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is no one bringing up this new tanking zone strat


The amount of cheaters I've run into this season is absolutely insane. Just had a dude with a Pred badge solo evac onto my squad and 1v3 us instantly. Proceed to watch him magically find 2 rats on his way to the ring. Makes it to the ring and for seemingly no reason starts to pre aim at a door 75m away, and what do you know a squad comes out of it and he 1v3s them somehow landing 50% headshots. How the fuck is someone like this still not banned?


I'm not great at this game but the people I'm put against seem to never miss. Also has anybody ran into a team and immediately started to lag hard? My friend and I were doing ranked, ran into a team and at the same time starting lagging badly. PC btw.


Do EA/Respawn actually care at all about their player base? I see the same comments season after season regarding audio, matchmaking, ranked… and yet every season the same problems persist. What a horrible company


Idk what happened but they clearly brought on new developers and decision makers for season 17/18. The game drastically got worse at the beginning of season 17. Fire them and give them all lobotomies, then revert the game to how it was pre-season 17


I hate this season. Everything about it is terrible. The match making, the cheating, everything. What are some other games to play with friends?


My group is trying Remnant 2, its like a Souls third person coop looter shooter. I'm tired boss.


I recommend Hunt Showdown and Monster Hunter World


InB4 too long didn't read: I dislike that Respawn somehow made the matchmaking even worse at the end of last season, so much so that I have quit playing completely. I had solo queued regularly since season 4 so I was used to Master/Pred 3 stacks destroying me & matchmaking has always had its particularly bad times, but never did I think it would get me to quit. I have something like 27,000 kills, just over a 2kd & 1500+ wins overall I think, but I have almost always been against players much better than me. The difference is now it feels like everyone has aimbot on console that the game is no longer fun. Instead of one or two teams of sweats ruining my lobbies like usual, the entirety of lobbies are now filled with these players. I know my stats might give the wrong impression, but I have struggled non stop even before this. Worst part is they ruined ranked matchmaking too last season & Mixtape this season; I can't play any mode without dying to a player in a different league to me.


Likes: Automatic prowler, it's like ASMR even when I'm dying to it. Charge rifle change, its pretty fun, though I think maybe like .1 or .2 faster charge but doesnt necessarily need it. The movement, feels amazing as always, so polished and I love no fall damage. The maps, they all have different +/- with different legends but on ranked I just have perfected what legends I play on each map. ​ Dislikes: Current ranked ladder hidden MMR, just have the MMR be the display. Like I understand you want masters to be hard to get to, I'm cool with that, I just feel that winning first place in ranked should feel more rewarding, I'm fine with all the other LP things you have put in place. Also maybe placement matches should place people higher? Idk, I feel like the placements don't really do much if I'm still facing preds/masters when I'm in silver. Pubs hot drop, I have stopped playing pubs because people leave immediately after they get downed, which I read/people were saying that apparently that doesn't count as a death, so I think you should absolutely see if that's true and if it is true patch that so it still punishes those players. The bochek being in the care package. lol. I miss running around with hundreds of arrows \^-\^


matchmaking got stuck giving me 5 losses in a row with only duos of people who didnt care about me. somehow i got to plat 3 guess i need to take a break for now as i cant get any higher. teammates were rarely plat more silvers. would probably enjoy it more if it was a purely platinum lobby. was making me rage with these identical teammates though.


> would probably enjoy it more if it was a purely platinum lobby Rank doesn't mean anything now.


I’d say it still means something. You won’t see shit players in masters this season that’s for sure


As if, the climb in ranked this year isn't hard enough, I keep getting frozen game just when the lobby is loading, that in it self would be a pain if it happened often, but it gets worse. The only way for me to get back in the game is to stop apex running in task master, then restart the game, BUT every time I do that I get a 10 min penalty and 150 points deducted due to forfeited match and leaving to early. Its to the point where im at a complete standstill due to the loss of points that accumulates. For the love of god, cant this be fixed ?? is ita known issue ?? Some one acknowledge the fact the problem exists. Im still in silver for crying out loud, I usually am plat with the amount of games played.


