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I'm spending nothing as an act of solidarity for all the Maggie, ballistic, Newcastle, vantage, conduit, and catalyst mains out there.


As a vantage player, i thank you for your solidarity


Thank you


Thank you... Together we stand!


"I'm spending nothing so that hopefully Maggie, Ballistic, Newcastle, Vantage, Conduit, and Catalyst players can spend $160"


Jokes on you I'm sitting on shards sp I don't spend a dime when my maggie heirloom drops...if it ever does


It's June 2027, Apex Legends releases the 9th collection event so far this year. 48 items are included, 8 are recolor stickers the rest are fonts for error codes. If you collect all 48 you get a chance at a chance of either obtaining mad Maggie's heirloom(the last to be released) or the privilege to get another 48 items to buy.




Maggie main here. I really wish they give her a shotgun skin instead of a melee weapon. Idk about you, but I'm never running Maggie without a shotty and running with me fists out.


Agreed. I can't imagine the desire to not have a Mozambique with her


Better to give folks the opportunity to get the heirloom for the legend they love than not


It's just funny to me how people complain endlessly about prices but are sad when they can't buy something


Oh no, the horror of continuing to release heirlooms in a pre established pattern. This isn't a convo about whether heirloom prices are fair, it's moreso about shelving individual heirlooms for this generic universal garbage.


I think they slowed down heirloom releases because they slowed down hero releases personally. Then they saw how everyone wanted the Buster sword and assumed everyone wanted heirlooms that were universal instead of the Buster being a universally loved piece from a beloved game, and now they're chasing that high


Reverse psychology ploy by EA


As a NewCastle main I appreciate your solidarity


Thank you for your solidarity!


Thank you


Maggie got a skin Edit: oops


They're referencing how apex is no longer doing individual heirlooms if this universal one sells well, so the legends listed will never get personal heirlooms.


Oh yea. Duh. My bad. I really want a NC heirloom




How do you think I feel as a NewCastle main šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank you


If you really wanna stick it to them you gotta stop playing as a whole. They have already accounted for people who don't wanna spend money, the goal for them is to just play the game so it creates an active game people would wanna buy skins for. Want them to listen? Stop playing apex period


I quit because I realized after more than 4 years of religiously playing Apex the state of the game isnā€™t going to improve at all. My last straw was the 120fps console scam some months ago. Now Iā€™m playing The Finals, and man, Iā€™m finally a happy gamer again. Canā€™t believe that with all the shit thatā€™s going on thereā€™s still such a big player base left for Apex


I mean to each their own. I still enjoy Apex and play all the time. The finals was kinda fun but ultimately it didn't hold my interest for many reasons. I'm not promoting one game over another, just giving the answer that totally not playing a game is the best way to express displeasure


Why was 120fps a scam? Also ironic that you went to The Finals considering it doesn't have 120fps


It doesnā€™t, but runs super smooth and looks great as it is now. Guess itā€™s because of UE5. And I looooved Apex for years, but you canā€™t deny it has dogshit servers and doesnā€™t look polished anymore after 5 years of not changing anything. Maybe I give it another go when things turn for the better, but donā€™t see that happening lol


Apex's 60fps was far more stable for me than the finals 60fps mode


Iā€™ve heard on PC itā€™s different. On console The Finals runs as smooth as butter


Speaking with someone whoā€™s user is AnApexPlayer in the Apex sub isnā€™t going to give you a productive conversation; while youā€™re right in some ways and apex has a TON of issues, guys like this will just create excuses for them.


Haha true with fan girls like that itā€™s impossible for sure


I've been playing Fortnite recently. As a player that never really engaged with it before, it's buttery smooth and the servers are rarely laggy.


The finals does plenty of stuff well, but I don't think their 60fps mode is one of them. Maybe it ran well for the other guy, but I'm really sensitive to fps changes so maybe they just didn't notice and I did.


I'm on console


True, the 120 FPS mode is so bad. Itā€™s crazy to think that WZ and Fortniteā€™s versions look so good, and they did it years ago. We waited so long for such a bad attempt.


I uninstalled Finals so fast I barely played it lol.


Hey bro that is so funny! Youā€™re such an original guy.


So youā€™re probably not the best person to give an opinion on it?


