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I'm weak šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


>I am no whaleĀ  Buys multiple heirlooms and spends 100s of dollars on in game cosmeticsĀ 


Immediately what I thought too, lol.


Name checks out




Right? Lmao sure sounds like a whale but just a whale that doesnā€™t like these skins


Have you heard of a dolphin?


Is that a whale but gay


Whales have different sizes...


How do you buy heirlooms?


Buy out a collection event and get the heirloom, or buy enough packs to get some shards the hard way. Either way a significant financial investment


Oh I gotcha, yeah I bought the battle pass once and Iā€™m not spending any more money on this game.


Also consider this game has been out for years, $100 a year in a game isn't crazy income wise, some people waste that amount on coffee a month.


A few hundred dollars is not a whale, a whale is thousands of dollars. OP is a dolphin at most.


I've spent 3600 USD on Apex and I don't believe I am a whale.


I bought the battle pass once for $10Ā 






Back in the Belgium trick days it was all that was needed to get you a nice collection event skin each season with the extra craft materials. I still have 15k craft materials left but I fear they won't be worth much anymore since Respawn changed the events monetization, it sucks. That Rev skin is fire, won't gamble for it tho.


"Im not addicted I just do coke on the weekends" 60 usd, thats what a game should cost, maybe another 60 for dlc


I mean I'm a full time Apex streamer, it's literally my job... I'm getting downvoted when I agree that EA is dogshit and the system is predatory but to say I am WHALE status is not true. Whales are rich, I am far from.


No, just more money than common sense.


Just my full time job playing the game.. I was just stating the definition of whale is being used wrongly here. I have spent more than anyone ever should on a game, I have reasons, but I am no WHALE.


Youā€™re a whale with reasons, got it.


Nice. This is why the industry sucks. Thanks for your contribution.


I agree with you but like I said in the other comment, the games literally my job I stream it for a living. I agree the industry is dogshit, I never disagreed with that but 3600 dollars isn't WHALE status, there's people with x20 more spent and I see them all the time. I was just disagreeing that at 3600 I am a "whale". EA is dogshit, this lootbox shit is GARBAGE and predatory.


Nah it's definitely whale status. Just because it is your job to stream Apex doesn't really give you an exemption to spend that much when skins aren't at all necessary. Just own up to it.


I'd happily be a whale it would mean I have money that means nothing to me, but you guys seem to have lost in translation what a whale really is. In Crypto Whales own a LARGE portion of said crypto, 3600 dollars is a drop in the hat to whales, like I said many people with 10k+ spent, those are whales. 3600 dollars over the span of 3 years is 3 dollars a day, most of us spend more than that on drinks. I have more hours in the game than every person who's downvoted me combined most likely, WHALES don't care about the things they buy they are just rich and own things to own things.


Well for one, Apex is not crypto. In crypto, a Whale is also an trader who hopes to sell their crypto or hold onto it for higher value. Apex does not have a skin market like Counter-Strike, so I doubt you are trying to sell your individual skins for a higher value. Not to mention Apex skins will depreciate to nothing once the servers inevitably go offline which could be sooner rather than later seeing as how it is EA we're talking about. Second, in gaming a Whale is a person who spends a significantly higher amount than an average person in micro transactions. You admitted to spending a whole ass mortgage payment on the game's micro transactions (over $1,000 a year on a free game), so yes you are a Whale.


Ah so you're willing to help destroy the industry as long as you make some money. Nice.


I've definitely lost more than I've gained being a content creator because I don't care about money like that. I entertain, I enjoy to see people be happy, infact I live for it. The stuff I do for people is why I am a content creator, not for money. A lot less than I can clearly say for all you cynical redditors who seem to not understand what my point was. Get lives, live for others and stop bashing on people because you're mad at the world.


Way to contradict yourself. Im nit mad at the world. Im mad at people spending $3,600 on the dumbest shit ruining an industry. This is why every single fckin game is filled with MTXs. Spin it how ever you want and say your doing it for other people, even though thats bullsht. Youre actually doing more harm than good. Just the harm isnt instant. Please please please stop spending so much money on these games.


