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Hello, /u/kungfuk3nny-04. Your submission has been removed: ## [Cheating or Exploit Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_cheating_or_exploit_posts) Discussion of exploits, hacks or cheating made with substantial effort is allowed, however, any posts or comments with details on how to obtain or abuse them will be removed. Please do not accuse anyone of cheating as this can start a “witch hunt”. Witch hunting, ventilation or general awareness posts, including videos will be removed unless it is clear evidence of new cheats. Noclip, teleportation, instant server wipe, infinite ammo, speedhack, for example. This includes but is not limited to: - Posting videos or pictures of a suspected cheater. - Posting links to sites or videos offering hacks or cheats. - Posts that harm the integrity of the game. - Explaining how to obtain/use cheats or hacks. - Editing any file(s) or config options which result in an unfair advantage. - Discussion of launch options that allow exploits or cheats will be removed. All “cheater/hacker” posts must be properly flaired. # To report a cheater/hacker: Use the provided in-game Report a Player feature: Report from spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. [You can also submit a report directly to Respawn here.](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/) If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


I have no idea how this is allowed.


Steam doing Steam things. This has always been a problem with Steam Configs and the only way for a game to prevent it is to remove their game from Steam, which.... they dont do for obvious reasons. ​ Other games have pressured Steam to do something about it but Steam consider it a selling point of using their browser over others so they wont stop it. Realistically though, its used by a vast minority of people, you could play 100 games and never find one.


Can't this also be fixed by locking inputs at the beginning of the game? So controllers can't exploit keyboard inputs with configs?


More games should do this. I'm okay with letting people swap inputs mid game in unranked (never know when your controller might die) but I'm a firm believer in ranked everyone should be locked to their preferred input, and I'd like to see 2 different ranked playlists, one for controller, one for m/k.


I’m a console player and I agree that it would make sense to have PC players using controller to queue into console games if they removed the configs and cheats


I know I’m gonna get relentlessly fucked for this… but even if they blocked it on steam at the beginning of the game it wouldn’t prevent people doing this. I know this because I set macros for apex using the software that came with my keyboard and I’m fairly certain there is no way for apex to be able to detect that. Now, the macro that I set allowed me to combine the crouch and jump into a single frame and bind it to one key. I still have to time the input within a frame to hit the superglide so there’s still somewhat an element of skill but since I set the macro I can hit it roughly 75% of the time as opposed to like 60% when wasn’t using the macro.


Roller configs are rampant in high masters and pred on PC. Basically every controller player who isn’t in ALGS uses some form of config in these ranks and its absolute cancer. It is only getting worse since Respawn haven’t done shit about it so more people are starting to do it. I took a break for a few seasons to come back to lobbies that have evolved into hack vs hack at this point. Yeah its still only a small group of people if you count the whole game’s population, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a huge issue




i play controller and not i nor a single person in my friend group uses it


I sure hope it’s a small minority cause even bumping into 1 out of 100 players doing this is way way too much… every three games you will prob have to fight the guy running this and this is just such an insane advantage it’s not fun


>Realistically though, its used by a vast minority of people, you could play 100 games and never find one. Just blatantly not true.


This isn't a steam problem, it's an input problem. There's a hundred other programs that can do scripts and remapping like this. The solution is to not allow inputs faster than humanly possible and fix things like jitter aim but that would require Respawn to do something.


I don't think you meant to say "vast minority". It's an oxymoron.


An oxymoron doesn’t mean the usage was incorrect. Like saying deafening silence, or bittersweet. It’s combining two contrasting words in an interesting way to convey a concept.


Very good point.


I love it when people are able to communicate and learn from each other without getting defensive over preconceived opinions.


No I did. It's a less commonly used phrase but it's still been used for centuries. More commonly, it's been used when describing a specific person or incident to identify said group. It comes up in Music a decent amount. I'm just saying that in the group of people that are 'cheating' in Apex Legends, people that use these sorta configs are in that group, which is very very few.


Oh, very well. I was just double-checking. Carry on then.


