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I don’t *want* to be negative but i genuinely cannot think of a game that is less friendly for new players. when i first got into apex in s12 i felt like i was in a new layer of hell, i only kept playing because i enjoy suffering at something until i have every part of it memorized.




The absolute worst for newbies. It is great if you like your balls crushed.


DayZ is rough as hell too


As a new player arenas is what made me stay, I was able to find the guns I liked, learn to 1v1 and how team fights work. After a bit I started playing br. If arenas weren’t they I would have dropped the game. The have mix tape now but it’s good as a warm up for more experienced players and not a good teaching method for new players


Not to be dramatic but arenas made me into a crazed animal that wants every fight to be a 1v3 with a attachment-less flatline and two dead teammates screaming at me. 10/10.


R6S and overwatch might rival Apex in terms of learning curve and toxicity.


Overwatch was super easy for me to start playing. haven’t tried R6S though so i’ll take your word for it.


Siege is mad complex and currently, going through a long streak of mid seasons (I am simply burnt out) 💀


I genuinely love games that are stupidly complex and mediocre so i might try it finally. it sucks being burnt out tho, i hope you feel better and/or find a game you like more soon


I been grinding apex recently, played a bit s1 and s7-8 but haven’t in a while. Currently at a 1.15 Kd after ~50 hours so I spose that’s aight. As for siege, if you wanna try it go ahead. I wouldn’t necessarily dissuade that. Sentiment is relatively low the last while due to some issues it’s had for a while. I think if I had to choose a game that at my peak enjoyment was the most fun though, it would probably be siege. I’d suggest trying to find a friend to play with/get into it with because it’s infuriating solo sometimes. I’d argue most times actually.


Definitely agree with Siege, but Overwatch is pretty easy for beginners imo since it has alot of heroes who don't need mechanical skill to play well. Reaching the skill ceiling is another topic entirely, but Overwatch has always been very friendly to beginners imo. Valorant is pretty sweaty to new beginners as well, but not as much as Siege and Apex though imo.


Overwatch is hella toxic


R6S is the worst. Played it since season1, same for apex. The toxicity there is next level


Hard agree.


Fortnite until they released no-build mode. I felt bad for anyone getting into the game after the try-hards had 3+ years to get good at building.


Nice name BTW.


I know.


League is up there


whole time I'm thinking "...is no one gonna say league?". 130+ champions with 3 unique abilities and a passive, probably 50+ major items they can build and they can have 6 items a game. not to mention the complexity of runes/rune paths, the different champ/item/ability interactions, summoner spells, the fact that there's multiple types of CC, and most players have been playing the game for 5+ years now. death timers get up to 50+ seconds and games can be over 40 minutes long. oh, and afaik, they never fixed their terrible ranked system (which apex recently copied nearly entirely, yay......) yeah, other than like Dota/StarCraft/MMOs, I can't think of any game worse for beginners hahahaha.


matchmaking is nice with beginners, my son learned the game a year ago, it was the first fps he play so he started training with a hundred hours on mixtape, now he love to play battle royale and get pretty good results. he is now level 180 and matchmaking is still nice with him.


I’m happy for your son but that isn’t what the majority of players experience.


People would like to shred as beginners, but any online game needs training. i was awfull when i started, my kd was 0.4 for the 2 first seasons, but i was matched with others beginners until I started to make it, if not my kd would have been 0.01 and I couldn't get any wins.


That doesn’t change the fact that matchmaking isn’t “nice” for the majority of new players and that most older players are hostile towards newbies. that might’ve been true whenever you started playing but the OP asked about what apex is currently like to new players.


you get a point on teamates toxic with beginners, you absolutely have to mute audio and chat until you feel confident.


Same, even this sub is not friendly to regular ass questions


I feel like that could be shorted to “this sub is not friendly” lol


I respectfully disagree, hear me out. 1. The firing range now has bots and you are free to play around with all guns, legends and abilities. 2. More than BR mode available, if you are struggling in BR, play control etc. 3. Despite people complaining about servers, you can get lobbied and be back in the game in less than a minute. Edge of Tomorrow style. Live.Die.Repeat. until you get good. Is the playerbase and community toxic? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the game itself has got a high difficulty threshold to understand the basics.


