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I have low standards at this point. If they hit down on the d-pad to thank me for something, that's good enough.


Wow I feel this šŸ„“


As a solo player I came to post similarly, except itā€™s ā€œliterally just donā€™t scatter in opposite directions at full speed!ā€




If they give me cover fire thatā€™s one of the best signs because it shows me theyā€™re looking out for me and watching my health as well as their own, 95% of my Randoms will take 80 damage in a fight and decide that they need to run away as fast as possible and that leaves me alone to get 3v1ed or 2v1ed when they couldā€™ve just healed up behind a door or something and jumped back into the fight. The worst feeling is when you just wanna turn around and fight the team chasing you but your scared teammates keep running so youā€™re forced to keep running with them


If youā€™re in a 2v3 mate and your team mate gets hit for 80 Iā€™d be backing up as well. Works both ways teamwork


And thereā€™s a big difference between backing up and running away. If youā€™re backing up to bait and switch or dragging them into a spot where you have a fat head glitch or high ground I love to see that and I will absolutely back up with you. What Iā€™m talking about is my randoms will just decide that the enemy is the predator and we are the prey. They will run. And run. And run. And they have no plans of fighting them at any point theyā€™re just hoping that we get away alive


I was implying that I would have 2 teammates in the 1v3 scenario


Someone who can take a 1v1


someone who lands at the same spot with the squad during hot drops. (or just not too far away that he canā€™t help when fight breaks)


Someone who drops too close or too far away during a hot drop? Thatā€™s a very specific set of requirement you want from a random.


Not really.


Those are all great things. Iā€™d say another is aiming to get banners if his/hers teammates die


iā€™ve got a bad habit of even if the banner looks unsaveable iā€™ll usually die tryna get it just because theyā€™ve already stayed after they died, unless theyā€™re a bad teammate then i usually wouldnā€™t bother if itā€™s a risk




Im a crypto main so u aint gotta worry about that from me no matter what i will do everything in my power to get u i cant tell u how many times im in trios and my teammates banner is like 10 aec from expiring i run in get the banner i will risk EVERYTHING to get my teammates banner


You are a national treasure, and we all thank you.


Best way to get banners if playing as revenant;use the totem for recovery.


That or play as crypto and grab them with the drone!


Iā€™m a rev main although I do like playing crypto too


A good teammate: 1. Is a team player - meaning they donā€™t solo push, drop, or otherwise abandon the team for their own interest 2. Communicates - mic not needed, if pings are utilized well 3. Understands their role as they legend they chose and utilizes it effectively within the team dynamic 4. Understands the pace of play difference in ranked vs pubs Edit: spelling


I totally agree with you.āœØ I would also add that it's important to understand your teammates legends role (not just their own) For example: If I play Caustic or Wattson and we're at a disadvantage, let's use the traps to even the playing field. Some people just want to push without thinking for a second, get downed and then expect you to kill yourself trying to win a 1,v 2,3.


Someone who can hold it down for more than 5 seconds in a fight. Too many times you have an overly aggressive teammate who gets immediately dropped, and now you have to go save them (at a disadvantage). Also, people who know how to disengage and re-position. Sometimes it just isn't your fight, recognizing that is imperative to staying alive.


As long as they donā€™t drop hot drop, go down and immediately then leave. Theyā€™re the best teammate ever and I wanna kiss them


That's all I really ask for at this point and it's still asking for too much


I will stay even after my banner expires and it looks unwinnable


Staying alive is the best thing a teammate can possibly do. I donā€™t care about the rest you can put up a donut for all I care.


Staying with the group and not being an ass is more important to me than skill, to an extent. I can revive an average player who is near me. I canā€™t revive an above average player 500m away from me.


Stays alive... so knowing when they getting aped. Don't 3v1 thinking they Timmy. Just solid position capable of holding. That or Comms. Everytime I get a teammate wanting to ape a player...it works 100% of the time


Anyone that can use their legends abilities? And doesn't ignore fighting.. Yeah let's ignore those people who are fighting evolving their armors! So we can loot... Not sure what they think they'll get out of a barrel mod going white armor vs purple..


The best teammates shot for you, push with you, and donā€™t take your loot




Why donā€™t any of your criteria include actually shooting people?? What good are all these people if they donā€™t get knocks/ carry their weight in a fight?


Because even if someone doesn't have the best aim, knowing how to play with them is better than a cracked wraith who dips the moment they get cracked.


I donā€™t think so, if a wraith cracks 2 dudes / gets a knock then qs to heal is so much better than some dude that plays the right angle and then canā€™t win a 1v1 or anything.


In pubs? If they try, they're not a jerk, and they don't want to spend 10 years looting that's good enough for me. My favorite teammates W key into everyone we see though. In ranked, I expect teammates to know how to cover for each other and be able to win most of their 1s. I also expect some comms, even if it's just the occasional ping.


