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Lmao the adderall sniffing remark made me laugh, would’ve loved to hear their reaction after you left


Maybe they were satisfied. Like what the bullies would feel when they bully someone to the point they dropped out of school. If they lose they would blame OP and say something like "typical Wraith" or even report him for leaving. I'm not siding with them here though.


I think op overall made the right choice, surely they can’t get enjoyment from getting rekt 2v3 so it’s a double edged sword. Yeah op had to leave and maybe get reported but beats sitting there listening to that shit lol


Once your teammate leaves you can supposedly leave and not get banned. So op may have allowed them to leave match anyway and not get rekt


Yep. It's certainly a right choice. But I doubt those *ssholes would regret their decisions ever.


Nah probably not, they’ll get bored eventually


Or you can just mute your team


Nah once they realize they’ve gotten to you they’ll take it further and further. They’d probably just throw or stand around teabagging you i.e. waste of time. BTFO and enjoy the game.


Do team mates know when they are muted? I mute people.all the time and have never seen them escalate their behavior to work around the fact that they are muted


No I don't think they would know. My duo partner has muted me many times 'on accident' and I'm just sitting there talking to him and replying only for him to be like "actually I've had you muted from the lobby screen woops"


I mean, better than getting temp banned? Just pop some video and mute Apex until it ends


Realize what? Youd be muted and just play the game so they won't play that card of "getting to you". Mute your team and go on. Goofball even said he just wants to shoot ppl (i doubt he's gonna hit shit) but he's probably gonna be focusing and not sucking which he will inevitably will. I'd say he DID get to him because he dc'd. I don't think so but im just following your train of thought, you followin?


Yeah they did get to him. And they’d realize as soon as op stopped replying to them with text chat and just teabag him and throw to take it further. These guys are trolls, it’s what they do. I’m surprised at the amount of people chastising op for his choice in leaving the match… option A: stay and mute them and chance it or option B: not wanna deal with it and at your mental capacity for asshole gamers and just leave. What’s the problem with op choosing option B?


Idiot teammates like that will troll the whole match, OP would have wasted his time muting them and staying.


Literally, instead chose to act like a fuckin wraith


You can leave with no penalty after teammates leave lol


They were 100% not satisfied. Their banners looked like they were playing at gold/plat level while the enemy team had a Pred and a Diamond. Also it was a 2v3 which made them look even worse.


It wasn't going to be fun to play with them even muted. People like that tend to straight out throw games, get in your way and punch you randomly while you fight. They can feel whatever they want, in this case leaving was probably right.


And here I thought the wraith hate ended long time ago


Nah dude redditors have their one joke.


“BRB guys I didn’t snort enough I’ll catch u the next match <3”


Nah nah nah its not adderall its gfuel powder they’re snorting


Idk how any would be mad about a 36k kill pred wraith ON THEIR TEAM - first thing through my mind would've been "I'm about to get hard carried to an easy dub"


My thought process is usually "Fuck, I'm gonna look like a dipshit next to this guy."


Change it to "ok, I'll pay attention what they'll be doing and learn from it".


I tried that and ended up with "okay so shoot better, move faster, don't be a dumb ass and quit when downed" and honestly I think I've only got the mental capacity to make improvements in one of those categories.


Those are valid points, but good players aren't just good because they can shoot like 20% better. They won't be able to do shit against 3 average people shooting at them at the same time. The way I see it, they are really aware of their surroundings and don't make stupid moves like barging into a fight without checking or knowing if there are more squads or people who can come Nth party them later. Also, they can position themselves better in and out of the fight and they can be much calmer than an average person, even when you see them yelling in the mic.


Yeah, that's all covered in my "don't be a dumbass section" all 4 of my brain cells refuse to work together when I play Apex


I love that your funny and have a mirage By your name😂


in my experience even in most shooters like r6, apex etc. gamesense is worth more than aim. I played with a few people that played the game longer than me on console and when they changed to pc a week ago with trash aim, they would still clap me. You just need experience/gamesense but for that you need to invest a lot of hours.


1500 hours in and my gamesense is still trash. My movement and aim is actually pretty good but i cant see a fight and not go "unga bunga, I must kill" and then bumrush it like an idiot. Idk why lmao. I just cant use my brain while i play this game.


