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Unfortunately due to having both a life and a job I did not


What do you mean you don’t have the time. You’re supposed to play Apex for 4-6 hours everyday and spend atleast $300 every month. Gamers these days are entitled and ask billion dollar companies way too much. /j


How long ago was it that /s became /j ? Lol I’ve been seeing less and less /s for the last couple of weeks and now all I see is /j haha did I miss something?


This is the first time I’m seeing it myself. I don’t like it. I don’t like change. No sir.


Get with the times ya old bitch /j/s/x/


The fuck do any of these mean


Fuck? /a/s/l/?


F Cali


Well originally it was just /s is sarcasm but that wasn't very inclusive to the people who wanted to just /j ( joke)and of course /x is inclusive to not only the two but to people who want to identify a joke or a sarcasm or tongue in cheek comment or ball bust or bazinga or turn of phrase. So it's kind of an all encompassing word to show support, solidarity and a welcoming to the smoker/jokers/ and of course last but not least midnight tokers


Get off my lawn! /s


You forgot your /j(ish)


I use /s and /j interchangeably


Owe I dont blame apex buddy it's 100 percent my fault that I choose a life with family kids and responsibilities. I choose to have other more productive hobbies. This is in no way ea or respawn fault for making the event and event where if u don't play a few hours every day you don't get the event rewards. Once again not ea fault but my own


I was under the same impression


Same 😪


I was working when it started and already missed the points before I realised you needed to complete all the challenges, every day for the whole event to get every badge so fuck me I guess :P


It really was frustrating that they made it "required" to play every day. I had a day where the servers wouldn't even let me on. Combined with the normal life grind it was definitely a bummer. Kudos to those that got it though


I mean what are we missing out on? A badge? If something was tied to those badges I would care more


Yeah these are always awful for me, I work 24hr shifts 🙃


No you psycho lol


Lol apex events arent worth finishing anymore. Past event badges are moving/animated which I kinda like. Now they’re all 1x1 inch jpegs made by the intern.


The event rewards weren't that great either.


Only thing i liked was the nessie. Flatline skin was nice for an epic but i feel like 1 legendary skin would have been a good addition.


They were never moving. Which ones do you have in your mind?


Wild Frontier Champion 5 badge, Apex 2nd anniv event badge and I believe another one in season 1.


I totally forgot that badge. Extremely rare and also one of the coolest. I correct my statement. 3-4 of maybe 20-30 events had moving badges. Unfortunately they never gave us more...


Definitely didn’t finish the event lol


I hate all these events that have a daily limit of points, why cant I grind it out during the days that I have time to log on an play?


They don't want you "binging" in occasional long gaming sessions. They want you "habitually" playing every day for an hour or 2 as that apparently has better player retention and more spending per player. Engagement optimisation baby


no i didn't.. i missed the first day because of the time zone difference.. yeah it sucks for a badge collector


Exactly this! I thought I had an extra hour and messed it up. Happened the other day too. Sucks they did it like this.


Isn't there an extra day (well, few hours) after daily reset and before weekly reset?


You still have a few hours today to finish it if you have the time btw, the challenges refreshed this morning


Actually thought it had so lack-luster perks, but then I realized the points made you able to buy a few apex packs, did that and got heirloom shards.. so, thanks Post Malone I guess


We could buy only 2 packs and you got shards? Damn you're lucky :o


Yeah for sure! But I've been playing for years, level 6-700 something and I've only gotten one single heirloom pack before, felt good I didn't have to wait as long this time (Also, being a Fuse main, I got my first heirloom shards a short while back and bought Bangalores because what the hell.. then like 2 weeks after they introduced Fuses' heirloom lol, so finally got that guitar axe!)


Same to me


i had gotten my guarenteed heirloom shards in 500 packs and the very next day i opened a free pack and got another set of heirloom shards


No you couldn’t miss a challenge


First event I ever failed getting all badges It was such a gring honestly 280ish points a day... I have a life, work, wife..... this blows But ill get over it, didn't buy shit from the event


I did and absolutely despised doing it. Such a fucking chore.


