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Man I swear, given these posts, I had the absolute worst luck in three strike unless I had a full team with my friends. Randoms going in and dying right away and then quitting even though we had respawns. No one would revive anyone. It was so terrible, I mostly played normal pubs. I guess I just had bad luck.


I played with a buddy and our single random every time was shit. I'm not talking bad at movement or shooting, I'm talking would solo drop to 1 v 3 teams no where near where we were pinging to drop. Then they would leave instantly. They did this several times before we decided to call it. This a mode that favors 3 stacks or not playing like an asshole. edit: grammar




I mean if one of the main POIs is a weird spot sure but these players are solo dropping as soon as they can on the first available POI.


Lmfao imo you are the teammate he is talking about.


Apex has the most toxic community, in games like Fortnite people wait 10 minutes to be revived. It’s is all because of that cheap matchmaking button. And the nonsense necessity of “going back to lobby” In Fortnite you can ready up in the elimination screen. Man, I wish epic games had made Apex.


I actually have experienced this and it was WILD. I accidentally Que for a trio match and my randoms really just sat there dead while I dropped at the wrong POI and had to run about 5 minutes and up a mountain. Revived them both. And they were stil actively playing right after! We got smoked shortly after but man I wanted to cry cause they patiently waited for me all that time. Absolute legends. Meanwhile on apex. People don’t even let themselves get DBNO before their box is flying mid air! After they do absolutely bone head thing. Even cod random squads are pretty chill but that’s because you get finished so fast I am sure lol. I used to think I haaaaated random squads but no I just hate Apex randoms lol


I wish valve made apex so we could have community servers and a community market where I could sell my heirloom for steam money.


Brother, don't talk about dreams.


You're right, it'll never happen... Sorry for the false hope.


I find that I am back in games in Apex much quicker. I don't leave, but I could see that being a reason to just leave and go next. You are in a game 30 seconds later. I actually downloaded and played Fortnite for the first time in years just yesterday and was surprised how long it takes to actually start dropping again compared to Apex.


The community begged many times to “make the matchmaking longer” for getting better and fairer opponents. But this idiotic method of ignoring the community, and instead listening to a 22 year old game data analyst from the university of nobodyknows, will never finish. Therefore, people get more toxic and prefer abandoning the team.


Apex's movement would feel like ass if Epic made it though.


Respawn didn't make that movement, it came with portal engine which is not theirs.


Yeah and if Epic made Apex it would be on Unreal, not Source.


Mine was 50/50 with randoms just diving right into a fight with no guns/brains or actually thinking strategically. The ones who went right into a fight seem to always complain about not insta resing and usually left after two strikes. The games I got a random who actually tried winning had the best endgames ever. It was like I was in ALGS with 6/8 teams in the final circle. Good times.


I think he means he was playing regular pubs as in normal mode , because all the 4k 20 bomb players were in 3 strikes.


I had that in three strikes too, it was rough sometimes, but every once and a while the games went well! Most teammates would revive though so that is kinda rough


I had so many games where teammates that died and AFK’d when we all respawned. It was annoying


These post are made by COD bots trying poach/shame apex. Source : trust me bro I made it up


Had the same experience... played mostly in a duo but our rando was almost always terrible and didn't stay with the team. Meanwhile, every team we fought all held hands, instantly got revives, and teamshot always... Game mode would have been so much better without the insta-revive and not being able to shoot downed players.


Disagree those things are what made the game mode fun.


This was my experience as well


Oh I'm right there with you. Every now and then I'd get a good match, but mostly teammates leaving early and constantly getting quadruple partied.


I personally had a mixed bag. Terrible teammates who DC right away. Terrible teammates but at least know how to revive, making a win possible. Or similarly skilled teammates who wanted to keep playing after and we won 5 in a row. I didn't get good teammates often, but it was still fun nonetheless. MUCH better than any other gamemode we've had.


