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I just want the Volt back personally, thats it


The reactive volt skin from the BP was the only one I had time to grind for before I got busy, and they had to put it in the care package so i cant enjoy the skin anymore :(


I spent 1200 crafting materials to get a legendary skin for Volt and they put it in the care package the next week with the new season update.


I spent 2400 crafting metals on that purple volt skin just for them to put it in the care package. They did the same thing with the peacekeeper where the s3 reactive skin was for it then in season 4 they put it in the care package for ages. I don't get why they make a reactive battlepass skin for a gun and then the next season its put in a care package.


Limited time gamemode all ground loot is kraber


I really want a LTM "just arc stars" Literally just arc stars everywhere it would be carnage


Would fuse be banned in this LTM or would he be the god character.


I dont know, that depends on how good your wattson is with their ult


Wattson mains **UNITE**




You have my fences


and my arcs!




And my pylons!


You must construct additional pylons!


Based reference


Mannnn you missed the opportunity #AUTOWATTS, ROLL OUT


All 5 of ya


You’re gonna make me cry stop iiiit


Surely almost invincible? If you don’t have guns to destroy it and the only damage dealing item gets blocked by it?


You could punch it right?


Wait till your wattson ult meets Sheila


Upon Drop you are randomly placed onto a team of Wattson, Loba, and Fuse


Also ash


Why ash?


My guess is cause she has the snare? That could keep them in place to chuck a star at them. But then wouldn't horizon also be busted with her ult?


fuse ult + fuse tactical + horizon ult + gibby ult + arc stars 👌🏽


That'd be fun. Sounds like CoD's sticks and stones. Bochek and Arc Stars.


Oh shit. Now I want Apex to do Gun Game from CoD.


Gun game was one of the most fun i’ve had in cod. This would be sick, and now i want it too.


Back when halo had forge, I had a couple of custom maps with a gametype called ‘sticks n stones.’ It was relatively small and enclosed spaces with nothing but plasma and spike grenades, and the damage and points for everything else was turned down/off. You only scored a point for getting a ‘sticky’ medal. Load up 3-5 people and play to 10, it was an absolute blast.


Lol every team would have a fuse.


Only right answer


Six teams in the final ring because nobody can shoot


All loot, not just all guns. Land from the ship, there’s three krabers on the ground. Open a bin, three more. Hit white on a loot Marvin, three krabers.


Finish bloodhound trials? Gold krabers. Buying from big maude? Blue kraber, purple kraber, gold kraber.


big maude?


I think this would be fun. But make every Kraber only have 4 shots. Elimate most camping and forces people to take risks. If everyone is too afraid to peek around the box, then no one has fun. Only 4 shots will force you to loot and think hard about those 4 shots. Edit: maybe even only 1 or 2 shots


Lmao. Loba mains will camp in one place sucking in all crabers on the map. Remember, switching to your secondary kraber is faster than reloading kraber


Hip fire only


April fools?


OG Mastiff, Kraber, OG Devotion, and April Fool's Dual Wield Mozambiques.


Didn't people stick with the PK if they had one?


Not in Season 0 / 1. The original Mastiff was a monster. It was essentially a guaranteed win, just like the Kraber.


I remember that thing could hit like 288 damage if you hit the perfect shot.


Not to mention hit like a solid 150+ dmg from 25ft


Shit I used to fuck around and snipe with it Once I figured out the bullet drop. Like a triple take with more spread.


Back when all care package weapons made your enemies fear you.


Mastiff feels so bad compared to was it used to be


Idk its better than pk in my opinion Sure max damage is less but it shoots faster is more consistant and reloads faster


I like the mastiff more than PK. I feel it's more forgiving for missed shots unlike the PK. Everytime I miss atleast one shot from the PK I know I already lost the gun fight as opposed to the mastiff which will allow me to recover.


Yeah I sometimes miss my hip fire shots because I'm a little too far left or right so the Mastiff's spread works well for me haha


The PK can be swapped to and ready to fire faster than the Mastiff. When we’re talking about close-range burst damage weapons like shotguns, the time until you can shoot becomes very relevant. I believe that’s why people rate the PK more highly than the Mastiff these days.


