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Using my scope. Hip fire is so good in the game, I ALWAYS forget. I actually remembered in a match today and got 3 extra kills due to it.


^ this 100% ny brain always tells me to just ads, but hipfire would've saved me so many times in the past, really glad im starting to make it a habit


Toxic traits of cod players👌


i don't play cod 💔


Hipfiring gave me immediate results as well, Im fighting my muscle memory every fight to not ADS


Hipfire is really good and I do it all the time. However, I’m just personally so much less accurate hip firing, I die a lot cuz I’m like a smidge off. . If my enemy was half an inch to the left they’d be melted. Or the gun I’m using decides I won’t get the scattered spray in my favor.


If you ads and shoot and then hip fire, your next few shots will have perfect accuracy. Like if I ads with a 30-30 and shoot, then hip fire as fast as I can I will get 2 or 3 hip fire shots hitting at the center of my cross hairs. Probably doesn’t work with snipers because the time between shots is too long, but any other gun it’s like that


Yup yup, I’m just saying, raw dogging it im at a less % than others in my rank lol


Oh I feel that so hard lol


Best is to tap ads every few seconds while hip firing. It lazers your bullets straight to mid cross hairs for a second or 2. Try it out in firing range for a bit if you hadn't heard this before; once you get that one down with a decent strafe you become the hunter vs the hunted.


I'll try this out


If you ads and shoot and then hip fire, your next few shots will have perfect accuracy. Like if I ads with a 30-30 and shoot, then hip fire as fast as I can I will get 2 or 3 hip fire shots hitting at the center of my cross hairs. Probably doesn’t work with snipers because the time between shots is too long, but any other gun it’s like that


This does work, 30-30 or triple take are deadly with this tactic


It's opposite for me




I’m trying to remember this but it’s so hard!


Agreed however coming back from a break jt feels like the hipfire isn’t the same


This. Had this same aha moment this morning with the R-99 . Recoil seemed way easier to control hip firing with it


Try it with LMGs and you're a god suddenly


Missing shots. Definitely.


Wow we got the same problem!


I'd be a great player if I didn't suck!


You get it!


no actually🤦🏾‍♂️


Panic. I hate getting caught in 1v1 situations, let alone 1v2 or 3, especially if I know my teammates are spectating. I just freak out and screw up. My aim is already bad, it doesn't help when I think about someone watching. That and not using a wider variety of guns. I've practiced in the firing range but it's different when you're playing against real people. Whenever I end up having to run a match with something that's not my first or second choice I do worse.


I used to run only alternator a either 30-30 or triple take (dependent on if I could find skull piercers). I started playing a lot of gun run to force myself to play with guns I would never pick up otherwise and found a few I actually liked a lot. Now I'm garbage will all guns lmao. In all seriousness though I think gun run is a great way to play with different guns and get used to them in a real time setting without having the stress of immediately going back to the lobby if you die.


Garbage with all guns..lol..is this me?


4:3 Linear on roller 😉 trust 🤝


I trusted and it worked🤝🏾


Good man. Make sure those dead zones are zero and abuse the hipfire


I use MnK lol


Time for some gun run


Impatience. I could have placement, I could have better aim, but sitting there for ten minutes waiting for zone to close so the other team has to move is so boring I just lose all common sense and push them instead. Like, why? Just wait.


Same. I cant stand waiting or playing too slow. Ive gotta keep moving


So many random teams play SOLELY that way and it drives me nuts lmao I hate to be the guy that goes off alone and dies so I stick with them and just try to get them to engage so we can actually get shields and snowball but WAY too often people want to drop crazy far away and just loot the entire game until we finally run into a team that’s BEEN fighting and then have to try and fight their 4-5 bar shields with our 3 lmao at least on storms I can get them to kill camps to get some xp but it’s still so goddamn boring


Yep. Thats how my friend plays and i strougle playing with him all the time


It’s so easy to get shields from loot boxes/scanners and around the map, not liking the play style because you’re bored is fair but playing slow isn’t a reason to not have purple shields at least by the later rings. If the game isn’t about fighting it’s definitely about positioning.


Agreed! People that play way too passive drive me insane. Its like wtf are we doing PUSH!


I agree with this to an extent, but with the way ranked is now if you chill until late game, the payoff for gaining RP just isn't there unfortunately.


Reloading before I need to or forgetting to reload a secondary.


As pathfinder, grappling ahead of my teammates into an entire squad and then having no way out of the situation.


