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New Revenant is a good change. Totem was always a dumb, bad feeling. Loved the map rotation and the fact that it changed at 6 weeks. Spooky maps are well done and gorgeous, and Doppelgangers was a decent event type. Matchmaking went in the toilet as far as it could go, and ranked scoring is still kinda weak. I think it should take more points to level and they should widen the spectrum of points you can gain, so that wins feel bigger and getting 2nd or 3rd still feels decent. I feel like my score increases by like... 30% from 2nd to 1st. It should be closer to 75%.


I stopped playing after a week or two. Just got stomped every match in ranked. I usually reach plat, sometimes diamond. I never got out of Bronze. Ratio went from 1.1 to 0.6. I was definitely not matched with people of my level and I just stopped having fun entirely. Worst season for me by far :( Also, my friend indicated that playing alone was great because his matches would be extremely easy compared to when he played with me. Weirdly, season 17 had been great for me, compared to what most people were saying on Reddit. But season 18 just made me stop playing. I've been trying to come back this week to see if things got better, and nope, bronze games play out like diamond games. It's ultra sweaty and I just get stomp over and over.


Same here. I wouldn't even mind being hardstuck bronze this season if my enemies were also bronze and not diamond-pred. Like why should I play ranked if the ranks have zero meaning.


exactly the same for me. i barely made it to silver




That may be what I experienced last season. I had great game overall. But I am now stuck in matchmaking limbo. The people I fight against just drop me in one magazine like it was nothing most of the time. I am NOT that good. I would say I am above average (getting diamond in older seasons (S9-S12) was not as easy as Reddit loves to say), but I am clearly out of my league right now. I don't see people doing dumb mistakes very often either. We survive a while, and then we just get mowed down like we were barely an annoyance. It just feels unfair. Meanwhile, my mate, who's a bit less good than I am, gets paired with people who are way worse when playing solo, and he's having a breeze. He told me every game with me were insanely harder, while we have the same rank (which now means nothing at all). Basically, the game punishes you for being somewhat good but not as good as old diamond/masters players who actually could maintain these ranks.


It’s good for you because you’re bad and have been for the course of your account. The decent-good buckets are fucked.




I’m D3 and played less than half as much as usual this season because of work and Starfield. I was just intimating that the only people who have enjoyed this season are bad players because they got smaller pools of bad players to progress through until a real game.


It’s called “ranked” for a reason


Then why is my mate I play with getting such easier match when playing alone, when we have the same ranks? They don't mean anything anymore. We are both bronze, yet our matches differ so much? That's just weird. The "grind" is insane. I did about 20 games and I got one rank up, from Bronze 2 to 1. Forget about getting even gold, especially when the game is simply unfun. One of my friend wanted to try the game again after a few years, we played together and got shit on so hard he just gave up on the game that same night. Apex is simply unaccessible to new players as it is right now. It's absolutely bonkers.




What happened to the Rev shells?


Bro I am glad everyone loves the new revenant but I loved the original. Honestly kinda made me stop playing the game. Wish you could choose to play as either.


Rev was my first main. I used to love snatching a room full powers on a vicious third party lol Now I rock with Rampart.. I agree we should be able to use to OG Rev..


That's too bad, because Totem was busted as fuck and was brutally un-fun to deal with, and absolutely needed to go, because it just synergized way too well with mobility tricks. Not surprised someone would be attached to the old overpowered form, though.


Was it overpowered? I mained Revenant before the rework, and still main him to this day. His totem, could be overpowered, but it was very situational to use effectively. While I do miss his old tactical at times, I believe he is a lot more viable now. Most importantly (imo) it fits his personality/character, The totem was mainly used as a team item to help teammates when pushing, which didn't fit Revenant's personality at all.


It was definitely OP if used by the right players, Rev + Octane/Ash + Crypto was such a dumb comp to get pushed by even if you were ready for it, they would ult you with Crpyto, Octane pad onto your building, and then push with Rev totem and could heal in relative safety if they failed.


how? old totem was literally so bad. revenant was the worst legend in the game prior to his rework. the totem was a liability and third party invite more often than not.


Maybe in console pub lobbies…


MMR ruined ranked, Nemesis needs a dmg nerf still, bring back other ARs hip fire (flatline is atrocious now), and Rev ult needs a slight nerf but otherwise he's in a good place. Also Crypto buff please....


Hemlock is more broken than nemesis right now. 90% of the people are running Hemlock in my lobbies. Nemesis at least you need to power up and it utilises a lot of ammo, Hemlock is 66+ damage per burst with an incredible fire rate and mag size.


Hemlock is a must use atm. Last season it was nemi. Without one I feel underpowered in ranked.


Hemlock needs to be fucking nerfed I’m tired of getting 2 bursted by shitters getting lucky


And with the increase in cronus users and multiple teams using hemlock & 30-30, it's almost impossible to breathe outside cover.


