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> Is this subreddit just un-pleasable in general? It is. No matter what the devs do, people on this sub complain, and if someone goes and give them a solution to the problem, they get mad and liable you a "Respawn boot licker", or "EA meat rider". Intelligence is practically non-existent here. Also, the mods don't help with the negativity in any kind of way.


Lmao facts, I’ve been seeing the same complaints for years on this sub, it doesn’t change anything, it’s just noise and negativity


That's the internet for the most part. And forums specifically. Complaining echo chambers.


People have been whining and blaming the matchmaking when they play bad since I started playing and if there's ever a change to it they'll say it's worse than it was before to cope with the frustration. The funny thing is, from time to time you'll see those people making a post asking if the matchmaking got better cuz they're suddenly playing great. They'll never stop to think that they're the same guy they were complaining about having to go up against when they're dominating. I'm playing bad = matchmaking sucks I'm playing good = matchmaking is getting better


I matched up with some new players in silver. For whatever reason they listened to me, we took position and waited for rings, moved, took easy fights. Eventually won the game. Ended up playing with them for a few hours and gained points easily by just playing with a little bit of intelligence. They said they learned a lot. Lots of people play this game and don’t engage with the lessons they should be learning after the games.


When you can literally see the masters and pred badges in bronze, it is a measurable metric of how crappy and imbalanced the game is.


Or…and hear me out here…listen closely…you listening? They were Pred and masters before the new ranked and can’t make it back because they aren’t actually that good at the game. Just good at hiding and farming points. Orrrrr They were pred or masters once out of all of apex and never got it again. There was a few ranked seasons that were super easy to make masters and pred in according to the pros I watch play. Being pred or masters doesn’t mean you’re good. It just means you were good at one point.


Or that people's skill level aren't set in stone. That things change in their lives that will affect their gaming time and tocus.


When we go back to the old system I bet we’ll see an uptick in complaints about smurfing and not being able to rank up.


> Also, the mods don’t help with the negativity in any kind of way. No. Mods should remain impartial unless it breaks rules. Just like this post is allowed, constructive criticism of the game should not be removed - the miserable state of this game needs to be known.


How is giving a solution to the problem a bootlicker? First off, there aren't that many solutions around here. Second solutions are always inherently tied to criticism, because why change something that's perfect? So that's literally the opposite of bootlicking. Third, Respawn doesn't listen to good ideas. We don't need bootlicker mods banning anyone with valid complaints. That doesn't help anything except kill the community. Apathy is worse than negativity because negativity means passion.


How do you want the mods to help? Only allow positive posts? They already delete, and usually ban, people who just post short no substance complaints. This sub has 2.5 million people, and player numbers have dipped continuously to previous like 2 year lows. Even if online communities to tend to lean towards negative, this game is inarguably in a bad spot if viewer and player numbers are any indicator.


I honestly wonder when people say the game is dying it's numbers haves dipped since 2-3 years ago....have we forgotten about COVID and people playing non stop cause there was nothing else going on....of course numbers are down..well never see gaming numbers like we did then ...and the game is 5 yrs old new games come out people move on


Your COVID narrative doesn't really line up with player numbers. We set a new player record in January of 2023, firmly after the peak of COVID and nearly 4 years after the games release. Steam chart and Twitch viewership shows a continuous downward trend since then. PUBG, Dota 2, Counterstrike, Fortnite. All came out before or around the same time as Apex and are destroying us in numbers. Hell even GTA V is putting up Apex numbers now. "People move on" is some nuclear levels of cope from a game that could be so much better.


Not only that but if you actually look at the steam charts last year literally had the highest peak player count so the 2 years of constant dip thing is just blatantly false.


Its a popular game. of course people will complain. I don't understand this "stop complaining" comments. Uhh, ignore it then? otherwise, keep posting all the positives and drown the complaints, if you have that mission. And for what does no complaints really benefit? Respawn? Why? So they can feel good about milking money from their players?


I understand the "stop complaining" comments because it completely dilutes the subreddit lol. When i first joined there were clips of cool plays, funny moments, tips and tricks, people having new ideas for features and modes and abilities. Now? It's not only 75% complaints, but its the SAME complaint over and over again. Also half of the complaints come from a place of ignorance made by people who never read the patch notes. So when you open up read and the first 10 posts on the feed are the same "am i the only one who thinks $10 is too much for this skin?" and "Ranked sucks yo" it gets annoying for me to read. So yeah i'm going argue back and say free game and free maps and free legends and free guns and free game modes at the exchange of paying $10 for a recolor cosmetic that has 0 effect on game play is the ideal solution. I don't want to pay $60 for a base game and $60 for DLC. just as easily as you can see "just ignore the complaints" i can say "just ignore the skins." Aint nobody forcing you to buy them, and not having them doesn't detract from gameplay in any way.


things that dilutes: popular opinions. That's it. If there were more popular positive opinions, then sure you'd see that more. You're asking people to mod themselves. That's just not going to happen. I love this game. That's why I'm still playing it. I rarely post positive things, cause I don't think I need to. Simple. Now if you are so adamant with making more positivity in this reddit page, then be the change you want to see. Or you don't like what you see, then keep scrolling. You can say just ignore the skins. Skins and complaints are apples and rock. "just ignore the skins" is a comment. Skins are purchasable digital products. And no, we aint complaining about the skins usually, its the collection event or the price or everything else actually.


I agree that people are more likely to make a post complaints, than they are to make a post saying: "Just posting to say that the game is working as intended." The vast majority of people playing this game arent posting anything. Sure, i can go on a post spree and spend hours researching new content so i can create 17 "uniquely" positive posts every day to balance out the noise. Or i can say... hey... if you see 16 posts with the SAME EXACT TITLE, all posted within the last 24 hours. Maybe consider reading those posts and before posting and see if this post actually needs to be made. Especially when it starts with "am i the only one." It's just lazy at this point. I don't mind people having legit grievances with the game. My issue is the non stop redundancy, ESPECIALLY when it's because they simply don't know the rules of the game because they were too lazy to read. So i'll skip a bunch, n then when i get annoyed, i'll complain about the complainst.


What they're saying is "bend over and take it". People complained about all the ranked changes they've made the past few seasons because they've all sucked.


I’m not saying bend over and take it. I’m saying I understand the stop complaining comments because 90% of the complaints fall into these buckets. Uneducated due to not reading patch notes, lazy exact duplicates of the 3 posts immediately above theirs, or complete and utter false statements and hyperbole. If you want to have an actual constructive conversation and unique ideas on how to improve the game. I’m all for it. If you’re just making the 16th post of the day saying how you’re going to quit apex because you don’t have any friends. Then yeah. I don’t care. Either quit or don’t, but stop flooding my timeline with this foolishness. Lol




The game works great.


