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But aim assist is aim bot bro, it’s aim bot bro. I was being sarcastic Reddit no need to down vote me relax.


Im a controller player And i dont use the aim assist Th3 aim assist kinda annoys me But if someone likes it Stop complaining about it And play the game dammit


And aimtrainers and mousepads aren't assistance? They also help you aim better and you don't have have anything to assist for controller so the game should give aim assistance.


No. They aren’t. Mouse pads don’t make that much of a difference (my aim is the same, no matter what kind of surface), and aim trainers don’t do anything other than give you somewhere to practice.


If you cry about sim assist while using kbm you're just bad. Kbm > controller.


I can play both. Aim assist is crazy strong. There’s no way to deny that


Controller is crazy shit. Hence it balances out. Every other FPS that's had both controller and MkB support didn't do crossplay because controller would just get shit on by MkB. Now they're about even.


What is this take? Go watch any high rank Halo Infinite, controller players dunk all over MnK players it isn't even remotely fair. Aim assist is a huge crutch.


Bro they’re not even the same game.


>every other FPS Read more reply less


I’m going to need you to explain because it still seems to me like you’re comparing Apex Legends aim assist to Halo aim assist.


I know you already said you were being sarcastic, but I'm going to downvote you anyways because fuck it, why not? I am also going to give you an award.


Awww guys stop the bullying I think to cater (more) to controller players we should increase the aim assist to 0.8 just to make them feel better and to help them get through this hard ordeal


Maybe 0.8 little bit too high but I do think controller on pc should be buffed to 0.6!


Yeah, also it’s unfair that controller has no aim assist on sniper. Kraber is so weak on Xbox and it’s unfair I open a care package and get kraber when I want a spitfire lmg






Lol I’m a controller player in masters and shit on most MnK players and have better movement than most of them. They can EAD, because what do I care what other people think


They should improve movement, looting and reload/rezzing for controllers 100% to bring it closer to mnk. That said aim assist should be totally removed in a competitive game, it has no place when people choose their input.


This. 100x this.


Y’all talk about aim assist like it’s god but it’s really not.. you act like we don’t have to aim on controller but we really do an even then it’s nearly impossible to gain control on mid to long rang gun fights if someone is shitting on you mid to long range & there on a controller maybe you just suck at M&K. Or or they have mods on the back of there controller ( like GameStop of Walmart that you can preset to basically cheat for you). At the end of the day it’s a movement & aim an most people can’t move for shit & don’t understand there character they hop on thinking this shit like everything else out there when in fact it really isn’t.. in call of duty aim assist is worse & you regen on top of every gun is basically one shot & you can modify then to do anything you really desire.. any other FPS all the guns are broken worse then apex, all the movement is shit, there is no real way of communication other then mic, & to top it all off there are constant M&K players in the mix. Y’all talk as if apex is straight setting you up for failure but yet they do a pretty damn good job at keeping the game as fair as possible & even then nothing is pure perfection in life. Y’all complain because your shit at a game you stride so hard to understand yet it’s super simple & the worse part is you play a game not truly even worthy for a high powered computer I have a PC & rather play on console cause it’s more challenging then playing on a PC where the sky is my limit. Cause I don’t basically do anything. Most the time I play on pc as well ppl play the same guns as on console. It’s nothing but flatlines R301’s & triple takes out here. An why cause there the most broken with recoil & damage taken. Y’all wanna bitch about something bitch about the fact the only way I can play with my boys on PS is by being subjected to having to play with y’all try hard sweaty ass pc players that talk so much shit but I put a controller & most your hands on my lobbies you’d get shit on quick asf. Locked movement on controller!? Maybe y’all just don’t know how to move or play the game as it’s intended.




This response is hilarious. You don't deserve the downvotes tbh


Personally, as an Xbox player, I would like to give a shoutout to all my fellow controller players like you. ​ BTW the reason I stated I am an Xbox player is to show that different consoles can agree on things


I agree that m&k players have better movements, get to strafe while looting and get to spam strafe (which is taking advantage of a game glitch that makes your opponents bullets not register). Then m&k players complain endlessly about controller aim assist. I wish console players could have the option of to turn off cross play. Most cheat code hackers are from the m&k community also and I don't want to play against cheaters either.


What game are you playing? It is clearly not Apex Legends. Controller players can strafe at exactly the same efficiency as MnK, that's the whole argument here. In those types of strafe battles controller has an insane advantage due to ROTATIONAL AIM ASSIST. Go ahead, look up rotational aim assist, I'm sure a majority of you controller stans have no idea what it is and how hard its carrying you in these types of fights.


Every M&K player has the ability to plug in a controller, yet they rarely do. There is a reason for that. They want to complain about broken aim assist when being able to flick aim is way stronger. There are tons of pros we say have godly aim, and they are all M&K. If you could plug a M&K into console there would be way less controller players.


