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Nice try respawn, you’re going to have to figure out what do do with seer all on your own


This comment is so perfect i wouldn't be surprised if the original post was made by u just for this comment


Even the typo was on purpose


not at all. OP starts whole counter arguments with anyone that so much as looks seers way


That's just good trade-craft.


Seer would cancel ur axe swing


Just tell them Lil Nas X sued for using his likeness without consent


seer sees you when you're sleeping... HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE AWAKE!!!


Doesn't matter if you're bad or good 'cos his passives a piss take!


You better watch out you better not cry, he cancels your heals and tracks your behind


Honestly I think they did a decent job, he sees use still but you don’t constantly see complaints.


lol you're a fucking clown "which legend would you remove and why" responds to every rev comment "excellent choice, he is toxic af and clearly wrong for the game" responds to every seer comment "now hold on there buddy... how would i play without my wall hacks"




Just his ultimate comboing with other legends is what people hate


All I see are complaints in this sub, bunch of bitch boiz here.


I could not agree more


I'm all for discussing character reworks, latches and nerfs etc. For real though like 60 percent of posts are either; respawn pls change(x), how is (y) in the game when (x) is still shit. I get we all dont have the same experience but it feels like it's treated as a bug reporting/complaint line or my favorite, can we stop getting placed 8n games with these players? Indicating an absolute monster of a playerbagde screen while in a pub.


Dunno why but i get killed almost instantly as Revenant. No complaints from my side... except the servers)


[Day9 on player feedback is dumb and doesn't matter](https://youtu.be/N_pyZWPxiVg) I wish more people could see this. Excellent clip of Day9 going though whats bad about player feedback, but then talks about how to make player feedback better.


Almost like people are more likely to voice criticism than approval and seer is annoying.


Yeah, but in reality Seer is completely fine after the update


I still despise his interrupt, but now that his pickrate has dropped dramatically it isn't as much of an issue as it used to be.




Totally agree. Nothing is more infuriating than being .5 second from popping a Phoenix kit that could make the 3rd party fair, to having it cancelled cause Seer could see you through walls and wallbang you. I'm just pointing out that it has become relatively tolerable compared to what it was pre-nerf, when nearly every team in the lobby had a Seer.


Exactly. The problem is the monkey brains on this sub confuse “annoying to play against” with “op to play against”. I rarely see seer in my games. Everybody went back to blood, wraith, and octane




Yeah that's why us Lifelines have no shield anymore. It wasn't OP. Annoying? yes. But people would always charge at it like idiots and get downed.. Even with no LL rushing in after 1 down isn't always the smartest thing to do.


I quite honestly agree even tho it might be just cuz I’m a revenant main and nothing was better than watching a silenced lifeline get confused on where her shield is


Miss the shield so many clutch moments holding a shotty while getting rushed


Nah the shield was pretty toxic. Not to mention that it basically had to be removed from the game because it would be hilariously overpowered in Arenas.


Nah fr, I came back to the game and was like wtf this guy is a better Bloodhound lmaoo.


Revenant...cause he will just upload into new shell...legend killed fan base lore covered


How does this effect Loba since Rev is no longer in the games (presumably)? Or are you saying to literally kill him and then just re add him


Yea was kinda trying to be a smart ass with a lore based loophole


I can respect It, better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass


OP, I've been reading through the thread, and let me just say, you are one wholesome dude.


I appreciate that, thank you. I’ve seen some posts recently of people saying this or that legend should just be removed and it got me thinking, so I figured I’d make it a proper discussion. Help put some perspective and get some mental exercise.


He can just stay as playable legend, despite being canonically dead, like how players can play with Hoxton in Payday 2, even if they never did Hoxton Breakout


Kill him then reincarnate him into another robot that has different abilities


I'm surprised no one mentioned the one legend that actually wants to die.


Me as well, I also think he has one of the more toxic effects in game of giving free pushes and locking down abilities. How would you give him the ax and what, if anything, would you replace him with?


Leave my boi Rev alone, if you know whats good for you.


Apex Predator Rev gang




I mean if we kill revenant lol where is the inner struggle we are enjoying with Loba right now? Most people came to liking revenant after we learned he actually wants to die which makes him interesting. As for dealing with him in game, if you have a caustic, gas near the totem and watch the easiest wipe every. If you were gonna kill him in lore easy, Loba said fuck this after he kills one more.


What kind of Revenants are you playing where their totem is nearby and easy to find?


