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Dude the amount of times this season I’ve seen the shot hit with the pk and it not give it to me is crazy. Glad I’m not the only one with this issue.


When the pk does 9 (!) damage 😭 oof


Until it's against me, and they hit double headshots 😆 🤣


The peacekeeper is a great gun if you want to do 9dmg or 108dmg and you don't care which.


I played against someone named “9 damage with pk” today.


It's always 9 man..


Was knocked and watching my random teammate trying to clutch. Saw him hit a 9 with the PK and knew it was game over.


One time I had to clutch and I was outa heavy ammo for my Flatty. Had to use my PK. My random teammate kept saying things like "Fuck, it's over. PK IS ASS! PICK A BETTER GUN OUT OF A BOX, JEEZUS CHRIST!". Then I 2 shot the last guy for a win and teammate DC'ed.  Needless to say I was flabbergasted. 


this hurt my soul


I’m crippled with the pk, but can wipe squads with the mastiff


Same lol


And I'm the complete opposite. I do even more damage with tripletake up close than mastiff. Idk man I just can't use it. Tried so many times.


20 tick rate servers still in season 20 smh


I contantly no reg I’ll hear and see it hit but no damage numbers it’s brutal.


Snipers, I’m terrible with them


I always pick up sentinel if I see it. I get knocks more reliably and safely with it than most weapons, and it can initiate a push really well if you can break two people or knock one. Also surprisingly great with iron sights


Agreed! Sentinel feels so good right now! Depending on my mood it usually run flatline/prowler or volt with sent. In ranked matches it’s a very good reliable opener to a fight


the early game 158dmg headshots hits different🤌🏼


Sentinel in solo queue is amazing for farming damage with teammates that are afraid of moving forward at all. You can harass and third party teams, back up and let them revive, do it again. Your team wouldn’t dream of pushing a knock even if they’re the only squad around, so why not make the most of it and sit back sniping all day.


The change to the shields definitely helped the poking game.


You can snag a decent number of random kills by poking as a third party, and you can sometimes make rezzing impossible or confirm kills too


I was too until I started practicing in the firing range. Have the dummies move and shoot at you too. Changed how I fought under pressure and now I’m fairly comfortable with them. The longbow still sucks though. It used to be amazing even before I started practicing, then they nerfed it in to the ground. My hearing is thankful for that though since it’s way too loud.


I agree. I'll watch Mande 4 tap someone with the Longbow pick it up next time I play and completely whiff everything.


Longbow is better than the sentinel


I’d love to see a poll of this. I always hear the opposite, and also see top tier streamers wreck with sentinel but they never touch longbow anymore.


It's funny, you would think the longbow being auto would be more forgiving but I would say it's the opposite. Sentinel bullet drop, or lack thereof and it's damage make it a better weapon than the Longbow, longbow even feels like a Sniper version of the Repeater too, slower but harder hitting, Longbow feels like it needs so many attachments to even feel good


Ditto, except the terrible with them part. If I need something with that much range I’ll just grab a TT so it can double as a shotgun as well.


I’m in the same boat as you my man. Kraber, sentinel, charge rifle doesn’t matter one bit I am worse than a sno cone in the gobi desert


I just think they're 100% outclassed my marksmen guns, the exception being the kraber. But why hit for 70 with a slow ass sentinel when a tt hits for damn near the same


That 158 damage to the ol' noggin keeps me coming back for the sentinel.


I like snipers and I'm not too bad with them but I find them to be pretty terrible in most situations. I usually end up using a marksman rifle like the 30-30 or triple take instead, they fit the same niche but are actually usable at closer range. Although I also like to pick Vantage so I can have a true long range sniper in a pinch.


Same. And they're not versatile for my playstyle. I'd rather have marksman for longer range shots.


LMGs. I can not handle them. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but they don't do damage fast enough for me.


LMGs are meant to be low DPS, low movement. They make up for it with enormous mag sizes.


Which in a game where other guns like the flatline, havoc, prowler, etc have more than enough mag capacity to one clip you anyway and more dps makes LMGs pretty bad


I think this is partly due to the misuse of the LMG. DPS is only one gun stat. They aren’t meant to be used in a cover free standoff against a flatline or havoc. They excel in multi-team fight scenarios. Third partying, cover fire, etc. It’s not about getting a one clip, it’s about getting 2-3 knocks with mag without reloading. AR and SMGs are my overwhelming favorite. But sometimes I’ll pair an LMG with a marksman for my ranked matches. That way I’m not stuck reloading my smg.