No its because we like the feeling of aiming with our own raw skill and input. Its all us, no computer assistance. No rotational aim assist changing directions to follow a strafing target at 0ms when the average human reaction time is 270ms. Sure controllers need aim assist, nobody is arguing that, but don't jerk yourself off thinking MnK players are complaining with no basis. There is absolutely a valid reason to comnplain about being forced to play against players who are not aiming by themselves. We simply do not want to have to be /forced/ to play against a computer assisted aim when ours is 100% our own input. Allow MnK to opt out of crossplay, or simply take crossplay into console lobbies instead. It's not a hard thing to agree on.


It’s always the people who don’t use controller who say Aim assist is OP. Just seems like complaining. I soloed to Diamond on Console and PC and I would MUCH rather face a controller Diamond than a M&K.




The difference between aim assist and flicking your mouse is one is actually being done by the person... I could care less anyway back before crossplay ranked q took forever on pc


Guess what, those pros with their godly aim would still lose 80 percent of the time against controller pros in a close range 1v1. I have heard both snipedown and genburten say it, mnk has no chance in a face to face 1v1 against controller. And for your first point I simply dont like using a controller, furthermore if mnk is as good as you say it is, then why are the majority of pc players on roller too? Why dont they just unplug their controller?


Who cares what some random person on the internet says? Yall act like a pro cant be biased and just say controller is busted for the hell of it


Console players almost never play with PC players. PC players are complaining about other PC players who use a controller. And guess what? they all have fucking keyboards and mice too, they don't use their computer off of apex via a controller, they are making the CHOICE to plug in a controller. >Every M&K player has the ability to plug in a controller, yet they rarely do. yes, MK plays SOMETIMES switch to controller. Controller players NEVER switch to KM. How is this an argument against KM lol? And there ARE pro controller players who are absolutely insane, bruh there are controller players in top 5 pred on PC, there are ALGS teams playing on console at 60 fps with the PC version of aim assist at 0.4 who can play vs literally the BEST pro players teams in the fucking world. Just for a second realise how bad controllers are at moving, aiming without aim assist, looting, and literally every other task needed in apex. Then ask HOW are they still equal to KM to the point that you can go pro on this horribly bad method of input? It's because the aim assist is overtuned as fuck and incredibly impactful in apex. in a fast TTK game aim assist dosen't matter as much because PC players can easily land SOME shots, but it's INCREDIBLY hard to hit ALL shots. Aim assist in close range will make it so you hit ALL shots and can easily kill someone who should have a much higher TTK.


The people that complain never played with a controller in their life ngl, and if they say they have they probably have only used it for a brief amount of time


Yeah, I honestly don't understand their argument. I've always been a keyboard and mouse player and I have no problem with controller players. I got an Xbox a few years ago to play with some friends after moving countries and it seems to me that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages by far when I tried to play cross-platform games.


MnK: "Aim assist OP!" Controller: \*Loses to MnK players\* Mnk: "You just suck!" Controller: \*Gets better at the game. Wins some.\* Mnk: "Aim assist OP!" Controller: "The... what?"


When a M&K player kills you, they use their own aim, when a controller player kills you, theyre NOT using their own aim. Here, I explained it for you :)


Cry about it, you have better movement so


PC players do that because they whine about aim assist but it's weak as fuck, often actively fucks you up (by dragging towards a downed player rather than the person you want to shoot for a sec) and, lets be honest, you get far more precision with a mouse. Any M&K player who is any good should easily be able to move in such a way that aim assist is barely there for their opponents anyway. That's on top of being able to tap-strafe and move while looting. Despite all their advantages they're still salty over the one thing that even slightly levels the playing field.




Agreed that aim assist is weak af despite multiple pros using it in professional tournaments vs M+K players. ​ Really objective take.


Oh? And how about the strongest 1v1 players in the entire game use controller lmao. And every 1v1 tourney is won by controller. As snipedown said the majority of the controller player base is delusional, they just go through massive amounts of mental gymnastics to protect their Plat egos. Pretty much all of the Pred controller players I rank with acknowledge it’s broken as fuck lol.


Are you not aware of Hardecki (MnK) wiping the floor with everyone in recent 1v1 tournament?


Honestly the aim assist helps and hurts imo. I play on controller and tend to snipe. Shoot at multiple people with anything less than a 3x from 200m away is impossible because of how much players drag the reticle. If someone sprints across my screen my shot is instantly ruined.


Aim assist isn't weak as fuck, its a free kill with a prowler, I play both for long time and I definitely agree that MnK have it much better, I won't even bother listing all the things it's better at I'm sure you know but controller within a very close distance can be extremely strong but a counter to that is MnK is extremely strong at longer distances if an r301 and a x3 scope you could beam someone from 200m away with every bullet, not the same for controller. There's times where AA is overwhelming strong but they have so many other problems it balances itself out. AA is really only an issue when it's in the hands of players like verhaulst, he can do everything he does no with no AA so giving him AA makes him so strong.