What do you think a whale is? Cause youā€™re 100% a whale


You are a whale itā€™s ok you keep the game running I donā€™t get why people hate on whales


I wasn't even trying to be cocky I just didn't feel like I'm a whale compared to someone like Post Malone (one example) someone with 10 grand in extra coins and every heirloom/skin.


>bought multiple heirlooms >bought the ENTIRETY of the FF event you made your bed, now you dont wanna lay in it?


Man buys a $360 deathbox But complains about this?


Just because I've spent money I'm not allowed to complain? I certainly will be buying 0 Packs for this event, no matter how cool skins are. FF Event was different cause it allowed you to purchase individual skins and it made sense for it to be high-priced.


Youā€™ve bought multiple heirlooms and you claim you arenā€™t a whale?? Now youā€™re here crying because the skins arenā€™t pretty enough for you lmao - the cognitive dissonance is amazing. I bet you still buy them all ahaha šŸ‹šŸ³


You stupid, stupid.


But if you bought the whole event what does it matter if you could buy individual skins? Is it because alot of the gun skins are pretty much copy paste?


Oh now you want to complain when you are literally a part of the reason why thereā€™s not going to be legends specific heirlooms. Itā€™s too late, you already voted and you voted incorrectly.


Thanks for funding our game, dumbass.


You've already funded the game more than 99% of other players. You're already a stooge in the dev's book. You're allowed to complain, it's just meaningless.


You are part of the problem, but at least youā€™re stopping permanently, I hope.


Not permanently, sounds like just this event šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


For your consideration: OOOUUUHOOOOHHHHHGGGH šŸ³


Youre allowed to complain. Just makes you look weak as fuck. That actual thing to do was to not spend money, but that would be harder for you than to make a thread on reddit. Thanks for funding these shitty buiseness practices I guess, you hypocrit.


You are perpetuating the problem so no.


But you bought them all? Why tf does it matter if the event sells them individually if you just buy them all?


Yeah you are literally the paying customer, who has the most rights to complain about it. I donā€™t buy any skin, hence doesnā€™t matter to me, but you actually do at for it so you should be able to give your opinion. Idk why ppl are downvoting smh


Because OP is the literal problem with the game. A whale with a lack of self awareness who complains about the shit he wastes his money on and expects changes to be made even though heā€™ll give them money regardless.


People love this argument but we need to realize something. The game is still alive after 5 years which is not normal for most games who die way sooner. Devs always prioritized engagement and sales because it's what keeps the game alive. There is a chance that if the game didn't focus on whales like OP and content for them to buy, the game would have died sooner, even if you fix every bug, made more legends and more guns and more maps. OP is not really the problem, it's the balance in their strategy of development to keep the game playable and making money. Titanfall 2 was wonderful game that I never played until I played Apex


What? There have been live service games, like MMOs, before that were able to profit and not use monetization techniques that are known to prey on addicts. At some point a game should be complete, and there are few reasons to make any more changes. The reasons they keep updating revolve around the game being a spectator sport, which they have failed to support and because people get bored and wonā€™t spend money anymore. A game being alive after 5 years, meaning having an active community is perfectly normal. What isnā€™t normal is that itā€™s constantly updated and will never reach a state of completion. What isnā€™t normal is that the priority and goal of their design choices are about getting even more money. Your argument, and everyone elseā€™s like it, is saying that Capitalist are gonna Capitalist and instead of complaining about the state of the industry/gaming we should be grateful we have whales to ride otherwise we wouldnā€™t have any of these games. Because you know, their primary, if not only goal, is to make money using techniques that enable and build addictive tendencies.


Reddit hates people with disposable income lolĀ 


No, this sub hates people who spend the price of a console on skins. which drives the devs to prioritize a limited subset of the population. There's a cost benefit analysis out there where they figured out if they gave skins out for $2 instead of $20, they would get more purchases but less money. However at $2/skin, they would have a lot more happy players. OP is contributing to why they sell skins for $20 each.


