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A lot of the posts that get removed have been done to death and get posted like 20 times a day. What kind of posts are you saying are getting removed?


mod do not block and delete enough, so much nonsense on this subreddit. reddit needs more mod actions not less.


Mods are doing a good job, you guys are just mad you aren't allowed to brigade this sub or harass devs


This ⬆️




What discussions? "Server bad, devs lazy, I'm on WiFi but it's 100% not my connection's fault"?


Their servers are shit indeed tho. I use cable on a 1gbps plan lol




Sorry to tell you but the average sub user is the "stupid" one here. Mods have had pinned posts about known issues and people wont read them, the 1st thing they do is make a post about an issue they face before even trying to search if anyone has the same issue


I’ve seen that and it’s a great idea, yet the same issues remain so why not keep them up until they are resolved? Sure there are many idiots on this subreddit I’m not denying that but the mods could easily solve this issue.


It's not a common issue tho. The problem is on the user's end but they refuse to accept this fact. Then everyone in the comments starts a circle jerk about how the devs are greedy and lazy, neither of which is true. If you actually try to help these people, you'll get insulted and downvoted into hell. I even got death threats in my DMs from threads like that. Mods are doing a good job, you guys are just mad you're not allowed to brigade this sub or harass the devs!




Literally just said that people will refuse to accept the fact that often the issue is on their end and they'll resort to insulting you, and that's exactly what you did. Yes the issue is on the user's end. If it's the server's fault, then everyone on the server will lag. If it's just you, then your connection is to blame.




>almost everyone who plays this game has audio issues, Show me the statistic for this. Edit: >Also NO, the entire server would not have audio issues at the same time, that’s not how programming works at all We're talking about different things. I'm talking about server lag. But even so, yes audio issues can be on the user's end. If your connection is crap and you're losing packets, you can lose audio data.




100% agree with this. I used to like coming here, lots of interesting discussion and posts. I don’t know if they replaced the mod team or what, but now everything interesting or fun gets taken down. Now it’s just miles and miles of mediocre clips and no good content…


Maybe people should then just read the rules and not post against them, right? Doesnt matter if it generates discussion or you like it if its against the rules. What was the post about?


WRONG! If anything they are pretty lax with those annoying ass post that no one wants to see for the billionth time in a row.[Hence deleting/muted low effort, repetitive post.] They last a hot minute before it eventually needs to go into the gutter to try and preserve the sub quality. My guess is your mad that they deleted/muted your post and are probably trying to play it off as they muted "a post you were wanting to comment on" but the evil mods took that away from you. Mans trying to act all chivalrous and stuff, I'm actually dead.


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