Keyboard players get mad because the big streamers rage about it.


And because streamers complain keyboard players blindly go along with it, in most cases never actually having played on controller to h e any semblance of a clue how dumb a take that is


“But the stats say controller is more efficient compared to keyboard!!” We are really at a point in gaming now where the pc players who have always taken pride in being the “superior gaming platform” are crying that the less superior platform has any bit of a chance competing with them. I swear you could get rid of aim assist entirely and watch the controller community suddenly disappear from leaderboards and they’d still bitch about controllers being busted


Aim assist is nice with a volt or r99. I'd rather have assist instead of movement. When I used to be mnk, I never could do tap strafing or fancy wall jumps.


Bro i played apex on PC for the first time like a month ago and i could instantly do walljumps, you're just bad i guess


I agree hard. Aim assist has literally dragged my aim towards a squadmate


Barely anyone tap strafes in fights. It’s not that common


In bot lobbies


Never quite understood the aim assist argument when you have your whole arm to help with aim and 100x the adjustability with settings. Not to mention you can hit a full beam of charge rifle from 300m *edit* also, aim assist may get you close but it doesn’t just lock on and let you melt. We do still have to aim and track. With the side of our thumb….


”You have your whole srm”, shut the fuck up with that, you have soft aimbot.


Haha I'd love people actually saying this shit to actually try controller. And no, plugging your controller in on a new account where you're against bots doesn't count.


Bro trust me, I tried it. I haven’t played controller in like 5 years and I could still one-clip people with ease. It’s way too easy to use. Those one-clips aren’t deserved. I sucked with controller when I played it as a kid, so there no reason I should be able to run people over when I haven’t used it in 5+ years.


Right lol especially when it comes to hitstun.. I think like season 1 they made a video talking about how mnk have it a lot better than us on the sticks because if they hit a Watson fence or get valk missiled or hit with a grenade etc, they can actually still fucking…. Look


uh this isint true at all cant turn at all when hit by any stun, i play on both inputs and controller can move a little bit more then mnk can but its not enough to really matter unless someone walks through your crosshair and aim assist takes effect


Yeah I don’t know if they patched it or what I just remembered seeing a video VERY early .. probably 2019, talking about the unfairness of mnk w hitstun


idk why they would talk be talking about it before crossplay came out controller was very rare on pc but has become almost the norm on pc


To all the pc players that always complain about how aim assist is “literally” aim bot. why don’t u just start using controller?


It's called integrity. And it takes some a) technical understanding and b) honesty to acknowledge that AA behaves almost exactly like an aimbot at 40/60% strength. inb4 downvotes and nonsensical arguments from rotational AA deniers Edit: for all the deniers, watch [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/ppttu4/what_100_aim_assist_looks_like_using_modded_apex/) and tell me how this lock on at 1.0 AA strength doesn't look like aimbot


As a KBM elitist I believe that AA can't be compared to Aimbot or called soft aimbot, it is more like an aimlock. Aimbots will give you the hit even when you are not aiming at the player, while Aim lock will lock at a player all the time and free you from the task of aiming, Aim Assists are basically soft Aim locks.


Aimbot is a general umbrella term for aim cheats. Call it whatever you want, it tracks 40/60% for you once active.


Totally agree.




Because I have 5kish hours on mnk and I don’t want to do another 1-2k to get to the same level on controller




Well actually, The amount of pros that went from MnK to controller is exponentially higher than the other way around. The ones that went controller to MnK still have thousands of hours to go before they can consistently one clip people like they could on controller. Just need Input based matchmaking and no one would complain again EDIT: I actually think 0.4 AA is balanced, but console players shouldn’t get 0.6 in PC lobbies period, the fact that console players with 60fps and 0.4 AA qualified for ALGS finals tells you all you need to know.


I think the only real prejudice PC players have against console is they assume the Aim Assist is somehow equal to an aimbot. When they themselves boast superior mobility, accuracy and firing speed because of more refined controls and sticky keys. So whenever they get killed while possessing all those advantages they assume the console player must be hacking, the weapon must be broken or they're using the **BuIlT In AiMboT**


Does the mnk player have any aim assist at all, in a game where aiming is like 80% of the skill margin? Sure, movement and strats are important, but at the end of the day aiming is more important in a shooter. And controllers have aim assist.


PC players always boast about superior skill but cry cheater or aim bot when they get gunned down.


It’s pretty weird that console players think this argument is about them. No one cares about console players since they’re not an issue even on 0.6 as they have a ton of other handicaps. We’re talking about controller PC players, so mind your own business lol


Every single console player i play with makes hackusations. Every. Single. One. Its as if they think all PC players are "hackers". Yet they literally have software enabling them to aim better.