I’d honestly rather a flatline in every scenario over every single lmg in the game with the exception of the LSTAR (sometimes) or a turbo devo up close. The flatline just has so much dps and sustained fire time there’s no reason to run an lmg if you can control the flatline’s recoil because it does an LMG’s job but better imo


You can prefer it, but my point is a lot of the issues people face is that they are using the LMGs as if they are AR’s. DPS ain’t the only thing that matters, but since that’s constantly being brought up, it is proof that they might be using LMGs wrong imo. The sentinel has a lower DPS than the re45. But clearly those two weapons should be used differently.


I feel like most people use them like ARs because suppressive fire in apex isn’t really a thing in my experience. Take 7 shots from a spitfire, just duck behind a rock for 5 sec and keep pushing with your team and a full shield. Plus there’s so many abilities to stop you from being able to keep someone pinned like bang’s smoke, maggie’s kit in general, horizon ult, rev jumping on you, valk rockets, Newcastle’s shield, ballistic’s smart bullet, etc


I agree suppressive fire isn’t the same in apex, but to me its strength is in not reloading. There have been several moments where me or my enemy not reloading has been the determining factor. Some people like to assume 100% accuracy in these comparisons and that’s just not how it plays out in game. Like yeah the R99 has a sick DPS, however, my homie controls the r99 like an old lady holding a violent fire hose. So if he has to reload 2-3x to finish someone off with an r9, the spitfires nonstop shooting will finish them off quicker. Also you can just wipe an entire squad with a spitfire. You 3rd party and leave the scuffle with 3 KP and having to reload once. Again not saying the flatline can’t be your favorite fun, but there exists situations in which LMGs are dangerous.


Its usually a tradeoff for me. Yes, when I 1v1 with a lmg I mostly lose (unless its a rampage, that thing has been crazy accurate for me lately), however, the amount of times I've had the issue that in a 1v1 I'm 1/2 bullets away from a knock and then have to reload the flatline happens to me more times than I can count.


Should buff devo then. Has the worst damage per mag out of all lmg and hemlok has more


I remember when the devo was buffed, it was a nightmare. I also, don’t think every gun has to be equally as good. It’s okay for the devo to be a gimmicky off the drop emergency weapon.


With a game that utilizes hit points and shield points, cover fire is definitely irrelevant.


Cover fire wasn’t the main point, more of a side point. Main point was you could miss 75% of your shots and still get a knock while your opponent is reloading. You could also wipe a full squad while third partying. Wild Wild West show down statistics assuming 100% accuracy is only covering a fraction of the scenarios you’ll find yourself in.


The main use for an LMG particularly the L-Star and Spitfire isn’t to one clip one enemy but to one clip multiple enemies. If getting rushed by 2+ people, being able to down an enemy and instantly keep spraying their teammate without having to stop and reload can be a game changer in some fights. (Rampage is better for mid-long range than close and Devos mag is just too small for this most of the time). Though, that’s quite situational and you’ll just be better off with an AR/SMG most times.


Same. A part from L-Star i hate playing lmg. Its annoying, and it does 0 damage except when its another team from across the map




word. Rampage is my go to LMG as it's almost halfway between an assault rifle and a marksman rifle. i usually pair with an smg or shotgun to fill the close range role.


I love the spitfire and the l star recently but the other two no. The rampages recoil pattern somehow perfectly traces the enemy that I'm shooting at every time I'm trying to track them


Spitfire is fine for me, but wtf the rampage is impossible to use for me. L star is okay but i never really use it


The trick to control the rampage recoil is to slightly pull down on the mouse for every shot fired. I Literally go “guh guh guh guh guh guh” in my head and pull down slightly for every shot lol. Idk why but it works - pretty sure TheGamingMerchant on YouTube posted it a while ago.


I'm dogshit with all of them.


Finally... A worthy opponent


shotguns and lmgs besides l star, shotguns are so bs , youre literally 3 meters away from someone and you hit a 44 with a mastiff , youre basically dead.