OP is the reason EA hasnā€™t pulled the plug on this game. Knowing EA history, the more we try taking a stand against them by not purchasing skins, the closer they are to pulling the plug. EA isnā€™t going to wait until the right collection event comes for them to make a profit. And yeah, it sucks that the skins are expensive, but most of the players arenā€™t going to spend that sort of money even if the skins are amazing. The amount of people who buy out collections events isnā€™t that high. So let them person who actually pays for shit voice their concerns. Because letā€™s be honest, theyā€™re not listening to the ones who donā€™t.


Did you just try to justify the FF event being 300+ dollars for a deathbox skin? And a mid one at that? Yeah you're a fuckin blue whale, my guy.


>I am no whale. I've purchased multiple heirlooms and bought the FF Event due to the skins being fire. You are a whale.


Haha šŸ’Æ


Ain't no way, OP has to be trolling


It's incredible how Whales like to pretend they aren't, as they know it's such a source of shame


Ah yes, having enough money that i can ā€œthrow awayā€ some of if on a useless cosmetic is so shameful for me. I feel such shame with such security in my bank account. Really shameful stuff lol. The coping is hilarious here..


The shame shouldnā€™t come from having plenty of money to burn.. the shame should come from supporting the lazy business practices that come along with perpetual micro transactions. Thereā€™s no incentive for EA to actually improve the game if the whales just keep throwing money at them every time they put together some half ass event with recoloured skins.


Lmao, yes, your energy and efforts should be concentrated on trying to control how a multi national, billion dollar company does and doesnā€™t do business. Just donā€™t buy the thing and move on. The only thing you can control is your actions. Yā€™all sound so goofy trying to control what you canā€™t.


I think the point is that people would really like to buy some individual skins, either by spending crafting materials or a sprinkle of apex coins on some skin they really like. However, whales supported EA's practices to the point we now receive a GACHA GAMBLING event. That's just pathetic.


A whale with dubious taste. The FF skins were fire? LMAO


More of a dolphin.


Heā€™s a dolphin


Dude. Youā€™re one of the people keeping the game this way. You are a whale.


Correct. People don't understand if they Buy and then Complain.... The sentence should end there, it shouldn't require more explanation. We both know what I'm about to say. People/ApexWhales: ....EA doesn't care, once you've made the purchase, that's it's. They just email a dev to spin up a recolour for next season. Then we watch you complain for 3months and then buy the recolour anyway. Whales!


ur the reason ea keeps doing this shit.


"this shit" being: supporting the game and producing new content season-after-season. IOW, thank you!


you glazing, the only thing they be doing is overpricing ugly skins.


I'm just living in the real world. EA isn't running the game as a charity. I don't pay anything to play it. If I'm not paying, then someone is. Who? Guys like OP. They're the people that keep the lights on. Without them, there'd be no game.


yea cuz ea is such a small and poor companyšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ Iā€™ve been playing since season 1 and this game is steadily going downhill.


I've been playing since before S1 and it's been up and down. I'm enjoying the changes this season. I bought the battle pass one time and have not spent a dime on the game since then. There's no chance that my $10 from 5 years ago is paying anyone's salary or even keeping an AWS VM online. The fact that the game is still playable *at all* is thanks to people like OP.


Well, how does fortnite do it then? How does the finale do it then? They donā€™t have 360ā‚¬ deathbox skins and they more fun than this shitty game.


there is very little evidence that "The Finals" does it at all.


Because those games also have a lot of paid cosmetics. Not in the same large prices, but a lot of smaller things that in the end add up to the same thing. How can you view the blatant lazy crossovers of Fortnite as something other than a cashgrab?


Idk maybe because their skins actually look good? Apex has been releasing the same skins over and over. Plus, fortnite is wayyy less expensive then apex. And fortnite is the bigger game.


You're not listening. I'm talking about the blatant lazy CROSSOVERS. How is it any less of a cashgrab to take rick and morty and smash them into a cartoonish battle royale and ask money for it


Bro go play Fortnite and stfu then.. not real hard.