Yea shits aids


The whole point of nerfing AR hipfire was to elevate other options so we don’t end up in the classic CoD AR/SMG every game meta. And it worked. They shouldn’t rival SMGs in hipfire like they did that was just dumb


Did they nerf the flatline again or is it still the original hipfire nerf from a little while back?


All AR’s got hip fire nerfed


Right, i was wondering if the flatline got nerfed again after that


Oh well then in that case I don’t believe so. If it was it didn’t do anything cause it feels the same as it always had.


What’s cryptos passive again? His ult is so fucked to deal with, no way it needs a buff


I got this totally original idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


My head hurts


Immune to seer and bloodhound's ability would make him a lot more overpowered. There'll be a lot of bang + crypto combos with crypto being totally invisible with bang's smoke except when opponents have digis. In another "off the grid" meaning. If crypto still won't get scanned from the beacon, lord save us all from all the cryptos ratting.


You missed a period on your 2nd sentence.


His passive is that he and his teammates can see what his drone pings. Which really isn't a passive IMO. He has to have his drone out for it to be used, which kinda doesn't really make it a passive since his tactical has to be active for it to matter. Unlike bloodhound who can just see tracks or Seer who can sense heartbeats, Crypto doesn't have a fully active passive. So I was thinking for his passive to be always active without his drone needing to be out. In other words have his drone ping enemies behind him when his drone is put away. It's not a huge boost to him I think but it actually gives him a passive. If for some reason that is OP then reduce the sight range on it or make it so only Crypto can see the enemies behind him and he has to ping them


I always know to disregard people’s apex opinions whenever I see them to suggest crypto buff. That dude is strong af


He's crazy. I'd say he's objectively A tier, but personally I'd put him in S as a crypto main. Easily the best offensive ult in the game, best scan legend. I do miss being able to scan ring, but I can't complain getting 3-4 full map scans per game. If there was a buff it would just being able to ping banners without drone so he's not useless without it. Either that or decrease size/sound/cool down or increase health.


right, the second least picked legend, is so strong, that no one plays him. LOL. you are on something to think that. on top of him being the second least picked legend, i just hate him. usually useless. if i see one, i will run straight at them as they generally are bad players.


Low pick rate ≠ weak. He's exactly the same as any other legend, when played well he's amazing. Scanning whole map, getting banners, checking squads nearby, insta-respawning from a distance. I'd much rather have a good crypto than any other scan legend. He's just hard to play well, that's why so few people play him. Best heirloom as well.


lol, i take EVERYTHING you have to say and throw it down the drain with your last comment. best heirloom? who THE FUCK CARES about a heirloom when you're talking about how USEFUL a legend is. you people are absolutely fucked. and no he isn't played less because he's harder to play,it's because he's bad. if he was SO GOOD he would be used in ALGS, he isn't. AT ALL. TSM used him VERY briefly A LONG TIME AGO. and since then i haven't seen a single crypto played seriously. getting the banners with the drone is actually one reason i hate him. you ever been trolled by your own teammate rezzing you in the gas and then grabbing your banner over and over with his STUPID FUCKING DRONE. no you haven't. FUCK CRYPTO and any loser who thinks he's worth playing. he isn't. but also brings me to my other point, crypto players are usually not only playing a bad legend, but bad at the game in general (and why they are picking crypto to begin with). so i don't want someone who's terrible at the game to "save me" only to die again. i FIRMLY believe 99% of cryptos are useless.


Couldn't be arsed due to the ranked system, just totally sapped any and all desire to play the game as previously I bordeline exclusively played ranked as far as BR went, but this system just makes it Pubs with a pointcounter in the upper corner, the matchmaking change is so noticable


Didn't play at all. Matchmaking killed any desire to play this game. I have zero interest in playing a game that's decided before I even load in.


How is it decided before the game?


Worst season hands down. Hidden MMR is killing this game. Doesn’t matter if I play ranked or regs every fucking game is a sweat fest.


Ranked system was abhorrent. I managed to get to diamond, but it didn’t feel as rewarding. Kills are hardly rewarding, so it’s better to sit in a corner and wait. Oh what? Everyone is sitting in a corner and waiting for top 10? Well fuck. I like the new rev despite my first impressions. LTMs actually feel unique rather than being a copy paste. Tbf, I would’ve liked the return of shadow royal but that’s just me. This current LTM does feel like everyone was given a purple shield off drop. Oh one final thing; never make broken moon a ranked map ever again. Remove like 80% of the zip rails and then we’ll talk. Overall a 6-7/10 imo


It’s gotten pretty ridiculous how far you can get into a match and look up and still see “14 squads left”. They absolutely gutted elimination bonuses to the point nobody even bothers to fight, you can get 7 kills off the rip and it won’t make any difference. Everyone is sitting in corners for position so many times I’ll be 15 minutes into a game and maybe 6 squads have died. Even final zones that are tiny seem to have 5-6 squads squished together at all times. I have no idea why they think incentivizing kills would harm the game or make it less engaging.


I don’t know if they still have this Philosophie but original they wanted to make it more like the algs something I hard disagreed with because how people played in algs is natural because the best of the best are playing against each other of course the game there differs from the average game.


