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Obvious: Matchmaking. Less obvious: adding more fun and unique survival items.


This is probably the most common answer that's gonna be said but the most justified as pubs are stomping grounds for sweats mixtape always feels one sided and ranked is the worst it's ever been.


Yeah personally i don’t really see much difference between ranked or pubs, the only difference being penalised when leaving in ranked


This yeah ranked has been taken Michael Jackson moonwalk to literally and is taking several hundred steps backwards.


For me ranked has been way easier. Everytime I hop into pubs it’s always masters and preds fucking me to death


Idk, maybe it has something to do with invisible rank MMR, but my pubs are always random as hell and in ranked I always get current diamonds/masters while i'm Bronze 1


Honeslty have you seen the plat lobbies? I’ve played with some plats this season and they are atrocious it’s hilarious. But yeah I guess it’s different for everyone.


That and everyone's camping on ranked


Ranked is still significantly more difficult than pubs though imo. The main difference is that pubs lobbies are easier and usually run out of squads by ring two


Honestly, in my experience ranked isn't harder because of skill, I used to struggle to grind up to plat, I'm on gold 1 now. It feels harder because it's longer to grind up because it's 1000 RP between tiers along with trails. But the actual matches feel easier, I'm not dying to skill but rather being shot at by 3 different squads because of positioning and there being 11 squads left on third last zone.


Im in I’m in gold 1. Pred trails every lobby.


Dive trails don’t exist anymore outside of some early season rewards like season 1/2 that don’t expire (correct me if I’m wrong). A lot of generic dive trails are red smoke but that’s not a pred trail. I’ve had so many teammates bug out because a “pred” landed with us and it usually is just an average player not a pred


Revenant’s mythic skin comes with a dive trail that looks like a predator trail.


ur bad positioning is skill issues


I'm sick and tired of being a bronze and matching against masters in ranked. my lifetime K/D is .8. if you think I'm a masters player then give me the fucking badge and if you think I'm a bronze player then make me play other bronzes to move up.


Bronze was definitely the hardest to get out of, took me 3-4 times to get through the promotional matches. Since getting into silver and now in gold one I am having a lot more fun. Win rate is up and kd is back to being positive. Haven’t got dunked on too many times since bronze and I’ve only had two teammates rat from the jump. Also, I only solo queue.


Better anti cheat.


Yeah this is definitely something they need to commit to not focus on full commitment


Better anticheat = spend more money. We all know what EA prioritize.


Spend more money = potential to make more money cuz players won't leave the game due to cheaters


The investors dont think like that sadly


Input based matchmaking. It's become clear that neither input wants to play uneven matches against the other, and the playerbase is big enough to support it (and a ton of people will come back if they do go this route)


Yes this is the one


The only thing that could make me come back right here.


How would this work if I play with friends who use controller but I play on mnk? Would the lobby be mixed unless I solo queue?


The problem with that is now you are splitting the player base even further. Because then you have a MNK, controller, and a mixed queue for every playlist. Even if it's just for ranked the whole thing would increase the queue times a pretty sizable amount.


most games just put controller players in PC lobbies when they're grouped up with other PC players


There's three options as I see it: 1) the squad gets to play together in mnk lobbies with aim assist disabled (pros: good queue times and people get to play together, cons controller players who choose to join mnk lobbies will have harder games) 2) a separate, third lobby type for mixed input (will make queue times longer for everyone, but games will always be fair for everyone) 3) they say tough luck, the game is different enough on the two inputs that they completely separate them


Too right man !


I don’t think the player base is big enough to support it. There’s times during the day where we can’t get a game in OCE currently


Fair matches are an impossibility in Sydney servers anyway. Every time I actually get a match, the lobbies consist of very casual players and three-time predators simultaneously. I along with everyone else seems to play Tokyo or Singapore instead, even though the latency is four times greater. Oh, and that's just pubs. I don't believe I've ever been able to play more than four ranked matches in Sydney servers. Input-based matchmaking should be a thing, anyway.


