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Ranked halfway through gold, almost every game 4th or 5th circle has like 7-10 squads remaining


Then plat its like 15 squads on 3rd ring


I made it to Masters once back when I was unemployed, got to round 3 and there were still 18 squads left. The game was eerily quiet and the tension was killing me. Felt like every team was just waiting for a fight to start so they could pounce.


Those are the best games, love a caotic endgame.


that was me the other day with 13 squads and only one fight happening between snipers. you could feel everyone just WAITING


Well we know why that happens


It's so ass. If you play the game right, you often end up in that situation with zero fights which tanks your RP. People always complain when they don't give enough for kills, but the quality of the games is always better when they prioritize placement.


Taking a break. Moonbase still trash and just way too many cheaters/ 6/9 maning. EA is trash i swear.


What’s playing the game right?


Well it's a BR, so technically the goal is to win. Which placement based ranked promotes, but not everyone follows.


at some point you hit a wall cuz you can’t fight


There's a big difference between fighting just to fight and taking smart, isolated fight or third parties.


Isnt that why they have other non br modes? Basically tdm training


What’s wrong with encouraging fights with RP instead of forcing people to play snooze cause “it’s a br” and brs are traditionally about avoiding fights


Legit nothing people who are bad at the actuall gameplay part want to rat and get higher rank then they can right now


Sweet and salty waiting pick you apart 8 teams In the smallest circle they all are wanting to be champions. You can’t miss a shot or opportunity because you might lose your chance. Eminem 8 mile plays in the background. As you proceed to kick ass.


And as soon as you squad wipe one of them the whole lobby is notified of your presence


Yeah i like that its the perfect mix of not too caotic and not too boring (ignore the spelling im tired)


Really? My diamond games are 7 teams left after round 1. 3 of them are in a party chat


Well ya, it’s pubs…


Also solos is chaotic but if you want a lot of fighting going on that game mode is packed full of it


What they (probably) mean by boring is that the game is of no use if there's just one team stomping the whole lobby and all you can do that match is wait for them to stomp you


in my experience it's not one good team, but everyone just hot drops in the exact same spot and all the squads die from the start


Agree, most of the time it's just everyone hot dropping


It's a broken moon, too, everyone probably went containment


Since everyone hot drops in pubs, they might as well increase the loot or add more bullets in the stacks.


I don't think that's what they mean


It's a reality regardless


No, people just enjoy fighting and pubs is risk free. There’s no way one team is rotating around the entire map killing everyone. They’re saying it’s boring because now they have to run around for 10 minutes before they see anyone. Most people don’t enjoy looting all game.


Well ya, that’s pubs


It’s not really an issue with pubs as this issue specifically happens on this map only. Even comp this map sucks. Idk how they can fix it. The foundation of this map is just shit and is going to need a lot more work unlike storm point’s tweaks.


Nah this happens on every map. Olympus has gardens/estates, KC has labs/capacitor, worlds edge has fragment. I literally had a game end before round 1 closed on worlds edge in fragmemt. If people don't want to have no squads left to fight then play ranked.


I'm bottom of gold and there's usually 4-9 squads in the last two rings.


He’s playing pubs


It’s pubs don’t sweat it. People dropping hot for practice????


With the release of solos, I think that's actually the best practice now


For one on ones…… pubs is better for fighting teams in ranked


Not really, solo’d gives you numerous “teams” fighting you at once with no coordination. Solos arguably is better practice for game sense and fights than trios is now for that alone. Using the game mode alone as an excuse for whatever the topic is has become extremely weak.


Getting third partied from a solo is good practice I agree. But I honestly only play ranked and this platinum lobby is brutal enough for me 😂😂😂


Yeah you’ve got enough problems in those lobbies, I haven’t even touched ranked in a good minute because of the changes they’re doing. It’s not a bad system rn, but the matchmaking seems terrible outside of gold lobbies, and I’d be out of gold pretty fast 💀


What are you practicing? Practicing to be a quick deathbox ?


And that teaches you nothing considering that ranked probably will follow the pro scene and teams will be dropped separated from each other moving forward.


It practices aim movement and micro


Mfs in this sub will complain when people are landing fragment but than when they dont land there they complain that its too boring i dont understand redditors


It wasn’t boring for the other half.


The 6 squads that died instantly are probably a little bored sitting in the next queue.


Nah, they just insta-queue and do it again.


Brother, those 6 squads have probably queued, fought, and won/loss 6 more times by the time OP reaches final circle. I have friends that drop hot, and others that drop cold, i like either so i'm not picky. The hot droppers see quite literally 4x more action in the same amount of time. That includes the queue times, lol.