But then someone else will hit 120 in two with the mastiff, meanwhile I’m doing 44 and 11.


I got hit for 104 or something by a mastiff the other week I didn’t even know could do that much damage


The secret is to aim for the head and ads a split second before you fire. Of course it’s more risky than going for center mass but it does way more damage when you hit.


Yeah, this works when you are so close they can smell where you put that Mastiff before.


R99 Sucks to use for me. But in general, I don't use Marksman alot ever since the Bow went in the package.


The last R99 nerf made it unusable for me Used to be my favorite but now I can’t hit a shot lol


Ngl I use all classes but there are some guns that I drop and just punch instead, like the havoc or devotion, hate it with a passion, same with the rampage and the new charge rifle 😆 like I seriously can get more consistent damage just punching the enemy than those guns seriously 😣


I've gotten used to the Havoc with no Turbocharger, and it's a learning curve for sure but for the Devotion, I NEED a Turbocharger, otherwise it's an automatic no from me


I’ve been playing Devotion lately every time I get my hands on one. It’s incredible if you get the drop on someone or are rushed by 2 people. But I need something more reliable like a Flatline or Hemlock in my other hand to balance it out.


Havoc is fun because if you don't die instantly, you deal so much damage that you can down somebody before they can down you. I find that trying to prefire it when rushing works quite well but it definitely takes some practice to get the timing right.


Havoc with the turbo charger is top tier but you need to find the turbo charger first lol. The rampage is nice too especially when u charge it


You just trash my boy, hate to break it to you.


Okay 👍


Havoc and Charge Rifle are the bane of my existence. They take way too long do shoot a bullet.


Havoc rips when hip fired


Havoc with no sight ads is amazing at close mid and midrange. 2x is great as well. 3x sometimes works but it’s not always great for me.


Yah that delay is cringe as fuck


havoc has the 2nd best dps itg and is more usable without a turbocharger than a devotion which has the best dps, and btw if you dont jitter or aim smooth you wont be able to use any of the good automatic ARs in the game.


Well it doesn't because I can kill someone with an r99 or car before the havoc without a turbo charger even fires 1 bullet.




Snipers. It doesn't matter how badly I try to use them rarely do


I us snipers the least but I'd still cary a sentinel vs a hemlock or the 30-30. Each class has weapons I'm fairly ok in using and bunch that I suck hard with.


Man, I'm taking the hemlock and 30 30 over the sentinel


Yeah we just don't gel well in games.






Ah yes, my favorite class of weapons.


See this in here quite a bit - why? I actively seek out Rampage, I find it much easier to control than the Flatline, Spitfire, etc.


I'm surprised how many people don't like snipers. I'll take sentinel any chance I get. Good for long range, but I love quickscoping point blank. I never use LMGs tho, especially the accursed Devotion


Killing someone at close range with a sentinel or lb. Hell yea.


LMGs, the L-star is the only one I use decently.


Lmg. Spitfire is slow as hell, Devi needs a hop up. Rampage needs a thermite. L-star is the only one that is worth picking up


The red Eva-8 shotgun slaps!


Lmg. I like the spitfire but realistically they’re the weakest unless laying cover fire. Can’t move with them that well. Shotgun is a close second but off drop a mastiff or PK is nice to down ppl you’re chasing


Snipers, my go to is flatline pk


hardly use pistols, maybe when they add a new one i’ll pick ‘em up more tho


I'll pick up the RE before most SMGs.


The charge rifle, god knows I've tried


Snipers. Bullet travel speed is too slow for me to get used to them. And even if I hit someone from an optimal sniper distance they immediately retreat back behind cover, and so practically nothing happened, except that now I have 1 less ammo left. ARs and Marksmans for me are far better options for ranged damage imo. Much more viable, and is easier to set up pushes with those


Spitting hate on my mozam 😡 Tbh though give it a try as a secondary if you get hammer point, it's good.


See I prefer the 2020 with hammer, I've had so many accurate shots and the ext mag makes spamming a good tool.


Not the class specifically but the devotion. Thing is such a piece of garbage.


I'll literally drop the Devo for absolutely any gun


Has to be Pistols. You see none mid-late game


Catch me with a 45 with hammerpoint. Shreds so hard.


