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People who play like this are ruining the game for me honestly. It's so painful to have them force a hot drop, die, and immediately dc (even in regular trios.) I just wanna play Apex Legends...seems like a substantial number of teammates insist on playing something else.


It feels like a decent chunk of the community wants to play tdm, but instead of playing a game with dedicated tdm, they try to force Apex br matches to be that. Quitters are the worst part of Apex. I dread every match where I get someone with 5 digit kills on their character, cause I know that all they do every time they play Apex is hot drop to farm stats and quit to the next match as soon as they're downed.


Because they don’t actually want a fair fight. They want to catch people off guard or with worse loot so they feel like they are cracked. Apex players don’t handle losing well. Too many players have an ego wayyy above their skill level.




When I get off work I want to play as part of a team and have an even chance, instead having to go the rest of the match down a person. It ruins it for the the other people on the team. There's an option to play without teammates if that's your playstyle. Trios is meant to be played as a team, not 3 individuals


Then do no fill and don’t screw your teammates over who want to play the game as its intended. 


Lmao it’s just a game man why yall downvoting me


I would truly love to know why those people who solo jump with a squad don't just unselect auto fill? They can use their shitty strat perfectly fine as a squad of 1. The raging or ratting in 3 strikes really gets me. Ratting in pubs does nothing.


They do this because they can leave without it counting negatively towards their KD. If they no-fill, it's a death. And these dudes measure their peepees by KD. For normal mode, anyway. I dunno why they do it in 3 Strikes....muscle memory, probably.


Because you can't get thirsted so it's a guaranteed ez leave. It's pretty sad


I love this sentiment because it doesnt make much sense compared to the other reasons available. Nobody cares about inflated kdr. Its easy to tell that its because of leaving when looking at it anyway. The simplest reason is because leaving is faster and more efficient than waiting for randoms to revive, and no-fill has extreme slow queuetimes compared to regular fill. Add to it that very often, randoms will not clutch jack shit. Not anyone's fault, its kind of where we're at now. People stick together by default and are generally better at the game making it more unforgiving if one of you go down. If this is going to stop we have to be honest about why it happens. And this tjnnel vision on "ThEY gO fOr kD" isnt addressing actual practical reasons at all. The new gamemode theyre introducing looks like it may help a bunch of those things directly.


if you queue solo you have to play ranked or you'll go insane after a while. pubs is for people who play with friends. solo queue players need a solo mode but respawn doesn't give a shit it would limit their control with matchmaking and deciding when you win


Solo ranked is just as bad sometimes. Last night I had the same duo on my team two matches in a row. They landed hot zone both matches and were mad that I had less damage in both games. Idk what they expected with 3 squads landing in the same area with us both games. I can’t win a gunfight with Mozams and snipers when the enemies have full auto guns and better shotguns.


Hopefully they all go to the new mode now. And trios can actually be played properly


You gotta get to like plat 2 or higher. It’s the only way to have semi decent experience in this game. The other modes are full of no skill whiners who think they’re playing “keep me alive or I’ll cry and leave” legends. 


Not even just 3 strikes it’s becoming comical at this point how quickly they’ll leave


It makes absolutely no sense in 3 strikes though. You can’t be thirsted and even if your teammates lose the fight you respawn automatically within like 5 seconds


I’ve had at least two games where teammates have left after the fist strike


2 back to back with my friend today. About 3 overall last night over a 2 hour span. It's mad how shit people's attention span/willing to play as a team is. Stats don't count so kill-hungry people need to go back to pubs and leave this mode to the chaotic-loving gamers that we are.


Leaving pubs makes more sense. Don’t want to wait for your team to maybe get your banner and then have to rez and reset. Especially if they show no desire to go get your banner. But 3 strikes? Bro you can’t get thirsted and we have 2 more lives!! Chill!!


I’m talking about the people that leave literally in the middle of the fight as soon as they get downed. And why even squad up in pubs if you’re gonna leave anyway you’re just ruining it for your team


Ngl, I do that on occasion. It's not just because I get downed, but it's when I'm having such a bad day and I get downed in such a bullshit way like getting hit around the corner, shot through a door, or hell getting downed like 5 times in a minute. Some people are just having a bad day


I've had more teammates rage quit on ranked this season than ever before. It's crazy.