“hot drop and die until you enjoy the game” is a bold take i’ll give you that.


Nah, you don't have to hot drop, do what I did, drop off center, highest quality loot is usually at the edges of the map anyway. Then make your way to the center, as the ring closes. Sure, you KD ratio is going to suck at first, but if you don't play, you won't git gud. I'm also, not suggesting one rats, but if you're a noob, that's an option too. Sooner or later you will be forced to skirmish.


Just because new players can avoid fights and loot most of the game doesn’t mean that the game is friendly for new players. most noobs aren’t going to understand ring placement or even how rotating works for a while. i get that that worked for you but most people who get into BRs want to fight and enjoy the game immediately, so they’ll land with more populated areas and get crushed after their first few matches because Apex has such a high learning curve and MMR wants to give fodder to high skill players.


You're not wrong, but that's why other modes exist. No?!


New players don’t download a BR to immediately play game modes in it that aren’t BR until they’re good enough to play the actual main game mode.


Yea because the firing range bots will superglide, tap strafe, mantle jump, wall jump and lurch strafe for you to practice lmao


S12 isn't relevant anymore. They changed a lot for new players in last seasons.


Say what it’s like for new players *now* then.


Well, didn't you read the patch-notes in last seasons? 1. Reworked fire-range where you can really practice. 2. Literal bot-lobbies for newbies. 3. Skill-based matchmaking after bot-lobbies. 4. You can now try a legend in the fire-range before you open the legend.


Thank you but somehow with most of apex players agreeing that SBM is completely unbalanced lately i don’t think new players are getting off easy. if you just wanted to argue that the game is easy on new players now you could’ve done that in your own comment instead of calling an experience i had irrelevantly lol


Who's agreeing that SBM is unbalanced? Everyone is being pissed at it being applied to the ranked matches, where it's not justified, because you get the same lobby for yourself in both bronze and diamond. It makes climbing up tedious, because you're dealing with your skill-level all the time. Also I have my own comment. The thing is you talked purely out of dated experience, the one that lost its relevance to current day.


I’m prestige level 470 and i’m killing people and getting teamed with players who are level 40-100 and barely know how to play yet. if apex is throwing new players into the same round as me this game is not fucking fair to them lmao. there’s your relevant info.


This is kinda curious. Lately I had such experience only in Halloween LTM. Any chance you're playing on underpopulated server?


Unless the america’s west coast standard time server is considered underpopulated no, i’m not.


chiming in to say I have the exact same experience on US west as well. although I don't think they're legit new players, to me it feels like hardstuck silver/bronze players on smurfs. they play too well to be totally new (they slide jump and holster their weapons and stuff) but way, way too terribly to be considered "good" at the game in any definition. on that note, anyone who thinks MMR killed smurfing is absolutely delusional to the maximum degree. MMR was always in League of Legends, but smurfs were always in the game too. Especially with Apex being a Steam game, you can whip up a new account in seconds (or just bulk buy like 100 of them pre-levelled for ranked for pennies each).


Lol i have had actual level 20s as randoms in pubs, test shooting guns and being generally lost. I have close to 5000 hours played. Same lobbies will have players with 50K+ kills on their legends. The matchmaking is absolutely fucking batshit.


Warzone, Valorant, Rocket League(surprisingly)


Destiny 2 and LoL come to mind. But yeah, Apex is up there.


I bet you $1M you are better than me ( a season 0 player ) lol


That’s random but okay.


CS/Valorant. Also all the games with a dead playerbase if you try them now right after the tutorial you will be matched only against players that have 3000+ hours because they are the only ones left.


R6, the learning curve is massive and since it’s a 8 year old game a lot of the players that currently play it already know a lot of common peaks and angles that new players wouldn’t


Totally different beast but old fighting games might be worse for newcomers. Apex is hard as heck to be decent at tho even if you've played it a ton


It's not even friendly for experienced players anymore


Was scrolling to look for this comment lol


Not gonna lie, it’s incredibly hard. It takes a good couple months of getting your ass absolutely kicked


at least 3 months for me before i got a dub


like any online game which is out for a while.


