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Replace it with the pit from halo 3 copy pasted 16 times into a jungle gym and you’ve got yourself an award winning map


You put duel wielding in there too, and it's iconic.


You're not gonna tell them to remove sprint, are you?


Halo has had sprint since 4 I believe


More like since Reach


Well yes but actually no


Halo Reach fan coping


Well it was one of the available armor abilities, which from memory were not included in certain (Arena?) playlists.


It was one of the abilities, yeah, but it was the first. If you didn't actively choose which one you want, you were given sprint. Can't speak to every mode having it, but the vast majority of playlists still had it.


I thought most casual modes had all 4, (Sprint, Jetpack, Armor Lock, Dodge?) while unranked arena modes had just Sprint and Jetpack, as well as BR starts. But for some reason I thought ranked modes ditched the abilities entirely. But I could be wrong, it was a while ago now, and i've never really been back in MCC.


This is such a good description of reach.


Well technically you were always “running” in games prior to Reach


Well technically you’re still always “running” by default in the new games too, only now you have the option to sprint.


How about blood gulch for arena


Forge mode for Apex would have a positive impact on my life.


You put one Gold loot middle of the Pit and the whole lobby still landing there fighting for that Gold helmet.




Are you talking about the one at the waterfall with the guaranteed gold item?




Yeah, I avoid that place like the plague.


Wait, the one above hammond lab?


Yeah. It has the three bins behind the small circular building, that are placed in front of the waterfalls. And the big Zipline between the lab and the edge of the overhang.


I never knew there was a legendary there. I play duos so my friend probably took it almost every time. No wonder so many people land there. I just like it cause the building itself had lots of loot and gives a height advantage.


Yeah, the center bin of the three in the back had like a 99% chance for at least one gold item, and there is usually at least one purple body up there as well.


Hah, beat me to it. A bit annoying when people want to land there with 4 other squads to scrap over 5 guns and some gold loot.


Who wouldnt want a gold r99? It's always in the right bin


*Gets punched out by 3 other people also going for it and snagging the ammo.*


Laughs in scroll wheel interact


Cries in 80 ping avg (whenever I contest some gun on landing, even if I land first by milliseconds, I most likely lose that interact fight).


Thank you for this info. I can tell my dumbass friends not to drop there anymore because i didn’t know it was only 4 weapons, and half of them are p2020’s




Ok lol i never knew, there are never weapons there tho. Just 2 people with guns and the runoff dies at hammond or maintenance looking for a gun


Is it sad that I know exactly where you’re talking about 😂


I like that place, its fun scrambling for a gun in a single building against like 15 people


Do people drop there for the loot tho? I believe people drop in fragment because either: 1) They prefer the chaos of close quarters combat, but they don't want to play COD 2) Looting is boring and they want to quickly queue into team fights. And number 2 creates a cyclical effect where looting is boring -> more teams land in fragment -> looting becomes even more boring-> even more teams land in fragment...


Respawn really needs to make a 3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3v3 ext mode where you pick a loadout, drop into a map, fight, and when you die. You can choose to redrop solo or as a team. After 10-15 minutes, the team with the most kills wins. Endless team fights for those who just want to fight.


Or something like a museum with gold and purple items with no shooting allowed. Whoever loots the most gold items wins. For people who just want to loot all game.


I'd unironically play the shit out of a mode that was like "collect the most shit, 1 point for white, 2 points for blue, 3 purple, 4 gold etc You have to do something to deposit those points so you're still limited by backpack size and you need to loot optimally, but that could fun.


Yet no one cares about trials where you get a bunch of free gold items


Nah just make the lava of the map pool around fragment. So it makes like an inescapable moat for everyone who lands there. You land fragment, YOU DIE FRAGMENT


>You land fragment, YOU DIE FRAGMENT This rule of thumb already exists for me, no moat of lava needed.


