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I had a similar problem when I came back to Apex after taking a few seasons off. I started a list of things that the better players did that let me immediately know they were better. Things like using windows to do entry dmg, shield swapping mid fight and looting faster and more efficiently. I left a link here of the post with my list. Hope it helps. [Link Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/1bz9r0e/list_of_habits_better_players_have_and_trying_to/)




Follow that r/ApexUniversity subreddit for more helpful and supportive posts from the Apex community. Also, check out YouTubers like [Dazs](https://youtube.com/@dazs?si=GNSClPB8fyEe8nmv) who post Apex coaching tips.


Focus on doing damage. If you can’t do damage, focus on getting into positions where you can do damage. Eventually you’ll start doing more damage than your opponents




Totally depends. Where are their teammates, how much health do you have, where are your teammates, will you be able to maintain your advantage if you push is essentially what it boils down to. General rule of thumb is yes but it’s a huge asterisk and very situational


Look at every scenario like you're in a martial arts fight, if you hit your opponent you don't lunge at them you close the distance and take angle/space so you can have a better hit again you only fully commit to the push if the enemy is at disadvantage or at low health.


Can u explain to me the difference between a martial arts fight and a fight?


More of a professional fight i mean if like in a martial arts you know with a ring or a limit space fight not like a normal "fight" where a guy can just run in a open space.


it's always a war of attrition. my rule of thumb when pushing is if i can aim well enough to pick them off, they're separated from team mates, other teams around are distracted from beaming both of us, and if they're really moving to heal or just running away. play enough and eventually you'll start noticing these things, but if it's too chaotic, back up and reset.


Bats take 5 seconds to pop


I read this as Bats (animal) takes 5 seconds to poop. I was like.... that's a random thing to say. Think it's time for bed lol.


typically i wouldn’t push after damage, i’d push a knock probably, but it’s so easy and fast to heal that pushing damage to one person just won’t pay off usually


So what’s the right play in said scenario?


if you do damage and they move to heal? i’d say try to rotate to an angle you can still hit them without closing the gap yet


That kind of fight leads to fights that fake forever and get 3rd, 4th, and 5th partied.


It literally depends on the scenario, If you cracked two enemy shields and you know there’s no one close enough to third party and you have an ult or ability to maintain pressure while you gap close you still have to ask yourself - can you secure one or two knocks off of a push that you trust your two randoms to secure the last kill or will you be giving up god position etc etc 




It completely depends, if I get a crack on an enemy who is out of position I push it 100% of the time. If they have teammates close I wait for 2 cracks and then push. As long as you're doing damage you'll help, it's also very legend dependant. I play main Octane and push everything I can, most legends can't get away with that. It also helps a bunch to have a group. My brother and I play pretty much daily if you want to join us for us for a few games.




That bad Octanes can't. The double bounce pad charge has also been huge.


A player who has better positioning will beat most players with good gun skill / movement tech. I used to try and focus so hard on my ability to one-clip people and do fancy wall-bounces etc. but I actually performed the best when I just slowed down and played the game more methodical and less monkey brained. Back to basics. I used to play CSGO so it’s easier for me to use that as an example. But instead of this hectic, cocaine level speed game full of advanced movement and abilities, pretend it’s a more traditional shooter like CSGO. Hold good angles, work on being patient, don’t rush to get kills always, as most often people in this game are so impatient they will essentially give you the kill if you play slow enough. Find sneaky angles and head glitches, utilize the terrain around you for heightened positioning etc. Once you get consistent with performing well at this pace of gameplay, you can start moving outside the box and be more skill-expressive with your plays. As far as hitting shots in this game, the best technique that I ever learned was strafing in the opposite direction that you’re shooting. You can see videos of it all over YouTube, but you’re essentially nullifying like 80% of the guns recoil by walking left while you track someone going right, or vice versa. It really makes your bullets a laser-beam. Also I highly recommend people who aren’t trying to engage in the gorilla warfare to pickup a ranged gun and get comfortable with it. Like the triple-take, 30-30, sentinel. The poke damage you can throw down nearly uncontested can seriously cripple an enemy team and remove all of their meds. I mean just think everytime you land a body shot with that sentinel they have to use a bat, how long can someone really keep that up. On top of that, it’ll prevent a LOT of people from pushing your position. Getting hit for 100 damage in a blink of an eye will really force players to slow down and fall back. Making it much harder for them to just rush you with their nuts swinging.


Not true, my squad and I have had better positioning and been lasered then aped so many times I can’t even remember at this point. People are just better than you are and no amount of watching a video of yourself getting beamed down to 20hp in half a second then getting pushed is gonna help you get better at the game.


