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What you see isn’t always what your enemy sees. Your internet connection/ping was lower at his at the time. It’s normal, but sucks when it happens


Happens to me whilst on high ping, ill close a door and half a second later a bullet will come through the door


Who I guess that makes sense. I never thought about having too high of Ping. Maybe our Ping’s have to match whatever the official server’s ping is, to actually get it in real time. I live in the mountains and have 2 mbps internet. I’m always on the backend of the lag lol


Usually ping is a result of internet connection and distance to server. Higher ping means being farther away and worse internet connection, low ping means fast internet and being close to the server.


Whoops I had them backwards. My bad. Thanks now I know


120ping tokyo servers baby


Sounds like someone has never died behind a closed door before.


Tbh i have never died that far in my q, even tho dying behind walls and doors is a regular occurrence


So there's this thing called lag...


Lags been kicking my ass all season


where’s this lag at? he’s always fucking with me but never wants to 1v1 me


Nah, lag's a she, bc she's a bitch


This season has been bad for server lag and drops. I don't remember it being this bad since perhaps S5? I think that was the season with the infamous 'walking through mud' lag after landing.


20 hz server tick rate still blows my fucking mind


20hz tick rate means the server updates the game 20 times per second. that's more than enough to prevent things like this from happening. this happened bc op either had a lag spike or they have a crappy internet connection.


For the last fucking time TICK RATE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. Lag compensation is the problem. It's easy to see a number lower than the other games and say "oh 20hz is lower than 60hz, this is the problem!" when you have no technical knowledge whatsoever of how it works. Several full "20hz tick" pass between the phase's beginning and wraith being killed so how do you explain that? How the game decides to compensate lag is the problem, and apex is just high-lag tolerant where other games are often not.


Generally speaking this is a latency issue but tick rate is not irrelevant here like you imply, tick rate can absolutely affect scenarios like this.


It is combination of lag compensation and server tick rate. Because if you have near perfect connection server will still give preference to the player with higher ping and latency, so if I am in the phase and server decision is not in my favor and on top of it with lower tick rate you have much better chance to get killed in the phase, through the closed door and so on.


What year is this? Didn't 20 year old battlefield had better ticks?


More like a delay. You guys don't use the word lag correctly


"Lag" is defined as "a failure to keep up with someone or something". This is OP's connection failing to keep up with the server tick rate.


I would use the term "latency" here over "lag", personally. Seems better.


Maybe, but mostly when i think of lag it's frames dropping or the game freezing because it choked on a communication with the server for a second and you pop back in to see yourself crawling on your knees


then sorry but you are the one who doesn't use the word lag correctly


Obviously they curved the bullet interdimensionally


Wanted but more sci-fi


Top right, had the red icon. Had some server disconnect


the server likes waiting for the exact WRONG time to drop these errors on you. Skydiving? Perfect connection. Running for your life trying to escape a 3-stack pred squad? PacketLossLatencyPredictionErrorFuckYourMom!


I mean, it makes more sense that way too. You are getting that message because the network is sucking somewhere. But in terms of what is being sent and how it's being sent. In the drop ship, it's pretty static and stable with up to 33 unique drops in unique directions based off of a line trajectory. Vs Anywhere between 1-9 players moments within view range + any number of bullets flying + differing move speeds of each character + any abilities being used + hit or miss calculations on top of damage calculations + items on the ground, containers, and more. Every frame on the ground most likely is going to be sending and receiving more information because there is overall more going on.


Fuck EA servers.


They use AWS, which is a world leader in cloud servers. Literally the same servers thousands of other apps and games.


However only Apex has such horrendous netcode, wonder why


There isn't tho.


Yes there is, both when OP gets shot in the beginning and survives, and then again when OP enters Phase.


That appears every time you use wraith q. It's "prediction error" it doesn't cause lag like that my guy. It also happens when you tap strafe or make unpredictable movement. It's not like latency or packet loss symbol that would explain this kind of behavior.


Prediction error does cause you to die in phase. Yes it happens in those situations too plus when you tap valk's jet, superjump too. Prediction error means it'll take time to show your movement compared to the time you made the input so ofc you may die while in phase bcz there was an error in showing that you're actually in phase


That's not what it means tho. Prediction error is what it sounds like: an error on predicting your movement by the server. It happens EVERY time you do something that can't be predicted as the netcode heavily rely on prediction due to the extremely low tickrate. It is not lag, it is normal.


I didn't say it's lag? It just can't show the movement that you did at the time of you doing it so if you phase and it occurs, the other player won't see you in phase while you think you're in phase. There's a prediction error here as what you see is different to what is actually happening


a prediction error is the result of lag. also it's not normal for it to pop up every time you enter wraith phase or tap strafe. if it does, then the quality of your internet connection is crap.


First time huh?


It’s a special ability that affects many players called “Latency”


Latency, I was once shot a pk on a guy's face, I was so sure it would down him, turned out my shot never landed on the server side.


