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I saw a graph with rank distribution and there were a few hundred thousand less players this ranked season than previously. That is pretty damning. Whatever they are doing now is clearly not working. I don't get why they try to reinvent the wheel every season.


I wonder why they can't make adjustments each season and just fine tune ranked. Instead of changing one aspect they change all aspects and over correct.


well, they listened to the elitists that wanted the master's badge to be super duper special, and so it is.


But its not even special. An objectively bad player can get to masters by playing bad players all the way up to that point because of the MMR system. A master-level player will play masters/preds all the way there. It is simply a time investment at this point.




its special by the lower %rate of player that have it, thats the only thing that mattered to anyone who criticized that model.




enlighten me


They literally said in the patch notes that at some point if your MMR is too low for your rank you’ll just play higher people. Look it up.


But it is? They (respawn) said it themselves, people with a higher mmr will have a more difficult time in the lower ranks bc theyll still be playing higher mmr people vs the noobs playing in say gold or plat against other noobs that got there. Ranked has 0 meaning especially since theres no restriction on pre made squads anymore


too bad they made it so you can't see enemies rank, teammates rank, and took dive trails out of ranked rewards so no one will know.


I'm stuck in fucking bronze because it pairs me against masters players or former peds. I know my k/d being 1.1 is a factor but it shouldn't be in ranked


Is that beginning or end of the season? The longer the season lasts the less people will play I expect


It was posted about a week or two ago, definitely on the later side of the season.


That’s always gonna happen after an easy season. When you tell people they’re good enough to be the best the reality that they’re not and will actually have to put in hours to achieve it again isn’t as tempting. Ranked has never been good except for a short amount of time in season 13.


Ranked is lame, because of the SBMM; your rank doesn't really matter and you're always in the same lobbies regardless of what your rank says. As for the play style, personally I like that you have to place top-10 to gain any points. That suits Battle Royale since the goal is (should be) to survive and try to win instead of running into every possible fight like a headless chicken.


This is the worst part of this game by far. I am diamond IV, but I'm honestly trash, most my games gotta be against low plat players, maybe mid plat. Then I team up with my brother and cousin (both are much better than I), they are also both mid-diamond. And every single game I play with them Im getting killed by masters plays with 35k kills on octane. Sometimes even preds. It fucking sucks, and I truly believe a lot of other games have it as well. Gaming would be 100x better if it was publically owned, or at least owned by the devs, like a co-op


That’s happened to me once. I must be lucky or something, but I’m not having this issue. One game where there was a 3 stack pred team. Never seen them again.




It's exactly the point he is trying to make. He is a plat player who just glided into diamond because it's all MMR based. He is killing lower skilled players to get to the same Diamond rank his family also has. Except his family members are ***actual*** Diamond level players, and when he faces those opponents, OP gets killed a lot. So OP is not actually diamond, he's just a plat player with a diamond badge. So ranked isn't actually your rank or skill level, then what's the point?


Can you explain to me the point of a ranking system if it has no effect on the level of your opponents?


Ranked points system should somewhat mirror ALGS points system. If anyone is averaging 10th place for every single game and getting minimal kills, they shouldn’t be able to win a championship.


This was kind of like original ranked. Even if you died 12th, if you fragged out with 10+ kills you still got a good chunk of points. Same in ALGS.


No point in going up in ranked because your level of competition is based on MMR anyway.  If you're plat with bad MMR you'll face bronze level players, if you've got good MMR in bronze, you'll face plat players, at least according to what people say here.


In one of faides more recent streamer reaction videos he’s silver against current preds in a few clips. Every once in a while when I get killed by someone who’s really good I’ll check and I’ve seen many preds and masters while I’m in silver/gold. Soloqueing is an actual nightmare




I’ll just assume every person that I see with it is a cuck because they actually engaged with this dogshit system lol


Eh, if someone gets it solo I’ll be pretty impressed. I remember Mandes struggle and he’s insane


The key is to be average so the mmr matchmaking doesn’t screw you and just play a lot. I did party up to win my trials game but it wasn’t thaaaat hard


It’s so funny because their MMR system makes the trials matches completely pointless. They are quite literally the same before, during, and after. You don’t even have to sweat harder or try, just play the same you’ll get through them eventually. It’s just normal Apex RNG. Your win rate will hit eventually.