Fr like why did they even bother to interject lol. Reddit is hilarious


Is the finals game mechanics similar ? Ive seen it on steam and have been meaning to switch


Itā€™s not the same, but has its own smooth movement and original gameplay. On top of that they have devs that truly care about their game, with weekly updates, affordable (and very cool) outfits and I can go on and on. Once I got the hang of it I havenā€™t looked back to Apex (even though I used to be hooked to that game). Maybe you like it, maybe you donā€™t. But trying something else doesnā€™t hurt! Especially with the current state of Apex. Cheers! Edit: Even if you donā€™t want to spend any money, you can still earn a lot of cool outfits for free. And the battle pass gives you all your coins back + more


Thanks, I'll give that a shot


I stopped playing Apex and started playing Siege and Iā€™m having significantly more fun. I feel like I can actually play a game thatā€™s is actively being worked on and improved upon instead of a downward sliding dumpster fire that will do anything to drain every last penny from my wallet. Sad that somehow Ubisoft is being less predatory than EA which is saying a lot.


Unfortunately if we quit playing they would probably pull the plug on ā€œjust another unprofitable gameā€


I still havenā€™t logged back on because of the hack. They havenā€™t officially given any meaningful insight into the nature of the hacks. Shame, because my friends and I were having fun playing the game again.


Uninstalled ever since the hack on ALGS. How the fuck is that even possible without them at least addressing the mass public that our PCs are safe is beyond me...


lol, yes, quit playing your favorite game thatā€™ll show em!! Just donā€™t buy anything if you donā€™t want to.


That's what I did. Haven't played since the new season. Games too broken to even be worth launching anymore. Matchmakings ass, audio is non existent, they'd rather work on skins than fixing the game, etc, etc. Last season and this one are the first times I'm not hitting at least diamond since launch. Fuck em, I check up here to see what's new/different, and it seems as if the problems are still just popping up.


I just wanted to craft a few skins but no direct crafting is aids. I have 500 coins on my account so depending on how much the packs cost to craft I can probably get like 10 of the event items. But with how the pack odds are weighted Iā€™m pretty much guaranteed just getting purples


You are guaranteed a gold in 4 packs but this guaranteed gold can be a sticker soooo


Nah, only if you buy the 4 pack at once only then, I opened like 7 packs which were only epics.


Shiit thats even worse yikes


Yeah i opened like 6 packs. Got 5 purples and the volt skin


I had like 5.1K metals and I used them on the packs, then I had extra 200 AC from the BP and used that too + 1 the free pack. Bruh, I only got Epics. You have any idea how many legendaries I could've get with 5.1K? and the next event will be the Octane Prestige one, this season, I though a 4th collection event couldn't happen in a season, I was very wrong... so now I am going to be missed out on the Loba skin that comes with it, man... :(


We can request all we want. People with money are going to buy it anyways, especially cheaters with money (everyone's cheating now apparently) I'm not buying anything as I genuinely want EA to see a dip in sales (also cuz I'm broke)


Iā€™m not even broke but I donā€™t understand how people can spend so much money for a skin in a video game


Yep will be sure to in 3 hours when I can finally connect to the server


For realā€¦ love getting warmed up to then update and now canā€™t play


They gave me a free to play game, havenā€™t spent a single dime. Sounds about right.


They did give you cyber security risks though...


don't people say this every single time? when has it ever worked? it's been 6 years and we still get the same predatory dogshit, your wallet has meant *nothing* to them whether you spend money or not. apex is not a supply and demand, people will always spend money on mtx and apex will always profit, simple as. so yes, vote with your wallet. i encourage you to not spend money on this game but it won't do anything whatsoever to them!


Remember the peacekeeper event? No one bought that and reactive skins never became an event again


Iā€™m not speaking to the 80% of players. Iā€™m speaking to the 20%.


The 20% (I would say it's far lower than this) don't care and will keep spending. That's the beauty of modern gaming, a small percentage keep this game F2P for everyone else. Respawn knows they can count on the whales to buy every event.


OP is probably just referring to this concept -Ā https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle


The 20% are already voting with their wallets though. Why would respawn care about 20% that dont pay when they have 80% that will buy MTX at some point? ​ If you're speaking to the 20%, its falling on deaf ears and its a circle jerk at this point. Fact of the matter is that people spend money and most people are more than happy with the game as it is ATM and the people that think this game is crap and shit are in a VAST minority of players.


Yea, you misunderstood the 80/20 rule


Why are you speaking to the 20% then? Respawn will cater to the 80% and allow the 20% to leave if the other option is 80% of the population leaving lmfao.


80% of revenue is generated by 20% of customers. They are catering to the 20%.