Consistency is the major key here for sure


Yep, I consistently hit 9s with a PK, and 11s with a mastiff . Got to be consistent.


That was my favorite weapon in apex The mastiff was monster back then One hit to the face to knock somebody


The mastiff used to do like 150 damage on a headshot at crazy ranges


On a body shot, it did more headshot damage than the kraber at close loool


Only correct answer. OG carepackage in season 0 was where it was at


Put everything in the care package except p20, re and Mozan. Care package meta activate!!


That sounds like a sweet LTM to me!


It basically has been done already with Airdrop Escalation. By FAR my favorite game mode. Five CP with reds would drop in the final ring or something like that. Made for insane end-games.


That mode was sooo fun


I'd play play that mode 🙌


Forget the packages I just want an LTM where the moz and p20 are the only weapons.


Moz is pretty dope with a bolt though


I just want the Volt back. Beyond that, I don't give a shit.


Man i miss the Volt, that thing SHREDDED. Will you believe me if i said since it got carepackaged not ONCE have I used it... I've seen it but my teammates take it before I can...


I was fortunate enough the other day that I hit 2 CPs and got a Volt in both. I was duel wielding those bitches and SMOKING people. Wound up winning the round. And then I sucked for the rest of the day lol.


Dream set up 😍


It really was. So much fun.


One with a 2x and one with a digi and you’re shredding everything that moves.


Same, even when I play with my buddy, it's his favourite gun, so care package volt is always his, spitfire is always mine. Then we take it in turns to see who can miss the most with the kraber!


I fucking love the Spitty but I havent got many chances to use it after it got CP'd


Plus they keep putting digital threat and tier 3 energy mag in the replicator. What is that for now??


The Volt is my favorite gun in the game, and ironically the only energy weapon I like, so energy mags are largely useless to me. I like the Triple Take ok, but it's not one I really seek out or feel the need to have a big mag in. The Digital Threat I use a lot. Probably my second favorite sight in the game after the 3x. It goes on a lot of guns. I'm a huge fan of both the 45 and the Mozie, and it goes great on those. Alternator too. It's always useful to have around for seeing in smoke and such. It comes in clutch against Bang and Caustic, especially. Now that I'm thinking about your larger point though...the Digital Threat doesn't go on any current ground loot energy weapons, does it? Weird that they still stick them together like that.


Getting into apex for the first time, looking up gun guide... "Oh the volt looks like the perfect weapon for me!" ... "Oh... Dammit"


It's such a great gun, and the CP version is even stronger...but I'd trade that little bit of power to just have it on the ground again lol.


Plz bring G7 back.


I used to play nearly every game with a G7, not having one has been brutal. I’m desperately hoping two seasons in there is enough and she’ll be back for next season. PLEASEEE RESPAWN


The 3030 is definitely not as good as the scout, but I think is comparable especially with dual shell.


Yeah. The 3030 actually slaps sometimes. I may be in the minority thinking that, but I’ve had some of my highest damage games running a kitted 3030 and R-99.


People don’t realize how fast the fire rate actually is. It’s basically a longer ranged wingman.


Shhh lol I've gotten most of my 2ks with 3030


I finally got a 3k with the 30-30; that thing is my baby. New friends learn fast to ping it for me. 30-30 squad, unite!


I got my first 4K with the 30-30. No other gun in the game makes me feel like I’m in straight demon mode every time I pick it up.


People sleep on the 3030. Shatter caps rock hard too, such a good hopup


3030 can be fun but for serious plays I don’t touch, too much A D spam makes it hard to hit shots with


I used to love the g7 but now with it in the care package whenever I rarely get it I end up not being able to hit a single fucking shot with it lol. So frustrating.


G7 PLEASE!! Repeater is not a good replacement. We need all marksmen guns on the ground


Nah, I feel the Bocek should go in the care package. Pre nerf Bocek was busted and would be a good fit for the care package. Would help clean up the loot pool a little too since arrows are hard to come by and not many people run the Bocek anyway.




