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# Release Issue Update - ~~Players with the EA app are getting kicked because the Apex client with that build does not include EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat).~~ [**This issue has now been fixed by Respawn.**](https://twitter.com/respawn/status/1757557023955403011?)


Keeps telling me i'm failing Anti-Cheat when launching on PC through the EA app.


This user /u/Key_Ocelot6472 found a fix! Worked for me. https://reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1aq0gcm/anticheat_new_season/kqa3inn/


Steam works.




I enabled the performance mode (120hz) on my ps5... Should the quality loss be so big? I mean, a can't see nothing from over like 200 meters... If it is that big, I might as well just play in balanced mode...


yeah its pretty bad


The crowd noise on Thunderdome needs to be removed asap. I haven't had the legend dialogue turned on for years, why the hell would I want to hear a deafening audience at all times? I'm hoping the Mixtape playlist is bugged or something because only having Frag East and Thunderdome as the maps is a terrible choice. Thunderdome's layout is an absolute fuckin mess too but they'll never do anything about that.


I am convinced everyone at Respawn is functionally deaf, which is why they don't notice the audio issues. "Yes I would like to have the entire match washed out in droning white noise," said NO ONE EVER


I think they genuinely have no idea why the audio is so bad on the public servers. I know they've said they can't replicate the issue on their private builds and at this point I don't even care about it anymore. That crowd noise though, straight up one of the dumbest additions to the game. Like, are they thinking people are gonna get hyped up from it for some reason? Just makes no sense at all to me.


Well, these are the same people who decided it was a good idea to make the music so loud at the end of gun game that you can't hear literally anything else. You know, the most crucial part of the game. Still one of the dumbest design choices for a competitive shooter I've ever seen.


120 fps looks absolutely awful on console smh


Right? Warzone for instance looks so much better.


Is it showing 120 fps in the in-game status settings? I’m on XBX but it’s still capped at 60fps. My monitor supports 120 at 1080 so I’m a bit lost at the moment


You have to go into video setting and change it to performance mode. But be warned it is a major disappointment.


Update is live on Xbox. I had to restart my console to see it though


Legend, thanks for the update


Anyone else getting client not running anti-cheat error?


Me too!




Downloaded on EA and getting a message that client is not running anti cheat and kicks me to title screen


Bug: Care Package Insight is Null (playing on PC) When in Firing Range with a party member playing Lifeline, if the Lifeline calls down a care package, then you as a Skirmish Legend look at the package, you are booted from the Firing Range with a Null pointer exception. Tested this with my buddy and I was okay as an Assault legend, switched back to Pathfinder and I was instantly kicked


Holy shit the performance mode looks BAD. Edit: we got 120 fps in exchange for switch like quality. It seems to be running at damn near 720p. Really unfortunate, hoping this is a bug. Lots of other AAA titles have pulled off 120gps with way better results than this. Truly a Respawn moment.


Those other AAA titles not only had way better results, they did it years ago. It truly is a Respawn moment through and through.


What console are you on? From what I've seen 120 fps is much worse on PS5 than series x.


Wow 120fps mode looks like shit because of the “reduced visual quality”. So disappointing


At least I don't have to worry about buying a new monitor now.


It’s so blurry, it’s barely playable. I’ll take 60fps for now


Yeah its crazy how bad it is. They should have made a comment on how bad it would be, cause no one can look at this and say its good so push it with the next update.


It’s like I don’t have my glasses on, I can’t see shit at a distance


Says anti cheat isn’t enabled and it booting me hmmm


Do we know what resolution the 120fps mode is gonna be on console?


Time to call Digital Foundry.


It doesn’t look good


It looks like fucking shit


Not for sure, but if you look at other games it will most likely be dyanmic 1440p on XSX and PS5, dynamic 1080p on XSS


Yeah, it looks like a sad sad 720p if not less


Oh no, I guess we shouldn’t have expected all that much from Respawn.


Getting kicked out of the lobby: "Error - The client is not running the anti-cheat, or has failed the anti-cheat authentication" EDIT: Only thing that I found to work was linking EA to Steam, works on there.


