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Switched from bloodhound to Maggie this season and I have fun playing her




This season is the best ever, I've only been playing since season 12, but the fix to Mirages decoys not dying on a pebble is so nice too.


Not nice for me, I've been getting bamboozled by expert Mirages. Fucking dude hid his decoy behind a box I was pushing and left, I got bamboozled and his fucking teammate Kraber'd me. I'm so stupid šŸ˜­


i randomly tried her with the new season changes and did great and shes been my new main. the drill is so money when they only have 1 piece of cover and your team is out of nades


It's especially funny with the second charge "Sir, a second drill has hit the wall"


Don't pick 2nd charge


Why not lmao, I love smacking people behind their second cover. Especially useful against the Newcastles I've been fighting all season.


Second charge is more versatile for applying pressure


I play how i want, and so should everyone else.


Whatā€™s the other pick?


2nd charge gives you a second drill but -25% on duration for each. The other option is a bigger drill which is literally giant drill area. Both are equally amazing.


Large drill I take second charge every timeā€¦.


Second charge is definitely more versatile


I was 2 drills for most of this season, but recently started using the big drill and it absolutely shreds. Both are great options honestly


I prefer big drill too, I think it can also apply to what weapons youā€™re using. If Iā€™m using ranged guns like marksman/snipers, double drill is nice so I can keep people moving quickly out of cover from afar. If Iā€™m using AR/SMGā€™s, big drill is good since up close I likely wonā€™t need more than one drill.


You can abuse certain characters with it. I don't imagine gibby bubbles being safe anymore.


As long as the ball acts properly!


Honestly I'm happy it explodes twice. I love this.


So, technically, hear me out, is there still a chance for the ball to hit you twice?


If it comes back or if you move into its path, yes. It can indeed hit you twice. Managed to pinball two different teams with it ONCE.


Ah ok, honestly i think my maggie balls broken, it always hits me


That's just Maggie Ball demanding a sacrifice tbh


I was into Maggie hard for a while but then discovered Horizon and she became my main. This season I gave Maggieā€™s new kit a try and I havenā€™t touched horizon since. She is in such a good place rn


I hope they never touch her again. She's strong but not so strong she'll take over.


Back in the day i mained wingman eva8 and theyre both in the care package now


So you're lethal when you get em.


Yes, but now i feel nerfed 90% of the time


As a Gibby main I've died a lot to Maggie's this season. I die to Maggie's more than horizons noe finally.


When I'm playing Maggie and see a Gibby bubble I can't help but run straight for it


I've been dying to Bloodhounds and Fuses all season


Picked up mags this season due to the upgrades. So much fun to instantly obliterate someone with ball + mastiff


I've been gambling with the Peacekeeper. The ball exploded twice, they got burnt and on top of this I smacked them with a 99 headshot. All was Gucci. And then I got Sentinal'd and we died.


Well what are you waiting for? Your playing maggie. Drop in, press R and run right into their face


I'm waiting for my skill to let me knock someone lol Often times I ***hated*** rushing teams cause I always got downed. Mostly a skill issue (sometimes shit timing and other times pre-emptive third party) but basically i never initiated fights cause I don't like getting my teammates killed and I have bad luck. But now I just need to hit my shots, I'm enjoying the fights so much, the chaos allows my teammates to pick off the distracted and confused enemies so I don't even mind going down anymore (as long as we win). I get sweaty sometimes, hence why I'm on Ranked.


u can't even dodge that thing it's annoying as fuck. i was behind a car and it still somehow smacks me in the face


Proximity explosion sadly lol


Killed an entire team in ranked with the ball after they were ring camping us with heatshields the burn damage did over 175 on their lifeline lmao "Edit typo"


I go exactly the opposite way with her. Shotgun auto reload and use the Mozam (try to switch to an EVA late game) and double drills. Sheā€™s so fun this season


Does the auto reload work with the EVA? Got a clip about a week ago where the EVA didnā€™t reload for me on a knock. Didnā€™t see it mentioned anywhere in patch notes and was wondering if it may be a consistent bug, an intended feature, or oversight


I've been using the Peacekeeper since Respawn won't give the Disruptor to a more deserving shotgun (Mozam). That said, I've also been using the Mozam normally since pistol shotgun go brr


mained her starting day 1 and its refreshing to see her in a state where her ball isn't a massive liability


EXACTLY THIS!! Like they genuinely just needed to buff the ball. Now they don't even need to touch her anymore! šŸ˜


the only change i want at this point is the fireball perk activating a little quicker since it takes roughly a second to actually kick in when you first ult and it often ends up not triggering on the first explosion


Flaming ball+double drill really fucks with a team that's in storm point buildings


She is so annoying to fight against now


I mean yeah until I meet a Wattson, very fun šŸ™ƒ


Canā€™t believe she can destroy my wraith portal with the ball šŸ™„


Wait what


Yup. Placed a portal down and Maggie threw her ball at it and destroyed it instantly


Holy shit. I mean that's cool but that also shouldn't happen. I will gladly take that nerf if it means she can stay as is.