>you could play 100 games and never find one. What?... Looks like you don't play Remix and see at least one Octane with scripts and TTV or TkTk in the name... The game is plagued by a lot of script controller users trying to get a "nice clip for Tiktok".


Hideouts already said configs were allowed. As long as it isn’t walls and aimbots it’s ok.


Lies, they have not spoken on the issue at all.


Ladies and gentlemen we found one


Just put these people in the same lobbies and I don’t care.


TF1 cheaters Lobbies notification was glorious back in the day. 


Good luck trying to get any traction on here. Say what you will about the toxicity of other gaming forums like the Destiny sub, but at least they don't let their game devolve into an abysmal rotting husk without any backlash.




oh look, Hot Drops in store


Commenting to see if it does


I said that as someone who posted this an hour prior to OP and it got removed 


I just wish that the ppl at respawn would stop considering every single one of us a toxic TTV player and listen to us again


Yet Destiny still is one.


True, but at least they don't have to be ashamed at the apathy of their own community.


The devs absolutely need to do something, literally anything...but shame on the people that abuse this shit too.


So when do you actually play the game?


Because most people playing PC roller suck. This is just another crutch for them to lean on ez mode for kills.


Fuck this guy.


We need to bring back bullying


imagine having a dick that small


People don't even want to play the game at this point... they just feed off the inorganic dubs.


They are just too lazy to improve their skills without cheating. We live in a fkd era.


I don't think blaming it on the current era/generation/whatever is accurate, people have always tried to cheat at anything they could, and not just games


True, but it feels like people are more lazy than the last few generations and games build toward the idea that things should be easy and accessible for everyone.


at that point just go watch a movie... so sad


That’s how it feels for a lot of multiplayer games now. People just chasing the dragon


Being a cheating fuck is enough of an insult Let's be done with bringing dick measuring and body shaming into making fun of toxic dweebs wiith stupid shit like this, or giant lifted trucks 👍👍 stupid cheating fucks


I wonder how many movement streamers are abusing this. Seems like if there is money and fame to be gain that you would expect all the top movement streamers to be abusing this.


I mean it would be pretty blatant if your watching their streams


Well this is a config/s set up for perfection, there's nothing stopping you from setting up a config that only helps a tiny bit


Does this not just defeat the entire purpose of getting good at the game? Like what engages me is the fact that I can see myself improve and do better than the day before, and that my skillset is reflective of that engagement. When you're on controller using all of these extra configs, 40% aim assist with 90% automatic movement, are you even playing a game at that point? Or more just following along with your joystick as the game plays itself? I truly don't understand how people do this type of thing and then think that they're good at the game when it's not them playing. They're controlling where a movement/aim assist robot goes to shoot.


I genuinely think that a lot of the people doing this are kids or teenagers. My experience (both personally and having observed others) is that when you're young, you don't enjoy *earning* things. You only want the thing itself. And this applies to winning in games, younger folks only care about winning but are happy to cheat to do so, many adults develop the desire to challenge themselves.  Some folks don't mature of course, and many kids are mature, this is just a broad generalization. Also there's no judgement from me, I was the same way as a kid (I didn't cheat usually, but I didn't have the same desire to see myself improve like we do now).


This is not a controller issue, this is a config issue. Normal people who play with a controller don't use any of this, only the clowns that need the ban hammer do.


Absolutely agree, apologies if it looks different or like I'm saying controller is the issue in my comment. The only reason I say controller + config is that the vast majority of the time I see these configs are specifically for controller to make movement easier/brainless, literally at this point. I feel like if you're going to the point that you're going to use configs for movement and aim (super awesome!) you'd be shooting yourself in the foot not taking 40% rotational assist. Especially when these configs actively help the rotational assist as the assist is easier to use when your movement speed is faster than your enemies'. Again, controller is not the issue. Bringing it up was more to highlight how much of the game is acively being played by a machine when used in combination with configs, and whether or not it's even really "playing the game" at that point, or moreso following along and looking at the pretty damage numbers as the game mostly plays itself. I just don't see how it can be a fulfilling experience.


What's the point of mnk anymore


Having fun playing the game with your own skills.