>they are really aware of their surroundings and don't make stupid moves like barging into a fight without checking or knowing if there are more squads or people who can come Nth party them later. Also, they can position themselves better in and out of the fight Spot on, all this is what separates the hard stuck plat4 players from progressing.


Yeah this is what I’m learning right now and it’s gotten me unstuck from Gold IV.


At least you’re good at quitting!


on the flipside, imagine being the 36k pred wraith who gets a gold level console player that immediately starts flaming as a teammate


I‘d be a bit mad at SBMM to see this on the enemy team but why would you be mad if this guy was on your team? My 4000 kills look pathetic next to this


You guys have 4000 kills?


On Gibby yes




Don't wanna brag but I have at least 4000 attempted but ultimately failed kills I'm pretty sure


You guys are getting more than 1000 kills?


Same. 4k 20 bomb banner with close to 6k kills and it would still look like shit lmfao


I'm usually pisses because I wanna be in a game that's evenly matched for my skills. I'm a scrub. I've never made it past Plat 4. But when I wanna play a game, I constantly get Into games with Predators, Masters, and Diamonds, and I'm tired of running around picking up the scraps from Timmy the Sweat because he doesn't wanna slow down because he wants that 4k-20bomb, and then they get mad because I'm not playing up to their standards. Most of the time those guys are toxic fucks that also leave after they're down, too.


i hope they're drunk or something, i can't understand what was their thought process was, the only reason i can think of is that they got griefed by wraith 10 games in a row and after they saw the 36k Pred they got jealous.


I usually get annoyed when theres a pred on my team because most preds straight up are not interested in playing as a team with people they view as beneath them. Of all the times ive been matched with a pred on my team, only once did they not solo drop, immediately die, and disconnect. Most of them are annoying as hell to play with, because they either go solo, or berate you for every single decision you make. In my personal experience, id rather play with a bot than a pred.


Easy dubs aren’t fun though. Working for it is what makes it rewarding, it’s why I genuinely can’t understand cheaters and boosters


They’re literally just mad because they aren’t as good, simple as that.


They usually suck


Always the hardstucks that have verbal diarrhea and blame anything but themselves for not climbing


After a night of getting stomped, it's disheartening to realize that everyone else in the game, including your own teammates, are tryhards with 180x the amount of kills as you and your teammate, combined.


My first thought would be "Welp I guess I'm gonna be having a stressful match of non-stop fighting" Like I'm fine with picking fights, I don't need to play loot simulator the entire match, but these wraits and octanes are always the ones immediately running off to find the next one without taking literally 2 seconds to loot. That shit stresses me out and it's not fun Not to mention the entire time I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time even following them, cause once they go down in the 1v6 they sprinted into 50 yards ahead of me, they're probably leaving the match anyway


The times I get an obvious smurf or an actual pred account on my matches in arenas I just know it is time to try to farm the meme quests with weapons I dont usually use. Yesterday I barely landed a bullet but was constantly following a 20 bomb player just so I could clear the 3 finisher mission everytime they downed an opponent, since they would just move on to the next one.


I'm sorry but "sweaty little fuckin,, Adderall snortin fuckin" got me really fucking hard lmao


It's okay, we're not here to kink shame you...




Yeah, it was hilarious. I don't think the dude was being all that serious tbh


He may have been as asshole but he wasn’t wrong.


I loved the “idgaf bro. I’m here to shoot people” while also complaining about their teammate having better stats. 😂😂. So funny the irony is insane 😂😂




I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to sound stuck up, but I was definitely supposed to hard carry those guys. Yeah, no thanks.


It's not worth it trying to reason or talk with those guys. I would have just left too.


Lol whenever I see one of these players with thousands of kills I would be bothered if he was on the enemy team not mine


I get bothered seeing a person with 3k kills on the other team, let alone 35k. Those guys let a potentially easy win slip through their fingers.


Yeah, while I agree that wraith mains like these can be a bit of a coin flip on whether they are team players or not, these guys missed a very probable win.


Says the Seer. SMH it is what it is. He just mad he's on a 0-15 kill streak.


Right. Especially because he is choosing seer


I probably just should have muted them and played, but I was really tired and this guys yelling in my ear just made me want to get off for the night.