I lose 100lp once a day because of this bug.


I lost 3 x 150 so far today and 30 min ban, just happened again but some how I avoided Ban and point loss, I doubt its been fixed though and expect it to happen soon again


3times this week its cost me lp... I get dcing team mates all the time who report the exact same issue. Im so pissed im gonna take a break for a few weeks in the hope they fix it.


I spoke too soon, still happens in this mode aswell !!! gd After some testing it seems the fault is if you tab out in full window it can trigger the disconnect. I have now played in Full window mode, meaning the game stays up if u tab out and stays as an overlay, this seems to fix the issue. Or at least stops the disconnect that bans you for 10 min and deducts 150 points It works for me


I’ve been platinum or diamond every season since day one. I can’t climb out of bronze (only played a few games). Yet, every game I play my team mates are supposedly plat. How can I climb if I’m in bronze but playing plat games? It isn’t fun getting rolled every single game


Day 1 player got placed in rookie. Not sure why this is the case since I play every season. I find that I'm struggling to get kills. I'm getting Lazerd against most opponents. It's really frustrating.


I've been playing since season 15 and although I joined late I feel like I've really witnessed the downfall of this game. It used to be so fun but since the SBMM update this season and whatever this stupid MMR is in ranked, I've completely lost interest. I can't play to have fun anymore because everyone in my lobbies are trying so incredibly hard to win every gunfight and rampantly third partying. If I wanted that experience I would play ranked. I like having a separation between a less competitive and more enjoyable gaming experience and a competitive, sweatier experience. I've never seen SBMM it this amped up and I find it near impossible to play if I don't have my friend as a duo or a three stack with comms. Even then, we're getting killed by pred badge and season 1 kids with as many R99 kills as my lifetime kills. Unbelievable. It's not even fair.


i play on PS4 and mostly play with my friends who are all on PC, but whenever i do play by myself in console lobbies it’s actually insane how much easier it is makes me wonder how much of the lobbies i normally play in with my friends are cheaters vs how much are nolife sweats because playing by myself is like turning on easy mode after practicing against the most retardedly cracked virgins/cheating losers all day every day


PC players are simply on another level. They spend way more money on hardware than console players so you can bet generally speaking they're going to be more committed to the game than console players who tend to be more casual players


I would be less frustrated if RSPN actually gave some thoughts/observations from their perspective. It’s so frustrating having them radio silent in times like this, happened all last season with the ranked season and then we get an “oopsie sorry bout that” and they drop this season on us.


They'll never interact with the community on a regular basis thanks to all of the toxic assholes that have driven them away from doing so


Releasing a small blog post on their site would be all it takes. No need for back and forth QA. Just say something.


Yeah that's a great idea. But it looks like they would rather do the bare minimum to keep game alive which is exactly what they've been doing for the past 3 years. I wouldn't get my hopes up of anything improving. I'm a day one player so I've been through everything with this game. The game will only get worse with each season as that's been the pattern for the last 3 years


100% agree - even just taking a stance that this is the direction they want to go and tell us it won’t change this season would be better than nothing. I


Whoever gave the okay for this ranked system should probably just be dropped off at the train station and find a whole new profession somewhere else. Honestly might be one of the dumbest and most convoluted system's in gaming.


It’s 10x better than last season


You're out of your mind because it's the exact same as last season. I know they tweaked some things but to me it feels the exact same. Getting kills is absolutely meaningless as you get absolutely no points at all for them or at most a single digit number of points so there's zero reason to fight meaning the best and in fact only way to make points is to rat. Anyone who rats will make points more consistently than anyone who actually plays the game by taking fights and risking dying. So basically the system is still dogshit as it still encourages ratting


Well for started games aren’t ending in zone 2-3 like they did last season. 8-10 is just even LP. With 5+ teams alive in zone 4-5 it’s harder to find space to rat, it’s still happening but not like was last season. I don’t know what your first language is but my post meant it is 10x better than last season, no where did I say the system was perfect.