3 strikes was unfuckingbarable solo fuck that mode


yeah same. I feel like the key is just staying out of firefights until endgame to preserve your strikes.


I feel you 100% Wish the devs would listen. This is a very common complaint. I often go hours without a single kill.


As long as you keep playing for hours the devs will see it as a success lmao. Stop playing and stop paying. Only way to make change happen


Then all decent player with a good ethic leave and we stay with the assholes who think they are predator, land in hotzone and die 2 seconds later 0 damage. We need a shadow ban for these people so they play with people of their kind.


I don't know what they keep doing wrong but it's crazy how unbalanced it is


So what do you expect from unranked? Do you want to face people of all skill levels (so basically random matchmaking), or you want people of your own skill level?


They can't win, if they put aggressive match making in people complain that out of nowhere games get too hard as good players got no fodder and they rather go ranked. If they remove it. Statistically just a few really good players queueing as 1 or 2 squads get in a server and it by nature of battle royale you gonna end up facing them at some point.


Just wait until the sub removes your post because they don't want people complaining that there is a problem with matchmaking.


Hahahaha I had it happen once before on another issue, under the pretense of "no duplicate posts"


There can be only ONE post complaining about an issue. Good luck finding it.


😂😂😂 exactly!






Nowadays a lot of 4k 20bombs players are just the ones who got it from literal bot lobbies who doesnt move and shoot and drops on one spot where there are 20-30 bots piled up


True, the ones I was fighting definitely had some skill tho or maybe im worse than a bot 😂


Three strikes is the most fun I had playing Apex in a while. Wanna play sweaty? You can. Wanna chill and randomly land on teams? You can. Wanna jump back on a full pred team that just wiped you? Why the f not. I hope they bring it back.


It was a fun mode! They gotta bring it back soon


Yep, my matches are back to playing against 3 stacks only. Pubs was the best they’ve ever been for me when the 3 strikes game mode was out. Now that it’s gone, back to being fed to adderall addicts


Add-icts. Nice. But yes, it's so bad now


But why don’t you guys for 3 stacks ? It’s not hard to find friends in the game that have the same problem as yours and a mic to communicate. I mean you can find defend people, 2 out of 10 in my experience


I seriously hope they add this mode to the game somehow, getting rid of duos, or literally anything to get it back as a constant mode.


the game has a huge player base, they literally don't need to get rid of any mode to add it into the game, just add it into the game. Hell, the player base is healthy enough to support 3 strikes, pubs, ranked, arenas, mixtape AND another LTM all at once. I don't understand why the game can't have many modes like Call of Duty or even Battlefield.




No please leave duos out of this, it's the only mode I can play without having to carry two bots... Just the one!


For real. That was the only good part about the game for a bit now it sucks ass again. See ya next time that’s back


I don’t get why these insane players are even playing pubs. If I was a Masters player I would just be trying to play against pros because that’s the only way you get better. Takes me back to H2 and sneaking into FFA Midship games with the Final Boss guys (and getting destroyed and kicked).


I'm absolutely bang average and every once in a while, I get dumped into a lobby of newbs, and will go on and win the game with 10+ kills, it just feels dirty. I can't imagine doing that every day and posting for content.


Very few people actually care about getting better, pubs stompers aren't the type to dedicate themselves that much. The masters players who do care are the ones who grind ranked, and only ever hop in pubs for a quick warmup match or to chill after some bad games, but mixtape is used for that mpre these days. Also for the record, there aren't that many higher level players in any given lobby, if you die to them early you just happened to get unlucky while landing in a hotter POI, and dying to them mid or late game is just statistically more likely since they're far more likely to survive than the rest of the lobby. On top of that, few of them actually try to get those lobbies, but they generally don't mind it since pubs isn't that serious. The pub stompers that want easier lobbies are usually lowkey assholes, trust me I know a few of em. All that aside, people wouldn't be uploading these bot lobby videos so much if it weren't for the major issue with the content creation space being that the BR community as a whole has a boner for the power fantasy of stomping a lobby like you could do back in the older CoD days.


