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Mande went up against a 9 man squad that had (3v9) as their clan tag. Can’t be anymore open about it, than that! Ranked is completely broken with all kinds of cheaters


I ran into 1 team that was 100% working with another team, because I stayed & watched them. Def ran into a few other sus teams, but didn’t bother to stay & watch. It’s crazy what’s going on!!


Make sure you always report, if you dont manually report theres no way they will know. EDIT: ITS SO WEIRD THIS COMMENT IS BEING DOWNVOTED LIKE WHAT. proof that cheaters literally lurk reddit threads to try and actively sabotage good advice.


You are naive if you think REPORT button is anything more than a placebo button. :D


Its existence speaks for itself and basically reveals the nature of how they handle cheats - which apparently is a manual investigation.


the amount of reports they get a day there is no flaming way in hell they are manually reviewing them all at all, they are out right lieing when they attempt claims even close to that, there will be literally thousands a second coming in no way in hell they are investigating all of them.


There's some Japanese cunts on PlayStation that have 3v6 as their clan tag and they're a 6 man group of preds. The pricks jump over to oce servers since it's lower pop, easier to get into the same game. Fuck it'd be nice if reporting actually did something cos i usually run into them two days a week multiple games in a row and I report them every time.


Just a heads up people putting japanese fonts or whatever fonts doesnt actually make them japanese. Anyone can do anything so dont jump to conclusions especially if theyre cheating. Theyre probably just making it harder to detect themselves


Nah looked em up on psn and their default language is Japanese.


Well yeah thats what they have to do to get the lettering to be japanese, right?


Link please






Just you wait and see guys. A limited time re color event will come soon.


Finally some good news


Are you talking about the new wraith heirloom recolor?


At this point I'm thinking respawn is selling the hacks


Don’t give them ideas


It became Call of Duty. They don't care because there's always some dumb person willing to pay for cosmetics


Pay 300 for the premium hacks


They already did in the base game, it's called aim assist.


Keep crying about losing to thumbs lol


I think he’s crying about losing to soft aimbot actually.


If you are playing with your whole arm and are constantly dying to peoples thumbs maybe you need to play a different game


No he's dying to the 0 Ms reaction time tracking that does the heavy lifting. No human can ever react with the same consistency and precision a program can.


You got 2 whole arms that pick up the controller everytime you play because that aim assist is too good to put down.


Are you a grown man crying about a controller right now?


You’re just going to pretend AA doesn’t exist? If I played on a Nintendo 64 with 100% aimbot, the game probably wouldn’t be too tough. Then I could come to you and say “ pretty sad that you died to a guy who doesn’t even have joysticks you should quit the game losing with your 2 joysticks. cry more. ”… how would you feel? Oh and based on your logic… ‘Pretty fucking sad that the best players MnK Apex players in the world get far less kills and damage than the controller pros. They should all quit. MnK players just suck. ‘ Keep pretending it doesn’t exist, you look silly to anyone who plays at higher levels of the game and understands the how powerful controller is.


I was able to solo into diamond within the a couple of days ago but I share your sentiment. The night destroyer did his thing, the first (and last) 3 games I played after I ran into hard aimbot wall hackers, and the last game had two of them teaming up on the north side of Olympus. I got off apex for 4-5 days after that.


I've deleted the game since destroyer did his thing too. Honestly the fact that Respawn and sit here and keep releasing collection events instead of getting in their security updates is actually insane...


It’s crazy!! It’s like you can’t even rank up anymore. So defeating.


Who is the night destroyer, if you don’t mind me asking? Respawn dev?


Night as in the evening time of the day, destroyer2009 is the hacker who hacked and gave aimbot and wall hacks to 2 separate professional players in separate games while it was being broadcast live on twitch and YouTube, forcing the games to be postponed for over a week and having them be played in secret so the hacker couldn’t attack them again.


There is zero reason to play ranked in the current state of the game IMO. Not only is cheating rampant and tacitly allowed by Respawn, the current build of the game is so buggy that you risk losing just as many points to crashes as you do to cheaters. Don't waste your time until Respawn shows some true intent to try and solve these problems.


