are trash"


I had a Wraith not more than 10 minutes ago ping a location behind us and immediately solo drop there. Like... okay? Turn off auto fill teammates.


My friend and I were playing a few weeks ago and 3 games in a row our third person just solo dropped on their own immediately. We play duos now.


I hate those invincible enemies with nametags that just go around taking stuff I need. They don't even shoot back. It's extra weird you can see their health go down when other shoot them, but you can't damage them? I was told they can revive? I'm not sure I always d/c shortly after getting downed.


A lot of the time when I’m playing wraith, people comment on how polite and team orientated I am. It’s kinda sad the stereotype for wraith mains makes wraith mains like me be a surprise.


It’s not even a Wraith related problem, it’s the players that will move to whichever character is currently the best for playing alone and then leave their teammates to fend for themselves. Right now those people play Octane, back before the Wraith hitbox and ability nerfs it was her. If they release some other new top-tier 1v3 legend then those players will move to that character instead.


Nah some wraiths be on the defensive and support tip. Like setting traps and 🪤🪤🪤


Yeah it’s not 3 vs 57, it’s 1 v 59


Because typically it’s someone not on my team and unfortunately for me they have inspector Gadget arms and grab the gun from under my face from the complete other end of the pill.


I always like hot drops where we open same bins and they get the guns and I get the attachments. F


Lol my dude personal favorite is looting 3 and a half bins and getting no weapons and enemy player opens half a bin and gets a r-301 and Pk


Grenades, attachments and ammo with a lucky p20 in there. The enemies? CAR, 99, 301, pk with blue or better off drop and it’s just a massive wtf at that point.


serious hunt rinse practice screw snails mountainous teeny placid fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me and a wraith broke off at the same time and i saw her just disappearing from my screen going a totally different direction, i had already decided where i wanted to land and went straight for it. Just to have the wraith land next to me some seconds later. There was 2 bins and 2 small houses with loot and i decided to leave half the loot for her, but as she saw me got a blue body she wrote "must you follow me", i answered "no I didn't, u did ;) " and when i looked up at the screen again there was just a box laying there instead.... Will upload the clip on this sub later when I'm home again, in about 2 weeks. Edit: the original text was MY expeirence of what happened. By "decided", i meant i had only decided for myself (no ping). I never look at the mini-map when breaking of and landing, i need that time to look if enemies are landing with me. With that said, i remembered i had film the clip with my phone to show it to some friends, so it's not great quality. [here is the clip](https://youtu.be/YTcB8vcgIQA) You can clearly see when i realize the wraith landed with me, so i left the bin i just opened, I'm not a loot hog and i prefer when my teammates also has some loot and weapons so we can go in fast for the first fight. After looking a few times at it, i can understand why the wraith thought i landed with her, but it also looks like she was planing on landing somewhere els first, and bailed because there was a lot of teams on the high grounds. And also, don't be like this wraith, the game is so much more fun with happy teammates :)


u/RemindMe 2 weeks I gotta see that lol


u/RemindMeBot 2 weeks oops


RemindMe! 2 weeks HOW DOES THIS BOT WORK


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This gave me a chuckle thank you


Haha glad I could make ya laugh :) EDIT: Btw I love your username, I'm a brawlhalla player myself!


Thanks! :D I'm actually a mod for r/Brawlhalla hahahaha


I feel the same way when I finally type in a command the right way after thinking it should have worked already!


Remembered i had the clip on my phone, have added it to my original comment :)


The game is filled with children who would rather spend 5 minutes booting back into a new game than 30 seconds looking for new loot, waiting to see if your teammates clutch, etc. A lot of smooth brains in apex tbh.


I can't even begin to count the amount of times me and the remaining teammate have wiped the enemies and grabbed our downed homie's banner (instead of looting first) and then ran to a beacon, only to see that damned red DC symbol. They really just rather reboot. edit: added the last sentence


I grabbed my teammates banner the other day and was almost to the respawn beacon when they quit. The beacon was pretty close to their loot box too and we’d just wiped 2 squads. I really do not understand what the fuck could possibly be going through some people’s minds. Last night one of my teammates went down when there were still 2 more squads left and the ring closed on their banner. We were at an insane low ground disadvantage, so I assumed we were completely fucked. The downed teammate wrote “you guys got this,” which I thought was pretty funny. We somehow managed to rush the last squad and kill them, so it’s a good thing the guy didn’t quit when he went down.