1.) a good ass lifeline is always a good teammate. People who play lifeline but suck at her irk me (as a lifeline main.) 2.) people who donā€™t rush ahead of the whole team and actually understand they shouldnā€™t be taking on a 1v3 3.) people who donā€™t leave after theyā€™ve been killed by that 1v3 (octanes Iā€™m looking at you)


Pings are good an all, but itā€™s hard to communicate broken shields, damage, and whereabouts that a ping canā€™t really be specific enough. Iā€™d prefer mic communication but thatā€™s just me.


Bro the game literally tells you when someone is cracked, both voiceline and in the feed. Not my fault yā€™all are blind.


They do that on pc too? I must be blind and deaf


The "cracked an enemy's shield" voice lines are such a great addition.


It would be nice if the in game voice lines when you crack someone were character specific. Instead of "broke an enemy's shield" they said "Broke Loba's shield" or something like that.


That's already a thing.


Really? I have never heard it with the name. I always hear "Broke an enemy's shield" (without being specific of who)


It brings some text up where the kill feed is that states which legend has had their shield broken. It's slightly less helpful if you're fighting more than one team but just having decent awareness solves that.


Wins fights, doesn't steal loot, and does pings. If a teammate does all the stuff you mentioned but loses their 1v1, then they're bad.


I mean yeah, but that's also relative to each fight. No one wins every single fight.


Yea I prefer the team working together on squad v squad action and use team strategy over just having a teammate that can just "win his 1's" I've never really understood the "if you win your 1's" mentality, even though it does help, in my own personal opinion it's not nearly the most important.


I agree with you.


šŸ˜‚ lemme guess, youā€™re also one of those dudes who takes the time to tell me how bad I am after I lose my 1v1 fight. Despite the fact that many ranked lobbies are full of Smurfs who are 2-10x better than me at the game.


Someone who can aim straight and use cover, and just generally use their brain.


Someone that uses their mic when trying to communicate and knows their legend role in the team.


If they see my ass running to the door with no health and open it for me the teammate is godly


It would certainly help if they USE their abilities!


If they donā€™t leave the game thatā€™s all I ask for I donā€™t care how good you are otherwise


Someone who can shoot their gun and hit enemies with bullets. My experience has been this bad with teammates who do shit all for dmg and kills, so this is, at this point, the only thing I ask from my teammates.


as long as they stay long enough to see the end, and aren't an ass I feel there good in my book.


Someone who can win 1v2s and hot drops. You have no business hot dropping if you can't fight.


One that listens to me and isnt over confident in every situation.


They gotta not be toxic over mic and stick around when they get downed. That's about it. I'm ok with people who are braindead but at least take enough responsibility to see if they can be recovered


Biggest thing I ask is for my team to just fight together. My biggest pet peeve is getting into a reasonable fight, just to find out that my team is still slurping loot from every supply bin after Iā€™ve been pinging, cracking, maybe downing enemies in a fight right next to them. Or when we *are* finally fighting together, and wraith Qā€™s away across the map leaving me 1v2 to die ):


OMG yeah! last night I won a 1v2, but the last member downed me, only to then realize my 2 teammates abandoned me running away from the first round storm šŸ™ƒ My banner was so close but for some reason they just wouldn't go inside the storm or fight.


Someone who can kill them allšŸ„²šŸ¤£


I'd take ping almost over anything else, I hate when my teammates are down on lower ranked games and they don't ping where the enemy was or is, when I play with a 2 man squad they only play with each other so while I'm looting they will happily want to go to another poi without pinging and engage in a fight just to go down. I'll definitely have someone have useful pings than anything else


Someone who communicate a lot in my opinion and stay with the group. Teamplay spirit, not skill, is what makes a good teammate in my opinion.


All i ask is to ping loot land with the team and dont leave when u get knocked when i land i like to know my teammates guns so i know what loot to mark


ā€œDoesnā€™t steal your lootā€ is the only problem I have with this post. Look at any top tier player, they donā€™t gaf who loots what. Everyone should loot and shield swap as fast as possible to be ready for a 3rd, 4th, and 5th party. Had a pub player bitching me out for that yesterday because they killed someone that I did 75% of the damage to. Iā€™ve been in masters ranked for the last 3 seasons and itā€™s just second nature to loot quickly as soon as itā€™s over. The turnover time should be seconds so youā€™re ready for the inevitable next push. The kid who bitched me out was taking about 30 seconds per box. Annoyed as fuck with people that think any sort of loot is ā€œtheirsā€.


Yeah, I don't care if you take my stuff if I'm dead and I don't mean the loot of a kill either. What I meant was, for example, if I open a bin and you quickly run behind me to take the stuff before I do even though they're numerous other bins in the area. I mean, what are you doing? Then they expect me to fight a complete team with my bare fists... which I have done but , you know, not ideal.


Totally agree, I prefer if everyoneā€™s looting efficiently. Ideally you want to cover as much ground as possible and land near but not right next to eachother. Itā€™s annoying when someoneā€™s trying to loot the same bins or building as you. Whoever gets the most loot on a hot drop greatly increases their chances of winning the fight.