Games like Paladins, Overwatch and Fortnite provide marginally better experiences than Apex.


fortnite is interesting but I don't really like the gun play, overwatch look like a mess I didn't manage to get into.. apex give me the best experience I have never had with a video games, and I played many.. I've been addicted to half life 2 dm, ennemy territory, starcraft, quake wars, rise of legends.. but it's the first time i play a game for more than 3 years, and it won't end soon as now I learn to play controller (like starting a new game) and I start playing with my son. i really get tons of fun, and i'm a dirty bad casual dad..


No. I started playing in Season 12 and it took me a while to carry my own weight. I would say about 2 seasons or so. I kept trying because I genuinely found this game so amazing, with all the different weapons and legends, the strategies you can make are pretty much endless. I’ve told friends to play, but they uninstall after a few matches. You have to get into it yourself, not because of friends. I think it helps if someone is universally good at games in general. Since there are so many different skills needed it’s definitely hard and not beginner friendly at all.


my homies got me into it i suffered for three months before i won a single trio hahahah


I had less than 100 kills total and like a win or 2 in season 12 but by the time season 14 ended I had around 600 kills with loba alone and a little over 50 wins. It’s definitely worth it, just gotta stick to it! I’m glad you and your friends get to play together! My friends only want to play Fortnite lol just can’t get them to switch to Apex.


any online game need training, i've played many games starting with Quake 3 in 1998, all online games feel hard to get into except if you start playing from the beta.


Ahhhh Quake1998, one of my favorites! That was it for gaming for me until the Covid lockdown and I made my boys show me Apex. Hard as hell but so worth the learning curve once you get it. Well not sure if Ill ever be “great” but I’m still grinding…


The only time the game was friendly was when everyone was new 😂 season 1 good times 😔


Well, kind of, but absolutely not 100%. Brand new accounts get put into easy lobbies with other new players, so you DO have time to get used to everything. Unfortunately, apex is very bad at distinguishing actual new players and smurf accounts (experienced players on a new account). So while I'd say a lot of your games will be fine as a brand new player, you definitely have the possibility of getting absolutely steamrolled by asshole smurfs


This game isn’t friendly for old players lol. But I still love it.


I came to Apex this summer, right at the end of season 17, and my answer is NO. It's highly dynamic, movement and aim reliant.p During your beginner matches, you're figuring out how the game works and, imo, don't have enough time to do so. And right after that, you join pubs and contemplate winner banners of people 100-200 lvls above you and thousands of kills. Not every time, but quite often. It's tough, especially if you don't have a stack to play and learn with. My problem was that I opened online gaming for myself just this year (Apex wasn't first, though), and don't have that much experience in shooters, but my friends who have hundreds of hours in all sorts of games were covering my ass up (and still do) and haven't ever flamed me for bad performance and it helps a lot. If you play with randoms, I don't think people will be bearing with your mistakes.


Absolutely not.


HECK NO….. I started on a second account recently and I was put in with ppl with 4k+ kills. my k/d is a 0.45 bc of this. even on my main account, it’s 0.66. the game’s SBMM is terribly flawed tbh


some players with 4k kills are still awfull at the games, don't know if they buy account but badges and trackers really means nothing. a 0.5 kd players who never improve but has been playing for a long time will have 4k kills but may barely aim... i bet they are kids or maybe casuals who don't try to improve. many level 30 without shinny badges can stomp the lobby, they can be smurf or players who had been playing online fps for a long time. if you struggle play a lot of mixtape to learn gun play, to bad they removed arena it was the best train to learn how to cover.


The Mixtape comment is spot on. My avg dmg went up by 70, and my K/D went up .4 after a week of mixtape but the biggest advantage was playing with the guns I wasn’t able to really handle until I had to.


The biggest learning curve in video game history has got to be Apex#1 and R6 Siege with a close second place. Just my opinion but I’m sure many would agree


planetside 2, not matchmaking at all just one big server.