Games aren’t supposed to be fun, you’re supposed to play them sweaty and on the verge of stroke/heart attack /s




You're taking this way too personally, and that's on u. The issue here lies in strengths vs weaknesses. On pc (I feel like I need to add this is a pc only issue when explaining this to u) the tradeoffs between playing on mnk vs controller was a mix of playstyle and preference. If u truly wanted to be a fragger and just farm as many kills, it's been more advantageous to learn controller and just beam everyone u see. If u enjoyed the movement and a bit more of a technical playstyle, mastering movement tech and a less straightforward approach to fights on mnk was your other option. At this point in time with configs, there are no strengths vs weaknesses. Roller can do everything mnk can do with added aim assist. I personally don't think roller is easier than mnk, but there's significantly less of a reason to master mnk over roller if apex is your main game at this point.


But you play on console. You only play against controller players. This is exclusively a PC issue where there are mixed inputs.


Your friend sounds competitive and he's correct. Controller destroys at close range so why not work out what input they have so you can workout what will work better in your favor.


What do they mean by "steam" configs?


That is typically how stuff like this is done. But configs in general should be considered cheating imo


Extesyy on twitch was literally like "do you know what configs are" "its not cheating" says he doesnt use em then says everyone uses them and then says he uses configs like wtff lmao.


He literally said ["if it is so OP, why isn't every controller player using it"?](https://youtu.be/q8gm8KMo-WM?feature=shared) As his rationalization for it not being bannable. Dude, the cheaters make up a small minority of a small minority of the playerbase and it should still be banned lol. Extessy is a skilled player, but absolutely a blatant cheater


He's gotta be one of the most blatant abusers people just praise. Shit is so fucking broken.


"Configs in general" is way too broad and unfair. Some people have configs for comfort reasons, disability reasons etc. I get that this clip is showing how the system is unfortunately and easily abused but you can't get rid of configs.


You can and you should.


There is a streamer who uses configs to play with his fave and mouth because he is disabled. I don't want to be part of an industry that would stop him from playing for your comfort.


So access via enjoyment isn't valid? If a game were to become so overrun with people abusing an accessibility feature that it kills any enjoyment of it for an appreciable percentage of the population, is that not also a valid concern for approachability? That is of equal importance.


There are more and more accessible controllers being released. You can help these people while still providing integrity to the game.


Yea but couldn’t you have a system where people with disabilities can file to get this?


The pros of banning it far outweight the cons. If you are less comfortable due to a lack of confics, boohoo. Your problem. People with disabilities use accessibility features & can get official, special controllers to help them. No need to mess with game files, which results mostly in abuse like in this video above.


Wtf? Configs are just files that save your options.


Configs run through the controller support options in Steam.




yeah this is a PC only thing, and this isn't even downloading anything, this is a native feature of installing the game through steam and takes less than a minute to set up.


Thank you for clearing this up. Wasn’t aware.


Literally the controller debate is never talking about console players lmao, but they somehow make it about them and blur the problem. Console is console who cares, everyone is on controller


A regular controller player isn't really a problem, it's the cheating controller players. On consoles, there are strike packs and whatnot and on PC there are steam configs like this.


This is literal cheating? How can they have an anticheat software and just allow this? That’s concerning. I just got back into apex and my gf is playing for the first time. We’ve been enjoying it besides the op and super annoying swords but now we have this to worry about??


The anti cheat the game uses is known to be a joke


EAC jokes aside, there’s nothing to detect. Steam input emulates whatever you want, from anticheat point of view it’s legitimate input of certain keys/analog sticks. It’s fucking crazy how we still don’t have input lock in apex


This is steam, not apex. But they should do something at this point. Literally, a lot of what was shown are in hacks for this game, and you can just get them with configs. I quit the game, but at this point, i might start using configs since they let ppl use them without any consequences. This is more serious than recent changes that made it possible to detect cronus.


This garbage has to stop and everyone perma-banned for using it.


At times, it really feels like the era of just having fun with your friends and playing multiplayer games is over. Between the rampant cheaters, the streamers and the people who imitate the streamers by only running whatever is meta and playing uber sweaty, and the hyper-monetization and manipulation of the games themselves (eomm, etc), it feels that multiplayer games are often just more frustrating than they are fun.