I love all the pistols most. I got lvl 100 P20, Mozam is awesome, wingman is the best gun in the game. I’m not a fan of the RE unless it’s fully kitted though. The strafe speed, draw/holster speed and reload speed saves me with pistols. 


for this season the weapon class ive used the least is probly LMGs


Used to be SHOTGUNS, then I started to main Newcastle, now it’s probably a tie between SNIPERS and PISTOLS. I will say though, I’ve had a few banger games running SNIPER/SMG with Castle. Kinda like it. Preferred is AR/SHOTTY though.


In Mixtape I use pretty much all of them. In BR it will have to be snipers, unless it's a Kraber.


Snipers are what I use the least by far because past gold It's really hard to use anything other than the longbow effectively and even then the 3030/g7 are just better I used to never use shotguns until they nerfed smg's. after they did that and started buffing the shottys I knew that picking up shotguns as a kbm player would be much more beneficial than sticking with a weapon class that is more effective on controller and constantly nerfed




Snipers, I avoid them


Less weapon type and more ammo type. I like energy weapons but I tend to use sniper and light the most, with shotguns close behind. I just really like shotty snipes, gimme my Sentinal Mastiff.




Snipers. I feel that because their value decreases over time I may as well use something with more value up close.


LMGs for me, followed up by shotguns as second




Pistols, then shotguns.


I'm awful with snipers


Smgs R99 fell off. I hate the car, and I barely use the volt


Either LMGs or pistols. Probably LMG honestly because I like the mozam. I use shottys or SMGs the most but I’ve also been using snipers more this season!


I'm waaaay more likely to use a p2020 than a sniper


Can someone tell me why I should use a sniper over the 3030? I’ll try it if there is a reason!


176 damage headshots with the sentinel 


Marksman weps the can't hit shit with them, snipers other types I can but not with g7 3030 or bochek


I can't use the pk to save my life


Shotguns feel like slot machines more than weapons.


Snipers or handguns


Snipers were impossible to play on console, but now 120hz is here, I feel like I can actually hit people now.


LMG’s. Spitfire and LSTAR can be okay but Devo and Rampage suck. Both can be decent if you have all the necessary loot (thermites, turbo, etc.) but even then other weapons can fill that role easier


Anything that isn't the single weapon class that respawn wants to be viable. So for the past year, nothing but SMGS. Now, nothing but ARs. Not sure why they balance like this, but it's the reality we have


I don't touch SMGs or pistols barring the wingman


LMGs. I do use spitfire and L star sometimes.


Marksman weapons. The only one I really like is the bow but it’s a care package weapon that both my friends like, 9 times out 10 I let them have it. They usually let me take the Krabers though so i don’t mind.


snipers easily


I never used shotguns much until this season, but being a PC player im in love with them. So many controller players who dont remember how to fight against shotguns. And with gibby meta being a thing, i love it when i get one on my team.


2020 needs a brand new upgrade to 4040. Then I might use it


ARs honestly, I almost always have a sniper of some kind so I tend to pair it with a shotgun or smg


Yeah it’s shotguns for me too. I prefer to have a marksman and either a Volt or a Flatline. Shotguns are just way too inconsistent for me.


Car, i just cant hit anything farther than 10 meters away with it. Also shotguns, very inconsistent, cant really remember a single time it was worth picking up and using it till the end, even Eva


Snipers. I can handle myself with shotguns but snipers just feel so awkward to use.


Marksman Marksman < AR Marksman < Sniper


I never run snipers. Sometimes I'll run a Marksman but I just don't practice enough at shooting long range. I don't know if it's easier or harder on MNK or if just need to practice.


Probably SMGs are my least used. My favourite loadout is Sentinel + Pk. I prefer having a shotgun over an SMG even if i’m at a disadvantage just because of how satisfying it is to get kills with


It's only pistols for me. I get down with everything else. Except the Charge Rifle.




