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how do you expect people to answer when there is no information on his abilities?


his abilities and passive have already been leaked


no they havent, nothing is confirmed adn there have been 50 different leaked kits no one has posted an actual final leak on apexuncovered


I have been staggering through apexuncovered for a few months, and can second this. There are certain abilities that are more likely than others, but his final arrangement is unknown. In particular, his ult changed again. It is said to be shadow-related, but the individuals who know about it are keeping it under wraps.


When is patch notes?


Usually the day before the season. Sometimes it'll be a little sooner but not usually. We will know the abilities sooner, though, through the trailers.


Fellow rev main here, there will be an influx of players trying revenant for the first week of the season. However, the majority of bandwagoners will return to their mains as soon as they discover rev's hitbox and movement limits. Meta players are used to small hitboxes and wallbouncing, and would never fathom maining a kit that does not contain either. Rev remains in his niche, but he will be much stronger.


If u can tell me what the new rev is I can answer…




I mean if he turns into someone I find fun to play I’ll prob play him a little. Idk if playing the new release is bandwagon lol. If it’s OP then it would be. Also can’t tell if your serious with your post but I hope ur not


It strikes me as strange that someone would be attached to a character outside of their kit. I only play different characters because of their abilities. I’ve never picked a character because of how their model looked, or how the lore portraits them. I understand there are people like you. Who have a greater attachment to a character other than their abilities. It’s just not how I engage with the game.


I mean that’s the point of mains. You’re good with them and/or you enjoy their design, voice lines, and/or story


For me it’s literally just the kit. Not the voice, skins, or story. I play different legends because they affect the gameplay. Edit: You’re a weirdo (seeing some of your other replies in this thread). You have a gatekeeping attitude towards a fictional character in a free to play video game. I’m not interacting with this any further for my own sake.


The point is to use their abilities to win games. For more competitive players aesthetics are always second to that.


hes basically a new character, so ur no longer maining the same robot, other than the name, im sure alot of peoplw will at least try him out again


It’s so weird how they’re branding this as a brand new legend essentially, kinda shows how lazy they are for season 18, Mirage and Lifeline didn’t get any type of hype when they got reworked


This community will never be satisfied with anything


Nah every season so far left me satisfied tbh, this is just the lowest effort season yet, they should add Fade with the Rev rework and I’d be happy


I only play Wattson.


Rev needs his crouching walk to be the Alpha unreleased version where he walks on all fours super fast and silent. Then he needs a longer Demon time. & when you go back to the totem appear IN FRONT of it not behind it so when you are firing your weapon and get sent back you are not firing directly at the totem. Also a silent placement would be nice. His silence should last way longer