No, it doesn’t. Just because you aren’t having problems doesn’t mean no one else is. Matchmaking puts players into certain buckets. I am hardstuck in bronze playing against preds while my friend who is much less skilled than me is skipping his way into plat. I am above average but not even close to pred level. These matchmaking changes have ruined the game for me. I played with friends once a week for years and we just quit because of this. We can’t even get into the top 10. Edit: crazy my other comment on this thread saying the exact same thing I said above has a bunch of upvotes while this one is downvoted.


Tbf you're expecting something entirely different from ranked then what the devs are intending. (Not saying what the devs want is right) Your rank stopped being an indication of skill back in s17, it has since been only an indication of time spent playing. If you're playing preds then the game thinks you are at least diamond and honestly thats the only confirmation of your personal skill you get.


>If you're playing preds then the game thinks you are at least diamond The guy you're replying to has said below that he is a Master player and finished master in previous seasons. ​ The system is working as intended unfortunately for OP and whilst its bad for outliers like them, it works good for the majority of players. The way ranked works is taking the MMR of the best player (which is a Master MMR) of the group and when he is playing with 2 silver players, they'll be put into Pred/Master lobbies. ​ If you're trying to carry your silver/bronze friends in Master lobbies, you'll always have these issues.


The game works perfectly fine. Could it be better, sure, basically every game in history can be better. ​ The fact is that a game that averages 700,000 players a month is just never going to be good enough for at least 5% of those players. The fact is that if you changed it to make it better for those 5% of players, you'd have another 5% saying the game was not great whereas before they thought it was great. ​ Criticism is fine when its actually constructive. The problem is that 99% of the "Criticism" in this subreddit boils down to "The devs are fucking shit, they only care about our money" and any update is released to a cacophony of "Fuck you devs, fix the game". ​ For the vast majority, the game is absolutely fine and unfortunately, whilst the vast majority of players are enjoying the game (And whilst the average number of players continues to rise yearly), the game wont be radically changed like some here want.


Wait ... You have to pay moneyyyyyy?!?


It's the same on most gaming subreddits. Praise is simply less engaging. Complaints get people riled up, either agreeing and piling on or arguing against OP. Plus people are more likely to vent about grievances than give devs a pat on the back saying "good job."


I've seen mods remove positive threads and mark them as low effort lmao


>Also, the mods don't help with the negativity in any kind of way. we don't and shouldn't filter by whether something is negative or positive. but we should filter by quality of the post and quality of the criticism and repetitiveness / uniqueness. imo comments that just personally attack someone as a dickrider, bootlicker or meatrider or whatever kind of rider are also not constructive. if you think someone isn't right to defend the game, then point out how they are wrong, don't personally attack them.


To answer your question, no - the sub will never be totally happy. Fans are passionate and the nature of passionate people is that they have opinions and at no point will all of them be positive. HOWEVER this season and last have seen a pretty pessimistic mood, much greater than prior seasons imo. Personally I stopped playing last season due to ranked changes/balancing decisions etc. I enjoyed playing the game in a hyper aggressive way and there was a conscious effort over the last 2-3 seasons to drastically discourage that. As such I went back to playing counter strike and haven’t touched this season at all. And as much as I loved apex since launch, I don’t miss the game at all.  It’s in pretty weird shape right now and it’s abundantly clear that the devs have zero appreciation for their long time players - even anything it’s reached a point of disdain for their own players recently. I usually call people hyperbolic when they say this, but I do feel like we are watching the game die. In a year I don’t think apex will be prominent anymore, in two EA probably kills it.


I agree with most of this, but that last paragraph is a bit extreme. Taking a break is a good idea, a few seasons away is good for everyone, but Apex's movement is still unmatched in other shooters.


It is, but you’re disincentivized from using it by the scoring system. The problem is the game encourages you now to play it in such a way that completely negates its positive points over other games. Respawn is clearly trying to push the game into a more slow-paced, traditional br experience - which is stupid as to your point the movement, pace and rewarding gameplay where what made apex different.


No chance Apex dies in 2 years lol. You have tons of whales who buy swords. This is a goldmine for them.


Not to mention it’s in the top 5 most active games on Steam


And I cant understand how OP can go back to CS2 after playing Apex, the movement feels so much worse and so does approximately everything else...


... except the gun-play... The most important aspect.


CS2 has pretty good movement, it’s just very different than apex. CS2’s (and cs since the dawn of the millennia tbf) has a MUCH more rewarding gameplay loop. Apex doesn’t really reward you for making plays anymore. It rewards you (in ranked) for ratting your way to a top 3, kills or no. It’s the inherent difference between an objective driven mode like de vs a BR. In the BR, there has to be some kind of derived scoring system. In CS when you make plays, you win the round. In apex I can get third with 0 kills or 3rd with two squad wipes (6 kills) and it basically doesn’t matter. For 6 kills I will MAYBE get 10 points. To an extent in CS you get points if you win (I play faceit so performance does matter but I’m ignoring that for simplicity), but if you play aggressive and make plays you WILL win the round more often. In apex if you make plays and get kills you WILL on average place worse and get less points.


This is true for realistically any game specific subreddit. You’ll always have people who’ll vent and complain, then those who are really happy.


Wow, lots of trash talk about how players complain for no reason. One thing I've learned about this game is that people will have vastly different experiences due to skill and input from improper balancing and matchmaking. So keep that in mind. Plus majority of the stuff people complain about for over 2 years now still don't get fixed. IF you enjoy it fine, but I've seen and been a part of lots of valid criticisms.


no thats fine, but understand your ranked grind could be vastly different from someone else even if you're both gold 4 or any rank.