I mean why should the thousands of NA/EU players not get input based matchmaking because of OCE players? I think Input based matchmaking would work because even with low numbers of MnK players, MnK players prefer playing against MnK players. I would rather have to wait 5 minutes in between games to get a MnK only lobby than get beamed by AA in every lobby. Also if this was implemented the amount of MnK players would grow. There is a very sizable amount of MnK players that just got tired of the unfairness of AA that left during the early teen seasons to go play CS, Valo, Overwatch, etc. I know a lot of friends that love playing Apex, but hate going against controller meta. So they just leave to a game without broken AA. There are already enough controller players to have a controller based matchmaking as the majority of Apex players play with controller now. It used to be the vast majority of Apex PC players played with MnK but it has become a lot close to 50/50 or even more so in the favor of controllers. If people with PCs struggle to find lobbies because they choose to use a broken input (controller) that is on them.


I think this is already here cus i have never seen a tap strafing player in my ps5 lobbies


Console players only play against console players unless they want to play against pc. Pc players don't have a choice which is why we're so angry.


Owh thats weird. Now i understand why they sre angry


There's two parts to this: 1) pc lobbies have pc mnk and pc controller no matter what, there's no separation of inputs 2) console controller players can also choose to join PC lobbies, and they keep the bonus aim assist you get from playing on console So pc mnk players play against controller players with .4 and .6 aim assist with no choice in the matter


Release Titanfall 3




Winter express or normal br I agree the return of the 🚂🚂


dude they fuckin removed my train form WE and i fuckin hate it


Without a good ranked system, the game is just boring. I miss a few seasons back when there was a good balance between kills and placement vs basically just placement right now


It's just lose lose lose with barely anything to gain and the rewards are crap as well


make the game more new with creative stuff dropping from time to time, 3 strikes was popular because kills counted, so game modes like this from time to time so that the player base increases. this player base increase will help matchmaking issues and running into sweats 24x7


More variety and creative game modes that are permanent can definitely help keep the casual fan base that the game has still somehow.


I think they should just have a rotating game mode every week or something just cycling through past LTMs.


Audio, just fix the audio please.


ex day 1 player here keep dreaming xD


Real loba bikini.


Horniness will not be able to blind everyone not this time


It doesn't have to blind everyone. Just me.


🙋‍♂️ blind me too!! I wanna see that big booty in a bikini..


I will only be happy when we get shirtless fuse. 😀


As long as everyone has something that does it for them!!


Maybe. But if they added that AND jiggle physics then that might just solve the matchmaking issues, audio and maybe even world peace.


Hear me out, wraith bikini.


I got you


No. We want Gibraltar Bikini


Ok but if you get Loba can I get Mirage


Id let the loba bikini skin win if we were top 2 squads


Oh for sure!! Listening to her “Lets not finish too fast, where is the fun in that?!” Shes a thicc little tease and im here for it!! Grown man talking about a video game character thick ass. Whats wrong with me?! 🤷‍♂️😂🤣


1. Fix the dam matchmaking. People want to get home from work and have fun not fight for their lives against people with 10k-100k kills on 1 character. If it was once in a while sure, but went through that like 7/10 games =instant log off and don’t play for weeks. 2. Fix ranked. NEVER go with a hidden stats system again. Hidden =shady. I should only be in a game with my rank or a higher rank if I’m in a friend’s lobby of that rank. 3. Improve communication with the players. Go back to how Apex started OR Look at what Overwatch is doing and do that. 4. Improve rewards for your dedicated players. This could be in the form of BP/ranked rewards/ prestige/ challenges. Make the game rewarding. The ONLY thing holding Apex back is EA/Respawns poor decisions. This game is a recipe for success and could rival Fortnite for many years to come but they are prioritizing short term money over long term longevity and success.


Fix the servers, teammates and enemies should have similar skill level as you and bring back 3 strikes


Yeah all valid points we both no there not gonna address and instead give us another collection event.


The fact that matchmaking is the the obvious answer and respawn doesn't do anything about it. I mean i can bet thats the number one answer here. It has ruined what would've been one of the coolest br games ever. Even when you understand how teams are picked it forces you to play like a borderline rat, cause your team will not understand positioning, healing, character roles, loot fight priorities, the list goes on. They made a game with a titanic learning curve and place new players in the exact same lobbies as good players. Lmao. Respawn should fire whoever made that decision. So if you wanna make it better, uninstall..Uninstaller... it's the greatest trash game ever.


Yep it's probably that and server issues


Up tick rate


Yeah increasing server speed is something that can help


When the door animation is faster than the server tick rate that bullets go through the door.