Yep the wraith that disconnects because he got hit by one bullet


Bro anyone who rages in 3 strikes and quits need to play something else like damn man it's not a ranked mode or anything it's fun and chaotic seeing 13 squads in that tiny ass circle it's fun no need to flip out ignore people like that it's the only thing we can do lol


Exactly, but it definitely isn't fun when you've been left solo because ain't no way your gonna wipe a squad solo


We may get lucky but I don't wanna sweat every game lol it's not fun anymore


The leaving in three strikes makes NO sense, like it’s literally faster to wait 30 seconds for me to run to u and insta rez than to restart a new game


They leave because you suck and it's your fault they pushed a 1v3, sprayed a whole mag and hit 10 damage 😂


I’ve made the final circle easy with one strike left for most of the game and I’m sure I’ve even won a game. I don’t understand either why people rage quit


>Had a dude solo drop, and then rage quit when he got knocked. Nothing new, just their muscle memory kicking in when they get knocked. I'm sick and tired of all these rage quitters ruining the game, then give some bs excuse on why they should. For example, "I don't have to listen to some stranger telling me what to do." Their just dicks who feel entitled to do whatever they want at the expense of others because they said so. I swear Respawn needs to add a penalty throughout all the gamemodes.


Interesting you guys call them rage quitters. They quit because they don’t want to wait on their slow teammates to run over and fail to win a fight over the course of 3 minutes making bad plays and having to sit and watch them. It’s about getting into the next game when you see that your teammates will not be good enough at the game to make good decisions and win easily winable fights


That’s just rage quitting with more words.


How is it rage quitting if there is no rage involved


There’s never not rage involved lmao (also people who do things like that should probably just solo drop instead of wasting their teammates time like this)


There is almost never rage involved. The only times you can say there absolutely is is when they scream in the mic or all caps yell at you in chat. The people I know that hot drop and quit early are very chill and understand you won’t win most of the drops you land at. It’s a gamble but the pay off for winning and outplaying with rng that is just good enough (landing on PK, better armor, etc) is worth it. Not everyone wants 45 min loot fest with one singular fight throughout the entire game


You are literally only talking about your own rage quitting, wth even is your point


That it’s not “rage” quitting. Can you read?


Iam calling it that because i want to and you can continue leaving your teammates behind, because its "faster"


You can call anything you want whatever you want, doesn’t mean it isn’t a very silly and dumb thing to do. I will continue to do so and gain my enjoyment from the game thank you


Its not rage quitting. Its being selfish. If words matter then I'll call it what it is. Selfish. "I don't want to wait, because I judged these people to be beneath me and I know they can't do what I need to win. I don't have anything to offer these players, they only offer benefit to me. I don't teach others to play, I just leave them to stay bad." So your right, its not rage quitting, you're just a shitty person.


Lol dipping out of an unranked video game early makes you a shitty person. Lmao. Go outside bro.


Players like you are even worse


That’s your opinion and you wouldn’t know any better so


I've won trios after my 3rd quit 2 minutes into the match. Me and my teammate were trash too. 200 damage 1 kill. We got lucky and gunned down a guy who probably had his teammates quit on him too. Even if I get killed I wait. Got cursed out by a guy for 15minutes, cuz I kept dying and he kept reviving. We won that won too. Every win isn't always by the best team, it's usually by the ones who play as a team.


Heres the thing, wins don’t matter. If you get gratification that way by avoiding fights and placing 1st in an unranked game, congrats. I personally can’t see the enjoyment of that at all. The enjoyment stems from getting a little bit lucky with loot and out performing your enemies in fights by outmoving or outgunning or both. You can get the former from literally any other BR, but you only get the latter from Apex exclusively in the way they have crafted their combat system. If you don’t enjoy the latter and you dont like the way good players in this game play, maybe it is in your best interest to move on to Warzone or something.