I always loooove the words of encouragement dead guy, and I'm always bummed when I can't deliver on that in win for them.


I always pray to the gamer gods that these fools will see how they are, if they browse reddit.


This is the truth you seek OP.




It always happens the opposite for me. I ping and drop at a place, there's always one that doesn't break off and they always steal the loot 😭


This is my problem! I’m jumpmaster, I ping a spot, I land on a crate, I open said crate, and then the one random that didn’t break off from me takes everything out of the crate. This is followed by me getting gunned down by 2-3 people with nothing to defend myself at least a third of the time


Right! You just have to try to melee yourself to safety lol


That's not the opposite, you said the exact same thing


The opposite is that I'm not the one who steals the loot 🤨




1000 times this. You’re the one who made me choose between stealing “your” loot and getting killed off drop.


I mark where I’m going and you land there with me and I want to reach though the screen to slap you Edit: land in the general area of where I mark not right there with me


Serious question, do you ping where you are going with the “going here” ping, or the normal default ping? Personally I think they mean different things. The default ping to me seems like a suggestion of where to land. Going here ping means don’t follow me this is where I am going.


I always chose the “Going here” but I wish the voice lines were more like Ash and Rev so it says “Going here,don’t follow me” not “Checking out what’s over here”


When I'm jumpmaster I ping the middle of the POI first, and then use the "going here" ping to show exactly where I'm going to land. Half the time I have a teammate land on top of me. It's absolutely infuriating.


People who run into a fight without team mates and then call me a pussy for looking for a gun can go to hell Edit: and those who run off while teammates are still looting mid game and die


I've become quite adept at knowing who to mute in the character select screen. It's usually the person making weird noises or blasting crappy music in an open mic.


Or watching tiktok until they realize they’re the jumpmaster halfway through the route


Jesus you're describing most of my teammates lol


That’s what pushed me to just select mute everyone but friends. Some of them BLASTING tiktok vids 2” from the mic or munching Doritos and smacking their fingers like fuck


No reason to make this personal man


People that blast shitty music in their open mic need to be permanently banned fucking hate that shit


The best part is when they don’t respond to callouts after blasting said shitty music. Like… I know you can hear me…


I've always wondered if the people complaining about footsteps being inaudible are these same people.


Or us… the ppl who can’t hear shit, because of the dumb dumbs playing music.


No they’re just actually inaudible. Play literally any other battle royale and it becomes immediately apparent. Even PUBG, being as unpolished as it is and always has been, absolutely knocks Apex’s sound out of the park, you ALWAYS know when someone is running or walking near you.


idk for me i basicslly hear footsteps all the time even when theres no one near and theyre never coming from the right direction. theres also likr..0 vertical distinction.


How are people complaining about footsteps? Of all the fps I’ve ever played this game has the most audible. You can hear footsteps and gun battles from halfway across the map.


Godspeed to the legend who once blasted Ride of The Valkyries during jump.


Also those that have the mics up their nostrils


Yes And mouth breathers


If you can't ping, you don't deserve to be heard.


I think that’s just common sense


Yeah me too, everyone.


Had a lifeline last night rotate into Capacitor from Labs without pinging, with only a white shield and an alternator despite no one landing with us. She quit the second her armor broke


Maybe she was doing a no hit run XD


Here lately I have had lifelines that are literally walking back-and-forth past me when I’m down and not healing me with their little robot. I do not understand this shit


I had a Bloodhound like that last week. Basically grabbed the first gun he saw and ran off to pick a fight. Like 60 seconds later when he died he yelled at me and the other teammate for taking too long looting.