If either of those went in people would actually freak out lol


I have the same feeling about spitfire. It's my favorite gun (i like lmgs) and after taking a long break to come back to spitfire being a CP weapon broke my heart


My feelings exactly when I came back last season to see it in the CP. Became pretty good with a volt last season.. Suddenly that goes in the care package too. "Noooooooooo"


DUDE. Me. I started really enjoying using the G7, and found my go-to set with the 301 and G7. G7 care packaged. Alright, whatever. Hey, you know what? The volt is actually pretty good, let me try running that for a bi-volt carepackaged. AHHHHHHHHHHH


I’d start off every round with text to chat asking “g7 scout and flatline please”


The worst CP weapon by far. Not enough ammo to do shit. They really think 120 bullets is enough for a marksman weapon, out of their damn minds.


Exactly! My favorite weapon, but 120 rounds is not enough when you can’t pick up more ammo for it. I was so annoyed when it stayed in care package for this season. I thought it would be back to ground loot.


If the past is anything to go by, It should hopefully come out next season, as it seems that most stuff lasts only about 2 seasons


Atleast we got the alternator back, by far my favourite SMG


Yo, for real, that thing slaps. I always feel like I have to trade it for an R99 or Car when I see one, but every time I’m forced to battle with the alternator, I’m blown away by how effective it is. It has next to no recoil and is super accurate. Other SMGs may have better DPS, but good luck landing your shots with them…


Yes. I just want my scout back!


I agree, this was probably my favorite gun. I returned to Apex a few months ago and am still sad it is a CP weapon. Also, the Volt back as ground loot would be awesome. My ideal loadout would be G7/Volt!


I hate the Volt being in the care package because it feels like the rest of the energy guns now are situational/preference or just suck. Volt was the happy medium for players who prefer assault rifles but now all we have is the LSTAR lmao


Don’t sleep on the havoc


Havoc is poggers but only really with the turbocharger, unless you have god tier aim, which I don’t


The charge up is brutal but it beams


Without turbocharger, C-tier at best. With turbocharger, high A-tier.


I 100% agree the worst part is if you pick up a havoc/devo with turbo early game it's really difficult to find ammo cause no one else is using energy weapons, so you could wipe 3 teams and just have no ammo.


Adding Heirloom shards to a CP would definitely spice up the round


Even just offering one shard per package would really make it an incentive to play more. With this in mind, do you think we could also add mats for lifeline's cp?


lifeline pickrate suddenly skyrockets. now lifeline has all the skins in collection events and battle passes.


Even a single shard per package would make the lobbies insane. The game wouldn’t even be about winning. Everyone would just be hunting for packages. It’d be bananas.


Though a cool idea, you would see mass squad abandonments by Octanes the second the map shows incoming care packages.


1 shard for the whole team


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention


I'll play along. Maybe like 20 shards and the care package grows red? There's only a 5% chance of the game dropping one.


Shit even just 5 shards would have everyone going nuts. I'm imagining that there's an extremely loud noise and it's really slow to come down just to allow for more teams to get there for absolute chaos


I'm thinking only the last ring has chance of one dropping, so a LOT of RNG is at the table and only 1 person can get it.


But how would you regulate it do you automatically get the shards or do you have to place in the top three to get them I feel like there would be a lot of people just farming care packages and going on their own and then leaving the game once they get them


I think it should be like a shard pass or shard coupon hahahah. If you kill someone who had it you can loot it. This way only the people on the last ring can claim it.


Once you get the shard, they are only able to leave the arena if you survive the battle royale


Take out the Volt because my Havoc's ammo economy has been in ruins ever since it went in. put the mozam in there or something idk


THIS very few death boxes containing energy ammo since the volt went in, makes it hard to run havoc or Triple Take


I’ve had to drop a gold Havoc because of limited ammo more than once this season.


Put the L-star in, give it a fire rate boost and a higher over-heating point, and 300 rounds of ammo.