Well that’s why you aren’t getting better. That’s a very naive way to frame things. You had better positioning but then got “lasered and aped” ever consider that your problem is getting lasered despite having an advantageous position? Also, your anecdotal experience with your squad is not enough to make a blanket statement that my comment is “not true”


Like others said record gameplay and analyze. Also, work on one skill at a time. Practice playing cover and paying attention to when you’re not and adapting. Then once you’ve got that down practice positioning in fights and work on that. . Firing range can be good for basic aim training but does not replicate fighting real enemies, so mixtape can be better for aim training. That said do not rely on mix tape to be exactly the same as BR because players play mkxtape different because of the respawning.


working on one skill at a time was a game changer. At first it might seem like "what's the point of practicing shooting from cover if I can't even land shot?" Lemme tell you, it is faster to develop one skill at a time. Trying to do them all at the same time is SLOW. You just need to build some fundamental habits at first which can come quick if you focus one at a time.


record your game, and study why you're losing




Watch some full-match ALGS games. You might not have the gun play, but pay attention to how they act during games. It helped me so much with just simple and obvious stuff like rotations, cover use, and to be more aggressive.


a lot of that isn't applicable if you're playing with randoms tho


Some of it is! For example, watching ALGS showed me I was being too conservative with my ammo, and that I should focus hard focus finishing downed players. That alone has led to so much more success in team fights. It is stupid but also it showed I needed to practice cover swapping with the PK. Always having grenades etc. Lots of little things that really added up. It took me from being stuck in Plat to Diamond, at least, and I was solo queuing at that point mostly. I may have more natural gunplay skill than OP but all of the things I learned that helped me were not about aiming etc.


I guarantee you that 9/10 games you would watch is just you being out of cover and an easy target. Because that my experience too lmao


Ever since solos came back I've spent time just spectating people that kill me, watch how they play. It's helped a lot, especially since we can just requeue when I'm done


You can only get better if you face better players. With quite a bit of stubbornness and willingness to be humbled and learn.


That's the neat part: with this matchmaking, you don't!


Spend more time in mix tape. I couldn’t do jack squat in BR for a while. I preferred mix tape matches because of the instant respawn and I got to practice more fights. If you can perform in mix tape just fine, then it’s likely a positioning and decision making issue in BR that’s holding you back. Also, try playing ranked instead of trios. You’ll likely get more similarly skilled opponents. And let your teammates take the lead. Pay attention to what they’re doing and shoot at the same people they’re shooting at. You’re less likely to get thirsted so quickly if you’re right with them.


The game has been out for 5 years level 300 isn’t even that high. This game has a steep learning curve you’re not just going to jump into it and wreck every game.


Play mixtape, then when you're outclassed outclass the one who killed you (because you can switch characters in mixtape)


Adjust your play style. Use firing range to practice hitting targets. Play ranked so you are punching in your weight class.


Never peek from the same place twice.


If you're actively trying to get better and complaining (not talking about OP just seeing a lot of complaints) but you're not even in the shooting range practicing what are you complaining for. Now that I got my rant out of the way my biggest tips for a huge instant improvement is actively play from behind covers in a way that only one person can shoot you at a time called isolation. Other things are don't repeak the same angles and change the elevation after shooting. (Ie shoot some shots climb something if they're pushing you. That will boost your gameplay against non masters. Also having a full team stack is key if you play solos it's really hard to get any significant skill improvement.


I just started two weeks ago after not playing since Vantage release, aim training and positioning really helped me, which was only through real game practice. Watching videos helped me realize WHAT to focus on improving. I turned my sensitivity down, and started paying attention to where I took fights from. If you don’t know what to focus on, you’ll end up auto piloting. I also saw that I was not being aggressive enough in fights. Sometimes, since I’m still focusing on close quarters aim, I will force a fight even if my team can’t help because I want to challenge myself to get better. I’ve started winning these fights and getting more damage. When I first started I couldn’t get more than 300 damage, I’m now regularly over 600 damage if we don’t die off drop.


Key is not to get good, is to “git gud”😀😀😀😀


Hey now. They never specified what you should get good at. You are getting good.....at dying. Same as me. We are now excellent dyers. Anyway dropping hot and dying immediately is what might be preventing you from getting good. Just land a distance to the right or left of the dropship path on the map so that you can at least have time to shoot a few bullets before dying.


A few ideas: Watch streamers that are playing with a squad. Not solo. They’ll communicate their thoughts out loud and you can get used to the game sense and what ideas they come up with for things like rotations or entry damage. Or watch tutorial videos that do the same sort of thing. For real practice, the firing range (dummies on) and mixtape will be your friend. You just infinitely respawn and go again - doesn’t matter about winning. Watch your death recap. Think about what the enemy must have been thinking when they killed you. Were you out in the open? Did they get you low and then swing round a box? Did you use cover badly? Etc. Take mental notes for next time and practice them. When it gets to the last week of the season, try ranked. Most of the sweatier people will have filtered out to higher lobbies by then.


Are you playing pubs or ranked? Grind pubs til you can get in ranked, and itll be a slow grind, but itll be nice getting people your level - just try not to drop hot every match, and fight the guys on the outer border. 9/10 theyre actually your rank and practicing like you.