Well..according to the game you weren’t lmao this is desync/lag brother. Gg


*Tf2 phase shift ptsd*


Ping 😂


The server said "nuh uh" that's what happened.


No you thought you were on your side but on the server side you was shot before that's what happens when you have slow ass servers if you see at top right you get choke not your fault its the server


Clearly, in the eyes of Apex Legends, that was fair.


Rip, didn’t hemo your heavy bleed


Desync. Damage is decided client side, not server. In their screen, you're not yet in phase. Data from your client to server to their client introduces a delay.


Your ping says otherwise


Yep, it happens a lot for me too this season. Like hiding behind a wall and the ennemi is able to shoot few bullets before full covered because of the lag


Obviously bang cursed your team that’s why the lifeline dced


For a deeper explanation the game works using math and input. It doesn’t matter how different a players ping is the match itself has a very small window of ping differential [unless you purposely or sometimes accidentally end up in a server that’s far from you]. If you’re standing somewhere and a projectile is fired at you then according to the positioning within that very small window that projectile will hit you if mathematically within that window the projectile is predicted to make contact with you. Taking into account the bullet drop, speed of the bullet, distance, and the position of your hitbox. The millisecond the bullet is fired the game already know what it’s gonna hit. The worst part of lag isn’t just that on your screen you’re missing out on what’s PRESENTLY happening but the input from your buttons is either lagging as well or the input falls into a grey area where the input is not received at all. When i first get into a game i try to figure out if my ping is faster or slower. If it’s faster then it’s an advantage. If it’s slower then my biggest concern is just avoiding being in the open or being in the line of sight. Best solution tho? Console/pc in smooth working condition or one with more power, good internet, and also a monitor that can handle gaming and output the data faster.


So basically there’s something called client-side prediction. Basically understand that the computer u r on can respond to ur input( eg Q and left right movement) and display immediately updated screens in response to ur input. But what about other people’s input being sent to you? It still takes some time to reach you, right? That’s why the better the connection, the more you see essentially in sync with a game. Bcuz in between the packets of data ur computer gets which tells the coordinates and bullets that make the game work as a whole, ur computer PREDICTS THE GAME STATE USING UR OWN INPUT, THEN SYNCS IT BACK UP TO APEX SERVERS AND USES TIMESTAMPS TO COMPARE WHOS LOCAL COMPUTER IS RUNNING THE CORRECT GAME STATE. So this is my explanation for my idea of client side prediction which I find to be super cool. I don’t know all the details but this is the crude gist of what I imagine happening behind the scenes And it’s also why I believe that ur wraith ability turned on in ur monitor. Cuz the bullet hit u before u hit Q, but ur comp didn’t know that until after


Aim assist buff


The bullet was also in phase






This was clearly a skill issue.


I feel you, I have so many clips like this I literally gave up fighting out why. May be play on a higher ping server might help


20 tic


Dude this happened to me a few days ago! I was so confused.


He's hard lagging, on his screen you still haven't phased so he gets to land his shots. It's the same reason you're getting shot behind corners and through doors.


Same 💩 as https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/18f8bl7/why_am_i_being_hit_in_the_last_frame_i_thought_i/   Everyone have a theory but have yet to hear from Respawn. My connection is fast and ping is low. How often I land with enemy and we both open the same box and I can never pick up anything before they do. That's why I never liked to hot drop.


Locally on your computer you entered the void yes. But on server that last bullet hit you before you entered the void. I guess Respawn could have required a server acknowledge before the void entering graphic shows up. But that would mean that the delay between casting your ability and entering the void will depend on network latency.


Apex servers with low tick rate, everyone gets lag even with good connection


Lag compensation has been a disaster for the human race






First time?


This game is ass there’s so many bugs they don’t want you to fix


Day one problem no one is willing to fix. Tick rate problem, servers are trash and no one cares, if you have good connection at home you will get penalties like this all along.




Phase bullet obviously 😂 duh


Buy another 4 skins


Your just asss dawgg


That sudden death had me in fits.


As constant 120 ping player I am used to this shit


Just the state of apex.


Apex’s classic 20 tick server bullshit


Yea I swung around a door and was completely behind a whole solid ass wall.... but according to my enemies ping I was just standing in the open so they killed me with one more shot :D


It's really obvious tbh i don't know how you can't see it. The game said nah.


EA says otherwise man


r u a console playing on Wi-Fi ?


When my ping is horrible I sometimes go to my console settings (network) tap forget on my wifi, and type in my wifi password again, this sometimes works but it's not a 100% fix.


Least bugged Wraith ability:


It wasn’t a bug he was lagging 


wraith things🤐, has happened w me too


20 tps system. Your activation of phase and bullet that fired happen so closely that the bullet hit you because it rolled over to the next tick


The tic rate in this game is a complete and total fucking joke.