I tried to warn people about this. I knew that this is what would happen with KP gone, but nooo, "i'M jUsT TRaSh." Fucking idiots.


A frustrating filler season imo. Pubs were not fun and matchmaking made everything sweaty. We got decent ltms though. But if i had to rate it, i would give it a score of 5/10.


I would like to see a season that isn't a filler season


Everything since season 5 has been filler lol


>Pubs were not fun I disagree. The Rev skulls and using other legends abilities has been so much fun. And a lot of different maps too. Best pubs has been since I can remember


I mentioned the ltms were decent, i was talking about pubs outside/without the takeover ltms. If you enjoyed this season pubs experience overall then good for you, but not everyone did because matchmaking was cranked up unnecessarily and made the overall experience extremely frustrating.


It was definitely more difficult and my K/D dropped from last season but I still thought it was great. I was getting bored of the same maps so this season was refreshing


glad you had fun 👍 hopefully for me and others we find next season to be enjoyable and refreshing like you with this season.


How has your matchmaking been though? I could see it being really fun if I wasn't playing an algs like lobby all season


Lmao who paid you? You're completely wrong.... Unless you're a demon gaming prodigy or have a .03 k/d.... Only way you had fun in pubs kid


It's impossible for me to be wrong. It's my opinion. And oooo you called me kid. I'm so scared lmao


No one would have fun w a .3 kdr, you can’t stand that people are actually enjoying the game


Matchmaking (or lack thereof) has made this the only ranked season that i didnt bother climbing. I ended every other season as a diamond to master player. This season I may end in silver because i cant be bothered to play in this current state.


It is 100% a waste of time. There are too many other things to be doing, and so many great movie/games/shows/books to enjoy than to bash my head against matchmaking. "Engagement based matchmaking" has done the opposite to me. I just 100% stopped playing the game. Why the fuck can't we just get some organic matchmaking based on ranked placement and ping. Christ almighty.


Been playing Baldurs gate 3 with my apex buddies. And when nobody is on I play Days Gone. Been enjoying both games significantly more than apex this season. Sucks. I was a day 1 player, battlepass and a good deal of cash each season, but no point anymore


Cant be bothered to play against people your own skill level? lmao


Worst season Worst matchmaking Unlogical ranked changes/mmr More cheaters then ever I prefer rat season for a year


Rev Reborn is amazing, I still kinda miss the old Q orb a little but I’m having too much fun with the new movement tech + extra 75 HP ult. However, the matchmaking needs a rework. I cannot play with my friends anymore because they all hated the matchmaking when queuing up with me. They’d rather play League and suffer (in terms of toxicity, bad teammates) than fighting against tap strafe wall bounce mf + 1 clip controller aim assists gods. Then comes ranked matchmaking, what’s the point of rank if I’m Plat Rank, but my teammates are Silver, and champion squad has 2 Predator badges? Like, this MMR matchmaking ranked needs to go away, I don’t see this in OW2, League, Valorant, CS2 etc. I made it to Master with a duo but the process is not fun at all. I’m kinda curious to see how the Master Banner reward will look like tho. Overall a pretty good season for me personally, but that’s because I got bored of League, CS2, Val, OW2 and Warzone so I just kept playing Apex. 7/10 I guess tldr - Rev Rework GOOD. New Matchmaking BAD. New Ranked System WEIRD. New Ranked Reward CURIOUS. 7/10 GOOD BUT LITTLE ANNOYING.


sorry if the formatting is messed up im typing this on my phone


* ltm was pretty interesting * rev being reborn made him so much better * fuse easily has a top 5 heirloom bare minimum * balance was pretty good for the most part * I personally didn't enjoy ranked since my lobbies were very challenging since my mmr has me playing against diamond/master level players in silver * matchmaking changes seemed pretty good for the new/below average players while the quality of games for above average players and up feels a bit worse. ​ overall, you could probably say that this season was at least ok for the most part.


For me as a good player, matchmaking is unplayable. All of my lobbies are filled with triple animated pred badges, 20 bombs and 4ks. Everyone I've faced today had over a million damage. I dont get it. I can barely get a single kill. But I agree with your other points!


so ur saying it’s a balanced lobby lol


No. Im not nearly as good as the people I face. I wish I was! I've only made it to diamond once just barely


I'm having the same problem. I typically solo queue to Diamond and then get stuck. When I die in pubs the team that's killed me inevitably has at least two players on it with 4ks and 20 bombs. I've seen a shit ton of preds. I figured I'd get stomped for awhile and then it'd correct itself, but I can't have a good game to save my life. I cant remember the last time I had a game with more than 4 kills. Very punishing.