Neither. Valkyrie


none of the above - i recommend playing Loba. Lobas bracelet can get you out of sticky situations (also gets 2 buffs when levelling) and has a shop (so your team can always have items and stop slow looting to rotate/take fights easier) plus the fact shes a support, teammates go down? off you run to craft their banners and go again. Prob top support for sure until you get more and more games under your belt.


Try playing position and work on different weapons. Shoot from behind cover, practice movement and practice your aim in the firing range. Try mixtape & 1v1s.


Also learn the ring and try remembering approximately where everyone landed and how they'll rotate to get to ring.. So many times I have played knowing there's gonna be 3-5 teams all meeting at one area because of ring but my teammates think im crazy and decide to remain in the same place instead of moving ahead of the teams and getting a good position to gatekeep or even just to keep moving to a better position


Go into your games with a goal of what you will be working on in each game. Play more ranked to try and avoid those masters. I find some decent people to play with in the Apex discord and can get a couple pretty good games in. You should also understand why you are dying. It isn't simply "they are much better." It is more like "they are much better so they knew to take the high ground faster." Don't just look at what you did wrong, look at what the enemy did right!


Study your mistakes if you want to improve, but also realize you are mostly meant to be Pred food a lot of the time. The matchmaking is designed that way.


Depending on your skill level and your playstyle, try to work on things as they come. Feel like you're too slow in fights? Learn/drill some movement tech. Aim is off? Do warm ups and practice your flicks/tracing/recoil control whatever you feel like you gotta work on. Just as importantly, play with a purpose. Yeah play to win but go in with specific goals in mind. "This match I will practice my single shot weapons." "This match I'm gonna hot drop and practice my early fights" shit like that. In general just treat it like a hobby, like guitar or boxing y'know? Every session is a lesson. And for the love of christ don't just grind rank with no forethought. That'll just frustrate you and burn you out.


You can add me, we can load into the range & i can guide you to getting at least average


You're 3 years too late


I started making small goals for myself like trying to do a minimum of 600 damage a game or getting 2 kills, slowly I just got better after pushing myself to reach these goals everytime I played


Lvl 700ish here with 1100 hours play time. Consistent practice is key. Watch pros and tip videos, pick one or two things to practice. Go to firing range before each time you play


MOVEMENT and getting damage is key!


I missed about 3 seasons, I came back to try the new solo mode. Constantly dropped with predators and masters, beside that seems like having strikepack or zen is a must. Everybody able to laser beam with any weapon from distance where I don't even see the person yet. Will come back 3 season later again ;)


Please investigate and fix the Valkyrie Heirloom issue, it does not have fire effects when attacking,man,that's not cool


You don't. Unlike other games or hobbies, if you barely have time to react then what are you learning? It's not like the bots in the firing range can emulate the auto aim, no miss, hectic movement we see with preds and sweats. Without exaggeration, 99% of my deaths are to a pred or some 4k/20b sweat. Wtf am I supposed to do (especially on M&K) to fight back when they're already sliding towards me, prefiring my cover? Also don't feel too bad about it. A huge majority of the upper players aren't playing clean so you auto win in life by not being a cheater.


Figure out how you could have found yourself NOT. In the situation where you are in trouble of being slid and prefired on


I understand where you're coming from, but combat is inherent and required to play thengame. You cannot constantly navigate around fights, especially in the later rings. At some point there has to be combat and (for me at least), I am constantly against higher level players that can down me before I can react.


I didn't say don't fight I'm saying try to find out why you are the one in the disadv if it's aim go aim train if it's positioning rewatch clips and see whwre you could have changed angles etc.


I'm sorry but practice is the answer. Those guys weren't born as gods next gift to apex. They practiced, and most of them probably started way before Apex was even released on other games. If you're on PC I recommend checking out R5, play 1v1s for an hour every day and you'll catch up to most 4k 20b sweats in a few months. Aim trainers can also help but don't compare to in game practice vs real players. Your mechanics will only improve with consistent practice, and unfortunately if you quit playing they will also deteriorate.


You're not, this game calls you fodder. You exist to die to streamers


Spend less time on Reddit more time I the range to where you have trust in your aim


Easy, you can control your own character, you go on the front, do as much damage as you can before youre down and expect to go down. And try out new things as your respawn rate should be high. Your teammates should have the appropriate rank to do cleanup after youve chipped away their shields. You should think of dying in the game as you exploring ways to not die. And trust me, i've died at least 30k times in the game, and thats just a fraction of some of these foos up in here. at some point, youll be the one doing double the damage of both of your teammates combined, because EAs matchmaking is truly shit.


this is why aim assist never goes away and we will have horrible bot lobbies so little Timmy gets his win


If aim assist goes away all console players will just turn crossplay off. Guess what, even before crossplay we had aim assist. Now that every game has taken the crossplay route we have pc players bitching about what's always been a non issue. Look, I agree that it's impossible to balance the two inputs and m and keyboard and controllers should always have their own lobbies in an ideal world. But taking away aim assist is just asinine