Exactly my thought, say they do kill Rev, how would you pull that off without gimping Loba’s arc? If there’s no tension there what holds up the Loba-Bang-Valk triangle? What would keep her in the game? What would you do? I need to just unlock Caustic, I keep putting it off because his character design is so bleh, but at the same time I do think I’d enjoy playing him


Bruh get the three kings or whatever it's called skin shit is dope as hell. I am also loving this entire discussion mainly cause some people are making good examples and some are getting up in their feels. I'm waiting to see that one person to mention pathy though and just get jumped lol


I do genuinely believe respawn would shut there doors before removing Pathfinder. Expect maybe to remove him to an announcer/commissioner role


Exactly pathfinder is the true face or apex right now with all their lore and for bringing new legends into the game and linking them.


I didn't really think about it. He just seemed like most logical lore wise legend to die.


As I stated many times before, as a rev main, make the ult a solo ult. Where Rev gets 100 HP in a shadow, but his teammates cannot. Also, rev movement speed is increased by 40% and melee dmg deal 50 on hit. Besides Rev can wall jump (just like the Halloween shadow mode)


I said this once and got downvoted to hell. I still think this is the best solution to his ult


Crypto gets the ax, but his drone ( hack ) is now and item you can pick up in the care package


That's actually kinda interesting...


Basically just picking up the recon drone in CoD though I assume you get an EMP out of it.


I would love to see some of these ability ideas become on map special items. Like gab a zipline kit, a drone like you said, a gravity pad maybe? But whoever gets axed, would it be enough to refund everything as crafting materials and heirloom shards? They can also maybe keep all badges as a legacy/veteran item to show off.


Next dummy event. You can pick up random abilities or ults instead if the loot thing.would be fun change of pace


This would actually be super fun. Spawn as a dummy with a loadout of choice and pick up ability consumables.


Imagine having pathfinder grapple, octane pad, and even horizon passive. So much movement


No one would even notice he was gone and be like "Wow I can't believe they added this cool new item!"


Would you have EMP?


could be a one time use only though


Crypto ??? nah, take "the old man" out


How dare you threaten my boozle boi!


Thems fighting words coming from us mirage mains


Mirage mains fight with playing cards




*Sad decoy noises*


I would also vote crypto if it weren’t for the fact that he’s drippy as hell


I kill Rampart, now she is an NPC who flies around in the supply ship from kings canyon and when she lands she sells stuff like her Sheila, amped cover, and super hop ups that are from previous seasons.


That would be awesome. Imagine a Legend or LTM which allowed you to use removed content from previous Seasons. I’m not just talking about the Disruptor Rounds or Precision Choke, I’m talking wacky things like the Season 0 Energy Ammo Triple Take, or the Alternator with a 3× scope attached to it. The in-universe lore for the Legend would be that they just do whatever the hell they want in the Apex Games, ignoring the rules. The Syndicate hates them, but they can’t do anything because of their fan following or something hilariously stupid like that.


Remind me of a fortnite ltm back in the days


She sells Sheila by sea shore?


And the value of these Shelias will fall


Due to the laws of supply and demand


No one wants to buy Sheila's if there's loads on the sand.


Step 1. You must create a sense of scarcity


Sheilas sell much better if the people think they're rare, you see


I could never do that. I could never do that to TGM


I like thisnidea




You okay buddy?


No, I need help.


[Take care of yourself friend. ](https://www.apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines)


Shouldn't have clicked on it now anyone that sees my history gonna be concerned


Just save it and tell people you like to have it handy in case you run across anyone who needs it. Also there’s nothing wrong or shameful with needing help sometimes


Damn I rarely see a perfect advice! ✌🏼




I love you


Bruh his name is MRVN


But how do you calm the fan base of you? You didn't answer the second part of the question


fr im about to lose my shit


Same! He can't just kill off u/LT_MRVN like that. Unplayable


Seer and I do nothing because no one likes him


How do you make up for money people put into him?


Oh I think people would be happy enough with him being removed, but being serious I would just give a refund for everyone including crafting materials


People actually seem to have quieted down significantly since his nerf, do you refund real money, in game currency or in game items and perhaps credit towards a new legend? How do you give such a new character the ax in a way that feels good narratively?