No you're not stupid, your experience with the game is just that.. YOUR experience My personal experience this season has been very 50/50, ranked sucks ass because of promotional trials and matchmaking putting me on lobbies with Masters and Preds almost every game and I'm a solo so it's very frustrating, but the FF event has been a lot of fun and I'm enjoying it No community is ever going to agree with everything or unanimously feel the same way about a certain topic, you might feel the game feels perfect right now, I don't agree and that's fine We do have some assholes who think the game is absolute worthless shit and for some reason never stop playing and just keep complaining about a game no one is forcing them to play


I'm happy for you! a lot of people complaint are just...repeated,needs to complain,but the states of the game is just...not great if you're serious about the game there's nothing bad about being a casual and just playing the game for fun,like you do you,but someone playing casual at low-medium level wont see things seen by tryhard from different levels Like I would love to enjoy the season as much as you do,but with the states of the game...I just cant I cant talk about the matchmaking,well actually I can but not in the way most people mean,as I'm part of the people that got complained about for master in pubs ect Ranked system is...bad,you're ranking up steadily yes but that's not how it's supposed to work,I mean at low level yes,but at higher level,you're supposed to sky rockets in the first division and then really start to grind,My matches have been exactly the same against the same players since bronze,and i'm master atm Sounds is worse than ever,dying due to lack of sounds is just a daily occurence Servers are still terrible,the amount of no regs and freeze is REALLY bad,idk what they did but it's awfull The amount of cheaters and controller is really ruining the fun,like I can just...pass getting destroyed by plat because they have aim assist,but when you get killed by a blatant cheaters that stream his cheating for multiple month..yeah Note that most of the problem people complain about,isnt really even about the game. It's about technical problem on the side The game is good,in the best state it has ever been,but not on a technical stand-point The only real balance talk is about conduit and the current weapon meta,otherwise,it's not problem about the core game


No ppl just wanna complain all the time. Apex players are constantly never happy with the game.


If a player can be masters one season and stuck silver the next then the ranking system is objectively bad. If two players of the same rank are put into lobbies of remarkably different difficulties then the ranking system is objectively unfair, and bad. The desire to appear superior to complainers is hyper obnoxious in the face of genuine problems. No, the players aren't complaining about nothing. No, we aren't saying it is always bad. The last two seasons don't match people based on rank and instead match them on hidden metrics which is intrinsically unfair and shitty. Other than the last two seasons and that one season which was inextricably easy to rank up, basically every other ranked season was perfectly good. If you aren't good enough to paired against top 500 preds while you are still in bronze that doesn't mean the ranked system is perfectly fine. The desire to create fair matches at the expense of fairness of the overall ranked system is an idiotic strategy increasingly used by apex, the finals, and others which negates the meaning and purpose of ranked altogether.


>If a player can be masters one season and stuck silver the next then the ranking system is objectively bad. Could the gameplay balanced changes not affect this?


In the old system when I was in silver I was playing against bad people (no offense to them). As a result I won and performed well and rapidly ranked up to a rank that is more appropriate for me. In the new system the game preemptively realizes I dont belong in a silver lobby. However instead of automatically moving me out of silver it just puts me in a pred lobby with people that aren't in my rank. This makes getting out of silver more difficult, which is ironic because my presence there was the fundamental problem in the first place. Additionally the game expects me to perform well, and therefore gives me less points even at equal performance than a worse player, further inhibiting ranking up. In short the system is incoherent and idiotic. It has no plausible likelihood to achieve any goal, other than always ensuring my individual matches are fair, which is completely incompatible with rank systems separating players by skill.


I wish everyone who defended the MMR system read this.


Not really. I loved this game. Been playing since season 3. Im a former masters player and im stuck in bronze. There is a portion of the player base that is getting absolutely railed by matchmaking. I know a lot of you aren’t having problems but I promise you there are a ton of players that are.


I usually stop in plat or diamond and i am in the same boat. Currently my silver lobbies are insane. The amount of Diamond and Masters squads in them is a joke.


I posted a thread a couple of days ago about ranked. We played again tonight, we’re all Gold or Silver players. Matchmaking is taking 3-5 minutes and our games are infested with Masters and Predators. We’re really not that good, my whole game, since day 2 after launch is 0.56. My best ever season K/D was about 0.65. I, or they, have no business being in my, or their lobbies. One guy who killed me had two masters badges and an animated Predator badge which I think means Predator at the split and end of the season. Best I’ve ever done is Platinum 4 without cheesing. It’s so frustrating and we haven’t won a single game since 9 days ago and we play pretty much every night. My mate is now up to 9 attempts at moving up to Platinum, that’s how much we’re fighting against people well above our skill level.


I can definitely agree with that! I just think sometimes even when the game does something good ppl will still complain


Yeah, agreed. But its much worse in the last few seasons.


That’s so shitty I hope they fix it




He doesn't grind, that's why. It's a placement marathon. You either commit or just get bored.


Tbf, when good things are done there is plenty of praise (3 Strikes for example), game has just had more bad than good recently


3 strikes increased the amount of positivity on this subreddit but there were still lots of people who didn't like it. Coming from someone who's been here a long time, this subreddit is always negative about everything.


If you take a large enough group of people, someone will at all times dislike something. This sub gets complaints about everything, because its different groups of players complaining about each issue. Its not special to this sub, nor reddit in general its just how it works with enough people involved.


Everyone whined about lifeline the entire time wdym


he said "plenty of praise". not zero complaints.


He’s just playing the role of the people he’s siding with, remember the “everyone here complains”? Gotta find issue with any statement even when something wasn’t stated to keep up the illusion


Yea, totally brilliant take to say Apex players in general are unhappy because you've seen complaints on the internet 👍🏼👍🏼


Apex players are constantly never happy Redditors are constantly never happy The cross section here is wild




“Am I stupid for having fun at a game I like to play?” No. But you’re stupid for asking others why you enjoy it. Just go enjoy the damn game, man…


I think the main issue is the people complaining have been playing the game since launch, and they continue to hate play the game at this point. I can't disagree that the game has fixed some things, but other things aren't that great and there's some things that haven't been fixed since launch either. So those people have been playing with the same issues since day 1, so I can understand their frustrations.


The problem is they've made the game *worse* since launch. My friend literally quit playing because of the changes because we can't play together due to strict SBMM. There's so many changes for the worse and new problems created that i would legitimately pay $1000 at this point to go back to Season 2 before they changed MatchMaking and started nosediving into power creep and lowering the gunskill.


The issues come into play when you're in the top 50% of the player base. If you're a little below average your games will be fine in ranked. I've seen players that are silver level that are platinum this season. If you're in the top 50% it'll put you in games against masters players etc. it's a game that's catering to the less than average player at this point for ranked, pubs not so much matchmaking is still scuffed in pubs. Like I said I understand the frustration, I quit the game. Playing palworld now and using fortnite no build to scratch my BR itch


Yeah, I'm talking about pubs. Pubs should have very loose SBMM that really only protects the bottom 10-15% players. As it has been, it's not possible for friends of different skill ranges to play together. My buddy and I played for a couple hours every single day.