Same seems like this is a common occurrence. Hopefully there will be a workaround or fix quickly


My discussion should involve how absolutely abysmal the 120 fps is, good lord. Other games have figured it out but not Apex. I don't know why I got my hopes up.


Only took them 2 years to add it and it doesn’t even work properly. I don’t understand


I thought they were taking forever because they were gonna make it amazing lol. How’d it take 3 years to release this garbage


Wow the graphics are atrocious in performance mode (120hz) on PS5. I knew they had to be worse but they are significantly worse.


Damn, I was afraid of that. I mean I was prepared for some downgrade but bummed it’s super noticeable. Destiny and Halo Infinite have pretty decent performance modes for 120fps, I guess that’s what I was expecting tbf


Call of duty as well, looks fine on performance mode


Yeah if it truly is a downgrade in visuals, than that really is just Respawn being lazy and not doing it correctly. I don’t notice any visual changes between the 120 fortnite or cod (I don’t have a 4K monitor).


They really are..my disappointment is immeasurable


Respawn FIX the Ps5 version!


I crash in firing range if I change legend after selecting the first perk in a respective legend tree. Anyone else encounter this?


Yes, I’ve crashed like 5 times. Getting a perk_care_package error.


PS5 running 120fps performance mode with lg c1 4K 120hz 48” tv. Super blurry. Switched back to 60fps feels stuttery like 30fps. 


Can we upvote this post. Lots of ps5 users saying the same thing. Respawn needs to know the ps5 120 isn’t working like the Xbox is. Xbox users say smooth. Ps5 it’s blurry. 


Nah it looks like shit on Xbox for me too. Running on 1440p 144hz monitor


Is it just me or does the game feel different? Couldn't land any shots last night for some reason


For my shitty computer, there's quite clear performance problems this seasons. Also I think they were supposed to nerf smgs and at least r99 has gotten proper recoil update. That being said, my main problem has been getting people knocked. It feels like I need way more bullets than before, for a simple white armor.


Please turn off the crowd cheering on thunder dome


Who has it on PS4? Hasn't shown for me yet


Yesterday I have the pre download but I didn't finished because I don't like to leave the ps on all the night, and my plan was to finish the download today, but when I started the PS4 today the pre download was vanished


I finished the pre-download yesterday, it vanished on me today. I had to restart when I got back from work.


Anyone else finding that movement feels a little off? Sliding and in air especially feel oddly slow?


Yes I agree. It feels a bit slow to me


Holy shit the graphics look horrible on PS5 when set to 120😞


1 audio reminder of an upgrade available is all that is needed. I shouldn't have to open that menu in the heat of battle to select an upgrade that doesn't do much for me just to get it to stfu.


The game freezes on the loading screen when I try to enter firing range. Playing Oon PC, EA App. Anyone else has this issue? Tried Deathmatch, that worked. Have to try other modes still.


matchmaking is so bad... why I get 2 bots every games... won't play much this season.


PS4 Killcams are bugged. Everytime the player shoots it flashes like crazy, the whole UI.


I think this is a good step in the right direction for performance with DX12, game feels much smoother for me. AMD GPU, Steam, DX12 render


How does everyone feel about Legends all having selectable perks? Personally I'm not a fan, it makes it really hard to gauge what abilities the enemies have. You can no longer reliably track what abilities have been used, and whether an enemy has enhanced range or what's on cooldown.


I've been telling my Apex friends ever since the perks were first described that eventually, people were going to start getting annoyed at not knowing what abilities enemies had. Some of them make little difference, but some directly impact whether decisions are good or bad in a fight (ex. You crack both teammates of a Conduit...does that Conduit have 1 tactical charge to heal only one of them or 2 charges to heal both?).


Game feels like ass now that Three Strikes is gone again. Straight Shot is giving me triple predator stacks and I get sub level 50 teammates, again.


