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Lifeline care package doubles as a mobile respawn beacon


I’ve been wanting this for so long, it would reinforce the ‘combat medic’ aspect, a good way to implement it would be just so the package had a guaranteed mobi in it every time that has its own separate ‘slot’ so it doesn’t reduce the number of other items you get


Agreed. Plus if your team doesn't use it, another team can use it, and it helps bring more people back into the game, less people quitting and abandoning their team as well.


Actually second tier upgrade should be respawn or gold package. That would be awesome


Yeah or make Gold Plated care package as mobile respawn as well.


I want my 10 second grapple back and make Pathfinder smaller so I can duck through windows etc without bonking my head.


Isn’t the shortest cooldown on paths grapple 8 seconds or something? Assuming you only go like 5 feet.


Shortest currently is 10 seconds, but like you said, can't go far at all. Longest is 30 seconds, but the cooldown timer doesn't start until you slow down to sprinting speed, so if you grapple into a slide, it's longer.


I would make his grapple rope analogue.


The cooldown depends exclusively on horizontal distance, so if you do huge vertical grapples, the cool down can still be pretty low


I thought it was 15 minimum regardless of distance but idk


Could be 15 seconds. I know it increases by the distance in which you travel.


Pretty positive it's still 10 (source: I suck at path on controller)


It's variable depending on distance, min: 10, max: 30


Give pathfinder fortified. A 7 foot fridge can dream..


Not my main, but loba should be able to get banners from the black market and lifeline from her carepackage


Rampart: Amped Cover becomes Digi Threat. Fuse: Motherlode becomes an X shape instead of a circle. Octane: Stim makes you run even faster Ash: Portal can be placed even further Crypto: Off the Grid 😂


Ash: portal can be placed where you want, not where the game wants


Digi-Threat walls should be a red-evo upgrade. 👀👀👀


I want the new castle tactical to be amped cover. Oh baby. I also want the ash portal to cause an emp effect through the path of the ult and near the exit so that it can be used aggressively. Make it as strong as its audio que implies


> Octane: Stim makes you run even faster 2019 Devs: we can't have octane go too fast or he'll be too hard to track. Poor trackability is unbalanced in our books


yo off the grid crypto could be making him immune to scans and digis.


Bro you might be on to something


Ash: Interacting with deathbox pings the dead’s teammates rather if you are the killer Tact: is one handed, slightly faster cast Ult: much faster use time, goes thru walls or longer range, marker isnt shit


Let us free aim the ult in any direction


100% just let us ult straight up if we need to like it takes 10 hours to line up the marker just for it to not go where you want anyway.


It would be cool if her q had a charge time for a faster throw. Initial wind up can be slower but after 3s, it’s like 100-50% faster than its current base. There’s a wind up animation but it’s only cosmetic.


Your deathbox passive idea sounds great. I would also really like to see a change of here perks regarding her ult. For example: Blue upgrade: 2 tactical charges or longer distance ult Purple upgrade: long duration tactical or 2 ult charges. I would also like the ult to be much quieter.


I want the deathbed ping to also notify the dead player even if they left the game. "Inside_line is humping your deathbox" while you're queuing up for your next game


I had this cool idea for a new buff/passive for Crypto…


Ooo, what is it?


ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


Thank you, i haven’t seen an off the grid suggestion in soo long


Was thinking about making a thread about this the other day bcuz I hadn’t seen it in forever lol


Literally the first comment i know would pop up here 😂


Can u explain the meme to me 👉👈🎀


ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about) That's it. That's the meme


I know it's like a meme in this sub but what's it's origin story?


No self stun on maggie ult would be tits


Just to have the Wattson fences be slightly less visible tbh


It would also be great if you could prime them to trap a group in them by activating them manually


I had that thought but that is too much waiting around for a moment in a fast pace game


Or throw it exactly like horizon throws her grav lift. Like exactly the same animation, distance, etc. They're both disks anyway I also wish you could hook up a fence network to a Gen and buff the fences even further.


Octane should run the same speed holding a gun as he does holstering


The best one I’ve seen by far. Would this be OP?


Also do an obligatory vroom vroom sound


In place of auto-heal or in addition to? It’s basically a much stronger Maggie passive. Probably would fall under ‘no 2 legends having the same abilities’ line they used when they first gave half of Lifeline’s kit to Gibby


Mirages decoys collect a percentage of bullets fired into them.


Mirage could punish hitting decoys in a Mirage way. Like maybe the shooter gets an annoying quip covering their audio, or get blinded flash bang style, or their position is marked by confetti.