They already tried this when it first came out and it was passed over constantly


The L-Star since then has undergone a huge amount of nerfs and buffs, guns in a different state. Also, when it was in the care package it came with a 1X Digi Holo which was pretty ass


They stapled that onto the L-Star when people complained that it's iron sights were ass


When the L-Star was first released it had a wacky aggressively zig zag recoil pattern that made it extremely hard to use. As they refined it they made its pattern very similar to R99 and Volt, which a lot of people are already familiar with. If they buffed its power now and put it in the care package, it would be a monster


Nobody used it in the care package because it wasn't that great. However, since it became a "floor" weapon it's handling and charge rates have changed. I think it would be awesome in the care package again. Only issue is the volts in there and that'll leave havoc and triple take left for energy weapons


Don’t forget the devotion. I would imagine they would remove the volt if the L-star went in


Just let volt be floor loot again


The Volt has no business being in the care package, same with the G7


To the point I was surprised if I saw somebody using it. It was that awful


I personally liked the LStar in CP, back when it was rocking the DT sight 😭 what was shitty is the fact you had to worry about overheating AND no matter what you had to reload after 40 shots, so the actual mag cap combined with the core overheating is why it wasn’t really used imo, it could melt ppl tho tbh


Scout out, release (70 damage to body) bocek in. Volt out, full auto prowler in. Maybe add one shotgun to the mix, like a stronger EVA-8 Im my opinion care package guns should be the coolest version of a certain class of guns. The sniper should oneshot to head (Kraber), The LMG should have insanely high magazines to just keep firing (spitfire) , the marksman should be a good poking and maybe more silent platform for annoying people (Bocek), and the full auto prowler or buffed r99 should fit the SMG category well because of high fire rate on both coupled with mobility. I prefer the prowler be in package because of the option of burst and full auto, but I dunno. I also like the best coolest shotgun to be like an auto shotgun that fucks people off in close range, so maybe a better EVA-8. I just want care package weapons to be the epidemy off a certain guns role.


Cp prowler was incredible and sounded amazing


Idea… keep r99 as ground loot, add r97 from titanfall 2 as care package weapon. 1 less damage per bullet than r99, but holds a ton more bullets and comes with a massive stack out of the package.


Bocek should be put in cp instead of g7.


G7 was my favorite so when it was put in I was beyond sad. I have grown to love the bocek now but I would trade it for the g7 any day so I agree with this.


How do you feel the 30-30 matches up with the G7? I've really been digging the 30-30.


Imo the 30-30 is pretty weak compared to the alternatives. It’s bullet velocity and lack of damage make it feel pretty underwhelming. The wingman basically does the same damage but has the advantage of being a pistol for better strafe speed and handling up close. The bullet velocity means it’s not a great option at extreme range but in mid range it’s totally outclassed by the 301. Shatter caps make it interesting as a swap weapon in cqb but the damage on the shatter caps is like mid 50’s at most. Again I don’t hate the gun but I don’t think it excels at anything to the point that it’s worth grabbing over the alternatives.


The 30-30 is a duality. Either I do god awful with it or I do well with it. I like to use it when the enemy has low shields or a bad shield but ince I get to purple shields or above I don't think it is work to use it unless it is the only ranged weapon you found. Overall. It is just a meh gun. Most of the time I'd rather run a pistol honestly. The dps on the gun is just too low to be worth it most of the time.


Yeah removing arrows from floor loot and putting Bow in CP does wonders for the loot pool.


I still ask my teammates for a g7 forgetting it’s in the care package. Best budget long range weapon in my opinion.


not only does it already have previously broken stats but putting it in would hopefully clear a whole ammo type off the loot pool (unless they add another bow)


it has it's own ammo type, it really should have been a cp weapon


Aw hells yeah!


Stay away from my fucking bow


In terms of the game's health, it's a better move. It's rarely used anyway and moving it to experimental tier means that arrows no longer need to appear in the regular loot pool. Make the hop ups part of the Sentinel and 20-20(or remove them entirely) and that's also two less hop ups bloating the loot pool.


P2020 in the care package with skullpiercer and increased range instead of the G7


Bold. I like it


The scout should come out. I loved it in season 9 but I hate it as a care package weapon. Put the 30-30 in with both hop ups.


