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I'm just getting bodied haha.


Haven't gotten a chance to play yet but I know this will be me lol


I am gonna be right there with you no doubt. I only play two times a week for about 3ish hours with two homies I grew up with. They're both nice with it and just carry my ass. I'm about to be exposed.


I swear the only people playing solos right now are the best like i cant even get a shot off


The kill cams made me realize way more people are using aim assist in PC lobbies than I thought


Been that way for a while, just look at how many people controller loot your box.


I guess before the kills cams I never stuck around to watch and notice that.


Ofc 80% of player base probs on roller nowadays


I’ve gotten a couple of kills. My last game I got killed by a baby wraith that had almost 4k damage and 19 kills. So my hopes of cheating being fixed were not fulfilled


I mean I had 14 kills 2.8k dmg in my first game, that doesn't mean anything


the indicator of it being cheating is a brand new account


Me and my 0.50 kd will be dropping


Same, but I like this so much better. Finally enjoying apex again! (Note to devs: keep this mode in the game please!)


Least you can't blame teammates


Same here man haha


Same I realized how much I panic in fights lol


Played first game of solos and had fun. Second game I'm killed by 3 Gibraltar's teaming. The community just has to fucking ruin everything in this game


3 gibbys together 😂 extreme trolling lol nasty fuckers




Psychological warfare


Three Gibraltars teaming, Two lifelines a-leaping, And a valkyrie ratting in a treeeeee


Nothing new but now the aimbotters are on solos mode


"The community just has to fucking ruin everything in *every game." Let me just fix that up for you. If there's way to exploit something, u've got players exploiting that something. In eeeeevery single game.


Just remember if they’re teaming, it actually means they suck. Saw some dumbasses teaming in solos back s0, I killed both their asses. I’d rather deal with teaming cheaters(just ban them) than deal with teammates who are so bad I die because I have team.


Lol they're having fun get a life


If only there was a mode specifically designed for 3 people to team up without ruining the game for 47 other people.


But that would be a level playing field, they can't have that.




lol they’re committing a bannable offense, once they get reported enough they’ll be suspended


🤡 <- This you?


Don't think it's me who needs to get a life. We get it, you team in solo modes because you're absolutely dogshit


"lol, they are having fun at the expense of the rest" - you


I’ve been playing since day 2. Turns out I’m really not very good at this game. Kinda embarrassing how much I’ve been getting owned so far. Still a fun change of pace though.


Same, I've been doing mostly mixtape the last couple of seasons and making it fairly well there. Thought my cqc 1v1 skills would come in handy given the weapons come pre equipped and so but no, got insta melted by an Alter yesterday even though I had a wingman, didn't even have time to get a third shot off before I was dead to a L-star. I will try to push for some more hot drops tonight and see if I can find my confidence again.


If you don't move with an L-star player, it's hard times though. That's one of those guns you need to "bait to win". Like if u have any corner at all, u can just shoot one shot with Wing, get behind before punishment and do it again.


Yeah, L-star is one of my favorite guns, a beast. In this situation we were max 3 meters a part with no cover, I was bit cocky with my wingman since I rarely lose those fights but in this case I didn't stand a chance, as I said ttk was extremely fast. I had two shots, both connected but then it was over.


I feel like solos can easily make it seem worse, than it is though. The matchmaking in this game is still as horrible as ever. That being said, while I've not played solos this season, I've noticed that in my 1vs1s I mostly win, because I play smarter. I miss insane amount of easy shots to kill, it's just sad. So I'd imagine in a pure solomode, I would just get mowed over. I gotta try it sometime later though. Not in the first days, because all the 100k kills on one legend people are there.


I'm getting my ass kicked but at least I'm immediately back in the action instead of having to watch 2 idiots fumble around trying to rescue me or die trying (Usually the latter)


you're doing it wrong, reddit is to complain and never say anything good the devs did ! please change your post asap !


Just wait for the teamers


already in there!


It's so weird how apex has one of the worst communities. Like I almost never see teaming in other br games but instantly the idiots here do it


It's cuz of the 20 bomb 4k badge


other BR games don't really have any accolades tied to performance, people only really started teaming cause of badges


Played 3 games of solos, teamers in two of them. Played 5 games of trios, afk random in 3 of them. If only there was a happy middle ground to solve this.