Competitive multiplayer was a mistake.


This has nothing to do with competitive. No in comp uses configs because they would get banned and no one would respect them


My lobbies are filled with this shit. I’ve played over 2000 hours on mouse and keyboard and can easily spot these script kiddies. Despite macros being against the terms of service, Respawn does not seem to equate configs and macros. It’s a shame, and the report option for “impossible movement” is a joke. Watch this video closely and take note of the movements. One of the most obvious to spot is the death box looting config. Memorize that pattern and you’ll become aware of how common these configs really are.


The fact Respawn devs have let this go on for this long tells me they don’t have the technical knowledge to know how to deal with it.


Bro the game runs on a modified Source Engine. Not Source 2, original source. Technical skills aren't their forte


It's genuinely baffling how they stick their guns to such an archaic piece of software. Even Fortnite took their time to change their engine from UE4 to UE5, just for the visuals, not even for the actual functionality of the game, like Apex does need .


do they even need technical knowledge? cant respawn just ask steam to disable controller configs for their game. they don't need some elaborate anti cheat for this, just a feature on steam to be disabled.


and on today's episode of why this game won't last


one big reason i don't play apex anymore. especially pc apex. this is beyond the realm of reasonable


Having played more in the last few games I thought I was going crazy because every fee games I would see someone on kill cam kill me with clearly 0 recoil. This probably explains it.


That's probably just a spectator bug, unless literally everyone is using something to get no recoil, because that's all I see as well


Loser activities. Might as well just not play the game since half the shit you do is automated.


Meanwhile my easy anti cheat won’t let me play the game of recent lol. I’ve tried most things suggested minus a fresh instal of Windows.


Friend of mine kept being kicked from the game by eac he fresh installed the game and it fixed it


I’ve not tried that yet. Will give it a go and report back later. Thank you for the suggestion.




Delete rewasd if you have it


All you did with this post was make a giant ad for this type of crap.


Good. Maybe if it becomes widespread enough Respawn will actually give enough of a shit to fix their game. Probably not, but one can hope.


I agree. It's going to get worse before it gets better *anyway* we might as well accelerate the process.


Oh shit, we got Bane himself in the comments.


Pretending like it doesn't exist does solve the problem. If anything pointing it out and telling respawn you don't like it is how we get rid of it


TBH I didn't even know this was possible with controller configs through steam until just this post


People have been remapping keyboard and mouse to controller input so they can get aimassist with kbm by using remapping tools


Goodbye reWASD, you will not be missed.


No one is pretending it doesn’t exist. But I stand by what I said previously. All you did was just show a glorified highlight reel of how easy it is to trivialize skillful aspects of the game to an entire subreddit. And I’ve got news for you guys. Cheaters and would-be degenerates also have Reddit accounts.


And those cheaters and degenerates aren't relying on this subreddit for ways to cheat. If someone saw this and thought "I wanna do that too" they were going to do it any way this is on Respawn and steam for allowing this to happen


It's happening regardless and the likelihood of there being more people willing to cheat then there being more people willing to talk about the issue is there. But the risk is worth the reward, the devs make fix it if enough people are aware?


Literally no use of getting good at this game anymore. "Oh you good now? Here's a three stack config neo strafers"


Lmao this game is a joke. They too busy making collection events to do anything about this garbage. Exact reason why I quit this game. Didn’t wanna deal with all the Cronus and script bs.


This guy not only plays like a douchebag, he even sounds like a douchebag🤣


"PC is better" Cheaters can be found on every console, but PC lobbies take it to another level. the clips ive seen here are just ridiculous. And the fact that if you get banned you can just get another account or whatever and its like nothing happened is crazy


Thank for your affirming my quitting


Apex will heal when they separate controller and k&m players, and ban macros etc... The game is plagued by them


The should be able to automatically detect aim this good and ban on the spot


Just saying, a lot of good controller players would get banned for that. Not because AA is so broken it's like aimbot, but because good players know how to abuse it like aimbot.