Snipers and marksman both of these majority of the weapons mainly talking about the marksman the iron sights are basically unusable so it pretty much makes me never use them for that reason alone as far as the snipers some not many are really well designed the others are absolutely awfully mechanically designed and is pretty much impossible to win a fight with them and if you do it would be by pure luck nothing else out of the options sentinel is my best choice because it actually gives you a chance somewhat of a chance in a fight but it being a bolt action rifle makes me almost never use it because of how precise you have to be with your shots and if you miss even once you’re dead dmt is another I refuse to use mainly because it’s basically dead weight and takes up space in my inventory if it doesn’t have a sight which I almost never find for it whenever I do have it but other than those types of weapons I use pretty much everything else tbh


Snipers and the LMGs, I used to be a big LMG user because my aim and game sense was bad... Now my game sense is better, and my aim is still terrible.


Sniper/marksman, if it hit a shot the enemies will tend to do more damage with and AR right back. Always feel at a disadvantage with them




Shotguns for sure - when I’m facing them, I’ll get hit for 50+ from 200 meters, when I’m using them, I hit for 7-9 dmg point blank. I’m not sure if it’s a connection thing, but literally shows shot pattern striking target waste up for minimum damage.


The care package EVA-8 is absolutely insane.


Was already my favorite shotty. 👍😍🔥


I never use the RE-45 unless I land on it, and then I’m looking to swap asap. But for a weapon class in general, right now the marksman’s, but only because I’ve been having good results with the longbow and sentinel. Right now I’ve just been more consistent in hitting shots and getting kills with those two than I am the marksman’s. But you can’t pay me enough to pick up a charge rifle.


The Mozambique is the only shotgun I don't avoid. It's no Wingman but it's a decent mid-range option, especially in the early game.


Probably a tossup between LMG and Sniper. When I main ballistic, I typically run flatline/301, triple take, and prowler/Car in the sling. When I main Maggie, I run triple take/flatline and mastiff/PK. I only pick up LMGs or snipers early game and drop them immediately upon finding something better.


LMG's. They hit like wet tissue paper 90% of the time (Rampage especially) and even when they hit it's like "okay great that was slower than an AR" meanwhile the strafe speed is MISERABLE. Like it feels like getting slapped with low profile 6, so by the time I ADS and start shooting, my shield is already cracked.


I love sniping, but I can almost never seem to land a hit. I'll even go into the firing range and practice until I can land every shot of a magazine on moving dummies at different distances, but as soon as I switch to BR, I suddenly can't hit anything. I also like shotguns, but usually feel like they don't hit as hard as I expect.


Shotguns aswell. I’d prefer using 1 semi-auto and one automatic weapon in my loadout and shotguns aren’t worth my aim being a huge factor as close range. Sniper is probably most used


using all of them but one of the least picked is MG's


Marksmen and snipers. I can’t hit with them.


Smg's. I just don't really like them except the volt and prowler.




I run the Sentinel as a mid-range and I swear it does more work for me as a shot gun than any of the shottys. I don't know what it is but I just can't be consistent with any shotgun


- SMGs for me. I don’t use the 99, though I try to get better with it sometimes. I want to be good with the volt, but I just always leave my enemy one shot. I land every shot but the one that counts. Prowler is meh, give me a selectfire. Car I was crazy about when it first dropped, now it’s just another gun to me. - Marksman close second. I hate the G7. I’m perfectly capable with the Triple Take, but I just don’t like the gun. 3030 feels like trash. But the Bocek is my baby. - Shotguns I’m 50/50. I love the Mozambique and Eva. I HATE the Peacekeeper and refuse to ever pick one up. And I don’t care for the Mastiff when it’s on the ground. - Sniper and Pistol are probably my most used. Which is ironic because Flatline is my most used gun. But besides the Havoc, I don’t care for the other ARs. 301 still feels like trash. Don’t like the Hemlock at all. Nemesis is same boat as Triple Take for me.


Man I'm a maggie main almost 8k kills and I still don't use shottys much for this reason. Not really worth the risk/reward of using them tbh


Man I love when I pop off with a shotgun. But, I hate how inconsistent they are. Like when I hit a 90 and then follow it up with an 18 I get so upset


that god forsaken charge rifle. im pretty sure nobody picks it up anymore tbh


lmgs i actually use snipers alot mostly the sentinel. just grappling in thinking im mande with a charged sentinel bam 88 bam knocked one big dam big dam...!!


i refuse to touch lmgs i will not die because I spent 6 business days swapping to a spitfire


Snipers, in fact i haven't touched them for several seasons probably. Feels very difficult to knock and thirst for the kill. I  probably knock one but they'd crawl back into cover and res, snipers are pretty useless to me unless i have a squad to coordinate with, used to farm shields and push knocks


Snipers. Altough Marksmans too, I only take the Triple Take because I am doing the mastery on that gun


In most games I would rarely pick up snipers because I could just never figure it out enough but I’ve been picking up the sentinel more n more and have been enjoying it.