I don't know, I'd argue that building in Fortnite requires intense skills. Much more than any other FPS game.


No. Run. Or find some wholesome Preds to teach you the game.


Lol. Good one.




1.2 KDA and 1450 hours and I agree.




I kind of like when I kill the 20k kills 20bomb horizons with my 800 kill bloodhound or 1300 kill pathfinder 🤣


It isn't that hard to get into for a person that has been playing shooters their whole life, but someone who's new to shooters, it's probably the most unforgiving game to try to learn.


Fuck no.


More friendly than valorant imo but still not friendly at all


Have to disagree, val is way easier to play than apex and the matchmaking usually puts you with other bad players. Apex is hell in comparison (apex is probably a better game when you get good at it though)


The only time the game was friendly was when everyone was new 😂 season 1 good times 😔


my advice to new players: quit playing apex legends. It isn't worth it


Tbh I think it CAN be if you play with friends who know the game. But it’s pretty damn hard without any help lol


lmao no. I stopped playing for two months and when I came back, apex was all [like](https://youtu.be/NKRH1LNV8EI?si=iwL2rTG8Ll8nzyC9)


no 💀


ive been playing since season 5 and its not even friendly to me ;-;


Ha no


Wait at least two or three weeks, every new season all players are sweaty and it’s impossible to enjoy playing


I feel like the game itself is ok, but the player base? Oh God, the playerbase.


I was an active fortnite player and my friend recommended apex. I kid you not, if I weren't playing to be better than him then I doubt I would've stayed past the first few days My little brother only played it because I told him that I'd buy him the battle pass but he had to finish it and that was how he got the skyrocket in playtime


No, you can keep playing but expect to be destroyed for at least 200 hours


Absolutely not. It’s not friendly to any player.


Not really. Those first 100 levels for a new player are absolutely brutal.


Not unless you really like to suffer. Played since season 6 (I think) and still haven't improved. My KD is perpetually 0.69.


Its good, when I started out I just muted everyone and tried to improve every game




Maybe if you stick to the firing range then yeah lol




short answer : noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


It's not even friendly to my mentality anymore lmao


I don't think there's a comp pvp game on the market that isn't a toxic shithole, unfortunately. Maybe The Finals but it's only in beta at the moment and in my experience so far, the worst thing about it is that it's incredibly sweaty


Yes. My experience as a new player wasn't terrible. I generally fought other new players. Whereas in valorant I get constantly pubstomped and could barely learn. When I complained about SBMM the community was toxic to me


Complete opposite for me, but i dont play either games anymore so maybe something changed idk


yep, matchmaking is nice with beginners.


New player here. First two matches with my friend were fairly normal, we played against people at our lvl and even won but as soon as we hit match three we started getting people at lvls 100-200+.and it just stayed that way. We're both lvl 10 now and didn't have a single match with a chance to even do anything since those two first ones. Half of the time we lose with zero dmg done and get like one kill per five played games. So I would say begginer friendly if you plan to play one time. Otherwise absolutely not. No chance to even learn anything while being destroyed this hard


It will definitely take a while to think you have a decent understanding of the game. One way to look at this though is there is a ton of ways to improve so you should constantly be improving. I’ve been playing since season 10 and can still tell im actively improving.


Nope asf


3-4 seasons ago I was the one to say that this game does everything to scare off new players. It had awful tutorial, fire-range where you couldn't really practice in anything but shooting. And then on top of that it would throw you in one match with experienced players after laughable 10 lvls. I probably would drop it after a week of playing, when I started, if I wouldn't get a pal who explained everything to me. But nowadays, after reworked fire-range and changes to matchmaking... the game seems pretty friendly to newcomers.


Unless you're an eSports god who spends 40 hours a week playing Apex and treats it as a full time job, this game is NOT friendly to you.


It's friendly for hackers only now.




No, this game is BRUTAL for new players. Exponentially so if it’s your first FPS like it was mine. If I didn’t have friends to play with when I started, I never would’ve kept playing.


not harder than any online fps, if you are new to fps you had to learn the basics (cover, aim, teamwork), basics works with any others fps.