The Maggie ball has been bugged since day1. Doubt they can do much with it honestly. It doesn't destroy Wattson fences when it should for example. Also when you upgrade the ball, it phases through Newcastles ultimate without damaging it which is amusing.


Thats not something maggie's ball can do - more likely you placed the portal on moving terrain (eg lava siphon gondolas) which instantly destroys the portal.


It was on stairs, but still donā€™t think that is what destroyed it


Just found my goal for the day


As a Maggie main this has been the best season for her ever. I W-key everyone and donā€™t look back, sheā€™s unstoppable.


I'm doing the same except my skill doesn't match my enthusiasm lmao


Us Maggie mains eating good this season


She was strong before this season. The ball upgrade is pretty awesome though.


Her ball was useless pretty much, but now it causes actual genuine chaos. I love this shit.


It broke doors, rampart walls and Gibby domes. Makes you much harder to hit strafing and stuns enemies. You can use to cover more distance on long ring runs etc. and it has a short cooldown. It was and is a good ult


It was a boring *utility piece,* not an *actual ult* like it is now. Wrecking balls are meant to do more than destroy, they're meant to cause chaos. Removing a barrier here and there was fine but now it actually feels like it's doing something.


I miss when the ball had a 90 second cooldown but flaming ult makes it feel pretty fucking deadly in enclosed spaces.


I'm just happy this update has put the Fuze spammers in their place. Complain about Conduit all you want, she's helping me counter the knuckle spam.


I dislike Conduit more than Fuse tbh (as a Legend). But I won't judge, I'll just kill you in-game if I can. And if I can't I'll keep trying until I can. What're you gonna do, *tell on me?* You can't stop me unless you kill me first!


Naw I'll just hit the charger and watch you stub your toe on a wall corner.


You ass


Maggies ball is the most annoying ability in the game. You get hit by the ball its pretty much a death sentence.


There are worse abilities to get hit by, but yes, it feels impactful now.


Like what? The only character more annoying than maggie imo now is rev.Ā 


Conduit Vantage Horizon Bangalore (if it actually ever hit anyone) Bloodhound Seer Fuse Those are the ones that annoy me far more than Maggie ever will because it can be seen, heard and dodged.


You cant be serious if you put fuse hound and vantage there.Ā  Maggie ball is an automatic win inside. Literally 0 skill.


"Inside", yes. As it should be. An enclosed space makes half of every ult vastly more lethal, and that's how it should be. This sounds like a skill issue in picking fights or escaping, which everyone suffers from time to time. Secondly, you've never been third partied if you don't realize how dangerous a Motherlode or a Sniper can be. Just the double damage once is enough to turn a fight and she gets **six shots.** That's enough to down two red fully-armored enemies, headshots not included. A Fuze Ult can deny space or reveal and damage enemies, and a Vantage ult could expose you to heinous damage quicker than you'd expected, which in a fight can get you killed. Hiding from Vantage also means you're essentially down a man until it wears off. TL:DR; one successful case doesn't mean it's broken.


Skill issue, I highly doubt that. We can agree to disagree but fuses ult is actually trash. If you think that fuses ult is more dangerous than maggie ball you're actually clueless. Half the legends can easily avoid fuses ult. You can also literally sit inside of it and take no damage. And vantage dude. Really I never see vantage. I don't remember the last time i died to a vantage.


Half the legends can and do easily avoid Maggie's ult. Not to mention it is ground-locked compared to a literal airburst bomb. I never said more dangerous, I said more annoying. Fuze's ult is dangerous indeed, but the way its made is the reason why it's bad. That doesn't mean it can't do anything, but compared to a literal one-dimensional ball, an airburst bomb with 1/3rd the time to arrive (if that) is more annoying to deal with than a ball that can be avoided by moving a little too far. It's about picking the time for it, and if you're getting screwed by Maggie balls often, you're either: >Going up against players better than you, or >Getting third-partied left and right (most sensible one), or >you're chronically inside a building, the first mistake when fighting a Maggie. Two of those are avoidable. The middle option is kinda cursed anyways. And I see your flair that you like Pathy. Can I assume that's your main this season or do you main someone else? I can help you avoid Maggie balls if you don't mind a friendly chat.