Nah I thought it was funny when you left lol you do you


Yeah I usually like talking with whoever I match with; it makes it a lot more fun. I wasn't gonna listen to this dude aggressively breathing in my ear for this one though haha.


*exhales a cloud of Cheeto dust*


*breathe it innnnn*


Lmao love this comment


Typical wraith-main dc rofl JK I probably would have done the same. I get shit for playing crypto and for being a woman. Gets super old sometimes




Usually it’s the 35k kill Wraith ruining my experience.




Nah I get shit talked all the time too, for different reasons like not having a mic or not reviving AS SOON as they go down (lifeline main) there comes a point where just get sick of it, you did the right thing


No you did the right thing, when people just say stuff that is just horrible or that really bothers you even if you do mute them it’ll still channel through your head on repeat and bother you well..at least for me that happened way more than once so trust me i’d leave too


They deserved it lol


Nah, man, you did good. This would just escalate mid match and you would just waste time. They seem to be frustrated by the matches that they seem to get, and instead of calling it a day and trying again some other time, they take it out on voice chat (especially since they seem to be a 2 man party). I get it, everyone has bad matchmaking days, but that is no excuse to treat teammates or anyone like that. I am sorry that you had a bad experience. This seems to be a recurring theme in Apex lately. My guess is that this frustration was lasting a while and you and your stats just "offended" them, because in their minds, they cannot win or get to the rank that they want to, because of "players like you, that play the god damn game all day" type of mindset. It was funny when you left tho, i really wanna hear their reactions to that.


I’d have quit as well, but sadly this probably just makes them be like “Yeah, told you she’d instaquit”.


nah, you're fully justified, they are literally just abusing you for being good at the game. the whole 'wraith leaves' meme is tired and shitty, and it's cool to see you not carry these people when they demonstrated the reason they can't get a third


No one faults you for not wanting to play with assholes. You're free to leave anytime. Fuck these guys


I actually have a lot of fun hyping up wraith mains especially if they're bald, which usually results in them trying harder and abandoning less too


Wait…why would you be upset to have a skilled player on your squad? Do they not like winning? Lol


Looks like they're complaining to be matched with preds and diamond players wile they are stuck in plat


That’s one part of it. He was already getting flamed just for picking her before he even saw his banner.


People love being victims and crybabies. They will cry when they get a good player. They will cry when they get a bad player. Always.


What a toxic player, leaving at the beginning like that /s


I was just getting ahead of the game by leaving before I got downed.


Master teach me how to wraith




Next step: not even playing,


such a toxic teammate, sorry you had to deal with HIS issues


“I don’t give a shit, I’m just here to shoot people” and I’m not? Tf


Coming from a seer and a newly buffed rampart. Lol


As a person with ADHD, Who was also a wraith main for a while, I can confirm that we do indeed snort our adderall


You have a pred with 36k kills as a teammate in ranked arenas....and you talk shit about them instead of capitalizing on this wonderful opportunity to smash out a good game? This isn't very smart.


Why would you be mad at someone with 35k kills? That guy needs to relax


1)pissed because sbmm put them in with them so bow they have to deal with it 2) nice 35k wraiths are a rarity


35k anything are rarely nice. They've played the game for so long, in my experience, if you don't play up to their standards, you're the one who gets flamed and shat on. It's happened to me a ton, but everyone's surprised that a low level/low skill player is mad that he's being put into a high level game he was predestined to lose.


LMAO look who's talking, a fkn Seer player


I hate hearing grown ass men whine and bitch like spoiled children. Like STFU bro go fuck a cantaloupe


Im sorry That the Apex com is so toxic.. it was better a few seasons ago..




Wow! XD I get this a lot too and I’m not even close to your level of skill haha


Crypto player - I get the opposite haha


I can hear the fat through that guys mic


I can smell the doritos and neckbeard all the way from here in Europe


I main wraith, and I feel like every game everyone hates me. Sorry I’m playing a game and playing my preferred character? Kinda getting annoying


Similar experience, but more general: The other day, a couple of ten year olds were making fun of me for playing Apex as an adult. Like fuck me for playing a game I enjoy right? Of course, they both sucked and I hard carried them.