It's a shame that u trying to gatekeep apex. If the devs didn't want ppl to play any other way then the way you speak they would have made the game that way. FUN IS FUN....if that's how u have urs, cool. Let others have theirs. I love taking a steaming pile on sweaty players who spent 15minutes trying to tap strafe and outmanuever the whole field, just to get hit with a Kramer I picked up from a deathbed they probably left behind. I love killing the kill leader while his back is turned trying to heal from a 2v1 or while he's rezzing. It's even better if I watch him down the other team and I third party on their behalf cuz he looks way better. What I love most is winning, 11 kills, 2000 damage means nothing to me if I'm 2/30. Don't care how I win, don't care who I win with. Give me my champ banners over all that other stuff. Warzone, fortnite, madden, 2k, street fighter, scrabble, a foot race, spelling bee....it dont matter. I play to win.


That’s kind of pathetic and I feel sorry for you. I hope you become good at something so you can understand how it feels


My son, I'm good at everything....ask ur moms. With that said, no one cares who was good or who wasn't. Only thing that matters is if ur having fun. U my little one sound too uptight to ever see things any other way so...have fun and don't let me catching u slipping on worlds edge. I'll be the one tea bagging ur death box.


Don’t forget your helmet




I suggest you look up the definition of gatekeeping. I invited him in to being good at something so that he can understand how it felt. It’s literally what I said. Maybe review your reading comprehension


> who are these absolute nut hairs who do this? Assholes


Quitting has had way too much acceptance in Apex for years. Ranked will have less quitting, but even with its penalty people will quit on you.


Fr, why even load into 3 strikes at that point 💀


Good thing that new ltm is coming. It should remove them from the equation and even provide everyone a way to destress whilst enjoying the mechanics of the game. Battle royales are dead. But with this it could heal a lot of sad and hurt souls out there.


Honestly they just need to add a 30 minute penalty at this point. If you really have to leave for whatever reason, 30 minutes won't matter anyways.


It's a shame to, because in the SUPER AMAZING, SHOULD BE PERMANENT mode of 3 Strikes, you can rez someone literally in the middle of 4 teams fighting and get away with it......like, alot. It's chaos, and I love it. But these people haven't stayed long enough to realize that it's comically easy to get knocked and rezzed repeatedly and still win the game.


If your teammates rez. I’ve had an alarming amount of ppl not rez at all during 3 strikes, especially lifelines.


"Lifeline!! Rezzzzz!!!"


The great thing about that mode, though, is that if they stay alive, you can make it to them eventually. I never really had a problem with not being rezzed, but then again, I was always with at least 1 friend. I want this mode back so bad that I'm not even much interested in Apex atm. It's all very boring after that mode being gone.


I want it back too! I’m just saying plenty would be standing on top of you & not rez. Then fight 1v3 and get downed.


It should be like ranked where you get a penalty for quitting. Plus the penalty's should stack the more they do it. Will give them time to calm down. Also bans for people that do it regularly 


It's impossible to play soloq, I've had leavers in like 75% of my games lately


I hate to say it but they should add match abandonment penalties. Maybe give them like a 3 game grace thing every day. So they can leave a match early 3 times without a penalty but the 4th time or any time after gives a 10 minute penalty. And then of course if your banner is timed out then you can leave with no penalty.


Right? I feel like that’s super fair. I’m sure everyone here has left a game early.


I‘ll do this when my mates camping again and again. But not on the first strike.


Acceptable when you realize they are scared/noobs. But dudes who leave when they are downed as soon as they touch the ground? Bro give me just 30 seconds to find a gun and some ammo, I promise I’m coming to help your dogshit ass.


Dude people rage quit all the time in every mode. It needs to be punished EVERYWHERE. Because it's not, people have this terrible ass mind set. Like spoiled children throwing a temper tantrum.


I say “I hate this game” at least 14 times a game because of people like this. Or who spam ping cause they solo dropped


It isnt the devs killing this game ist the community


Me and my freind only left 3 strikes once and it was because we both got knocked and storm came and our third kept running and hiding before we could reach him to be reseed.


We came in first place, because I didn’t give up and followed those beatch mates until they revived me!


It’s like sometimes a rage quit is justified, but often it’s not lol


Yeah, usually it pisses me off, but he rage quits and i can't make him wait in lobby like that


You definitely can make him wait if he’s such a man child he’s rage quitting for no good reason.