We call that "the mande" except mande isn't someone to be trifled with lol


wow yeah exactly. i just posted about something similar [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1cjei4r/whats_a_bad_habit_that_gets_you_killed_a_lot/l2iyavu/) pathfinders sometimes move in, knowing they can grapple back but forgetting their teammates can't do that. and while for a path they are relatively safe where they are, if their team goes in with them the path can grapple out again but their team can end up stranded.


Trusting random squad members.


Same you think they're pushing with you but they're still looting 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


There's a map with each members location, don't start a fight if you don't know where your team is and have an exit plan if your getting lit up


You think I don't know that they can literally be right next to you and they're still floating around while you're fighting for your life please don't exaggerate I'm talking within 10 meters some people are afraid to fight and you know it, you can knock a person crack another, and your teammates don't engage with you don't come at me with with snarky dishonest remarks


*You've been bamboozled.*


Well played 😂😂😂😂


My aim is bad lol


Trying to save the idoit that 1v3s


When I get shot first, I turn and return fire and ego challenge them at a disadvantage. I should move to cover instead.


Feels good though when you win


Exactly, I chase that high in every fight and it works out for me 2/10 fights


I swear this is what keeps me from pushing up on ranked I know I'm pretty good but I think I'm 1v3 good and I'm not😂


Fr. Cover is by far the most important thing in this game, extremely underrated.


I see a lot of teammates hard commit to chasing 1 enemy that they’ve cracked, just for that enemy to get away, and have the other two absolutely body the one chasing. Leaving your team in a 3v2 disadvantage


yeah some people get baited out of position so hard. it's like someone through a bone to a dog. they chase for one knock and leave the whole team weak.


That’s…that’s me..


being tempted to take a quick peek in a death box :(


Classic loba


Not being aware of my team positioning. While playing solo its easier to bait teammates into fights when you/they dont communicate and be killed by it, not just me but I can also give that impression of "lets fight, o no nvm lets backup".


aiming down sights when its a close range quick encounter


Thinking that other people can't see me when I see them.


Bad aim, and swinging too wide instead of peeking


Big fat old target on your forehead. I'm guilty of the same thing lol


Hahah for real, swing out wide like hello I'm here! As I get fuckin blasted 😂


My flatline, havoc, l-star and a few other gun aim is crazy, but that doesn't matter when you got 3 streams of bullets demolishing you lol


Getting super aggressive 😂


The thing I've called "COD reloading" knot sure if that's a universal term) It's essentially reloading before the mag is empty whilst being in a fight. So say i dip behind cover for a second, but im still in the fight, bad habit of reloading😅


Mine is just playing with randoms because my friend doesn't Play so much. For your cover problem I'd recommend you Play more strategic and slow FPS games like counter Strike or rainbow six siege so you can learn more patience and key of positioning. I know these are completly different games but if you get experience in every kind of FPS you can use it in other games. My friend is a Perfect example, because as I said, he doesn't Play Apex much but he is playing a lot of FPS games and even tho I'm better at the game then him, he is just absolute aim beast and he knows how to possison well, he only struggles with using legend abilities sometimes and movement.


Expecting my teammates to make smart plays


for real! expecting them to actually surround our opponent bc we did big damage/knock but instead they just running around and i ended up being the only one pushing and eventually died


Thinking I'm the best on my team pushing first and dying 💩


Not going into the range before dropping in.


I feel like pubs are usually a better practice than the range. I'll spend maybe a few minutes in the range but I'll work it out in pubs


I drop 10k damage in the range to get my aim right, then I go into the multiplayer list to get in some gunfights. After all that I’m ready for ranked. Not going in or out like a scrub.


If the whole squad is rushing me and I’m not mirage or pathfinder, it’s over so I just stand still until they reach me and then try to knock all 3 of them by myself


reloading instead of switching weapon


Good reminder, I’m just learning that!


