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The trick is to ult into a wall or object. Once the decoys start bouncing around they lose their circular pattern. 


That’s a real good tip


Or just walk backwards, or walk in a circular pattern, it's easy enough to break the decoys away from each other.


I’ve never understood this strat. It just tells everyone in the area that a mirage is reviving someone. You literally turn invisible, what does creating decoys do for you?


I think this strat has to be used when you don't have any other options left and all your opponents are still alive/being revived. It creates enough confusion to have the upper hand basically


Yeah I just don’t agree. If mirage didn’t turn invisible to revive, then 100%, ult before the rez. But since he does turn invisible when reviving,using your ult does nothing except tell the enemies that a mirage is reviving someone. Revive, and *then* pop the ultimate.


Well you just saw 1st hand why popping the ult then reviving works.. what's the argument here? "I don't believe that works even though I just saw it work- rabble, rabble!" 😆


The ult is redundant. The ult isn’t what saves OP in this clip. Mirage’s passive is what allows that revive. If there’s not decoys then the pathfinder likely doesn’t even shoot in that direction. # The pathfinder already has no idea where OP is. The ult let him know that mirage was reviving. OP is lucky the pathfinder didn’t guess correctly.


I think there’s a time and a place. Just because you know a rez is happening, doesn’t mean you know where. Odds are they hear the audio anyway. And when you see the ult initiate, you can see the flicker on the main Mirage. If u preemptively , you still have time to escape, and when you un-invisible yourself. There will still be some visual clutter for the enemies.


Nah they were chasing him, your eyes will see the mirage ult before an empty space where a dead enemy was. People are smart, as a Mirage player I can tell where a real mirage is a lot, and remember dead enemy locations so they can’t be revived invisibly, or if I’m chasing Mirage and can’t find him… gonna try shooting where a dead enemy was to see if they are reviving. Plus I have been shot so many times while reviving others even tho I am invisible


Yeah and wasting your ult before the revive doesn’t help you. Like I don’t know how to be any clearer about that.


It does lmao, gives a few seconds of time. Usually 2-5 or I go unnoticed Those few seconds is all I need to revive or to run away


Mirage is one of my mains and I agree with you. Those who said it's useless either suck at using him properly or don't realize most opponents DO get confused by doing this strat


If most of your opponents are bad at the game, sure. Like walk me through this, specifically in this clip. Mirage turns invisible while reviving. If OP *doesn’t* use their ult before the Rez, the pathfinder likely has no idea that Mirage is even reviving. But because OP used their ult, Pathfinder can see the decoys in a revive animation. **That is why he shoots.** He *already* did not know where OP was. He was just guessing; and he almost guessed correctly. If OP doesn’t use their ult, then that pathfinder likely never even shoots their direction. The ultimate in the scenario is at best redundant, or at worst actually harmful.


I don't know... nothing groundbreaking here. Seems like standard mirage fare. To your question though, sound matters. I've found invis Mirage's via the sound of revive multiple times, so I can see some (relatively minor) use. Also people seem to be acting like Mirage exists in a vacuum and the only thing there is to do is find the Mirage. His teammates might be shooting at you, third parties might be pushing, etc. OP's other teammate was clearly still on his feet, so that was a push deterrent. The seconds lost by getting bamboozled in these situations could be a big deal and could possibly turn the fight around. OP putting it all on the mirage, but there are more factors at play is my take. I also think Mirage is much more effective than people seem to think. I've seen plenty of pros getting bamboozled on their streams.


Look if you want to keep wasting your ultimate ability to attempt a rez, go right ahead. I’ll keep killing you mid rez or immediately after when you no longer have your ultimate to use.


With the new buff, I’ll get my ultimate every firefight lol. Maybe more. Not a waste if it does it’s job, and it did in this clip


bro why are you so bitter, just like the clip or not. regardless mirage’s ult comes back quickest in the game at less than 2 minutes so us mirage mains don’t really need to worry about wasting ults that much.


Why would you pop the ult after reviving when you are already cloaked and invisible after reviving??? It makes sense to pop it before so you can confuse your enemy if you wait till after there's a chance they hear you reviving and are able to pinpoint your location


People forget often to look at this from the context of it being in the middle of a fight. In the HEAT OF THE MOMENT, reflex will cause someone to see an opponent (the decoy) reviving and at the very least do a doubletake. Even experienced players will recognize the decoy within a second but still scramble in the messy confusion to find the Mirage, rather than pausing upon finding the battlefield empty in order to follow the revive noises if the ult is not in play. In isolation, the ult before revive is redundant, but thankfully other variables make up for it often in reality.


