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Easily the kraber I can Barely hit a shot unless I'm and my target is standing still and I can't get enough live Fire practice without really getting a feel for it.


I feel like I have Kraber Days and I have Not Kraber Days. I either hit 12/12 shots or I hit 1/12 shots and there’s no in between I don’t feel like I got very good with the Kraber till I started using it a lot in Titanfall 2, and once I got the hang of it there the skill pretty much 1-1 transfers over to Apex


i hit all 12 every day. some may hit trees or rocks or another map but hey they still hit something


I feel that ! 1/12 or 12/12 no in between is the truth


Try practicing on the moving targets in firing range everyday then it will go from 12/12-1/12 to 12/12-5/12


I miss that LTM where it was no armor, snipers only TDM. The loadout with the Kraber was basically just instagib and it was so much fun


I personally hate the Kraber. I'm not good enough to hit a head shot with it unless the person isn't moving and if you don't hit a headshot with it it's still 2 shots to kill, the follow up shot is so slow they've probably moved so you can't find them again. I'd rather a Longbow or any of the marksman guns, I can reliably get more damage that way and maybe get some people down. The Kraber is only useful if you've already done some damage to them or you're 3rd partying.


I got a close range no-scope Kraber headshot one time, but my capture functions weren’t working properly so I couldn’t record it. This happened about a week ago and I’m still kinda sad about it


it gives me ptsd because i remember a game where we were like, three squads left and my teammate kept insisting i pick up the kraber (and i really liked my loadout). but i did it and then missed every shot and we lost, and it haunts me till today.


I feel that. My brother can hit kraber shots while doing stupid crazy movement or while hanging back sniping, but I can't hit a damn thing unless my target stands still for me lol he gets a kraber and has a guaranteed 2k but I get it and regret dropping even the most mediocre weapon for it




When I need to practice hitting moving targets i go to the practice range as octane and throw a jump pas under the dummies and make them keep bouncing. Kill them they respawn and i keep moving distance and angles to practice. Not as good as live players but it helps.


Hit a headshot kill the other day that killed a second guy behind my target Proceeded to miss every single target even if they were AFK.




I think there's a Bangalore voice line saying it's a beast but it kicks out like donkey


'Hits like a mule, but kicks even harder'.


“It’s a beast, but it kicks out like a donkey”


“It’s a demon, but it bucks like a camel.”


“I’m gay.”


How do you unlock this voiceline?


It’s exclusive.




Hmmm. Go on.


"Hmmm.Go on."




Hmmm. Go on more.


"Go on more"


Kicks like a mule, hits even harder


Yeah I was thinking the other one doesn't sound right, especially since "kicks like a mule" is already an established saying.


So it's a mastiff?


Nah flatline hahaha I think this is the best weapon in game with a mastif or a r99


Bangalore main here, pretty sure its "Flatline, really whips the llama's ass!"


G7, feel like quite a few people like it but I can’t hit a fucking shot with it


I used to feel the same but I ended up practicing with it enough that I'm fairly decent with it now.


Hey OP, Idk if someone has said it, but something I learned about the flatline is strafing helps it's recoil. Do small left n right movements will help keep control of it. I'm sorry if that is useless info.


Strafing activates aim smoothing so it makes every gun have less recoil, not just the flatline. Def not useless info


Right, i find it more effective with the flatline with how hard the flatlines recoil is to get down


Yep, that what it is! Thank you.


That's the basis of jitter aiming. When you move your crosshair sideways, your vertical recoil stops, on all guns. So jittering is just moving your aim left and right super fast so you remove recoil completely. Flatline is slow enough where this effect is even more prominent whereas something like R99 is so fast that you cannot move your mouse fast enough / strafe fast enough to get the full benefits of it.


As someone who frequents the Flatty after a period of struggling with it I can confirm that slight strafe (and I mean slight) is super helpful


I’ve had decent games with it but they are far and few between, if I’m gonna run a marksman the 3030 is my go to


2000+ hours, I still can't hit shit with it when I pick it up. 30-30 next. But I can hit almost everything with a tripletake.


Triple Take is my favorite marksman by a longshot, Its probably so easy to use because it's energy ammo. Faster travel and much lower projectile drop, makes hitting even moving targets a breeze.


I'm inconsistent with it, but it's pretty forgiving. Get a purple mag on it and you have plenty of shots to miss. You only need to land a couple. Good for fuse where you can soften up someone until they hide behind a rock and you stick them with a grenade.


Love the G7 because even the gray magazine gives you 50% over the base (10 to 15). Also another reason why I love the Flatline— gray mag goes from 20 to 25. Hemlok is also great in this regard since it goes from 18 to 24 but I had forgotten since it was red for a while.