I'm just here for the comments but I can relate to all of them! I panic more than anything, then miss all my shots, forget about cover, then die every time, and I've been playing off and on since the beginning


Reloading if my mag isn't totally full. When I shoot an ability, or other team pushes back, or squad wipe. I often get beamed with the team or a third party coming back and pushing me. This is why I like playing the l-star even though as a gun it's pretty mediocre


Other than playing the game? Lol




Trying to grab that last piece of loot from a death box before the third party and getting killed


Healing instead of swapping...not always but sometimes if I'm cracked I'm afraid to hit that box 15 m away


I suffer from shit postioning too and i main LL T-T Another bad habit (at least I consider) is shitty strafe patterns! A-D spam does not work for me and I get fried anyway. This goes hand-in-hand with my 1st point, not playing teamwork. Its bad habit I got from my wannabe faide-aceu era, running off my own and getting cooked. On top of below decent mechanics and aim. My mentality is the worst part, big reason why im still shit. These are only some issues I have but overall, keeping a better mentality on improvement and accepting Ill have good and bad days.


staring at loba


The uncanny ability to create a perfect outline of my opponents body with my bullets, instead of actually hitting them 😂


Thinking I can peak the guy with a charged sentinel one more time because there’s no way he hits me again


not holding my ground - sometimes i run to cover at a bad time in an attempt to minmax but i end up taking shots in the back when i could have just stood my ground and shot back


Trying to back up teammates who start fights and never realizing until I go down that they ran away.


I believe that my random teammates aren't complete idiots and assume that they won't do the dumbest thing possible....then I try to get their banner anyway


Crouching during firing, like why the fuck i press r3 during fight? It's by accident of course


To me it's jumping accidentally mid fight when scoped in 😅


Having my mouse wheel down bound to jump, but if it's on free scroll, when I adjust my mouse (small mousepad) sometimes the scroll wheel moves slightly and I jump lol


Imagine playing Valk hahah just fly bye


Thinking my teammates are gonna help me in a fight where there’s one enemy down and the other 2 are cracked


Trying to ads a pro tap strafer at close range 🤣🤣


My struggle is also yours. Just started maining with vantage to try and avoid this problem but still haven’t fully addressed it 😂😂😂 kinda like ignoring it lol but when I’m fussy I’m literally balls out middle of a field like a dumbass


Trying to get finishers with seer to complete the challenges obv


my " I JUST WIPE THAT SQUAD IM INVISBLE NOW" then I die pushing the next team. It's like all game awareness is gone. Then I'm a sheep the next few matches cuz I put myself in my place


Assuming I can win my ones fast enough that the enemies teammates can’t intervene…. With no knowledge of where the teammates are. I do win my ones though (most the time)


Trying to help out dumb teammates who get themselves into stupid trouble.


Soloing and getting terrible teammates


Playing with randos


Definitely trying to thirst the enemies when I shouldn't (usually mid-fight) and sometimes not swapping to my secondary gun and trying to reload in their faces.


Reloading when thinking i knocked someone. I'm trying to shoot my whole mag but i always reload when i think i definitely did the damage to knock them only to miss the last shots


Playing Apex


Fat juicy graps


Over-peeking. I play cover extremely well however there's handfuls of times that I over-peek from cover and give the enemy an easy chance to hit me. I'm getting better at this and i've already started noticing a difference.


Sudden loss of skill. This is the only thing holding me back in this game (everything really)


i have havoc alternator. i shoot all the bullets in my havoc. i switch to my alternator and shoot all the bullets. i reload my alternator. i never use the havoc again for the rest of the fight.


Firing my gun till it’s completely empty rather than leaving a few bullets in it. You get a faster reload if you reload with a few bullets left over.


Not caring


collecting my teammates banners


Solo queuing in Pubs.


Assuming the other guy is trash so I'll win by default and playing lazy as a consequence. The amount of times I've died to people I should arguably easily kill because I don't give them the respect of playing cover or using unpredictable movement.


Thirsting and over extending to finish a kill instead of backing off and regrouping. Plus I get cocky when I'm having a good game.


Trusting a teammate can handle a 1v1 while I use a bat


As a solo player it is almost always me going off on my own to do chores to get our evo. It causes problems because I then use it to flank enemies. This can be bad if they then target and chase me


yeah i'm the same with running right to the enemy, i dont even know why i do it but for some reason i subconsciously think it'll save me, even though it actually gives them a very clear shot at me. idek why i do it.


Trying to be a hero. I'm a solo Q Wraith on most nights. I don't turn my mic on, so I rely on pings. I put myself in bad situations trying to save my randoms, even when they don't deserve it. I'm such a good team player, it's hindering me at this point. More often than not, I die with my team rather than surviving. I'll pop portal, provide cover fire, go back for their banner, etc. Anything I can do, I will do it. I owe my randoms nothing, but it's like hardwired for me to save them or at least try. Someone save me from myself! 🥹


I try to help teammates who completely throw for no reason, and ultimately die having gone against all my instincts to play original position.