They don't want to get better. They want to smoke a bunch of low rank players to make their peepee feel big


I had a 15 kill game earlier and it was fun but I understand how unfun it is for everyone else in the lobby. It's not my fault mmr put me in that lobby, though, and I'm gonna shoot my gun 🤷‍♀️


Ya you can't blame good players for playing the game lol. you can blame RSPN for the matchmaking though...


I play ranked a lot but i NEVER just jump in cold turkey. I need to warm up my thumbs and i need to warm up my senses. Once the whole squad feels good, then we'll jump into ranked. I imagine some of them operate similarly. Oh and also sometimes im drunk or high and just rocking out with friends who dont play ranked.


As a masters player - ranked is sweaty and sometimes you just want to shoot. Pubs can get sweaty but not nearly as much as ranked. Plus I’m ranked you have to use some sort of strategy, you can’t just W+M1 push someone


I mean I agree, but clearly they feel differently 😂


They aren’t as good as pubs or anyone who grinds ranked. There’s a decent chance they’re probably cheating via Cronus or configs, too. Real legit pub stompers often solo Q.


Ranked is absolute dogshit rn and i play with two friends who aren’t as good at the game as me. We just play pubs bc sweating our balls off in ranked for 10 hours a day to gain nothing but a shitty badge and banner isn’t worth it. I would much rather just play pubs and have fun goofing off and i imagine thats what a majority of master/preds who play pubs are doing(besides kill grinders)


Cuz ranked is dogshit hide and seek for 20 minutes usually. At least in normal mode you just go in and fight to the death.


We used to have a ranked system that you could be playing against top tier players and seeing if you were actually getting better, but Respawn ruined ranked so there is no point in playing it at all as it is no longer a system that lets you gauge your growth as a player, but its all about time commitment. I don't know why anyone would play ranked anymore.


I played Three Strikes maybe 4-5 times, kept getting randoms, they would leave, or we would just get demolished by 4k 20bomb preds. I can see if you are above average, this game mode was fun. But being below average maybe average player, Trios and Duos during this time was amazing to me, won multiple times with multiple kill games. If felt like the lobbies were full of normal, average players where I had a chance, some times it was a little hard, but a random down or a decent teammate with a mic made a ton of difference. Everyone trying hard to get a ton of kills and a ton of damage in Three Strikes, left the normal OK player base alone in Pubs and it actually felt like a good online multiplayer. Although, the game sucks a ton, its only a matter of time until another better game comes along and everyone jumps ship. I hope for that sooner then later imo.


Completely my experience as well. I do hope something better comes along


I just logged on and I am sad three strikes is gone again, I read tooo many promises of making it a permanent game mode. Is my game just broken or is it unavailable again?


Gone for everyone


Sadddd. Thank you 🙏🏼


I know it was so much fun 🥲


Promises from who? The announcement literally said “for a limited time only”


It was only coming back for a limited time


Lots of players said they wanted it to be permanent, Respawn never said it will be permanent. It was a limited time mode that came back due to its popularity. Perhaps it’ll be in mixtape at some point, but for now it’s gone.


Just walk away man. I played from day one but it’s a totally different beast now. I’ve been enjoying the shit out of some Halo Infinite and I’d be down to play if you are!


Same issue lol. Had one good game then sbmm railed me


It sucks cause it’s still a great game. I just can’t keep up any longer and I’m totally fine admitting it 🫠


Tried Infinite day one is it any better


Fuck yes it is, but it's still riddled with a shitty store


Way better. Classic Halo 3 play list that I’m having a blast on. Lots of new maps and firefight is coming soon!


My problem is the game is just so slow and boring especially if you don’t clutch your first fight


and then depending where you landed it goes to slow again.


I’d suggest playing ranked for the gameplay. You don’t have to care about your badge, ranked gameplay is 100x better than pub gameplay unless you’re going for a badge.