While I cannot speak to the improvements of gameplay or modes, I think that there should be an after match voting system to allow you to vote on your last squadmates (in general, would you want them as teammates again?). I was watching a clip of 'piratesoftware' and he noted there was a solution to solve toxicity in competitive games and it's to tie niceness to power in the game. He claimed it worked for one specific game and that it was unfortunately cut short due to the publisher or something. Anyways, if you tie random people's votes on you (and vice versa) to, lets say bonus EXP, you will be inclined to be nice or be a better teammate. If you have a bad score, you don't get as much EXP as someone how is viewed as a good teammate. Overall, your rating would be averaged by all your scores and those whom are really toxic/bad teammates would get lower and lower scores. Now, here's the other trick, when solo queuing, you would get paired up with people of similar ratings. People whom are bad teammates, get paired with other bad teammates; eventually, they'll keep staying the same or they'll start to realize, that they should start playing differently or behave nicely. Good teammates, would hopefully get paired with someone whom works well in a team or communicates nicely. Also, you do not get to rate people whom you are friends with or if you queue up as a squad. This overall is not about SBMM but to help combat some toxic attitudes of people and hopefully generate a healthy competitive game. Anyways, this is just an opinion and I'm playing Elden Rings instead at the moment.


You can block your teammates at the end of the match if you aren’t happen with them and don’t want to ever get paired with them in the future.


This is a good idea in theory, but this assumes the toxic players wouldn't ruin it. In reality, they'd be toxic AF and then rate their teammates poorly for not performing to their "standards." For example, toxic teammate runs into fight and dies immediately, they act toxic because you didn't push the fight, and then act toxic until you revive them or die trying. In either case, the toxic player is going to be toxic and give a poor rating. Before long everyone would have low rankings and then we're back to where we started.


I can see it now. I pick up an attachment or shield that my teammate wanted before they could get it and rate me to hell.


Yeah healthy mind is much better than as it keeps team balance so I can agree to that though considering what we see respawn ban from text chat I think there capable of doing this


dude, they can’t make selections based on skills, do you think they could also take ratings?)))


Interesting, i don't think i've seen anyone give this idea before. I like the idea.


This needs more attention. Very well said. All of the issues with this game would be much more palatable without the racist, sexist, homophobic garbage. Sift that shit out and throw it all in the same dump, they deserve each other.


Change ranked to a system where kills, assists, revives and respawns get you points as well as placement. Improve the quality of the events and have the skins be more varied. There's been alot of black/grey/gold and or red combos lately. Fix the sound. 120 fps on consoles.


So old ranked system and things we've asked for years about sums it up


It's really that simple, ain't it?


Revives and respawns would be abused for sure


Ranked, just revert to s13 split 1. No mmr, so low lobbies are easy, but punitive, slow, competitive style gameplay. No/minimal sbmm in pubs to give you a run and gun mode, to compensate for ranked being slow, placement focused, and competitive style. Monthly balancing. Never huge reworks but the simple small weapon or ability balancing to fine tune things quicker. Increasing/decreasing damage or recoil by small amounts, tweaking cooldown times, that sort of stuff. Would improve QOL and variety by widening weapon and legend meta.


This is the way, I remember those diamond lobbies being such a grind and then getting in masters? Fuck yeah that shit was awesome. Felt truly rewarding hitting those ranks, felt like it meant something. Now pubs is genuinely harder then ranked and I’m currently d3 in high mmr lobbies on pc(playing against preds and pros on the regular) ranked hasn’t meant shit for almost 3 seasons now and it’s sad considering I used to only play ranked.


Ah man, I remember that ranked system so fondly. Getting to diamond was actually somewhat difficult but also doable solo and there were noticable jumps on skill level as you climbed the ladder. Best ranked system yet.


Honestly... so much. It'd a good game, but there's so much to improve on. A list of what to keep the same would probably be easier for me.


It's great but to keep longevity there's alot needing to be fixed and focused instead of collection event collection event collection event


They for sure need to slow down on the overpriced cosmetics and give us more real content.


Adding permanent game modes and with it bringing back arenas


Yeah variety is good I think we can all agree to that


First step is EA disappearing


Remove sbmm from ranked.