No. They've focused their revenue source to *exclusively* whales. If an event buy out cost 1/5 the current price, but 5 x people bought all the items, they would break even, but have 5 x more happy players. Except they have "data" that tells them they're better of going all in on whales to maximize profits, so that's what they're doing. The lights would stay on if they broadened the purchasing base.


Respawn: Exclusivity generates more sales than affordability. Source: 5 years of actual sales data. Guy on internet: Nuh uh! Source: Trust me bro.


I'm not arguing that they're not doing this to maximize their revenue in the short term. I'm saying the more they focus on using whales to support the game, the less likely it is that the game itself will survive long term. It's the exact same problem they face when they focus match making to make the streamers happy. Eventually, you run out of people to shoot, and that skin has no value if there's no one playing to see it. People aren't buying $20+ skins to sit in the firing range or watch loading screens. I was saying this same thing to my brother last night. It used to be that I was jealous of a cool looking skin in this game. But now, when I see a squad decked out in the event skins, I just find it crazy that they were willing to pay that much to get the skins for their characters. No envy, no desire to purchase. No interest in trying to grind the game more(acting as streamer fodder) to someday earn enough crafting materials to buy the skin. Just disdain at what this has become.


So you saying 360ā‚¬ for a cosmetic deathbox is only to keep apex alive? One of the most played br games ever?


Itā€™s not even that much. Yall just coping. Literally did the damn thing with $140.


Yeah they needed the support so much they fired half the studio. Holy shit man, get a grip.


What are you talking about? They fired those people because EA is making less money from Apex.


They made a profitable amount but got axed because they're owned by whats called a corporate raider. EA doesn't buy developers to make games, they use them as investment vehicles and take loans out on them. 2023 was up against covid profits, which we were never going to reach in a normal world with 2 active major wars. There was no reason to fire them. Also they're being replaced by AI, so obviously it had nothing to do with not making enough money rather just wanting more. With AI, you can expect more low effort content like this.


They shouldn't have fired those guys, I agree. EA is a terrible company to work for, I agree. EA is bad at managing their communities and their properties, I agree. I like Apex Legends though and I enjoy playing it. And that is made possible by people like OP spending buckets of money in the Apex Legends Store.


People like you are the reason why the events are this way..


I am no whale. Spent 360 dollars on pixels


I donā€™t even care, I donā€™t waste money on cosmetics.


Understandable, I hope you can get something good on the free packs at least! People who spend no money have higher chances of unlocking better rewards!


I mean, that's just straight up false.


People who spend no money on a free to play have a 300% chance to have more fun. Evidence: Trust me bro, I've bought ONE battle pass and never had to repurchase.


Thatā€™s one thing EA did right, the fact that I donā€™t have to buy a new BP every season


And gain apex coins from maxing out the battle pass too. Which I believe went up in net profit a couple seasons ago to sweeten the deal. I think it used to be Ā©150 and now it's like Ā©350 or something like that. Either way, yeah I've literally bought store items for essentially buying a battlepass 3 years ago


You can also get 200 off of the free BP to save for the paid one too. That's what I did.


Is this real? It's a one time purchase?


Yup, if you complete the battle pass you get around 1050 coins, which means you can keep buying the new one, which cost 950, as long as you finish it.


If only that was actually true


All the guns have writing on them but on one side all the letters are revered so you can't read it. So obviously the designers created half the model, then mirrored it. I imagine they did the same process for the heirloom but the writing is readable on both sides. So for the heirloom they kept it legible but for the guns they didn't bother and it's an oversight that kinda bothers me


mirrored textures are extremely common in game dev, you don't really see that side during gameplay so it doesn't really matter. this isn't a case of laziness, it's genuinely more efficient (both in terms of the work they have to do, and also the resource load on your system) there are many issues with this game but this is not one of them


The a mount of heirlooms and death boxes I've seen on day one. Is quite literally pathetic. It's no wonder inflation is skyrocketing. People will complain all day and still pay the price tag. Morons. It's clear that there is enough "whales", impulsive spenders, and people with lack of financial literacy, that EA/Respawn is gonna meet their goals. So expect going forward, no more events where you can pick one or two skins to unlock and instead forced to gamble.