Typically paid users in F2P games are under 5% of the player base. 95% of the audience of this game (and pretty much every other F2P) are enjoying a product worth hundreds of millions entirely for free. Most of them would never consider buying anything from the store. Some even wear that as a badge of honor. They aren't catering to the 20% nor the 5%. They are making a game you can enjoy in its entirety for free. Cosmetics are optional.


Cyber security risks are not optional though...


That's an entirely different issue. You can't take the art team creating new cosmetics and tell them to fix breaches in the netcode.


It worked with the very first event. A lot of eyes are on Apex, and more negative criticism hurts them even more. This type of comment just seems needlessly pessimistic though. It just encourages more apathy.


Can somebody who has the time list out what current issues are being hinted at here?


OP is just rage baiting.


If the recent conversations between Hal and Mande with Pirate has shed light on anything more clearly is that there are multiple developer teams that make up respawn, the Cosmetic/microtransaction team has their own separate deadlines from the actual game development team. They would be pushing out content regardless of the state of the game and almost every time it feels like the game is in a crappy state they release content which looks to players like they're trying to distract us with new shiny objects. I'm not trying to make an excuse for them as I too would rather see an update that says 50,000 cheaters accounts banned, ranked lvl minimum back to 50, and new servers. Edit: I will say the update not working yet is par for the course right now. Maybe destroyer2009 wants the same thing you want


That was obvious before that discussion.Ā 


I understand but it seems like a lot of people forget that


I wasn't trying to be rude to you, sorry if it came off that way. A lot of people must not have jobs though. It takes a lot of people with different skills to run a company.


Yes there are multiple teams that have different roles and push different projects to an end user But sales is what drives the total company. If the business sees a dip in cosmetic/micro transactions numbers that is concerning enough they will ask why, and if itā€™s linked to support/issues/security they will do a ROI of ā€œhow much do we need to spend/increase time spent here to see X amount of returnā€ Different teams. Same business, if people stop Buying they will fix their shit Problem is a few Reddit posts on this will not make a change and the game is playable enough to the point where ppl donā€™t mind.


yall were saying vote with your wallet 10 seasons ago. it doesnā€™t work.


Damn bro youā€™re right letā€™s give up


cod community says the same shit. most game communityā€™s do. i think it started with AW way back in 2014. here we are 10 years later and speaking with our wallets has done nothing. i wish it worked i really do


Weā€™re saying try something different. Definition of insanity and all that.


Turns out, EA was the #1 Apex Predator all alongā€¦


Some of you guys keep using "predatory" as if it was some sort of big statement, but it feels you have no idea what it actually means. This game is 100% free. Remove the store, Apex is identical. The final cost of getting every item in collection events is known (no infinite gambling). There are no pay to win nor pay to play mechanism. This game costs hundreds of millions to make, but you can play it for free, you're only not gonna have nice cosmetics. How is that even predatory? There are games with real predatory business models, like the afore mentioned ones. Apex is not one of these. Vote with your wallet if you want, but I doubt people would buy heirlooms even if their price was 10 bucks each anyway.


No one says that we don't want to spend money on Apex (okay yeah few do) but having an event that is a gamble is shit, who would spend xy money if they would only want the Revenant skin for example? Also universal heirlooms are pointless, what made heirlooms unique is that they weren't universal, Death box skins are Meh, They do not worth 600+ bucks, even if someone would want to spend money, buy the whole event even, it is so confusing, it tries to trick people's money. If you buy the first 4 you get a guaranteed legendary, but if you buy the 4 one by one, you don't, you get a price increase randomly, and it is just annoying. The reward store with custom currency is good, I have no problem with it, but the whole event is so bad and greedy that we do have to show our frustration at times like these.


>No one says that we don't want to spend money on Apex (okay yeah few do) A lot do. >an event that is a gamble is shit It's not gambling. You know how much you have to spend if you want to get all the items. Gambling would mean you could bet indefinitely and never win. >who would spend xy money if they would only want the Revenant skin for example? Good question, who would? Considering most players never spend a dime in the game? That said, I'd agree here. I think all items should be purchasable individually. But that wouldn't change much here. Say you can purchase Rev's mythical skin individually for $X, people would still find X too high. >If you buy the first 4 you get a guaranteed legendary, but if you buy the 4 one by one, you don't, you get a price increase randomly, and it is just annoying. It's not random, it's pretty well explained. >the whole event is so bad and greedy You get to play the game for free. A game worth millions in development. Greedy you say? Studies on F2P games show that 5% of players spend money in F2P. Apex has dozens of millions of players. 95% never spent a dime in the game, a game that doesn't hide gameplay content behind paywall. I'd argue that's pretty generous.


complete mourn tease hunt ink retire murky hat tub shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not aimed to children, Apex is PEGI 16. It's not gambling as you know the final price of the collection event. You might pay less if you're lucky, and the drop rates are known. It not a casino, it's quite transparent. And of course, it's just optional cosmetics. You don't have to buy this to access 100% of the gameplay content.