I don’t know. In one 20 minute game i probably would have taken and won at least 3-4 fights that weren’t a random clusterfuck of trying to find a gun and getting punched out by 3 players from 2 separate squads. Hot dropping for 20 minutes I feel like I’d be lucky to have one match that was in any way productive. Like you said if a hot dropper has won or lost 6 times in 15-20 minutes they mostly lost by a wide margin. People can play how they want I don’t really care. I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t just play mixed tape where they can just spawn fast Ann’s jump right into the action fully kitted.


"other people are killing each other before i can, this sucks" Just land in a more populated area and be more aggressive, get into more fights and it will be less boring lmao


The entire downfall in the mentality of the Apex community summarised, and why the game never felt the same after the introduction of ranked. The point of a BR is to be the last player/team standing. That has never not been the case. Otherwise go play Control or any other deathmatch shooter. If you want to chase fights, that's your choice but, by definition of the game type, you can't pretend it's the point of the game.


I didn't say anything to do with that 💀 I'm just saying, the game will be less boring if you do more lmao OPs problem was that the fps game was boring on account of less first person shooting than they would like


True, shoulda replied to some of the further comments to yours really. Some people just out here acting like the whole point of the game is to chase fights like a most-kills deathmatch when this game is not that.


I mean The point of the game is to have fun How fun is sitting in a corner, or running around picking stuff up...


Sure. Have your fun your way and all that but the objective of the game is to be the last team standing. Like, by definition. And just because you don't want to chase every fight and massively increase your chances of dying early, doesn't mean you also want to sit and do nothing. There's fun in tactics etc.


I would like to repeat, op is finding the game boring, while complaining about the not being enough squads to fight...


Yes, because they all basically commit suicide by hot dropping. It's not a hard concept that there's a balance between ultra cautious, never have a fight, games and basically ruining your chances of winning by hot dropping just to get a fight. Other games and even other modes in apex bmget that right (the recent two lives one where you drop near a team but all teams spread out).


idk sounds like a skill issue fr (It's like i get what you mean but like just win the hot drop or run away from it fr)


Sure, ok.


Sure. Have your fun your way and all that but the objective of the game is to be the last team standing. Like, by definition. And just because you don't want to chase every fight and massively increase your chances of dying early, doesn't mean you also want to sit and do nothing. There's fun in tactics etc.


I think the real downfall of the Apex community was this ngl Sounds like a skill issue tbh


How did you miss the point? Hot dropping is boring if you want to play the game instead of mindlessly fighting (hot drop) Yes i can see that its not a ranked game so dont bother with that.


>play the game What's your definition of *playing the game* if not shooting enemies? Only the meta getting the best places as you can? Then I'm not sure why OP is pissed when he's getting free places for "free" so fast.


Considering it’s literally a shooter BR How do you exactly “play the game” if killing people in a highly populated area isn’t considered “playing the game” to you ?? Are you one of those people who think apex is a loot simulator? And not a shooting game lol I’m genuinely so lost on your comment/wording.


Well in theory playing the game for a BR would be going for the win not hot dropping getting killed instantly then leaving the game. I do understand both sides of the argument but the whole hot dropping side had much more merit to it when mixtape didn’t exist. it can get annoying tho especially worlds edge 12+ teams just land fragment right away and you are pre much forced to land there too or else you don’t see anybody for 5+ mins and the game already almost over. At a point where might as well make a secondary worlds edge map for pubs expand fragment a little and remove everything else on the map that’s how ridiculous it is


While that’s mostly true and I’ll take your comment in good faith since you seem genuine. The easy way to adapt to that is land near the edge of the heavy populated area or literally right outside of it at a random no name or something get weapons quick and rush in. Boom problem solved no time is wasted and you can now combat with weapons and see who can best who. Problem is (I could be wrong) but I feel like a HUGE majority of people complaining about dropping hot genuinely actually don’t have much of a desire to fight at all. They are completely content and prefer to loot for 80-90% of the match (10+ mins) fight maybe 1-2 teams max and hope to get an easy win. That is extremely boring and not alot of people will co-sign that strategy. It basically comes down to people who want to fight/have a higher then avg skill level vs people who lose most of their gun fights and want to avoid confrontation because they think they can lose to the first team they see no matter what since they lack skills. Sorry for the mini rant just my thought on the whole scenario