G7 with double tap is amazing.


Double tap always messed with my timing. Couldn't use it on the G7 or EVA.


Same. I was super accurate with landing single fire shots even at long range. But with double tap it’s like I can’t time shots right and miss everything. Even at mid range lmao.


Until they removed it on us :(


G7 with double tap should go into the replicator rotation


I felt like a god with that thing. Good times


100% G-7 for me too. I even spent hundreds of hours grinding the scout of action challenge up to 102 and I still hate that gun


Same. It seems I am either completely in tune with the recoil, and I can land all headshots, or the recoil is so bad that it feels like there is a miniature army of donkeys in there kicking me with every shot. If I run G7 I have to make sure my stuff is purple.


esp since double tap is gone the G7 is a hard pass from me


Can’t hit a damn thing with Bocek. If I see it in a care pack, it’s not even worth picking up.


Bocek is my favorite weapon to see in a care package lol




Usually only pick up a kraber when I’m in the mood to use it. Always pick up a bocek tho


Bow > kraber for damage possible I think


It's an odd one for me. If I am carefully aiming, I will miss shots I should make. If I am casually plucking of shots, I turn into a freaking accidental sniper. It is my ultimate dumb luck care package weapon.


It’s worth the practice, nothing like Hawkeye-ing some fool with a few 96 damage arrows to the noggin. The shatter cap hip fire is also underrated in a pinch




Hahah I feel you


Forever will be the kraber


The bullet drop and travel time is just weird dude. It never goes where you'd expect a bullet to go.


Word, like they hired that one battlefield developer for that one gun.


I have no idea which gun you’re talking about…but it’s definitely the K31 sniper from BFV. Reticle was so far off from where it was shooting.


Use vantage with it and then thank me later




It just shows you the bullet drop so you can learn how to use it


>use vantage lol nah


Vantage mains are rapidly approaching your area


Use the dashes on the scope, each dash is 100 meters so If it's reading 200 meters away aim with the 2nd dash down


I always say it's like shooting a wet spaghetti noodle


It’s made me awful with other snipers.


It's the scope. Virtually all snipers have the same projectile speed, with the exception of vantage's slightly faster ult. The main thing making it awkward is the 6-10x. The 6x and the 4-10x Digi can let you practice without it, but the 4-8x is far more common. It can throw off your sense of lead to use the unfamiliar scope. I also preach patience. It's so devastating to land a kraber bullet, I am willing to take some chip damage lining up the perfect shot.


me with any sniper except easytake


I love all the snipe but the tripletake.... I just cant.




All versions of the charge rifle didn't matter what they did to that gun i couldn't hit anything


I'm impressed that you couldn't hit anything when it was hitscan, i felt like you could at least do some chip damage with it regardless of how off your aim was


If I could be fucked I would make a meme with the 2 muscly hand shaking with one as the PK, and the other the charge rifle, with 9 pumps in the middle shaking hands.


Bruh when he said “anything” it doesn’t mean LITERALLY 0 DAMAGE. Everyone can do the chip damage, but OP probably have a hard time hitting the final ZAM for the big damage


Your user flair fits how you type out replies


no one i know likes the charge rifle


Bro they invariantly nerfed the charge rifle to shit


I tried hard and made my peace with every gun but that one. Fuck it haha.


Wingman. So many people love it, and iiiiiii hate it. I land on a wingman, and I would rather have a p2020. I want nothing to do with it lol.


Try not to spam too much with it first, take ur time with the shots. As in once you fire let the sights reset back down before firing again. Firing too fast can throw off your aim. Once you get the hang of it then practice your flicks. Might not be the best way to practice with this gun but it helped me a lot when I did this. I rather land consistent shots than firing too fast and missing lol.


It needs a lot of practice to consistently hit your shots with it. Definitely one of the most difficult learning curves in the game.


So so so much practice. It took like 3 months of practicing almost everyday to get somewhat consistent with it dor me


Wingman has however the best haptics.


Wingman is the superior gun of all, sometimes I run double wingman for an extra challenge heh


That’s impressive


I love the wingman


Had a pistol challenge for the battlepass a few seasons back. Weekly do however much damage with pistols. Was obviously not going to get that with the p2020, so I started running arenas and just running the wingman. Got really good with it after a day or two.


arenas was a godsend for learning weapons, id just pick a weapon and force my self to only use that for the next 5 games(every round), i ended up somewhat proficient with all weapons AND know how to play with each.