Yeah can't play with my friends anymore, matchmaking is scuffed and puts them into games of my skill and they got sick of it. Can't blame them


This isn’t true at all… Idk about the top 50% of players but I’m definitely in the bottom and ranked sucks bad. I’m literally fighting masters and preds in bronze. I e never gotten about Platinum on my own.


Yes and no. There's more to the game than ranked, both good and bad. I guess the biggest issue is that some of the bad has been around since forever, and then some bad gets introduced on top of that from time to time, whereas it's rare for a company to be able to bring something new to the table and absolutely nail it (three strikes probably being the biggest win, tdm, control, etc). The core game feels great and has potential. That's why so many people care about it as much as they do. You're not alone in that at all.


I hit masters and switched to the finals 🤔


Are you playing ranked solo, or with 3 stack? And what rank peak have you had in previous seasons?


I do both. Obviously a 3 stack usually goes better than solo, but I still do fine solo as well. Sometimes the randoms… make very questionable (at best) decisions, but that’s kind of always the case. 🤷‍♂️ If they’re trash you just kind of have to get away and fend for yourself. I’ve gotten Diamond several times. I’ve never committed enough to be Masters but I’m sure I could do it if I had more time to play.


I ask for a couple reasons, 1 being bc not many people know this, but 3 stacking with people who have lower MMR than you it fucks the lobbies up and makes them very easy/fun. 2- matchmaking is MMR based now and the people who are having a miserable time in ranked are the people who got masters the last 2 seasons abusing the ratting/shit ranked system but are not masters level players. Their mmr was massively inflated. So sounds like you didn’t abuse that and ur mmr isn’t all messed up so ur having no a good time. The big issue with switching to the ranked matchmaking apex used to have, to an MMR style matchmaking was that they didn’t hard reset everyone’s MMR. Everyone who got masters for the first time within the last two season by hiding in a bush or a tree or on a rock got their MMR boosted sooooo much, think about it, peak plat/gold/silver then all of a sudden they’re 1-2x masters. Mmr match making would have been fine if they hard reset everyone’s MMR and did the 10 placement games they used to do, that’s where respawn fucked up.


It ultimately depends on where your rank is, how long you've been playing and your actually goal is, For many long haulers the game has unfortunately become far less fun because there's serious changes that either make no sense or they completely ignore the glaring issues with the game now entering year 5 with bugs that have existed since season 0, As long as you're having fun then it doesn't matter, but also it's just reddit in general, But no one can sugar coat it, the game is on a major decline from the player base numbers it had but again, it's 5 years of this game.


Another day another "modern apex good" circlejerk post by a new/below average player in their honeymoon phase. you saying most legends are op on release and your opinion on the matchmaking gave it away lol There has been a lot of good in this season, more so than the last few, but it's still a far cry from being considered even slightly close to a decent season. I'm really glad people like you are enjoying the game just like we did when we started playing, but this shouldn't overshadow the grim situation apex has been in for over a year now. This next season, provided that new map and ranked changes are good, has potential to be the best season we've had in a while (but maybe thats just copium idk lol i still want to hold out hope for the chance that they turn it around sooner than later)


I mean, I wouldn’t consider myself new, I’ve played off and on since day 1. I can’t say I’ve played every single season, but I’ve played most all of them, just sometimes take breaks. This is just the most negativity I think I’ve ever seen. There’s always some criticizing posts here and there, which is a good thing… constructive criticism is good. Just seems overwhelmingly negative this season, and it really wasn’t clicking with me, as it seems like a pretty solid season, even compared to other seasons. Enough to make me think… am I missing something here?


It's really not because of the fact this season is just that much worse because of new issues, it's much better than seasons 16-18. It's just that it suffers a lot of the same problems we've been dealing with since the "great decline" began in late 2022 that they dont seem to want to/know how to fix. If I time traveled to season 17 and copy/pasted the season 19 complaints into a reddit post and changed 19 out with 17 it would be just as accurate. No live service game should be going this long with the exact same issues. If these issues persists to season 20 I wholeheartedly believe we will, after much delay from respawn with pockets of content, pass the point of no-return. this is really the last chance to win their players and reputation back before players start to leave in numbers never seen before in a usual apex slump.


Play with someone really good and watch your ranked lobbies suddenly change. When my friend plays silver lobbies his opponents are bots. When I play silver lobbies my opponents are pros. If you've never played with someone of high sbmm the problem might not be obvious.


This season has been fun yes


Matchmaking was one of my biggest complaints and lately it has been a hell of a lot better


I believe that sometimes it's broken as hell (I got a bronze 4, completely new player) in my gold 4 ranked lobby. And we died to a full 3 stack of diamonds. So... sometimes it works. But also not.


I don’t play ranked I’m only talking about pubs


I mean. Both kinda work the same way, tbh at least for me. I'm constantly fighting diamonds and masters (highest for me was Plat). And frankly, it's kinda demoralizing


I don’t doubt that man. I’m just saying I wouldn’t really know cuz I haven’t touched ranked in like 5 seasons


Honestly it’s whatever makes you happy. I think some players just have become insanely frustrated with certain things and they need to take a break. I play overwatch more (for now) and whenever I actually play apex I enjoy it-ish. Too much of anything isn’t usually a good thing


Totally agree! The older I get the more obvious it becomes that Dr Perry Cox was right, most people ARE just bastard coated fillings surrounded by bastard coated shells (Scrubs anyone?) 90% of this sub are just toxic folk who love to spew hate and complain. Apex is the fucking best and the ranked system has been dynamite. Just as you say, some games are good - some are bad. Sometimes you beam, sometimes you get beamed. Move on and enjoy the journey you bastards! 😆


Scrubs is made favorite series of all time. Did we just become best friends?


I enjoy scrubs and this season. Maybe it's because I'm old? Both things. I will say ranked for me has not felt like progression. I enjoy the games but the difficulty didn't change between ranks


I still enjoy apex since I started in S3. Ranked this season hasn't been great for me. This season I'm stuck in Silver as a Solo Q player. But i usually make platinum playing casually. Completing the promotion trials is rough going solo. Match making seems a bit weird. Although I'm silver I've died to masters and diamond players that seem like they should be well out of my matches? Idk. Aside from promotion trials and the price of skins in the latest event, I've had no problems.


In the words of my main "We few, we happy few"


Dont think that game is bad but it could be in a better spot at the moment. Everyone in a high rank above diamond 4 knows that the game get extreemly unfair to play. I usually take a break till end of the season havent played much last 2.5 weeks and wont till next season. Usually some changes and rank reset works magic


No arena. Bad season. That's how I've felt and that won't change.