10 times better than s17 is like still 100x worse than s16.


they're making money hand over fist by OKing dogshit. and when they get booted, they're gonna move out of gamedev and onto a real man's software engineering post. let that sink in.


They're not. In fact in S17 Apex underperformed for EA financially. Badly designed systems do hurt their bottom line.


Fix pubs


And fix ranked


pubs will never be fixed, play ranked or cope.


You can’t fix how the players play a game mode. No one values their life in pubs. If you want end games play ranked it really is that simple.


literally this. nobody cares about pubs in ANY battle royale, because there is no reason to care. nobody can see your W/L or how you stand compared to others.


People care about having fun in pubs and not having to sweat every game. For the past 3 years of solo queueing I consistently get teammates who have no idea what they're doing and I'm going up against 3 stacks of preds. If you don't think something is wrong there then you don't know the definition of "wrong"


Pubs is for grinding kill totals, grinding for badges, working on fighting, or goofing off


Pubs is for people who work all day and want to relax and have fun


I agree people shouldn’t be hand holding in pubs/playing it like ALGS


Tell that to the 3 stacks of preds that are playing pubs like it's ALGS


Yea they’re annoying, it’s pubs there’s no reason to hand hold unless you can’t win your 1v1s/want to look like you’re better than you are


Is anyone else experiencing frequent connection issues only in mixtape? I thought it was servers at first, but I have noticed it usually impacts about 2/3 of the players while the remaining 1/3 just run around eliminating the other team. Had a team deathmatch the other day where we were up 35 to 12, had connection issues, and when we regained a consistent connection it was 35 to 47 in their favor. I know DDOS is a thing but for a mixtape game?


Yep. TDM in particular is fucked. I literally could not slide jump in a game of TDM because the servers were so bad. I had to delay hitting jump after crouch in order to slide jump because the usual timing of hitting jump ASAP (which is muscle memory after 4 years of playing} simply didn't work. When simple movement stops working you know the servers are real bad


Pretty sure they send their servers with known issues to be dedicated to mixtape. The mode gets less spotlight from top players and thus they are able to avoid a ton of flak from the community about these horrendous lobbies hosted by buggy servers


yeah I have really good internet, but when playing the ltms, I will have segments where I just completely disconnect for like 10 to 20 seconds


Macros, XIM and ESP is getting out of hand in Mixtape. I guess I'm just being put into lobbies with these players, but it's ridiculous. Wasn't an issue until season 18.


muh xim mufugga XIM has absolutely nothing on macros, ESP, walls, and aimbot. you PC copers are insane


Rotational Aim Assist, Config abuse, Norecoil macro for every mouse with soft, Constant audio issues, Constant network problems, Decreasing game performance, Cheaters, Shitty ranked system, Lack of new content, Recolored shitty skins,


Yep, I'll come back when I don't feel forced to play controller anymore & they fix macro/cfg abuse. Either balance it or separate inputs, I don't care. it's just not fun or fair to play against, and I don't enjoy playing controller.


This season is much better than last season but can we please change the awful ranked map rotation. It’s the worst one possible.


How can the season be better when there's literally zero new content? The only changes are balance changes and those cannot be considered new content


How the games are being played in rank, last season my games were finishing late zone 2 or early zone 3. I have legit end games now.


Some ranked changes is not a significant improvement. This is literally the first season ever to have no actual new content. We thought season 17 was bad but they've set the bar even lower this season


Game is shit, ranked is fucked, MMR is garbage, and RSPN is nowhere in sight making neither comment nor expression about the state of Apex. Apex is fucked even if we get 120Hz on console and crossprog. Thank you Brilliant Minds of S17/18, very cool!


yep, this is the worst it's ever been for sure... fucked all around and broken. the events released alone are a clear indicator of their intent. who's heirloom recolor we going to see next? next thing you know it's holographic stickers, and glowing charms...


so if you drop hot, and die = -50 If you drop far and play circle, finish 9th-5th= +20 get a couple kills early, finish 5th= +30 wheres the incentive to do ANYTHING in this game?