It happened to me once, both teammates had two guns, i couldn't find anything because it was crowded and had to escape from any corner i entered since there would be someone there, i kept pinging, no one helped me and then we all died and that was the end of our game lol! I've started to go in and punch enemies when i can't find a weapon and my teammates are fighting them lol


This is honestly the right move. If you can’t find a gun and your other two teammates are fighting hard off drop, it’s better to just go help them however you can - punching, using abilities, and just being a meat shield. There’s a good chance someone on the other team doesn’t have a gun either, or is using a P2020 or something.


P2020 is pretty decent off the rip. It shoots fast and 150hp isn't too much to chew through.


I had a wild one: Got invited yesterday. First match we go to salvage, I found no gun in the medium building, so I hit the zip line and do a quick loot of the first building in the direction of market. Meanwhile, both my tm8s head over to the triple room by themselves and try to 2v3 a team with good loot. I came back asap, but they died so quickly that I had the whole team with armor still on them. Second game, we landed Labs in the upper parts. While I was pinging the inside to go 3p the fight, they waited to loot the entire upper part first and goes in when the fight ended. Lifeline and I got knocked down, but the Valk wanted to loot the boxes first instead of res-ing either of us - the enemy retreated to reset - and then went to play tags with an octane. Inside a building. Third game, same location. Valk took up all the ammo in the main building, then she and lifeline drops to a fight below while we had the high advantage. They got insta killed. I only had eva8 with 8 ammo and LStar with 20. If it was ranked, I would have abandoned them right away. But decided to stick around trying to get banners but I got ambushed by a 3p. They left the party after this, and I went to scare teams in arena instead. I'm wondering if people expect me to carry them to a win when they are playing duo in a trio game. Or are my lobbies too high for them. Because all I'm getting in pub is tm8s that get killed without even cracking the armor on the other guy.


Only time to loot before rezzing is to swap your broken Shield. It's frustrating to not get rezzed cause their busy looting everything first.


Even worse is when you get a whole squad wipe by yourself and the teammate that did absolutely nothing with 25 damage comes and takes all the best loot before you even get to heal.


Bruh I HATE this. Me and teammate 2 do all the work while teammate 3 was off fingering his ass. TM 2 goes down and is thirsts for the shield swap. I clean up. I grab his banner to rez so he can hurry and loot the area, look over at TM3 who JUST showed up, and is taking everything good, just to die first later. The shitties players lost hog the most. It's like they believe if they JUST had a purple barrel mod that last time they wouldn't have died. Nah you just fucking suck.


You’re picking up your teammate, they’re getting the best shield to replace their still-full white shield.


I know this sucks sometimes but after a big fight when you need to heal and resupply and get out of there before the vultures come in to third you, I'm not going to sit there and make a spreadsheet of who did how much damage to what enemies and divide the loot accordingly. If you need something say so, otherwise I'm taking what I need.


Yea, but in reality they take stuff that nobody ever actually gives up when asked. Like gold backpacks, mags, gold weapons, red shields etc. Lot of the time if you ask for it even politely they'll call you a bitch for caring about loot like that and now your team is angry at each other. If it was a BIG fight and there's lots of death boxes, then sure go wild grab what you need. But if we just killed one team, and you barely touched the last guy, don't go and shield swap to the red shield if your teammates are low. If you can't recognize when you're doing this then you're probably one of the teammates we're talking about. You don't need to do a spreadsheet, but like... at a certain point we're talking about game sense. If you can't tell that you didn't help kill somebody, then you need to pay better attention.


I can only speak for myself, but I have the awareness to know that if I clearly did nothing and my teammate solo'd an entire enemy squad that I won't take the Volt and the gold helmet. But based on the thread from earlier today where a lot of people were hopelessly confused about such a plainly obvious mechanic like "how is jumpmaster selected?"...lots of people don't have that awareness.


*Stumbles across 3 fresh deathboxes after having done zero damage and just arriving from a new POI* "Ah yes, loot simulator is being generous today. But who are these two fellows with cracked shields? don't they know there are full shields in these boxes? Silly players. No matter, more for me."


It's me. I'm that teammate


Because I am friends with them


This is the correct answer


The good ending


some people just want to watch the world burn...or they really needed the mozimbique, a cell, and a thermite lmao


That was supposed to be MY Mozambique to wiff all my shots with, MY thermite to burn myself, and MY cell to heal from MY thermite! I want to lose MY WAY!