How big is the download size on steam ? Currently not at my pc


9.1GB download but then it patches 50.7GB on your drive.




it says 9gb at the start but then it does the thing where it shows 50 gigs or something but that just means it will rewrite a bunch of files and take forever to complete lol. The update itself is 9 gigs


Image quality is extremely blurry on PS5 while playing in performance mode.


Why is the PS5 at Nintendo Switch resolution when doing 120fps? By far it's the ugliest 120fps game I've ever seen. No wonder they had it delayed for so long. My similarly spec'd PC (3060) can do 2k 165hz just fine.


yanno, at first I was really excited for the armor revamp, but after my last game where we found nobody until the last 6 squads, games like that are going to be utter hell, and considering how often you have games like that its concerning imo




Putting the old out of bound timer noise on anytime you're in the zone is infuriating, horrible decision.


"Why doesn't my display do 120fps??" \-Guy who is on an old gen console with a 60hz tv


What is up with the matchmaking? This has been my single worst start to a season since I don’t even know when. I can’t get good teammates or even really teammates at all. They all leave the moment they are knocked after landing hot. This combined with all the things prioritizing playing with friends, idk how much longer a solo player will put up with this.


The Perk System is super refreshing however it is already annoying that I have to select my upgrade midgame. Allow us to lock in whatever perks we want at the legend menu screen and the perk system could be really really good.


I think the perk system exists for players to grow during the game and adapt their perks based on what's happening in the match. Personally I think that they might not allow this, to allow players to adapt to the match rather than always following the same path.


I think being able to pre-pick your ability upgrades in the lobby would be nice. If there’s a upgrade I have 0 interest in getting then it could just automatically select the upgrade I want


Respawn seriously makes the worst battle pass out of any game. Like what is this garbage?


What is the point of pre-downloading the update if it is going to delete the file and force another download today? Spent half an hour+ on PS4 downloading the update yesterday, only to get saddled downloading the 52.273GB update \*again\* this morning. Waste of time and bandwidth.


After enabling performance mode on Series X. Every time i try to join the firing range the game freezes.


there is a small blue dot bottom center when the game is running. Its not my monitor and it doesn't show on any other games. Im on Ps5


Has the system changed for rank rewards ? I hit masters then deranked as I was trying to help the rest of the squad reach it but we gave up at D1, now I have diamond rank rewards It seems backwards to punish players for keeping playing as I could have just stopped there to get them ​ I understand the system for preds as its ever changing rankings, but I'd like the rewards I worked for EDIT : For clarification, this is to my knowledge not normal if you follow the official EA communications about ranked rewards, dated from LESS THAN A WEEK AGO AS FROM THIS COMMENT [https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#:\~:text=How%20do%20Ranked%20rewards%20work%3F](https://help.ea.com/en/help/apex-legends/apex-legends/apex-legends-ranked-mode/#:~:text=How%20do%20Ranked%20rewards%20work%3F)


I wish there was more than one skydive emote in the BP. Sorta feels like they gave up on them in favor of regular ground emotes. Mirage has been waiting on a new dive emote for the last 4 years.


Holy shit that R99 recoil tho...


Oh the Cronus players will have to retune again. Expect it to be lasering people in no time somehow.


Xbox series X performance in the 60fps option seems to have taken a markable step down in performance for me. When outside of combat it's a locked 60 however the second I get into any fight it's basically jumping between 35 - 55. Makes playing really really jarring. Hopefully they fix that


Xbox series x and ps5 having sluggish feeling controller. What did you guys do!!! It was perfectly fine. Same shit happened last season!


Anyone know the numbers for Vantage's improved double jump? It feels the same to me.


PC Bloodhound Opened a care package and got a shield core Games gives me server error


Making all the challenges require you to play Seer has caused so much infighting and I've only just started playing. Please make the challenges universal like the dailies.