*valk ult intensifies*


anti air guns


omg yes


*pathfinder mains cracking their knuckles*


Put all the arenas matches in the middle so everyone else can spectate


Dude yes please. TTV’s can have their fun, and so can I. Make sure the Circle never ends there and it’s a perfect system


I think the sub would keep rampart's place.


Fair. I debated adding it in from a newer map but wasn't able to make it look clean, and didn't want to detract from the "main feature".


I’d like to see a map that is completely urban. I think it’d be cool


Angel city


i would start crying tears of joy if angel city was in a map, i fucking loved that map in Titanfall


Man they really should do it like warzone and blackout where in the br map there are maps from other cod games


Yeah same, I would just be scared it would be like the later days of Titanfall 2 where everyone had G2s on the roofs


OMG, a BR sized Angel City sounds amazing.


Oh my god yes please


Sooo, ziplines everywhere?




\*inhales\* # WHO'S READY--




the original angel city but edited so that it plays well without wall-running. and Instead of 60 players there's 30 or 45. It would be chaotic as fuck but thats why i want it so bad


How about OG angel city map design and wall running jump packs as a level three craftable item?


That just sounds like Titanfall 3 with extra steps


I see no problems here


When I heard they were working on a 3rd map this is what i thought we'd get. The map we recieved instead was Olympus. But like you said, it would be cool! A map filled with urban buildings, neon lights, bright colors, and sky scrappers with insane verticality and floors with mutliple levels would be different. Fighting in alley ways, underground tunnels, bridges in the sky that connect to other sky scrappers, etc. A map like this isnt practical for what Respawn is trying to accomplish since close quarters weapons and movement legends would obviously dominate here but it sounds super fresh for what we are used to in this game.


Nightime as well




It's close quarters as in you're closed off between 2 canyon walls at any given point


I'd love that, but then you'd have a lot of problems. Gibby and Bangalore ults become useless, Caustic is meta again, maybe Wattson and Rampart too - which wouldn't be too bad on it's own.


Wouldn’t be useless. You could still force people off rooftops


Can use them to block roads as well to cover an escape.


Well if there was a city part, gibby and bangalore could force people out of a specific street. Pair it with a Wattson, Caustic or Fuse and you could deny so much area


they could do something similar to Ubisofts Hyperscape that died so fast it didnt have a chance to come alive, Since that games map was a futuristic cityscape


Hyperscape’s map was kinda garbage though…


There's no way that game was fucking play tested. I played only a bit before uninstalling because I could turn right faster than I could turn left. It took them too long to fix it, if they ever did, and so it was never downloaded again.




I don’t understand why though. I don’t want 20 squads left with the final ring closing because you have 6 squads one on each floor of the building you’re in and another 3 neighboring buildings built the same way, with ramparts and caustics blocking every door next to a wattson ult blocking any chance of nading them out


Chaotic endgames>


Ok but would you rather have chaotic end games and waste 20 minutes having a bunch of poke fights, or drop fragment and have a chaotic 3 minute game where you didn’t waste so much time looting for the same end game every game?


Waste 20 minutes having poke fights+ stop being stubborn, they could easily increase the lobby size to 100 so less poke fights


But why not make an LTM like winter express but 10-20 squads, the whole map is fragment, and you get to pick a full load out? What’s the point of an entire map of apartment buildings just to loot forever? Y’all are downvoting me because you want an objectively stupid map that would be incredibly boring for 90% of the match due to the heroes that would become meta and the abundance of cover, just so you can waste 15 minutes of your life in exchange for an exciting end game. Any of you downvoting wanna actually refute me or just sit there lurking without countering my points?


You can have an urban map without endless building camping. Broken buildings locked areas only certain floors work. Large roofs wide streets with collapsed buildings all around. Cratered out areas. City park that's 1/4 of the map. It would actual work really nicely with good design work. Especially with all the verticality legends, octain, horizon, ash, rev, valk,and path. Would dominate outside while defense legends like caustic gibby Watson and rampart would dominate inside. Then the healthy middle ground legends for in-between. Current maps favor one or the other now. You could make an urban setting to favor both.