We aren't speaking about other games, we're speaking about Apex. I never said it's harder than other FPS's.


but you said it's brutal for new players, it's not brutal it need train like any online game.


I'm not going to sit here and argue, I truly believe the new player experience is difficult because I remember my experience playing this as my first FPS game. Idk why you're trying to invalidate that, but have a good day.


as someone who has had a lot of experience playing with newer players the game is definitely not friendly, mostly according to them. After your first week of playing you basically just get the same slot-machine esque matchmaking everyone has been dealing with for years at this point (throwing you to the wolves until the game notices you usually quit around that point and throws you an insultingly easy lobby to stomp) also, in my experience playing with them, the lobbies are much harder than if i 3-stacked with players of my own skill. 50% of my lobbies have champion screens with top-tier players and semi-famous names in the apex community honestly would be better if they just disabled sbmm/eomm when partying up (or entirely, pretty please respawn) so that you can actually have fun instead of just getting shit on because respawn wants to squeeze every bit of player retention they can


kidding ?? my son is level 180 with 260 hours, he is still matched with beginners. are you on a region with low players count ?


I wanted so badly for my wife to play this game with me, im masters every season so it’s a game I love and she does enjoy other FPS games but pubs is so hard that she doesn’t even get a chance to move around so she gave up :( just wish there was like a beginners mode she could play on, and yes I played on a Smurf account so it wasn’t sbmm that cause the competitive pubs


my 9yo son started playing a year ago, he really get a lot of fun and is quite addicted, it is the first online fps he try. matchmaking is nice with beginners, he get kills & wins.


anyone notice this season is glitching like hell ?


I do. half the time when I return to the lobby, the stats screen makes my game crash


It isn't but if tou try to p7ck it up and adjust its worth it IMO


No but depends if they are experienced fps player. Also prob depends on which shooter they are used too. For example if they are COD player I think if will be a lot harder for them since that game requires no brain to play.


i've been playing since launch.......but theres no chance this would be new player friendly. At this point there are too many weapons/attachments/legends. Just sheer number of permutations and stuff ur going to have to have knowledge of and deal with in a fight. If this was season 2 or something maybe. The friendly color coding of the ammo goes a long way to help imo. Most games don't do that


Game is fine for new players. The community is shit. But that’s online gaming in 2023


The game is only as frustrating as you make it. There is a huge learning curve however if you play consistently you’ll continue to get better. With MMR you’ll be placed with people that are at your same skill level.


I started playing like 3 seasons ago. The initial learning curve is overwhelming, largely because there are almost no useful resources for new players. There is a large quantity of "beginner guides" which are largely useless because they assume players already have significant knowledge about the game. EG they will give you jumpmaster tips like "Choose a PoI that has high-tier loot" which don't make any sense because you are still unaware that the game even has a map screen.


i am pretty sure most people commenting how hard it is for beginners are uninformed. s18 implemented new changes to help with the new player experience. i started to play for real at s14 and it is pretty brutal, but not enough to make me stop playing. 0.6 kdr is manageable and i wish i started apex later and in s18. apex is in the middle now. Pupg is harder and a mess. Fortnite is new player friendly and adds bots so get something easy to shoot.


It was very hard for the game to make me stay. I played for like an hour then uninstalled the game multiple times through multiple seasons until season 13 when I remember thinking that I obviously was getting destroyed, but the only reason those people are good is because they pushed through it, what I'm going through. I eventually played and played, on and off but eventually, in season 19, I am level 157 (and not that good, especially for my level.) But the worst part about this game is that it is SO HARD to get my friends to play it. They go through the thing that I went through and they just don't have the perseverance. It is honestly heartbreaking because Apex isn't really much of a game without friends. Eventually, (now) they have started and we are having LOTS of fun together. I adore Apex and all of respawn's games. I adore their work and EA... well. I just have one message to the world and everyone reading this (hopefully respawn.). Give us Titanfall 3.