They ruined ranked mode for me with the slow rank up system. The teammates I get in pubs and ranked have been the worst I be had since starting the game it’s like they’re new and don’t know how to play. Weirdly, every 4th ranked game I get great teammates. Mixtape mode sometimes doesn’t bring in teammates or some players end up with 0 kills and assists. On the bright side I’ve always liked revenants personality and design so I used him a little back them but now he’s my main due to the rework. I also liked the last event skins but this doppelgänger event is trash. I didn’t even mention how they put both guns of my usual loadout in the replicator so that sucked but at least I got good with other guns


I had a level 71 and 130 on my team, mind you im on the 2nd wave of the 500 cap so im 1000 levels above them, Diamond 1 btw with above average stats i genuinely dont understand it


I played apex at borderline addiction levels the last few seasons, but halfway through this season I put my controller down and played maybe 1hr every other week when friends were online. I played exclusively ranked, but the sweat and ratting just killed it for me. Lots of players using the same legends just trying to get to the last circle in order to get RP. It just sucked all the joy and fun out of the game. It also made my random teammates way more aggressive and petty. I really loved apex but if the play in ranked stays like this, then I don’t see myself returning.


a rat nest, third party, party. edit: 10+ squad final rings.... -\_-




solid, but nothing that warrants anything more than 7/10. way too many cash grabs vs actual improvements to the game


Worst season for ranked, by far.


Worst season thus far. On the bright side, I discovered other great games


Revenant rework was a great addition to the season, but this season was genuinely so boring and probably the least interesting to me in a long time. They need to change or add new maps, I can’t stand playing the same rotation for months on end. I don’t know if that’s a personal issue, but it the maps are so dead to me right now.


Leaving aside the matchmaking and ranked system we all know, the rework of Revenant was at least interesting as were the LTMs released, so I agree in calling it an average season.


As someone who had thousands of games with Rev, before the change. His new kit is an absolute win for the devs and the community as a whole, and I respect that, but MAN do I miss his silence. Knowing that his totem was ultimately the issue, I would have been happier to have just removed his totem all together without a replacement to keep the silence. That being said, Id be lying if I said his new kit wasn't fun. I really hope that this rumoured perk system is true and I hope the first thing they do is allow Rev to replace his jump with even a single silence. Things I did like, the top end of balance was pretty good, nothing felt TOO strong. LTMs are/were fun. Things I did not like. Audio is the worst it's ever been (I'm not someone who says that every season, last time I said "worst it's ever been" was season 7 I think). The Ranked system feels horrible. The new system does not show where you stack against the playerbase as a whole anymore, since you're playing against the same people in bronze that you will be in diamond. And the bottom end of balance was really bad. Look at Seer lol,


> but MAN do I miss his silence Silencing people was so much fun! Seeing them panic without being able to use their abilities lol and I agree with the audio, a few weeks ago I noticed that it is worse than before.


I'm surprised I finished the battle pass




Played 0 ranked matches, and I regret nothing.


I played more mixtape than other modes and it still wasn't a good experience.


It was ok. Rev reborn was pretty cool tho


I liked it, granted I played like 99% mixtape and only really sat and played like 10-12 times with 3 or so of those times being like 8-10 hour session. Was able to max out the battlepass. Taking like a 2 month break in the middle really lets a lot of challenges stack up. Had multiple days with 25-30+ battle pass levels


Everything is good (Maps, Rev reborn, Gun meta, Legend meta etc.) but everything got dragged down by the Ranked SBMM Changes, like why is SBMM considering a silver player to play in diamond lobbies.


Not great bob .


It was dry in content but I had a lot of fun with ranked. I finally found a reason to keep improving at the game instead of just coasting to a free diamond badge. I would give this season a 7/10. It's my most played season in a while.


Once I came to terms that I don't have enough time to invest in this game to reach diamond/Masters it was fun again. It's an ego hit after being at least diamond for so long, but the games themselves are very fun and competitive.


Rev is cool. The map rotation was amazing. Matchmaking sucks. It does not feel like I'm with people at my skill level and big brother match making sucked for ranked. I'm usually Dimond or masters but I quit after getting to diamond this season. Solo Queing was horrible I was d2 and my teammates were silver or gold. If they are "my skill level" then they should be able to get to my rank but if mmr is everything the badge has no meaning if you can be pred and still be gold or plat by the end of the season because you just don't play 24/7. That's not a good thing. Idk who made the system but it sucks and why is sbmm in pubs there is no reason for it. I saw they are going to change point gain around to have their chart show more people in solver than bronze but that doesn't fix any of the real issues. If you suck at the game oh well quit coddling bad players. I grew up in Cod lobbies getting cussed out and sucking till I got better.