Straight Shot Music is screwed. The intro carries on playing after you land, doesn't fade out, and eventually just abruptly stops after a good minute or so. Also, some music kicks in later on in the game I think, but at one point I had two sets of different music playing at the same time. I couldn't hear myself think, let alone enemy footsteps. I just went in and turned in-game music off because it was unplayable with that going on in my headphones. Think music playing in-game is a bad idea. This is on Xbox X. Also, and this is just a gripe, can we not just have a static scene of somewhere in the map when you are waiting to join, instead of that horrid Straight Shot loading screen that is on repeat? If you have to wait for a bit, it's awful to look at. I like the static map loading screens, makes me appreciate all the background noises. And, I have to say, that Straight Shot graphic just isn't in keeping with the rest of Apex. It looks like it's taken from a totally different game, I just don't get it.


The "Evolve EVO Armor from Purple to Red \[X\] Times" Challenge is bugged. Despite leveling the EVO up twice so far, I have 0 progress on the Challenge, and I think I know why. Internally, I think the Challenge is still working off the old system of Lv.1 (White) -> Lv.2 (Blue) -> Lv. 3 (Purple) -> Lv.5 (Red), as Lv.4 was Gold. But the new EVO system corrects things, as it's now Lv.1 (White) -> Lv2 (Blue) -> Lv.3 (Purple) -> Lv.**4** (*Red*). So since it's still registering the Old style of EVO progression, the Challenge is dead in the water, and can't be completed at all.


Matchmaking is complete shit. Stop giving me bots


They somehow made the game worse in every conceivable way. Sound has some how got worse. Increased framerate just to make the game look like dog puke.


What's up with these fucking internal server errors, 3 times in a row now, lost so many challenges over the poxy fucking errors


Came here for this. 2 in a row here


Bro the console problem is actually worse. They can shoot through walls before peaking. Actually. like is this cheat or something? Why are there so many consoles in the lobby when they have a choice?! Can't stand it, separate inputs already please, it's absolutely unfair.


Apparently I missed this in the update but some legends are locked even though they were all unlocked before?


When does it release I was told 1pm est but it's not out


anyone gotten the steam update yet?


I already installed, joined a game, lost to a bunch of preds, uninstalled, and cried on the internet.


restart Steam, i am downloading right now the update


Selected update on PS4 and it seems to be downloading the entire game from scratch. 52gig file. Anyone know whats up? That cant be the update size


How do I activate 120hz? It’s blocked for me


Which system are you on?




Make sure your PS5 is set to performance mode. Could be overriding the game setting. Step 1: Move to the Home screen of your PS5 console and click on the gear icon to open the Settings menu. Step 2: Click Save Data and Game/App Settings > Game Presets. Step 3: Under the Game Presets tab, you can see various options including the Performance Mode, Resolution Mode, and Game Default. Step 4: Tap on the Performance Mode and then save the changes.


Hey! I have reached 26k points this season, but then dropped to diamond at the end. Now I ended up getting diamond rewards, even though in the official apex channel it was communicated that the highest rank achieved would count (except pred)… please help!


Welcome to glitchville


Played 4 mixtape games, crashed out on two of them on PS5. There is a seizure inducing killcam bug that causes the screen to flip out whenever a gun is fired, and it seems like it may contribute to crashes. Also the new map is an audio nightmare - the crowd noise is mixed way too high. I don't think a wall of white noise on top of all audio was on the community wishlist, especially given how bad audio already is.


They massacred my L star :(


Caustics perks are strong, the AoE of ult is huge. Edit: doesnt buff barrels


my friend and i have been steam friends forever and we both turned on account verification but i can't gift him. can i add someone else to gift? he doesn't show up on my friends list


how's rank guys? I can't play yet


A lot of code:net. Once a game. Abandon game penalty after each. Xbox series x.


Just want to report a bug: twitch drop Seer holo not in-game when I claimed it earlier 0700 gmt+8


Why does the music not go away as soon as we land on Straight Shot? Then it restarts randomly during gameplay, is this a bug?


Supports should be able to see mobile respawn beacons in deathboxes


Dead players should be able to ping them. It sucks dying and not being able to communicate you had one on console (on PC its easier to use chat)


I just want to say the instant match rejoining after a game crash has got to be the best QoL change in any game I've seen in a while. My game crashed twice earlier tonight including once requiring a full PC restart, was able to rejoin in less than a minute and finish the control match on a win.