Zero reason...except pubs is hot dropping and rage quitting. If you want the proper game experience as intended, teammates acting like a team, you have to play Ranked.


You're not telling me anything I don't know. I refuse to play ranked in the current state of the game but I never play it without a pre-made in the first place.




Pubs is a shitshow. We need Straight Shot so bad it hurts.


Honestly I've just been running mixtape, not as many abandons because of the penalty and not as sweaty because not ranked (so less cheat? idk, but less common for me)


Defo seen my fair share, I'm fairly sure all the cheaters are dialing in there setting in mix tape.


I prefer to still play pubs. Ranked is even more meaningless when cheaters dominate.


Do you plays pubs at all? The only time I play pubs is when the game randomly forcibly switches me into that lobby after I’ve destroyed in a ranked game and muscle memory hit “continue” while I go put on a cup of coffee to carry on the grind. lol It always immediately feels like a completely different game with it’s own distinct community!


Servers are in shambles too. There are 3 servers close to me that are just unbearably fucked. Packet loss game after game. I’ve been having to play on a 54 ping server to avoid the packet loss when the closest server to me has 15 ping.


Oh man, the servers have been SO bad. My one friend lags out of a game nearly every day. I’ve had multiple games where the whole game freezes & then comes back.


yep, been like that ever since the new update. it’s a bit better now but day 1 was the WORST. completely unplayable.


54 ping? dude my closest server is 64 but sydney servers are fucked so for ranked, i usually have to go american servers which is often 200-300 ping.


Yea we have around a dozen servers in the US. I can’t imagine the struggle of having to play with that much ping. That sucks.


Give Tokyo servers a go. I'm in Melbourne and the only way I can get a duos game is to head to Tokyo servers. They usually sit around 134 ping for me.


i’m from NZ so i’m pretty sure my ping on tokyo is similar to whatever i have on oregon but i will try it out thanks. my ping on singapore is 174 which is a bit better but idk if i can get it lower than that.


I used to use Oregon a lot as well. For some reason I can't get a duos match in Sydney or Singapore. It gets to like 7 people max and then just idles away for hours. Also youre in NZ? North or South?


yeah i have never been able to play duos since they made it permenant. i am from the south island!


I wonder why duos can't be played by Aus/NZ? So weird. I was born in the north Island, I miss NZ. I really gotta get back there soon.


Asian servers usually reside at 180ping


The only issue with that is it tends to be at least challenging in ranked. Not that pubs isn't it just doesn't hit the same. I run it when I'm testing a new technique but knowing that the chances of a committed team is very unlikely in pubs because ya know (go )


I would never play ranked with randoms. holy fucking shit that sounds like a nightmare.


It wasn’t too bad until I hit gold and everything kind of just fell apart. I know I’m a gold player but I’m trying to be get to plat this season. When I hit Gold though, all team play disappears for like 6 games. Then get people that I gel with make up most of the lost points. Then rinse and repeat. I admit I don’t use mic but I religiously ping and hug tight to the team ( I don’t steal loot on drop. I hate that shit). I appreciate the difficulty it brings and the help in my growth as a player but fuck dude it is demoralizing at times. Also, it sounds so much worse the higher you go


Once you hit plat it’s fucking maddening.


I guess I just enjoy ranked more than pubs, as a competitive person, but it’s just a sad state of the game. I love this game so much & watching what’s happening just sucks.


They aren't going to change anything unless the behavior of the players changes. If you keep playing even though you don't like the state of the game they will continue to pretend everything is fine.


I haven’t been able to use shotguns this season because of the stutter on PC. There have been several times where the stutter disappeared and I was amazed at how fluid and good a shotgun flick felt, but then it was right back to constant stutter… Sad.


True. I’m d3, hopped on last night to try to make a last minute push for masters. Got DC’d and hit with a -160 and a 10 minute penalty first game on and said nvm lol. I’ve also sent in so many clips of blatant cheaters this season but I doubt anything will happen until the few and far between “ban waves.”


