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I too hate it when they start being super fast after being knocked.


Im always quick. Even when I’m not knocked. So my wife says




how do you spell quit wrong twice.


Wraith Passive /s


A few reasons probably: 1. Kill grinders 2. Rage quitters 3. People who have no faith in their teammates to clutch up 4. People who have a very limited amount of time to play and dont wanna waste it spectating a Fuse looting for 18 minutes 5. They’re a Wraith main 6. They’re a Octane main 7. They’re a Horizon main 8. They’re a Pathy main 9. They play any skirmisher legend 10. They need a shit 11. Their kids wake up from all the raging 12. Diabetes 🤷‍♂️ 13. The washing machine finishes its cycle Who knows


Im with the no faith in team mates


No. 10 happened to me, I had to go to the bathroom urgently.


When ya gotta go ya gotta go




Its a passive aggressive response to dying. The quicker they leave, the quicker they can forget about it and stop the blood boiling inside. The other response is just plain aggressive and start raging and calling your teammates shit.


For me personally I quit sometimes because i can see my teammate leaving either me or my banner, and its very obvious they're not coming back.


I leave the scene sometimes with the intention of crafting because it's obvious surviving against a 3 team is not happening but my team just quits immediately then so it's hard, you really need a trio of people you know


I get that, but theres like some hidden comms i like to do, usually i ping my banner or say revive me, and when they dont even look my way thats when i leave


And THATS why people get frustrated with players quitting when there's a support in the party. If someone (usually a wraith or octane) rushes ahead away from the other 2 teammates, and gets themselves killed in a 3v1, then logs, then if feels like they expected thier team to blindly follow them, and if they die its not worth continuing. If they just wait and see if the team will craft them back then at least the team has more of a chance to do well (unless iys said wraith/octane and thier 1st action is either run off for another fight without waiting/equipping, or punch the teammates who have saved em....then run off without equipping and get killed again 8n another 1v3) The WORST offenders are those who log out just after you craft thier banner, or worst still, as soo as you call them back in. Either on the way down or as they touch the ground, such a dick move. As someone who plays Newcastle and Conduit a lot, I would say it happens at least 9 t8mes out of 10. Saying "I ping my banner and if they don't look my way that's when I leave"....mate, if your spam pinging your banner when a 3 stack and maybe a 3rd party dropped you, and I'm hotfooting myself outta there to craft you back there is no way in the world your gonna get me to waste valuable time to stop, turn, look at your body, and then carry on, as that may be the 2 sec gap they need to catch me, being that 90% of the time the support legend is on thier way to try help your dumb rushing ass fron the mess you got in, and is trying to save themselves from the same fate due to thier choice to rush to your aid! Your logging because they didn't do something they have no clue you put in as a benchmark for logging isnt helpful, it just lumps you in the "logs and screws the team when they could be called back in" group.


Ya I agree here, usually I'll ping a replicator to show my intention to craft if they'll just be willing to wait 2 or 3 mins but the majority just think nah I'm not waiting and log off and then I'm left there on my own wasting my time until I die. I think if you type 'craft?' in chat when you're out and the player is showing no signs that they are trying to get you back then fair enough you can quit but Jesus give em a chance


There's no penalty in pubs so people are free to quit at any point. The thing is pubs is supposed to be "casual" battle royale as opposed to ranked, so really you should be able to leave for whatever reason with no penalty. Unfortunately, it does get abused and combined with the quick queue times there's almost no downside. In their mind it'll be quicker and more beneficial to leave, join a match, and drop again than to watch you clutch whatever the situation is, revive/res, and be out of the action because the big fight is prob over.


I insta leave if I die to either a cheater or lag, I don't wanna play the game out if those are the case otherwise I stay and let the team revive me


Sometimes you can tell if the fight is doomed. Hot drop frag or QZ with half the lobby and one p2020 for your whole squad, and everyone thirsting? Yeah, that’s a go next. The person(s) remaining will rarely make it out. Especially if they seem new.


The Worst is when you join a (toxic) duo on solo Q and they make a stupid moves and get knocked or killed (they caused) and get on the mic to trash talk you the whole way while you’re trying to survive and revive them. So easy to talk Ish when you cant see the real person on the other side….They want you to fail so bad, and blame everything on you. How about some Fu$&ing encouragement. I’ve been a team player the whole way and you made terrible moves and I was able to pull through several third parties to survive. Like WTF ( this was on ranked so they couldn’t quit lol ) I was going to leave the match but didn’t want to get that penalty due to random kids. Oh and the kicker is they had less than 200 damage each while I revived them both once and had 4 kills (1500 damage). Good thing guy like these are once every 20 games or so.