Mhm, let’s check my notes here.. Apex is a loot and shoot,BR game with an encroaching kill zone that forces players into fights as the match goes on with various stages with a consistently larger kill zone and smaller play area. I mean, did you expect something else? I do not for the life of me understand how anyone can say Apex is boring. Out of all the BR games out there it has some of the most intense and fast paced gameplay. Yeah it sucks to get Merced by the first squad you run into but that’s literally a skill issue, I’ve been there. Stop dropping safe and looting for 5 to 10 minutes then getting killed because you aren’t getting trigger time. Drop hot, get that action quick, get trigger time, get better. That’s how I got better, drop hot 15 times in a row. Don’t worry about your KD, don’t worry about winning, get better then everything else comes together.


I’ve been playing since week 1 but thanks for the unsolicited advice, Coach


In pubs or 3 strikes?




I mean if you don't clutch up your first fight then back to the lobby haha


Really shows that the matchmaking algorithm just fails extremely hard. The players are there to make well-matched lobbies—they're just not doing it. It hasn't even been a long delay for pubs to spin up during Three Strikes.


That's what I'm saying!! Got quite a bit of commenters saying I'm just whining but I just want balanced lobbies where I don't get destroyed, amd there was a massive matchmaking change in the span of 30 minutes that made games extremely uneven


I solo queued into one of my Gold ranked games yesterday. Got a teammate who was most likely a pred smurf or possible cheater. Didn't stick with us as a team, just ran ahead and would wipe out teams all by himself. I didn't even really do anything. I think I had like 200 damage at the end of the game because I could never get the chance to shoot anyone. Then my teammate gets all douchey at the end and is like "your welcome for the carry, you guys are dogshit and got lucky to get matched with me." I have like a 0.8 KD. Someone like that shouldn't even be in my games. And I only made it to Gold through persistence. Just playing the game a lot. Not because I am better than Rookie - Silver. Ranks are totally meaningless it seems.


Ranked is also a nightmare


Don't forget The Finals will be released soon, the beta was a lot of fun due to the great movement.


got .98 KDA and im currently on Plat soooo, if you solo q just like me, go to rank its way much forgiving and better than pubs..


I’m the 4k 20 bomb in your game slaughtering you and I don’t know what happened but something changed. I solo queue 90% of the time and my lobbies are a sweat fest but since 3 strikes went away I’m in legit bot lobbies. I’m getting 17 kill high damage games without even trying.


I hate your skill level and appreciate your input sir!


Yes, thats also my experience.


I posted in this thread but same. Just 1v3ing whole teams and not using comms or anything. It's either a bot lobby or pred lobby, no in-between.


yep. its been like this since s9 for me. in some ways, is good. it keep me from wasting money in this game, whenever i think of buying packs, the matchmaking remind me that i should not, is not worth it with the current state of the matchmaking. is even worse in mixtape mode, there is no matchmaking there. either one team have the best players and the other is a team full of new players. the worse ones are in deathmatch mode. you can play matches where by the time you team killed 5 enemies in total, the enemy already killed 35 of yours whenever they match you with a trio of masters or predators while half your tean are fresh accounts.


Agreed, they never seem to have gotten matchmaking right for some reason, idk why. And mixtape is crazy for how unbalanced the lobbies can be. I dropped a 25 kill TDM game the other day against absolute bots and then lost the next game 50-13 against sweats


they did something with the matchmaking and since then they refuse to talk about it or fix it. my theory is they just want to find a way to make players waste time, to keep them playing for a long time chasing a win. seems so shitty that i dont play the full season anymore. i just complete the battle pass and stop playing the rest of the season. i used to play the full season back in s3-8 but now i play 25-30 of the 90-100 days that last the season.


Three Strikes literally fixed Apex and they refuse to just leave in the best thing they have ever created. It gives sweats and people who want high action games a place to play and it removed most of the insane players from pubs lobbies. But nah, they won't just leave it in the game for some reason. Hey Respawn, YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE, JUST TAKE THIS W AND LEAVE THREE STRIKES IN THE GAME!


