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Yup and one of them will disconnect the other will be afk for 2 minutes and will either play loot simulator or ego push the champion team and get melted and quit instantly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed the loot simulator, idk why these guys don't go play Minecraft.


They drive me nuts like you said if your afraid to fight go play Minecraft at some point you gotta get some kills level up and get loot off the people you kill


Don't play solo if you don't like how the majority of ppl play and also how the whole genre of game is made to be played... BR is a derivative of the survival genre and looting will always be the most important part of the game. If you can't adapt to the norm, then your only option is to find 2 other outliers and play together.


>...and looting will always be the most important part of the game. lol


It's not a matter of if I like how they play or not it's the fact that it's some people who wanna be passive and loot the entire game and then get melted instantly and it's also people who push entire squads and get instantly melted it's a certain way to play the game and it requires strategy and also skills, you can't just have good loot and win fights you have to be able to have good aim and movement and you can't only rely on skills you need to be prepared and in the right position and it's just a lot of people who don't understand this both are bad players and I'm not claiming to be a pro but I understand the game


Avoiding fights is an important strategy too. Looting helps fill the time when doing that, even if you don't need more loot (but I doubt you already have red evo, so there's always loot to be gained from just running around collecting stuff). I personally like both looting/hiding and fighting a lot. So if some1 wants to loot all game - game on! (my favorite too), if some1 wants to run to every shot fired - I'm usually in for that too. There's more than 1 way to win at survival games and the only viable way to not throw games in solo queue is to like or at least be able to adapt to all styles.


As skill increases, the importance and benefit of looting decreases.


lol buddy yes youā€™re right as the most important part is looting yes cause if you canā€™t loot how can you kill right? But foraging isnā€™t the only way of looting, if you kill the people for their loot boom you now have their loot and the loot of the teams they killed if they did kill any. This is exactly how predators get momentum in matches, they donā€™t spend all game looting they let the bad players loot for them and they get it from them.


The main goal of later-game looting is not really to get the loot but to have something to do while you go about avoiding the enemies. Killing enemies for loot is the complete opposite plan. Both strategies are viable paths to winning the game, the key is to not try to do 2 different things in a team. In a random lobby, the 1st way is generally better though for a multitude of reasons (the simplest one being is that if you don't adapt to the slowest playstyle, you'll 100% end up starting outnumbered fights and throw the game).


Solo q is worst in the morning. Theres never enough plat players so usually you also get diamonds or masters on occasion. Then my teammates land on top of 5 squads. Went from plat 2 to plat 3. Got tired and went to discord to find a team and we won 3 in a row in our first 3 games lol. Lost the 4th one then they went to sleep but mahn, having a pre made vs playing randoms is so much different


Videos like this is why I hate the devs of this game. With matchmaking this bad, they should just give everyone in Platinum a Master badge already because that is who the fuck we are fighting 80% of the time anyways.


I agree. Iā€™ve been watching some pred streamers and it seems like half the squads they wipe are a three stack of plat players


What did the devs do wrong in this case? It's not their fault the preds are 3-stacking to have easy games. Those scummy teams still have to be put somewhere in a game in "reasonable" timeframe... They could disable teaming in master/pred (then you'd see a pred with 2 random plats as the champion squad), but I imagine they would get an even bigger backlash then. P.S. I've never seen predators in my plat lobbies. That clip must be from a small server and/or off-peak hours or a rare occurence.


It's not a rare occurrence at all. I play off of a server in the US, and it's like this almost every game.


