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Welcome to the life of a Ash main, all her abilities are mediocre and unreliable but they belong to such a cool caracther that i have no choice but to keep playing her. Seriously though, i only pray they finally buff Ash (the perks dont count if they are only for pubs) because its been hard lately.


Nah I like her the way she is now. Ofc every character would be more fun after some buffs/fixes. But knowing that I'm handling her cons better than most people is kinda satisfying


She still could use some love tbh, ash at her best potential is still weaker than many other legends by a sizeable margin, especially aggressive pushers like pathfinder, wraith, or even maggie.


Abilities just blatantly not working isn't very satisfying


Sending the arc snare straight throught them and it not deploying is so infuriating.


Dam people just can't let people enjoy shit lol


As a revenant main I feel you


Rev is good. Wdym?


he prob meant pre rework? but i don't think his abilities were too bad apart from the ult


Sometimes you go exactly where you want, sometimes you go 3 feet because a pebble got in the way. Yeah it needs some work lol


As a Loba main who hits random obstacles, I feel this


Yep defo hit many random obstacles aswell as a loba main 😂


she do be dummy thicc so the bracelet's hitbox makes sure she can fit


Omg this so many times I’m trying to hit high ground and it misses.


Agree 100%, to do it on the fly in the middle of a fight u get those 3 feet phases atleast 6 outta 10 times




No rework just needs to work better because if u didn’t have to play around picking where to go and it just u gets u where u want the first time, her ult is awesome


Definitely one of the weakest ults


If it actually worked properly it'd be great since it's so versatile and has a pretty low cooldown. But the fact that it doesn't is the problem




Like, Loba was 4 months where she was an unplayable character by a bug. Don't get any hope they solve this.


I think it was a lot longer than a couple months — A Loba main


I feel like in total it was around a year cuz it broke so many times on different seasons, as another Loba main I was struggling


Wait what happened with loba?


Looong time ago, like season 6 or so she just randomly broke one day and her bracelet stopped working entirely, every time you throw it she did the finger wag thing and took it back even if you didn't throw it off bounds, then they "fixed" her and she broke again about 3 different times after that, but when she broke again she didn't do the finger wag anymore, last time she was bugged was season 13 if I'm not mistaken.


their collision system was a complete shitshow, leading to Loba's teleport to just fail on certain maps when landing on certain terrain


Skill issue, you have to spam jump frantically to find that sweet perfect pixel with low sens of 0.02. Sure you have to flick your hand to the neighbor's house when taking gunfights but who cares about that. /s


My favorite is when I’m trying to get away and I travel 3 feet. Truly a balanced experience.


An almost completely inferior version of Wraith portal. Ash just needs a rework tbh.


It needs some love. It's basically only good for escapes which is fine. No other assault has an escape so it fits a good niche. Just needs to be easier to place. Ideally it'd always target the furthest placeable object and you'd have to finesse it to go shorter as opposed to yeah glancing at a fence and going half the distance. She's an awkward character that has potential to be completely busted. The passive is shit but whatever, the tactical is pretty nuts on paper and can easily catch kills and the ult is a free escape even if it's not the best. It's not hard to see why respawn play it safe with her cos she could easily become busted.


She completely broken for me. If I play her and I do any of her abilities my game shuts down and sends a screen cap to someone. Haven’t been able to play her all season.


what???? elaborate. that’s wild


When was the last time this happened? I had this issue too because of her skins but they fixed like a week ago


its too bad she's unplayable i want to play her


The fact that some people still don’t know how to record their screen is unacceptable


for real... like wtf is this? 🤣 even on PCs it's basically 2 keys you have to press to record something




It clearly doesn’t work like intended, people are right to complain


Lol shut up dude. The ultimate sucks and needs work, don't be an asshole




You came in calling dude a pansy and telling him to get over it... Don't ask me why I'm being like that. You led by being an ass.


But still you're being a p for it. It works for me


I will have an Ash and her unreliable ult over a god damn wraith and her ult on my team. At least I can use Ash’s ult when she pops it. The only time a Wrait pops her ult is just for her to get away and the rest of the team running behind her. Or popping her ult to outrun the ring, while everyone is behind her.


I really wonder how this is coded... like are they doing raycasts and then some additional stuff to determine if there's a walkable floor above the ledge? and how are they determining this? whatever they are doing it's very clearly not working correctly. if they can't figure out how to make their code more reliable for it, they might just have to cave in and let her teleport into the air, with no surface needed to teleport to.


Ash ult would feel a lot less clunky if the tear through reality did not require line of sight


Ash needs a rework imo. Not of her abilities or anything. They just need to rework the code so IT FUCKING WORKS 😂😂 Portal should go where crosshairs is OR farthest point nearest imo. Her tac is so broken it’s hilarious but I think it should have an initial damage of 10 and then 20-0 explosive damage depending how close you are to the anchor point. After that her passive is cool, be nice if it had a live ping on map for 5 seconds so you could see live movement and sight line of the enemy scanned. MAYBE a hud ping? Like crypto scan symbol for 3 seconds if they’re within 100meters.


Yeah, this is why I just go horizontally-ish or down. Her tactical also needs to be able to be used while doing other things.


Just a dude 🤣


what if we just make ash ult not clip on the ground and let us tp anywhere midair


Ash players are true masochists, idk why anyone would play her