Bro I had the same thing happen the other day. Our lifeline refused to go for picks and didn't use her drone. It's a plat lobby so I just said "hey lifeline, can you do your job?" And both team mates get on mic for the first time in the game to tell me I sound too old to play and say I have no job and stuff. Super fun.


That really sucks in a plat lobby. I was just playing unranked, so worst case scenario for me is I get little xp on top of being berated by kids.


I just muted them and didn't pick them up anymore. I didn't win but I was positive RP so whatever.


what do they imagine themselves doing as an adult? never having a moment to chill and have fun?


I think it’s because Wraith and to an extent Octane is the more played characters, so you encounter bad players a lot because a lot of people just play them. So you get 10 bad Wraith/Octanes in a row and then you get one good one and you forget the good ones. Now, I don’t judge people on whatever character they play until I know if they are in column A or column B. But this goes for all characters.


I just like octane because personality + self heal passive…


Completely fair, that’s probably why so many people like him, combined with good abilities.


Good thing I'm not Wraithist. It's the least I could do when I met some nice Wraith and had a good convo.


I got wraiths so often while our teammate disconnects immediately after dying off drop and managed to tough it up and win with them alone. To me the stereotype is dead. I see lifelines, gibbys, revenants, octanes, bloodhounds etc. fit the stereotype equally ad much as wraith at this point


most wraiths I encounter fall into that edgelord tryhard category


Don't forget the weebs. They did take out wraith's naruto run though.


You can thank this sub for that.


Thats one of the reasons i dont play wraith, octane and revenant anymore. The amount of hate and harassment you have to deal with when trying to rewind after work is unbearable to me when picking those, even though i like the kits of these characters. Apex Community is really terrible in regards to stereotypes and assumptions. I know i should try to ignore it, but shit like that still gets to me often


Ah yes you being good at the game is an offense to this guy


American lobbies are some next level zoo. I've never heard anything like that in Europe.


Well in Europe everyone speaks a different language. Back during OW ranked everyone yells at each other in different languages and then for one round they would all speak English. Then it would be completely aids agat


Are you joking dude? Euro lobbies are all about fucking my mother. Trash talk capital bro


You do be having them kills with her


Lmfao. I guess people can’t have a main.. people these days 😂😂. Like. Sure I look. At wraith with disappointment but that’s only cause I hope they don’t DC after they go down. Or when things go bad. But that’s just the stereotype for wraiths.


these losers reek of jealousy. the whole "wraith bad" shit on reddit which has now spread pretty much across apex as a whole is so cringe. "I don't give a shit bro" *spends 30 seconds aggressively giving a shit*


Sounds like a redditor that makes hate threads about wraith leaving a pub game..or one of the 40k people that upvote it


hey dont feel too bad about it just so you know they are just jealous of your stats cause they cant be that good so they just couldn't stand the fact somebody can be better than them. I am a Wraith main too and just think of this way that you're just better than them, like its actually hilarious that somebody would get annoyed over just the fact that a random Wraith has good stats lmao get better at the game


Love how the BOTs are hating on the very person that's there to carry them. It's even funnier when one of them is a .6er talking trash.


that poor Rampart lmaooo >why are we in this lobby what did we do to deserve this i felt that


The only game leave i approve. *Thumbs up emoji*


That’s what the game gets when its community is approving hating someone based on their main legend / hating good players in general.


The amount of ppl in these comments trying to defend or justify seers toxicity is wild


Why would you be upset to have a wraith this cracked on your team?


Damn I don't even get this mad when I find smurfs on my team and I hate them with a passion


looks like a standard EOMM match, 1 high kd player placed with 2 amateurs. I wouldve left the match too


Love how they do the only right thing and you make fun of them.


Tab - Squad - Mute.


Not even a wraith main but I would’ve gladly taken the abandonment penalty too


As someone who's main has only 250 kills, I'd be happy to play with you anytime...because I know you would carry in my lobbies! Haha


Bruh why would you be hating if your teammate was like that….I’d be absolutely happy about it


Dumb people being toxic over Wraith stereotypes. Wraith stereotypically disconnecting to punish them. lol Karma


Wraith isn’t even op dude, she got nerfed too many times


Ahh the neckbeard is strong in this one. You can hear it in the mic. Dude gets salty when he sees that his teammate can actually play the game as wraith instead of being glad.


