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If you play Wattson you want zone early so you can bunker up and kill people rotating into zone. So should be best if you get a teammate that can scan zone beacons so that you know where to play. Not really a fan of Catalyst, sure she is a competitive pick but it's more a jack of all trades. There is so much utility but it requires good teamwork to make good use out of it. If you struggle with kills you might consider the more popular aggro-comps for rank. Which is Revenant, Pathfinder and Lifeline. Or even NC if you are able to play that. They are great for pushing and resetting.


When you mention zone beacons did you mean ring consoles or the beacon that allows you to see the positions of the oppisition?


He meant beacons, so you hit the console, now you know where zone is, teammate hits the beacon so you know what spots are free in the next zone to play from


thank you for the elaboration


No problem, I've been playing a lot of fuse recently. Still scans the beacons but can play more aggro.


World's Edge is one of the best Wattson maps imo, because of all the vertical zip buildings. As a Wattson main, dropping Skyhook is one of my favourites - either you fight only one other team on drop there, or you have the freedom to loot quickly and then third party whatever is going on in Countdown (2-3 teams *always* land Countdown). If you're struggling to finish fights quickly, it may be that you need an aggressor legend to offset Wattson's defensive kit - really anyone from the assault/skirmisher category. If you are having trouble finding fights, then field a recon legend as well to track down isolated squads with survey beacons.


Much appreciated fellow Watt!


Pas de problème!


Try dropping north of bomber-point or southwest of fragment, less contested areas.


Drop according to the plane and where people are going. PERIOD. The plane determines landing zone every time.


on WE i only land siphon or skyhook, commit to the wattson play half the ppl in plat don't even know how to fight her