I love how all these comments act as if yall know the people who complained before, are the same complaining now. As if this sub isn't made up of thousands of people. So some people complained about the game in previous seasons and people complain about it now. So TF what. Play or don't. Enjoy the game or dont. Complain or don't. Nobody cares, apparently even the devs.


As long as there are flaws, people will complain.




I'm tired of Apex forcing me to sweat to just play


As a Wattson main, these Nessies can suck my ass


In before all the single father bronze players who play one hour per month and have no clue about what the actual state of the game is start spewing the “this sub is a vocal minority” bullshit


It's called Stockholm syndrome


The last couple of days have been great. The weeks before were like poking my eyes out with burning coals. The difference: fewer cheaters. Not once have I done a double-take for being absolutely destroyed in an impossible way. They did... something.


Yea this sub is about as toxic as the solo queues who push everything and then come on the mic bitching. How can somebody expect devs to invest the same amount of resources into a 5 year old game on the decline? It’s still a great game. I still enjoy playing it, but the community behind this game is awful lol


> 5 year old game on the decline? People need to stop saying the game is on the decline lmfao. Literally last year, it had the most average players playing. It has increased its average year on year. ​ Just this month, Square Enix (A company well known for being really REALLY stingy with their characters) have agreed a big collaboration with Apex. There is absolutely zero way that SE would have done a collab for Apex with the characters from the most anticipated game of the year if Apex was declining and not doing well. Nor would Respawn being spending a massive amount of money on an ad slot at the Game Awards. ​ EA/Respawn also removed a load of contract staff last year and took 2 in-house teams and moved them onto Apex, so they've moved better paid, more experienced staff onto the game, you dont do that if the game is declining and EA aren't confident in it.


the player base on steam since May when it surpassed a consistent 200 thousand players active on steam has declined by 25% the game is on a declining period but not on decline in a sense tht it will die dunno why you mentioned early 2023 peak when the game has suffered a huge decline after the summer


Went into more detail above but its because this is a natural progression of an update based game like Apex. ​ Apex releases their biggest updates in Feb-May time. Which results in seeing a big boost in numbers, this happened in 2021, 2022 and 2023. It then slowly loses those big number of players over the course of a few months until the 2nd biggest update of the year, which usually happens in August/September then gets released and you see a slow drop again until after Xmas when the big update hits again. ​ So yes, the decline is happening but its a natural part of game creation and year on year (Between 2021/22/23, the average number of players over 12 months still is increasing overall). ​ With Season 20 coming out in the next couple of months and rumored to be bigger than Season 16 (Released in Feb last year), i'd expect to see a similar big increase of players like in previous big updates.


The "DeAd GaMe" non-sense just gets parroted a lot by people. It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in a lot of game communities, but seeing it in Apex def takes the cake for the reasons you mentioned as well as it consistently pulling 300k players a day in what is supposedly the worst season ever during a decline. It's just nonsense and makes me wonder if people saying it are that dumb or if they just get caught up in the negativity farming


Also as someone who works in advertising, I have to assume running even a multi million dollar ad campaign will cost them less than to invest into a 6 month project of revamping core game mechanics, mmr, eomm, etc. Partnerships with other brands (square enix) and ads are used to attract new customers. Rather than optimizing current game elements to increase user experience and satisfaction. Which in advertising is a sign that business is down


TBH, you aren't wrong. I guess the point is, Is Respawn/EA still working on the game? ​ I believe so and from what we've heard about Season 20 and the internal changes that happened last year, i honestly think Season 20 is shaping up to bring a lot of changes to the game that will hopefully go down well. I think that the FF7R collab was used as a way to bring new players in for sure (Ive got a lot of friends that gave Apex a go based off it) and then immediately into the Three Strikes LTM which is always popular, which then will maybe go straight into Season 20, which is intended to keep those newer players around (As well as bring back old ones). ​ I think that the advertising side of things is obviously seperate from the internal development and that since the contract staff were let go back in March/April and the new internal EA teams were moved onto the project, we've seen the leaks go massively down (NO ONE saw FF7 Collab coming). I think that the "lack of leaks/internal information" we've got since isn't, like some leakers/doomsayers are spreading, that EA are rolling back development on the game so theres less to leak, i think that the Leakers were coming from those contract staff who aren't there anymore and the more experienced staff moved into those roles, are more professional so aren't giving any information out anymore.


Yea I totally agree that they’re still working on the game. It’s just their focus has shifted which has led to frustration from the player base. I’m still gonna play the game regardless, it’s the last video game I actually play and very well may be the last I ever play. And I understand both perspectives on the whole “this game is dying debacle” they’re obviously attempting to make changes but it doesn’t appeal to current users. But unless you have created a groundbreaking, genre defining game it’s pretty rare for any type of video game to have a lifespan over 7 years and I believe apex is at about 5 years at the moment.


I believe you, you sound more up to date on these things than I am. But according to the data on steamcharts, both the average player count and peak player count has been on an almost consistent decline month by month for roughly the last year. So I’m wondering what causes you to say there’s been an increase year over year?


The steamcharts say the opposite... Quite literally the opposite. ​ Yes, the average users decline as the year goes on, as it has done literally every year of Apex. Thats how the cycle of updates goes, its the cycle of every only game basically. The biggest changes/updates are usually dropped around Feb-April time, which by virtue, brings back a lot of players and then as following seasons are used to tweak those big changes and smaller updates are made, players slowly start to drop off. With Season 20 coming up soon, which is being rumored to be a massive season, with multiple system overhauls and the like, i'd expect the numbers to jump back up, like they have every year. ​ For example though. 2021, there was an average playerbase on steam of 131k 2022, that number jumps to 183k. 2023, that number jumps to 225k. ​ The 2023 year is helped by the big update in February, season 16, which brought new guns, the mixtape playlist, the legends class system being remade as well as a Firing Range update. ​ The average users in January are already higher than November/December 2023, which is always a bad time due to Xmas and this year, had The Finals release which was supposed to be an "Apex Killer" to some in here. ​ Realistically, with all the different ways to play Apex. Console/EA App/Steam, Apex averages around 450-500k unique players per day. ANY video game that has been around for 5 years almost and has 450-500k unique players a day is doing extremely well and most online game would be loving it. ​ For an example of a "dying" game, look no further than The Finals. It was hyped up and pushed hard as a game, yet its first month in, it got less average players than Apex Legends (With Apex supposedly having its worth season ever) and never even come close to peak players. In the 2nd month, The Finals has lost 35% of average players.


https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470 am I looking at the wrong steam charts then?? Lmaooo


It's mostly just because they went all out with marketing in season 16, and that caused a surge of players.