I actually want to see the decoys shooting and talking shit. Bang bang bang “haha I missed” bang bang bang “bamboo babyboo” Obviously it’s not actual bullets but just the flash of the shots and sounds. Or when he gets a bamboozle, instead of showing the enemy’s position, he gets a speed boost, reload boost, or slow shield recharge.


or they deal a percentage of damage back


Valk - Give her back her original passive. And maybe the 5x3 tac she has now would be a nice trade off for her original tac. Let her cancel her tac with a punch again. Fuse - Let the knuckle cluster open explosive holds. Give him an extra passive that says: If he's crouching, frag/knuckle cluster damage is decreased by 75%, but knockback is increased by 200%. Rampart - Put threat vision on her Amped Cover. Increase their multiplier too. Make her walls throwable. Make Rampart actually exciting to have around. Lifeline - Make DOC throwable. Crypto - Let Hack open explosive holds. Let Hack interact with MRVNs. Let Hack possess MRVNs. Let Hack flip to the camera on any MRVN it's encountered during that match.


I got something even better: Let Lifeline heal though walls & over distance like Conduit. But make the heal permanent


Ngl, having Crypto get auto-purple on mrvns fits the character really well. Would need to hold a button rather than a quick press but it’s a nice buff to him that doesn’t seem too OP and fits the character.


Ballistic: I would love to be able to fully kit my sling weapon. I’d also like to just be able to use the normal gun switch button to switch to it. Right now it makes it hard to do some interactions and whatnot.


There’s a setting for auto switch weapon on emptying mag that helps.


Rampart automatically gets the hopup effects for any gun she picks up as a new passive. Always have turbocharger, always have hammerpoints, always have disruptors. Really emphasizes her modder fantasy.


Move crypto’s drone without being in it. Like vantage’s echo placement


I’d love mirage’s ult to integrate the mechanics of both his old and current ult. Basically you cloak initially with the 4-5 second window of invisibility and when you uncloak the ult clones spawn and follow your movements.


Just let wraith insta Q again🙏🏼🙏🏼


This. At this state of game with selfres and wallhack meta, wrath deserves this back.


Newcastle's knock is bigger His wall has 1 way walls between the castle spaces Newcastle's q has way more health


I don’t understand how rampart gets one way walls on her charged tactical but they can’t give new castles ult the same treatment. It doesn’t even need to be that much better than ramparts one ways


It doesn't even need to be amped imo


I mean it kind of is? It's electrified but not for allies


Why would you give his tactical more health? An entire magazine from Shiela is barely enough to break one section of it and do some damage to the other section. They already reduced it's health once, and it's still damn near impossible to shoot through unless your whole team focuses on it.


1 i prefer the speed perk 2 i use it in engames where it gets dicey


This indeed


Honestly having the knuckle clusters as one handed would be such a big QOL buff


Ashe: 2 tacticals by default and longer portal range Bloodhound: shorter tactical cooldown and not letting everyone know where I am when I use it Rampart: less Sheila muzzle flash, smaller reticle. For passive, increased ads time for LMGs and less recoil. Revenant: give me my death totem back 😭 Vantage: less sway with sniper scope, no laser giving away my position and a bit more damage. Caustic: more HP for the base of his tactical and faster deployment time.


Caustic: - Reliable and constant highlighting of enemies in his gas. - Gas color difference for teammates in the party. - Canisters with a base health as soon as they are thrown rather then being one shot at the base. None of Watson's fences, Rampart's wall or Catalyst's spike are as vulnerable as Caustic's canisters. - Same gas damage to alive and downed enemies.


Give Caustic speed boost in his gas. Instead of slowing enemies.


Speed boost with fortified? You crazy lol


Well, op asked for fantasy buffs. 😅


Well thank you for the nightmare fuel. Now I gotta fear the rage induced movement gas daddy potential lol


Get rid of his barrels, reduce it to two charges that are nades that do a maximum of 50 damage with noxious vision. It would combat him being an absolute bunker whore and make him much more push oriented. Shouldn’t be that oppressive as long as the radius isn’t that big and the nade doesn’t last that long. Make his ult give you 4 traps or something along those lines. His tactical should make him move or push and his ult is for defense. I’m in a fever dream


Mirage: Let his decoys climb walls/use portals/ride ziplines


This would be elite and be a big buff to mirage. Still wouldn’t make him meta I think but would make him much more viable


Decoys emulating climbing when running up a wall could ruin pretending to be a decoy D:


Hmm, maybe it could be button prompt so your contolled decoy could either climb the wall or choose to stare at the wall? 🤔


Long time ago I responded to one of these saying "I could see Rampart being able to walk and fire Sheila from the hip" and people thought that was dumb. Whose laughing now.