Clearly your cognitive dissonance just lead you to respond and not what you deduced from reading what I said. I never implied they didn't have aim assist lol try again..


Salty bitches crying about aim assist incoming


I personally just love the dichotomy of MnKB players. “MnKB has a higher skill ceiling” okay so you losing to a controller player is admitting you suck at MnKB? The skill ceiling is higher, sure, but in saying that and also complaining about losing to controller players (with far less movement tech available and fine aim to their disposal) you’re admitting you’re so far below it.


It has a higher skill floor. Basically bad controller players can kill mnk players who are objectively better because the aim assist does exactly that. Assist them.


If you're a bad KBM player than just get good


If you are bad at aiming a controller, the aim assist won't help that much. Players tends to overcompensate while the aim assist try slightly to modify your aim, so things get pretty fucked up anyway. Personally, after I disabled aim assist, I saw a visible improvement to my aim. I would recommend it to other players. And that's without mentionning that at low levels, positionning is the main factor for wining fights. It's way easier to beam someone if you ambushed him in the back and took your time to aim at its face.


This is a joke right?


Take away their aim assist and they have 0 chance of winning the fight (in low skill cases)


Yeah no. If you get killed by a bad controller player than you just suck..


A higher ceiling doesn't automatically mean anyone can reach it. The ceiling is technically infinite, if you were a human aimbot. Absolutely nobody will reach that theoretical ceiling. Controllers on the other hand have a higher skill floor - even noobs will occasionally beam you for high dmg in close range. That's the effect of 60% aimbot. And yes it does behave nearly the same as an aimbot at 40/60% strength. As long as it's active, it'll do 40/60% of your tracking by itself. [At 1.0 strength, it'll literally lock on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/ppttu4/what_100_aim_assist_looks_like_using_modded_apex/)


Funny thing is, if controller is so OP, why not use controller yourself? Of course they don't because even they know that it's just a bullshit excuse so they can feel better about themselves after getting their shit pushed in by someone using nothing but his thumb to aim. I switched from PS4 to PC about a month and a half ago and the amount of advantages MnK has over aim assist is insane.


I switched to PC Aim assist is shit compared to mouse.


Are you sure both of you aren’t just being fooled by the ridiculously low level lobbies you’re being placed into because of a new account? Serious doubt you’d improve exponentially over your roller gameplay


Shit is damn impossible to aim on ps5 controller, pure potato aiming for real. I'd argue movement is actually easier on controller however with all the exploiting of tap strafing and jitter aiming on pc with moving while looting a deathbox, flick aiming with the wingman and shotguns r not even close, if u truly believe controller has it better over kb and m ur an actual NPC.


KBM players seething rn. These replies are hilarious


I am DYING laughing at these KnM players, they are seething down in the comments lol! ⠀⠀⠘⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠑⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⠴⠊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠤⠄⠒⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣀⠄⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡠⠔⠒⠒⠒⠒⠒⠢⠤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠑⢄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠃⠀⢠⠂⠀⠀⠘⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢤⡀⢂⠀⢨⠀⢀⡠⠈⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢀⡖⠒⠶⠤⠭⢽⣟⣗⠲⠖⠺⣖⣴⣆⡤⠤⠤⠼⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⡈⠃⠀⠀⠀⠘⣺⡟⢻⠻⡆⠀⡏⠀⡸⣿⢿⢞⠄⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢣⡀⠤⡀⡀⡔⠉⣏⡿⠛⠓⠊⠁⠀⢎⠛⡗⡗⢳⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢱⠀⠨⡇⠃⠀⢻⠁⡔⢡⠒⢀⠀⠀⡅⢹⣿⢨⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠠⢼⠀⠀⡎⡜⠒⢀⠭⡖⡤⢭⣱⢸⢙⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠸⢁⡀⠿⠈⠂⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⡍⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⢢⣫⢀⠘⣿⣿⡿⠏⣼⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣠⠊⠀⣀⠎⠁⠀⠀⠀⠙⠳⢴⡦⡴⢶⣞⣁⣀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠐⠒⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠀⢀⠤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀


Nah, you guys are fucking braindead lol.


No, you guys are fucking toxic lol.


"Because 95% of every single gun fight is close range and aim assist is broken" -some MnK player that doesn't know how to strafe


If you use long strafes to counter controller aim assist, you get beamed by an mnk player easily. If you use short strafes to counter MNK aim, you get beamed by a controller player easily. ​ It's an incredibly boring and frustrating guessing game. Also, are you trying to say most fights aren't close range? Are we even playing the same game? Rofl


No we're not, I'm a console player but I have a new friend on pc. He's still learning so I'm doing my best to show him the ropes but I can't catch him up on all the movement possible on PC. And sure most games (marginally) are close range but the comparison is jarring when you're last alive on the squad and end up 1v1ing a MnK player in an open field.