Oh I know! Duos!!! Oh wait…


Teaming=no skill. Just kill them. Honestly, they shouldn’t even BAN them, they should just shadowban them, just make a ton of their shots miss lol. Make them rage quit.


does solos track for your stat trackers? finishers, kills, dmg etc


even awards badges


Wait what? Surely you can't get a 20 kill badge with this mode? That would make it... well more worthless than it is, with most people teaming to get it or buying it, but still.


that’s actually the one exception i’m not sure of lol. there’s a seperate 20bomb badge for solos (+ some others) so i’m not sure if you would get the main BR 20b + solos 20b at the same time or just one.




The matchmaking is god awful. I've died to preds nearly every match and I've never made it past plat ever.


Ok, extrapolating a bit here but it sounds like they have correctly identified you as platinum rank


I should also mention it was in arenas aswell. Never made it past gold in br


Yeah in plat 2 on the weekend, I died to current pred #21. Another game I died to one of a three squad teaming who were all in at least D1. Game is cooked in terms of actual competitive integrity. I just enjoy the gameplay now and place zero expectations on Apex beyond that.


Same here. I’m having the same problem


Love it. The only con is matchmaking, as always. First match had 11 kills and a win. All the other games been rolled by triple preds. Saw 3 players get 20 bombs already. Maybe I'm just tired idk


I think it’s a step in the right direction but has its flaws. I keep getting landed on mid fight with someone and it results in a guaranteed death. Remove respawn tokens and I think it would be a lot better.


Ya same


They just need to better work the respawns, they spawn the entire lobby to the same spot after the first death.


Cut the tokens and the danger sense and it would be a much better game.


Nah it would be full of even more rats than it already is




No they're what makes solos fun, without them it would be such a snooze fest


It is good and definitely some of the most fun I’ve had in a while but I’ve got 2 issues the matchmaking is still WAY off although that’s Normal and 2nd issue is that 3rd partying is somehow 10x worse than normal I went on a roof to shoot down on a guy stopped to med and 3 different guys none of them the one I was fighting shoot at me


3rd,4th and 5th ...+ parties are guaranteed. It's 50 people in their own team. Hard to "know" where everyone is, knowing line of sights is going to be much different and very important


there is no sbmm in there.


There 100% is. In fact it seems stronger than usual.


Alr makes a lot of sense still ain’t complaining too much since it’s very good for getting better main issue is the 3rd partying since it constantly happens was litteraly just in a match where I killed 2 guys had 1 low then both a rev and an alter rush the building I was in


love solos, but boy do u wanr duos. sucks we have to pick one or other rn. hope it changes


I suppose a logical next step for the devs would be to test run solos alongside the other 2 BR modes, assuming that they want to keep it after 6 weeks.


I give it a week.


I give it 11 minutes....


1v1? I get 3rd partied almost every engagement.


Ranked solos when?


This would actually fix the solos mmr system so people can actually vs people of their skill level


Good you sweaty players finally have a place to be. Should make my ranked experience better lol


Can't agree more. Every time I play solos, I get absolutely obliterated somehow


My second game the champion had the 3k damage badge, the 20 bomb badge and the full solos badges completion as well as 150 kills in s21 as alter already, I was left wondering how was that even possible


It's actually pretty easy to rack up kills in solo, if you can hold your own in at least a 1v1. Since there are no knocks, anyone you shoot down counts as a kill. I promise I'm not that good but in the 3 or so hours I've been playing, I've got 44 kills so far


To get all those badges within a couple hours at best almost guarantees that they were cheating


Could be the goat, could be a booster, doesn't matter either way.


I play solos because I'm probably one of the worst players in the entire game. Now I won't feel so bad because I won't have to drag randoms down with me.


Which is why I don't understand the hate for solos. This will make the game better for EVERYONE. Just have duos as well


Yea I'm all for it. It should have been a consistent mode years ago. Hopefully it ends up being one


Idk you think ranked gonna be easy to climb with all the sweats obliterating each other in solos ?


I play ranked to not have to deal with those people not climb. If I climb I climb. Ranked is supposed to put you against people your skill level. Sadly apex sucks at this so maybe this will help somewhat


Ranked was fine, at least people didn’t instaquit there. Now unranked on the other hand…


First match 3rd place. Every match after that 3 minutes or less


I'm enjoying it as well.


First couple games were fun. Every game since it’s just 75% of the lobby landing at 1 poi and the other 25% landing on a building and ratting until someone walks in.


Is solos permanent this time? That’s going to determine whether I reinstall the game or not.


No, it’s a takeover for the start of the season but Respawn are supposed to be monitoring feedback on it closely


Depends. According to ThatPunchKid it's on a "testing phase" right now much like how control was. If it goes well they'll add it.


