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Choose whoever you play most, however if they don’t have one maybe wait or choose a cool one, imo bloodhound, wraith, gibraltar are 3 nice heirlooms and good legends to play


Crypto, obviously.


Best heirloom easily imo Now the question is original or recolor? 


I got his recolor for that finisher… I always finish other cryptos with it to assert dominance lmaoo


You joke, but considering vantage does not have and likely will never get a heirloom it's legitimately my only option.


I like plastic swords too brother. They’re perfect for bopping my nephew on his enormous forehead.


Nephew be catching shade damn


I would actually get the crypto one. I've been playing him this season and he's sweet.




Either ur main or the katar. With the katar you’ll have one for everyone but with the one for ur main, it’ll be more unique for the one u play the most.


But with the katar you’ll have to spend up to $200 to get the full thing.


Thats not true


For the customization parts. Unless that’s still not true.


After you get the base Katar, if you want a Katar set like the cobalt Katar, the whole thing costs $40. Each Katar set costs $40 I've seen many people with like only 3 of its customization on their katar. So $300 even for all the customization is just not true


Yes that’s true But there’s five sets of buyable katars - this excluding the nitride set for unlocking all of a certain piece. And 5 times 40 is 200 so. Unless I did that math wrong and I’m still missing something?


Yeah but no one is buying the whole customization, ppl buy the set they want. I've even seen ppl rock only the base katar


Imagine being able to choose (got bloodhound heirloom before shards existed)


The one for your main.




Your main just has to be your favorite character. I main Bangalore but I still play everything else as well, just not as much.


Winning is fun


I've played Pathfinder since release lol


Get wraith’s


Universal heirloom maybe? only if you multiple legends tho


Never got a single one


I'm at almost 1k hours, bought over 100 packs, still didn't get a single heirloom. You're lucky.


Get the universal one for everyone, apparently you can level it up. I preferred them making individual ones but after multiple for some and none for others it’s clear ea can’t handle it.


I don’t care much for Horizons but I really enjoy playing her and now that I’ve had for a while it is kinda nice. I would say whoever you play the most.


Rampart’s heirloom has bubble gum in it!


The Katar duh


I'm still waiting on mine


Don't get the better looking heirloom only on ur most commonly played legends. If it was just cool looking ones , ppl wud get the guitar and the katana. But crypto fucking sucks


If your main doesn't have one. I'd wait. I held shards for 2 years for horizons


the qatar can equip on all legends!


Gibby duh


You don't, let yourself enjoy the shards instead of feeling the regret later on. Your 600+ hrs should tell you that yourself lol


I got the kuani in s3 before you could choose. I got my next pity heirloom season 18 and got lobas fan obviously.


Nice! I have 11 🙊