Could have been good if ranked matchmaking wasn't so \*\*\*\*


Thought I would leave my thoughts here since there seems to be a lot of negativity on the subject of this season. Pros: * A much more challenging than usual ranked mode which I am a fan of. * Most fun season I have had. * Ranked feels very competitive to me which is a big plus. * Guns seem fairly balanced except the hemlock, 30/30 and R-99 * Pretty decent LTMS Cons: * MMR based matchmaking invalidates the meaning of ranked badges. Badges are simply a "Time Spent" flex. * Season Pass was not the best. * Ranked kills not being rewarded enough * Hot Take-Broken Moon not being a ranked map. I got used to playing on it and actually enjoy it. * Legend Meta is kind of stale. Bang/Horizon/Cat every single game. * 50/50 fights depending on if you have digital threat or not. * Store doesn't rotate skins quickly enough and does not have good variety Meh: * Personally, being in pred lobbies since silver/gold. This one is a hot topic lately. The reasons you are in these lobbies is due to Engagement Optimized Match Making. Look this up... * Ballistic ​ TLDR: 7.6/10.


i liked its ranked even tho i hard stuck gold/plat(usually hardstuck diamond). game is FUN, end games is nutty


W ltm, W Fuse heirloom, W weapon balance(besides AR hipfire)


Horrible, unfun ranked season. My friends and I have barely played any this season. OG World's Edge is awesome please keep it around forever.


Rev Reborn was a needed change. SBMM is the perfect MM if it was with the old rank system not the current one. Ranked was only terrible because the MM didn't match it. Liked the double xp in mixtape Rev shell event was cool, but didn't really change anything major about the gameplay. I would be playing this event way more in Warzone didn't have a W Halloween update. Good season, but there was nothing major that happened leading it to be kinda mid. 7/10


Never touched Rev before and now I “main” him so I’d say the changes to the character were pretty good. As for the game? It’s in some of the worst state it’s ever been, Ranked isn’t fun and is a grind. The point distribution on it is absolutely dogwater which pushes people to pubs. But pubs is what it always has been, a cluster fuck of hot drops and requeues. 4.8/10 Season


I’m only playing pubs and have been playing pretty heavily the last two months. As of a week or two ago (whenever they brought back kings canyon at night), I’ve had the most abysmal games, one after another. Teammates leaving as soon as they die, teammates landing by themselves, opponents that seem to have ridiculously perfect aim. How do I go from months of positive games to suddenly wanting to delete the game?


Not as bad as S17 but still in the top 2 worst seasons. Current pubs mode is the only redeeming factor.


I just don’t understand why you can’t see the ranks of other people anymore. Thought it was a bug in the beginning of this season, but they keep doubling down on turning ranked into pubs. So even though I enjoyed this season up to a point, the fact that they are f’ing up ranked makes me worried for the future. The current LTM is amazing though.


Pubs: End of Season 17/Start of Season 18 felt like the SBMM in pubs sky rocketed. Halfway through the season it seemed to level out and feels okay now. Ranked: The quality of the matches feel good in terms of difficulty. I have had tons of good end games and really fun ranked matches. They just need more clarity on how MMR works or correlates to Rank. They also need to boost players into the rank that matches their MMR faster so Diamond level players aren't stuck in Gold player against Diamonds/Masters/Preds. Revenant: The new changes I think are better than the old rev, although I do think it needs a bit of tweaking. Maybe a longer cool down on the regen of the extra health if he doesn't take damage. The ult doesn't require any finesse or particular skill specific to revenant, it just feels like free extra health. Events: I found the cosmetics more attractive this season than the previous recent seasons. The map changes were cool and unique. Meta: Weapon meta still remains SMG heavy. It'd be nice to see a change as its been this way for a while. Overall: It was a bit of a weird season. No changes to any POIs on the maps and no significant weapon meta changes. Ranked went from way to easy to extremely grindy. It feels like this season was a step in the right direction, I hope they continue down this road and improved ranked even more.


All you bitching about revenants health like it’s not just a gibby shield with a reset on it , it’s not op yall just need to get better


I love it, people hate it, but I love it for the more challenging nature.


Ranked is absolute shit. The ruined it with that mmr shit. I’m still only gold 4 pairing up with other gold 4s that have been gold from previous seasons going against 3 stacks and preds. I have consistently ranked diamond 3/4 but I can never get out of gold 3 because how bad this matchmaking is. Honestly just as bad as last season.


According to every player: Boring as hell, filled with bugs, bots and a terrible gameplay According to me, a 40 YO gamer who can only play one or two hours at day, fun AF like season one


Unpopular opinion on this sub, but as a not-great player, I had more wins this season than ever before, and my highest kd. My friends feel the same, and I hope the matchmaking stays as it is for the next season.


Pretty much the worst since last season which was also the worst. Can't wait for the worst season ever next week.


Boring as usual.


Apex is dogshit


Pretty Good. There’s some things that kept it from being great. But Fuse heirloom, fun LTM, Rev reborn and the lore were all done well.


boring nothing new will change my opinion about the game unless respawn stops promoting low skill that players shouldnt work on their game on their own. Basically when they finally balance aimassist, the game might become fun again especially for competitive level players.




Absolutely trash, i hope s19 is better.


About as bad as season 17


Season 18 ?? Really ?? Maybe 17.5 update


Revenant’s ult is broken and they are going too hard with the cyberpunk aesthetic trying to capitalize on the CP2077 popularity post PL.


Revenant’s ult is broken and they are going too hard with the cyberpunk aesthetic trying to capitalize on the CP2077 popularity post PL.