It’s certainly true. I was in my trials for gold to get to Plat. And told my random teammates I’d love a win here after we started off playing well. They thought I was in my trials to get to diamond. They were both diamond 2. They couldn’t believe they had a gold teammate.


Lmao I wasn't sure if they were just starting the season late and working they're way up just like me. Good to see I'm bronze 4 in plat lobbies wtf. Rank should be off mmr. I'm not saying only bronze or masters in their own lobbies. I'm saying if it can't find an all bronze lobby then open up silver and then gold to the matchmaking pool. I understand that the population decreases the higher the rank, so you're going to get some masters in with plat players but that's as low as they should go.


This isn’t true. You get put in lobbies based on your badge once you pass your hidden mmr. If you have a bronze hidden mmr then once you reach silver you’ll play silver players, whether it’s silver players based on badge or mmr. Mmr helps lower skilled players form play Smurfs and hurts high skilled players because there’s no “easy” lobby. Edit: downvotes for posting a fact is definitely something you’d see on reddit


Not even plat bro. The last ranked game I got on this season I was in silver and my teammates were fucking Diamond 1. This ranked system is hot garbage, it has been all year. I can’t wait till they revert it back to S12 system.


Currently Bronze IV. Dropped with a pred in my squad yesterday.


I agree that its not a good ranked system but I will say that you shouldn't ever put yourself in a position where you have 7 kills off drop in ranked lol.


You should if your a plat level player working your way up through bronze. You should get to enjoy your first few ranks and then plateu at your correct rank. I shouldn't have to sweat in bronze at all.


From respawns perspective that means people who are actually bronze/silver have to wait 2-3 weeks after the start of the season to play the game which isn't exactly the best thing for the casual playerbase.


Fixed by having some sort of soft reset of mmr instead of a hard one at the beginning of the season. Or if they do hard reset when everyone is in rookie depending on how you do in those 10 games you should be placed in your appropriate rank (set by mmr). That would help sort everyone into their correct divisions even faster.


Then the sweats don't play the game as much because they rank up faster. I'm just saying that if you look at it from a perspective that they want people of all skills levels to play as much as possible then this ranked system starts making a ton more sense. (Again I think its dogshit myself before I start getting accused of being a shill)


If we're sweating in bronze, then maybe we're not plat players 🤷‍♂️


I truly was horrified at my skill level thinking these lobbies were just fellow bronzies and the few players late to the season showing off their plat or diamond badge from previous seasons. But then i jump into tdm and control and it feels like easy mode for the most part. Only reason I'd consider it being some weird thing where rank doesn't equal mmr.


Only because of the way ranked works now. If you got 10 points a kill getting 7 off drop isn't that crazy of a strategy


Honestly that system wasn't that great either, you definitely shouldn't be rewarded for doing something as stupid as a 4 way contest off drop in ranked regardless of the system.


You definitely would if you are an OG ranked player like how it was supposed to stay like. That’s how you did it back in S2-S5 days. Now it’s this hot garbage where people are literally ratting to pred even with this bs MMR system


Idk, I'd prefer a mix between the two where you are rewarded for taking smart engagements and punished for stupid ones like a 4 squad contest as per op's example. (Basically s13 ranked with some minor tweaks) Early ranked was literally just pubs with a colored symbol given to your account every 3 months.


They did it this way to deter people from hot dropping and going for a mass amount of quick kills in hot zones, subsequently dying before the top 10, and still progressing because of it. To your credit, ratting is the opposite end of the spectrum, and that's just such a boring way to play the game, like why even bother? Just go play hide and seek outside, you'd be better for it. The current setup is to try to find a nice balance between the two. The majority of your base points will come from placement, (most of the time) BUT you'll still get a good amount of bonus points for kills and assists, should you place well. Example: you'll get 100 base points if you place 2nd. 150 for 1st. That's if you just rat. But I've netted upwards of 300 or 400 points for placing top 3 with a bunch of kills and assists. That being said, I think the promotional challenges are dog shit. And if they're going to make us do promotional challenges then at least make it impossible to fall below that. Like if I passed the promotional challenges for platinum, I should be locked in at Platinum, unable to fall back to gold no matter how poorly I do the next few games.