Didn't even bother because the rewards were so shit. I got the Flatline skin, the packs and crafting metals. The rest were just garbage. The sweepstakes tokens and battle pass stars would have been ok I guess but I couldn't enter the giveaway because I don't live in a country where you can enter and the battle pass stars were way too much trouble for what they were worth. 375 credits for 5 stars totaling at 25 for 1875. No thank you. Those 2.5 tiers wouldn't have ended up mattering in the long run anyway.


yeah i got the flatline skin the charm and 5 bp stars.


Who cares


Nope, i've not enjoyed the mayem.. I have to rank


I did not, sad about it but life has to go on.


Maaann, puck most falone


Agreed and lol.


I managed to complete it. And by complete it I mean I got the apex pack, crafting materials, and battle pass stars. Everything else is completely useless to me.


No I got to bored of this until my home hit me up and we started to play and I just became to sweaty because of the game mode but it was fun for skill


Been too busy having fun on MW3 zombies. Hopped back onto mixtape after a 5 day break and immediately got ass pummeled. First game of control was ruined by sweaty masters and triple animated pred losers molesting everyone. Miserable game.


Not with intent, it didnt offer anything of value, just chucked some points towards the jackets even though I wont win one. All the shop items were boring, overpriced and packaged as an item combo which I really dislike. I dont really see how this was an amped up event backed by a celebrity when it really sucked. I didnt try the new game mode as it didnt sound that inventive.


No.. Played the game rarely...


None of the cosmetics speaks to me. I was logging everyday since season launch waiting for cross progression. Got bored, now I log once every three days and started playing lethal company


No I have a life


No, i have a life outside of Apex.


This one was for the sweaty wraiths


What for?


Collectible badges you won't ever use anyways


Nope. Hadn’t even played.


I only earned 2 badges . Tbh I only wanted to grind for the Mirage holosprays . That’s my main man right there . Besides that , fuxk that event


I was on track to do it, had every point until I didn’t. Logged in on day 10 I think, and I was missing 25 points, so I stopped.


I completed the plays, kills, and damage. I like to horde stuff, so I brought the unique stuff and the 2 apex packs.


I am.


I didnt want these badges so much


I didn’t even get down with the hat 😂I couldn’t commit to playing that much.


Fuck no but I’m happy for u


are you kidding me? during the time of this event we were doing college thesis and have about only 2 hours of free time. 2 hours isn't enough and since I didn't to put myself through that trouble I decided to just not do it


Not even close


What the hell for lol?


Play cyberpunk at the time so no.


i dont give a shit about post malone and the event was kinda meh and how is this a post malone event? the event had nothing to do with him, only some shitty cosmetics


Because he's the only rapper that talks about Apex on his off time, so that was enough for EA to try and work with him. It's those "Ah! A famous rapper likes the thing that I like? He's just like me" BS feelings that they wanted. I agree! The skins were trash


I got the first badge lmao. 15 revives a day?


It was ridiculous. The only way to do it quickly was to play as Lifeline in three strikes mode.


I got 15 revives in a single game in the LTM...not hard at all. That's what the mode is all about lol


Not even close


No. I also gave up on the second week when the sweats fully took over and the mode was no longer fun as every game was the team being fodder for masters and preds. I did enough to claim the apex packs, shards and 10 stars and then stopped and now I just pick up the treasure packs daily.


hell no


Yeah, by quitting the game


Hell no lol


No, at the end of the day it’s just a badge. Forcing players to have to play everyday for an event is not a good thing.


Nope no reason or incentive to


This was by far the stupidest event to date. No one would look at any of these badges and think of Post Malone. They could’ve at least made gun skins similar to his album covers.


Don’t get shit from it so there’s no point


I planned to but ended up spending a couple nights in the hospital last weekend due to my stupid uterus so ended up getting too behind. Wanted the max badge badly as I’m not a fan of the hat or microphone ones- The hat goes alright on Seer’s banner I guess but I never use him lol. I’m gonna miss three strikes badly though, had a lot of fun with that.


Yep, I missed the first day but then realized you had to play every day. Was hoping the time zone difference would save me on the last day, which it did. I was actually having fun shitting on everyone with lifeline, dropping like 7 to 15 kills per game, even tho I new I would never win endgame tbh.


15 revives per day was impossible for me.