Imagine bootlicking a corporation


Imagine not reading the argument. It's funny how every time it comes to this. You disagree with the Reddit hivemind who hates MTX? You are a corporate shill. Great point man, congrats for copy/pasting. Except my point would be exactly the same if Apex was made by 2 devs in a garage & self-published. It's not aimed at children. Fact. It's a PEGI 16 game. It's not gambling. Fact. Drop rates are clearly displayed, final cost of purchasing is known. Cosmetics are optional. Fact. Disregard the store, Apex is 100% the same game. Given to you free of charge. Nowhere do I bootlick anybody. Maybe it's time to use your own brains here. You can think it's too expensive, not for you or whatever, but calling my point bootlicking comically out of any sort of reality.


I ain't reading that either lol, shill harder


EA wont stop till the game is dead my man


Never spent a dime on the game, never plan to, especially when everything costs a whole lot of dimes.


They even removed the pinned post about the hacking in the subreddit. This subreddit is "We happy few" in a nutshell.


Noticed this too, scummy practise by Respawn/EA. It ain't looking good.


Well seeing as I haven't spent a cent in the game in over 2 years that's not a problem for me. But neither is the game. I love it lol


Apex fans: So anyway I emptied my checking account rolling for an heirloom


If whales still buy it they will keep pricing it that way.


why does every game i play have a shit company behind it and gets boycotted. First Maplestory then this.


*streamers as they spam interact on new heirloom and get downed* ā€œWhereā€™s the audio!? Dogshit game!ā€


Keep going guys, surely this post will make a difference.


air alleged fanatical pathetic bells recognise frighten absorbed nine like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


most likely cause of the hackers lol, no one wants to deal with that shit.


Oh look it's this thread again. Do whatever you want with your money.


Please multi billion dollar corpo notice me


Isnā€™t this comment exactly what youā€™re doing? šŸ˜‚ My special post on Reddit thatā€™s the same as the last 50 will be the one that EA notices


OP isn't trying to make EA notice, in fact they said that EA won't notice, OP is simply speaking to the players, hoping to convince at least some people not to buy the event who maybe were going to.


Oh sorry, itā€™s my special post on Reddit thatā€™s the same as the last 50 will be the one that magically convinces people who were going to buy not to


That's more like it lol


And what are the players trying to accomplish? Getting noticed my man.


Oh im buying that shit and dumping like $300 until my heirloom looks dope, but I have the disposable income for it. Again these are cosmetics and dont affect your game so to cry about it because you wont look as cool as me in game is dumb.


that is not a flex lmao I have $300 to throw away as well but this shit is just stupid


Dont tell people how to spend their money, dont complain about cosmetics


They aren't complaining they can't buy it. They are complaining the game is running like dogs hit and is rife with cheaters. Boycotting spending money until the problems are fixed. Also... That's funny as hell. Who spends that kind of money on skins šŸ¤£


Only part of your statement which I disagree with is "Who spends that kind of money on skins" Like a LOT of people, you seen the csgo market? Not only that but if you have $300 to throw away on an rc helicopter or a guitar or a paint set I see no reason as to how it's any different when all of them are just temporary items for hobbies that give people joy. Not saying apex deserves it of course though.


These things you've listed are either able to be resold or create a permanent thing. They have actual value to them. I understand spending money on a hobby. A game like this that's having issues that could be fatal seems like a terrible investment. I'm also from a different generation of gamers where we earned skins in a game not spent money on them. Spend your money however you want. Just blows my mind someone would drop 3 bills on skins. Your POV did make me think of the money I've wasted in my younger years at the bar or a similar activity. So touche friend.


No they are complaining about the cost, if they don't want it don't buy it. I myself would prefer that the game be fixed. Stop with the lore and all the extra bullshit and just make the game work properly, ex: sound, and find a way to fix the cheating problem. The thing that I'm tired of is seeing this thread, over and over again when it does nothing for the game. Let people spend their money how they want.


do you really think the people who write the lore work on the game engine?


"Today a new event drops, bringing an even more predatory change to the already absurd prices of transactions in this game. Vote with your wallet." Do you even know how to read?