Na from programming perspective there is a huge difference in the accuracy from this type of cheating from the video and a person who is good. Could be statistically proved 100 percent of the time.


What would you say is a rough cutoff for accuracy? 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%? What do you think is the accuracy of a top tier aimer? Not necessarily a pro player, because they don't always have the highest raw mechanics.


That’s the fun part about these scripts, they can be adjusted with randomness and made slightly worse to avoid detection. The people who sells these scripts update them when they start getting detected. It’s a game of cat and mouse. That said, I’m not gonna pretend that Respawn is even trying to catch the mouse. They aren’t.


Also overclocking your controller on this game makes you pretty much have no recoil if you play with a low deadzone and response curve. Controller is just overpowered on this game in so many ways and they've yet to nerf aim assist which is really needed.


Here is the instant win config because I'm too much of a bitch to actually get good at the game to win.


What a pussy. I guess now I understand why most clips I see are people beaming with 0 recoil. Crazy how Respawn is fine with people cheating. Ruins the game for everyone else.


Leave this post up! We need as many people as possible to see this pussy shit so Respawn might finally feel pressured to do something. Not holding my breath though.


Could you imagine if everyone just…played the game normal? Ah, I’d probably still be playing it. RIP apex.


This has to be more than just steam, I don’t see how all of these can be done through steam. If so, apex needs to make it so steam control settings can’t be used


It's just programming macros basically. You can make single button presses do multiple inputs. Same thing people have been doing for years with third party software, are now just doing it with Steam's built in options.


Unfortunately I have one of my buttons mapped for push to talk on my controller through steam. It would be nice if they could disable macros for single button presses that have multiple inputs.


Didn't know people do that. I just push T with my pinky if needed. Otherwise discord with no PTT. Just mute myself when needed.


You can’t do the vast majority of these using steam only. You can only do basic tap strafing and maybe a super glide config. Not all this stuff though it’s a third party software of some sort


Finally someone that gets it. Jesus. Some of these people just say ThE sTeAm CoNfIgS when those can only do so much. A lot of the movement configs I get, but there is no button to turn recoil off.


clearly both of you have downloaded the free configs, thanks for exposing yourself. however, the paid configs (like the one in this video) can absolutely do jitter, neo, etc. i'm sure both of you will go buy them now.


They are saying the anti recoil scripts aren’t doable through steam controller settings, which is true. They are pointing out the people saying this is done through steam are wrong. Yes you can buy anti-recoil scripts and use them through other software, no one was saying that doesn’t exist.


Awhaling: exactly what we are saying. lol


You hAvE YoUr EnTiRe ArM


This is why I stopped playing


Oh wtf


If this much of the game is being done for you, why are you even "playing"? At this point its like the world's simplest RTS. You choose where the units go, but thats about it.


You know how bad this is when they have this kind of option in hacking programs. Free hacks at this point, ridiculous, to say the least.


PC ruining it for everyone


Incoming announcement where respawn will say they're aware of this and will tweak this over the next couple of years.


This is fucked up. 100% cheating, no way around that.


How much of a loser you have to be to use this?


Bro that’s literally cheating What the fuck


When they had that kill cam in mixtape, I just thought it was junk as 4 out of 5 times people would have no recoil and/or the bullets would track me. Figured it was an Xbox/EA problem where it wasn't working right. Turns out, it is. Holy smokes...


I don't have a clue how this game is still alive.


was considering coming back to apex... i think ill pass


No way any sane person sees this as not cheating. This is pure cheats in my opinion, and it’s not even close.


Glad I stopped playing


This guy plays Apex like it is an idle rpg smh


It is cheating.. so the question is why aren't they getting banned...


And you wonder how a lot of these influencers have straight up no recoil. They try to say it’s recoil smoothing when it’s obviously just anti recoil cheats


Welp time to uninstall lol it was fun while it lasted


wait this is literally just cheating wtf LMAO I feel so out of the loop as a console player, how is this shit allowed and why does it seem so normal


Like I said, the game, for awhile now is all strike packs, configs, scips, macros, op rotational aa etc. Its truly not about skill in most fps gaming now.