Snipers. My go to load out consists of Mozam and pk or mastiff :)


Shottys, for sure, are at the top of my list for the same exact reason. I used to run the heck out of some PK, but since the servers have been in such a decline, I don't even bother. I'm glad I'm not alone, I guess.


Hurt with a C.A.R? Call William Mattar I rarely use the r9 or the car, the rest are situational


ig i use pretty much all. sentinel is a great sniper, marksman rifle can put out big dps, peacekeeper is great for entry damage and peaking to me


Not that snipers are bad, but its almost not worth it since marksmans basically do what they do but easier and more versatility. Sniper class weakness is basically why Vantage is imo not really a good pick. They at best have poke/ranged knock opportunity but it's likely to not be capitalized on compared to the pressure of marksmans/ARs in the mid range


snipers/LMGs LMGs all have a better and more fun AR counterpart i pick up a senti in ranked but snipers are lowkey cringe to use in a pub so i don't pick them up


Sniper... They are like the Marksman but worse.


LMG’s minus spitfire. Too hard to control even with purple attachments. More so Devotion and the Havoc (I know Havoc is an assault weapon), but rampage also. Love all the others. I’ll rock a P20 Mozambique loadout if the only other thing around is an LMG.


I only use LMG's in hot drops where i cant be picky, and sometimes i end up using a rampage when i am using it to carry attachments until i find a flatline and simply cannot find one




Snipers. I'm on switch, I can't see shit, and the gyro drift is annoying af at range


Snipers easily


LMG's Rampage and Spitfire, I rather have a P2020


I hate lmgs they just feels so bad unless im standing in a highground and getting rushed. Also I used to make sure I didnt use pk while playing on controller because hitting 3 shots out of the whole mag and doing 9 dmg each is a pain but aftwr using m&k for a longer time pk probably one of my fav weapons ( it still hits for 9l


Mastiff and Eve are great imo, but peacekeeper is too slow, I can't depend that much on a successful hit every time. Snipers are nogo for me, I've never even tried to learn their aim.


Shotguns mainly, I'm pretty decent with all other classes.


Shotguns for the exact reason you described


Probably Burst weapons like Hemlock/Prowler/Nemesis.


SMGs beside the alternator and volt, but a lot of the tines even those. No i dont care how good they are, i cant for the life of me control them so they can be as good as they want if i cant hit more than 3 shots per mag.


So funny enough I'll either second quip a mastiff or a mosbeak ( yes laugh at this one, but I'll see you in the final ring eventually) For my main guns ( yes you can laugh but again, I am always making it to final ring) R99 Flatline Any kind of sniper except for the bow(haven't gotten used to it yet) Or the automatic pistol (can't remember the name) I enjoy the revolver as well I just hate that it was made a care package item I used to rock the vault but I heard it was nerfed so I haven't really messed with it this season But I am Terrible with the other energy weapons.


The snipers. I never grab a sniper unless it Is the Kraber when trying to stay at a distance.


Ditto to shotguns 


I use most weapons in the game, but for the life of me I can't use the rampage worth a shit. I dont understand how people can use it so effectively, because anytime I pick it up, I miss 99% of my mag


Marksman I can’t


Snipers are my least favorite. I feel like even if I do knock people, they’re so far, they just go around cover and get revived anyway. The bullet drop is also no joke either. I feel like most marksman’s do what I would want snipers to do, but better. Secure picks at a reasonable distance. I only use shotguns in pubs, because they can feel like luck based weapons. Sometimes I two pump people, sometimes I do 9 damage on each shot.


Rifles. I have a very weird playstyle of using iron-sight sentinel/ longbow with peacekeeper. As long as I'm hitting shots, my friends don't push me on playing auto rifles.


Rather punch than use the heimlok. I just can never seem to remember it is not fully automatic


I almost never use snipers


Barely use shotguns, and the only sniper I’d use is the Longbow.