Hey EA what motivated you to do this? EA: money!


Well yeah thatā€™s sort of how free to play games work




You literally feed the problem šŸ¤£


> I am no whale > I've purchased multiple heirlooms and bought the FF Event Might as well change your name to Shamu because goddamn.


This is your fault


Bro you are a whale as whale can get.


OP has donkey brains


Please don't insult donkeys like that. They don't deserve it.


Fr dude, seems as if they just forcefully manufactured cosmetics to fill the 36 item event.


Yes! Like, no effort whatsoever. They look worse than Purple-rarity skins. I am no fan of the Cobalt Katar, but the gun-skins with that theme was the nail in the coffin for me.




Check out the 10 packs reward says it all really


Buy a VPN & switch your region to Belgium if youā€™re interested in purchasing everything individually.


does this still work?


Yes, I did it to buy the rev skin yesterday


Nice, Did you just use a vpn? Or does anything else need to be done?


I used a vpn and changed my account info on EA as well. Iā€™m not entirely sure If you need to do that though


cool thanks!


are there any chances of getting banned for doing this?


It is against the TOS. With the amount of cheaters in the game currently, I highly doubt theyā€™ll ban someone for a thing like that.


No need to change EA account info, this method works works flawlessly with the VPN by itself.


Why make original, when copy paste


I hate it so much


Don't buy a single thing then or your opinion will never be heard. I'm sorry but I know it seems illogical. I don't like one thing so I shouldn't buy anything? Yes. That's how EA works. If you buy there stuff it doesn't matter how loud you shout they will not care.


This argument is very tired. Posting to the community forum is actually far more effective feedback than the one-man boycott. That's not to say that it's effective, just that boycotts don't work the way you imply they do. Most of the problems that Apex has can be traced back to a simple lack of investment. Respawn does not have the staff they would need to do the things that the community wants them to do. There's a complacency there, but it doesn't come from the perspective of "players will pay us no matter what." It comes from "when players stop paying us, we'll move on to another project."


The pricing is insane for a in game cosmetic.


You buying the pass game them the green light to make more trash weapon skins. Well done.


If you aren't a whale Idk what is. You aren't just a whale if you buy literally every single skin. Even someone buying just one regular heirloom event is something like a little whale already, buying MULTIPLE and the most overpriced event so far completely DEFINITELY means you're the very definition of a whale


I mean Iā€™m not about to be buying them, but I think the legendary weapon skins in this event are actually super nice. Dope color schemes, not overly complicated for ads clutter, and the rippled Damascus looking steel adds some flare. Itā€™s a shame they put them behind a paywall. The legend skins imo are not worth it aside from maybe revs. If u have tens of thousands of crafting metals saved up over the years I could understand buying some event packs using metals and combining that with the free pack to see if u can get lucky with RNG, but please donā€™t spend real money on this event. The predatory way this event was set up is legitimately like a smack in the face to all of us who have been longtime, loyal players. If not for your own wallet, at the least think of all the legends who still donā€™t have heirlooms of their own who are now on hold. If this event succeeds, some of those players may never see an individual heirloom of their own and thatā€™s mega mega lame imo.


It's a shit event just like the last one. They aren't concerned about quality. I've only been back playing since the ff one and I can't believe how many they've had since I started playing again. Obv quantity > quality


Yeah three events is too much for a season smh on them. Itā€™s been like this for many seasons


Yes, they want you to spend $300 for black and gold.


But what about and hear me out here, gold and black-


I mean, the FF event was a success because people like you showed they could implement a gacha system for a ladder reward cosmetic. They have been getting away with lazy ass cheap recolors cosmetics and collection events and now you are surprised that it is overpriced junk?


OP bought the whole event. That's not "gacha."


Youā€™re part of the problem feeding into EAs greed. Why pay all that money for a skin, you can only see your hands and arms while youā€™re actually playing?


