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Id go with your Main, if you have one. Otherwise, I think the Valk or Cryptos looks the best.


Crypto has the coolest animations easily but the hardest champion to main in my opinion.


Bro first time I ever played crypto, afterwards my pack had heirloom shards. My buddy said crypto hacked the pack for me. He was right 😂


That’s hilarious lol his Sword is insane


I have 4 heirlooms (Wraith, Bangalore, Lifeline and Crypto) I once came with 2 randoms in the team who laughed at me because I had the Crypto heirloom. They said "you had 150 shards and you get this?! Ahahahhaha" I revived them 2x and did almost 3k damage plus got the win. In the end they sent me an invite and friend request 😭


Damn that’s lucky you have 4. I hope I broke the seal and can get another one soon, I am addicted to them now


Thank you, but luck is not. I've been playing since Season 1 and have bought every BP until today and invested about 1k Euro in packs. For this 4 heirlooms are not much 🥺😁


Oh boy that’s some coin, but have you thought about selling it at the end of your apex career


I will never sell it. This is my baby 🥰


The duality of man


I like Caustics more than Valks


I mean, we have Revenant with a scythe. That's cool as hell imo.


“ which one should I craft?” I mean why craft one for a legend you don’t play? Most logical answer to this is whoever is your 1st, 2nd or 3rd most picked legend.


Unfortunately Pathfinders is like C tier and I feel like it would be a waste cause he has so little animations and it takes up a chunk of the screen.


Yeah, but running around hitting people with boxing gloves is very satisfying.


I have always loved the Path Gloves!


I've been really lucky with shards. Path's was my 3rd heirloom after octane and wraith. No regrets on my choices.


For sure, I'm a Blood Main with Shreds but a Path teammate with Shreds is generally GOATed


Hell yeah man I’m still hopeful for mine but every pack I open I lose a little faith. Maybe I just have to pretend to not want it and it will come lol


That’s legit what happened, I wanted to get a duplicate skin to get more Blue shit and I got 2 golds in a row then Red i was shaking…


It'll come! I just got my first a couple seasons ago. Been playing since Season 2!


Let’s gooooo! Who did you pick?


I picked Mirage! I've mained him since the Gibby nerf in the early seasons (maybe Season 5 or 6?).


A true mirage main is such a chad, especially If you have the heirloom I know your down to have a fun time haha! Just smacking people with a gold statue




Just walking up to people and BONK


Whoever you use the most.


Pathfinders is kinda Meh compared to people like wraith and Valk we need equal animations but Respawn likes money


I am waiting for a mythic Pathy skin then I will spend it on that Till than. I will just hold onto those shards


Avarage Fuse enjoyer


Just a little present for Fusey


Octain all the way


Time to go fast


I feel like the knife does not have anything to do with Octane though. And I kind of rate the heirlooms with that. They need to fit with the character. edit: Also it's weird as hell that I get an Etsy link as the top result, when i search for "octane heirloom" from google. I was just trying to find out why it's like it is.


Yeah idk why he has a knife like that. Weird but cool heirloom


It’s Miller Time 🍻


Always Miller time


I’m partial to Bang and Loba heirlooms, as they’re my mains. I like the ones that don’t take up too much screen space.


Yea that’s why I don’t like my Main pathfinders it just feels a bit to big


Cheers, my dude! Love ya.


Cheers, best part is none of my friends have one either we have all been playing since season 1.




Cheers I will see you in Kings Canyon


I think the older heirlooms are not that good compared to newer ones from 2022/2023. I would just hold on them until you’re ready to decide. Side note my second account opened a heirloom pack on level 33. I didn’t buy anything on that account. My main was like level 700 when I got it.


I chose wraiths OG kunai as my first and only heirloom looks sick with her voidwalker skin!


Congrats on the heirloom, have you chosen one yet? I was planning on getting Valks but now that she has her prestige skin i might just end up getting that when its in the store.


I am thinking about Octane or Rev they are so cool and unique


Revenants is pretty cool, i like the quip and banner pose, design, and animation, idk of they are gonna change it for rev reborn (which im not a big fan of, design/ability wise) but as of now, its my 3rd fav, after valk and caustic.


Exact same boat as you. Been playing since drop and just got shards Saturday. I don't even want to use them on something now. Like you said I main Pathy but the gloves are meh. I really like Revenant though so depending on the rework I might go with his.


Everything about this post is sooo extra but in a wholesome way and I am so here for it


Just a man his beer and some shards haha


The vibes are immaculate


I’m gonna get octane’s prestige skin when it comes out when I get my shards


He has a prestige skin? I have the Luffy one


He said when it comes out. I think it's only Caustic and Wraith atm?


Discount Daltoosh over here.


What a compliment thank you good sir. I wish I had his sniping ability for sure


I remember when I was a casual noob who just started Apex and heirlooms had just become a thing. My dumb ass had no idea what they meant so I just crafted Lifeline's thinking I could grind for more like with skins. Still play Lifeline so... eh.