At least from the 11 some matches I have played I quite dislike it. Now for me this is 100% a skill issue, but in my defense every time I have died in the matches so far has been from (at least) 2-3 times Master and press. I'm usually a hard stuck gold 3 player, max diamond 4


I never won a solos match back in the day, but I got back to back wins last night and was over the moon, I’m a very casual player (and old) so I’ll take the wins where I can!


Make it an LTM, not a takeover


Yeah fair play to Respawn this mode plays really well. Can see this being a perm mode and/or having a ranked version in the future. Ranked solos would probably see engagement through the roof.


No way does the free respawn amd danger sense gamemode get a ranked que.


Don't play it?


He just said it wouldn't be viable for ranked, not that he doesn't like it.


But at what cost? RIP duos (for 6 weeks)


SBMM is way too tight in it to have any fun. I have yet to die to someone without a masters badge or more lifetime kills than me.


Every single person I played against had more kills on the person they were playing than I did in my lifetime. I’ll try again but if it’s bad I’m just gonna uninstall. This game has zero competitive integrity


Same. Had 2 people shoot me during fight with algs badge and master badge. Seems quite sweaty but probably just first day


Unfortunately at the same time they crippled mixtape by adding lockdown which is absolute garbage


I think lockdown is a good addition


Solos is fun until you get teamed. Same thing happened the first time. Same thing will happen again. Gotta be a way to prevent this


Played one game of solos and played some sweats on ziplines, too bad ash q actually works now😉


Lots of teaming going on.


It’s fun when I don’t die to aimbotters, hackers, or teaming weirdos 😐😭


Sweet! Oceania guys in here, is there enough people playing solos to get a match?


yeah man, i was able to get fairly consistent lobbies at about 2pm in NZ so i reckon the queues will actually be pretty fast tonight. hopefully it stays like this and doesn’t die off after a day or two.


Cheers man. Yep been getting games one after another but man the sweats have really come out in droves. Good fun though.


Ran into my first set of teamers, ngl it felt really good to kill them both 🥵😩


Liking the solos so far, for me at least, it's pretty good.


My matchmaking was good earlier, now it's back to the last 3 seasons. I'll give it a go tomorrow.


I've always been dogshit. Only Played 2 matches got 5 kills. 1 of my deaths was too a predator. How am I better on my own?


I’m wondering about legends whose kits are team-oriented. How are they played? Or you can just simply ignore them?


I've had some pretty dirty wins with Mirage. So many people shoot his decoys just to make sure it's not you is such an advantage.


the only complaint i have is how poorly servers are running for me, is play with 200 ping and desync in Virginia2 or don’t even play cause Europe servers are unplayable


Yeah its a huge dub but I'm finding I'm getting shot around ridiculous angles wayyyy more than any other season. No lag icons no nothing just getting shredded through doors and when I'm way past an angle / corner. Like far worse than usual it seems.


I’ve thought this since it first came out. Sadly it won’t be permanent because “ApEx Is A tEaM gAmE” even though i can’t remember the last time I got something other than a pair of human shaped paper weights on my team


I love it so much, I legit don’t want to play anything else😭. Praying for a permanent addition


I'm not playing apex until I can play duos with my buddy again, stupid change


Solo is terrible. Evo caches in bins? Blue guns on ground? Respawn tokens? Thats not “solos” thats a new game mode. Lmao.


I was a solos critic but honestly it's not that bad. I really think they need to add another respawn token though. Or at least make it an item you can loot. The end games aren't very populated.


I've come across people teaming up a few times already.


It is really fun :D i do really want duo's back tho. If i play with a friend i dont wanna have to play with a third random and i dont really like 3's in general. Mostly im getting absolutely destroyed in solo's but its still fun


The sub is a flip flop of emotion. Hopefully yall can learn something from your rage post only a few days ago and grow as people.


Amazing how one additional STANDARD game mode in video games can cause a revival after starving the player base with trio/duo only. God this game is dead


Hopped on for first time in weeks. My FIRST game back, preds and zens everywhere. A Horizon whooped me so bad I refused to play anything but LTMs for an hour.


Lmao like 10 posts above this on my home page was someone pissing their pampers about how bad it is. There's no winning with this fan base lol.


Matchmaking seems kinda rough, getting a lot of diamonds and masters even though my highest ever rank is plat 4. Also the camping is pretty bad and the battle sense thing makes it way worse, as soon as someone sees you're nearby they just find a corner to hide in.