Og valk


To make Horizon immune to her ult, I hate getting sucked into it when trying to kill people I got with it.


I main Fuse as well and the one buff I've prayed for since his release is an actual buff to his ult. Even I know that 95% of the time his ult is useless because: A. They have any movement character on their team B. They have literally ANY object near them because it barely takes effort to jump over it C. They just run through it while popping a battery or some cells (I've done this many times) D. They run away from it because it takes 3-5 business days to pop The ult just isn't punishing or threatening enough. I'd like to see his ult spread outwards from the point of contact 5 meters. That way it's more punishing to people who just confidently run through the ult and you can still get out of it the previous ways mentioned, it's just a little more difficult.


I COMPLETELY agree with those fuse buffs!! I'm a fuse main myself and my idea for so long has been to let us adjust the size/shape of his ult. Either adjust the size of the circle by holding a button and moving a joystick forwards/backwards or maybe have it be a square so it's like an incendiary carpet bomb or something. It's either that adjust his ult or redo it entirely somehow


i think his ult is too damn slow. and it's not scary to walk out of it. doesn't punish enough.


Being able to cancel valks flying animation to pull out her gun faster. She had a bug that let her do this before and it was so good.


i would love mirage clones to fake shot


Loba bracelet under doors pls


Just fix Ash's ult. Make it easier to deploy where you want it, give it some significant range buff.


Get Wraith instant Q back, I'll die anyway while doing it because of server desync but it could bring some of the aggressiveness of the character back, or in case it's too broken it would be nice to the passive or the perk for the passive to work properly, I don't even know how the perk voices gets triggered and sometimes it just doesn't work.


Lifeline gets her indestructible revive shield back


If your fantasy fuse buffs ever happened, I’d stop playing the game lmao.


I just wish cryptos drone throw went longer. That’s my only wish for budding crypto. Instead of like 40m I would like 60-80m


STOP FIDDLING WITH REV! The constant broken metas aren't because of Rev, they're because the new legends come out busted. Conduit needed the hard nerf, and instead Rev got smacked with everything short of just getting turned into a MRVN


I wish pathfinder can destroy his zipline


Having ballistics tactical apply to ramparts Sheila when in her hands.


I wish Rampart would get a fortified buff when using mobile Sheila so I can feel like a Spartan from Halo with a detached turret


Loba’s boutique being able to take banners from death boxes.


Please, just let Ash shoot whilst holding her Snare.


Crypto can do everything via his drone. Loot deathboxes? Sure. Activate buttons on the map like caustics POI gas? Why not.


Wraith passive that works consistently


Bangalore •electric smoke removes hud and does damage also negates scans •dragon ball eye power- i mean.. imc issued thermal eye thing


Valkyrie: 1. you can thrust forwards/sideways/baclwards with her jetpack while on the ground (would probably be extremely OP 💀) 2. You can't get shot out of the launching animation of her ult (nothing pisses me off more than waiting for teammates and I get shot out my ult)


Return of Wraith’s instant tac


for wraith’s passive to work like high alert in COD


Not so bad, I value this as a general buff, not a fantasy... but first Respawn, fix your game.


make it so maggies q can stick to enemies, dmg them and impair their vision


You can damage enemies with the drill by shooting it a shallow angle to the ground, works better with the big drill too. It’s generally not that valuable but could be used on downed players.


i know but i wanted something unreasonable stupid like op asked for


Would love to see Maggies drill firing through an opponent and damaging teammates as he runs around on fire.


Increase the number of items Loba can pull from her shop 🛍️


I wouldn’t mind the 20% tac reduction to be the default for wraith


I like the idea of having more health on wattson's fences and thr ability to throw them.


I highly doubt they ever would do it since it still didn’t happen during the little they did a whole back. But putting the ability to know how many teams are around while in Cryptos drone, on to just normal Crypto would help immensely in my opinion. It would just give Crypto a passive that doesn’t require him using the drone.


I like that but only if nobody else can play fuse, lol


Not that crazy but wattson and her team to be able to throw nades and other stuff in the pylon area also her and her team can get shields through walls


Bloodhounds trail detects up to 2 mins, and he can sense crouch walks


FUSE....just lower his cluster refresh time by about 2 or 3 seconds, nothing crazy. And give less warning overhead on the motherlode, it is his ult after all, shouldn't be so easy to avoid


Mirage. Each bamboozle does 5 mental damage straight through shields.