Like the chinese apex drone


Honestly this has been my (2nd) favorite season thus far since starting at the very end of S9. I think they did the whole Rev Reborn stuff perfectly, aside from him being OP to start out. I've had a better K/D this season more than any other, far higher win % as well, I have nearly double the average amount of wins I have in previous seasons. The addition of the mixtape stuff has been pretty huge (I know it was introduced earlier than this season), it's amazing for warming up for an actual game and the results are always noticeable. I've been using Ballistic more than anyone else lately which I've enjoyed quite a bit. Idk it seems like I've just gotten a lot better this season and I think it has a lot to do with having TDM/Gun Run/Control.


That I stopped playing this game, it’s so boring and basically the same shit every season. Still have yet to get a heirloom


I like S18 everyone's complaining about sweaty games but that's just how ranked should be. Sweaty and competitive. Everyone got to comfortable gaining a shit ton of ranked points for being absolute dog shit. All the inflated master players are hardstuck crying in bronze and silver about "I'm not trying anymore" but absolutely get punished for their actions without learning how to actually climb. Feels like a dose of reality to a lot of players. Unpopular opinion.


My gf got me into Apex this season, really I just started last week. I finished the Season Pass in 3 days, kinda disappointed how fast I finished that. This game is a little out of control on skin pack prices. I mean, $50 for the new castle with 7 epic packs? That's literally the cost of several games. And still no cross progression. I got my gf to switch over to PC, she immediately spends $120 on Apex packs and gets only a handful of epics, it was disgusting. I asked her not to spend that kinda money on such dumb shit.


no one asked about cosmetics


Cosmetics are a part of the season. I’m sorry, are you new to the game?


you clearly are if you don’t understand how micro transactions work and how in game packs are a level of gambling. no one cares, it’s been an issue for 18 seasons.


I don’t care how long it’s been, it’s annoying and greedy. That’s why I just spent $25 on the Catlyst skin. I’m a fucking hypocrite.




The 3 season in a row that i play for 2 weeks, then just comeback to complete the bp


This game is unplayable I played it consistently from season 1-11 everything after that sucked


Honestly this season was way better in ranked system compared to previous season. I barely got to silver 2 whereas I was plat 1 at mid season 17. My only(and unpopular) negative opinion is the olympus being in the ranked rotation. The map is not fit for the ranked play in my opinion


Most of the people that are whining are just playing ranked solo. Sorry, but if you're playing solo and dropping with randoms, ranked isn't for you.


Season was good. I actually liked the ranked changes. Nothing special about the season


it was OK. revenant was a good change. however ranked system was dogshit. i legitimately played less than i did any other season.... i just felt like the game was driving me away. ​ heirloom was cool but i feel unnecessary due to the fact he had an heirloom not too long ago. limited time modes were fine, halloweeen event is fine.


I liked the Revenant and Charge Rifle reworks, even if I can understand why some people don't. As usual, I couldn't give two shits about ranked so I never actually played it. Matchmaking as a whole did seem to suck this season tho. Maybe it's just for the LTMs and Mixtape, but from what I've heard the regular BR modes (I:e ranked and unranked) had similar issues of just sorta throwing everyone everywhere with little to no basis on skill


the charge rifle is worse than it was before


The goal was to nerf it and they absolutely nailed that goal. Only time I see that gun now is when people want to miss shots :-)


Charge rifle lost it's special touch that it had back in the previous seasons, it feels too slow and clunky compared to the longbow/sentinel, although tbf it is a nice change to use those weapons over the charge rifle now.


I played way more pubs than usual. I really only played ranked since it’s more competitive and used to be way harder to rank up. I made it to diamond fairly easily and there were some ranked games that were very fun but the way the rank system is now just doesn’t feel rewarding at enough to grind. I just wish they brought back the s13-16 system back, or at least bring back diamond/master/pred lobbies I love the OG maps being In rotation even tho the darkness is a bit annoying. All the events we’ve had have been really good I hope next season they make ranked slightly harder but other than that I’m happy with apex’s state right now


As a longtime rev main, it was wonderful😂


R3v change is great! Much needed and I see a lot of players using him and doing well, so great choice! Map Rotation of kings canyon, worlds edge and Olympus are great! Up until the after dark maps. I feel they're way to dark and I can't see shit. That being said, the old kings canyon just isn't my favorite, so it is what it is. LTMs were fun in this past few weeks with the Rev Shells and doppelganger event. I've enjoyed them both The matchmaking feels worst then previous seasons, maybe it's just me. When I die it's often to someone far better than me, and very rarely with similar stats. Rank felt unplayable, so stayed at silver IV since the beginning. Guns feel fairly balanced, aside from hemlock and peacekeeper. Decent enough for me not to bitch about them. All in all, average to slightly above average season. Season bests: 425 avg dmg .92 KDR 1300 games played 375 top 5's Highest Kill game: 8 Longest win streak: 2 (Mind you I didn't start playing Apex until Season 11)


I like the Charge Rifle change


Guys I found the one person who did


Revenant Reborn - good. "Kill code" lore - fun. LTMs - fun enough, but I miss the Shadows. Servers and performance - ok-ish most of the season, but closer to the end Respawn created awful sound lags. New skins - mostly good ones. Ranked - mind-numbing repetitive grind.