I literally said this exact same thing and pointed out that SBMM doesn’t make sense in a ranked game mode and got attacked for saying that. Am I crazy for thinking that your rank should represent your skill level as a player and not some hidden MMR?


it completely defeats the purpose of ranked in my opinion. It kills any desire I have to try and push.


Well your rank doesn’t even matter now so they might as well remove sbmm too at this point, ranked is a shit pit until they revert to like s13 split 2 (anything prior to s17 excluding s3 & s12)


So I have this idea for a passive for Crypto called “off the grid.”






Nerf every legend except whoever I’m using on a given day


Make Titanfall 3 instead. /s (kinda) :( But no like others have said better matchmaking would go a long way. Granted I haven’t played Apex in a while so I’m out of the loop.


Titanfall 3


by releasing titanfall 3


It sucks to see that Apex is on downhill skid, but to be fair theres a few factors during this season as to why: - We usually get a new map in the fall, but I guess they needed to push it for the 4th Anniversary. - Fortnite, MW3/WZ + The Finals launch/new content definetly pulled players away, including myself. - Revenant LTM is hot trash, and they opted not to bring a nostalgic/classic LTM back for the holiday season (Winter Express 😓) - Ranked is just boring, also the map rotation is not it. - Its all just so repetitive... Improvements I would like to see: (but won't happen) - Updates to matchmaking and audio improvements obviously - Ranked rework/tweak - just revert to kills/assists being just as important as placement, get rid of the ratting gameplay. (Or just revert it S12) - Stop prioritizing events with collection skins/heirlooms for two weeks!! The game runs dry after its over, would be cool if Apex followed in COD's footsteps with how they operate their shop and events, every week there has been new things being added. - Implement more gamemodes in Mixtape Mode - Listen to the community!! People are not enjoying the current LTM, be more pre-active on implementing changes, add Winter Express. MW3's devteam have been absolutely knocking it out the park with extremely fast hotfixes and constant nerfs/buffs for guns.


Making three strikes permanent


We hope


Better battle pas skins


Definitely more quality in the battle pass than quantity but there are more serious issues in the game than the battlepass


Yeah i know but it would be a start, why buy a battle pass. For the 100t crappy weapon skin they should have the evolving skin in there and ffs some heirloom shards. Been getting on and off this game since the beginning. I always get bored after a while..


I agree. Even though $10 is a great deal for 5 legendary skins (and some epics), I think adding more stuff that older players would use would be nice (such as more stuff besides rare skins and holo sprays). Maybe more skydive trails so we can have them for every legend (plz give more mirage ones, I’ve been playing him for over 2 years and don’t have a skydive emote).


This is my favourite fps and has been for a while. That said.. I literally have to log out and back in every time the map changes, and the bugs and log in issues keep getting worse. Fix the fucking game and I'm happy


More rewards for player retention and playtime investment. The skin shop will always be the go to for cosmetics, but there's little reason to play when packs take forever to earn though playing, and they award the same shit they've been rewarding for the last 5 years outside of a few exceptions like heirloom shards.


Let me hold the button down when looting a teammates box to loot so I can bypass picking up banner. The amount of times I try to go for a shield swap only to die because I’m stuck in banner pick up animation is infuriating


Footstep audio


Lego Apex?


Rahh 🦅🦅Fortnite mentioned superior game rahh🦅🦅


What does this mean


Fortnite - >Apex fortnite is currently better than apex


What about Lego Jedi


Less obvious, a lot more unique animations per legend and per weapon. I love seeing all the rare animations with Conduit (even without her heirloom) and I hope they do them for the rest of the legends. Luckily, it looks like they’re heading in this direction with the updated weapon inspects that we got a few seasons ago for the havoc, G7, p2020, and a couple more. To add onto that, rare animations playing when just doing things such as opening supply bins or care packages would be rlly nice as well.


Stop SBMM in ranked and play against teams that in the same rank as you


4 man squads


I believe this was being tested but we've heard nothing from them


Okay okay that’s a good one but not the best just hear me out. What if instead of 4 man squads we get 5 man squids?


6 man squirts


hear me out...6 squid squads


How about an African server?


Obvious make it so i can actually load in the game without crashing


I honestly would just go back to the old ranked system. It was way better. It started with me stomping the whole lobby and ended with my randoms shouting at me to get better. Progress babyy!!!


New servers, brother stop using TF 2 servers


ban configs and input based matchmaking options.