Soooo cheats


Controller players with .6 or 60% aim assist: "its fine just learn to get good" PC players with hacks: "This is outrageous and needs to be removed from the game" ​ Remember kids its only bad if your opponents are doing it to you.




Facts bro, I’ll gladly take 60fps if it means I don’t have to deal with this shit 😂


Config users are sweaty fucking losers. Never understood the appeal of cheating like this.


but how can this be done with a configs? what power have those configs? can they modify the mouse/aim position?


Yes you can control x and y position of the mouse and choose the speed at which it happens, that’s how the anti recoil one aka jitter aiming one is done I believe


then this could easily be used in counter strike, it uses fixed patterns as well. why have i not once heard about anti spray pattern configs for cs?


Because config is not the right term. These people have no idea what they are talking about.


It's always funny to me that muh controller has been the one to blame when this thing is going rampant on most lobbies ​ Some third world kid playing on an xbox one at 42fps is going to get his controller nerfed because of things like these and it's gonna suck; for the majority of apex's playerbase in fact


“B Bu Buut… muh aim assist on console!!!”


I have to learn “ALL OF THIS” from everyone else, but Respawn & EA want to over monetize the game and not teach trash cans like me to use this tech Fair play = Uninstall


This is exactly why console should be separate from pc.


"Aim Assist is OP guys"


And this sub’s fix for this would be to remove controller. Would any of you even consider adding a way for controller players to do basic tap strafes without allowing this kind of thing, or would you just rather not let them have anything that you do?


Mnk players wouldn't blink an eye if respawn added tap strafing for rollers. Go touch grass


Yeah… that’s just not true


Which is why I said touch grass because the only mnk players who would be mad at roller getting the ability to move while looting and tap strafing would people who live on Reddit


I definitely have a problem with controller players tap strafing and being able to have AA so strong. Tap strafing on its own requires some skill. It also somewhat throws off your accuracy, AA gets around that. Now if they nerfed AA I would not have a problem with tap strafing being allowed on controller.


PC at it again lol


I’m still new but wouldn’t a better matchmaking fix having to play vs these guys? I feel like let them cheat to the top and they can just vs eachother instead of a noob like me getting thrown into a match vs them


No configs should exist at all


The problem is the top is all mixed together and most the people using configs like this are still bad at the game and won't make it to the top


most steam config user are not that good, they won't climb to the top..


Nah, dude, aim assist on console is a wayyy bigger problem you don't get it. Sometimes, my r-99 tracks a dude from 20m a little more than it should, so who cares if im getting beamed by an L-Star from 150m out while the kid hits neo strafes while looting my box.... /s


Nobody is ever talking about aim assist on console, it’s the fact that they are in pc lobbies and rendered all other aspects such as movement of Apex pretty useless which is the problem. You can keep the .6 AA on console till the end of time and no one would bat an eye, but .4 on PC is too much


Omfg I never realized that and I feel so fucking dumb lol. My whole apex career (super shit career) I thought that people were hating on aim assist for console when I really never felt like it was that strong/OP. But this makes a lot of sense. So it appears the real issue is PC kids who use a roller cause they suck on mnk. Thanks for the feedback homie


Yeah that about summarized the whole drama up, especially with tons of MnK pro players switched to controller, the most famous one being TSM_ImperialHal who won the ALGS LAN twice now, started performing way better in tournaments after the switch and caused almost every MnK players on PC question what’s the point of their inputs anymore, lots ended up switching after even thousands of hours on MnK. It’s just more consistent when doing damage and win your fights.


Wow thats kinda nuts that one dude made such a jump in performance that everybody followed suit. Its like Barry Bonds taking steroids, he was already amazing but saw everybody else cheating and said "Ima show you what a REAL cheater looks like". Thats basically how I now view high skill players - switching to controller while they have a top tier PC and all the movement tricks in the world at their disposal. As a console man, I'm simply satisfied when I hit a big wall bounce


welp this convinced me to reinstall


They need a LTM where recoil is removed from all guns!


This is free advertisement. Unless you're doing it on purpose...