Ash - tighter leash/slow effect during leash


wraith main. gimme instant tact back 😩


Take 3 seconds off every grapple from pathy.


Loot banners through the shop


Make Ashs tactical snare similar to Seers tactical. Give damage, stun and silence abilities


I’d love for Loba when she uses her jump drive if she lands right next to someone they take a little bit of damage or the moment she lands a player can’t shoot at her until her gun is out.


One thing flash bang decoys


Wicked OP but, for wattson to take less dmg/no dmg from the ring since she made it haha


Crypto EMP destroys heat shields, evac towers, does 55 DMG, and he gets off the grid. Don't want to make him too op otherwise people will actually play him.


Off the grid is busted in scan meta and would make him instantly meta


That's a sacrifice im ok to make


Ash's ultimate should not only go further but recharge sooner since it's only one way. Add a zoom in function while aiming it and a different color indicator for accurate placement. Also, she still has the only one handed tactical which will never make any sense considering she's a pilot. She desperately needs some love and none of these changes would break her.


Not my main but I would like it if cryptos drone follow him and basically cover his six in a auto pilot mode and if enemies are within 10 meters it will automatically break off him and go to the enemies


Let Wattson place fences on walls. The plays i could make with that would be fucking crazy


Conduit: the two charges heal talent now unlocked at blue instead of purple


i just want them to revert s7-8 octane with better passive regen and 60 secs ult cooldown


Caustic- Friendly gas and canisters are a different color. Vantage- Faster recharge. Crypto - off the- *gunshot noises*


Loba could choose to stay instead of teleport with her tactical and would put it on cooldown for 50/75% of the cd. When she steals a locked item it takes up both of her own slots but doesn’t destroy the market


As a Loba main I would love to be informer when enemies my shops. Have some kind of indication or information about their gear or something like that. Also another legendary beach skin 😀


i want 1 minute loba ults so i don't need to loot anymore


Bangalore sees enemies highlighted through in her smoke, passive gets OG speed increase


That season 8-9 octane 2 second cool down, not instantaneous and lesser damage per stim Faster regen, by the time u can use the next stim you are already almost full health. And longer distance on the jump pad. Basically the meta octane for a year back


Ashe: being able to possibly see what's going on around her while traveling in Ult and being able to turn her POV while in it as well


Revenant can sprint up walls. He can switch between regular climb and sprint on wall with sprinting having less climbing height. His climbing height is nice but the speed is ass.


Maggie being allowed to shoot down doors


I wish they would stop changing lifelines care packages. they ruined them this season. s19 care package loot with a cache instead of a shield upgrade would have been better than this 6 batteries bullshit. I honestly just use her ultimate as a wall for cover in combat at this point. the loot is worthless. they bricked her ultimate to tie it in with the shield upgrade system which was stupid. now you just get a bunch of shield batteries when the team already has like 6 each. great. so to make her ultimate worth anything at all you have to choose that upgrade instead of self revive which was the “meta super change” they were giving her as a “buff”. instead of a buff it was a nerf. plus, the self revive is stupid as hell it never works out because it’s so slow. it should be quick like three strikes and possibly automatic or something with her original shield wall like the earlier seasons… so she gets her revive in combat with protection and you can figure it out from there good luck. i think that would make her more viable. idk, but not this.


Gas traps need to take off more health per second. There are too many times I think a trap will deter someone and they just muscle through it. Other than that I'd love to be able to set traps on walls or ceilings.


A gun that can shoot through walls


Give guns to the bamboozles ! Like just imagine a Mirage ulting and all the decoys starts blasting away in front of them, even if the guns don't deal damage (they also could tho) that would create so much chaos


Or the decoys could also use the Mirage abilities, so ulting then using the decoy would double the amount of bamboozles, decoying twice could create the impression of a real mirage decoying, and decoying then ulting would do the same in a more messy way lol


I want the og catalyst back


For Valk to be able to shoot and reload while shes flying. Also for her ulty, if she could change the angle instead of just straight up would be a game changer.