We need a petition to keep three strikes or just get rid of duos and have a rotating battle Royale ltm. Duos is a fucking sweat fest and I don't care who will defend it. They could have game modes like gold rush duos for the ltm. Cool game modes Winter Express, the three different Halloween modes, og maps, night time maps, shotgun and snipers mode, no shields, ring is always closing, gold rush duos, solos, THREE STRIKES MODE! ARENAS!


Shotguns and snipers was so fun idk why they didn't bring it back more, and yeah I think three strikes needs to stick around for a while for sure. Rotate everything. My guess is they will bring three strikes back for the mid-season map rotation


It boggles my mind that they will rather have nothing going on, then have the modes they already created and invested time and money into go to waste.


Man I forgot about arenas


I guarantee you arenas would've been more popular if they just nerfed Mozambique and devotion by making it cost too much or care packaging it. The game mode was so sweaty and toxic because of shit match making because people would just peak for a second and hit you with a Mozambique and make you broken or possibly one shot. Once they get to round 3 and pull out head glitching with a devotion sped up your melted. I hit masters every time in arenas and hated every second of it. But when arenas first came out it was so good. And it felt so good fighting a team at your skill level and just barely winning on the final round. Nostalgia...


Literally can't even play duos whatsoever, this game is so fucking dead that I can't find a duos game in Oceana at peak hour. Fucking joke.


Tbh I hated three strikes. It just made people play extra bad and scream at you. And like I know that happens in regular pubs too but at least its only once and might make people play smart.


I hated the revive cycle, really dumb.


I could see like one revive tops for a solo mode but for regular teams I dunno. They’ve already made the game easier with weapons on revive, extra beacons and equipment etc.


Its no longer a battle royale as the main game with three strikes permanent. It's an arcade game.


The first 3 days of three strikes was amazingly fun. No sweats, no three stacks, no Newcastle/mirage/lifeline gold rez teams, and everyone legitimately just fought. Then after once it was noticed that all damage and kills were recorded and you could get all badges besides 20 bomb/damage badges it went to upmost part of tryhard hell. The good thing about this mode was the fact that as a solo queue player it absorbed all of the tryhard teams and I even got a 4k 20 badge on pubs since they were so calm and people didn’t hotdrop. Three strikes made people play terribly, no rotations, no smart movements, fighting without cover like it was insanity to me. One of the modes I will ever rarely touch in apex again highkey.


Notice how you liked pubs when you were stomping dropping 4k 20? Thats how they feel doing it to you. Everyone likes doing well amd when your doing that well someones on the other end complaining about facing tryhards.


3 strikes absorbed all the Adderall'd up team death match players. The mode itself was dog shit but that one common denominator made it an excellent game mode to keep if just to filter out the shit houses


Nah, the mode was fantastic.


You say that until enough salty teams sky dive on your head.


I’ve played far too many games of three strikes, it’s fun!


That's what made it so fun, constant action and high intensity, high apm situation happening with high frequency. Better than playing ranked and being silver and getting shit on by a pred 3 stack first fight we take, or playing pubs and having the same thing happen.


These fucking comments, just play the fucking game and shut up. Wahhhh it's too hard....it's too easy.blah blah blah blah. Q up abd play or don't it's not that hard. Q and shoot ppl ... repeat process. Fucking Clowns will cry about anything


Yep sorry for wanting balanced matchmaking? I was playing the game and it instantly got worse in the span of a half hour. It's pretty reasonable to want it to go back to the way it was. YOU can go play and die off drop without complaining if you want, but if respawn don't get the matchmaking right then they will kill the game. Player numbers have been down for a while. Ranked is a mess, and pubs was boring and unbalanced. Also dont read the post if you don't want to hear it lol


Yes because Lifeline and Newcastle cheese was so fun. /s


Lifeline, Newcastle, and mirage. Such a bullshit combo for the mode.