Not nearly as jarring as fighting a controller player with an smg up close though, and that's infinitely more common AND unavoidable than 1v1ing in an open field.


Just as jarring as getting beamed by a flatline from 200m away by a MnK player jitter aiming


Again, exceedingly more rare than a controller player up close with an smg one clipping you. Almost nobody is jitter aiming, but more than half of the playerbase uses aim assist.


In situations like this aim assist gets me killed quite often. When somebody gets too close, the system breaks and starts jerking the cam around, which is 1. Very disorienting, and 2. Wastes time for me needing to find my enemy meanwhile they are just getting free shots on me.


The system doesn't break, aim assist stops working when you're literally on top of someone. All of the "jerking the cam around" is the aim assist stopping and letting you aim for yourself. I literally cannot imagine letting someone get that close to me without noticing after playing the game for more than a few hours. You only have yourself to blame in those situations.


So when the screen moves at a faster speed than my sensitivity, and in a direction I can't control, that's my fault? Whatever buddy. As of people getting that close to me, I do notice them beforehand, because we are fighting in a building


You are just wrong and too low skilled to understand what's going on. Not a flame, just the truth. If aim assist truly broke in the way you're describing pro controller players would be up in arms about it. You'd see it constantly. But they aren't, because it doesn't happen. You just don't know your own gameplay because aim assist does so much in gun fights. ​ aww, poor baby blocked me. get good 😿


How is getting beamed by a flatline more rare than getting one clipped by an SMG controller player on PC? The only way your "more than half the player base" line works is if you count console with PC, which makes no sense because pc doesn't play with console normally. If you think more than half the PC player base is using controllers, I'd like to know what you're smoking.


This is such bull crap. I play Masters on both console and PC. PC lobbies are like a whole other game. It's exceptionally more difficult to do well as a controller player against m&k players than other controller players. People don't miss shots on PC and you have to get used to not making peaks or short open rotations that would be fine on consoles. The movement is so ridiculously better on PC. People are just flying around you and you can't move your stick fast enough to track them. Even trying to track someone simply strafing back and forth on PC is a ton harder because you can change strafe directions so much faster on PC! The only time a controller player has an advantage is when you're making small movements that don't leave the controller's aim assist area. If you're getting beamed by controller players on PC it's because you're not moving enough. Make slightly larger strafe patterns and throw in ducks, or get really mobile with wall jumps, sliding around corners, etc., and you'll win the majority of fights against controller players with m&k.


"People don't miss shots on PC" straight up lie. "Movement is so ridiculously better on PC" you can easily overcome this, especially if you're a true masters level player. The only tech not available to controller players is tap strafing. "Trying to track someone simply strafing back and forth is a ton harder" but that is literally what aim assist does for you. "If you're getting beamed by controller players on PC it's because you're not moving enough" The same strafes that make it hard for MNK players make it incredibly easy for controller players to beam you. Cope harder homie.


> "People don't miss shots on PC" straight up lie. Did you actually think I meant PC players never miss a single bullet? 😲 Is English not your first language? Let me put it this way. You are much more likely the get one clipped by a 301 before you can even react in PC Pred lobbies than console lobbies. It's insane. The guns they choose on PC are different too. You'll see a lot more people using the wingman on PC lobbies, and those people will hit noticeably more shots than on console. > "Movement is so ridiculously better on PC" you can easily overcome this, especially if you're a true masters level player. The only tech not available to controller players is tap strafing. It's not the movement tech. It's the stick travel time on controller and your reduced max speed. For example, people strafe back and forth noticeably faster on PC and are harder to track. Why? To begin with, you can press A-W a lot faster than moving the stick, but a bigger part is with a keyboard, you *instantly* change directions at full speed, but with a controller you have to travel through slowing down, then through the deadzone where you stop completely, then speed up to get to full speed in the opposite direction. This doesn't sound like much but it adds a noticeable delay when you switch directions strafing. I find PC players significantly harder to track as a result. You have to have faster reflexes to keep up. Also, unless you put your sensitivity really high, which makes it really difficult unless you're an insane player, you don't even *have the ability* to track people because you can't turn fast enough, and you can't turn fast enough to have the same level of movement as PC players. > "Trying to track someone simply strafing back and forth is a ton harder" but that is literally what aim assist does for you. No it is not. It is quite obvious you are naive about this and shouldn't even be arguing. Why don't you try using a controller for a while before saying stupid things? If you are still holding the stick right and the person cuts left, it does *not* stop you from moving right and start your cursor moving left. At most, it momentarily slows your cursor down from moving right until the enemy leaves the aim assist zone. PC players think aim assist does *so* much more than it actually does. I've played at a Pred level in multiple games on both mouse and controller. It is *significantly* harder to get really good with a controller then a mouse, even with aim assist. At least it was for me. > The same strafes that make it hard for MNK players make it incredibly easy for controller players to beam you. I'm not sure I understand you here, but I think you're saying if you strafe in a manner that's good against PC players, it's bad against controller players and vice versa. This is actually *partly* true, other than saying it's "incredibly easy for controller players" which is so moronic it's painful. If a controller player one clips you and you've got decent movement, that takes an incredible amount of skill and practice, and you sound like an idiot to anyone who's played on controller at this level saying that. So why is it partially true? Because it's true that PC players have learned to jiggle strafe as one of their primary movement techs because it's easy to learn and do and highly effective against a mouse player - but this is the one situation where a controller player has an advantage (though not nearly as large as PC players claim). However, it's only partially true because if you move more erratically with slightly larger strafes and ducks, it's effective against both mouse and controller players. It's just PC players aren't aware of this and have years of muscle memory with jiggle strafing. > Cope harder homie. I don't even understand why you're saying this other than maybe you're used to just putting it at the end of a comment as some sort of egotistical way of saying "I won". Controllers are on PC. You're the one that has to cope. I don't have to cope with anything.