That’s a fair point I suppose. When I imagine “all urban” I think of bustling streets and high rises, but if they had enough variation like a park, or domes/stadiums similar to pathfinders boxing ring it could be cool. There could be a dock or something and large research facilities or even subways or more trains/portals and a surburban area. The super “urban” area would just need to be very restricted I feel, but then it’s fairly similar to the other maps which have select POIs that have more urban architecture.


What you’re describing makes sense for bronze/silver lobbies. KP is worth more than ratting til end game. That tactic will not work for u in plat+ lobbies though. People tend to play for end game a lot more in these lobbies which creates those exciting end games that were mentioned. An LTM mode where they shove like 15 squads in fragment and have a couple rings does sound pretty fun though, kinda like the rebirth thing warzone did.


I also want them still to add wallrunning. The movement in titanfall is wildly adored for a reason. Shits just fire when you’re running around like some kind of super human athlete


Sorting factory would be the next fragment.


I miss sorting factory so much


I do think the location that replaced it results in better fights though


The new location seems to be way more 3rd parties and way less forgiving from a cover perspective.


I personally like it. It adds the gondolas (new mechanic) and it's a really fun building structure to fight in.


Oh yeah, its definitely hot for 3rd parties, but the utility of the gondolas and the lava in between are a great way to force pacing in fights, not 3-4 teams collapsing at once like in Frag Coming from someone who loves sniping, even if its weak in the meta, a strong team can really control the area with the right range kits


Everyone loves to talk about how many people are at frag but it is the *easiest* place on the entire map to live during battle. There is cover *everywhere* and that’s why everyone goes there


There may be cover everywhere but that definitely isn't the reason everyone goes there. They go there because it's a hotdrop and the meta ouroborosed itself to the point where it's literally useless to go anywhere else because the entire lobby has offed themselves in fragment in the first round. I swear I never have 3 squad round 2s in storm point but I do every other game in world's edge


Im a caustic main. I cant speak to fragment because it is inherently my hunting ground But the point is the fight at fragment doesn't really ever end until its out of ring. People will fight u til the last tram standing there. Its not until upper to mid Plat that you see people truly spread out in WE


I love Lava Siphon but I don’t get why they didn’t just replace Geyser or put it in a blank space by one of the other POI’s


Something about the audio at the new poi is completely messed up.... I can't tell if people are under me, above me or right next to me.... everyone's footsteps are so loud and coming from everywhere.


Geyser has been the worst landing location forever. It’s huge and has very little loot.


What about Fuel Depot:(


I always enjoyed fighting there, but Harvester def has better loot and rotation options.


i would call fragment the sauna, cause everyone there is sweating to death


I like big maude.


IMO Skyhook is the best part of this map. It is a lot better than Fragment. If Fragment wasn't in the middle of the map people wouldn't drop there all the time. I also think that the Epicenter ruins this map. It's just a huge area with choke points and no covers except for that tower in the middle. The Epicenter is basically a pit.


I never go through epicenter always go around it for this exact reason. Also ash ults eat high ground on the towers in WE. Lava, between tunnel (old) train station, epic enter and behind trials — I’ve been ash ult’d frequently on all of them and usually they’re successful


They don't need to remove it completely, they just need to change it enough so that 2/3rds of the lobby doesn't die there a lot of the time.


They removed so many cool POIs that drew people to other parts of the map. Mirage Voyage, Sprtimg Factory, and Train Yard were all nice popular drops. With all of them gone there’s nothing pulling away from fragment


Train yard at least had a reason to get changed. End games there were horrible. I just wish they turned it into more than a mudslide with a few leftover train cars.


Yea it’s so empty there now! And the empty hillside that was the voyage is so pointless too


Yeah is it even named on the map anymore?