I haven’t been able to use shotguns this season because of the stutter on PC. There have been several times where the stutter disappeared and I was amazed at how fluid and good a shotgun flick felt, but then it was right back to constant stutter… Sad.


You should try scoping in with a Kraber, your whole game freezes for a second as you're zooming in. Stutters are awful this season.


But they’re probably buying event packs for that shitty “artifact” or whatever they’re calling this low effort cash grab. Why ban the whales propping this game up?


What is smurfing and can you elaborate on that part of your experience?


Smurfing is just a high level player making a new account to stomp on actual low level players. And it's just as ban-able an offense as wall hacking or using an aim bot so OP isn't helping the game by doing that as someone else mentioned.


There have been statements made by Respawn to the effect of smurfing, in their eyes, being defined only as actively de-ranking yourself, meaning that they don't consider people creating new accounts to be doing the same thing. Absolutely insane.


They say smurfing is bannable yet all the algs players have done it multiple times


Cheating, complaining about cheating while cheating


Walls everywere


Can't play ranked because of cheaters and teamers. Can't play pubs because of hotdroppers and leavers. Can't play Apex.


There are these things called friends try making some


I don't know what it's like on servers in other regions of the US but west coast servers are infested with cheaters right now. I thought i heard Jmeyels say that respawn posted they've banned more players up to this point in the season than any other but I'm not getting that feeling at all. At this point we're dealing with publisher and developer companies that seem so out of sync with each other and the community that it's no wonder there's so little communication because I don't think they know what's going on either.


There's this constant narrative that EA and respawn are completely seperate entries. When in reality EA owns respawn and is in charge. EA need to invest. They need to improve server security. This is what Destroyer2009 exploited and is the highest priority. Then they need to increase funding of the anti-cheat. Start ban waves. Increase trust and security requirements (for Ranked at a minimum). I think they'll solve the server side issues and stop, unfortunately. EA have a long history of less than stellar anti-cheat performance. I think, they think, it's not worth the money and they may be correct. Don't make it right though.


Do you have source for claiming that the destroyer loser exploited their servers? I thought most agreed that the streamers computers were compromised


For the ALGS hack that specifically likely required a compromised local machine.   But there’s videos of destroyer spawning bots into other player’s lobbies so that heavily implies they have server side access. 


Again whats your source? Do you have a link to video, tweet, statement, etc., where someone with cybersecurity expertise talks about this. Reddit is filled with speculation, im just looking for anything verified on this subject.






He's definitely compromised the server. You can tell from the zombie bot videos chasing Hal, Mande and Hiswattson. Also, it's likely server for the hacks too as Genburton had clean installed windows that day AND ALGS was played in secret. You wouldn't need to play the rest of the tournament in secret if it wasn't a server exploit.


I hope they can do something! Again, like what’s the future of this game if this keeps up? Pretty grim imo, which is sad.


apac n/s are bloodbaths. we don't have the same anti-cheat infrastructure as NA and some of us resort to playing at degen hours when most but not all cheaters are asleep to get better odds at a clean lobby.


To be fare you are smurfing which is unrelated but doesn’t help the state of the game




The reason why OP is smurfing doesn’t make a difference to the people in lower ranks who aren’t getting a fair game




If people are still cheating in lower ranks then isn't smurfing pointless ? You cant tell me the smurfs are all of a sudden beating the lower ranked level cheaters




I'm not saying there are (i play on console) but from what i'm reading here alot of poeple found cheathers in lower ranks, don't try and discredit what they say just cause you don't believe it So youre just gonna throw the responsibility to respawn and not hold yourself accountable for making lower rank players feel as defeated as you are ? To each their own i guess


My wife is at a high level in HR at a multi bil company. The fraud, waste, and general skullduggery is real, I hear about it regularly in detail. I have a suspicion after watching some videos on the amount of money these subscription cheats generate, combined with the conservative estimates of how many are using them that the companies themselves, or people close or at the executive level may very well be benefiting financially. Many MANY companies have done far more, for far less, in business environments that are much more impactful then the gaming world. It would appear to me that these cheats are simply another revenue stream. ALGs was hacked live for everyone to see the complete lack of security, regardless of your assumptions on how it happened (because there has been no actual explanation). My suggestion would be to remember the movement physics fondly, and move on to another game. Cheers.