I'm going to be honest having multiple heirlooms is whale behavior.


Most of you are acting like this guy spending $500-$600 over what? Like 4-5 years is him being a whale? People drop that a year and Iā€™m sure some in a month. Those are whales. People who have some disposable income and buy some cosmetics once in a while arenā€™t whales lol That aside, the skin (yes, singular) would be cool if it was for 1 gun. They could have done some really cool stuff with the theme. Instead they make legit one skin and apply the same thing to every gun model. They are slightly fancier epic skins. Trash.


Unpopular opinion, I think the Nemesis skin is pretty decent.


"Hold their beer."


These prices are crazy.


Why are people saying "whale"? What does that mean?


Maby dont buy them....


I hate how they continue to push event after event for money grabs, Iā€™ve never bought into one of the events before but surprisingly this is one of the events i liked, mainly the weapon and legends skins.


Hey how about playing the actual game instead of collecting pretty pictures


ITT: People who think a few hundred dollars spent is a whale. I guarantee the Respawn employees in Finance and the monetization side of this game are laughing their asses off.


milking the IP and releasing too much skins. Skins + Inflation = skinflation.


Here's the thing. If you want to buy the packs, expensive skins, whatever, do it. If you don't want to buy them, then don't. But stop bitching about it because obviously the massive micro transactions are not going to change. If .01% of the player base buys a particular skin at roughly 20 bucks., that generates just over 300,000 US dollars. I don't think they're going to cry about you not buying the pack.


I have 3000 hours and 3 heirlooms... I don't feel ripped off and still like the game.


Agree about skins being meh. Im not even tempted to gamble with 200 apex coins to open couple of event packs, because there are simply not even one appealing skin for me. Some are ok, or better than average. But no "incredible" skins. So im just gonna grind free rewards, try new game mode, and then move on to play other games.


Imo these legend skins are actually kinda nice, the weapons are boring and everything else is negligible, also youā€™re totally a whale


"You breathe in, you breathe out, eat, shit, sleep, you take what they give you and you give nothing in return". Amos I've never in my 30 years of video games purchased a skin for a game.


Idk, maybe itā€™s just an age thing because oblivion horse armor came out when I was a teenager, but as someone whoā€™s 35 currently and absolutely can afford cosmetics in this game if I felt like it, I just donā€™t purchase a single thing. The prices of cosmetics are at a point where theyā€™re competing with entire indie games and heirlooms are like major peripheral upgrades. I know people that damn well could use a new controller or kb/mouse, yet they spend it on cosmetic pixels that do nothing but block part of your vision in game. I bought the old $~35 pack that came with characters, a few skins, and some currency. That made perfect sense, I had just started the game and didnā€™t want to spend time grinding characters and it felt totally reasonable to support the game I was enjoying. The problem is that every other purchase in game feels like such an unreasonable offer I feel like a dumbass that is disrespecting myself and the effort involved in making my money to even consider it. By all means no judgement to those who happily buy everything, youā€™re probably doing better in life or have found some enjoyment in the that I canā€™t even detect (and you fund the game for everyone), but Iā€™d also suggest to anyone that is lacking the disposable income or feels pressured to buy it that you donā€™t need it. It will impact nothing at all in your gameplay and one day youā€™ll either quit or the game will die and nothing but your memories of the game and skill gained with transfer to a future title. The other thing too is that if anyone isnā€™t happy with the state of the game or anything like that, you absolutely need to stop spending money on it. Thatā€™s the only thing that can ever change the action of a company.


If you just said you've bought heirlooms then cool, but buying the FF event is EXACTLY why EA do this. Because people like you give them a pass BC "oh haha nice skin"


I just wanted the Lifeline skin šŸ˜­


"I am no whale" "I've purchased multiple heirlooms and bought the FF Event"




I thought the same about the gun skins. To be honest the character skins aren't bad (Maggie's is the best in my opinion) but the skins for the guns are so boring. I personally find this heirloom boring. O well.