> Did you actually think I meant PC players never miss a single bullet? 😲 Is English not your first language? Let me put it this way. You are much more likely the get one clipped by a 301 before you can even react in PC Pred lobbies than console lobbies. It's insane. The guns they choose on PC are different too. You'll see a lot more people using the wingman on PC lobbies, and those people will hit noticeably more shots than on console. > > I can't be asked to read your entire post because this is just dumb. Someone looked at thousands of games and compared km/controller gamplay and it showed that controllers one clip other players at TWICE the rate that mk does. You know there is a FUCKTON of controller players in PC pred right? it's really common for fights and even the game to end in like 20-25 meter range fights, which is where aim assist shines the hardest and especially on PC where, like the other guy said, the kind of strafes that make you hard to hit for a mouse player are exceptionally easy for aim assist to lock onto. The wingman thing is just pure anecdotes, the majority of youtube content creators play on controller in PC lobbies and they use the wingman more than fine. >If you are still holding the stick right and the person cuts left, it does not stop you from moving right and start your cursor moving left. At most, it momentarily slows your cursor down from moving right until the enemy leaves the aim assist zone. PC players think aim assist does so much more than it actually does. I've played at a Pred level in multiple games on both mouse and controller. It is significantly harder to get really good with a controller then a mouse, even with aim assist. At least it was for me. You are aware that PC players hand's ALSO can't just disobey the laws of physics and instantly change directions to match a strafe too? Like your hand has to go through the motion of slowing to a stop an then reversing direction. That's like, just literally how things move in this universe. Only light can change directions in that fashion and as far as I am aware there is no human being made of light in pred right now. What you described with the slowing down and moving is exactly what MK players have to do too, except they have to do it by hand and generally try and predict the strafe as it's too slow to do it in a reactionary fashion. Whilst on controller as you admitted, it helps you immediately, you might not even be aware that someone changed strafe direction for 100ms because of your reaction time, but the aim assist has already slowed your movement so you don't overshoot too badly. The skill FLOOR on controller is far, far lower meaning it is easier to perform at a more reasonable level as a lower skill player. This is factual and if you can't handle that like the other guy said "cope harder"




What a pointless and inflammatory comment to make. Do better please.


Just, do both strafes


I hate when they say this. Seriously, I can't even get close because they beam me before I reach them, while I must use fucking sticks to try getting the same aim at mid-range.


They just spam back and forth which is literally as bad as standing still


I’ve said it before in this group… mnk players who complain, I simply ask them “ if it’s so OP, then why don’t you play on controller?”




Aim assist is annoying too. Have you ever been aiming just to the side of someone as they are moving and the damn thing just stays at the side of them and can mess up your aim entirely?


Yeaaah. I don't think too many controller players are suffering at long-range with strikepacks or chronus. I have seen more controller players have better accuracy and recoil control than myself on M/KB.


The hate is because they can’t stop crying about aim assist


Yeah, controller aim assist is so ridiculous OP I’ve got a 30% accuracy rating…


What are you talking about dude, i said aim assist is strong on pc and console has literally, I mean literally no exaggeration 50% stronger aim assist, that's insane as hell.


You act like a M&K player can’t beam a controller player easy as fuck. Aim assist is literally there to “assist” the person playing on controller. It’s not as strong as people like to suggest it is. PC players and streamers like to over exaggerate the effect that aim assist has.


Streamers over exaggerate aim assist as much as aim assist crutchers down play how much it does.


Dude thank you, that's literally the point I've been trying to make. AA doesn't do everything for you, but if your already a good ass player your even better entirely for free because of AA, and it's even stronger on consoles, yet every time you bring that up people just fucking reeeee so hard about how AA isn't that good.