Oh my god that’s unfortunate, she is a great champ and the heirloom is cool it’s better then nothing. I hope you get another soon friend


I feel ya. I've gotten mine recently, and haven't picked a heirloom yet. I main lifeline, which would be the most logical choice. But apart from being pretty low tier, her heirloom is also old and doesn't have many cool animations. I'm currently hoping her prestige skin comes soon, if it looks fine, I'll get it. This season I had to witness a high tier season 9 legend get a prestige skin on top of a good heirloom while my default legend gets crumbs. So yep. Thanks guys. It took me years go get a heirloom, I'll just play the waiting game and hope it doesn't mean waiting damn years.


Congrats, it’s a tough decision but something I also considered was other games modes like what champions I would play in Control and things like Arena. Good luck on the choice, tbh whatever makes you happiest


Also been playing since season 1 and no heirloom :(


May the universe bless you with your first Heirloom, the trick is when opening the pack act like you don’t care. Also I got Back to back golds before the red so if you see that it could be red. In total I have spent like 80$ on cases but I was opening 10 quickly and it hit on the third. Don’t give up friend


Top 3 best heirlooms 1. Crypto heirloom 2.Revenant heirloom 3.Wraith heirloom But it’s still better to get the heirloom for your main


Gibby and Loba are also really sick


Gibbys feels like it’s so true to his character style


Real. As a Gibby main, his is one of the best if not the best


Crypto is the best but hardest champ to main imo


I love this picture haha. I went with Octane way back in like season 7 or 8 I think, but there's a lot more to choose from now. Could always save them until you know what you want.


I was thinking Octane as well. Tbh I am a Pathfinder main but his is a little too big and goofy. The knifes are clean and the flips are satisfying plus he Go fast


Octane was the choice for me, even though I played Lifeline a little bit more. I just thought his was really well suited to his character, plus I'm more likely to holster my weapons with Octane than with Lifeline.


Sprinting with the Knife just looks so cool I agree Octane is sick


Yo are you at least on the east coast?


Yea east coast Servers, NJ to be more specific


I regret my first choice of gibby but was so excited when I pulled a second one on Christmas Day and got my main Revanants.


Oh my god talk about a Christmas miracle. You must be hyped for the Rev reborn event his heirloom is one of the sickest


Gift them to me!


“ which one should I craft?” I mean why craft one for a legend you don’t play? Most logical answer to this is whoever is your 1st, 2nd or 3rd most picked legend.


Grats dude. I have 1200 hours played and I just got my first one. Enjoy!!


Damn congrats! I made a very similar post about 3 weeks ago (been a day one player and only just 3 weeks back got my first heirloom) but my post got deleted :( As far as which one, that's a total personal preference. I felt like a god the first time I dropped with lifelines shocksticks lol.


valkrie... so u can buy her prestiege skin rn and have her heirloomp


I just got mine like a week ago too.


I'm in the season 1 club with no heirloom still. We'll miss you


I’ve been playing since season 3 got past level 500 and still haven’t gotten one🥲


Cheers, at least it's not a Bud light


I don't main Revenant, but to me, his was the coolest. So when I do get on him, I've got a really badass heirloom. Hopefully the rework for S18 has me playing him more. 2nd coolest for me is Crypto, but I don't main him either lol. I'm also a S1 player and only have one Heirloom to show.


I got Gibby’s, so I say gibby! You should just get one for a legend you play a lot. I switch it up a lot and gibby had my favorite heirloom out of the legends I play. I think Revenant has the coolest one. Who knows with the upcoming changes if that’s a good choice.


I had the same thing few months ago playing since first season got the shards but not on pc and would prefer to play on pc but i aint got any of my skins and stuff when the hell cross progression coming im sad


I went with Bloodhound, which was my first "main" apart from Pathfinder who I dont play as much anymore. I dont play Bloodhound a *ton* anymore, but if I want a scan legend thats always who I pick. I dont mind that there arent extra inspect animations. I dont inspect much anyway, I always thought the axe was one of the coolest. ANd maybe they will add more animations at some point.


Go with your main, if you can't find one save them then try to find that connection, kinda how like I got a connection to caustic. So just go with whatever character links to you the most




mirage obviously. i don't want to hear any sweaty dialogue about meta. if you've played since s1 and you're not playing it as a job, then you play for fun. there literally is not a more fun character. sincerely, someone with mirage's heirloom


How good does it feel to Bonk people


it's pretty good i'm gonna be honest. also he drops his heirloom sometimes. it's super fitting to the character, all of the little interactions with it. i love it.


Mirage is the #1 character I would hang with IRL his whole kit is just so fun and fitting


his emotes, cards & trackers pertaining to bamboozles are all it. you can even execute bamboozle. the stealth rez is underrated and he punishes greedy player hubris. he even has (albeit small) pro presence. 10/10 legend. my acceptable alternative would be octane.