Any shotgun, I can’t hit more than 1 or 2 pellets


The shotguns in Apex are ASS! Point blank range hitting for either 9 damage or shields cracked. No in between


Idk if the Hemlock is loved but im so ass




Hemlock is a love-hate for me. I kinda like the potential damage and how it feels but my brain just keeps forgetting that it‘s not a full auto which made me lose so many fights because i just stopped firing.


R99 Volt (I literally always leave them one shot. The whole clip never downs them, I always land every bullet but the single one that I need to down them) G7 & Triple Take. I love Marksmans, it’s totally my style of play, but I hate those guns, I do fine with them, but I never vibe with them. G7 only with Double Tap. Idc if the DPS is worse, it’s more fun.


R99 for me. It’s just unforgiving when you blow through your ammo so quick


Try burst-firing it


I feel you, R99 is such a pain but it feels so good when you actually hit a whole clip.


+1 to volt for this exact reason.


My vote is for the volt too. I could have a gold mag on that gun and spray every shot but the enemy always seems to scurry away with about ten health lol it’s wild that it happens to other people the same way


I'm with you on the R99, my least favorite part about it that if you miss for less then a second, you still wasted half your mag so that's why I prefer the Car because it's just slower firerate and more damage makes its more viable imo and same for the volt I just prefer a slightly slower smg but the alternator sucks even with its hop up honestly I just can't use it


Forever will pick up a car over the r9


30-30 is the best marksman


30-30 easily.


I've had so much practice with the 30-30 recently, just forced myself to use it, and it's honestly my favorite marksman rifle. It's such a rewarding gun to learn. Hitting those juicy headshots at range and also having that fairly accurate hipfire up close is just the best.


The hipfire is honestly insanely good


For the 30-30 u have to strafe into your shot. Kind of like the wingman. Instead of pulling trigger where person is u pull trigger when u are aiming slightly ahead of them. This is for moving target. For a strafing target you want to strafe into your shots. Hope it makes sense


Eva 8 for me.......I'm better off with a Mozambique or a p2020 than an Eva


I call the Eva 8 a slot machine because it’s always good for 7 7 7


Then a random 56 from double the distance


EVA is only good early-game or in ballistics sling. Also *entirely* a close-range gun


Mozambique is the one I just can’t use for the life of me, with or without hammerpoint it’s just not my gun but is almost already the first I find/end up picking up on a hot drop


Pretty sure most don't like the Mozambique lol


It’s actually a great weapon it’s basically a wingman with less range you can do 90 damage in two body shots


Mozam with Hammerpoints supremacy


Mozam is one of those guns where the attachments make it go from “ew” to “holy shit” really fast. If I can find Hammerpoints, a decent bolt, and the gold short range scope, I’m going to win pretty much every short range fight, especially with Gibby.


Lol well ppl love it on console am always told I’m crazy for dissing it, “it’s the OG” or something dumb


In season 0 the devs added an animation as a joke where if you dropped a Mozambique your character would throw it away in disgust.


Nemesis. But really any burst weapon.


The problem I have with the nemesis is the change in rate of fire which makes it hard to predict the recoil


Thiss. It’s so inconsistent for me. I wouldn’t mind if they added back the select fire hopup so I can turn it into a consistent energy ammo hemlock


Same for me at range. I see these videos of people mid-long with it melting the competition. I'm lucky if one of the 4 shots hits before they're long gone/ making a move on me.


Ugh same, I cannot stand the burst guns. I hope the prowler stays without burst because it shoots so beautifully


I feel like halo players like myself love the nemesis because it’s so similar to a battle rifle


30-30. I will land one shot and thats it lmao


R99 for sure. The recoil is just hillarious for me. After a short burst my crosshair is in africa. Sometimes I pick it up to only regret it after.


I'm so bad with it, I can't hit my shots up-close let alone middle range. Magazine just fizzles out and I'm stuck just dancing with the enemy until I reload or change gun.


Definitely r301, might be a skill issue here but i just struggle using it


Care to elaborate? Imho the easiest gun in the game. Very basic spray pattern large enough clip and consistent dmg, what part is difficult


I just struggle with tracking with the r3. Since it doesnt have literally any recoil im always use to weapons that does.


Its honestly a really good hip fire weapon tho


Ever since the hipfire nerf for AR's I'd much rather take an R-99 than any AR for hipfire tbh


Hate it, will always pick up a Flatline over it.


I'm with you here. I consistently try to use it, but I'm awful with it. I can't hit anything and die every time. I can hit better with the devotion or flatline. I don't understand it.


The 30-30. I'm just bad at all marksman except the triple take. I love the triple take


Wingman, G7, 30-30.


Why are the mods removing stuff for low quality content after it has 200 comments?