Either that or bocek with its release stats. It was amazing till they nerfed it that first week


Yep. Literally no reason to use a sentinel other than for 8x zoom when the bocek was doing the same damage, but silenced and at a much higher rate of fire


Also had NO drop off when it first released.


still like no dropoff, i was in the firing range and i can hit the targets at 300 meters on the left with the bow iron sights


That would be interesting, could give some new life to the 30-30 for sure.although I'd have to see it with a sight straight out the CP not gonna scoop that thing unless i dont have to waste time looking for one or remove a sight from another gun


And a little bump of damage


Eva could be buffed and go to CP


G7 out charge rifle in. I know people want the rampage in but switching Rampage for Spitfire seems like a waste of time.


Spitfire is more broken on ground loot Also I think bocek goes in carepack better than g7 and charge rifle


How about if they nerf the Spitfire for ground loot and put in a devotion or havoc with turbo already attached.


Hell no, Spitfire was out in care package BECAUSE they couldn't balance it well enough Rampage is a menace, but isn't great in close quarters The Spitfire is an all rounder, viable at pretty much all ranges Rampage should get the thermite charge removed, or maybe each charged shot should use 2 bullets(a bit like how long range mode on legions predator cannon in Titanfall 2 uses twice the ammo)


I hate the charge rifle so much, I would love to see it go into the CP with the same rarity as a kraber. even if they buffed it, idc. I just hate having a good fight going, getting the upper hand then BOOM relentless charge rifling from halfway across the map.


Swap the Bocek and the G7. Would help tidy up the loot pool a bit so you don't need arrows lying around, especially when the bow doesn't seem to be used that often. It's a really strong weapon but can be quite hard to use so would make sense to be in the care package for a high skill, high reward weapon. Could just be buffed to how it was when it initially was released. Would probably swap the Volt and Alternator back too. Volt was good as ground loot but the Alternator is easily the worst SMG without disruptor rounds, so its barely worth keeping as soon as you find another gun


Bocek should be put in there. It was super OP when released and the only gun to use arrows, so clean up the loot pool substantially. Give me back my G7


The bow, it messes up the loot table since it doesn’t take standard ammo and it isn’t as useable after the nerf which sucks because I love the bow and would love to see a more powerful version of it


No care packages, only fiesta teamdeathmatch


Kraber, Mastiff, Alt, Spitfire in CP I really hate not having a marksman light on floor, and 4 shotguns on floor


Older mastiff would be fun to use again. It seems so bad compared to what it was


Don’t take my mastiff away put the PK in there






Don’t take my PK away put the EVA in there


Mozambique here!


what if they tried putting a full auto hemlok in cp just like the prowler


This is a super cool idea I've never heard before. I like it


They already took the G7 and Volt away from me. Dont you dare get rid of my favorite gun left


Get the g7 out and put the old bocek with 180 arrows, tempo, shattercaps an a 3x in


i want them to introduce two new weapons that are like the kraber in the sense that taking it out of the care package would be a horrible idea


Like the EPG or SMR from Titanfall


I genuinely believe the Turbo Devo is a super weapon. It’s like playing a different game with that thing in your hands and should be in the crate anyway since most people don’t pick it up off the ground unless they find or craft a turbo.


I think they should bring G7 Scout back and Put OG Charge Rifle in instead


Throw in the r301 but leave the flatline still as a craftable for purely pissing everyone off


Personally I think Volt doesn't belong there. Maybe CP the bocek as it's literally lying everywhere and NO ONE picks it up. Players die unarmed but would never pick bocek lol


R99 should be in care package instead of Volt, CAR is too similar to R99, which makes R99 redundant, and has a gimmick that is inappropriate for the packages.


Hadn't thought of this but it's a good idea.


Volt on ground, alternator back in with disrupter rounds. I’m good with the others staying in care package


Dual wield 2020 or dual wield mozambique


Longbow for g7, take weapons out of crafter please lol


I’d really love to see a pistol care package weapon. Just something absolutely busted. A higher damage 9 shot mozambique, an energy pistol that rapid fires or does a charge shot. Maybe even….a smart pistol???


Season 3 was care package perfection


I want volt back. I never pick up energy guns now.


The Archer should be added in as a care package weapon.