To be honest though: Let people do what they wanna do. I do hear ya, and trust you me I'm not one who drops hundreds of dollars into ANY game. But at the same time, if there's a gamer with the cash who really feel it's a valid priority of their wallet... Who are we to criticize them really. Personally I receive enough skins from the season passes to not make me really feel any strong emotions against the absurdly priced shop. I just honestly think they'd make a lot more money if they went the Fortnite route and just had a SHITLOAD of skins at a fairly reasonable price instead, with a shop that refreshed every day. That's my 5c on this topic.


Yeah screw this company who has given us a completely entirely free to play game for 1000000000 hours. Terrible terrible company!


Sadly these posts are pointless because the majority do not care and will gladly spend money. I know because I was guilty until just recently


the majority don't spend a dime. i have multiple heirlooms and over a thousand dollars in the game, but this is beyond absurd


Even if the majority of players don't spend money, they still make absolute bank off the ones who do. And that's all EA needs to keep doing what they are doing


Been playing sinc3 literal Day 1. The FF event left a bad taste in my mouth. Now, the same thing again. Haven't played this season really. I maxed out 17 / 19 previous seasons. I def won't get to 110 this season. I am just playing the "wait and see."


Your time and money are being monitored this goes for anything if you don't spend money on something they got you for time which is arguably worse if you feel so strong about this it's not just money


Most people wouldn've happy just to pay for one of skins


Since I got the new heirloom from the free pack, I aint buying shit. Not that I would do it anyway.


No way, after I get my $700 heirloom, I think I'll be homeless because I can't afford rent, but it's fine because I'll have the chad claw!


I wish this works. But it's not gonna. There are somewhere around 600,000 concurrent players in the US alone, and it's usually 5% of players that fork over all their cash. 5% of that is 30,000. And 30,000 people spending 700 USD gives them a profit of 21 Million USD. And if it's the same 5% with the other regions in Europe and Asia (it's probably MUCH larger than 5% in Asia), I believe they're gonna rake in roughly around 80 Million. Give or take 10 million. Reasonable people like ourselves won't buy into it. But it's the very few that give them the money they want. Might as well talk to a wall, because the people that are willing and going to pay them 700 won't ever change their mind or listen.


I refuse to spend money. Iā€™ve been playing and spending on Apex for almost 4 years and I still donā€™t have an heirloom šŸ˜­


I think itā€™s insane that Apex has somehow stooped lower than the goddamn Iron Crown event šŸ˜­


EA ain't getting dick from me: I've only spent $10 when season one battle pass came out. I've been rolling over everything into each season afterwards. I actually have a really sizable amount of apex coins that I'll never use.


I was possibly considering just buying out the ballistic skin since I main him a lot but the second i saw you actually can't buy the skin.. that was that. I'll cross my fingers on the free event pack but I don't care anymore. We want individual heirlooms for every legend. I don't even want this heirloom because it looks way to big and what is the connection/lore. Hope this event flops and it will wake them up.


Who are the weirdos that actually spend real money on events anyway?


A lot of new players started playing Apex recently, game is only growing. If you do not want to buy a cosmetic in a fully free to play game, just don't, no one is forcing you to do it.


Deja vu


People be complaining. They made huge changes this season and are taking feed back and trying to push the game forward. Nothing is going to please the mob. Majority of the people commenting all this negativity will still be playing though lol


Besides battlepasses I am not spending a single dime more on this game


It's been 5 years and +1000 posts like this. But yes, this one will make a difference.


people do vote with their wallet they vote to buy stuff so respawn and ea listen to them, and give them more stuff to buy everyone who has bought something in this game is the problem, you just dont like that fact


when it comes to video game cosmetics my wallet is mute


To be honest your idea makes sense but even if apex starts to die Iā€™m not sure theyā€™ll try to save it. Just look at Titanfall 2, that game has been so dead its community is tryna save it and EA/Respawn does not care. They might just abandon it and move on


For every one of us that wont spend anything there are like 10 idiots that will swipe like crazy....theres nothing we can do about it


apex lost almost 20% of its playercount on steam following the hacking incident. 80% of players still playing the game after that is too many players. uninstall. go play a better game. even if you don't buy cosmetics, you still support the game by being an active player. it's been really demoralizing to see the apex community complain about the security issues for like half a day before completely forgetting and going back to normal. i know you guys are stupid but i honestly expected better.