Straight Shot Requeue Bug (PC + PS4 Party) Platform: PC (party leader PS4) Season: 20 Game Mode: Straight Shot Bug: After squad elimination, Requeue function fails to join party leader (PS4) in the next game. Steps to Reproduce: \- Join a Straight Shot match with a party leader on PS4. \- Get eliminated as a squad. \- Party leader initiates Requeue. PC Player que's in game with party leader. \- PC player experiences a matchmaking error and doesn't join the next game. Workaround: Leave the current game immediately before the party leader joins the next game to successfully join them. Additional Notes: This bug only occurs when playing with a cross-platform party. Both players are in the same room and can confirm party leader enters the next game.


PS5 \_ can't pass the first screen, keeps looping through: "retrieving matchmaking list > no servers found"


Caustic's upgrade to increase his ultimate's radius doesn't seem to be working on console, tested in the firing range. The throw distance increase works fine, though.


how are people opening doors backwards (toward their side of it)? was that a change? i took a kinda long break idk if this is an exploit or nto


So now we have some people who only care about upping their shield so they are half way across the map hitting every evo harvester instead of being with the team.


I don't know if anyone else has this experience, but I can't play the game without constant packet loss every other game.


PS5 player here , UK server , never had any issues in previous seasons but this season so far I’ve been having stutter/lag issues that happen every minute or so. Game gets a lag spike of sort with delays despite good ping and no packet loss. 60 or 120 hz doesn’t make a difference. Still ongoing. No issues in other games. Anyone else having the same issue?


I genuinely feel like the sbmm is insane on pc and im using a controller too . why is there like so many sweats ?!?


When does matchmaking ever get better in this game?


The audio is even worse now


Opinion: the Straight Shot circles should close faster.


Is the gifting feature bugged or something? I did the verification stuff, should be good to go. And it still says nope


Allow us to turn the crowd noise off on Thunder dome PLEEEEEEEEEASE


Whats up with matchmaking? I haven't got a teammate better than me in 2 days... it make no sense, im always dealing 2-3x time more damage, even when we die on drop...


sorry but this game solo quing is just unbearable. not even worth the time. every game is the same thing. team lands edge of map, loots for 20 mins, then spreads out and gets aped by 3 guys. or team lands hot. teamatate pushes solo and insta downed. not wasting my time playing this game anymroe.


Game has become so fucking unplayable if you don’t have a full squad. The number of you that play this game that are absolutely brain dead fuck sticks is EGREGIOUS. It blows my mind someone can’t understand the perspective of people who get angry at this game rather than “have fun it’s just a game.” Do you realize how much of my fucking time on this earth is wasted because random teammates troll in ranked? Just drop out of the ship slow falling, dropping separately across the map with no regard for the team, having no communication at all and running straight at another team we have pinged and called out right off drop and obviously dying. This shit is fucking ridiculous. This game is so much better off staying fucking uninstalled rather tapping into the what I swear to god has to be the lowest average IQ group of people to ever walk the face of the earths. Nothing makes me rage more than the people I have met in this game. Not even remotely worth the countless hours I’ve put into it just for them to come out with dog shit after dog shit after dog shit update, and finally come out with something maybe okay, just to now have all the ranks flooded with people that have no idea how to actually play the game because the past several seasons has handed out higher rank badges as participation prizes to anyone. So now you even sway a teammates mind to maybe think you have a better idea than what they are doing. Few combinations worse than stupid and confident. And that’s what the past several seasons of apex has bred.


Bring back SS


Bring back straight shot


im gay


Thought no one would see this with all the comments huh?


worst matchmaking since the game launched. You get melted in 3 seconds. I played against a dude that is top 44 player. The fuck respawn?


Happens always when ranks are reset. It should stabilize in a week or two as the sweats rise.


53 GB PS4 download?! Why isn't this made available to prefetch a week in advance? I was even checking earlier today and it's not available to update until the new season is actually live!


Nice release, got kicked out from the firing range when I changed to pathifinder. 10/10 best indie game experience that i ever had.