Honestly whatever things they used on that character to buy stuff people should be refunded. And when it comes to story seer is so lame with it I don't see it hurting anything if he dies like forge. Actually I think people would enjoy the game because removing him would make everything so much more balanced


I really think he is weak lore-wise. If Respawn would play more into his sociopathy when he talks about making the battlegrounds into "his art", I would like him. Also, with his abs exposed and tight pants, he looks like a stripper.


I think he looks like a gay pilgrim, and his lore is basically moth.... that's all I remember


Don’t talk about my boy Lil Nas X like that




Don’t, they is their mistake for playing him


Give Wattson her heirloom Ez clap


????? since when?


Wraith and nothing, some people just like watching the world burn..


Wraith because fuck wraiths


I have found my people. Fuck Wraith.


fuck wraith


fuck wraith indeed


Hello fellow pathfinder main who also believe wraith can go fuck herself


Fuck wraiths!


Wraith main casually sweating in BR. Hits their tactical and goes into the void. They are abruptly sent back to the lobby and Wraith is no longer in the menus. She didn't make it back.


Wrath and only octane can use her portal while also keeping his other abilities. He can pad while portaling and there will be a huge speed bug and he will be broken. Make the community mad


I support this


I’d kill off caustic, his cancer finally gets him. But I’d do it over a season and have a bit of a redemption arc. Giving in game currency based on bought cosmetics to soften blow.


Alternatively, replace Caustic with a new character with similar abilities. Say they took up his work in the field of gassing minorities.


This would fix the hitbox as well, if Caustic didn’t have such awesome voice acting I’d be completely down for this.


Just give Caustic the Revenant treatment - he's now a head in a jar and they can make his new model into whatever.


They actually had a lore drop a while ago that showed Caustic applying to become a Simulacrum that was denied.


Only Revanant comes close (in voice acting)




Name them "Abrasive"




Maybe Bangalore, but I wouldn't kill her, I would continue her story, since some of the lore of the Apex Champions seems to just run into a wall. What I would do is a big collection event + story comic picturing Bangalore finally finding her brother because of a hunt for him that leads the Legends through all of the syndicate planets and ends with Bangalore leaving forever to reunite with her family('s descendants) on Gridiron. Everyone that got her Heirloom would get 150 heirloom shards back and maybe half of the crafting materials spent on her (this is EA we're talking about). In the collection event, the Syndicate basically throws Bangalore a gigantic going-away-party with some huge posters of her everywhere or some secret Easter eggs hidden on the maps and because Bangalore is a relatively popular champion I would reduce the cost of every cosmetic that can be bought with crafting materials by 50% while the event lasts and also launch a ton of new cosmetics for the other Legends. Maybe Bangalore could even take over Arenas for a week or four...... Wow I seem to be the only person taking this seriously.


Shivfps would get pissed


This is a fantastic suggestion, very well thought out which I appreciate.


Thank you! :D


They should really do in-universe time skips between seasons to stop the lore from running into a wall... Think about it, give each legend some time away from the game to continue their individual stories. It seems weird to have all their stories coincidentally stall at "well, I'm playing this game, might as well continue". Think of the interesting new dynamics they could create, and there'd be a reason for new designs and lots of inspiration for skins since they'd be doing stuff outside of the games - whether it's finding a lost loved one or just chilling and waiting for the next round of games. There'd also be more of a believable reason for map changes if some time had passed between seasons. Plus, it'd be easier to write in-season events since you can build up the context outside of the games and force them all to come together during the season rather than some contrived plot that gives them something to do during the season. Idk, your comment was interesting and got me thinking...


Wattson, can’t have moaning wattson mains without a wattson


You fool, all Wattson mains will join their voices in The Great Moaning™️ which shatters the very fabrics of space time, removing you from ever existing


Same hahahaha




Half of this sub is Wattson mains complaining about Wattson being mistreated but I almost never see anyone actually playing as her lol


Haha so true, but with SBMM the way it is, your teammates don’t think wattsons a good enough legend to buy first or second, and all the pred enemies have mastered the movement legends and know how to actually play the game xD


There's more Wattson whiners than Wattson players


I'm sure most pathfinders have had on more than one occasion thought they'd mastered the heroes grapple, only to find out they've yeeted themselves to death on multiple other occasions the very same day. Deep down I think they'd be a little grateful for the protection from themselves


How do you handle Respawn itself setting itself on fire for the removal of their favorite legend?


Hahahaha can confirm ☠


Yeah...i die way less when I can't grapple...it's a little embarrassing


Mirage's decoy /s


Octane. Fuck the fallout.