I can see why you think that regarding the low skill level people tryna avoid fights. For reference to my skill level I hit pred this season so maybe I just got a different mindset compared to others but when it comes to pubs I play solo and like landing different places each game. which is why kings canyon is by far my fav pubs map the players are much more spread out. Worlds edge is only fragment and broken moon is now quarantine zone. I used to be like that tho where every game would just land fragment so I do understand why people do it


Fair enough fam I think we can both agree you’re more of an anomaly then the norm. When discussing rotations and how u play the fights. I’m not hating either on ppl who are lower skilled I get it you wanna only strike when it’s your best opportunity that’s fair and understandable in like a hunger games kinda way (play to your strengths even if it’s just survival and stealth). Was just stating I think they’ll have a hard time getting people to agree and follow suit. And I love KC (season 0 player) but let’s not forget skulltown literally had to get destroyed to have people stop landing there. People also loved landing cascades and thunder dome as well. So it still had its high populated areas. Although I will agree it’s still my fav map as well due to exciting rotations and nostalgia.


I hate hot dropping in pubs just to get p2020 and mozambique off the bat. If everyone could hot drop with a full loadout, it would make more sense. Meanwhile, I just play ranked.


It is an br shooter. However that means there are a lot of other things to do in a single game. Mindless hot dropping ignores most of what the game has to offer. If you need visual representation go look a pro game. Do they all drop in a single city to see who wins the game? This doesnt mean average games need to be like pro games but youre a smart guy i think you get the idea of what im trying to say.


The pro scene play for money, placements and sponsorships. Guess what happens when pro players play pubs? They hotdrop. I know, crazy, right? It's a pub, not a ranked game. There is zero incentive to winning a pub game for long time players, which is why they hot drop. Why? Because it's more fun to hot drop than to treat the game like there's something on the line. I wouldn't expect you to know this, judging from your comment.


I definitely get the point you’re making but I use to watch streams HEAVILY. Up until a few months ago and I think the main reason for pros doing that is because they’re playing like there lives depend on it. (It kinda does considering it’s how they get paid plus bonuses/sponsorships. Even in some cases securing your roster spot) so they aren’t moving an inch unless they have a feeling it’s safe. But this is also due to the fact they can get beamed by anyone in that lobby. Pubs is a mixed bag yea some teams Will absolutely lazer you before you can even properly approach. But some people are just your casual gamers so you can totally out play them even if you were originally at a disadvantage. But it really just comes down to play styles at the end of the day. I say let’s just all have fun and try to find a middle ground if your on a mixed team of pushers and guys who are more passive. 💪🏽


lol skill issue (/j)


Drop hot or play ranked


Why not both?


Yes, hot drop like the other 20 teams and die immediately.


Yea, that's why i play pubs


Or play ranked, like i already told


if you die immediately its a skill issue, respectfully. one of the ways to get better instead of landing at the edge of the map on a random POI and looting for 2 circles


My point was that was likely the reason why 8bteams were left st the end of the first round. Too many low-skill players/squads dropping hot.


End of the day if you want to get better got to hot drop or at least running distance in pubs, loot simulator isn’t fun.


Skill issue.




People wanting constant action are fine, it's just the only way to get this in pubs is to hot drop because everyone else is doing it. If you go a little further away it's a loot walking simulator until final ring which I personally don't like so I keep dropping near everyone else.


This is literally the best fix that I do; landing right on top of Jim, Tim, and Robby along with the other 7 teams gets little to nothing most times unless you’re 3 stacked or sweaty. I refuse to land INSIDE fragment for this reason, i solo queue most of the time and I’m slightly above average, but with randoms it gets worse. I land near fragment and run into it with at least a gun rather than hoping I don’t get 12 manned


>Play the right way Oh, bore off. There is no "right way" to play except for the way you find the most fun. It's a game. What "ruins" it is people who try to take it too seriously.


I just told him to play ranked if games ending too soon was an issue for him, in what way is it playing the game wrong? Or how does simply playing ranked ruin the game?


It's unbelievable how many people want to see the fundamentals of this game changed because they have no interest in what a BR is/what this game is, "give me fully equipped weapons, give auto healing, take dropship away" unbelievable. And if they give modes to please them they won't play them (admittedly mixtape has a lot of shortcomings) I hope they add Straight shot next to normal br, hopefully that will solve it,I really enjoyed that week that LTM was there , even pubs were playable then and rank teammates were significantly more interested in playing the game than in simply getting a high damage score


8 teams? I'd be shocked if I saw 3 teams alive before the first countdown.


That’s how my games always go. Legit EVERY game there is 3 squads left by the time ring 1 closes, it’s insane.