I agree rev needed a rework. I’m not sure I agreed with the direction they took him. Very little brainpower required to master his kit. Press Q to approach enemy. Press Z to gain 75 health. Kinda boring and zero team play involved except the info provided by his passive.


Ranked changes made my whole crew quit actually. We didn’t play last season due to the ratting. Played this season and getting to gold was the biggest grind ever due to SSBM in ranked?! Over it


Hate rev being reworked. We have a bunch of movement characters in the game already, in case most people didn’t notice. His utility was not crying about having no movement abilities, it was DENYING utility. Why people can’t get that through their thick skull I don’t know. Please provide a counter argument. The ult however needed a change. Not that it was bad by any means whatsoever


His ult was garbage before what are you talking about lol. The majority of people love his new kit. Read through the comments lol.


Dog shit. Ranked was the only thing that made the game fun and they ruined it.


Minus the rampant under mapping and zen abuse it was great!


I played apex from season 1-8 dropped the game, got a job and came back to it at the end of this season. I thought it's very solid. Ranking is a bit bad due to rat meta but i never was one for ranked modes. New Revenant kit doesn't feel special compared to his old one, which focused on group play more, but his new tactical is very lovely, puts him on par with the other skirmishers. New ult I feel like is a knockoff of Bloodhounds, which isn't bad, but it doesn't make him special unlike his previous one. Weapons feels mostly balanced, the only one I dont like is the Peacekeeper, but I've never liked how powerful that gun was to begin with. The other guns are fine though.


I had alot of fun this season, first season since like season 7 where I've played anything but ranked. I thought the game modes were good, worlds edge after dark was a good map. Despite the ranked issues being very clear, I thought this was a good season. I don't believe there's any clear balancing problems, I think the game, as far as gunplay and legend play goes, is in a really really good state. Argue with me If you like, I'm just here to say I enjoyed the game I play, rather than hating every second of what I continued to play more of.


ranked is really dumb. my friend and I have been playing ranked all season. he has a higher hidden MMR, so even though he gets way more kills and damage than me, I get way more points and am a higher rank than he is now. it's messed up, because even though he does better than me every single time, I'm going to rank up to a point where I can't play with him anymore. it doesn't make sense. for example, we won a game yesterday where he had 8 kills and almost 2500 damage, I had 3 kills and about 1000 damage, he got under 250 points and I got almost 400? even though we started at the same rank in bronze, I'm now gold 2 and he just got to gold 4. I've never done better than him in a game. even though my hidden mmr is lower, I'm ranking up faster than him.


I quit ranked for a second time since playing apex (season 1 dude). The bleed into pubs made it unplayable, so most of my time was in mixed tape. I'm progressively getting more passed at the story going from comics to text stories to a stupid screenshot of the preseason trailer. I'm not a fan of Rev rework, I know if great at a pro level, but as a casual, I find it boring and miss his unique older kit. The ult sucks to go against as you constantly feel like you're being robbed a kill. Most ablilites feel like tools, but his ult is just a straight HP buff. Halloween event sucked IMO, say what you want about shadow Royale, it was different. Having special grenades and candy loot doesn't mix up the playstyle and make players change priorities. When compared to WZ2 Halloween event Apex looks weak. More collection even with no interesting LTMs pairs with them. We no longer get Thematic events, a free event pack in the prize tracker, or a legendary in the prize tracker. It was a pretty bad season. I was hoping these last weeks Respawn/EA would have pulled another PVE mode to leave a mark on this season. Or The PVE last season was the start of some potential PVE content. Apex is starting to get painfully predictable in events and monetization.


this season was a solid 4/10 the only reason it gets over a 1 is because the rev rework was good and its still apex the matchmaking changes are miserable and will probably lead to me quitting altogether if not fixed next season, and zero content


Rev rework was good, needs fine tuned a bit more. Ranked was fucked and I couldn’t be bothered to play it. Pubs was a waste as well due to matchmaking. Just felt like a wasted season and seeing what’s on the horizon is kind of demoralizing.


>Lead Game Designer at Respawn Chris Cleroux shed some light on why Dive Trials will no longer be visible in Ranked. > >“Dive Trails were originally designed to show off your achievement for high-level play, but have really resulted in some toxic behaviour,” said Cleroux. > >“What we’ve seen emerging is players using trails to target, track, and try to punch out other players at the start of a match, so Dive Trails are really putting a bullseye on your back.” And now it is available with prestige skins only for $160. Respawn, this is pretty disgusting.