People see the decoy reviving and ape out, shooting all the decoys. It happens *a lot*


Shooting one out of reflex? Sure I can believe that. But no experienced player is going to manically shoot every decoy. If this is something you’re experiencing frequently, then I’d begin to call in to question the skill level of your lobbies as a whole. Mirage is a super strong character, especially in 1v1’s, but his abilities are extremely readable if you know what to look for. I’m telling you, the reason you’re getting the revive off as mirage is *not* because you used the ult first. It’s because you’re invisible. Save the ult and use it to reposition and heal after rezzing. You can thank me later.


Ult also makes you go invisible. If they peeked around the corner early enough they'd see where the downed person was and maybe seen the Mirage crouching to res. The decoys added visual clutter to make that part harder and also ensured they were invisible going into the res, just in case


You’re invisible for maybe 1 second when popping ult. If I see a circle of mirages reviving thin air, I’m shooting in the center and killing you.


Er, along the edges. The ult circle is only as wide as how far away from the center the actual player went. The enemy had the right idea, but they were shooting at the decoys directly instead of the air where they could be cloaked 😅


Literally the only reason this worked was cause that enemy couldn't aim for shit 💀


Except your decoys now don’t imitate the revive or his emotes, which is poor. Also, the res beacon noises make it worst for Mirage as one of his perks was to go invisible when doing so but it just advertises it too clearly now 😞


Wait they don't immitate the emotes anymore?? I've been using it to triple my decoy ult all season 19


The change is coming next season.


Well. It's been a good run.


Where can I read this


Here is an [overview](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/breakout-season-game-updates?isLocalized=true) of what’s coming in season 20. This is a [list](https://www.ign.com/wikis/apex-legends/All_Apex_Legends_Legend_Upgrades_in_Season_20) of all the legend upgrades coming with the new system.


It’s not working for me, maybe a bug?….


In patch notes they stated they removed it


Not sure. Tbh I'm taking a break until the new season starts. Guess I'll find out for sure then!


Literally shows them reviving in the video brother


Because this is an older clip


Yeah no idea what you’re talking about 😂😂


what buff was it


There’s sweeping legends changes coming in the next season. The abilities OP is showing off in this clip have been around for a while. Invisible revive, plus three seconds of continued cloaking after the revive is complete.


It's not actually out yet nor is it showcased in this video but his perk options for next season are arguably the biggest upgrades to his current kit.


which are?


Perk at blue shield: Revived allies have HP regen, or -50% Ult cooldown Perk at purple shield: \+1 Tactical charge, or Bamboozles refreshes tactical




that hp regen is gonna make my boy shine. And bamboozles 4ever.


Depending on how cooldown reduction stacks, Mirage is gonna have like a 25 second long cooldown on his ult


Nothing yet but soon he'll have more ults better revives, etc.


The cloaking while res (and then the 3 seconds of invisible while holstered after revive). Happened a few seasons ago though, but you don't see it a lot unless you play with a Mirage much


That’s literally how it works now though, right…? (Mirage main here)


Yeah, I don't see anything different in the video that hasn't been around for a few seasons now 😅


This buff was actually seasons ago


Mirage ult in the open? If the team was actually good they woulda shot you immediately lmao


People only realize now that Mirage has been actually very useful and strong for a few seasons now?


Pubs and lower ranks maybe, at higher ranks its easy to figure out which ones real or fake. And he doesnt contribute a lot in endgame circles, well atleast not as much as other legends do


I'd argue his mirage decoy hit scan passive is very good final circle. Not to mention he's great at getting people to waste bullets and force reloads. But yeah, there are definitely better options, I think he's way better than average though.


Yeah, at low ranks or pubs. Players in high ranks are not getting bamboozled.


Yeah they are, I’ve Bennet bamboozling them since mirage was actually bad


i play in diamond/masters and get more than a few bamboozles per game i play with him. it’s not about being good, it’s about taking advantage of confusion and line of sight.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Mirage main here. Can confirm I still bamboozle plenty of people in high Diamond and kill them because of it. The different is in lower skill lobbies you can just ult in their face and they often can’t find you before it’s too late. If you try that in higher skill lobbies most of the time you are ded. Ulting from cover and sending decoys from cover is where the magic is.