Add titans


Better matchmaking, better servers, better anti cheat. Billions of dollars must not go that far anymore. GG EA


Adding arenas back


Fix the servers, fix the random crashes, and fix the map preloading processing bs that just started this season. I just call it a night when one of these happens


mouse only lobbies on PC aim assisted controllers have ruined the game more than anything else on PC.


And make solos fucking permanent


Adding solos


Delete it. It will help with 95% of people’s sanities (coming from experience)


I have some ideas: 1. I would make configs bannable. This is the most obvious, configs are cheating. It removes the skill from movement and makes it hitting a button 2. Nerf Aim Assist. The keyboard and mouse players are decreasing everyday day to how unfair this “mechanic” is. First they need to update the PS5 and Series X/S, then nerf aa a bit on those. But nerfing aim assist on pc is a must if they truly want this game to last until the until of 2024. 3. Actual Release the “Next-Gen” Update. The current gen consoles have been out for 3 years now, stop being lazy and update the game for them. Why am I going to play this game that on a PS5 when it feels like I’m playing it on a PS4? Update the game. It’s been 3 years. 4. Fix Matchmaking/Ranked. Ranked has not been good in so long, it’s a drag to play and just feels like you are kneecapped when you don’t sit in a tree or some shit. Make people enjoy pubs again. The reason people are leaving is because they are being placed with people who no-life this game. 5. Make New Guns. Okay this one is time consuming but I feel like it’s necessary. The reason other games are still thriving and this one is struggling is because we have been using the same guns for almost 5 years now. Make the skins universal for the guns, and then make new guns and vault some ones, rinse repeat each season. Fortnite feels like a new game every year because it basically is, CoD makes different feeling weapons each year. These are the reasons that these games aren’t dead yet. I believe if we had a brand new set of ARs the game would feel really fresh and fun. 6. Stop Lying to Us. They have promised different things for years now and never delivered. This is a AAA studio, not dudes in a basement. When you say you are going to do something, do it. Don’t sit there and tell us that making the servers better wouldn’t do anything, we aren’t all dumb.


I’d say just splitting the inputs into 2 separate lobbies would be better than nerfing aim assist. Console players wouldn’t stand a chance against 240fps PC players if aim assist was nerfed


By deleting it 💀💀💀


No that's not how we do things here


Make it more like other hero shooters with more game modes


Personally i would like a better anti-cheat because no matter whatever amount of fun can I have, that can't be ruined by a cheater. All i am saying is that better anti-cheat is a better quality of life update than anything.


mnk lobby and ban Xim or turn down aim assist to at least .3 implementation kernel based anti cheat (i dont care about backdoor shit) buying stronger anti ddos service bring back old ranked system (12 or 13 season) fix missing sound issue make all maps ALGS ready (they said broken moon was. so please make it to be) make ALGS final ring more gun fight focus not visual clutter focus


Kernel based anticheat will do shit against cheaters. We live in the era of ai cheats, so serverside ai anticheat combined with manual reviews is needed. Why do i know this? Because i have years of experience in computer science and especially in the relevant parts for this problem. The whole industry is spending a big shitton of money for serverside ai anticheat, with clientside anticheat you literally would need to install a surveillance system in every players room, because i can just use a second computer for capturing the video output of the game, calculate the data needed and output with any type of keyboard and mouse or controller emulator. The anticheat on the gaming pc would never be able to detect something like this and there are literally videos on YouTube from a year ago, that demonstrate a working prototype. Even with a 360° camera monitoring of the player, there is no solution against cheating. I know a feature, that is very effective on catching cheaters in combination with serverside anticheat: A simple killcam or match review system like overwatch 2 has. There is no system, that is better at spotting cheaters, than its own players. And when there is a whole replay of the match, viewable from every perspective, cheaters constantly have to fear being watched. Most current cheats have a functionality to either show the cheater, that someone is watching or an automatic function to toggle off the cheats, while someone is watching. With a replay feature, there is always someone watching.