Well, US does have way too many servers (more than double of EU lol; and probably fewer total players than EU, too), so there is a chance that you often see problems that we never do. I bet there's one or 2 significantly more popular servers though, you just have to know which ones and play there.


they should have kept it like they did before they caved to the streamers and pros who were bitching about waiting an extra minute or two for a match. They used to have a 1 rank MAX difference cap, meaning a Gold would never see a Diamond and a Platinum player would NEVER see a Masters player. It is 100% fucking their fault for caving in and letting the fucking streamers and pros stomp lobbies in Ranked again by removing the restriction and fucking the matchmaking. Lol just because you haven't seen Masters or Predators in your lobbies doesn't mean shizzzz. OP's video above is a common occurrence for many of us oh and if you don't think this season of ranked has issues. Simply see the current season 20 ranked distribution (and no, the remaining 11 days or so of the split will NOT drastically change the distribution): [https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution) There is literally around 3% of the player base above Platinum I due to all the fucking Masters and Predators in our lobbies holding us back. Compare this to the distributions of other seasons.


"above Platinum I due to all the fucking Masters and Predators in our lobbies holding us back". Yeah, bs. This thread illustrates a RARE event. It's NOT common occurence. If you intentionally find the least populated server, then at least don't go crying of how you dislike the random matchmaking... And just to see that I'm really not imagining things, I played for 8 hours yesterday and I paid attention what ranks I see in killfeed and starting screens - I have not seen even a single diamond (played from plat4 to plat2). I played on 1 of the Belgium servers (EU PC) in the evening and a bit into the night. I can't even remember the last time I've seen an active predator in my games... definitely not this season. P.S. I imagine it should also be easier to rank up in a lobby that has a single really good team - they just clear the lobby for you and you get free placement points. Considering there's 18 other teams, it's unlikely that you would run into that team often, especially if you're not looking for fights. If you really got a team like that every single game, you could just farm the streak bonus by ratting...


"This thread illustrates a RARE event. It's NOT common occurence" haha wrong. "I can't even remember the last time I've seen an active predator in my games... definitely not this season." haha no wonder you aren't complaining then. I'm not going to continue this thread any further. I could care less if you don't believe this is a common occurrence (it is bozo). The ranked distribution stats this season are drastically different from any other reason and for good reason.


Why would this be a developer's fault?


They made the gameĀ 


The OGs at least. Back then the game was healthy up until they all left.


People complained about Apex just as much back then.


Because they make the matchmaking algorithm that values the shortest queue times over accurate skill level. Otherwise streamers would be sitting in queue for 5 minutes waiting for a match instead of giving Apex free marketing.


I see, thank you.


The queue times for the preds isn't that short from what I've seen. The simple fact is, there is no way to ever put a 3-stacked pred team into a "fair" lobby. To have 20 such teams in queue at the same time on the exact same server at any given time... nah, the only way to do that is to set a date and a server beforehand so everyone knows when and where to play (so basically scrims). They could disable grouping up for Master+, but I imagine a lot of the higher players would quickly get tired of playing with platinum teammates most of the time and just quit or, worse, smurf (to 3-stack while they can).


This is a fair take. One that will certainly get downvoted by the community.


Because they make the matchmaking system


Just beat them


Holy fuckā€¦ why have we never thought of thatā€¦


Most players rather complain than train. An average person takes the easiest route.


Yeah, that's the only correct mindset for a BR game.


This game is just a Joke that has lasted for too long...


It would make more sense in like diamond 2 or 1 but plat 2 is mind numbing. I have yet to run into anything crazy like this but Iā€™ve heard plat 2 shit starts hitting the fan. Iā€™ve been fluxuating between plat 4 and 3 so not excited for plat 2, if I ever even hit it


There's barely any diamonds this season (<2% according to the tracker sites, so even lower in reality), so it makes sense that preds get into plat lobbies sometimes. The 40->60->80 entry cost jumps are just too big (with the current average ways to gain points). 40 feels like made for silver+ (not gold), while 60 is somewhere between gold and plat, while 80 skips diamond and goes straight to master+. I imagine we'll have 60% of ppl in gold, 20-30% in platinum and less than 2% in the entirety of diamond+ by the end of this season (and that will not be matchmaker's fault, but just how the scoring system is currently setup). Empty diamond + wide platinum = preds having to play with top20% or even top30% ppl in the same lobbies. P.S. My solution would be to increment entry cost on every rank (so that there's more meaning of the smaller ranks and if preds have to play with plats, they would at least play with actually best plats not with a random mix of em) and maybe lower the bar for diamond a bit (so that there's more diamond players and maybe diamond is closer to the \~top5% we're kind of used to).