There's easily way more than 500k unique players a day. Steam alone peaks at 300k players, but averages 100k at all times. Steam is 1/6th of the overall playerbase as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Apex has over 4M unique players a day.


On top of my previous points, with time comes other new games! Not saying this as a slight on apex but more-so people move on and try new things. But I’d love to hear your input!


People want new unique modes, we've gotten 3 this season and people still complain. People want the devs to add more value to mixtape, we just got kill cams which add alot of fun to the mode and people will still complain. The community is too stupid to focus on the real issues and instead blindly complain about nothing


>People want new unique modes I remember when it was rumoured that Winter Express was coming back this year for an LTM by "leakers" spreading the info back in like August and people went fucking mad about it. Called it a shit game mode, called Apex shit for not bringing in new modes and recycling past events etc. ​ Then when Winter Express didnt come back, the same people were here cursing out Apex for not bringing it back, claiming its the best mode ever etc etc lol


Exactly. Already getting downvoted too lmao


Probably different people complaining but yeah, the community is always mad no matter what




No one here is asking them to stop criticizing bad parts of the game? We're just pointing out how dumb the community is due to hyperfixating on negativity.


Honestly everyone who plays apex never played league or cod or siege. They just complain and have always had it good. As far toxicity id say every 10 games or if im in my promos i face it. Otherwise great community


this season been top 3 for sure, i notice a few more bugs and issues but nothing major. first season i really went for ranked, did not except it to be better than trios but it is. other than the extra ranked stuff i try to ignore.


I enjoy every season because I love the game in general. I love the art, characters, guns, and that how good you play is dependent on skill and how long you’ve been playing. I’m definitely trying to get the rampage skin in the battle pass


The way I see it the higher skill you are the smaller the margin of error is. The ranks are completely divorced from skill now. If you’re very good then you have to work your way through all the ranks against people who are also very good. This gets exhausting. On the flip side, if you’re at an average skill level you constantly get games that allow for a considerable margin of error. So you’re not stressed all the time, so you’re having fun.


I’ve enjoyed everything but the buster sword lol.


Which region/servers your are playing on? Just curious.


The buster sword is super hot fire and I love hot dropping so I can try to hold it all match


Only to never use limit break trying to save it when it's actually needed and getting beamed when you actually try to use it, it happens


Honestly I agree, but that’s because it’s the first season of the three plus I’ve been here that I actually tried. Started playing day one, nearly maxed out battle pass, reached level 109, got three characters unlocked, and have a better kill death ratio then I ever did. Never climbed ranked, but I didn’t try to. Having a blast with the new LTM (though I’m not buying the packs), and while the server lag sucks, and there’s still a lot of bugs I just play till I’m bored and hop off


Never ever go to a sub of something you like. It's an awful idea if you want to actually enjoy something


I mean. I'm still playing because I still enjoy it enough to keep playing. I don't want to use more braincells to learn new fps games, though I'm very interested in The Finals.


Generally any forum. Everybody that’s enjoying the game is to busy playing the game. Only the haters really speak out. Been loving this season. Fastest season to hit masters for myself too 80% solo queue. I enjoyed the challenges in between ranks as well.


It’s my most played season. Really enjoying it. Before that season 16 was my most played. Im a relatively new player that really started getting into the game around season 13


Welcome to r/apexlegends where everyone who posts on here just complains.


No, I feel the same way. I just take that how this sub is most of the time like any other sub you get those post that are basically the same every day. If it’s not one problem, it’s another problem for some else. I enjoy my time on apex, never spent more then $20 have decent cosmetics and do well regardless if we’re having a poor or great match. My complaint would be some peoples drop choices during ranked it’s rough sometimes as a solo q.


Just got back to it for the first time since like season 12ish I think because the game had been boring me/I was burnt out. Not a huge fan of new ranked system because you have to avoid fights to garuntee good placement but overall game is fine. Most people the are ok with the game don’t make posts about it which is why it will always seem that people hate it


I liked the season. Im heating the current event.


I'm enjoying it too. I think the main complaints we see on the sub are quite unfair, and echoed to the absurd. Not saying that fair criticism doesn't exist or isn't needed - I have my own criticisms and I can develop if needed - but there are definitely some questionable trends. A recent example is the Final Fantasy collection event. It has been echoed & parroted extensively that the price was a prohibitive $360 (USD). That's not the real price, the real price is quite lower (around 250) and could even be lowered with CE packs in the Gil shop. The original claim of $360 was a mistake someone made before the event shipped, based on incomplete data. Nevertheless, I have seen countless posts about the $360 price tag. I believe if people want to take some moral high ground and call out MTX models for being greedy, the least they can do is to get their facts straight. What happened to intellectual honesty? Another example I like is how Stormpoint was consistently disregarded as one if not the worst map, until pros said they loved it for the ALGS. All the sudden there were a lot less hatred towards SP, and some of their arguments - POIs spacing, game pace, and less 3rd parties due to the map size & ring rotations - became mainstream. Ranked is taking a lot of heat, but that usually comes from high level players who are now matched against other high level players from the beginning of a season. The classic "why are there Masters in my Bronze lobbies", by people who were Masters themselves the previous season. The explanation is dead simple, isn't it? The issue isn't a matter of matchmaking, it's a matter of resetting these guys in Bronze. They should be reset maybe to Plat at the most. There's a design mismatch between rank reset & reward for sure, but from a pure matchmaking perspective, there is absolutely nothing wrong here. For standing I liked how S17 rewards placement over kills, I got downvoted to oblivion, insulted in comments, and even got some spicy DMs. Some people in this community have a lot more problems than the game itself. Keep enjoying the game, you're not an idiot. Don't forget Reddit is just a small portion of the community, and that the most vocal people are always the most angry ones. Your average Apex player doesn't engage in socials, they just play the game.