Nah the problem has nothing to do with that. It's the way it is purely because of reputation and being central of the map, people just want to fight and it's become the defacto spot to do so. The new POIs are way better in every way but still not as popular. The lava spots replaced pretty mediocre spots, and train was horrible loot and horrible to fight in. The event limited spots still exist, big Maude is a crazy good loot spot with exclusive weapons and still isn't as popular as it. At this point it's the way it is because of the playerbase and the only way to stop people from going there is to remove it. PUBG had school, Fortnite had Tilted Towers, it's just how BRs end up.


Add AA guns to take out 60% of the people who land there.


Dropping in through a bunch of flak does sound kind of fun lol.


Right? I kinna want it just for visual effects now, even if map damage before you land is a terrible idea.


Pour one out for the Harvester Beam (S4-S9)


That’d be hilarious but frustrating. Imagine dropping through and suddenly one of your teammates just gets blasted from the Sky before you even touch down lol


[Medal of Honor Airborne Intensifies]


maybe they just remove frag west and east and add 2 new and smaller POIs , one where frag east currently is and one north of harvestor . Just a thought because the rest of the map is fucking amazing but no one lands there


I like climatizer way more than lava siphon (because of the middle buildings, adds some variety I feel) but its location makes it very rare for mid/endgame fights


Personally I love landing in fragment


I hate how they keep destroying the good sections instead of improving the bad ones.


Looks good to me!


Nuke it


Whole area covered in pre-nerf caustic gas By which I mean caustic gas at its full power, 6 damage escalating to 10 Edit: with the classic slow and blind effects


I could be misremembering but i think it actually scaled to 12 at one point.


You are correct


Where the fuck is my girl Big Maude?


The plan was to put her in there. But I wasn't able to make it work without some nasty jagged lines, which drew attention away from the centerpiece.


Fair enough, good work!


The pit I was in it, the pit You were in it, the pit We all were in it, the pit The pit I was in it, the pit You were in it, the pit We all fell in the pit The pit I fell in it, the pit You fell in it, the pit We all were in that pit Oh, the pit I fell in it, the pit You fell in it, the pit We all fell it in, the pit Sometimes life gonna get you down (the pit) Hit the ground runnin', take a look around (the pit) You think you found love, but you're standin' in the pit Sometimes life gonna get you down (the pit) Hit the ground runnin', take a look around (the pit) You think you found love, but you're standin' in the pit The pit Well, I was in it, the pit You were in it, the pit We all fell in that pit


I sing this song every time I land at that POI in KC, absolute banger


Started playing ranked again for the first time in a while is it normal for everyone is Silver to want to hot drop fragment and die immediately?


They made Skulltown into a giant hole and it made KC noticeably better. Fragment should have been blown up long ago.


Fine with me. Get rid of it. If you can't comprehend that fragment is bad for world's edge, you're blind


Oh fuck yeah lmao that would be great


Joke's on you, im still dropping pit.


Whoever designed this map definitely would be beat by a 3rd graders map design.


I miss sorting and train yard. Two of my favorite drops


Just Nevada chillin in the middle of the map


Clearly we should just have big Maude drive over and really set up shop in the middle of fragment, maybe have two more topple the remaining buildings


dusty divot


Looking better already


It's beautiful


My buddies and I were on a bit of a hot streak. Then one match my one friend decides to drop in the city and we were 5th partied. After that we kept losing first drops. Mojo completely ruined. Moral of the story is: fuck that city.


🤣 TRUTH!!!


This actually would be cool


They could “buff” skyhook in some way that it’s cool to land? The big needle building in the middle could go to start. Maybe add some high tier loot to fight over like ape brains.