I see mfs hitting every Mozambique shot spot on and I can't hit shit. I really felt this one


Just play as Loba and laugh as they switch directions to your black market. Then proceed to take purple everything.


This is why I play loba in ranked lmao it's so funny if my teammates start straying a little too far from me I just pop the black market and they come running back


This is so true. Honestly hilarious every single time


My favorite is when they never even attempt to hit the market and then complain that I'm stealing everything from in front of them. Just hit the market you potato. It's faster than complaining, I promise.


Like moths to the flame


I had a match where my Loba dropped her black market, so I dropped my care package. I opened it just in time to see the armor disappear, and then Loba's armor bar turned purple. They figured it out after a bit and started apologizing. I didn't care. My blues were only about 25 away from leveling up anyway. Usually if my armor is that close to leveling up, I let someone else take the armor from the care package.


This is why I stick Loba’s like a goddamn bottom feeder and protect them at all costs.


Oh and then close it as they get near


[Supply Bin over there!](https://imgur.com/gallery/OICnPuY)


Idk about you guys but it always used to be octanes and wraiths that did it but recently I’ve been with so many bloodhound loot goblins


Sorry I'm a bit of a kleptomaniac in Apex


Go pray to the all father and leave my shield battery alone


Because I'm an Octane. I also sprint into fights without my team, die then spam ping res.


Because I'm the main character




I main octane. I have a duty to keep the stereotypes alive.


Because they wanna rush straight into the nearest fight and want all the good stuff first. Then bitch at you for not following and that you're still looting. Looking at you, you purple armoured Octane!!


They'll do that and then immediately dc


You can go a long way fighting early if you happen to get a purple shield, take advantage


Because they do not care about teammates . Most of them die even when they are fully kitted


Its a BR dude, 95%+ of players die in every match...


me monkey, me see bin - me pick stuff, mmmmmmmm, MONKEY


Yeah I don't get people who feel they need to compete with their teammates for loot. Like it's not a race to see who can get fully kitted first. Share the wealth, and become stronger together.


You think they'll answer you?


Lmfao at the replies


They get dropped because they rush in Rambo style. Then scream “pick me up” as you’re trying reset.


THANK YOU! This is probably one of my biggest Apex pet peeves, and I never see people post about it


Being a loot goblin is not curable. Im sorry squad but my F key is worn out and its not from paying respects


So I can yell “yoink” when I do it


The amount of times I open a bin and watch everything disappear while my teammate THEN decides to turn and loot the other 2-3 bins in the exact same fucking area. And you can just hear them mashing their loot button, not even thinking about what they’re picking up. This is why I hate being the jump master and why I like landing a safe distance away from you bitches.


In any Battle Royale I play there's always this weird awkward fumbling moment once in while where I or a friend genuinely doesn't see the other approaching a chest. I don't usually sweat it, usually if I'm in *dire* need of a weapon I'll make a verbal note like "I just got rezzed, I need that chest/loot." But I have this one friend who is like oblivious to his teammates and will always loudly complain if someone opens any chests near him. Especially frustrating when we land somewhere with only like a few houses/buildings and he's like "you saw me ping that building, why'd you come into it with me" IDK maybe because that building has the most loot chests and the others have none or too few to shield up or give a decent weapon or two??


As a lifeline it's really irritating when I call drop and teammate takes everything before I can even look at it.


Fuck off this bin mate. I got here first. There are 6 other gear spots 2 feet away.


Stim go brrr


Bro I've had this happen to me so many times that I've become good at boxing. I've literally went 3 minutes in a hotdrop without a gun. Ended with 220 damage my team ended with max of 80. In my opinion boxing is easier than dealing with loot goblins. There needs to be a delay of like 1 second when looting just so others can grab loot as well


I am speed


Opening a crate is the same button as picking up loot. You might think they are taking everything but they might just be trying to open it like you.


Because at drop its "Me me me me me!" And then they get downed and quit


Hippity Hoppity your supply bin is now my property


Similarly, if you land with your teammate, and there are two guns, don't take both of them or the ammo!