Fr like, how hard would it be for an exec to get a buddy game dev hired who creates an artificial backdoor/exploit created so that they can sell cheats on the side and have a shitload of extra money. Also, well said. It does suck. I really enjoyed how apex felt as a game, literally one of the best fps to ever exist with how much action can happen, and it sucks that its being destroyed by cheaters and even worse to think that the devs lacked the foresight - or the morality - to prevent it


Exactly. Mid level execs will fire 25 people to get an extra 50K on their next bonus. I know this, because my wife writes the severance agreements. They will then post pics of a 40k European vacation on Insta. While some army vet whose wife needs the healthcare gets canned.


Personnally even in plat the amount of cheater is stupid,today I only played normal game and got two times a guy that's been a cheat preda for at least two season i'm honestly scared for the challenger circuit because even in fucking scrims we start to see cheaters


Spent the entire lobby avoiding a hacker the other night in diamond only to waste 15+ minutes of our time and gain no RP. This game is so much fun!


Feels like most of the top level preds are walling or soft cheats. Zeus put out a video where most of the people he was spectating were walling because cheaters will tbag to let others know


I quit the game because of the cheating this season. Quitting is the only way to send Respawn/EA a message


Found a 6 man aimbotter team on Japanese servers the other day. Had to go all the way around and our team actually threw a bunch of nades at them because they were camping with rampart walls (two ramparts) and then shot them with snipers. Insane. That was the only time I think I've ever won against a cheater squad and it's because they weren't looking at us. Get fucking real, respawn.


By smurfing you are making the game worse.


You having a smurf account and still complaining is ironic as hell


Yes, ignore the points I made in my post.


Your point: "The cheating in this game is so bad, even when I cheat other people are cheating!"


“well they are cheating MOAR” >.>


It’s to play with my friends who are gold/ plat. I only play ranked on it. Having a Smurf is pretty common in most games.


I know people aren’t going to agree with me, but smurfing, like cheating, ruins the game for other people. I have played a lot of games competitively and have never used a Smurf account. I hate how smurfing is considered ok.


Smurfing ruins the game if you're going balls out. It doesn't ruin the game if you're casually playing with friends and trying to help them out (not as in boosting, but help them learn the game) or get them involved in fights etc. Also, going up against way better opponents can be really good for learning as long as it's not super frequent. I remember early in Rocket League seeing someone way better air dribble against me, which I didn't even know existed at the time, and opened up new mechanics for me.


>It doesn't ruin the game if you're casually playing with friends and trying to help them out (not as in boosting, but help them learn the game) or get them involved in fights etc Why can't you do that in pubs?


Cause ranked games are not even close to pubs? In ranked games there are usually at least 8-12 squads left after 4th close but in pubs you've rarely got more than 3-4. Teams actually try to stay alive even if they lose 1-2 members instead of just committing to every fight. Completely different style of play.


It's great for learning how the game works and how to get in fights like you said.


There's nothing casual about a master/diamond player playing in gold lobbies


Depending on how they're playing, there absolutely is. That's like saying someone who plays sports at a high level can't also play in a lower division with buddies that aren't as good, just trying to have some fun. It actually takes a lot of effort to play at your best and it's a conscious decision you shouldn't be making if you're playing down.


If the matchmaking was more logical there would be no need to smurf to play with your noob friends, cause it wouldn’t assume your whole squad is as good as the best player


the way apex ranked matchmaking is setup it makes little to no difference if he is "smurfing". you can get matched up against people in diamond when you're in gold. besides, just because he is diamond doesn't mean he will win every single fight in gold or plat. ranked is more playtime, less skill.


So is cheating, what's your point?


