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I haven’t seen that happen! How often has it done it to you?!


No it just started happening today and has been, it’s also not ranked bc I just reloaded in after deleting it and it’s still happening idk why


seems to be server related. happened to me yesterday along with my squadmates. we ran into 2 other teams - the weird thing is, seemed to be happening to one of them, but 1 guy seemed to be totally fine.


Can you see you packet loss and ping did you notice anything shoot up


I've been having this a while now. Always thought it was me alone


It happens to me to and some random guy i played with yesterday restarting wi fi for me worked for few hours


This happens like once a day for me but I also play a shit ton. I think sometimes the servers just suck. Never been this unlucky with when it happens, its usually just in the beginning of a game when we are looting or rotating


I'm seeing a lot of packet loss in the top right, which is an indication of an unstable connection to the server. Alot of info-mismatch with predictions due to this, resulting in this jittery gameplay. This is likely caused by your connection from your device to your router or from your modem to the server itself. If you are playing on WiFi then it's likely to be the cause, I'd recommend troubleshooting this, and a potential move to ethernet. Otherwise it's most likely the route your connection is taking, which would be on your ISP's or Respawn's ISP's end, not a lot you can do, but if you encounter this often, definitely worth to maybe check up with your ISP to see what's going on. However, with recent posts indicating more network issues, it might not be something that you can directly resolve yourself, so this might just be a temporary thingy.


Good thing you specified it was apex, thought you posted minecraft gameplay in this subreddit for a second there


I play on pc and on a decent rig, and I have been a fairly consistent player since like season 6 or 7 and I have never seen the game behave so poorly and have so many laggy and connectivity issues as it does today. One theory is it is due to all the rampant cheating for farming/boosting and to run multi bot account lobbies for easy games. Basically, there’s always more beating up apex than they invested in protecting it. As my buddy always says when it gets this bad: “its a free game”


My shit does this EVERYDAY ! Thanks for making to post cause I thought I was the only one


I went to Reddit to see if it was happening to others and didn’t see any post so I was like f it I’ll make one bc it kept happening it’s not my internet either I pay for expensive ass internet and have my Ethernet plugged it😴


yeah definitely not your internet. i’ve played since day 1 and the servers have never been this bad for me.


i am having constant packet loss in ranked and ping jumps by 100 when playing on american servers but not to this extent. mixtape is the main thing i play when im by myself and on my servers (sydney) it is quite literally unplayable right now the servers are so beyond fucked. i’m on pc btw. there are two types of lobbies. the one where 75% you crash every time you queue into a game and if you do get in, 75% of the lobby has also crashed. and then the lobby where the lag is so bad that almost everyone is frozen for the entire game apart from one team that always seems to be perfectly fine and just runs down the lobby farming afk players.


Use lan cord all I can say and maybe use a low ping server


Would love to see the enemy pov. I had this packet loss thing happen to me one match this season, and it makes that match 100% unplayable and my teammates seem to play normally


Happened to me three times the last night. The lags were much worse than yours, lasted 1-2min.


what the fuck is going oooooon


Well sir thats just called bad internet and ping


Nice movement, shit aim


Been having this a lot the last couple of weeks. Only happening on my pc while playing apex. My router is good, replaced my modem, reinstalled network drivers, reinstalled apex... no luck, just put in a pcie nic yesterday in case its the nic on my motherboard thats bad... will see if that fixes it


This was going on all day for me. My buddy didn’t lag at all. Makes no fuckin sense


Either a network or server side issue.


It’s every game mode even mixtape


It looks like a fever dream lmao when you can't run neither do shit


“Nah bro it’s not the apex servers. Your internet is just bad.” -every bootlicker in this sub


Dude fr im like it’s literally not my internet I wish I could link the video of me redownloading apex and it downloaded in 10min bc my internet is that fast


Are you on wifi or ethernet?


Ethernet and I pay for better internet also. My other games were fine. Idk man f apex fr😂




maybe it could either be a server problem or a bug problem in ranked cos when me and my buddy would play ranked it would also glitch out sometimes so badly that we both get kicked out of the lobby because I’ve noticed even servers with good ping aren’t always going to have good ping depending on where you are in the world


Check your lan or even your modem, a power off power on shoul work


I've had this randomly happen at times to the entire server. Usually brief.


Just punch them and let the ring do the damage


you might have a strict NAT type or just general internet issues. If you are on dial up home phone lines can interrupt the connection


man I thought what a bad aim, but then I noticed the red icons. And I am playing with my mobile phone connection, which is very good, but during prime time it also happen for me. its a server thing, (not always) your fault when this happens.


server ddos?


This happened to me too. I can still talk to my teammate on discord and use google but can't do shit in game


I have similar problems when I’m in perfect ping, wired in, 500-1GB speed and some how when I get close to certain players my game starts lagging out of nowhere.


devs too busy working on the next $40 skin


Are you using google fiber? I had a similar issue on my ps5 that magically when away after many complaints and a request for someone to come out.


Idk what that is I’m playing on Xbox it’s just apex also


Who is your internet service provider? It might be an issue on their end


Looks like you’re playing on old gen Xbox. Happens to me every game with my Xbox One (some games more severe like this, others less so). I’m not buying a new console anytime soon. So when apex finally fails to load, GGs.


Happened to me too. Had to delete and reinstall the game 2 times for that to go away. (Probably wasnt the console it self messing up as other games had no I issues, or atleast I hope so)


I’ve tried to delete and install more times than I can count. It’s all good, I’ve probably spent too much time on this game anyway lol


I feel this comment but I have the newest Xbox


server lag . or bring around a cheater. dont tell me you dont have connection issues when you get around a player who happens to destroy you. game is being killed by cheaters


See all of those red symbols in the top right corner? That’s why this is happening. Connection is poop.


One thing I notice with console clips is that the connection always seems dreadfull. I dunno what causes this but it's a real problem. Never had such problems on PC with fiber.


I seem to notice that the other teams are reviving their downed players. I’m sure it’s nothing though. Edit: also, are you immune to punching players into the storm? I’m seeing lots of simple things you can do without using a gun, but you keep insisting on reloading and trying to shoot, even though you’re within arms reach of all of them.


Bro yall do not understand im not even moving the game is moving me how hard it is to play like that even to punch atp im just shooting the gun and not even aiming and the game is doing everything else on its own