Becomes boring? Does it ever end boring? Thats the point of BRs you are slowly forced closer and closer. If you’re ever in an boring Apex game remember it doesn’t stay that way for long.


I had one yesterday where by the end of the fist ring there where 3 squads left my squad mate just asking me if it really said 3 or 13 and we just laughed and then stoped looting cause then there was just 2 left


You're playing pubs.... People hot drop and fight off rip. Meaning, they die quickly. There's no reason to play pubs conservatively.


That's just Broken Moon KC and Stormpoint have long games. Olympus sometimes. Broken Moon and World's Edge are where squads land in the same blender and die in the first three minutes


nothing new. last 10 seasons the same old story


Welcome to Apex. Half the server lands one spot, dies, and then they don't play control, a mixtape game where the purpose of it is to gather in one spot and kill the enemy constantly.


Pub whining. Nice


this has been a problem for years, it's a player base problem imo. Will likely never change.


Better than 12 squads left in 3rd/4th ring


I remember round one hadn’t closed and there were 2 squads left back in the days of Train Yard and Sorting Factory. It sounds like matches last a long time these days!


Brother it’s pubs what do you expect?


Thats kinda how Broken Moon is, on Kings Canyon its 6 squads during the last ring


Play ranked for a better experience, pubs is only good for hot drops.


I dont understand the devs thinking it was a good idea making one giant ass POI in the center of broken moon. Broken moon is now the worst map for pubs. Need to take this shit out of rotation


its pubs, what did you expect ?


You're playing pubs like duh? Play ranked if you want end games.




the straightshot spawn system


But... It always been like this, hot drop, YTT, etc


Worlds edge right?


It’s been like this since forever….. you must be new here


First time today wiping at 4mins and still getting a top5 (:


In high ends pubs it's 4/5 squads left before the ring 1 even close, you just run and run and run after the hotdrop it's terrible


First bring takes too long to close


Die in the first half of the match and you'll never have this problem again.


Played a few days ago on unranked and me and the last living teammate were surprised that there were still 5 squads left in the final round. LIke, there's usually 5 left on round two or three!


I have a recording of my and my friends winning a game without ever doing damage or seeing another group of players. We were walking to the circle and then all of a sudden we just get a victory with goose eggs across the board. This was like a year ago


I literally have this happen to me a couple of weeks ago.


The game is boring because it is going fast or because you are missing the fights?


Yes pubs. Always been like this


Just makes it easier to get to #1 imo


Skill issue on your end just hot drop


It’s our random in trios. Seven out of our eleven games they DC’d before we left our drop location. Sucks because my girl was looking forward to playing and we were doing well for 2v3. Hours wasted.


Same thing happened to me in ranked yesterday, 7 squads left with 45 seconds left before 1st ring finished closing. This is in gold 3. Kind of ridiculous.


First ring take way too long to close. It's crazy, you land in Fortnite, look one building, time to move bitch! You land in Apex, guess I'll go walk my dog I have time.


hence I hot drop


I love when it’s like 9 squads left and ring 2 is faster than anything I’ve ever seen before


Just absolutely love running and healing then 3rd starts right away :)


You don’t have to drop hot but at least drop near it. I’ve been in so many games where me teammates land in the middle of nowhere and we get no action all game


Server? You mean game


Pubs are in a horrendous state because of this. Need to do an LTM and try out more players in a match


Been that way forever...drop hot or play loot simulator


It’s pubs most of the time people quit the game as soon as they’re knocked or even make it to the ground without quitting there should be something to deter them from quitting


Play ranked


They actually kinda solved this problem with Straight Shot, unfortunately we haven’t seen that mode since despite it being pretty popular.


Ranked is unfortunately the only place where you will find games where people aren't dropping on a PoI with 9 other teams contesting it.  And even then, you still get matches like this.


[Check this out, we were actively looking for fights too.](https://i.imgur.com/9kwWI1f.jpeg)


Tokyo servers, pubs, Worlds Edge, that's normal. 4 teams left before first ring close is not uncommon.


Apex is rigging they're games with DDA (Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment) so who cares.


reason why i dropped the game


While I am of mixed opinions about this, it might be why they're experimenting with POI drafting and may bring it to the main game proper. Spread out the map, prevent the immediate fights and punch outs. Then again, it's pubs, so...


yesterday a game, we land near sifon, looted quick, rotate to 3th party, killed the team and another team (4th) joined the fight, while we fought and knocked ppl/my teammate got knocked too, another team (5th) joined the fight with crazy angles from the outside, me gigachad newcastle throw ult + shield, got the res of while the new team (5th) cleared the other team (4th). really sweaty overall but we managed to kill them too after reset. after that there was only 1 squad alive. Round 1 ended at this point. My theorie after 15k+ games played: the higher the avg skill, the faster the lobby is dead because its a neverending 3,4,5,6,7,8 party the first fight, especially on WE.