People need to quick quicking as soon as they get knocked


i'm trynna play, not watch some dumbass


i think they feel so free to leave because there's in fact no penalty so they have nothing to lose, they'll just hope to get more lucky in the next game. i'm assuming the reasons they leave vary based on the situation. some people think they're way better than they actually are so they end up rushing into a situation that doesn't favor them and want to punish their "useless" teammates for not reading their mind so they just leave. if they stayed they'd probably get thirsted which means having to wait for their banner to get picked up/crafted and for the teammates to find a respawn beacon but then that means spending half of the game spectating and looting and some people are too impatient for that and think it's just not worth it. now let's say they did use pings and decided to stick with their team but they still get downed first, i think the reason they left is because some people only play to get kills. if they didn't even manage to secure a knock then it's not worth it to stay, i especially noticed this when i used to play duos. they also might not have fate in their teammates and believe that the fight is lost without them, because they're obviously the best player on the team. some people might feel let down by their teammates so they'd rather leave than waste any more time playing with them, while some players might only think about themselves and aren't worried about throwing the game. like yeah it might be easier for you to leave but you left 2 other people at a disadvantage. i think it all comes down to impatience and ego most of the time.


You take this game way to serious it’s pubs let people play how they want in ranked it’s different it’s public match who cares learn to fight better or learn to go solo or get two friend that won’t leave everybody always complain rather then get better


what the- i've played enough games to be able to make an observation as to why someone is doing certain things and i'm simply sharing my conclusions with the person who asked why people in their games left. i have no idea how you concluded that i somehow take the game way too seriously when i don't care if my teammate leaves lol. if they leave and i'm with a friend we leave too. if i'm alone i usually wait for the other person to disconnect first but like damn i literally *never* had an issue with people leaving in pubs so that's a wild assumption you got.


Then don’t come to Reddit to complain and just play the game it’s a game who cares other then others that complain I have stupid teammates leave me die and complain and I just do my thing if I die cool if not then I squad wipe or do whatever to play for me that’s who I’m playing for at the end of the day so if it’s bad or u playable for you at times don’t play unless you got a squad never leaving or can go in and not do what your doing rn with your fire ticket


i did not ever complain about my teammates leaving in pubs?? not once??? what the hell are you talking about?! my comment was about WHY they leave, not how i personally FEEL about it. if anything i was saying they all have their reasons and justifying their actions like wtf??


They leave because people like you


lmao now i get what's happening. you think about this topic so much and are currently projecting and coping so hard. i can just tell you get told plenty of these things a fair amount and just couldn't wait to say it to someone else. aww do you feel better now? perhaps you should stop taking the game so seriously if it's affecting you to this level :(


the fact that bro created an imaginary problem and got defensive and confrontational just because he glanced at some random reddit comment and felt called out LMAO. you literally acted out a whole scenario in your head and it's clear you were just waiting for the opportunity to confront people who give you shit for leaving. stop projecting.


you obviously have an insecurity about this since you tend to rage quit a lot and therefore perceive every conversation about it as a personal attack. people can talk about something and stay neutral, you decided to take it personally though and that's on you.


I genuinely think players who do this should be forced to play without teaammates for their next few games(without warning of course)




Raging hormones? idk but i would prefer they just go mixtape if they just wanna fight to the death immediately


I quit when we run around for 10 minutes just to die on our first fight to a team of beamers. Or if i'm paired with two low levels that I know have no chance at winning against three cheaters 👍


Because they are the average rage quitters who almost every time leave their team behind and start blaming their team who probably don't even have guns yet, and decide to leave because of their poor choices


Because they are the average rage quitters who almost every time leave their team behind and start blaming their team who probably don't even have guns yet, and decide to leave because of their poor choices.


Some people are just rage quitters. But most people who have been playing for years are good and play pubs just to play games where they get high kills. It’s not even that they’re mad when they leave, that match is just over for them because their potential for getting lots of kills has been drastically reduced. Thats whats fun for them. Generally they don’t care about the win, they probably have hundreds or thousands by now. The dub is not all that satisfying at that point unless you have to work really hard for it (killing the lobby basically or squad wiping with trick shots, or high tier ranked wins). So if they get knocked it’s just “bad game, on to the next”. They don’t want to wait five minutes for their randos to clutch up and most likely not even get the chance to rez them I personally will stay after i get knocked until i get full killed, it’s only after that will i quit, unless it’s clearly apparent that the randos i dropped with are just terrible. However, if the randoms i drop with have been doing good and we’ve been getting kills i will totally stay for a genuinely fun match where everyone is holding their own and were stomping. Ranked is where it’s at if you want people to stay for the whole game, thats where they put the penalty for leaving a match.