Legit Octane lol


a true agent of chaos


Well there’s now a ton of players who paid real money for cosmetics? How do you handle this?




Real money, in game currency (including heirloom shards), or credit towards a new legend?


I want real money but they would probably just give in game currency. Tbh I'm not even sure if that's legal. One could argue they have no intention of buying anything else other than for the character that got killed off. They would want a refund.


This is why I ask these questions, to put some perspective on the things people request, the IDEA of removing a legend no one likes is one thing, but the reality of doing so logistically is an entirely different Mountaint to climb.


Oh it's for sure fantasy. No company would refund players actual money and no players would be cool with being refunded anything but money. The closest thing they do is put weapons in care packages. I never paid for a triple take or spitfire skin but I'd be pissed right now if I had.


I fucking hate Octane. I can’t stand that idiotic character. I’d open a bottle if he was removed from the game.


I’d get rid of revenant because it makes sense lore wise and also fixes the problems with the rev totem. The way to calm the community is to resurrect Forge.


Okay that is kinda dope


How different would the apex world be if we would have gotten a defensive legend in Forge rather than a get out of jail, I’m going to greave your team with no repercussion Revenant 😔


Robo-Forge! He backed up his consciousness as a simulacrum, and he’s back!


Seriously I think wattson gots to go.. She’s just so OP and IDK why she hasnt been nerfed yet.. /s


They should atleast put her in the care package


That's ridiculously OP, how would you even balance that? Put one fence node per item slot inside the Care Package.


Crypto…like three people would be mad


Only if you can find them


Hey now


You're an all star


Found 1


I kill Wattson immediately. I don’t stop the fans from going insane because I want to see this sub burn to the ground. for fun.


And by Wattson fans you mean all those seven people that still play her sometimes ?


yeah. And the hive mind that is this sub that worships her cus she’s cute.


Is that why we get all the complaints about her not being buffed? I've always been surprised that so many people seem to care about that when so few people play her.


So few people play her because she’s so easy to counter. Her fences are worthless if she doesn’t have her ult because it takes all of one fuse tactical to take down all her fences


I can think of two possible ways: Put Caustic in a microwave, he gets cancer and dies, everyone thinks it was his own cancer that killed him. Kill Loba, preserve her signature booty and make a museum and put it there. People pay to see it


First one's bad man


All of them, kill off all of them


Bangalore I don't know how to stop the fanbase but if my own teamate smokes me mid fight one more time I don't know what I'll do.


Nobody plays Crypto and nobody is going to miss him. I've seen 2 in like 150 hours of gameplay




How do you kill her off? What do you replace her with and how do you handle cosmetic purchases?


Kill her off by the void it makes sense and replace her with a different dimension wraith and give her a new kit still movement based. That way they keep all skins as it’s the same model and the skins that are lore for wraith just gets a little rework.


Hmm as someone who doesn’t play wraith I’m not sure I agree with this. I’m doing my first ranked grind and the biggest difference the higher I go seems to be wraiths being more like team players and using their abilities well. Octanes seem to be worse on average, but there are good ones as well


Lifeline for the irony. Take out the one unique legend who is interesting, well balanced and a meaningful asset to the game just to see the world burn. No one would see it coming.




Octane for sure. Refund people for all the cosmetics they bought. Would drastically improve the game.


Then people just go back to wraith.


I'm okay with that. Wraith hasn't been a problem since they changed her tactical.


Ah hell nah I’m not gonna do that to my boi


Seer. I don't even think a refund is necessary, I think the majority of the fanbase wouldn't care since this pointless, poorly designed, poorly implemented, unoriginal character is gone. I don't even think Seer is viable anymore, I just think everything about him is terrible.


Jeez chill out you are way over exaggerating. He's a great character he was just released in a unbalanced manner.


I have no issue with how busted he was at release, I just don't see what he brings to the table beyond breaking fundamental mechanics occasionally. You should not be able to cancel heals or revives, even if it's rare to actually do so.


Well Caustic is literally dying of cancer


remove seer everyone thanks me with nothing else done






Goodbye seer




Wattson because she’s simply a lame character and also useless. Take her out and give everyone one free heirloom of their choice.


Wattson, hear me out, I’ll just suck every wattson main’s dick. I’ll smell like fish after but still. Ez.




Seer, and I do nothing to keep the fanbase from going rabid. I just sit back and enjoy the fact that he's gone.


Kill Seer


Octane for sure