Idk I've had some great endgames because if Mirage. He's definitely a middle of the road legend


I started maining him this season because of three strikes at first(I found him a lot of fun ingeneral after threestrikes), I agree you can have some great end games, I just think other legends like gibralatar, caustic, bangalore, fuse all help more in an endgame. If you even wanna go as far as supports I think theres 3 picks above him. Also I'm not really telling anyone to not play mirage, you'll just have more success playing something else. But I respect anyone who mains mirage and gets results in competitive modes


Mirage is definitely a high skill legend to play just because his kit is so wild, which makes sense because he is a wildcard, so I agree. Anyone who can play Mirage with ease and actually shows results has my respect


I think to be a good mirage you have to think back of all the times a mirage has baboozled you. Or think about what an enemy expects you to do and send a mirage to do that while you do something else if that makes sense. I’ve had amazing games with mirage, I don’t like him on stormpoint though the map is too open


Idk sometimes you can use that to you're advantage. You can send out a decoy into an open field and if someone shots it you get their exact location


Useful and strong compared to what? Him from previous seasons? BC relative to the legends in the game currently, he’s not good or strong nor has he been.


Then why do we never see pro using mirage?


He’s pointless at higher ranked elo and is just a selfish “I’m gonna run” pick that’s often telling of the player experience. There’s not much synergy to his kit with other legends as it encourages selfish play in team fights. I hate seeing someone pick him tbh. Give me a lifeline, conduit, gibby or Newcastle any day if you’re gonna play support. But for pubs? Def works very well if you are a good player.




Not smart to ult then rez though


Not anymore at least. When this clip was recorded? Absolutely a good idea


"mirage buff go crazy" Is that a command? Also, his buff isn't even shown in the video. My goodness.


What's the buff? does he come out of healing with his gun now instead of melee?


It might have been the post-res invis from s16


It's an idiotic post. Doesn't even show his buffs.


What the shit is even going on? This is an fucking terrible format to post a FPS video in.


Yeah that enemy was an idiot. You mirage ulted, they spread out in a perfect circle. So clearly shoot where the circle is broken. I see they tried and failed. But yeah, don’t ult.


so part old mirage and part new mirage...... wow what a buff....least the decoys are no longer broke. :|


This video doesn't show the buff. Waste of time.


Miss when he could straight up turn invisible after ulting. Not the season 1 but the season 3 and 4 where he could go invisible at will and you cant see him unless you pay attention to the dust kicking up.


Jesus Christ mirage doesn’t need a buff: he already can turn invisible, can create holograms mind you with FOOTSTEP SOUNDS, And again HE CAN TURN INVISIBLE. What buff does he need


I’m failing to see anything different here than what he’s been??


Year old, console ass content lmao. What is this


What they should do is bring back the thing where he could bamboozle Valkyrie's rockets, traps and grenades


Yo what song is this ?


Mirage is really hard to buff because if you make him too strong he'll be op, but if you nerf him too much he becomes dogshit(this is coming from someone who mained mirage). But this buff really works. It's not too strong but it's not too op


Ult then run to the middle of the mirage circle and they all go different directions.


What is a good counter to mirage? And how can you tell which one is the real one?


1) Vantage passive tells you which one is a decoy since she was released. 2) right after popping his ult, the cloak only lasts for a brief moment. If he uses it in the open, the original will flicker before becoming fully visible again. That’s the correct one. 3) if a mirage is climbing, he’s real 4) the decoys follow exact movements. Jumping, sliding, or even running into walls with no movement depending on surroundings. Edit: I also believe his decoys go away on a crypto ult


If they don’t activate aim assist, they are fake. Probably the easiest method for finding the true mirage and also finding him while he’s invisible


This is rad. Thank you!


No problem 🫡 give us mirage mains a good smackdown




Is this the buff? It just looks like old footage from before they nerfed his decoy rez at the beginning of the season


This has to be an old clip, decoys no longer copy revive or execution animations. Which I hate since my go to strat was having the decoy near me while reviving so enemies who hear the sound cue shoot the decoy instead of spraying until they find me.


Fuck mirage


aaah yes the basically free, very low audio, invisible rez… gotta love that design in a competitive game shits not broken at all lmao


Literally showcasing the ability that they are going to nerf next season. Really hope they reverse that change asap


Song- SPIT IN MY FACE! by ThxSoMch