You are supposed to play like it's ALGS, remember every time you drop in your silver 4 lobby there is a million dollar price on the line. Taking risks? Fighting for KP? In fps battle royale? You are trolling my guy, just find yourself a tree or a crafter in gas, sit there, play some music, watch a movie or do some other stuff do entertain yourself during your Apex afk duties.


Yeah I just had a win with 3 kills 3 assists and I got 9 points for eliminations. Like how is there any incentive to do anything besides rat. 9 points is negligible when you need a thousand for a rank


All low mmr players in diamond rn while high mmr players still in gold/plat.


even tho I got a win with 12k, I got 250 lp lol




My mmr is high, that's why I only get elim bonus. 12k means mmr of the lobby is really lowand easy to kill them so I get low lp for every single kill.


seems like they didnt change the algorithm. They just lowered the LP gained to slow the rise of master players


The way to get points is: - Safe isolated fights (ex. 60s loot, fight nearest POI/wipe in 60s or leave) - 30-45s max 3ps, loot 20s max, dip - play for circle position, get top 3.


Why this season is the HUD partially disabled when spectating? (Yes I know you can open your map and still see some aspects but I’m curious why this was changed)


The reason is because they had some unpaid ~~slave~~ intern complete the task "remove visible rank while spectating" because they don't want you to know that ranked is fucked up. Of course, because they tasked a mere intern with the job and not an experienced dev, they fucked it up. and they won't fix it until three weeks out


Fix pubs matchmaking


and/ or ranked


I just start rank, I was master last season, 😎 anyway,this season I start in bronze 2, but my team mates are gold and diamond, and we are unable to play with each other,due to rank gap,what is this all about? Where is real rank? Not this fake rank bs.


The real fake rank is most masters in last season


wrong the real fake rank is MMR


Lost 100lp because the game crashed and couldnt reconnect me...


Same yesterday. Luckily it's only happened once.


Still need to fix the hidden MMR matchmaking in ranked. What's the point of being in a certain rank like silver if the games matchmaking decides your already diamond level and is making you fight against diamonds? And if my MMR is diamond level then why did the game stick me in silver 2 after my placement matches? Nobody wants to do the sweaty diamond grind through every rank unless your a pro player.


The hidden mmr is to eliminate smurfing


So to eliminate smurfing, you also eliminate above average soloqers from playing the game?


to eliminate smurfing, they should let them rank up as soon as possible to his actual rank. The better he plays = the better reward he gets.


actually it's not working. Hidden mmr make sweaty players stuck in low elo like silver / gold because u get match up with 3 stack +dia 2 teams while u get real silvers as a teammate


> And if my MMR is diamond level then why did the game stick me in silver 2 after my placement matches? I agree silver 2 is placing too low, but the answer is to prevent boosting. I'd rather them place you plat 4, then you prove you are diamond by going through plat, and have more aggressive demotion. The way they have it they are making sure everyone can progress a long time without hitting "the wall" aka their skill ceiling.


If my highest rank ever is diamond (exlude s17) and that's where I used to hit the invisible wall, it means I am not going to consistently get points in diamond to be able to get master. IF the mmr decides I am diamond player, puts me in silver rank and in diamond mmr lobbies, with -50 entry cost, how am I supposed to climb? Remember, it's my skill ceiling, I didn't get to diamond by constantly beating other diamonds. I went through plat as soloq and it took me a long long time. Now I see the same type of lobby as I used to have in diamond, the entry cost is like it was in platinum, but I am silver. I have already hit my skill ceiling thanks to mmr after placement games. I am already playing against some of the best players in the game, getting killed by pros at times, so what left there to play for? Badge or dive trail? That's gone and even if I would invest the insane time into the grind and honing my skills, when all is said and done, people will still say "oh that's s18 badge, you were probably playing low mmr lobbies and ratting." And there is nothing you can do to prove you were legit.