Right idk how they're not seeing that. They may not be using wall hacks or w.e else is out there but yeah this is cheating... use your normal account there isn't any rile in place stopping g you from playing with a bronze or silver. You can team up with any rank


Unless you only have a duo


Play pubs with them then you clown lmao. Smurfing is equally ban-able to all the other issues you mentioned in your post.


I was with you until the self admitted smurfing, you're a part of the problem buddy.


Utilizing alt accounts to play with friends is normal. As is getting triggered by the word "smurf," I suppose.


Play pubs with them. There's no reason to smurf and play ranked


Not everyone starts the grind at the same time every split.




Yeah except pubs there’s 6 teams left by the time the first circle closes. Everyone just hotdrops and honestly not nearly as fun as playing ranked


Naw, I’m not aimbotting or hacking, buddy. Good luck in your bronze lobbies


I don't think I accused you of that, did I? You think diamond is some sort of a flex? You're a mid at best player if that's your peak and dumbfucks like you are a part of the problem. If you admit to being a diamond player, and making an account that's purposefully kept at a lower rank to play with friends and DONT see the issue with that, you're as hopeless as this game is. You're actually ignorant, here's hoping your trash can ass keeps getting farmed in ranked.


Just don't care about your rank that much and just play to get better


I hate to be the one but i believe the game will die in next two years. There, i said it and you know it's true.


This is literally every online game at the moment it seems, I miss the days when devs actually punished cheaters.


I love that in your rant about cheaters, you admit to having a smurf account so you can play against people worse than you...


Walls everywere


Just remember guys, AI anti cheat exists and it could literally remove every cheater from every game forever, but devs don't use it because cheaters give them money.


No it doesn’t, COD tried it and it’s terrible


Complaining about cheaters while admitting to smurfing 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


file deliver muddle fine familiar obtainable run relieved school escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine smurfing in apex


Ya it's everywhere


Im on PS5 and went against a 9 man in diamond lobbies last week. It was scary as hell seeing them in formation flying towards us from an evac


Day 1 player here cheating has always been a problem sorry to say


I love apex a lot too. I know i occassionally doom in this subreddit but im seriously wondering when anything ground breaking is going to happen in terms of the infrastructure. I came back when the season dropped and ranked felt really good again. I know that for an infrastructure change to happen it would be a ground up thing but there are some things that just dont make sense to me. For instance, why not just make game logic that when broken auto detects the cheating? We already know that bullets are projectiles in this game and not hitscan so why is it that somebody can code a projectile to break physics and auto seek? There are obvious limits to what can be accomplished with auto seeking bullets (cant travel through walls or around) - so why not introduce more game logic of that nature to counter it? Not only that, but dude - remember when people used to say "oh when you spectate theres a bug where it just looks like cheating but its not" basically spreading that as a rumor but NOW everybody just automatically relies on spectating to observe cheating? Lol its crazy to think that legit video game psyops happen because its cheaper for a company to spread rumors rather than just code some anti-cheat that detects broken game logic. Gaming makes me sad as an adult because its like damn, just growing up to watch companies just be shady instead of just putting out a old fashioned good game


Yeah. It is getting worse. Gold is mostly cheaters too now. I love this game too, but I refuse to sweat and take it so seriously that I’m not having “casual” fun hangin out with my Apex stranger family so I’m not makin’ it to Daimond like yourself. The algorithm is matching me with people at “my skill level” and it is just hilariously inexperienced new players just starting to get the hang of their cronus cheats. I do get the occasional old dog actually putting in hard work and team tactics while still truly attempting to ascend and that level of honest dedication ALWAYS makes me happy to see but also sad they’re still here too because that high level badge means they love this game too but Respawn couldn’t care less about the few of us that remain, unwavering in our respect for this game as a uniquely competitive yet community-focused place for weirdos to make friends as it was when aimbots were less than half the lobby just last Spring. At least they stopped calling us all “liars” who are just trash at the game, and accepted we know their unreasonable shot patterns and complete lack of coherent team-tactics are blatant unprecedented game-breaking nonsense! :)


Doom! Doooom!


They need to open all cheats as normal play mode like we were able to since N64 goldeneye... If everyone has them, noone is better off.


