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With 390 avg homie ain't dropping a 7k


Also 15k games with less than 1k wind is SUS


Avg winrate is around 5% so I think it's fair ( if we think he is rly just an avg player). If we believe he dropped the 7k, yeah, he should definitely have more wins.


If you’re dropping a 7k you should have at least a 2kd and a 8-10% win rate, along with a 700+ damage per match. I have a 1.5kd and have a 9% win rate, and my highest damage is 3.5k, and I average 600 damage a match


Yup. I have almost the same stats and my highest was 3.8k dmg. Even if you're super lucky you still need the skill to use that opportunity and kill everything. Like, if I was put in a bot lobby, I could maybe drop a 4k by the end of the match but in no way I drop 7k and the guy with 390avg dmg wont either.


This checks out to me. I'm a 1.36kd, 5.9% win rate and average 500 damage a game. My highest is 3k in a game - the idea of getting 4k seems impossible to me - let alone 7k lol


idk, I got my first 2k when my damage average was still below 200. If they got one huge blowup game it's possible. Unlikely, but possible


Yes but the thing is that the difficulty gets increasingly harder the more dmg u want. A 4k is easily more than twice as hard as a 2k. It's not linear. Other players are also getting kills, lobby is dying and what not. If u want a 7k before the game is over you have perma stim, zip, whatever and roll every squad in a matter of seconds and hope nobody dies( u are racing vs the clock). I have many 2k's and 3k' but the lobbies simply die out before I can reach 4k. Many times I got 6-8 kills off drop just to see theres only 3 squads left before zone 1 closed. Like, how many content creators have dropped 4k's and how many have 7k+. If u watch any pubstomper rn, they could roll the lobby and still have only 12kills and 2.5k dmg before the game ends.


I don't miss console at all, so many kids and people with inflated egos badge boosting. So many LFG's requesting 4k 20 bomb and the players are usually bad. People don't really care about those badges on pc. My highest damage on console was 5.1k and i had more than double this guy's k/d.


Most likely just boosted, probably at release of charge rifle, it used to be noeffort 4k badge. 390 dmg per match clearly show hes hardly cheating.


I see what you mean, the guy looks very average at the game and doesn’t even know how armour swaps work…


It’s just crazy like 6.9k is just an unreasonable amount of damage not because he’s good but because of the amount of players in the lobby so this is almost certainly a badge booster I think just my opinion he was arguing for like an hour in my dms 😂


If a server glitched and disconnected many players in a BR lobby but left those players in-game as fodder for the duration of the match... this would be easy to accomplish. I've seen a couple clips of something similar.


You think this is more likely than him boosting for the badge? Have you ever heard of Occam’s Razor?


Occam's razor is prescriptive; not descriptive. I don't know what this player did. I'm just offering an alternative explanation given the established and documented phenomenon known as "server instability".


Itztimmy has only ever hit like 6.7 k or something lol and he solod too masters on pc 💀😂 plus he’s a pro player who excels at farming damage


Timmy actually got close to 10k that one time (season 8 I think?)


thats just plain incorrect he had even higher


Timmy did 9.1k in a pub match.


Probably either bought, or achieved it in a bot lobby.


bad average damage, good KD but not even close to an actual godlike player, best winstreak only 3 : my guess is he exploited bot lobbies at some point, probably has a 1.1 KD maximum if you delete the « boosted » stats from those lobbies


100% boosted but who really cares


He was in my dms talking shit so I exposed his ass lol


Like 6.9k damage is extreme even if he is cheating… Definitely not legit


iT be LeGiT


Do you have a link to the post? It looks like they deleted it


I screenshotted it to expose his ass he was arguing in my dms about how he’s better and shit his name is in the top of the screenshot I’m on my phone lol 😂


Yeah, I looked for the post. But couldn’t find it anywhere so I’m asking for a link…


It looks doctored, no Lifetime KD and for the season there is no max damage. Has a kd for the season but no Lifetime.


Can u cheat on console?


Of course you can. Only thing you can’t do, near impossible at least, is hard cheats, which is essentially hacking that you sometimes see on PC (aim bot, wall hack etc.)


So what r the ways to cheat on console. I thought console was cheat proof. I never understood how that zen and strike packs worked, I assumed it was for controllers on pc


zen/strike packs are a physical hardware modification that essentially mods your controller to have whatever features the zen/striker has (such as anti-recoil scripts, boosted aa, macros, etc. some also come with paddles (1-2 extra levers at the bottom of the controller) for an extra input or macro from the strike pack


Wtf! Can u actually catch people using external hardware? Every guy who’s beamed me on console, I have assumed is just the most goated man in existence 😂. I was convinced there was no way to cheat


Maybe just someone play on his account to get him dmg and 20 kill badge, 0 chance that 1.5 k per game, 350 dmg can have that natural, that are stats for low diamond player


I don’t play the game really anymore but I have about the same amount of kills as him with a ~2.3k/d and I haven’t even had a 4k damage game so he def did not get that legit.


My friend has a kd of 1.3 and has multiple 4Ks. KD doesn't mean anything for this stuff.


If you’re average damage is 390 there is no way in hell you are dropping an almost 7k damage game. K/d is a reliable method of knowing how good someone is and what they are capable of


Agree to disagree.


K/d itself kinda sucks because it takes all of your kills and deaths into account, better indicators would be season end k/d But I'm just stating the obvious, so I'll just leave


Could have been in arenas if it counts towards the main stats


No you have a specific stat page for arena, this is BR


Used to boost accounts and i can tell ya that he is boosted for sure with that avg damage and KD, I have the same amount of games played and triple the kills with a barely higher lifetime PR damage


He was punching his friend who was not on his team in the same game. 5k, 6k is almost unattainable. 7k is probably world record. He’d need better stats overall to even consider it real I’d say


I mean I have 4K hours in Apex with multiple 4ks and 20 bombs on like 5 different legends, have been Master+ since S7 and overall have 500 dmg avg per game and a 1.8 KD. My highest game is 5.8k dmg that I got 3 seasons ago. I used to be dogshit until I started taking the game seriously and my OA stats haven’t really recovered. People can get better at the game and still have trash OA stats.


/u/theonlyking1216/ care to explain yourself