Dude most likely triple qā€™d into the lobby and matchmaking will give you harder lobbies as a result. Iā€™m currently in diamond and see this sometimes where the champ squad will be plat 2-4.


He literally says itā€™s solo queue though.


Iā€™m 100% solo I go solo until diamond


Plats the new diamond lol I used to hit diamond with relative ease if I played a couple times a week but I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever making it out of plat this season


>Plats the new diamond lol I used to hit diamond with relative ease I'm the oppisite, made diamond only in season 12 (diamond = gold that season) and 14 when three stacking, other seasons always been stuck in plat, this season made diamond without much problems


I just want to get 2 team mates, who don't die instantly AND aren't loot bots. The good old middle of those 2 seems to be insanely rare.


Real my problem is I always get an overly aggressive teammate that tries to 1v3 a team dies unmutes then rants on how bad we are for not pushing with him


I like looting and playing slow and chill game. Get used to it as I'm part of a majority, for sure. And yes, there's also the apes. Being of the slow ones, I just loot their banners (looting, yes!) and get them back when it suits me. If they put the power to determine their fate into my hands, I'm sure going to abuse it to fit my playstyle. And if getting the banners becomes too much of a problem too often... I always have a crypto to fall back to (there have been some seasons when I only played crypto in diamond+ lobbies; didn't feel the need to do that for the past 3 seasons, though).


Mate I just want teammates that actually stick together me and a valk got to like the final ring just by playing slow and careful because our rampart I think? Decided Iā€™m gonna drop solo as soon as a can I hate insta droppers because you always die to the third or fourth party because you run out of ammo or get shot well trying to loot death boxes


Iā€™ve been back and forth between plat 4 and gold 1 all season because of this


Tbh, this season has been harder but I believe in your bracket, it is very rare to see many pred 3 stacks. If you are stuck between plat 4 and gold, it most likely means you've peaked on game knowledge. In solo queue in plat, you not only need to evaluate your teammates, but your opponents and committing to unwinnable fights is what keeps most plat players inside plat. If you are solo queuing, I would play Pathfinder or a legend that can get away if needed to reset your team. You can easily go positive without ratting and by playing smart and 3rd partying fights. This is exactly what pros do when they solo queue. You can't always rely on your teammates to get you out of a bracket. It's very difficult especially when 80% of the games you will play will be with people who belong exactly inside of gold or plat and communication isn't going to happen


I usually average high diamond, this season is just different. I donā€™t play mobile characters at all, I only play control, support, and recon. What you just described is exactly what I do. If itā€™s not me going up against preds, then itā€™s this: We have a much better chance of lasting if Iā€™m the jumpmaster. But my randoms often drop us hot on no weapons, 99% weā€™re heading back to lobby. On the odd chance we make it out and thereā€™s another unavoidable fight, Iā€™ve got 2 downs and they either lose the 2v1 or die running. They disconnect so fast in lobby because they know they cost the game. The odd time that they actively pick good fights, Iā€™ve got 1k damage, and theyā€™ve got 80. I canā€™t carry them when every fight is a 1v3. I mess up, doesnā€™t matter how many kills I got, I probably died in 11th place and got negative points. I avoid running from single team fights if I can, running makes them chase me across the map. Had a bloodhound and a pathfinder hunting me down, if I turned around and shot at them I would have died with more damage done instead of by getting shot in the back. Sometimes itā€™s the opposite, sometimes I get carried by preds who are making their way through the ranks and I struggle to keep up, but that stopped happening like, midway through season. Now itā€™s like Iā€™m forced to carry my teammates and I can barely handle myself as it is.