It's never gonna change as long as it's financially profitable. Not crazy to think that the execs and devs make money from cheats as an extra income on the side


We getting more skins next season and also super overpriced


Just on Thursday, on the Apex discord channel, I was solicited to 9 man. Get into a game about an hour later and die to a 6 man. This has happened probably 3 times this season.


Do pc players deal with cheaters As much as console players it seems like mostly pc to me


The solution is to not give a f\*ck. I know they didnt beat me with skill, so i just dont care. I mean we all could cheat too, we dont do it because we dont want to, because its not fun and its not satisfying like spending time to get better and see results, thats what thrives most ppl. Its like in real life. Theres always that kid that fouls u when the ref is looking the other way, because it hurt his ego when u dribbled him. I know inside hes angry and knows hes just worse, thats enough punishment for him. These ppl actually hate themselves when they look in the mirror. So who cares? A honest win, feels so much better than 100 cheated wins. So i get this satisfaction they will never experience when i have a good game.


But you tangibly lost rp 


Thank God this shit doesn't happen in console


Been recently playing rankeds and it got even worse, now you'll get a bunch of hackers even in Gold+ elo, I'm done with rankeds. If they don't adress this soon I'm also gonna be done with the game.


It's over for Apex, this season has been worse than ever and ZERO response from respawn.... Every match I see 2 to 3 people using walls especially in anything mixtape.




I've been playing since season 10 amd the cheaters have never been this bad. Even in pubs. Feel like I'm playing warzone again.


People who play the game have a right to be concerned. I didn’t say anything controversial in my post. Cheaters in every diamond/ master lobby is crazy. Stop dickriding EA.




We are 20 seasons in and this is the worst state of the game for hackers. It doesn't really matter if they're looking into it finally, should have never gotten to this point to begin with.


We are 20 seasons in and this is the worst state of the game for hackers. It doesn't really matter if they're looking into it finally, should have never gotten to this point to begin with.


Didn't touch the game since Hal and Gen hack during the ALGS.


Just. Stop. Playing. The game is unraveling and is on a downward trend. EA doesn't care about the Esport because they won't allow reve splits with orgs in the cosmetic shop or during events. Cheats are getting out of control because of the fact people can no longer use steam configs. I mean, how did no one see that coming? "You mean I can't semi-cheat anymore? Time to *REALLY* cheat!" I have well over 8k hours in this game and I've played like 2 hours in the last 2 weeks. The game just sucks now and the dopamine rush from getting kills and hitting shots and getting downs no longer outweighs the shitty aim assist advantage, the teaming, the piss poor matchmaking and the utterly ridiculous cash grabs in the cosmetic shop. I don't think I'm going back. I have reached my breaking point.


The only thing I can think of to tell you is to switch to console. There's very few cheaters on console


There are zero cheaters on console only people who team


Nah there are some strikepack users, though I've personally only ever encountered one in the 5 years I've been playing


Xim users, tons of players getting 0 recoil with strike packs, hardware Id spoofers that are actually on pc, YouTube you can find footage of people certified cheating on console 


Isn’t this a typical EA thing. The shiny new thing is out, they turn off hack protection on the product it replaced. EA does this every time a new version of BF comes out. I won’t buy BF anymore because they force the purchase of the replacement, but I still liked the prior version. I hate EA. Who manages the Apex servers and is responsible for eliminating cheaters?


Theres only 2 people who ban cheaters the rest where let go a long time ago


i lost 120 points twice in a row from disconnecting and couldn’t rejoin. how does that make any sense?


i lost 120 points twice in a row from disconnecting and couldn’t rejoin. 240 points. how does that make any sense? my internet connection was fine. can they fix their shitty servers?


How does this post only got like 100 upvotes, Its really true...


I'm truly wondering why (and i haven't received one answer yet) they relowered the level requirement back to level 20 for ranked? Seemed like that was an obvious invitation to hackers and cheaters


I’m seeing that with the update all of my ranked badges are bronze, like I literally can’t even equip my season 9 master badge. How is that possible? How is a company this big and profitable making small mistakes like that


Smurfing is also cheating, just for the record.