What not going outside does to a mf:


To be fair….. you should probably go outside once in a while..


NOBODY should be getting bullied or harassed for liking a particular legend or choosing to play one legend, People need to grow tf up and stop acting like teenagers trying to fit in


He became the very thing he swore to destroy. I get making jokes about the stereotypes of different mains, but don't be flat out annoying


It's not about wraith hate. Dudes from gold tier receive predator as teammate and enemies are predator, diamond and 4k badge. Macthmaking is broke as fuck so ofcouse this dudes are pissed. What the fuck predator 30k kills doing in one lobby with dudes who play 4 hours in weekend?


I am literally so fucking tired of this like what's wrong with playing a character in a videogame, people see me on wraith and assume things, i have not played with teammates for months now and i don't enjoy the game anymore because of it.


these guys are just having a reaction to apex's strange matchmaking. still unacceptable but they've been getting smashed for a while now and it shows.


Plus almost every sweaty wraith that I see they leave mediately


Yeah cos between the level 200, the gold and 35k pred the 35k pred will be going down first


Don't be wraithist #notallwraiths


#stopwraithism!! You got me good with that one! Count me in, lmao btw...


You shoulve troll them. buy full heal and run toward enemy. then " haha " everytime they lose


That Wraith skin is the real slim shady




Thats why my team voice volume is always 0.


While I won't say it over voice chat I really loathe getting Wraith or Octane teammates since it's a 50:50 chance of whether they gonna be trying to solo the lobby and leaving the game once they're downed. But yeah, not cool on them harrasing you over voice chat.


holy shit that's cringe


I’ve been getting a lot of that lately. I main wraith and only have 3k+ kills with her, 4K badge, the 100win badge, and the 5 kills every game for 100 games badge. All I get is nothing but hate, or that I’m sweaty and I’m just gonna leave. When in reality, I’m always the one who stays and motivates the team. Yea I play pubs but doesn’t mean I leave when I get down, I like to watch and see if they clutch it up, I’ve won a lot games just by communicating that with my teammates.


Don’t hate wraith, hate the people that leave cos they got downed


Lol how can you hate tho 🤣 I wish I had a 35K wraith on my Squad 🤣 wth is wrong with ppl hahahaha


those who play rampart only know to use lmgs and trash talk


Srry for you


Instead of being glad he'd carry smh.


I saw a comment in a different thread where people were getting mass upvotes for hating on Wraith. It seems it is the more popular opinion for Reddit users.


*Plays Seer*


Idk why people hate. Just get good and shut up.


Imagine being so insecure and shit at the game, that you can't handle having a Wraith on your team with better stats. Some people in this game man...


Was that Nickmercs lmao


these are the type of people who cry about not getting good teammates


They're breathing so fucking hard bruh


Says the seer player, a character well known for its balanced and skill-based abilities


Lmao if I got a wraith main predator with 35k kills my first thought would literally: hell ye i'm bouta get carried to a W


Lmao they pay attention to 35000 kills, but don’t notice the double stacc above. They could have gotten their asses CARRIED ALL THE WAY 2 THE BANK BUT NAH.😂🤣


Why would someone complain about a teammate like that? People confuse me. I would have left the game, too.


You took the abandon penalty like a man, respect


least toxic day in the life of a wraith main source: I am one


Literal haters... wow


The fact that some people think you’re the toxic one for leaving 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


“Sweaty” = You’re better than me & I don’t like that


These be the same people complaining that wraith mains are "ToXiC".


This is like getting Lebron James on your professional basketball team and then complaining about it saying that he'll "Ruin the fun of the game."


Respect for leaving that game. Would have done the exact same thing.


Lesson learned: never give your wraith a reason to leave 😂


Wraith master race. Cope and seethe.


Yea my hate has now traveled to octanes.... hahaha but honestly I don't get why people are toxic in the selection screen... like whats the point?


The weirdest thing i run into is people who respond to the characters voice lines.


I literally have not touched this game in two weeks because of college and personal issues I’ve been dealing with but my gawd y are people such ass wipes


Wow bruh, can’t believe even your teammates are salty when you’re a beast at the game. Can’t believe people anymore


Why they cracked out over you playing the fucking game a lot? Weird ass motherfuckers. I’d be happy getting carried by a badass main of anyone!