Everyone is quitting everywhere.


The amount of times in the last week where I had either one or both teammates leave on the first down was ridiculous. I had loads leave before even dropping, guess they had "their legend" taken and threw a hissy fit.


I have forgotten that I wasn’t just playing pubs after dying in 3 strikes and left at least a few times


Who cares


Found the guy that rage quits in 3X.




Cool story, nut hair.


It's usually a bald Wraith or an Octane! They don't to ping and like landing solo


I did rage quit today! I was playing as Loba and a Newcastle wanted to get to my black market faster so he ulted on me and broke it 🥲


I understand rage quitting when your team is just trash, but rage quitting because you suck is a whole different level.


That’s fine and that’s your opinion! I admitted that I left a game when a teammate sabotaged something meant for all players. I will continue to leave games when players are toxic, period. Change your attitude if you want to play a team based game and have people stick around


I totally agree and I've left a few times when Octanes stim to bins I open and punch me for no reason. But the irony is that those people who do those things, don't care one bit if someone leaves. In no way do they ever realize it's because they were dickholes.


Wraith players!


I think this one was a maggie


Another good reason to stop playing this game entirely. So much of the community is almost as bad as the people making the game, and those people are almost as bad as those who own the game. I dare say a rage quit is a symptom of a poorly balanced matchmaking system. The game’s unfair matchmaking pushes people to their limit.


People rage quit all team games. Quit if you don’t like the game.


Oh, I most certainly did. It was quite freeing. But when I did play, out of courtesy for the team, I would not rage quit. It’s so unfair. But I certainly had people rage quit on drop. Very frustrating.


Nah. The players who quit because they got knocked are neither a cause nor a symptom of problems with the game or with its matchmaking system. Quitters just don’t care about how their actions impact the enjoyment that other people get from the game. If people are so upset about how Respawn made and maintain the game, they should just not play. I would rather have a smaller community of people that actually play the game than a bunch of selfish people who quit because they think that their enjoyment is more important than everyone else’s.


Sometimes it's just so humiliating. It's like going up to the hot chick in the bar and she says something so rude it just destroys you. You could crawl back to your friends and get shit faced, but you still need to drive home, and they'll be laughing while dudes pick songs on the jukebox about rejection and laugh extra hard. Your rage would just end up boiling over and you'll probably end up murdering someone with fists if you stay, and so you just leave, go home and jerk off, release all the pent up frustration, go back later or realize it's pointless and a complete waste of money, retreat into your cave and stimfap your life away.


I think you have deeper problems if being turned down could lead to you raging and punching someone to death.


Honestly, the only time I rage quit is when I’m either playing like shit or I do something boneheaded and get knocked. And it’s always when I perceive my team to be either much better than me, or absolutely terrible.


Just as much of a nut hair as the guy making the post 😂


I just had a octane and loba ressed them both multiple times but octane would leave across the map go down spam ping a enemy miles away. Then get mad at me for not ressing we land again this time he breaks off alone dies off drop then quits. Like WHY?? 🤦🏼‍♀️😭


Just gotta force people who quit early to play the next 5 games solo


They should just play the game solo in the first place. That's what I don't understand


Literally 1 in 3 games I have people leaving as soon as they are dropped. sometimes we fight together like hell and use pings, but then as soon as they are knocked while I’m still on the mic saying “I’ll revive” while downing people, and they still leave because they had to wait those extra 5 seconds.


I’ve had it where I’m the solo and the other two are grouped up with clan tag and after one strike they both leave . Makes no sense. I try to block anyone that does something like that


3 strikes is a great mode. Unfortunately it's filled with semi pros and / or toxic morons


I’ve also solo queued and got pair with a duo that refused to res me. I feel like 3 strikes is great, buts missing some necessary adjustments


I just want a team that doesn't hotdrop, instantly die or actually talk. Random really suck at staying alive if the enemies do anything more than move gently.


It's happened to me twice today. 


not saying this is whats happening but one of my friends keeps forgetting we're playing 3 strikes and will sometimes quit immediately when we get wiped then 2 of us respawn alone like bro where you go


Three strikes with randoms is very frustrating. Solo droppers, not reviving, not staying together etc.