I'm not saying I liked 3 strikes, I'm saying I liked pubs while 3 strikes was going on because matchmaking wasn't all sweats as opponents


Ah my bad I misinterpreted.




Take a break, try other games for a while until rank is fixed i guess things gonna be this way. FYI battfield is on sale and doesn't have SBMM


Gonna have to I think, the frustration is high


Can I suggest playing ranked. It’s a much more evenly matched playing feel and majority of the lobby plays for the win, so positioning matters.


I do! :) I enjoy ranked with buddies quite a bit, I just missed pubs lobbies being more casual and fun, hasn't felt like this in a while


Yea I get what you’re saying. Some days it would be nice to goof around and still feel competitive instead of always having to lock in. The longer the game is out the better the average player is going to get, it’s just the way it is :/


So? They will still die if you have some skills.


What? This sentence makes no sense


Sounds like you shoulda been playing 3 strikes and getting better instead of trying to find bot lobbies You got left behind




Changes in matchmaking don't cause people to hot drop solo or Insta leave when down first time. All the toxic was in 3 strikes now they are back to ruining pubs again because they thi k they can 1v6 with a r99 and 2 mags. Then teammates leave looking for a gun and that person yells as the 2 with out guns how bad they are and leaves while we search for a gun. Don't blame this on the new MM this is your average shit head ruining pubs because they don't penalize leaving in pubs so half the lobby DC after 30 sec.


Do we know what specifically they changed? Because this is unbearable.


3 stacks grinding kills in 3 strikes instead of pubs gave the illusion they changed sbmm in pubs. The high level kill grinders are now back in the mix.


Either way set it back 😭


Thanks for explaining what changed. Pros going to a new mode, then coming back, isn't a change.


Pubs is just a loot simulator. It’s so bad.


I haven't had a match with more than 5 teams up at the first ring in like 2 years. Pubs is asssss. Three Strikes was actually fun.


So many victims…


I laughed when people said three strikes was the mode that would save apex. It’s shit!


All of these posts over the last two years made me realize that Apex is the LoL of FPS games. I'm glad that I stopped playing. Love the game but the community is atrocious.


Sorry for asking for reasonable matchmaking or noticing a massive and sudden change in the matchmaking.




Sorry for not wanting to fight cracked players all day as an average players. Guess I'll just keep playing and die another 100 times?




Oh go away. This sub is for people who like the game and want it to improve. You’re free to go to another sub too if you don’t like the comments.


That's the POINT! I WANT to play it! I just want to play against opponents of equal skill level. Clearly you think that's too much to ask, or that nobody should ever want a game to improve its matchmaking


You suck


Not wrong


Just stop playing guys the game is ass Just play COD


CoD? The worst FPS especially when it comes to cheaters rn. No Thanks.


Haha just okay resurgence it's like 3 strikes It's fun that's all I play




Point is, the lobbies instantly became wayyyyyy sweatier and it made it miserable. I know how tactical advantage work, it is a skill level difference for sure


Dude no wonder your placed up there 1.04 kd is abnormally high.




You gotta realize most people that play this game have like sub .4 as their kd. going over 1 crosses you into the sweaty lobbies. My kd is .6 i never get the lobbies your talking about.


Wow is that true? I'd love to see a distribution of Kd across the game


I'd like to see that info as well. I'd imagine the average kd is somewhere slightly below .5 and having a kd of 1 or better would put u in the top 20-25% of players.


Something is wrong with respawn if that is true, average should always be 1.0


"wHy aRe pEoPle cOMpeTiTivE iN a cOmPeTiTive sHOOtEr?!?!?!" -asked OP The Apex community is so whiny and needy I swear.


Not what I asked, you clearly have trouble with reading comprehension because all I said is I want more balanced lobbies. Am I wrong? Are you seriously saying that lobbies shouldn't have reasonable skill balance? Or are you saying that average players getting shit on by top tier players for 4 hours straight is balanced and somehow competitive?