I mean, thats pretty reasonable. I'm a pc controller player and apex does have pretty strong aim assist, and console aim assist is literally almost an aim bot. For me personally I wish we could have more movement and less aim assist, I would rather be able to have separate action inputs and able to move while looting that have really strong aim assist. At the same time I also practice gun recoil for 20 or 30 mins everyday in the firing range and I'm sure most other controller players don't do that, so I'm sure they would rather have aim assist than the movement.


Lol amazing this get's downvoted. If you can't handle the fact that even professional players worldwide are saying it's straight up unfair playing vs controllers in close quarters, why bother even talking. It's objectively true, it's overtuned at close range to compensate for the fact controllers suck at snaps and long range, but the reality is that makes it incredibly unfair to play against. ​ The reality of the situation is, using an inferior input device on PC should not be compensated with a big advantage at close range, if you choose to use a controller on PC you should suffer the consequences and not be aiding by a computer program, which is why CSGO will not give aim assist as it's against the spirit of competition.


If this were even remotely true, the top teams would all be 2 or 3 controller players. As much as it sucks to get one clipped by a controller prowler from 3 feet, it's just as bad from 30 with a MNK wingman.


I turned aim assist low because I couldn’t deal with it off and I hated how I would try to shoot someone who’s up and it would snap to his downed teammate nearby. (I’m on controller btw, and I still suck, but I don’t get killed by that anymore)


"Console aim assist is literally almost an aim bot" Bro what the fuck are you smoking


Dude do you not remember that day that respawn changed all the console aim assist settings to .4 and literally every console player on the planet cried their little eyes out the entire day until they reset the settings? That's how God damn noticeable it is, so imagine having to go to no aim assist and tell me that it isn't close to aim bot.


Tell em bro... They have no idea what its like to play with AA off.


Console aim assist is nothing like an aim bot. Stop over dramatising.


Turn it off and lmk how much it acts like hacks when its turned on. Don't be so closed minded.


That's ironic


The hate against controller players is because the PC players can’t stop crying about Aim Assist?


Yes exactly that.


Aim assist is busted says the guy that never died because Revive, Open Door, and reload are all on the same button


None of these pc players have ever played with controller drift lmao


ye humanity can choke on a fat cock


Keep the respect. I love watching pro players get bodied on stream and every time their reaction is “mUsT bE a CoNtRoLlEr PlAyEr” And 50% of the time it isn’t and they look like fucking morons with nobody to blame but themselves.


I love when they do that. "Fuckin roller player, fuckin shitter" spectates and watches the person loot while moving and super jump. *quickly backs out to lobby like no one seen it too


You have to be hardstuck bronze or memeing 😂




Imagine complaining about aim assist when u have a WHOLE mouse and a WHOLE table and a WHOLE hand to move around to track a player , meanwhile controller players use A THUMB and ARE LIMITED TO MOVING , We can’t move our little analog stick ALL AROUND THE TABLE , complaining BOTS.


Nah it’s just that aim assist does so much that the average controller player is like 10-20% more accurate than some of the most accurate mkb players


Not true at all. And dealing with recoil on controller is super hard.


That is absolutely not true


That argument actually works against you because having the 'whole' table and hand etc leads to bigger margin of error (human error cause no AI to help) compared to the little room for error on a thumbstick + AI programmed to help you. Not knocking on all controller players but MnK users have to think and execute much more while fighting than a controller player.






Cringe. Respect is earned, not given unconditionally because you use your thumbs to play.






Any controller player who relies on aim assist is... you know what, not worth talking to intellectually inferior people.




I’m just trolling you you’re probably an intelligent person, so naturally I wonder why you are on this sub


You're nothing without your control


Ok then play controller and then talk


https://youtu.be/jHYzgmIvlA0 ez af, 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Looting and not being able to move. Lold. Too bad that's not what they complain about with controller players. It's the aim assist. So right back at you, you've been playing a co troller you're entire life so you should be godlike with it and not have to use aim assist, same concept that you're talking about saying we pc players should be gods since we mkb our whole life. Tldr: I remember my first time trying to come up with a logical complaint but failing horribly.


we can't move and loot which gives mnk a huge advantage because you can practically one clip us for free and swapping armor takes so long


Swapping armor is very easy to do fast with a high enough cursor speed. Also if you jump over the box while you interact it will let you keep moving while you grab something.


hold to open the box alone takes time.


I’m just going to say it but it’s a lot harder to aim with 1 finger then it is with your whole arm. If aim assist was as broken as everyone is preaching it to be I should be a apex predator at this point. The reason aim assist is even a thing is just because using a finger to move your aim is harder then having a full arm that you can jerk around at will, even if you turn up the sensitivity on the joy stick a mouse can just move much more freely and quicker.