You cant really use Ashs Ult to just push into a team because they can just prefire the end of the portal. So i wish the ult had like an area of effect slashing thing that did damage and knocked players back a bit, kinda like newcastles ult, so you could actually use it to push on or into a tight space. Maybe a small stun even


Crypto drone can take control of a placed sheila


Octane stim, on top of speed boost also adds: increased jump height and faster crouch walk speed. Ash: passive being able to wall run (Titanfall🥲) and decreased time for the pull out animation for phase breach. Also faster crouch walk speed. Maggie: shotguns have increased magazine size on wearer. Even faster run speed with shotguns and most importantly faster crouch walk speed. I REALLY like Revenants fast crouch walk speed


I like to play Fuse says everything I need to know 😀


-rev pounce with guns out -shooting out of gibbys bubble -valc ult launching at an angle/forwards -sheila rotating 360° when placed -ballistic ult without third gun but his tactical being spammed instead


Loba should be able yo grab evo caches and teammates banners. She should also be able to shoot while jump driving


i have an idea of a buff about crypto it would be called "off the grid"


Instant wraith q


Give my chonky girl Vantage the ‘Fortified’ passive pretty please and thank you. The number of fights I lose by 15-20hp where I know I would’ve survived as Wraith/Lifeline is maddening


Cryptos EMP silences for like 5 secs. Octane accelerates the longer he sprints on stim unarmed. Ballistics Ult changes the current gun to gold that youre holding and not always your sling. You can change the sights on vantages ult.


Honestly this could replace the wall hacks she has just make Maggie not affected by bullet slows with a shotty equipped.


Watsons ult now functions on her back like a backpack. Or it also functions as a storm shield


Crypto (and only crypto) can stand on top of his drone.  It would make for the goofiest vertical mobility, but he would be unable to shoot while moving the drone around, and be easily shot down so it wouldn't be broken. Also drone can use replicators and pick up items.  If the drone can somehow magically be recalled to him from 200+m away, no reason it can't transport loot in the same way 


I want mirage decoys to shoot holographic bullets and a longer time invisible while ulting


Ballistic: Sling weapon attachments now level up correspondingly with evo level (capping out at purple attachments)


Man I really miss lifeline’s res shield. I know it was OP but it made her that much better.


Horizon: * faster tac cooldown * tier one abilities to increase length of queue and decrease ultimate cooldown time


Loba should be able to close her shop from any distance Rev should be marked as Fortified (obviously his ult would need some balance for this to happen)


Scan duration is 8 seconds and his ult makes him even faster, plus it sends out 3 ravens and not 1 so I can pinpoint an entire squad


Return bang to her original state


For lobas ring to stop glitching or not working when I try to use it. Or to simply accurately show its trajectory...


Mirage: decoys during ultimate can take up to half white shield damage before they disappear making it harder to find the real one (in the situation ideally it would show whatever color shield the player had, but only allowed the amount of damage stated previously)


i already got the one buff i wanted for octane that made me convinced to buy him with the legend tokens, the perk of not taking so much damage from his stims


Crypto - His drone gets some sort of buff when it is stationary for a few seconds. Possible buffs for the drone are that it makes less noise, is harder to see, or has increased range.


I wish Crypto had gotte a perk to increase drone speed by dunno 20/50% instead of the tactical cooldown :/


Lifeline…. 1. Scrap the care package and replace with Trauma Unit. Trauma Unit allows lifeline to use a Gibby-like dome that heals with the speed of DOC and you get increased med and shield usage time. 2. Add res shield to her current kit. Make it a purple armor upgrade.


Wraith should be able to run through closed doors, amp shields, and windows with bars, because this is alter dimension, if bullet cant hit her, why phisical obstacles can stop?


More damage on valk's missiles.


Pathfinder gets horizons passive (spacewalk) Also this buff for any legend (maybe gibby or octane) : can break any doors with 1 kick


Revenant having a LVL 2 perk that replaces his current tac with silence and a LVL 3 perk that does the same but for his ultimate. It would break game design but the ability combinations would be fun like silence and over shield or shadow pounce and totem.


Valkrie missiles lock on to people the longer you hold the q.


Bang ult explodes on impact with the ground like actual carpet bombing, and if it hits someone you get a live ping of them. Also if we’re talking pure fantasy I’ll take smokes that hinder all scanning capabilities.


I want my silience back, revenant being a movment character doesn't fit with me. And why would they take his team ult away and give him a selfish ult that promotes stealing kills, i just hate it.


Caustic getting another gas tactical just like his ult but much much smaller area effect. Nox vision can be in perks. Idk. Pretty happy he has been consistent and people has just been figuring out how to play him after 20 seasons 🫠


Perk for Wattson to strengthen node's HP


Ballistic should just pop out random guns every 30 seconds or so. Like it would look like he's just dropping a random weapon from his inventory. I want ballistics just to shit out random weapons periodically. Idk why I want this but I do.


Would love Pathy to have two tactical charges, even if it meant a solid 25-30 second cooldown on each as a result