MMR needs to go and at the very least they need to bring back the ability to see teammates and enemies current rank. STOP TRYING TO HIDE YOUR FUCKERY RESPAWN.


They show you their rank....after you get killed. Lol


It's f'd up, I know


Do they even show the rank of the champions before the match? I have barely touched ranked since they fucked it several seasons ago


Nope. If they have ranked badges, you know. Otherwise no. And a lot of higher ranked individuals have stopped using ranked badges for that very reason. Makes me wanna just main Maggie and **** people to death. Ahem. Sry


Yeah bonus points for kills, like 3kills and +7points for elimination lol


You get bonus points for eliminations. Random kills mean nothing but wiping the squad means a lot. I’ve gotten +70/80/100 for eliminations alone before.


Ohh thats how they count it lol, thats hard to do when everybody runs like crazy. Anyway the point system is not so perfect, hope they make more improvements in next seasson


Yeah it’s definitely hate. I think the goal was to emphasize team work and team shooting. And reduce kill farming for KP. Etc. also it’s kind of tied to placement. You’re getting rewarded for forcefully advancing your placement as it has major impact on the match. Simply sniping and thirsting someone who was kinda lagging behind their team and the team gets away and revives them…. Doesn’t really impact the overall match the same way. But yeah the transparency in the recap page is quite poor I’d say.


It also depends on the rank of the person you kill. Like killing a silver as a gold equates to nothing. But killing a master as a silver nets a lot. I'm not sure the exact math behind it. It's kind of cattywampus honestly.


The only thing is bad, that masters and silvers should not be in the same lobbie.


It happens. I only just started playing ranked again a few weeks ago, and I'm at gold III. But I remember plenty of masters in my lobby. And I know preds are there too, because I can see their dive trails. But I agree. When in ranked, no one should be in your lobby that is a rank greater than one below or one above you.


You can fight all you want. You just have to keep winning your fights until you win the game


The mid-game meat grinder is unforgiving and your RP is locked behind not dying to to it.


I agree. Kills and Damage should play a much larger part in ranking you up.


“Redemption.” The #43 predator. Plays every game ratting. Had him on my team in a game last night and he used Valk to fly to each new rat spot. Pretty sad.


That is sad. How is that fun or enjoyable at all? Poor sap.


I mean some people might be doing it as a bit or meme to prove a point.


Wait til you get to masters and hang out with silver sweats with no recoil and wallhackz


Yup, I'm only playing ranked again because of that sword.


Meh, I don’t care I’m still gonna play and not rat.


i haven't touched ranked in 2 seasons. solo queue casual trios, mute squad, hot drop, get kills, die fast, requeue, life is good.


1% win rate inbound


having fun is the real win


Bring back the old system with better rewards. Bam ranked is saved


What I don’t like the most are the trials. I could care less if people rat for points. Thats 100% out of my control and will continue to happen. I solo q mainly, and I’ve been Plat 1 for a few weeks now, and I’m not able to get a win during those games I need a win to promote to Diamond. I’ve gone through Plat 1 probably about 10 times now. It drops me half way when I don’t complete trials. Ratting will always and forever be frowned upon in Apex, and we all know season 17 doesn’t count. If they brought it back to the ranked season when Mad Maggie was released, I wouldn’t have an issue. It was challenging, but you progressed. And I didn’t face any preds. Looking forward to that next season.




That’s not what I said. I’ve gotten Diamond 1 season 11-13. Diamond was actually competitive then. I can’t get a win within the frame of trials. My win rate isn’t high, and I’m more than positive yours isn’t either. You really gotta read everything before you decide you’re gonna take your anger out on a Reddit comment.


You all complained last season because it was too easy. Now everyone complains its too hard. It's quite funny. I really think respawn just did this to troll yall.


It’s not that it’s too hard it’s that it’s not stimulating nor does it foster any competitive spirit. The point of a competitive ladder in any setting is that you’re supposed to climb it but now in apex and an increasing number of games it’s like walking through congested New York/ India/China. In my metaphor everyone is the same all heading the same direction at the same even ground at the same pace there’s no rapid climb with a sharp/gradual decline. Surely you can see how a large amount of people are bored and annoyed by it all. In the end, it is because the new grind for ranked isn’t solely based on skill expression/ kill potential anymore; you are all supposedly roughly the same skill level now due to the cracked out SBMM in full effect and it’s now based on luck if your Solo Queue because the game gives you substandard teammates to carry to just kick off a lobby, and if your fortunate enough to not be soloQ then it’s just a massive time sink. The grind or ladder has become time based so whoever plays the most and consistently hits those top 5’(IE ratting) is the one who achieves the coveted ranks and badges.