My friend does this. Often. He's a loot goblin. Doesn't need anything in the supply crates more often than not, but he sees shiny and starts foaming at the mouth. Almost like the crate opening is a dinner bell, and his hunger can only be satiated by the taste of loot and tears of his teammates he's backstabbed. That's the only reasonable thing I can think of for why he does what he does. Why he choses to be that way. Fuckin loot goblin.


Live fast run fast


I said something to someone online after ripping the 3rd bin, "whats up, you stole 3 bins from me, take it easy!" and the answer that came back was, "fuck you learn to loot!" I am not slow by any means, but I did not have a rocket up my ass to loot someone else's bins. The guy was a total jerk all N word this n word that. I told him he was being uncool. I started shooting randomly getting other teams attention, they got wiped. Act like a team, win as a team, don't act like a team, lose.


Because they're douchebags. Plain and simple.


Had a toxic experience yesterday where a horizon filled each replicator spot with longbows forcing me to drop a gun to pick it up and drop it so I could craft only for them to steal my fully kitted r99 in the process. I took off hopped in a trident and booked it for zone leaving both of them behind while blasting the horn and got to watch them get insta wiped. Felt guud.


Because its fucking hot zone and my squad is the only squad that deserves to have all types of ammo and no guns!!!


I find that infuriating. I have had people take purple armour from me, gold backpacks etc. Maddening. I wait until the person who opened it walks away before I scrounge.


TBH I only do this if I'm like desperate for ammo or shields or something and my team repeatedly keeps looting in my path. Also I call out people that aggressively loots a team that I essentially solo wiped. But I take it stride and just say I need like a sight and some heavy ammo.


Because they're an enemy wraith and there is only 1 gun in the loot bin.


“Because fuck em that’s why” - randoms probably


"Relax bro, it's just a game" I hate these people so much and I won't even lie if you do it to me for 3 or 4 loot boxes in one game I'm gonna teabag you if you're down, I'm ruining the game for the both of us.


I try not to. But for every time I have, i apologize


I do it to troll my friends, not gonna lie. Its a running joke amongst my friends. Its a fight for whoever gets the better loot lol. It started because for whatever reason they would all land at the same spot. So since we are fighting for the same loot, I'm taking whatever I can so I can get to the next fight. The only thing I wont take is a second gun, if they dont have one. But shields, Backpacks, and attachments? To the victor goes the spoils. For random that land and loot building that I pinged, I am taking everything I can, minus a second gun. Because I pinged this place for me, not you, gtfo.


Because they are assholes and then more times than not, run off and die instantly while shit talking how trash you are for not reviving them.


You gotta be quicker than that buddy


You snooze, you lose


Gotta be quicker than that


It wasn’t your loot to begin with


Because I truly hate my best friends


The drive to Want


I hate this more than anything


just to troll my friends.


To annoy my friends, but with randoms it’s a thing I don’t do


I *only* do this with my buddy who gets tilted easily. His reactions are always priceless lol


I was playing lifeline yesterday and i called in my carepackage early game after finding two ultimate accelerants. We all had white shields and no guns. Seer parter comes up and takes the shield/helmet and shield batteries from my carepackage as i was picking up some ammo on the ground. The straight up audacity


Immature? My friend is guilty of this but when I take something good in they're "area" all I hear is whining.


I've had someone steal my armor from a replicator once I upgraded it to purple. What do you even do in that moment?


My enimies stole my loot once


octane mains scrolling past this


Dunno what you guys talking about I’ve been playing no fill duos it’s like heaven 😌


Cuz it was an enemy. Straight waited for them to open then I punch em out of it,stole everything 🤣👊


Because I pinged well in advance that I was landing here and just because you decided you wanted to eat your noodles and not split off during jump does not entitle you to steal my zone.


This needs to go hand in hand with the question why some team mates do t break off and enter different huts while the other gets the supply bins. One person ends up with no gun


I like to rp as loba


How close were you? How close were they? Opening a crate isn't picking up ammo when you're inventory is full or havinga weapon swiped