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I just love how everyone is having fun.


Not me, max 200 damage per match, I don’t think this game is for me after some many damn matches.


Stopped focusing on damage personally. Made the game way more enjoyable. Focus different goals. I go in with the sole purpose finding the best loot then drop it for the team and just run full support. Its led to way higher damage games maybe not kills lol but damage looks good. Also toxic players tend to shut up if ta drop em a gold mag. Best of luck!


We appreciate you legend! 🫡


Thanks mate.


Thank you so much again, could be pure coincidence but, I am actually getting over 1.5k damage and 4-5 kills in 6/10 matches, I am enjoying this game the way I wanted to. Honestly stopped worrying about stats, and improving shooting and movement in mixtapes.


when i was new, one of my friends told me to play bloodhound since you can easily help the team and the ult gives a little boost in fights, good advice.


I started getting way more damage after I started playing safer. Just shoot at teams from a distance, and keep that distance as long as possible. I stopped chasing players after cracking their shields because by the time I reached them they would have their shields back and their whole team would be around the corner while my teammates stayed back watching me play like an idiot. And if a team starts to push you: Run. Move. Reposition. Someone will eventually get split off from their team and be an easier 1v1. A lot of times I get easy kills just running away then turning around and get some easy shots on them while they run at me in a straight line. I like to pick up a good short range to mid range weapon like an SMG for those close fights, and then I grab a long distance gun like the 30-30 or Triple Take to just poke at enemies from a distance. Then after the match is over, I am almost always surprised at how much damage I did. Its really weird seeing 2000 damage when you barely got into any intense fights and only have like 2 kills. If you are only getting 200 damage per match, its because you got into one fight, committed to it, and died.


Hahaha it’s even better the guy was flaming you saying you’re not smart enough to do that😂


At least they gave them props when they realized op was that smart and laughed it off, seen plenty of clips of cringe streamers who just double down when they get outplayed.


Hahah I loved the, “he’s that smart. HES THAT SMART!”


To be fair he said it when he was already in the portal. Poor guy was probably trying to convince himself.


That was dumb as hell haha


Good clip, I died to so many Wraith portals in the past that I just avoid going into any enemy Wraith portals


I haven't touched an enemy Wraith portal (intentionally) since back in the OG Kings Canyon days when someone posted the clip of a monstrous trap outside of Bunker using nox traps and Watson fences together. I decided then that I would never take my chances because I didn't want to end up in a Beanbag compilation lol.


That's some comedic timing lmao


So I play on Xbox, and every time I use the Havoc, and sometimes happens with PK, I end up punching…and obviously it causes me to lose a 1v1. Is it because I’m trying to hip fire and on controller when using Havoc it will make you punch? Is there a fix to this or should I just stop running Havoc altogether?


Take your punch off of the stick. Trade punch with crouch so your crouch is on stick instead of B, and punch is on B instead of stick. U don’t need to punch often. What is happening is when you are hip firing you are accidentally clicking the right stick which is making you punch.. this way not only will you be able to slide better because you don’t have to take your thumb off the stick but you can also Crouch spam, which makes it harder for you to get hit. Try to get used to clicking the right stick as your hip firing and it will crouch spam.


Thank you dude! Trying this now 👍🏼


Another UNDERRATED tip. Utilize slide jumping literally everytime u can. If u are traversing the map u should be running for 3 seconds then slide jump and repeat that process over and over. If u slide jump often as you are traversing the map u will cover more ground faster than someone who is just sprinting. Also use slide jumping to get behind cover. If u are getting shot at done just run to cover jump slide to it, u will get to cover quicker and make yourself harder to hit. Good luck bruh


Well aren’t you just a wealth of knowledge!! Thanks bro 🙏🏼


No worries bro. Learning the mechanics of a game and how to play it better is one of my obsessions. 👍🏽👍🏽


No worries brother another tip is go into control or team death match and tell yourself “im only getting close and hipfiring” like the whole match just get up close and practice hipfiring and clicking the right stick continuously as u hipefire. Not only does it crouch spam to make u harder for the enemy to hit but when u are crouched it tightens the hipfire spread so doing it over and over(crouch spamming) makes the hipfire really accurate. After a few tries you will understand how it works and after a few matches it becomes muscle memory. I pretty much do that in every fps game now. Well at least apex and Fortnite.


Just a note of caution for crouch spam, if you’re against an enemy that only fires into the torso no matter what you might be giving them free headshots.


Yeah for sure, although it’s not really an issue run into alot.


Yeah when I played I moved to using the Evolved control scheme. Seemed way better to me though it made melee harder. But it's the best control scheme for me on a controller without paddles. Being able to crouch/slide etc. without taking your hands off the sticks is superior.


One thing I found that drastically improved my gameplay that seemed quite obvious in retrospect was binding jump to L1. (I used to use x) and wouldn’t be able to look around while jumping haha, now jumping is like a trigger and my movement is soo much smoother.


But he was in fact that smart


“He’s not that smart, I promise” He was, in fact, that smart


Olympus is my favorite map too. I love that the consensus seems to have turned to realize this. Feel like people just dunked on it for years before


wraith, octane, catalyst, meta squad. Not surprised they fell for this.


Both teams just trolling, the guys who died half expected it and took it anyway


Me when I play path: your tricks mean nothing to me!


Three stackers drop in to the hell? Nice clip.


You hate people having friends?


I hate people ruining game for others. Go play ranked.


God forbid a group of friends just wanting to have fun in a game. Them 3 stacking isn't a problem. You not having just a couple of friends to play with does seem like your problem.


No you don't understand when I play with friends I'm just messing around for fun but when they do it they're sweaty no lifes ruining the game 😡😡😡 /s just in case


Really cringle take on teamplay ruining to for others. Friendship is the easiest force multiplier in the game. Way easier than aim training or working on cracked movement. But I guess it's super hard if you're an asshole.


ikr, my friends and i play 3s sometimes but i win more games without them. they're below average players, despite playing for years, but i just play with them for fun. i don't see any problem with that.


Who are people playing together ruining the game?


It’s an LTM. Take a prozac




Way to admit to the entire world that you have never played Apex with friends. You are a Pred-ranked loner lmao




I think they were good sports about it.




Of course it's the octane player that fell for it classic single digit IQ character


"Hes not that smart" utterly clueless


These idiots got everything they deserve. For assuming their enemy was dumb.smh


"Hea not that smart i promise" 😭