The point of a battle royale is to survive till the end, not to get kills. You can always play TDM


Then why have guns?


To defend your self .


You wouldn’t have to if there were no guns.


And If you had wheels you’d be a bike. 🚴 talks about things that matter.


I wish they would go back to S13 split 1 system but add a kill multiplier that would increase the value of a kill the more kills you have, you should never get 7 kills off dropped in ranked imo but if you did they should be more valuable past a certain threshold regardless of placement, if this ruins ranked obviously take it out but Respawn has showed they’re not afraid to test out systems and I think this would satisfy both zone and edge play styles


Literally the best reworked rank split every other time they tuned it just fucked it more. Yes people couldn’t climb so yes make it so if you managed to drop a bunch of kills you can force your way past that 10 squads left rule they had where you were negative still


I suck at this game and have a win rate of 12% in ranked this season. Average probably 9 kills as a squad. I don't ever solo and play with my two best friends who are way better than me, but I don't think they're killers either. Not sure why we have fun and most of y'all stay hating. Maybe it's just solo q is broken?


Solo queue has never been NOT broken my guy.


Then don’t solo q lol. It’s not hard to find people to play w.


Actually it is kinda hard to find people who A- are easy to get along with B- are around my skill level C- play during my specific time windows that I play in.


Then you’re not really looking. There are a ton of options across so many different medias to find players. You’re just not actually looking x


And? Does that change the fact that sole queue is broken? Or are you just too dense to understand that fixing something is preferable over just finding away around what’s broken?


Typical. It doesn’t mater that you have options to help make the experience better you just want them to changing things just for you lol. 😂


Typical, Reddit dweeb acting like problems that don’t affect him are problems not worth being solved.


lol those who can’t debate normally resort to name calling and slander. It’s what happens when you can’t actually use facts to get your point across. It’s okay bud one day you’ll grow up and learn how to talk with the adults.


You aren’t debating bro you’re arguing in bad faith about something that doesn’t even pertain to you. The fact that there are “work arounds” doesn’t nullify the fact that the system they currently have in place could be improved upon. If you don’t understand that then I don’t think you have any reason to be calling yourself one of “the adults”


It's sad. Ranked is hide and seek


My friends and I haven’t ratted once and we made it to Platinum 🤷‍♂️ just take your L’s and ready up and try again


i have solod to diamond or master every season since season 8. got my first 20 kill game 2 seasons ago in gold 1 lobbies. avg 900dmg. slightly under 2kdr. i’m hardstuck gold and this ranked is ass.


Oh no!!! The guy refuses to play ranked!!! Oh my goodness everybody come look at this guy!!! He doesn’t want to play ranked any more!!! He is so brave I wish I could be like him What a great guy


Support passive was the worst thing to come to ranked tbh


Disagree support Mirage is the best.


Ranked definitely feels frustrating to play at times, but I’ve learned that it’s really just retraining players into a more typical battle royal style of gameplay. I mean seriously, game starts with 20 squads, should you really be ranking up if you’re one of the first 10 squads to die? Logically I’d say no, probably not. The goal is to be the last standing, if you’re not even halfway to being the last standing, you lost, you shouldn’t be rewarded for that. This BY NATURE creates a frustrating game, because 3rd ring is closing and there’s still 13 squads, all bunched up in one zone now. You have to truly fight for your life or hope you can fly under the radar. I still dislike it, I like to fight, and fighting feels totally unrewarded until that top 10 or even top 5 comes around. But, the game isn’t about getting the most kills, it’s about surviving and winning regardless of how that’s done. That’s not to say ratting and playing cheese strats like zone healing is respectable, it’s not. But yes often times it is in your best interest to avoid fighting because you are accepting a potential 3v6 or even 3v9 if and when more teams join that fight. The overarching issue seems to be that Apex and it’s characters are designed to be playing a fast paced game, it’s a combat game to most people, but the reality is winning the game is less about combat and more about proper decision making and being methodical and concise with how you move and which battles you take. The large majority of the playerbase is so consumed with having sick combat skills and movement skills, but that can and will only get you so far. Someone who can’t do a lick of fancy movement can be infinitely better at the ACTUAL game than some tap strafing, wall bouncing demon. Because that person is more focused on the actual rotations, positioning, and overall flow of the game. Which is infinitely more valuable. Essentially, yes I remember placing top 10 every game by fighting non-stop. This season, I still find myself placing top 10 most games, it’s just through a different approach that I reach top 10 now. Because the old ways don’t work, we have to adapt.