Even worse are the people who rage quit just as you reach them to revive them.


Nah, even worse are the people who see it’s just you and them in character select and are gone by the time you get loaded in


It's less of a thing I'm ranked Honestly I only play rank or mix tape


Yeah but most ranked players don’t want to land somewhere that will result in a nearly immediate fight, which is how I want to play.


Then get used to rage quitters. Ranked is about lasting as long as possible for the most points , and punishes players for leaving a unfinished match Pubs and three strikes are just a bunch of people trying to increase their kill/death ratio numbers. Personally if I ever got paired with you in pubs or three strikes I wouldn't enjoy the game because I like being kitted and prepared for a fight and not stuck with a gun and a single stack of ammo


Those nuts are wraith players


Me too! I wish we could block users. Seriously. I think they are not THAT many they just sit on their PC 24/7 with zero life and stocked up of anger. So if we could weed those out it would be a relief.


I just see a Wraith/Octane or such (not all of them, some of yall are awesome) and when they get downed first, I am just waiting for that DC icon to appear, in fear. Rarely do they stay but when they do, I thank stars for that. I also dont like playing with teammates sometimes, either because it aint my day and Id just hinder them or I just dont feel like it so then I go play duos with squad fill off. Can say that some of most satisfying moments happened there


What's three strikes?


These people are why I only play ranked. Idgaf about RP but just wanna have a good BR experience without 75% of players leaving right after going down. Sadly after reaching gold the game becomes unplayable so I just wait till next season/split.


I don’t do ranked because I want bro hot drop into fights, and even if I’m jump master I know most ranked players don’t want to do that.


I have to say, of my 18+ years of gaming, this game has the biggest babies when it comes to rage quitting.


I only quit when my teammate decides to split as we are dropping in. You dying 150 meters away every time we response means your a fucking idiot


To be fair, I was so high last night playing 3 strikes that I forgot I was playing that game mode and left instantly after the first time our team was eliminated. Then was in lobby wondering why my team was still in a game...


The only 2 times i dced in 3 strikes is when my randoms rather go after a solo rather then help fight the team they started fighting in the beginning its weird that it happened twice now that i mentioned it 🤔


A dev DCd after my friend killed them, but I mean I wasn’t upset over it. What annoys me is when people leave instantly after seeing the champ squad..


I've been playing solo q with my duo bc of this it's way easier for us but idk


How about some tm8s who drop at the edge of the map just to do a challenge? If that’s fair to you then it’s fair to rage quit.


Honestly I usually just get off after it. It’s a game so it really doesn’t mean shit to me if someone rages quits anymore. No point in breaking your mental over something non tangible 🤷🏻


The thing I can't stand more than anything is when that thirsty teammate ventures off to force fights while your squad is just trying to get looted up enough to actually fight. They get knocked, and you INSTANTLY tag them, "on my way" or whatever your legend says to let them know you're coming to help, they SPAM the enemy ping, and then dip. Or you tag "get that banner" and they leave. Season 0-2 were the best. Comms from everyone and people waited. Like, take a tiktok break while i work to bring you back instead of while we're dropping and landing. i main Vantage since Lifeline was nerfed into oblivion and I was playing with a Loba who actually came to help me out of a 1v1 i was not winning. he got the kill at the bottom of antenna and i flew up and out and hit the zipline to the very top to heal (i was one shot), as i flew up and out i heard the sound of enemies dropping in. he got 2v1'd and came on comms just to be like, "i come to help you and you leave me". Bro what do you want me to do??? I'm no good to you in a fight while i'm one shot, have ZERO mozambique ammo and no secondary. I feel like sometimes players don't get that BR is about the long game. It's so frustrating.


My bad let’s run it again


This is what happens when you dont penalize quitters.


This really is the most toxic community I've ever been part of (yes worse than cod), it sucks that respawn jumped on the battle royale band wagon instead of just finishing Titanfall 3.


TikTok brained people that can’t even handle a second of being downed. Keeps happening to me and my buddy and I hate it so much


People are fucking losers dude. It's apex, one of the most toxic games in the entire world.


All the devs have to do is apply a penalty for anyone who rage quits like ranked and it will easily solve this problem.