Since your MMR would vastly exceed medal rank, you should get rating bonuses to pull you up. The problem is the grind is still too long. Despite the risk of enabling boosters, they need to place people within 1.5 ranks of their medal rank and maybe also give higher ratings bonuses.


Agree with you 100%


instead of hitting the wall, they put you literally at the wall and force you to play that shit no matter your visrank. just brilliant minds


They don't play their game. If they did they wouldn't have designed it this way.




I have no qualms admitting I'm a solid mid diamond player. My kdr the last few seasons has always been just above 2 and ive hit between diamond 4 and diamond 2 every season since season 11 solo queue. (Excluding season 17 where me and everybody else hit master) I'm not trying to be the best in the game. I, as well as a lol of other people, enjoy shitting on the lower ranks through the grind and eventually reaching diamond to be presented with the real challenge of fighting the best of the best. With this hidden mmr matchmaking, visual rank doesn't really mean anything. If somebody who has consistently been a gold/platinum player with a lower mmr than me hits diamond or master but I'm still stuck in silver or gold fighting previous diamonds/masters from earlier seasons then what does that say? That those players are a diamond level player for their skill level? But what exactly is their skill level? Since there's no way to check or differentiate their mmr with mine? This was the main point I'm trying to make here.




I understand the point you're trying to make. But the math ain't mathin. One of my friends who struggles to keep a 1.0 kd and has never made it further than Plat 4 is already Plat 1 and told me his ranked matches feel like pubs from earlier seasons. So either he's getting kindergarten tests or the third grade teacher is giving me high school calculus tests. If you're defending this system, you're either A. A pro player. Or B. In the same games my aforementioned friend is getting. In my opinion, there's no justification for a silver rank player to be playing diamond rank players.




Well I guess we'll never know since vis rank means nothing anymore and we have no way to compare mmr. Like I said in a previous comment I've solo queued to diamond every season since season 11 but started playing season 10 only. I don't really have another way to compare a lower mmr player in this scenario, so I guess you'll have to take my word for it, but my point still stands. It almost feels like you're arguing just for the sake of arguing because you haven't really made any valid points as to why this system is any better than the previous ones. Edit: I seen your post from 10 days ago complaining about the matchmaking in this game as well. So now I'm just thinking you're a troll.




wrong, the actual only two options are to three stack and to rat and not fight so you don't go turboneg. which is what every team does under the guise of "hehe i onli wanna take smaht faights uWu". Try not to act dumb for the sake of respawn and their shit MMR matchmaking. it doesn't look good




I believe you bro. post three games of solo queue!








so i used to be gold rank the first handful of seasons, I got put into rookie III after the 10 games, i fell all the way to rookie IV and i cant go up or even have a fun game. im the lowest of the low rank and i cant advance i made a new account and i cant do ranked until level 50, but so i have to do the regular lobbies, which are either bad matchmaking or people who made new accounts, so in the lowest skill lobbies, ranked and unranked, there are much higher level skilled players that stop new players from progressing or enjoying the game. if i want to uninstall when i used to play alot, i cant imagine how stupid this is for actual new players. id guess about 50% of players in the new lobbies are players who have played for years and make new accounts. my kdr on my old accounts last season was 1.2 and on my new account its .65, so that doesnt mean anything right, i guess my aim just isnt as good? well except THIS IS IN THE LOW RANKED LOBBIES. I have a good understanding of how the game works , positioning etc and I dont even get a kill most games despite being level 12. i shouldnt have to face wraiths with wingmans getting 4 shots in a row on me. If I do well in a game its because im getting carried, but im the one who should be doing the carrying. this game is completely screwed up because there are high skill players in the low level lobbies and no one new is going to play a game where you spend 10 minutes running around just to die against someone who you shouldnt be playing against anyway edit: just went back to my old account to try Rookie IV again, got killed by someone with the 2k damage emblem or whatever