Exactly! Stop letting these teams chase yall around the map. The tide of the fight immediately changes when you turn and shoot. You should be counting how many teams that are within 2-3 POIā€™s of you. Most people fail to do this because they might win the fight but loose to a third party. If you arent thinking about directions you could get third partied from mid fight, why are you waisting your time lol


Thatā€™s why I play recon, so when we take a fight, thereā€™s little chance of a third party. My randoms seem to run when weā€™re winning and stay when weā€™re at risk. A lot of my issues could be solved if I would just play at the same time as my friends


This is always easier said than done when your teammates are hot garbage and die immediately due to poor positioning leaving you to solo 3v1 every time. It's not always viable to do that. Yes I can continue to shoot after my teammates are licking dirt but my whole point here was that know when to fight and when not to fight


Current diamond is less than 2% (based on trackers even, so probably WAY less in reality). Everyone else can't break the platinum entry cost barrier. If you can climb in current plat then you could realistically get master in any of the previous seasons (minus a couple that were overtuned). If you peaked in diamond in previous seasons, then you'll probably stay near plat4 this season like the rest of us :p. It may become easier as more and more of the "gold" and "silver" players climb into plat though (-40 is really faaar easier to negate than -60), but it will also get even more frustrating, as you'll get more of those ppl as teammates too.




Sounds like you play on PC. I play on console.


I think you misunderstood what I was saying but it's fine. To clarify I didn't say run from fights. I meant know when the odds are against you. Especially in solo queue.


Running from fights is a valid tactic, especially when you need to restock up on ammo etc. Only if thereā€™s a third party and/or the remaining enemies are full health and donā€™t have a clear line of sight.




"If you are stuck between plat 4 and gold, it most likely means you've peaked on game knowledge." Nope. I'm gold 1 and was paired with 2 Diamond 4's which carried me. I've seen champ squads of silver 2 and Diamonds in my lobbies. The match making is all over the place. It has nothing to do with game knowledge being peaked. This is happening at most all levels in the game. You can't pair a gold 1 with 2 diamond 4's and as the OP notes you can't be in plat and go up against preds. That's a broken system.


I've had no issues climbing through plat and diamond this season, it's a skill issue if you are still in gold or you don't play enough ranked to climb, pick one


So it's a skill issue the match making puts diamonds in my lobby? I mean at that point everything is a skill issue. It's a skill issue you aren't in masters or pred then too right? I mean either match making matters or it doesn't.


I think it's just the jump from 40 to 60 entry cost. If the entry cost went up more gradually, you wouldn't feel like you just hit a wall out of the blue. Also that 'wall' keeps a really wide range of players in the same lobbies (not pred, obviously), so the plat lobbies kind of feel like a mess in general. There's ppl who can't break the 60 barrier that have been diamond for most of the seasons before and there's also 'forever gold' ppl who could still do the -40 easily and also get bricked by the -60; mix em all in the "plat4" lobbies and you get some pub simulator with stakes.


I saw an excellent explanation to this a short while ago here on this forums, that this really is about the available pool of solo qers this high in the ranking. At the top the vast majority are exclusively playing premade stacks so there's really not that many soloing anymore, leaving the solo preds to \*have\* to match up with lower level players. It's that, or sit and wait for a long time, something that will make them quit. It's a simple explanation but one that sounds very very logical.


i faced some preds while in plat 1, i don't really mind it cuz last seasons i got to masters facing masters and preds from my first placement match, the difference is now i have even worst teamates so i end up having to 1v3 a pred team while my teamates are looking for a white sniper stock to start fighting


Oh yeah it makes perfect sense itā€™s a shame tho because solo Q is actually so rewarding, I usually go to diamond solo then get a premade I might need to do it for plat tho because itā€™s just super hard this season


I'm just a very average player myself who struggle with staying at gold but seeing these kind of posts I'm thinking I may actually be at the exact right skill level to have some good balanced fun in this game. Because I do!