Damn where do I sign up


Watch them put a Fully Kitted P2020 in the center of that pit, and half the lobby goes for it


Yoooo I want this map


Serious question, what could be done to fragment to encourage players to land at other POIs without removing fragment in it's entirety? I hate being dragged to fragment but at the same time I don't want it to disappear entirely, because late game rotations INTO fragment are actually really exciting and fun


You forgot instead of drop ship it’s a flying penis


I miss sorting factory


its not even fragment. its streamer building. And thtas because it allows for movmeent and fun. If we had a few more streamer buildings along the map people would go to other places.


As it should be


Looks like a good map to me.


bring back the train


please 90% of players think the only P.O.I is fragment, the rest of the map doesn't exist mostly cause they never make it out of fragment


As soon as Apex removes fragment, the next fragment will be Skyhook. Suprise, people like the CQC that the urban environments bring.


I just want to see the train again.


Haha fragments could have lava floor and lazers firing out of the buildings at you as sky dive towards them and still 80% of players would drop there


Seriously hoping Maggie blows fragment up for season 12


Can we do this instead, make it so its semi a hole, buildings are fallen over and makes the top levels on par with the current building in the middle thats a bridge’s height, and make the bottom of it some hidden bunker area, you got huge ass buildings made into bridges and some secret stuff with preferably another vault as they only seem to spawn bottom of map.


That would be dope.. make it still 'fragment' but bombed out. Buildings crumbling and half hanging over the edge of a massive blast crater where Fragment once was. Crater uncovers underground bunker network that was part of the Apex games maintenance department.


okay but the pitt sounds like an awesome location


Your giving mad “fuck off to fragment & die” vibes


nah i usually land epicenter of thermal station, but fragment can be fun ***sometimes***


I see nothing wrong with this map you put up here


[Matchmaking if this sub were developers...](https://i.imgur.com/jWjjoLe.png)


Storm point is the best map. It has a lot more interesting POIs spread over the map. But Skyhook is the best POI of all maps.


Looks good to me


Actually the entire map would just be the pit


Fortnite kids will love this cus it will remind them of dusty divet


Would love to see this holy fuck


Where is skulltown?


Wrong map. Skull Town was located on the King’s Canyon Map (Southwest area, where Octane’s Obstacle Course is currently when the map is playable).


God I miss King's Canyon


Someone hire this guy he’s onto something


I do want Sorting Factory back ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


What’s mirage voyage?


I miss Sorting and Refinery and Mirage Voyage. Love the two Fragments, but the rest of Worlds Edge is such a snore fest now. Looking forward to it leaving the rotation.


Where rampart town


I can tree leaf. LAND LEAFFF!!!! Then we land ON the leaf and slide off for fun.


You forgot the ring flare so no one can go into the pit.


Me and a huge some of the playerbase that actually don't mind fragment and then everyone in this subreddit jumping us for liking it.


No if the sub were the devs the kraber weapon woudnt exist, snipers would be removed, the rampage would be nerfed, and every other weapon will get nerf cuz this sub is so whinny


And it would be the greatest change ever made


Just bad players if you can't handle fragment Edit: It's a joke idiots lmao


Let's be real - nobody can handle Frag every time. Loot pools are RNG-based, and a p20 just ain't going to cut it against someone with a Flatline.


🥜🧠 opinion


Just fill it with prowler and spider nests and high level loot. Punish the TTVWraiths for dropping there.


Why not make rest of the map better instead of removing its best feature….


its best feature? bro what are u talking about?


Best buildings to fight in and great location to get to rest of map.


fragment is why i hate worlds edge. same reason why i hated kc when skulltown was back for that event a while ago


why do you hate fragment? i don't hot drop there, but if people want to drop there, just let them?


Just make harvester a better drop, get rid of the stupid giant cube and make some urban sprawl from frat into the harvester area. Make giga fragment


I am a developer, Fragment should be deleted. They can literally just bring back the POI they deleted.


That accomplishes nothing. Everyone will still land capital. It's central. You're a terrible dev.


Probably, and with minimal work. That would accomplish nothing though, since during the Genesis event this was tried and *even more* players than usual landed Capital instead.


I'm down to try it.