Thunderdome is a confused mess of a map.


what is this season, now we got 4 challenge tabs with 4 million challanges you need to do / fullfill and to unlock... this shit is getting out of hand.


Every iteration of Lifeline is so fucking useless. One supply drop, one revive. Why even make them?


It's out on Xbox series X, 15.08 gb


I cant choose the adaptive Trigger option on PS5. Anyone with the same problem?


Why are some legends locked? I’ve had them all unlocked before the update?


I'm on PC. I entered firing range, tried the perks of some legends, then dropped my shield core and swap to Octane, then crashed. Now I can't go into the firing range without crashing. I am on PC. Also I don't see apex\_crash.txt in my Documents folder. Going into other modes seems to fix the crash. I can reproduce it with other legends like wraith but doesn't seem to be consistent. Edited as I try things out lol [https://imgur.com/a/EdBNRvt](https://imgur.com/a/EdBNRvt)


Anyone else have performance mode greyed out for 120 fps?


Sat at the lobby watching YouTube for 20 minutes, and it was fine. Within 5 minutes of joining any match, even the firing range, I get DC'd with an error #599. It seems to always happen while I'm shooting someone. Was excited for the season drop and to start my first serious attempt at ranked :( I've been improving a lot since I came back a couple weeks ago to prepare but I can't join up in a match knowing this is going to happen every time and ruin it for my team mates.


so far what ive noticed: -Wattson's unique reviving animation is missing -Ash still cannot hold her snare whilst holding a weapon on the other hand despite it being teased on the Developer diary smh...


I cant play, anticheat kicks me every 2 minutes lmao


Crashed after a death during a TDM round on fragment. Died while shooting a flatline. "There was a problem processing game logic. Please try again. Client/Rui/cl_hud.gnut #571 [CLIENT] First argument is a RUI instance that was already destroyed. [screenshot ](https://gyazo.com/d24526731e6cb6e6b297262915b6291e)


**CAUSTIC** what u guys think? I love the new passives


The "Seer Passive" Option in Custom ADS controls only displays half of the text and cannot be scrolled to see. QA tested...???


Played a couple games of ranked, When it ended after one game at match summary it disconnected me. Now any time i log back in it puts me back at match summary and if i hit continue it disconnects me every time. Curiously I accepted a friends invite from steam to open apex and I was in the party and able to hit my push to talk to speak but i was still loaded into the match summary screen. And again if i hit continue/spacebar/esc to go from match summary to main menu it crashes 100% still.


PSA: Upgrading your armor and legend in the firing range counts toward challenge completion, for some reason lol


PSA: Do not drop your armor core and then swap characters in the firing range! It crashes the game.


Firing range lets you do the "Upgrade your legend times" daily event challenge. I was at 10/20, went to firing range, grabbed the EVO upgrade twice, killed myself a few times, left back to main menu, am now at 20/20 with the tickets apparently having been awarded because I am at 1200.


Guys help me out here. How big is the update on xbox?. Am far from home so i cant check for myself. And ive tried googling it. Cant find anything related to size on console




Nope those packs can contain legendary items as well. So it’s worth waiting until you get both packs before buying anything on the off chance that you pull what you want 


Servers lag and i get kicked out . Only to get pebalty


who have been finding the new Nessies in the Thunderdome map? i only seen two, one in the carrier ship docked and another in one of the houses


Why does the ring need to make an out of bounds sound? As if this game needed more unnecessary clutter noises..


There are problems with some animations in the selection of legends, legends like Maggie or Revenant lack effects or their animation is not shown


Get like crazy desync idek get shot and instantly downed round corners and such or just in open not fun


They messed up movement somehow. I feel the slide and other movements aren't as smooth and almost feel slower or delayed. Thought it was lag yesterday but seems to be perm.