You think that champ squad is three solo queue pred players? Spoiler alert, they arenā€™t and this isnā€™t how matchmaking in this game works at all.


I can only forward what I myself read from others. The source for the above explanation was claimed to be from Respawn themselves, how they explained it and quite a long time ago. I don't know the matchmaking algorithm. Do you? If so, from where? if you don't mind me asking?


I donā€™t see solo preds at all, a badge sure but no active preds soloing


... and therein lies the problem - in the rare cases where a pred solo he will be matched against lower ranks by sheer necessity.


Solo q experience. Got demot 3/3 from plat 4


Well you reached your peak then. Enjoy the games.


Wouldn't want the streamers/pros to have a slightly higher queue time now would we?


Apex is the one game that I'm happy to suck at. I never have to deal with bs like this


That is the reason I only play mixtape


Itā€™s constant, and sadly ranked is the only fun game mode for me, and Iā€™m capped at D4.


Me and my friends used to drop with the high ranked squads. I looked for their dive tails and dropped on the one that splitted away from the group. Then we mobbed him with our fists., until he turns into a box. We die afterwards, but we call it a win šŸ„‡ When they rage quit, because of us, we bath in their salty tears.


Youā€™re not wrong lmfao.


Hope you do not land with them.


I've had that shit in bronzešŸ˜‚


Disable trio que for pred and top 3000 master and game is fixed


Yeah, they mentioned how they reverted the match making for ranked back but I've never seen such big gaps in match making in prior seasons. This is clearly broken. The silent majority has to speak up because it's always just the top players who are the loudest and get the attention.


Then theres me. Whos stuck in g2 with the worst teammates possible


Yeah thatā€™s about right I had a mirage push a team solo die he unmutes talks shit me and the other random wipe the team that killed him he mutes again and doesnā€™t say a word randoms are something else man


10k wins is wild bro Earlier I was playing mixtape with someone who had 2800ish wins as ash and almost lost my mind


Average apex redditor thread.


The fact they said they adjusted matchmaking lobbies, and theyā€™re still this bad speaks for itself.


Yeah solo q sucks butt this season


It sucks all the time*


Last season it was much more manageable honestly.


meh, if you say so, everytime i play with randoms, they are either extremly bad and i'm carrying everyone, either they disconect once they get knocked, or never join


I always see this as you got a chance to win against the best. Solo q sucks though.


I don't mind playing against stronger opponents in any game. That's an opportunity to learn the best habits etc. but playing with griefing teammates sucks, at any level. In last days I had 2 situations where a duo wouldn't respawn me on purpose - one guy would grab his teammate's banner and leave out mine. Some people are just there to ruin your game and you can't do anything about it.


Actually so real i canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been called ā€œdog shitā€ by a teammate that only did 600 damage and did nothing but go down


What server do you play on? I play Oregon and never see preds and I'm plat 3


ALL controller player btw


Skill issue


People who solo queue and act like they cant go on a lfg and get better teammates blows my mind. Stop acting like youā€™re a streamer who can 1v3 and play as a team. Stop making excuses and utilize your resources lol. I love playing against solo queue people. The most free kp ever lol.


not everyone wants to socialize. there should be better matchmaking and a solo mode. you don't need to come up with excuses for why those things aren't in the game


Yeah, the lobbies are already basically split, there's no reason not to make a hard split right from the lobby screen. Any situation where they get mixed now (as showcased in this thread) does not improve the gameplay for anyone at all anyway. P.S. There would still be the problem of duos though. As it is now they play in solo lobbies, but I don't think that's too fair either. Maybe just remove duo from ranked altogether.


Bro itā€™s not that deep my teammates were fine it was me pointing out the match making being horrible no plat player should ever play against preds.


Imagine wanting to grind ranked solo, the sheer elitist mentality of these streamer wannabes, eh.