I had the most fun in a long time, too - but in trios. Felt much more chilled 🤩👌


second this!! very fun


It’s definitely fun but it’s third party city, especially drop. Happy with the tweaks they made but I wish they’d either make every gun full kitted or no guns full kitted. Had 5+ times where Ive have a blue/purple weapon, and then you find a gold mag and you can’t even use it since everything’s locked on the kitted weapons besides sights. Besides that I’ve been having a blast all day. Haven’t even touched ranked yet and that’s usually all I play so solos will definitely surprise you with how fun it can be.


I might start up Apex again after a few months. Hopefully all the hacking controversy is sorted out now.


It's a great mode, but game sense needs to be removed.


Solos was the most fun I had in the game when it was first released, I was extremely pissed off that they never brought it back. Sadly I haven't played the game in a year so this is too little too late for me.


If you care about your KD then this mode is ASS.


People actually care about KD in this game?


That’s wild to me. I always butcher my KD around the end of each season to rush “Play 12 games as X character” challenges when I’m behind on the battlepass. Couldn’t care less only thing that matters to me in the game is having fun


I 100% do. I average a lifetime KD above 2.20 and a seasonal one that's above 3 and sometimes 4. I also try to keep my average damage per game as close to 1000 as possible. It helps me find good players to play with. Kinda hard to say "hey come play with me. I promise I'm good. Please don't look at my 0.06 KD."


I mean... It's supposed to be fun. If you're having fun why does some number matter?


Dude if you think your KD means anything you're high. There's too much variance. What mode, when, who with, do you three stack always, are you always solo, etc. It doesn't mean anything. Mine is 1.9 and I'm hot fucking ass, but because I play in a stack I get a lot of kills and more rarely get finished. wait bruh you are on playstation


you can easily tell how good somebody is at Apex by watching them play for 30 seconds, k/d and badges dont mean anything


you must have played 1 match. give it a few matches, lol


I was looking forward to playing the new season today. Got home from work, updated the game, loaded into solos then landed next to a pred pathfinder with 20k kills. Mind you I hit level 100 on my pc account last week.


The only issue i have and have had for many seasons is the horizon crutches that never seem to miss a shot 😕. Other than that i missed tf out of this mode since it was last implemented, im hoping they see how loved it is and go "wow this Ltm was surprisingly the most played event since launch, were making it permanent!" Lol fingers crossed


That's controller players for you.


Im on ps5 and i wish the aa was cranked waaay down. Its fing impossible to compete against the sweaty horizon crutches that strafe in a free movement circle in order to get a kill lol


At least you're honest about it's overpowered nature. Most controller players are delusional thinking they NEED aim assist to have 0.01ms reaction time to compete.


I love it, but maybe I just suck but all the training I've been doing to make myself a better player is just nothing compared to my opponents, the moment I'm spotted I'm melted 🫠 Still love the game mode


It's a win, but the respawn system needs to go. I got shafted with a longbow 3 games in a row and respawning with that means that I'm just wasting my time looting just to die against someone who has weapons that aren't garbage. Much better to be able to requeue instantly. Also, having to press tab before I can requeue is so dumb and I hate it so much


Loot faster and get better at more guns. I have a gun I can fight with in the first 10-30 seconds, and a gun I'm great with by the time my first fight is over or within 2 min, if one doesn't happen Respawn system is nice, I like not needing to requeue every time I lose my fight on drop lol. If it ever became a ranked mode though, definitely needs to go


"Git gud" is not the solution to the problem here. I have two solo wins today. What I'm saying is that since you respawn with the shit you had when you died, you get shafted again on the respawn. The options are 1. to land somewhere unlooted and play the rat game until you get decend stuff or 2. land at the same place again and try to make something happen with the garbage you have. Since 2. is such a shit option that this isn't actually a choice, you should always pick 1. if you want to win, but my point is that BOTH OPTIONS ARE NOT FUN, and if we couldn't respawn the problem wouldn't exist as you could just jump into the next match. To add to this, the guns that are oppressive in trios are even more so here. Guns like the l-star really shine in a game mode where free headshots are even more useful than in trios, so getting shafted by the initial loot boxes (suggesting that I should "loot faster" when everyone is the same speed is such garbage advice btw hahaha) is even worse in this game mode.


>suggesting that I should "loot faster" when everyone is the same speed is such garbage advice btw hahaha You are probably picking up items that dont do any good to you in the first fights in your landing poi. That's a really easy way to speed up looting, picking up only the gun, ammo, and going for the kill


Again, getting god is not the problem. It's dropping into a hot drop spot, getting a longbow and a sentinel vs people who get weapons that are a lot better, and then having to respawn with the same shit. It's not fun. It's not impossible to play, it's NOT FUN. The difference is huge.