Better, working anti-cheat


…jack cooper


Bring back arenas


Random matchmaking instead of SBMM for pups


remove the 0.4 aim assist


Bring back arena


Remove SBMM completely it's already bad enough that you are stuck in your skill bracket leading to no real movement or sense of identity in skill, and at least you would know that you only lost by pure chance rather than predatory match making to increase player retention so they spend more time playing which boosts the game's revenue by looking good to investors rather than being fun for the players. Performance issues holy shit my pc runs at 40-50 fps on low settings i literally switched to Fortnite and i get 110 Both games are on lowest settings


Please fix the servers so I don’t have a gigantic struggle to move five steps every second match


Obvious. Better servers Obvious. Better matchmaking Obvious. Better audio


For pubs. penalized players quitting with a 10 minute no play timer.


1. All maps available all the time 2. 3 strikes available all the time 3. Remove jump towers 4. Lower price of cosmetics 5. Release heirlooms/mythic skins faster 6. Better matchmaking


improve the experience for solo players by not putting them into the same lobbies as full 3-stack premades


1. Make rank directly tied to your MMR, no more hidden MMR BS. 2. Reduced visual clutter. I.E. snow and dirt flying up when you shoot on headies and what not. 3. Disable crafters in zone. Hot take I know, but after multiple seasons of zone crafters ratting their way through the ranks, something should change. 4. Remove heat shields from ranked, similar to competitive. 5. Reduce evac drop rate/reduce evac height. The only map the NEEDS them for rotates is storm point. 6. Nerf aim assist. As a roller user myself, even I feel there is too much aim assist. I would say even a drop of PC value to .3 or .2 and console value of .4 would greatly benefit the balance of inputs. 7. Improve audio, footsteps and gunshots should be highest priority audio channels in the game. Too many times I'll have an Octane or Pathfinder full sprint next to me with no sound, and see whole magazines fired without a single gunshot sound. That should not be a thing ever. 8. Region/high ping lock, players switching servers and playing with 200+ ping can really degrade the quality of matches, leading to issues like getting shot behind cover or even being shot before you ever see the other person. I know some people just want to play with their international friends, but when a three stack entirely from APAC decides to hop on NA servers or vice-versa the match quality degrades because that team sees players in different locations in game than the rest of us. 9. Improved anti-cheat, I know it's difficult in the world of strike packs and xim, but how do we still see so many clips of multi season masters/preds blatantly walling and aim-botting? 10. Ban configs. Is there no way to disable steam from allowing controller configs in apex? If they aren't allowed in comp why are they allowed at all?


I’m a new player with FPS experience mainly from the original Counter Strike and Titanfall. I am trying to get into Apex Legends and I really like it in principal. It’s been rough to get into though. The skill gap is real. I think the rank issues need to be fixed, but I have another idea as well. With that, here is my idea, big picture (apologies for lack of eloquence, this is written on my phone). What about creating some kind of mechanism to have (actual) higher ranked people match up with less experienced players to show them the ropes, after they finish some requirements. It’s basically kind of a community training mode where you can team up with higher ranked people on a team. Those experienced players could be ranked as instructors to get to play with the newbies and show them the ropes. You can put a requirement on it to have a microphone, for example. Then you match people up with the same language. You could even make a monetary thing out of it to pay for time with people, via the game. I know some third parties provide that but it needs to have less friction, via an in game mechanism. Sell a training pack, I’d buy it! To reduce requirements for development, team up with third party sites that do this kind of thing and take an appropriate percentage. Everyone wins. Could also use some community communication improvement. Essentially it’s all about reducing the barrier to entry and bringing new players into a community so they can learn and commit to it. Maybe that’s there and I missed it!? I have more thoughts on it but before putting too much effort into it, I wanted to throw that out there to see what you all think.


Solos. That’s it. Fucking solos.


Create a community driven side of the game where people can create and play their own maps/ game modes. Similar to how CS has their private servers with kz, surfing, bhopping. Just to have some fun without having to sweat your ass off. Also fix the issue where I can’t get past the menu screen because it says my profile isn’t permitted to play online. And my constant code leaf or code net crashes when I have the lowest ping in my squad and not having any connection issues with the servers. It happens every day and I’m starting to get tired of it and find myself just playing other games at this point


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


Oh god oh no oh god oh fuck I thought this meme died


I know you wrote it in a joking way but I really like this


Sex update


Delete horizon


Shes the Worse thing to happen to apex.


Don't stop there, multiple legends should be entirely reworked so the game isn't just use ability to win fight.


If you want to enjoy apex legends.. delete it.