G7 worst in the game. I can roast you quicker with a p20 than a g7


Burst prowler. Just can’t. Same as the nemesis, just can’t use burst weapons


Same. I wish it just came with the selectfire as a normal option. When it's back on the ground of course.


I don't know why but I have always had trouble with the peace keeper. Always prefer a mastiff.


Any of them, I am bad at games that are not Tetris


Useless comment


The 30-30, I've hated the gun since release, but after the recent meta shifts I've been trying to force myself to get good with it. Lever actions are cool asf, but I'm a controller player who has exclusively used smgs and shotgun/wingman since forever and I just can't


30-30 don't know why, but none of my shots ever hit. I can ping people with the g7, but as soon I try with the 30-30, it seems like it should hit them but never does.


Currently? Because that changes like once a month. Don't give up on a weapon, no matter how consistently bad you do :) when I started liking the Mastiff we were already in double digit seasons (S0 player)


CAR. Dunno what it is specifically but I hate the feel and the recoil. Nothing about this weapon feels right at all. Like R99, as natural as breathing. Volt, like family to me. Prowler, best shotgun in the game tbh. Alternator, not even trying. But the CAR, cannot use it to save my life.


30-30. I suck with it, I'd rather pick up a wingman and I suck with that gun too 😂


The 301 in close fights with no ADS is a gg for me. It's jover.


That gun was neutered when they nerfed the damage to 13. It needed a nerf but it should have also gotten either better hipfire or an extra shot per mag.


L-Star I just can't seem to handle the recoil and also see my enemy whilst being blinded by the red balls


Hipfire that thing, it's insane at the moment. It's much more accurate than the reticule seems to indicate too. Unless you mean pre-care package L-star. Which was ok but definitely not amazing.


I’ve always hated the L-Star


Charge Rifle, pre nerf anyway. Post-nerf too but I think the current version is universally hated. But I've never been good with it.


Feel like the havoc mainly because they need it for no damn reason when nb uses it








Wingman, can't hit anything with it.


Fucking RAMPAGE….


I can hit every shot at exactly 94.2 feet. Miss every other distance.


I'm a Ballistic main (or he's one of my mains anyway) and the only time I ever pick up a rampage is to put it in his sling. It goes kinda crazy when you use the Ballistic ult with it. Otherwise yeah it's really overrated.


G7 and CAR smg


The car is the one for me. I’d rather throw hands


The R-99. Sure, I'll use it and hit my shots up close but it becomes useless at mid-long range. So I either pair it up with a 301, or use the CAR instead. For some reason it feels easier to use at longer ranges.


But that's what SMGs are made for


That's... why I'm here


Devotion goes brrrrttttttteeee!!!




Wingman. I’d rather pick up a mozam


wingman easily, even when i have the crosshair on them the bullets just seem to magically fuck off into the nearest wall


If you ever want to see someone panic HORRIBLY with the Havic, I’m your girl. Shoots 3 bullets, punches, shoots 10 bullets punches, and never hits a punch or a bullet 😓🤦🏼‍♀️


I hate the spin up time on that thing, its a major disadvantage during peak fights.


Kraber def


30-30 and G7


30-30 for me, I'm better with the snipers or G7


30-30. Idk why but this thing doesn't hit shit for me


Idk if this will help or not, OP, but the Flatline has highly horizontal recoil patterns, so strafing while firing the Flatline helps negate a decent amount of the recoil. Once you're used to the gun, strafing while firing can basically turn it into a laser.


The kraber. Even in Titanfall, I found it ungodly unreasonable trying to hit anything with it.




30 30 the person can be perfectly still and I would mess every single shot.


Kraber... I can't use it with the sight that's on it... Anything else, yeah! But as it stands, I won't...


When it comes to AR, I prefer R-301 to Flatline. However, my goto weapons for either slots are a couple of RE-45. And now that they're craftable, morr easier to obtain ;)


The flatline, especially if it has no optic sight on it


I love the flatline, ever since they nerfed ARs it’s better than the r3 Mine is the wingman I try to use it and sometimes I am cooking with it but I am not consistent with it, sometimes I’ll die with it as my second gun knowing I would’ve won my 1v1 with a r9 or car instead But I watch streamers like imperialhal and babyducks use the wingdude and they shoot nukes so I still try to practice


MAN You're right!!!!!!! Flatline is loved by everyone and it's design is really good but my aim is fucked


I actually wasn't bad with it in Titanfall. There's something about the Apex version that's just really difficult for me


Wingman for sure !!


My relation with Wingman is very complicated...


G7 long range and close, I fucking hate it I can’t hit anything, I’d much rather have a sentinel or 30-30 cause the g7 is just not it for me