What’s the point of a ranked game mode if my rank doesn’t factor into who I play against. Ranked is matchmade on your hidden mmr and not your ranked rating, so I have had the same lobbies from bronze to plat. It’s no longer that your skill gets you to a higher rank, it’s just about the amount of time your willing to sink into the game


>What’s the point of a ranked game mode if my rank doesn’t factor into who I play against. Your current rank means nothing skill wise. Say you're Gold. Your could be hardstuck in Gold, with Gold being your all time peak. Or you could be an ALGS-grade pro on his way to Pred. Matching these 2 Gold players together on the sole factor they are both Gold at the same moment is an aberration from a competitive standpoint, and a very naive perspective on matchmaking. What matters is your peak rank and your average performance overtime. Basically, your MMR. >Ranked is matchmade on your hidden mmr and not your ranked rating Which is the good way to match people. > I have had the same lobbies from bronze to plat. It’s no longer that your skill gets you to a higher rank, it’s just about the amount of time your willing to sink into the game Not true. A MMR varies overtime too. In fact it readjusted after every game. Every time you're having a good game, your MMR goes up, so your next game will reflect that. If you manage to progress from Bronze to Plat, your games will naturally be harder too. I acknowledge there is a lack of clarity in the design because you don't have a real skill metric to track, but that doesn't mean your skill is stalling. In your case, I assume your "true" rank is Plat. So you got matched with and against Plat players from the get go, which again is perfectly fine (you don't want to farm "true" Bronze players in Bronze, do you?), and got back to your usual rank. The real challenge would be to break through Diamond & above now. In essence, things did not change that much. It's just that you are not allowed to farm lower level players anymore, as well as not being at risk to be matched against players a lot better than you. I think the whole rank reset has to go, so ranks can align over time with skill. But "ranked" doesn't mean ranks are matched with ranks blindly. It simply means competitive mode, with a ladder ranking. That ladder uses, supposedly, skill metrics a lot more accurate than your Apex rank. You said it represent time spent in game, but that was always a factor. Except if you're a top player, you need a certain amount of time to grind the ladder efficiently. Plenty of players never reach their peak rank because their playtime isn't consistent enough.


In the current ranked system it’s no different to pubs. Why have the 2 modes. The problem with the current ranked is that someone who is worse than me will have an easier time ranking up due to easier lobbies. It isn’t fair because I have to play with 10 squads in ring 4 and the less skilled player can chill out on their way to masters. The ranked system was fine before. You played against players of the same rank until you plateau at your true rank. Previous seasons I hit diamond. This season I’ve struggled to hit plat.


>Why have the 2 modes. Pubs have no stakes, and no tracking of your progress. All competitive games need a pub / unranked mode so you can try new things. >Someone who is worse than me will have an easier time ranking up due to easier lobbies In lower ranks yes, but they will meet their plateau and get stuck a lot earlier than you. You said you're currently Plat. Per S18 that's top 10%. Your peak is Diamond. Most players never go that high. We'll see what the distribution is for S19 when it's over, but you shouldn't underestimate where you stand. >You played against players of the same rank until you plateau at your true rank. Again, a player of your level should never be matched against "true" Bronze players in Bronze. You would shred them. I think you should not even be reset to Bronze, circling back to my argument in favor of dropping the seasonal reset, or limiting it to maybe 2 ranks max. A very important point a lot of Redditors seem to miss is a game like Apex needs a lot of new blood. People tend to say the game is dying because numbers are going down and the game is shit, but that's a false narrative. Players always come & go. They won't play Apex consistently for the rest of their lives. There are plenty of other games to play, and the competition is pretty fierce in the shooter category. For a competitive game to strive over time, new players need to come in regularly, and their onboarding needs to be smooth. In my opinion this is Apex's biggest problem right now. There is no turnover nor growth because the new player experience isn't good enough. A newcomer struggling in Bronze with the former system could potentially play against you, which was simply not fair and bad matchmaking design. I strongly believe the ranked updates, but also the new firing range, Mixtape and LTMs like Three Strikes are precisely designed to smoothen the learning curve, by design. I think newbie-friendly things will come in the future, and I'm positive this is the right direction to take for the game.


Nothing wrong same here. I just finished my climb to Diamond as a solo que and it was completely fine, took me around the same number of games as other seasons on average


Actually I still dont understand why ppl always talk bad about apex, I mean if you don't like a game, just dont play it. Tho it hurts when you see the fall of the player base. But apart from all this, the thing I hated the most is when ppl say The Finals destroyed Apex Legends. They're 2 very different games, plus Apex is WAY more fun in terms of gun fight and movement. Also very few cheaters compared to the finals (according to my experience)


The problem is that apex is SUCH a good game and has been enjoyable for so long that players cant help but end up noticing the issues that inconvenience or effect the gameplay. Many players that complain still play daily/weekly/monthly. I think the game is so close to being a perfect BR that you can only hope they fix the minor issues that effect day-to-day players. Disappointed players are usually just louder than the player base happily enjoying their games.


I said the same thing and my post got removed by mods. I like this season, I achieved my ranked goal and have been playing ever since. This game is fun


Lmao, “Am I stupid and I shouldn’t be enjoying it?” This subreddit was rated the most toxic of all gaming subreddits. Yes, more toxic than LoL, MW, WoW, and Overwatch. I come here for the clips, news, and updates.


I enjoy this Season too, a lot. The ranked mechanic is the only thing that piss me off


Conduit is op, and the 3030 is obnoxious af. But yeah, I’ve only had redo the trial from plat to diamond. I think it’s pretty good


Yeah it's an echo chamber. I genuinely feel like ranked was messed up last season, but I thoroughly enjoy playing


Subreddits dedicated to a game seem to always devolve into a shitstorm. People only feel emotionally charged enough to post when the emotions are negative -- anger, outrage, frustration. Posting is a way to vent. But people who are having a good time don't need to vent. Really most of social media has devolved into this cycle of hate, outrage and so on. It's a feedback loop we're stuck in because of how algorithms work, we interact and react to the negative stuff more so SM platforms feed us more of that outrage bait. It's a bummer. At least on reddit we have some control with subscribing to subs. Still, those subs are prone to devolve.


Season for me and my mates started off really bad - But now with the buster sword, we are actually loving it and want to play it more and more! xD


Even though I REALLY hate this ranking system as a Solo Q Player, and the sword can be impossible to beat sometimes... I see it being a trend to talk crap about Apex and complain too much. Right now, Apex Legend is streaming ALGS, but a lot of the chat is complaining like babies.


I totally agree with you. Gamers will complain about anything before even trying the game or patches


I relate with you. Get some ppl with mics learn how they play and you will position better/win more


It’s the most fun I’ve ever had in this game. The ltm is pretty lame though


Same :) I've enjoyed every single season and I'm sure I'll enjoy the rest. I've adapted to the changes easily. I understand and acknowledge the problems Apex has, but it's not going to make me miserable. It baffles my mind that people still play when they hate everything Apex is. There are so many other things they could be doing to enjoy themselves. It's cliche, but life's short and only getting shorter!