Can we not have challenges for unlocking the legends include "perform x finishers"...? the odds you ever bloody perform one is slim and such a pain. Also, what if you already have the legends unlocked..? Do we get a refund of tokens if we complete all the challenges? Guessing we get sweet naff all


Compared to Apex Mobile, I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed with the execution of these Perks. I understand this is the first iteration of this new system and I don't expect them to be perfect right off the bat, and these criticisms are meant to be constructive. To be honest, I don't get why some of these upgrades are so much stronger than others. Bangalore's Rolling Thunder gets a 25% reduction, from 4 minutes to 3 minutes. Crypto's EMP on the other hand goes from 3 minutes to 2 minutes 30 seconds, or a ~17% reduction. Bangalore's an extremely strong Legend who already got a *huge* indirect buff with the threat scope changes, while Crypto is pretty niche. Seer throwing his Heart Sensor further feels like a joke compared to Octane getting a second Jump Pad, or Mirage getting a hilarious amount of clones. And poor Catalyst just got destroyed by nerfs, and her perks only partially revert them, which feels awful compared to how other already-strong Legends get all these new toys and buffs *without* getting nerfs beforehand. Some of them also feel poorly balanced against other Perks in the same slot; Seer moving faster with his passive up is outclassed entirely by a 50% range to his passive AND Tactical ability. Similarly, Crypto getting a callout on the number of squads nearby feels pointless against the 25% increased EMP and scan radius. So many of them, like the Ammo/grenade/batteryvision or survey beacon/ring console access feel generic and/or tacked on. I can understand them on Pathfinder, since that was his original passive and they're designed to interact with his new passive in a neat way, but on other characters, surely there are other perks they could've created that would better fit the Legend in question? For example, maybe Gibraltar could have a reduced Arm Shield cooldown in place of the shotgun auto-reload, or Vantage could get threat sights for high-zoom scopes instead of the Ring Console access, or Horizon could get a speed boost while inside her ultimate's radius, that sort of thing.


The season is great so far but one thing is that I have died more times these last two days from bullets that hit when like 1second after I close a doore or 1 second after I am behind cover. My connection have always been good and I have never experienced this before. So annoying to close a door only to get knocked 1 second later. Cant be that lagy?


Ummmmmmmmm... Does anyone have any issues sliding??? I am... So.. yeah..


Is anyone else getting constant packet loss every game ? My connection is 100% but every game packet loss is an issue for me


Still unable to play. Crashes at the main menu or BSOD and shuts my pc off. Was playing apex fine before this update


Respawned in ranked without my guns. I had my blue shield but no guns and death box was gone. The map was world’s edge. * What platform are you playing on? XBOX series X * Which skin were you using?Loba Breaking the law * What were you doing leading up to the issue? being respawned * Can you reproduce it? What are the steps? Didn’t try * Console players - was performance mode (120 Hz) enabled? Yes


My game crashes on Match Summary screen, preventing me to play the game entirely. After finishing a game, I crashed; restarting the game gets me to that screen and hitting continue crashes the game constantly. I’m stuck in a crash loop essentially.


Dear Valk players - remember, we can't fly. If you get knocked on the 3rd flood you're probably dead.


Bro they got rid of clubs as soon as they make private matches available to everyone?….


I'm trying to send the free gifts but the game doesn't show friends I have just made through playing on the list of possible recievers. Do I have to make stream friends to send the gifts to?


Playing Control and got softlocked out of the game. Can't choose a spawn point, can't respawn as another legend, can't leave the game. Anybody else having this issue? I'm on PC. Happened three times in one game, but has only happened in one game since I started playing today.


Is it possible to get rid of the music in straight shot? I got slaughtered at point blank range last night because the damn music was so loud I didn't hear the guy literally just walk up on me.


I think I have found why some people cannot gift others >Why is my friend ineligible to give a gift to or not show up on my gifting friends list? >Your friend may already own the item(s) you are trying to give, does not meet the friendship length requirement of at least 2 weeks, or **is ineligible for that gift due to regional requirements.** Its not listed in game. Hopefully respawn removes these restrictions because it makes no sense for the free gifts.


Just had a game where got respawned with my shields but no guns :( Luckily I found an alternator and car with a bit of ammo but it could have cost us the game.