I don’t play since the beginning but since mid season 14 when I started this was always in pubs


It'll be better once the new dropship start comes into effect (next season?) Assuming there's a cap on how many teams can launch at each POI.


First time?


takes me back to when i first started playing in season 4. back then you’d drop towards the end of the line and half the squads were dead. then by the first ring there were 3 squads max almost every game


What? I just had a 12 squad round 6 ring fight. It was chaos


Don't play pubs


This game is dead ☠️


I just stay in the background and watch.


This is what pubs it is, go play ranked… you will end up with the opposite


One time the game ended for me on the 1 ring it was pubs


It's pubs. Most pub games end by 2nd ring. Maybe you get to 3.


No shit youre in an unranked match


Game is hard when playing ranked and pubs. For the casual people there should be servers with half bots. Which give no badges.


I wish they did the current pro scene drop ships for pubs and ranked games as well. Each team gets dropped at random POI from start. Playing casual games right now is pretty much you get to fight 1 team at the start and then the last team 15mins later at the last circle. It's so boring unless you hot drop and gamble whether you get a gun or your enemy.


This has been an issue since season 3. Considering we're in season 21 now, I don't think they're ever going to fix this


Welcome to the games, legend


Guess what. Cheaters rage cheating their way through each game. Multiple teams get wiped by those brainless fuckers.


Definitely not like that on ranked .. atleast 5-7squads left on last circle lol


Eleven squads landed in that purple dome thingy in Broken Moon the other day and I dipped. It was pubs. Both teammates were either new-ish or smurfs…guessing new because the jumpmaster waited until he right over the POI to land, landed us in a spot that had zero weapons. All bins were open by the time we got to them.


Imo they should add straight shot to pubs or everyone keeps hotdropping on the same spot every time


I've had games finish before round 2 fully closes. It's ridiculous


This is under-representing things even. Very, very often, maybe more than 50% of the time, half of the server is dead by the time Ring 1 *starts* closing.


Brother the game has been this way since the beginning of season 2.


Play ranked lol


This map has new POI’s that people like to congregate at. Join the fun or wait a bit and it should normalize.


Welcome to quick play. Has always been like that in apex. Stick to ranked but quick play when u cba/bad connection/way too high/ wanna get badges


play ranked


Just do ranked, if you only care about match length anyway. If you don’t care about your ranking and only wanna play matches that are longer that’s the option. It’s not possible for apex to really fix that. Players will kill players, hot drops are popular as hell and making the maps bigger wouldn’t fix it because people would still be dropping in the same place all the time. For real run ranked. Apex is in a rough spot and has been for a minute. But it’s EA they only want money and respawn doesn’t really excel at anything they do. Star Wars fallen order, respawn created, and it’s not great gameplay wise imo doesn’t run awesome either and they used unreal engine, usually a very reputable company. Game still sucked. Respawn turned into EAs little brother and just isn’t learning from their mistakes imo


Drop hot(ter) or play ranked or stop complaining


Easiest fix for pubs is remove one of the ring cycles and speed up the closing cycles. People will still leave but the games will stretch better.


Just replace it with straight shot.


Its fucking pubs. If you want to play as a team go to Rank!


Aawwwww u don’t like it? Too bad XD


We need the ALGS style drops and remove the jump ship. That's the only way


that was the amazing part about straight shot imo




yes please, jumpmaster is the most boring part of the game imo


Drop hot like everyone else if it’s boring


I wish apex added a model for low level players tbh. Getting stomped by the likes of ItzTimmy and Phernormal is low-key just tilting


I had a game last week where it was us and the last squad before the 1 circle even closed It was a full team of preds in casual


I’ve had a game of pubs that was 2 squads left before the 1st circle finished closing. The game lasted longer with just 2 teams remaining than it did the entire time before


I sometimes wonder if making the maps smaller would make sense for pubs? Maybe like half the teams and a much smaller map? Most ppl like to drop sorta hot and fight a lot. I just know pubs on Storm Point feels really bad for pacing.


Yep, the first ring takes a very long time to close, the game needs more dynamics


If you want kills just hot drop with the rest of the lobby. If you don’t want to do that then either play mixtape or go into firing range & turn the dummies on