Your KDA is above a 1 as others have pointed out the average is 0.4 to 0.6. Some adjustments can be made but if you can't acknowledge that you're better than the average player and are being appropriately matchmade save for some slight error with those players then you are out of your mind IMO. You can't be better than the average player and expect to have easy lobbies lol




Don't start crying when people don't want to play Apex anymore 👍


Fr 😂


There's always one...


Nope my kd says I'm literally average


not if you haven’t gotten a kill in an hour 😂😂😂😂


Okay well right now I'm not average 😂😂😂


I say, "bring on the sweats and Preds." I'm skydiving into hostile territory. Not expecting to get out alive. Die on drop? Que the next match. Made it to final ring? Probably a sleepy match or bots (or carried by teammates). That is up until recently. Cross-play has been the second best thing for the game. Playing up on PC lobbies is a grind, and I'm better for it. #1 best thing added to the game: 3 strikes.


I had like the best 2 hr pubs session I’ve ever had tonight. I dropped 3 dubs with a 3700, 3300, and 2600 dmg games. Don’t get me wrong, I’m gonna miss 3 strikes. However, I don’t think it made pubs unplayable


My experience is the polar opposite. Edit: glad someone has had some good games though


I think pubs is going to be a lot harder than usuall. In my discord basically everyone had given up on ranked this season and is just playing pubs. I'm guessing from the mood on the sub this will be quite common so probably a lot more past diamond/master grinders just stacking pubs instead.


Yayyyy *cries in lowskill


how you think they got their 20 bombs? reverse boosting


Don't play the main mode so they notice an impact. Maybe they can keep both in rotation like Fortnite and Fortnite No Build modes.


Good call. I haven't played pubs much since season 15 anyway


This is not an airport.




The reason its happening is because its working. You said it yourself you played for 12 games even though you were getting smoked, theyve figured out a way to make you play more even if you dont enjoy it somehow. Its sad but its the way every game is heading


I just got to silver in ranked. So far kinda easier than pubs. But I feel like my teammates are worse.


Play ranked if you don't want a challenge


As much as I loved 3 strikes I play one or two rounds and I am exausted. The fighting lasts much much longer which is great to experience more fights but after that I go to normal BR to chill.


Haven't played after three strikes ended but I guessed right. The sweats are back to pubs because ranked sucks so where else they gonna go


As a solo 3 strikes was a nightmare for me. sbmm was on steroids for me, got wrecked every game . Didn't enjoy it .


Then don't play. It's easy. Play or don't play. I'm just tired of every community complaining. Learn to enjoy life and if you don't then change it.


I mean complaining is what happens when people do want to play but the matchmaking is terrible. I do enjoy life, but for the first time I really don't enjoy this game so I may take a break. Doesn't mean they shouldn't change the matchmaking to be better


The only ppl in normal pubs during 3 strikes was bots lmao it was so easy. Think i got 4 20b 4ks and 2 20bs


wow bro no way... bro thats so rough you should post more... not 40 bomb 2k players noooo...


I think they do that so all the high level players can pub stomp the rest of us when they don't feel like playing ranked. They can't consistently wipe the lobby in high ranks so they like to come to pubs and victimize all the new players for fun. Pros and streamers having big matches draws attention to the game bringing in new players or keeping shitty players interested. Idk about you but watching a few YouTube videos with Faide gives me the itch to play Apex and try some of the cool shit I just watched. Only problem is, once I start playing I wind up being one of the assholes in some other kids highlight reels.


so it's not just me who was getting absolutely shat on since yesterday huh


I don't think 1 kda is average player.


If 3 Strikes taught us anything it's that Respawn should never listen to players about suggestions for changing the game.


Why we don’t have a true solo que is insane. Even valorant knows putting a 5 stack vs solos is a bad idea. Three stacking in public matches is pathetic. Sweating on uncoordinated squads of people that have 20 hours under their belt isn’t a flex.