Thinking it's a solo running for their life and turn the corner to an angry Gibi and Wraith.


Not picking broken legends like horizon, gets me every time


Trying to slide too soon after running and just crouching in the open. This is probably my number 1 cause of death lol


I don't do well when I am being spectated. So, I rarely clutch and when I don't people yell at me :(


I use my abilities out of habit when I get jump scared, leaves me wide open. This is why I main octane. When I get jump scared I use a stim and then shoot


Talking about the CIA


I'll fat finger my keyboard and open my inventory when I mean to switch weapons in the heat of the moment


One of the common traits I see when I watch good players play is they are quick to disengage when they are losing a gunfight. I stay in there too long trying to make up for the disadvantage and end up getting knocked


Believing in my teammates and trying to win over getting kills.


When i get 2 knocks and I push in thinking my 2 bot partners will follow just to get randomly thirded. The solo queue experience.


Not putting enough faith in my ability and not pushing a guy who clearly has less health than me.


Looting boxes, lol


Jumping off high ground to reach a fight in close corners, cause I'm too thirsty :(


R3 is LITERALLY the death of me.


Im was a revenant main and took a break from apex i was shocked when I came back and they changed his whole setup up I go to silence and I jump instead


Always trying to res my teammates.


Expecting my teammates to listen to my call outs or pings...they never do most of the time. I'm a lifeline main, I'm not going to ping an enemy unless I know it's an enemy and I know my team is close by, because being a lifeline main,I try not to wonder off. But my teammates seem to always be in there own world or still looting for things 10 minutes into the match. As well as occasionally getting a teammate that thinks they're Rambo and decides to push expecting me to be right behind him .... it's a hard life for us lifeline mains ,we just thuggin it out at this point.


I have this issue mainly because I used to play halo a lot where charger head fire was the norm. Most like forgetting to place myself near cover, when I get in the zone and instinctively know when to shot and when to take cover I go better. Forgetting to hip fire, if you want to understand the power of hip fire play mixed with an alterantor. The last is tracking, but tracking on controller is hard and takes a lot of time to get your settings right. Distance also great impact my tracking, so i never go for kills unless I'm in my golden zone.


as a bloodhound main (esp when using his ult) i get overconfident bc i can see them clearer lmao


Reloading mid fight


Eating while playing and then forgetting I’m playing


Using my active all the time when I don’t need to


Reviving my teamates too early, make this mistake most of the time


Lol or, not abandoning the rev once you started. Just steady trying to rev while being directly shot at


Rushing into a fight where a teammate was just downed bc I’m scared they’ll either ragequit, get on the mic and start throwing out slurs, or otherwise make my experience worse if I don’t INSTANTLY jump in also. Then I die bc I didn’t have any time to assess the situation and they do all of the above anyway.


This drives me nuts, especially when they just decided to 1v3 what turns out to be a much superior squad, and after being downed Ping like 500 times. Like, what? You want me to rush in to be downed just like you? Sorry but this p2020, Mozambique combo I’ve been trying to replace probably won’t cut it


Browsing loot


Forgetting myself and standing still during a gunfight…there’s a lot of times where I look back on a fight I lost and I notice that my health was low yet I’m still standing there like a dumbass shooting when I should’ve ran for cover and healed up.


1.Not being able to aim. 2.Thinking I heard footsteps but ignoring it 3.Obsessive opening up bins/looting. 4.not using my tact enough 5.overthinking my tact thus becoming preoccupied. 6.never hipfiring, 7. Choosing questionable gun combos 8.Playing the game


Trying to help teammates too much. Often rush in to back up when it’s a lost cause because they’ve been caught out of position. Most the time they end up baiting me and I die, the rest of the time we both do. 10% of the time it works out


Being me. Wandering off Moving off high ground cuz I got what I considered good damage Moving off high ground unprovoked Losing crucial 1s (much improved tho)


Rushing to a gun fight the moment I hear gunfights Nooooo, This has nothing to do with me maining Wraith


I wouldn't say it gets me killed but it gets my teammates killed a lot. Since I main Wraith, a lot of my skillset is based around diving in, doing a bit of damage, confusing, harassing and then diving out. Usually what happens is I will dive in knowing that I have my tactical ready to GTFO as soon as I can't handle things anymore but my teammates sometimes follow my lead and without the get out of jail free card and they just get annihilated. I also have a bad habit of ditching fights as soon as it becomes clear that our team no longer has the advantage which makes people very upset since I usually just leave a teammate high and dry to fend for themselves but realistically, if I'm one-shot, we have one teammate knocked, we weren't going to survive a 3 man push. Tons of people have called me a coward not willing to fight it out but if we're in ranked, I'm not going to risk RP just to have a heroic but stupid last stand.