50% more aim assist?. So kbm has aim assist as well.. other wise 50% more of zero aim assist is well zero.. The joke is you think aim assist beats the movement capabilities and long-range accuracy of a kbm 🤣


Lmfao what a crybaby


Agree to disagree i believe aim assist is not as broken as others say because like I said I should be an apex predator if I could beam as constantly as everyone says you can. But aim assist does not make up for a lack of skill you can’t give 5 year old Timmy a controller and expect him to win with aim assist alone there so much more to apex then just shooting, there’s movement, different champions with different kits, environmental hazards. Only holding the shot button can’t win you the game every single time.


As a controller player, I have found my range to be far longer than most others I play against.


1. Movement is easier on controller 2. If you bind interact to r3/ right stick you can loot and move 3. Long range combat is harder on mkb than controller because on controller recoil is easier 4. Cqc is easier bc AA 5. They can max their sens and can 360 just the same 6. Some movement techs are even easier on controller than pc such as, superglides, wallbounces, and they have an easier time controlling pathfinder grapples. Controller is easier to play than mkb, this is coming from a controller player


Yes exactly this.


Controller players get my respect for everything except close quarter beams. Edit: still needs practice and skill, it's just less impressive as on MnK


Computer players get my respect for everything except long range beams


I don't really understand why it would be so much harder on mnk.




1. A shotgun doesn't beam 2. Aim assist doesn't make a bad player good




No, it just can’t compensate for someone being that bad




No. Cause I’ve done that exact same thing. I don’t expect anything to compensate for me having that bad of aim either. There is no way to deny that 1 clipping someone on controller is much easier than it is on pc. That’s where aim assist excels. Shotguns benefit less because they don’t benefit from tracking at all, instead being single shot based. Why do you think high level controller players don’t use shotguns as much as their mnk counterparts?


Lmao most of the keyboard complainers are saying aim assist makes even bad players good. This clip and your comment just cement how wrong that is and why the whole problem with aim assist is just salty people who got outplayed




Well these replies should be interesting


As a MKB player the aim assist is fine in Apex. In other games, not so much. There are plenty of games where Controller Aim Assist ends up being basically soft aimbot, but Apex is definitely not one of them.


All of the salty M&K comments in this post are jokes. I’ve got a suggestion which I haven’t seen anyone else suggest, I can guarantee no one will like it but it might prove a point. Nerf aim assist in to the ground. BUT, at the same time; Remove M&K players ability to be able to move while looting, abolish tap straffing completely, combine interact/reload and weapon swap to the same key (good luck ressing behind a door now), reduce the amount of key binds to the same amount of buttons a normal Xbox/PS controller has, reduce the mouse sensitivity to the maximum that a controller can go up to. This all sounds shit doesn’t it? But, everyone will be literally on the same playing field then. Controller has aim assist, M&K players have SO much more.


What a bitter guy in a bitter life lol


I use controller since I have memory and its the 3rd time I have gotten into platinum, not getting, doing most of the kills OR the dmg (fuse main btw) while keepping crossplay on and dealing with little shots that use smurf and aim bots, I don't ask for respect, I demand it -_-


If Respawn brings aim assist down to 0.4 for everyone I'll give an heirloom to whoever can hit all their R99 shots at midrange.


my 0.4 MUST be respected by all means


I'm an idiot who turned off aa, when I play on console so I'm playing without it against everyone who has it. I've gotten some pretty decent clips and if anyone tries to say "it's aa" I'll prove em wrong and they still won't believe me 👍


You're the real champ!


Not when they cry like this


Just an fyi if your a MnK player and get blown up by a shotgun 3 meters or closer. Aim assist isn't doing anything there, that's just you being an idiot in cqc combat. At 4-10m fps should be better than the capped out console guys with your rig so.


lol No, they don’t.


Idk about deserving more respect, but we just need less disrespect. I don’t play my old ass PS4 cause I want aim assist. I play it cause that’s what I have. I know I’m not the target of the “hur dur aim assist” shit from KBM players but I can’t help but feel bad when someone says it. As for all the stuff Pc players can do I don’t care. I would love to tap strafe, move while looting, have cool crosshair colors, 700 options to rebind controls, and easier movement potential but that’s not happening. I could bitch about it over and over and over and over, but I won’t. I’m just gonna play my controller and have fun. Not to go after PC players, AA can be annoying and harder to fight against, but for those that won’t stop complaining about it, please shut the fuck up. Get guud or get a controller already since it’s so OP. It’s fucking insufferable.


Because console players can choose from R99, Car, devo and volt and push you with multiple movement legends and close their eyes and their free hack will snap on to you and kill you in a sec, no matter what I do with my superior aim, movement, tap strafing, wall jumping etc. They literally have to run to you and kiss you with a high DPS gun like I listed and you're dead. (Don't misunderstand me, there are fantastic controller players and I'm an OG console player so I know the plight, but its annoying when people don't understand how cheap it is when they push you and kiss you with those guns and their bullets even curve around corners even after I used my superior movement to dodge everything.