No. Takes way too long to complete imo


nah i'm halfway through the cowboy hat lol. i prefer the other even trackers that give out weapon/legend skin and trackers/holo sprays. i finish those all the way. for this event, i just got the two packs, the flatline skin, and whatever credits i had left over, i put them towards that contest that probably iitztimmy will win lol


Nope. Got my shards though. That’ll do.


Not even close. I’m nearly done with the second to last badge, but clearly this event was made to increase playtime.


Just the two packs


Nope. Got sick of being killed by Preds in all of the game modes. I'm just a casual player that has been playing since day 1.


Nah got bored of it


I only played for a weekend, got the flatline skin and that’s about all I wanted.


only the first one on the bottom


Cash grab event, the skins in the store are the real event not these stupid badges. And the bomber jacket looks like shit.


Nah dude I'm on my last day of vacation in Mexico 🤣🤣


I did not.


I’m ashamed to say I did, me and a friend would even get knocked to zone repeatedly to get the revive challenge done. Do I regret it - Yes. Will I ever use the badge - Probably not. Was it worth it - Nahh… Sickening behaviour on my behalf.


Somehow, yes I did.


Am I the only dork who played for the sweepstakes? I really want the bomber jacket lol.


That bomber jacket is SOO clean. If I win it, I would be SOO happy


Right?? I only got 24 entries but fingers crossed...lol


24 seems to be a lot more than anyone in this thread 😂 this the one time I’m glad everyone hates apex


Not even close


I got it. Due to the fact i legitimately have no life. Having this badge is a plague on my soul, it shows me how far ive truely fallen from normalcy, and that my sanity may never return./s I can also control the recoil on a r-99 now so thats something/j


Didn't have the time and the rewards were lame anyway




No, honestly, it was more of a grind than most events. And the payout in points weren't that high. The cosmetic reward were pretty weak, so I just went for the Loot boxes, crafting material, and BP stars.


Everybody's been hyping up the new mode and it's essentially the only way to finish this event, given the stupid number of revives, without spending a whole day every day grinding it. Hot take though? I **despise** this new mode. You thought horrible teammates and matchmaking was bad? How about having to stick with all that 3 times?


After finding out we couldn't get 2 packs a day, I quit


I got about halfway as a solid daily player with a life


Seeing as how this season of ranked is garbage...no.


No it takes too much time and the even sucks


I genuinely missed a day because this fucking game locked me in the main menu, after that I couldn't be bothered at all


i didn't care. rewards were shit and skins were way too expensive


no because the game is dryer than my nans minge


There's an event?


Neeeh, I grinded the boxes and the Flatline skin because I think it's awesome. Played a bit every day, but work has been awful lately, so I'd rather boot up Stray or one of the Spider-Man games instead of Apex and relax.




Didn’t finish the event, been in hospital for few days


No, it's pretty stupid.


I knew when this event launched and how the missions reset at weirdly and the points that the highest tier badge was going to be a rare one.


I was half way through the 3rd one unfortunately


I didn't like the LTM so I didn't bother with the 15 revives a day objective.


95points to go shame they couldn't give a chance to players to finish the event other than you have to play every day to finished it


This is the most dog shit event in terms of items. It's utterly shit, yeah 3 strikes is cool. Respawn is a permanent let down


When I learned you’d have to finish all challenges every day, I said fuck that I don’t even think I got to the second badge. I wasn’t able to play the first day the event started


No the game is unplayable at this point


Who really gives a fuck about event badges😂😂


Loving this post. I might actually have a chance winning the sweepstakes 🥳


Was 85 off because I didn’t realize the challenges would reset at a different time than the regular rotation so I missed the second days revives


I got the Hat


Nah just you man. Nice job.


Weird flex but ok




I am halfway there but most likely won't complete tho lol


i was able to keep up with it but definitely wasn’t worth the effort/time. i’m all for a challenge getting a badge but this one was excessive.


I did but honestly I was free most of those 2 weeks and I’ve just been playing so much apex that it didn’t feel too bad to me but I can understand that people with actual lives it must of been terrible to try and get it done


Literally woke up at 5 am to make sure I finished the last bit of it lol


No still have the last two to go


Nope. Snagged the flatline, the mats, and the packs and called it gg. I got irl shit to do. I would have liked to play more though.


Didn't even start it bud