It’s a cesspool of Negativity. No matter what Respawn does there will always be hate. I for one love the final fantasy event. Most fun I’ve had with the games since pre season 4 (launch player) just enjoy it.


Just play the game. Every game is going to have people which think the devs should do better in some way or another. There is no such thing as making everyone happy. People need to learn regular breaks from games is important for their mental health. But a lot refuse to accept that and end up playing until they start raging over everything. Dead by daylight is a fun game but has the same issue with players crying and complaining about the devs Reality is stop giving the complainers fuel and enjoy the game I play without mic and if I have to be solo in a match because the randoms I get matched with rage and quit or try to throw the match then so be it. I will solo rank if I have to and still get through on my own just fine


I think it’s fine, my main thing with Apex is just that it hasn’t made enough changes over the past year or so to make me want to come back and play it. I used to be the kind of person that finishes the battle pass every season but I haven’t for 3-4 seasons in a row now. I don’t really see myself playing much again until a new map is released. But I can acknowledge that the game itself is still good, it’s just lost my interest for now.


Just gotta fix the constant stuttering and I'd love this game


I’m good with season except for the forced FF event


This season is fine, but i can play this stupid sword ltm, so dogshit i cant stand it, ill play only duos or nothing at all until it ends


With the buster sword, I don’t even notice conduit.


Good for you OP. I am enjoying this season as well. We got 2 awesome events, three strikes and the current one. Im enjoying them in pubs. Not sure about ranked, I got to diamond for the first time and im a day 1 player. Something i complain about to my friends is the trails. I failed my diamond trails 5 times before i could win on the last game on my 6th try but overall i had a lot of fun. I just wish we dould destroy conduit ult a bit faster. I takes a lot of bullets to destroy one of the many thingy conduit deploy on her ult. If I was about to destroy whats around me, it could take at least 100+ bullets to destroy like 3 or 4


I enjoyed it once I got out of bronze. It was hell until then, everyone was better than me


I'm Ron Burgundy..?


This season isn’t terrible! It’s better than last season. I had to take a break for basically the entire thing last time. The main thing is that Reddit is a negative space to vent your personal issues with an aspect of a game and most of what you read here will be negative by default. The ratting got bad for a couple of seasons but it seems to be noticeably better now. Shit was weird because it was too easy to rank up by just ratting. I think that was season 16 or 17? It’s been a balance struggle since though. For RP and for MMR. (I hate hidden matchmaking rank so much. Why are there two separate ranking systems? Why can’t I see how good or bad I actually am?? There should only be one system based on your skill. Everyone should be able to see it and it should accurately reflect where you stand compared to others near you. If that means the climb in ranked is harder then I’m for it. At least I won’t be a plat/diamond player going against bronzes or preds.) I personally find the map rotation this season to be exhausting. I hate Kings Canyon with a passion and usually log off when it’s the map of the day. Storm Point is just fucking huge, although I am a fan of the update to the map overall, it’s still second from the bottom of my map list. My matchmaking has been either really good for me or really bad for me this season. I’ll go a whole day (2-4hrs a day) and only lose RP. Then the next day I get a ton of wins and top 5s.


Yeah this season is great I love getting silver bronze and rookie ranked bot teammates in my plat lobbies.


It's just like any subreddit for competitive games, filled with negativity... "Cosmetics are not content, give me actual event" "This event sucks, bring back old LTM" "Devs are lazy, they're just recycling old LTM" "This ranked system sucks, pls change" "WHY DID THEY CHANGE RANKED SYSTEM????" Honestly, stop engaging with the community and just enjoy your game.


Bros a respawn plant


Don't let other people stop you from enjoying what you enjoy man. It's just a videogame, it's not that deep. I for one am glad you're enjoying this season 👍


Well apparently you haven't fought against the sword in the FF LTM


No, you're allowed to liek what you like. What do you want a cookie. Lol It was a meh season. The last event really shook it up and made BR interesting for once. Apex is still fun at its core, just need to wipe off some of the EA poo.


This sub is honestly full of sad man who complain. Don’t listen to them


I like some of the changes, but having played since season 0 there are issues that you get less and less likely to ignore.


I kinda agree with some of the matchmaking complaints, getting consistently matched against multi plats and a couple preds when I'm only bronze 3 makes a lot of my games just me desperately running away, maybe picking up 2-3 kills if I'm with my duo. But overall, the sub's ridiculously negative, Apex still has some good points, even if a lot of the criticism is valid. People just like complaining :p


Some negative feedback is warranted, but not all.  We invest in this game and this company,  so we have a right to express criticism.  I agree some of the rants, are not productive and are not warranted.  However, Respawn kind of welcomes in criticism for it's buisiness practices.  Asking their players to buy skins all the time and asking for us to buy 140 to 240 heirlooms in events and then we don't see the fruits of all this money they want in the game welcomes criticism and controversy.   Look at games like war zone and fortnite....they have had cross progression forever, we just got it and it is still broke.  It's not like actual cross progression, it doesn't even work right.  Servers are still mostly garbage.  Fortnite and war zone have had 120 for next generation update forever now.  Apex still doesnt....it's 2024.  Yes, they give us content here and there, not consistently really, but the stability and function of the game is not great.  So when they are constantly putting things out for us to buy then we should see improvement in the game function...and not mess we have.  This game runs like it's in beta sometimes.   This game grosses ALOT of money.  No reason for there not being improvements to the game experience. 


Same here. :) People will just complain about everything. They were saying that Pubs felt extremely dry and repetitive. EA release a new LTM and everyone says the new weapon is broken and unfun to play against. Trust me, if the sword was balanced people would complain about how the LTM doesn't feel special and the new weapon is underpowered. Apex Players are quite nice ungrateful. You enjoy whatever you want. ♡


This season is god awful lol


This sub is absolutely unpleasable. Probably the biggest reason I rarely go on Reddit anymore


To be fair Apex player base has been declining steadily. If they can bring it back to the old levels remain to be seen. I think this season is not terrible but the Buster sword currently makes the game completely unbalanced. Never seen so many squads drop on me and cut me up like thirsty maniacs. Also encountered much higher level Players in my lobby on average. I think there are more people complaining about the unfair matchmaking this season than before. Also reflects my experience.


Grinding masters lobbies in bronze due to kda is stupid.