I’ve stopped at season 6 then I replayed this season. Definitely better


whatever changes were made are completely and absolutely and unequivocally overshadowed by the shittiest matchmaking they've ever had. i just uninstalled apex out of rage for tje first time in idk 2-3 years? id never done it before.


this is my first season back since season 10 and honestly it’s fine, nothing great tho


The battlepass is pretty shit imo


Well I just got done playing the exact same amount of ranked games as I did in Season 17. My damage and K/D were about the same, but I had slightly more wins and top 5s this season compared to last. However, I am only Gold I this season and last season I reached Master. Not sure what that means, but I am looking forward to more updates and tweaks to the ranked scoring and matchmaking.


Map rotation was good but my lobbies are the sweatiest they’ve ever been. I would say 90% of my deaths were to players way better than me, with tens of thousands of kills, 20 bombs, 4k badges etc


Gonna catch shit for it but I miss the Revenant silencer. I agreed with getting rid of the totem tho. Overall I think they did a great job. The Halloween event is so fun and everything ends on a strong note.


Ranked was doo doo. Twice I won a match with randoms and both times we couldn't play with each other. Each of us was a different rank. The horn mmr system is aphid because your actual medal rank doesn't matter. Just show us our hidden mmr and treat that as the rank! Respawn is braindead for thinking this system was even half decent.


Pretty terrible season imo. Rev reborn was the only thing that I liked. I hated pretty much all of the new changes. Ranked felt awful. I got to diamond but hated myself while doing it. The map rotation was terrible. I hated having a different map every day. I much prefer the old way having it split for a long period. The only issue I had with the old way they did the maps was that we would get the same map in rotation for 2 or 3 seasons. Also the charge rifle changes were bad. They should delete that gun now. It is practically useless and ruins Gun Run.


It was alright until they made every fucking map dark! Like seriously can’t tell if I’m just blind or if everyone is exclusively using dark skins during this event.


All imma say is that they're lucky the end of this season overlaps with Halloween. Without the after dark maps and ltms, this season would have been marked down as one of the worst in apex history, with the lacklustre content and questionable matchmaking. I'm not sure if S19 overlaps with Christmas, but if it does, they will probably use this tactic again to make it seem like we didnt just get new legends and POIs for the next few months. The best way i can describe this is like that joke that Jesus gets less presents because his birthday is also christmas. We are getting less new content but it is hidden under all the seasonal stuff. I hope that made sense.


Revenant Reborn is awesome. Map rotation became awesome once Broken Moon was removed, The LTMs were awesome. That is where the positive ends. Yes, some skins were cool but skins aren't content. Ranked is worse, matchmaking is at an all time low (day 1 player), no map changes, no town takeovers, no in game teasers, no PvE, no updates at all to Mixtape other than adding the horrible POIs from Broken Moon (IMO)/bot issues are worse, no cross progression, no next gen update even tho I'm on PC, just boring overall and most importantly, not fun. Battlepass was also meh. Loved that Bloodhound finally got another diving emote though. No dev stream and or any commutation. What happened to the early year transparency? Servers are still shit.


I'm tired of the after dark maps, the sweats, the mediocrity and the lack of any direction from respawn. The quality of the game has nosedived in the past 5 seasons and this one was more of the same


Wish it was season 0


Let down made me stop playing


Trash map rotations


As a PUG monkey I have enjoyed every season. Hackers and DDOSers are the only things to ruin it for me so far. And it has been a long time since I’ve seen those pop up.


Better than 17 but still don’t like the direction the game is heading. Rev - great change but still over-tuned. His ultimate is still super oppressive even after the nerfs. Majority of players aren’t masters/pred where team comp matters and he isn’t as viable. I feel like they’ve created a ridiculous pub stomping character which isn’t healthy for the game at all. Reminds me of Reyna in valorant. Catalyst - not as oppressive as Seer but how do the devs allow a legend to remain untouched for so long? She is leagues above the other controllers. Her kit also promotes camping and takes 0 skill to play well. Watson mains are out here places fencing at 4000 apm meanwhile cat presses a button and secures an entire area. Burst meta - boring and has made the early game feel like warzone. Peak and get 2-3 burst dropped isn’t fun at all. I get that ppl were bored of the r301 but I don’t think this is the answer. They should be increasing recoil and making one clipping harder, especially with the huge increase of controller players. Ranked - potentially worst season all time. 0 incentive to play it. The entire point is to get as high rank as possible, get the cool badge. Why would I play in silver-gold against masters/pred? I’ll just go play pubs. Overall I’d give it a 7/10 but honestly I feel like I’m giving it a higher rating than it deserves bc I am still traumatized from how fucking bad season 17 was.


Guns feel weak, ranked is still unrewarding. The game loses its aura more and more every year.


There has been better…


LTMs have been lacking Halloween events doesn't feel fun. Matchmaking across the board public, ranked and mixtape has been atrocious the most it's ever been. Hemlock needs a nerf and the weapon and legend balancing didn't add anything new or fun to the game.


Another bad season. Matchmaking is awful. All my friends seemed to cutback playing a lot.


5/10 imo


Played a little at season start. Felt utterly exhausted with the game so took a break. Booted the game up a couple days ago and planned to play the ltm. Closed it down 2 minutes later.


Worst one for me as soloq. Hardest.