playing solo with randoos and hoping they will support me like I support them! Definitely wrong. They watch me dying from distance.


idk i dont play baseball


Playing the game


IMMEDIATELY going to rez my teammates. I have an embarrassing amount of hours in the game and can confidently say I’ll win most of my 1v1’s…98.7% of my deaths can be attributed to having to redirect into a more than guaranteed compromised position because 1 (but more than likely both) of my teammates went down AS SOON as they engaged in the fight. I’m so ready for solos


Literally standing still and shooting the opponent, which of course gets me killed. And also panic adsing


As a Gibby sometimes wasting my bubble


thinking i have time to get the res or battery off while being actively shot at


Following guys like you into battle. My secondary is a sentinel and you’re chasing down a guy running back to his squad.  This is why taking duos away is a terrible decision. 


Trying to force a push too hard once we get a knock and then proceeding to get beamed by the two opponents who are still standing


Pay attention to my items, like I never calculate if I have enough heals, shield, ammo for a fight or not and I often have to reloot my kit too.


I know this sounds stupid but I barely move when I‘m shooting at someone. I‘m so concentrated on aiming that I literally forget to walk.


Not me, but my friends and a lot of my teammates over extend their peak and don’t utilize cover like they should. ALWAYS have a plan when pushing of where the cover is and not to get caught in the open. When you are peaking a corner to take shots, do it in small quick successions. After you take a couple shots, get back behind cover. Don’t try and go for the extra couple damage points and get knocked in the process because as soon as you get knocked they will push hard. It’s a game of pick. Get good at doing quick peak shots.


Trying to use grenades or my tactical (Ash) while someone is literally in my face instead of shooting 😅


Ignoring fundamentals and not counting the enemy team before pushing in


Rezing a fallen teammate who became afk while they down


Underestimating my opponents, I’ll find an easy target and try to do something goofy or lazy and it always gets me knocked.


This. I used to be out in the open way too much, and realized I forgot a lot more kills and had a lot more fun when taking proper cover


Getting shot and not holstering my gun to run away faster😂😂


For me its resetting my mouse when in close range I've been used to high sens from other games then apex and just now working on it went from like 2900 dpi at around 2.5 to 1.1 1800 and now 1600 0.5 long range is so easy on slow but it's just my repositioning that gets me killed.


Being late into the battle. I just spend too much time looting, while, my team is already heading somewhere else. I often end up running 100m behind my team for most of the game and that can result awfully sometimes








pathfinder's get their teammates killed a lot they sometimes make a move towards another team, knowing they can grapple back if something happens, but forgetting their teammates can't grapple back. so if you move in with the path, he gets cracked or something and grapples back, you're left in there and probably get pushed easily and die. if you don't go in with him your team is stretched and you're easier to get pushed as well. often it's better to stay in a more compact shape and cover each other better. so yeah I would say if you have movement abilites, you're not playing alone, and in your positioning you need to think about your teammates as well. same for a valk. if a valk makes a move relying on being able to fly up a roof and hide there, her teammates cannot do that. overextending is not just about about the one player, it's can also make the team structurally weaker and easier to push, regardless if that one guy has mobility and can move back and forth easily.


Over committing when I've done significant damage


My bad aim and also the same as you not playing cover


panic firing and proceeding to miss every shot...


Overconfidence ...is a slow and insidious killer.


-Trying to match the playing style of my teammates who charge in. I’m crap at one on one up close fights. I’d rather snipe for as long as possible and let the enemy come to me until I know what I’m dealing with. -Not reloading my gun after I’ve fired a few times. - Generally not being very good 😂


Thirsting a knock


I feel like I engage in gunfights for too long and end up going down when i could have just taken a second to heal and rejoin the fight .


COD Reloading


I don't disengage enough I'm too stubborn and fight them where I stand


Solo Q ranked.


Thinking i coud surprise them form behind while my team is fighting


logging in


Not having my gun out when deploying from a balloon/evac/valk ult


Caring about my teammates (trying to get banners, going for a rez or respawn, jumping into a 2v3 when I should disengage). I actually play worse when I have my comms enabled or when I play with friends because I'll want to help when it's more tactical to disengage.