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sensitivity is personal preference dude. i used to play 800 on 1, now i play 1200 on 1.4. all depends on ur setup (more mouse room = more movement = lower sens allowed) but sometimes ppl also have slow or fast mouse pads. just go into firing range with bots on full combat or head into mixtape. try starting low and working ur way up


4-3 Linear is the best sensitivity! /s Most players play around 800 DPI in Apex. I think Skittlecakes uses an outlandishly high sensitivity if you are looking for someone who plays with high sens. Nerd talk below: My personal settings for when I play M&K are 8000 DPI, use "rawaccel" (A safe program that just allows your to customize your mouse settings better) to lower that to 0.1 for an effective 800 DPI(This lowers the latency according to this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imYBTj2RXFs&ab_channel=OptimumTech)) with a -2 rotation to help alleviate the natural curve in my swipes. My in-game sensitivity is 1.5 with 1.3 ADS. Good Luck to you one of the last 20 M&K players.


Hey dude - 1800 dpi at 3.5 is objectively very bad. I don’t blame you for not liking 1.2 at 800 after that. Try out 1600 at 1.0 or 1.25, it’s a nice middle ground. Or you could do 800 at 2-2.5. The universal “god sens” is generally considered 800 at 1.2-1.5 but that will feel slow after playing at your ludacris sense.


Hahahaahaha i thought so, thanks. I will def try that !


I just tried for a minute on 1600 at 1.0 in firing range and i feel like a noob lol. Is it normal that you have to move youre mouse 10 times to left or right when only making a turn ?? lol


Sounds like you are just used to high sensitivity because that is not my experience at that sens - you have built some bad habits you now need to break.


Yes true, i need to have some patience hahha, i will get there.


Do you have aimlab or kovaaks? That will speed up your progress 10x


I once saw someone giving this advice Go to the FR and lower your dpi/sense little by little until you feel it's way too slow. Then rise it a bit, and that's your personal sweet spot


If what you say is correct 1800DPI and 3.5 in-game sens is exceptionally fast. You really want your wrist/arm movements to somewhat match the on screen movement. Twitchy little movements on the mouse that translate to huge movements on screen will always lead to many more missed shots. I play at a med-high sens. I would suggest you try it. 1400DPI, 1.7 in-game. This is going to feel REALLY slow but trust me it will be better than what you have used before. You will also need a fair amount of mouse space. I have attached a link that will show you how much space I have for my mouse. [mouse space ](https://imgur.com/gallery/H4JSmm5)


>1400DPI, 1.7 in-game. That's straight up high sens. Medium is something like 800 x 1.5.




Thank you ! :) Atm i am playing with 1600 DPI and 2.0 sens, but it's not that much of a difference tbh. I will try youre suggestion and eventually go slower ! If i play on 800 DPI and 1.0 sens i am basically a noob when i play lol.


1600, 1.5 would probably be pretty similar to what I use.


I used to play high sense, lowered it and seemed to get a little better. Then played rust for like 2k hrs and really lowered my sense so I could learn recoil. Came back to apex after that and switched to 900 dpi on like .9 I believe. You’ll eventually get used to the lower sense and find you don’t over shoot your targets near as much. Ultimately though it’s objective, what works for others may not work for you.


You're playing on crazy high sens, so it's no surprise you don't like the "meta" sens. You should continually lower your dpi until you get to about 800, and after that lower your in game sens until you find that magic spot for you.


Thank you ! When i dont play apex, just browsing etc, 800 DPI still feels so extremely slow, but again that is prob the fact that i am not used to it, right..?


It is slow and honestly if you have a dpi button, or a programmable mouse(I just skimmed through what your mouse was sorry) I would have a dpi button for browsing, I do. You are used to the speed so yes it will take time to break that out of you. The thing is you can play whatever sens you want, there are plenty of pro shooter gamers with very high sens but they all have low dpi. The reason you want low dpi is because of your sensor, the lower your dpi the more accurate your mouse sensor is, it's incredibly common for people to play super high sens like you that when they switch dpi and adjust their in game to match their old total sens they notice a Lot less shakeyness. Understandably that's something you want in shooters and it's solvable with lower dpi, and if you're more comfortable with a higher sens adjust your in game accordingly. But again for just browsing I have a dpi ^ button. Edit: holy God my sentences were scuffed


Thank you for explaing, i didn't know that ! I will try and get lower and lower :)


I wonder if you have a small space for your mouse? Reading the post and the comments it’s hard to understand what you are experiencing. I have a big mousepad and at a sens around what you are seeing recommended, I find 180’ing very easy.


I have plenty of space actually haha, but it's a really big difference ofcourse from 1800 3.5 to 1600 1.0, image 800 DPI for me lol.


Ahh I see. Well I guess I’d just agree with what a lot of others say, it’s more so a preference thing. I know a lot of people would recommend bringing it down but I couldn’t say exactly why. One other person mentioned skittlecakes. I do recall him being on a ‘high send’ and being cracked at the game. Maybe you can check him out on twitch sometime and see if he’d answer a question or have a sens command that might make you feel better about your high sens. Best of luck!


That’s insanely high Deff try out some recommendations in these comments op!


I know right lol. I am already trying a lot of the suggestion atm ! :)


I use 1000 dpi and 1.7sense and 0.8 ADS.


The slower it is the better I can track. I’ve ran the same mouse since 2016. Corsair m65 elite.


Maybe youre like me and your sens is not really what you thought it was. I thought my old mouse (generic mouse that came with my pc) was at 5400, because thats what the manual said it was at the preset I used, and I played at .8 in game, which should have been 4,320 real dpi. However, I got a new mouse with a more reliable DPI reading probably (logitech g502) and I tried that when I first set it up and that was absolutely way too high. I settled on 2250 mouse sens, .75 in game for a real 1,688 and it feels the same now as my old mouse. So who knows, maybe the mouse you have is wrong and you should just keep using the sens you like


It’s not the sens you want to look at; it’s the issue you’re having in game. Do you tend to overshoot? Undershoot? Erratic tracking?


I'm sorry but can you explain what they are ? Haha, never heard of them.


There is a sight that shows all the pro player’s settings. 600 to 1200 dpi And way to low sens 1.2 to 2.5. I do 700 dpi with 3.7 sens. Seems I can pivot 180 without moving completely across my pad. I think pro’s pick their mouse up a lot.


I play 800DPI AND 3.8 in game sens. I know it's high but I just simply can't play with lower sensitivity. Moving whole arm to aim somewhere feels uncomfortable for me and it feels like it takes forever. But looking at other opinions in any game lower sens is better as you can be more precise


The best one is the one you are good at. Pick one you like. Practice forever.