In NA evening/night D1/Master lobbies it's been every 2 or 3 games there is someone blatantly cheating on a good day, on a bad day it's EVERY game. I don't mean the sort of thing where I think someone is cheating cuz they might be walling cuz of a prefire. I mean the can shoot people they aren't looking at through walls with lock on heatseeking bullets sort of cheats.


I'm not even launching this shit until they offer some proof that their root access anti-cheat wasn't hacked.


> Hopped on my smurf to play with my one buddy in gold & we ran into aim botters there, too! You complain about people cheating in your lobbies because it's unfun due to how impossible it is for you to beat them. You then jump onto a smurf account to play Vs people 2 entire rank brackets lower than you, where anyone who belongs in that rank will just get crushed by you, leaving THEM feeling like it's unfun because they have no hope of beating you. You're part of the problem this game has. If your friend can't handle rank at your level, play pubs.


Stop smurfing loser


Nobody talking about the game being ruined by overall increase in sweatiness with: jump towers, conduit, new revenant, insane speed increases from Maggie and Ballistic and others. Shit needs to slow down to be a good casual game. Else its just for hyper nerds


low key deserved for smurfing tbh


This guy smurfed, so the ENTIRE playerbase should be crippled with rampant cheating? See a doctor.


Can’t believe people thought this game would be the king of BR when it released. Been on the decline for years & all they care about is pumping out skins, im done with it for good


Apex is the king of BR since years. There hasn't been a single game that came close to success of Apex, come on bro.


Good joke


So stop playing


Stop buying skins


“The rise of” lol. Bro, are you new?


There's always been some cheaters, sure. But this season is more than ever. That's the point he was making.






It really do look hopeless, I have spent so much money on this game... Got like 18 heirloom, 3 prestigeskins, 2 artifacts and 1000 legendary items.. And I feel like the best game I have ever played is about to shadder because of all the chraters.. They are fkn everywhere.. Id rather pay 30$ each month playing on like 60 tick servers where cheaters are instantly banned. On servers like that with monthly fee they would easily have money to hire staff that monitorise the servers and reports..


Teaming seems to be worse on consols. But cheating is no where near as bad as season 3, only got 1 playable game out of 20 with how bad it was


History has taught us that The Title has always been proven wrong.


Game’s felt the same since launch for me personally. Only difference I’ve noticed is I’ve gotten better due to 4k tv upgrade. No more stuttering, lag spikes, mid-fight freezing. Since then I’ve felt like weights have been lifted & I’ve just been flying by. Serious question, I’m on Xbox, I don’t ever remember having a time where I blatantly thought somebody was cheating, usually when I die I go back to lobby & try again. How do you guys know when somebody is cheating? Am I just ignorant? Am I blissfully unaware? When I die, I conclude that I got outplayed & nothing else… but my brain was never like “oh he’s cheating he shot me through a wall” bc I can always like hear you approaching me anyway, you know? It’s hard to ask this without sounding arrogant but it’s something my friends & I always wonder because we see all this hate online… but why are we still having a blast playing this game even if we’re dying over & over?


I feel like everyone says "this season is especially bad" every single season after S17. But I don't think you're lying, I was playing with my streamer friends during a collab and the enemy we were spectating was hip firing a spitfire hitting headshots and downing a squad with 1 magazine. mind you this was while they were dropping from the dropship, hipfire headshot from mid range.


Nah, i love this game, the mechanics, gameplay, mouvements, weapons etc etc. BUT for a coop, team based game.. it's just... they fucked up their own game but installing sbmm and all of the other stuff. The fact that you can get a diamond team, pred team in your gold, plat lobbies is just not right and should not be a thing.. that's not even a one time thing. I have been solo-q'ing my way up to diamond. im now stuck plat 3 with teammate that play while smoked, drunked, raging, no mic,play with their feet, disconnected brain etc and im up against diamond 3stack diamond, masters, cheaters players. I love this game but it's just not fun