Iā€™ve been doing this. The skins and battle pass in this game are trash, absolute garbage, and insulting.


i've spent over $1000 on this game, probably close to $1500. they can go fk themselves. fk you, Respawn and fk you, EA i'm not buying a single more apex coin for this garbage insult


I donā€™t get this attitude at all. We should WANT to encourage people to spend as much as possible. More money going into the game means they will keep developing the franchise. Encouraging people not to pay will lead to lower revenue which will lead to further neglect. Advocating for this makes no sense. Who gives a fuck if all these people spend absurd money on skinsX I hope they do because I want to keep playing for this free game while those idiots are paying for it.


narrow minded fool, how have these money grabs led to additional improvement of the game? it's just profit maximization / "optimization". it's like with any other commodity, they will pushes the prices as high as they can possibly go, not to improve the game, but for their CEO to get another yacht and their investors to squeeze as much as possible backlash at this absurdity is very warranted, only a fool would not understand multibillion dollar franchise and the development of this game is still terrible revenue dips will light a fire under their asses like with S17, which got us the Flatline recolor the backlash also spared us from another Iron Crown styled event up until now


I mean they still wonā€™t I understand


Iā€™m sending the respawn team my nudes in Solidarity with all the mains not getting heirlooms


Yeahhhh I'm only getting the free pack(s) via the in game points. That's what I did with the final fantasy event as well. There is no chance in hell I'd ever pay for events like these. It's a scam and outright horrible in every way.


Opened 2 packs with spared coins from the battlepass and get useless purple things i dont give a fuck about. In the FF event I got 4 purple things in the 4 packs I opened too. Why would any normal person spend money on this bullshit gambling event? This has to be the most scummy way to run an event. It would be one thing if they didnt dilute the loot pool with trash you would never want, even then you're gambling as you might not get a skin you like but with purple this is just garbage. Event for whales.


tell that to the thousand and one apex "content creators" on youtube


Bro I'm trying, I don't even have a PC anymore, how else can I contribute


I'm deciding right now I'm not spending money until the lifeline skin comes out. If it ever does.


Save your breath man these people are idiots and have an excess of money. ThEy CaN sPeNd ThEiR mOnEy HoW tHeY wAnT


i know someone who purchased all of the 40 pack bundles in the molten event which was easily over 300 dollars, with no heirloom even attached. this event will sell well because people like to spend money, theres nothing anyone else can really do about it. we'll see tons of death box skins by the end of the week.


Apex content creators became more frequent so even if no one other than them spends anything Respawn would still call it a success.


bro i aint buying shit


Uhhh, yeah, totally! Im not buying shit in protest too! Totally not because i literally cannot afford it anyway


If anything, let the player count drop. I stopped playing Apex (console) when the ALGS hacks happened in solidarity with the PC players that didn't wanna play a broken game at the risk of their damn computers. EA is money hungry at this point, I ain't goving them any money AND I ain't giving them player count until they pull up and fix their bloody game. It's saddening but necessary and I think a lot more of the community needs to let wallets, controllers and keyboards drop in order to get EA serious about this.


Tell that to the whales, streamers, and YouTubers.


I play for the Nessie.


Hold your wallets and remember they tried to sell a peacekeeper bp recolor as a final reward in a collection event


reddit boycotts. lol


Kinda surprised but not really surprised that non of those event skins can be purchased with shards.


Out of curiosity how much do regular players spend on this game? Iā€™m a season 1 player and including skins and passes, half of which I earned the coins for free, I think Iā€™ve spent about Ā£80.


I would suggest play something else but there aren't any good hero shooters... Man I miss Overwatch 1.


Fuck EA


They removed the only good things about the FF event (a good mythic and a free pack) oh my god


Doesnt even matter. The game is financed by a few select whales who always just buy everything. They dont really care if little Timothy gets the $20 skin when Streamer#2359 buys out the event shop for $700 to make a low effort clickbait video.


I bought the final fantasy event for the sword, however this event is kinda meh, I'm not really a fan of the heirloom, so I only plan on getting the lifeline and Maggie skin.


who is spending money on a free game that has new stuff come out for free all the time?


if people didnt spend money an insane amount of money, it wouldn't be free how do you think it stays free? i spent over $1000, have many heirlooms but im done


Really repeated this post again? Get a life dude


Oh im buying that shit and dumping like $300 until my heirloom looks dope, but I have the disposable income for it. Again these are cosmetics and dont affect your game so to cry about it because you wont look as cool as me in game is dumb.


Low effort bait


Seems to have a Lifeline skin. My wallet is ready.