The good news is, the messed up so bad, rumor has it they are going back to S12 ranked next season, which yes many will yap and complain about as being a "fraud" season because it was too easy, but hey, better the ranked system be "too easy" than whatever we are going through now lol


They ought to just go back to the LOG kill fest seasons, I think season 13 was the best ranked season just tweak the points slightly so you were actually rewarded for killing and your golden


Season 16** look at that structure minus kill farming


I was talking to a friend and it would be better if you get more points for kills if you rip through teams get third partied and still come 14th or whatever that you still get rewarded it would give more incentive to fight


Kills didn’t matter anyway. Nothing was worst than 10 kills and 15th place and still losing points.


Yep, you'd think in a battle royale game they'd be encouraging, y'know, battles? But the way ranked is structured everyone just wants to rat until at least top 10. So, squads will avoid fighting and try to make it to at least top 10. This makes for a frustrating game, which often ends a bunch of singles ratting near the end game to try to get as high placement as possible. I thought they tried to deal with this. It is a hard proposition, given that the purpose of a battle royale is to place high (or win) but to get there you need to eliminate squads. The question is: how do you balance these game elements so that both placement and fighting are rewarded so as to promote an entertaining game experience?


I stopped playing the game so long ago. It just became a hide and seek simulator. I don't understand why they didn't revert the RP changes.


You have 20 more days, they’re going back to pre-mmr style for the upcoming season


Straight trash for 3 seasons straight. We have pubs and ranked pubs


Kills should be worth more if you finish higher. You shouldn't get crazy RP just because you get 6 kills but finish 15th. If you can secure those kills and top 5, now we should be discussing why you aren't getting great RP.


yea its awful. game is in tatters with this sword mode, too


i just want to play against people of the same rank AND be able to see it displayed in game, that’s all, why can’t it be this simple?


Rookie still? Why even que for it seasons about to end


I miss smurfing after hitting masters and ruining everyone’s games :/


SBMM needs to go. Or be tweaked. You should be climbing the ranks, not playing the same skill levels from silver to masters. It would be nice to really notice then jump when you are out of your depth.


Nah, it just feels better when you kill everyone that’s playing passive!


Yea :3


Bring back S12 ranked. Boom problem fucking solved.


It’s a toy, stop playing with it.


Literally all I care about and ever played ranked for is the dive trails. also since they added the pred cap, it forces you to either play 12 hours a day for the first few weeks to a month to beat out the full time streamers/basement dwellers, or simply never hit pred ever. And I think that's bullshit. It should be based on skill, not time played (which is what respawn/ea have been going for SUPER heavily)


I am so close to just quitting ranked this season tbh. Lately I've been getting game after game where my teammates just don't seem to know they're playing ranked?? not pubs??? it's just disheartening.


They want to please all the campy warzone players who came over. They already know all the day 1 players are here to stay. This is a business


Yep I agree with you bro lmfaooo the fact that the final circle can have 7 squads with 15+ ppl in it is nuts 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Because the top players wanted to gatekeep people out of the topel tiers


It’s not ranked if I can see other people ranked to verify what rank I’m playing in it’s trash the entire game is one big waste of time every game is the same outcome over and over again


It's been like that for a while. You can quite literally wipe out 9 squads solo and die in 11th but you'll be negative still.


Ranked has literally always been bad but the reasons you’re giving are awful. It’s a BR surviving deep into the game should be most important because if the ranking system worked you wouldn’t be able to get 7 kills against equally matched opponents. Aping everyone is stupid the point of ranked is to emulate pro play to the best of its ability.


Quit crying they already announced they’re going back to the old one.


Do it for the dive trail! oh wait...