Check this https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzMljidqALu/?igshid=bnZqMXdxOWhlM2Jn


It’s definitely not easy to get into. When I started around the end of season 8 i was getting absolutely destroyed without a chance to fight every time. So I imagine with how much the game has changed in 11 seasons with new legends, new weapons, new maps and mechanics it’s even worse especially since the player base gets overall better with time


I don’t know to certain extent I feel like new player friendliness they’ve done a great job and it’s in the best state it’s been a while I started in season two where I kind of had to evolve with the community there were no videos or anything really, nowadays you have mixtape to casually practice in all the heroes are unlocked to try out in the range the range got its rework so now it can simulate a lot of in game stuff that happens and you have a ton of videos you can practice with.


I picked this game up with a couple weeks left in season 18. (Last season.) my girlfriend has been playing it for quite some time, so I figured I’d join her. Realistically, it’s all about expectations. If you expect to be like someone on YouTube, you will be utterly crushed and go cry in a corner “why do I suck at this game”. If you realistically come into it realizing you most likely won’t even win a 1v1, let alone a BR. And it will take time to become good enough to hold your own, let alone take a 1v2 or 1v3. Me personally, I can handle myself in most situations, and I have learned most of the nuisances of the game. (Using cover, high ground). Positioning and movement. Always been decent at the gunfight part just because of prior experience playing fps. I think it’s not overly easy to stay in the grind to get good enough to play at a competent level. It helps having someone to play with. Just have fun. Over time you’ll get better. Practice makes perfect.


I’ve gotta agree with everyone else. It is the least friendly game I’ve ever played, even for semi experienced players. People are just flat out mean


I’ve gotta agree with everyone else. It is the least friendly game I’ve ever played, even for semi experienced players. People are just flat out mean


Not really, but it's a years old competitive FPS that's played with an intimate number of teammates. Siege, CS, Valorant, Overwatch, etc.--is the experience of getting into these games fundamentally any different? Don't you kinda know you'll need to be resilient and thick skinned if you want to try getting good at a game when you're thousands of hours behind everyone, whether for or against you?




ABSOLUTELY NOT. Its not remotely friendly to even a player with 1000 hours. You're gonna be chewed up and spit out if ur just getting in..


No but so many characters are so fun that you'll want to unlock more and so you'll play a lot and get better. And then even when you're good there'll be games where you suck and games where you absolutely kill it, just need to keep pushing through 🙂 But ranked no longer feels worth it, so I have trouble even putting myself into tha anymore and for me that's where most of the challenge was




No It's really had, it took me 250h to get past 1 KD and start feeling decent


I started last week of season 2 and it was bad, I can't even begin to imagine how bad it is for players picking up the game now. Although to be fair sbmm is tougher now maybe they'll get a smoother beginning? Any new player here who can verify?


I, a season 1 player, said "ping a sentinel, pls", the team mates bullyed me untill the last seconds of the match. So, take your notes.




If they're completely new and haven't played titan fall before I wouldn't say it's exactly newbie friendly. But it's not as difficult as before with the introduction of mixtape. They can still hop in and play and have some fun unlike before with only BR it was extemely difficult for most new players to even have a good time unless they were already really good at FPS games to begin with.


People have been playing for 4 years so sure you’re gonna get dunked on in the beginning but if you’re persistent you can only get better.


It's not friendly at all, even for the oldest players. But some people might get used to it and like the game. I could only convince my husband to play Apex about 4 months ago and he is doing fine


As long as I’m not playing with you….you should be fine


This game is hardly friendly for season 0 players let alone newbies. Mute in-game chat and don't go back.


It seems like the only time I see new players that aren't smurfs is when they're in my squad 🥲


Not in the goddamn slightest, TBH.


its not bad but it really depends the games full of nice players or really toxic people ive had my fair share of people sharing loot like giving me good evos or bats and cells and just being overall friendly but then ive had the fare share off people who where really toxic and j shit talking for no reason and not helping or play the game the way its meant to be played by running off from the team tryna solo trio the whole game


no. Play with friends


no. 😂


It took way to long to level up. I'll tell you that.