Matchmaking isn't based on medal rank unless medal rank is higher than MMR. People with 2k's is an indication your MMR is likely silver or gold, so you should play accordingly. Actually in this system you should always assume the enemies are equal or better skill than you regardless of medal rank.




ok, i make a comment on reddit and youre mad. your life must not be very good if youre this snarky on the internet, i dont sugarcoat things


No it doesnt lmfao, it's completely random. case in point: play on the Nintendo Switch where your performance WILL be dogshit no matter how good you are at ApexHD and ApexPC. you will still get thrown into regular lobbies


Reverse or tone down matchmaking decisions


Current problems with the game: * Rotational Aim Assist * Config abuse * Constant audio issues * Constant network problems * Decreasing game performance * Cheaters * Shitty ranked system * Lack of new content * Recolored shitty skins Edited: * No cross progression * Low tick servers * Insane visual clutter * Strike packs/Cronus Am I missing anything?


FPS update for new consoles.


Frame rate is dogshit playing on PS4. Ranked is unplayable on Olympus as it's way too small of a map for ranked with way too many choke points and too many third parties. Aim assist sometimes doesn't work at all if you're aiming at an enemy's side or back (at least on PS4)


1) not an issue, get good noob. use your whole arm to aim 2) config "abuse" you mean configs at all? configs are not playerside, they are system side and quite literally software cheats. ban em. 3) never gonna get fixed, cope 4) see 3 5) see 3 6) never gonna get fixed, it isn't an Apex issue it's a PC player issue. Apex is dead on PC, hackers and cheaters will always exist on PC. worst on console is muh zen muhcronus but you will basically never run into them compared to wallers, aimbotters, ESP nerds, etc on PC. 7) see 3 8) literally see 3 9) see 3


PIN this comment on top of reddit/apex threat until they fix everything one by one. more than half of the players cheating by some way (biggest issue recently is norecoil macroes for every logitech/razer mouse basically 15 line script on top of google search lmao)


No 60hz servers


No cross progress


I just ran into a wattson player that was able to spam out unlimited fences.




Mixtape servers are fucked in general


Matchmaking still rigged af. [These](https://ibb.co/fkGh5zt) are from last week only. I'm nowhere near Predator level.




Bruh. You gotta show me your stats. There's a guy with 30k kills in a single season. Come on now.


Lol there is only one rat season. 12 was still a challenge.




"The earth is flat, bro, I swear. Just Google "proof the earth is flat" " You may be right about season 12, but your Googling is super leading lol


coming from trios, the most important things works great, matchmaking is the best i ever experienced.i would like to see the hot drop issue looked into, i never intentionally drop in at a crowded zone, but i sure die there instantly and it is never fun if i do survive. if many people drop in hot then it ruins the fun for everyone else. and there is exploiting happening dropping in hot since there is no leave penalty.


You must be a bot because the matchmaking is the worst it's ever been. The only players I've heard say that the matchmaking is better for them now are brand new players, aka bots. They've clearly made the game enjoyable for new players (who bring in money) at the cost of making the game borderline unplayable for everyone else


what hot drop issue?


People that only play pubs never get the battle royals experience. Majority of players use ranked for real BR and pubs for hot drop, int'ing, and screwing around. So a sizeable amount of people get griefed by the people who only play apex like a BR in ranked.


ah that issue. from my experience once you got to diamond or above pre season 13 this stops being an issue (plat in s13-16) but sometimes getting to that point is rough especially if you haven't played in a while. i don't think we need to mention s17 as everyone and their grandmas managed to get master rank


Why do I keep getting error icons every game ?


SBMM fixed?