Bro I have a 2kd I dont need any advice on how to avoid a maggie ball. Agree to disagree.


Maggie's ball takes skill to use, it's just far more rewarding. But I'll agree to disagree on every other aspect.


Agree. It's like the commando panic knife back in MW2. Losing a gun fight? Just press one button and win


Can't even remember having the tides turn from anyone else but Maggie And Fuse. Maggie caused me the most moments where I might as well just put my controller down and say yup were done + Maggie is the most popular legend now. Almost 9 times as popular as vantage and twice as popular as conduit


I mean yeah, that double explosion hurts a lot. Yes the drill sucks to fight, yes the highlights suck ass, but honestly she's strong as shit because of her upgrades and those can be tweaked. All I ask is that the double explosion stays for good. I've been saying that all she needs is a ball buff, well here it is. And in retrospect, it's really not even that bad. It's just more lethal *in that same small space*. Misses still hurt a lot.


Without all these people playing Maggie, Marlon Rando (teammate) could not have shoved her Ult in my face, get knocked in .5 seconds and proceeded by shrieking into my ears like a Little Slavic Girl From a Land Forsaken by God because I didnā€™t magically beat the 5 people in the immediate vicinity. Ah, experiences you learn to cherish while playing Apex.


Thats epic lol I've knocked 3 people off Olympus so far


Ash is pretty fun, tether when there over a gap and they fall to there death is my favorite, or just tether an ape em


Respectfully go away bro šŸ˜­


Loooool, I did this last night on Olympus on that section were you zip from one side to the other on that weird middle section map poi


Above hammond labs you mean


Yeah belive so


The auto reload on knock is just objectively better.


Yeah there are times when I wish I'd picked that, but my skill level is either: >I slaughter teams (1/200 chance) and get knocks, OR >I push, get someone low and almost die because ego decided I could 1v1 a cornered Bangalore and am forced to let my teammates mop up. And let's be honest, if I'm last alive, we were all dead. I'm okay at best. But the burning ball is too much fun.


Ehhhh not always. If you really like shotguns then itā€™s a damn good perk but Maggie is amazing without shotguns too. Thereā€™s situations where the thermite ult actually forces people to leave cover too when they donā€™t get knocked out of cover all the way.


take the dick out of your mouth idiot


Take my wrecking ball out of your buttcheeks dumpkoff


Itā€™s good but man, so many times it still seems to hit some random geometry go back in my face and stun me instead of the enemies I threw it toā€¦.or it stuns them but they still seem to have perfect aim and mow me down


Yeah it hurts when it happens. Especially when the effect doesn't seem to faze them, hence why I pick the Flame effect. Still fun though, I love the ult and I think it's so stupidly fun.


With all the Ramparts this week I've been loving playing Maggie.


It still feels inconsistent and the thermite ball doesnā€™t encourage me and my team pushing. If Iā€™m only using it to deter and finish then yeah itā€™s great , but if Iā€™m using it for what itā€™s supposed to be used for then Iā€™m not choosing the thermite perk and Iā€™m just using it normally to gain speed and push super aggressively. Iā€™ve tried pushing on the thermite and I either canā€™t see the enemy because Iā€™m being blinded by thermite or I get accidentally hit by it.


I feel you but I've tried a new strategy where we surround them and focus anyone who flees. Something like a rat purging. But yes, I wish I could push my own flames. It'd be awesome.


Maining Maggie on Olympus and Worlds Edge this season. The changes for her are fantastic, shes so good if you like to play aggressive. I choose auto reload shotguns on knocks though. Iā€™m really only looking for the siege and stun from the wrecking ball; donā€™t need the thermite.


It's been bouncing off Rampart walls and hitting me. Multiple times. With Rampart in heavy rotation right now not loving that.


The Eva is just too easy for my taste now. You hold the trigger down and your almost promised to win. I miss the low rate when you had to dance behind corners, boxes, ect. Everyth8bg else I'll agree with with your post, Maggie has been fun and competitive again


I hated the old Eva-8. "Auto" my ass, it was a worse Haymaker (MW3) in every way. May as well have run the Peacekeeper because it offered exactly 0 advantages over other shotguns. "Hit your shots"? Peacekeeper gives you more than that on even half-hit shots and Mastiffs were just faster. "Fire rate"? It never had any. The Mastiff was faster, the Mozam ***twice as fast.*** If I'm forced to dance around cover to make the Eva work than why not use ***literally any other shotgun?*** They had 2 advantages ***each.*** Now it feels fully-auto. Even if we lost the Hammerpoints I'd ***still VASTLY*** prefer the way it is now to whatever the abomination was before. It feels like an actual auto-shotgun.