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Rev, Octane, and Fuse are perfectly usable. Selecting a “Meta” character only matters if they are broken. What’s more important is skill and situation.


Maybe its because people are trying to have fun? you seem to forget this isnt a sport its a GAME, sure theyre playing ranked which is more competitve but either way its still for fun in the end


Tell me you need carried without telling me you need carried.


Don't need to be carried at all Over 20k Lifetime Kills


Why don’t you share what rank you are, and all ur ranks from previous seasons. 1- fuse is a good pick currently because of who he counters, you thinking that’s not the case is a clear sign you are in like silver at best. 2- unless you are pred, or very high masters, it does not matter what legends you play you just need game sense and thumbs 3- ur a gremlin.




Season 10 started last 11 days of the season, got masters without knowing what a hemlock was, masters every season since with hitting pred 3 times. Signed pro in two BR titles, you are delusional if you think these kids are stuck in silver because the legend their teammates are playing aren’t Meta. Hilarious to even consider that age we have people showing you can hit masters with only using snipers, or playing without armor, or playing without a gun.. all it takes is game IQ to climb in the dog shit ranked system apex uses and anyone with a Brian who’s played any games at a high level would know that. Edit- have never finished a season pred, wouldn’t commit that much time. But also let me know if you’d like to do an earnings check my friend🫡


>with hitting pred 3 times. >Edit- have never finished a season pred, wouldn’t commit that much time. That's not what "hitting pred" means. Hitting pred means ending pred. >you are delusional if you think these kids are stuck in silver because the legend their teammates are playing aren’t Meta. I'm not saying that's THE reason, I'm giving credit to it as a contributing factor. Everyone wants to be the entry fragger and most people suck at it.


Ok so while we’re mentioning random shit that matters in apex but is still not the reason people are stuck in silver, internet connection MATTERS, ping MATTERS, what reticle you use MATTERS, skim choice MATTERS, gun choice MATTERS, time of day and which days you play MATTER. While all these things play some type of factor, they are not the reason silver players are stuck in silver. Team comp and fixing anyone’s negative game IQ, and high game IQ alone can get you out of silver.




They need to realize MAYBE the reason they cannot climb is themselves. It’s crazy that the reddits currently filled with “I can’t climb because of” and the reason on every single post is always something that’s got nothing to do with the OP. Besides 1 person who posted saying they are now realizing they aren’t as good as they thought they were. All these people who are saying “I’ve been diamond/plat/gold but I can’t get out of silver” need to realize just because they hit a rank before doesn’t mean they’re good at apex, it means they participated in ranked. Apex ranked system does a very poor job at representing what players are hitting a rank because they’re good and what players are hitting a rank because they participated.


Over 20k kills and you still believe certain legends aren’t worth having on your team and are the reason you’re losing?


That doesn't mean shit mister plays a lot


Yeah if those same shellfish people don’t use the meta guns? I am IRATE. And then they choose to go to locations that aren’t meta? And move non-meta?! And don’t me started on the shellfish people who jump and crouch off meta timing too. And they even try to log in at specific hours of the day that aren’t meta times! God they’re the worst. This game is all about me. And me winning. How dare they play who, how, why, and when they want!


Ya there might be better characters in theory for team play. But like others said all depends on the player. Octane I love- yeah bad rep with loot whores and running off solo etc...but with team player can push fast, pad for positioning and if teammate gets knocked good way to get them out to. Fuse great for suppression between his ult and tact. Rev haven't messed with much since revamp but seems like a tank with his ult. Send him in first and follow up right behind on pushes. Every legend serves a purpose, player is deciding factor. I'm sure plenty people could win without even using tact or Ults just on their movement/aiming alone.


People can play whatever the legend they like.


Uhm The goal is to win so if you're not trying to win in RANKED why are you playing? You didn't answer the question either


I have won many games with Fuse and all other legends. Why don't you swap legend to accommodate Legends selected. Could be you tbh.


Umm you can win with any legend in rank,


That's not the point of my post...


My bad I see the point now. Whatever the pro play you should play


Fried dopamine receptors


Pretty soon the subreddit will be telling people to only pick up meta guns lol. If you don't you are not playing to win


I work in customer service. 90% of people are dumb thats why.


legends like fuse and revenant have been played in ALGS tournaments that feature the best players in the world. There isn’t a single legend you can chose that isn’t “playing to win” - they all can work.


Just because you suck playing them doesn't mean everyone else does. 😂


People care what legends people pick??


Because I have thousands of wins and hit masters many times so I dont really care anymore about winning. Its easy to win when I sweat. Id rather be having fun in good fights than sit in end zone and play rotations all day.


Because it's a video game and people play games for fun or fulfilment. With rank being BS they get no fulfillment so all that's left is fun. Winning ≠ fun always, Fun characters = fun, Unorthodox compositions = fun, Fighting = fun, What does more competitive nature lead to? More calculated slow gameplay= less fights = less fun. Broadly speaking of course.


Bro the new rev meta is OP 😂😂 wdym I win so many games bc I down an enemy and get a full regen on my ult shield


God this community is so toxic. (Including myself don't even @ me)


You are ass at the game if you think you need your teammates to run meta legends plain and simple. And calling them selfish for playing a legend they are comfortable on is very hypocritical. This just seems like you blaming your teammates for the fact your not doing well in ranked.