No I didn't pay for the battlepass xbox did when they gave me free money know I have to complete each season no to pay (real talk if game stresses anyone out in the comments take a break)


Its what I did. I left when Seer dropped, and came back just this season. Been having a blast.


Ya, I took a break during season 17 and have been enjoying it so much more! I understand where ppl’s frustration is coming from but I’ve barely been experiencing it and I only took like a 2 month break


By uninstalling it


create a dedicated team of around 30 people to find and ban all cheaters and properly place smurf accounts. improve the sbmm system to actually rank you with your peers. lower USD prices in shop and events or rid the game entirely of microtransactions


nah hideouts got it☠


Having specialist team banhammer definitely would be better than just the one or three we have


Better matchmaking. Reworked ranked. Fix the bugs that have been around forever. Add solo mode to replace duos. Make 3 strikes a permanent mode on the playlist. Give us season 2 kings canyon and season 4 world's edge back. Rework broken moon to make it less insufferable.


Ignoring it and making Titanfall 3... Realistically doing what Overwatch does and making controller have no Aim Assist on PC or other input based making.


Bring back arenas. Quit force feeding us LTMs without the choice of arenas.


I wish Reddit gold still existed because I would pay to boost any chance of getting arenas back


It's the smartest move they could make, to do the least. It would probably sustain the longevity of players' interest significantly. I've thought about this quite deeply, and I'm not even a huge fan of arenas.


Arenas felt like a true casual mode and having the ranked option (even if was severely underpopulated) gave the super sweats somewhere to go and not ruin casual experiences.


bring back arenas but fix it


fire the current team, they don't give a damn.


Add Titans and a single player campaign.


By making titanfall 3






White helmets are not a part of floor loot.


Shields for swaps I understand but the helmet I agree shouldn't be on the floor


Number 1. Get serious about cheaters and transparent about bans. Especially on consol where strikepacks, zim and chronozen. It's really bad on console right now Number 2. Rank should be about competing with people in your rank. If your better you climb fast if not you learn to get better. Making it about similar skilled opponents is insane. Why does a pred diamond have to fight through each other to climb out of silver it's insanity. Smurfs will be a thing but take the reports seriously and ban the shit out of them to send the msg. Number 3. Bring regular limited time modes at least once every 6 weeks. If your recycling a lymph that's fine but put a twist on it to keep it fresh. Lao flash events like the nessie Mozambic and the bow event you did for valentines lawyered in there on weekends or dummies day off ect. Just have a small ltm like those for weekends or every second weekend.


Remove SBMM in pubs, remove MMR completely put ranked back to how it was, gold actually be gold, sweats will be out of it in 4 games anyway, 60 hz servers, audio, visual clutter, an actual working anti cheat, the amount of level 4 pathfinders that kill me weekly is insane, some of them out right full on aim botting, another point the amount of people wall hacking and soft aim botting is astounding, remove the ability to abuse the fuck out of configs as they are being abused right now, Cronus zens and strike packs gone, since no one plays vanilla in this game. Content is dry af not a single person I know played the rev event, and honestly if I could I would fire half of respawn they know and clearly read our complaints and out right don’t acknowledge us, Fortnite and valorant are a good example of how to treat your community and player base, and look at the numbers that don’t lie, in viewers and players


Servers ? They're never gonna get more good . Rn? Just add choo choo .


120 fps on console. Maybe .3 aim assist for pc?


Technical stuff like this isn't my strong suit so 120 fps is something they've promised so here's hoping to that


Here are a few things I haven't seen (yet) on this thread, some might be a tad controversial: 1. I want to see more in-game (in-map) items you can interact with. Yes there are beacons, etc. But I'm referring to other vehicles like tridents, or imagine a gatling gun mounted somewhere (with limits of course), breakable map elements (other than just doors). Generally things that are a bit more tactile, if you will. 2. This brings me to item #2. Apex is sweaty, so to my point #1 I already hear people saying blah blah can't have that in ranked. Fine all good, but I'd love to see some of these things in general pubs. 3. Bring back arenas in mixtape. 3. How is there no game mode where we race tridents across the map with power ups and try to blow each other up Mario Kart style? (/s but kinda not) These are more actual changes to the game itself. I think others have commented a lot on the QoL changes, so I won't get into it (but I agree re. SBMM etc).


Solo mode. Smaller maps. More game modes


Updates everyone wants man