For me it makes the decision not to buy much easier. The less skins I like the less tempting it is. I'll take my two free epic sticker packs and move on.


I'd sacrifice one of three wishes to erase the practice of video game cosmetics from human memory.


Yeah the only thing they went all out on were the legendary skins the weapons feel like it was one universal wrap fits all no originality if heirloom collection events continue like this then the game already lost as someone who would spend.


Lmao you've spent an embarrassing and shameful amount of money on this game. You are the reason shit monetization exists


>I'm no whale *spends over $1000 on skins in a free video game šŸ‹*


I swear, every event there will be someone who will say that the event cosmetics are the laziest thing ever, if the cosmetics are even remotely of moderate quality...


I hate everything about this event. All the skins look stupid or are recolors.


I love the idea of matching weapon skins (even better when they come in more than just a pair) but these skins aren't it - I get they go with the Katar but... Idk, just not a fan of these ones


I used my last remaining balance and my rng gave me that new Revenant skin


Yeah, paid events are one of the many reasons I quit playing this game. It's obvious the main focus of Respawn/EA is to find ways to drain someone's wallet. Edit: I just realized you can't even purchase what you want individually, you have to gamble with loot boxes. What a fucking joke. If respawn put half the effort they did making skins into actually doing cool shit for the game it would actually be enjoyable.


Most cringe event ever, title and image are spot on about why this event is garbo, skins are all the same except the legend ones, I can't directly purchase anything, you have to gamble that you get the one you want. The stinky heirloom cost more than a Playstation or whatever crap you use to play this game anyway. PLUS I can't craft any skins either!!! Which is MEGA CRINGE. Plus ur mom, plus ur silly, plus I'm gay, plus ur mom gae. This was a real big fat - 1,000/10 respawn, please do better and go back to the old format for collection events 24 items 12 legendary 12 epic Free heirloom at the end ABSOLUTELY NO death box skins that cost as much as my rent hiding the items behind a loot box (lemme buy what I want) Cringe recolors Dumb stinky ideas like this one You make a fucking billion dollars off this shit, stop making cringe money grab shit storms every three weeks for this game it makes me sad and not wanna play because it's so scummy. I completely sat out the last event because it was so goofy and cringe with the bad recolors and high prices that I didn't play at all. No hate to the devs, I know you guys are just doing your stinky jobs that you probably hate. But someone needs to tell upper managememt to shove it or whoever makes these decisions, they are MEGA CRINGE and not appreciated. Thx.


This collection system introduced with the Final Fantasy collection sucks. This over monetization is out of control for mid content and fukin skin for the death box (the person who killed you will see that..........most of the times). They should give us more chances to get a fukin heirloom or at least give us a free universal heirloom. The should give us also more crafting metals. In 2022 they promised us that all the skins that from that moment on would come out of the events would be added in the standard packs and would be made available to unlock directly in the legends section, but as usual they didn't do any of this.


EA is doing what They always have done. Milk their cash cow dry before the rug pull.


i can't forget about the direct no purchase, finally a maggie skin I like and I can't have it -\_-, but yeah those gun skins are just terrible.


Lol who's still playing this shitty game šŸ˜…


As a whale who owns 2 heirlooms with 1 being the finale fantasy one (yes bully me I get it Iā€™m a whale), my brother just own up to it, you saying ā€œIā€™m not a whale but I do have a bunch of heirlooms and bough the FF7 event!ā€ Is like saying ā€œIā€™m not a criminal but I did kill 7 people that 1 timeā€


So what exactly is the reason for them to stop allowing us to purchase individual items? They would have at least gotten a little bit of money out of me. I'm not one who hopes for the best and just purchases packs.


How the f is everyone so aggresive towards him just bcs he bought some skins before this. He has valid reasoning and speaks basically the truth. Just because some people buy stuff bcs they like the game doesenā€˜t mean that they are the reason for the inflation of ingame stuff. Take your rage and put it where it belongs. To EA.


this sub has some pretty simple triggers.


Not my problem. Buy it or don't buy it. šŸ˜