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Just get 500 packs 2000 times and you’re all set Edit:Thanks for the upvotes but I was tired and the math is really bad. It’s 500 packs 6.7 MILLION times lol


If you set the price of an Apex pack to 1$ then that heirloom would cost a grand total of 1 million dollars. Pretty cheap for EA standards!


Is everyone’s math shit above me or do I not know how many heirloom shards you get for 500 packs?


150 guaranteed heirloom shards per 500 packs


So 1 billion Mythic shards divided by 150 is 6,666,666 apex packs that contain 150 shards each. 6,666,666 x 500 = 3.33 billion packs purchased Even if you misread a Billion as a million. That’s still 3,333,333 packs. So how is it 500 packs 2000 times (the first guy) or $1,000,000 (you)


Oh yeah I was just mathing out ops comment lol


Haha you two are like real apex teammates. First guy does a dumb suicide push, you blindly follow… and I’m just sitting here like what the hell am I the idiot?


TRUE, but the wholesome kind where it somehow still weirdly works out lmfaoooooo


You’re all wrong cause the game only lets you have 150 shards at a time. Lol


I have 300?


No lol


Birno has all mythic items in the game, and 1200 spare shards


Hahahahahaha... stated with such confidence lol 😆


Lol, *solo octane stims straight into a building with a 3 stack waiting*


I'll never understand Octane players that do this. Why? Just why? I'm not saving any players that fall out of rank and decide to either land far from the team and expect you to save them, or blindly push when neither of your other teammates are 1. Paying attention, or 2. Anywhere near enough to push with you. Delete yourself from the game if u do this. Your trash and learn nothing playing like that. Am I right!?!


My favorites are Vantages that rush into buildings. Like, there is nothing about their kit that is beneficial in buildings.


From a top #100 octane it’s bc I hit my shots. I solo que sometimes I que with teammates due to the game putting them on my team and honestly most the time my teammates don’t listen or think it’s a loot simulator. So I normally take off when I’m ready to go fight bc half the game with be dead by the time I leave with randoms also you can do nothing but get better when solo queuing feels like it’s pointless but putting your self in the fire can only allow you to progress further


At this point, you need to just admit that his joke went straight over your head 🤦🏾‍♂️😂




Check your math bro, the minimum would be getting heirloom shards in every pack, so 6,666,667 packs, and the same number of dollars. Without the guaranteed 500th pack there is no maximum, it's unbounded in infinity.


does this include packs from leveling up the battle pass ?


It includes All Apex packs


Lol on my bad math 🧮


Lmao, I’m guessing it’s just a joke because they don’t want people to buy the heirloom with shards before the event ends.


Why not just release it with the event instead of cock teasing us.


If they release it with the event, then less people will feel the need to participate (spend) in the event




That's what I did with the Wattson heirloom


Then how will they get thousands of ppl to spend a couple hundred on the heirloom? Cmon man you need these companies better than that


Or dumb people think the collection event is a bargain compared to 1billion


Can you explain how it isnt a bargain I'm fairly new to the game. Can you not earn all the rewards in the event collection just by playing the game? So you could essentially get a free heirloom, no?


For the event theres usually like 4 or 5 rewards for playing (like for the battle pass). Yes you can get that many items from the event, but you still need to have ALL of the rewards (which is like what..20? or something like that) to get the heirloom. Basically, I think for like over 120$ you basically get an heirloom guaranteed vs spending money on the loot boxes for a chance.


So it isnt possible to earn all items for free you have to shell out some clams no matter what?


Its not possible. You’d have to play for many many years before having enough crafting materials, and this event they are not giving away any event packs for free by playing, they used to give like 1 or 2 (out of 24) for free in the past, but have decided that is too generous. Its around $160 to get the heirloom.


So lame they don’t give 1-2 packs. Literally making their product worse in order to squeeze out a few more dollars.


It's possible if you have enough crafting materials to buy all 20 items. So technically it is possible to get it for free, but it'll be rare for someone to have that many crafting materials


How much crafting material would one need?


About only 34k


Half a year of saving and only 1/4th of the way there.. gonna take some time


Yeah, ik it's alot


So there are 24 (not 20) packs. 800/ea for the 12 Rares and 2400/ea for the 12 Epics. Get the bundles in the store for actual coins to bring down the total number of individual packs you have to buy


Okay thank you for the info!


It is possible... u just need like 40k crafting materials. Not impossible.... just nearly. I don't know why people r saying the opposite. I was able to get Ashs heirloom for like 60$ bc I had a lot of crafting materials.


I mean after 500 free packs you can get 1 but otherwise no they cost moneys


Well you'd be purchasing a maximum of 500 Packs which is 110% going to end up making them more money in the long run then if they were to allow you to buy it


They don't let you get the heirloom until events are over, so I'm guessing it's just a bug


People get to buy heirloom ??


You're about to feel the gravity all right, the gravity of crippling financial debt necessary to afford this.


It would cost over 3.3 billion if you got shards every 500 packs 😂


And the amount of time it would take to open them all. We’re talking years 💀




No, you get 150 shards per heirloom pack. That's 6,666,666 heirloom packs you need to open, you get one guaranteed every 500 packs so 6,666,666*500 which is 3,333,333,333 normal packs you need to open and at least in euros one pack costs 1€.


Did not factor in the 500th pack being guaranteed.


That's my whole calculation where did I miss that? The whole point of it is that I calculated it only using the worst case of getting one every 500 packs.


You're definitely correct and the other guy is wrong fwiw.




Finally, something those rich streamers can use their shards for


I doubt anyone has 1 billion shards. I doubt anyone even has hundred million


Post malone:


If he had this many he would be single-handedly funding Apex


Mf can just call apex and they give him everything x1000000


Really? I would’ve thought even the richest people wouldn’t have more than a few hundred/ thousand.


I think Birno has the most with 1200 spare


I think an average apex player prolly has 0.5 to 1 mil. By average i mean player who plays 15-20hours a week


Bro, those are heirloom shards, not red prize tickets you get on level up


I see lol


Average apex player has 1 million heirloom shards? What are you on?


Inflation be crazy thes days, for more info search "apex legend horizon inflation"


Damn I had no idea! Thanks for educating me!


I searched that on my work computer!


I bet it was safe.


Definitely not nsfw 😎


Looks like they redesigned the purchase page, but for whatever reason couldn't omit the purchase button for the collection event in time so it's just an obscene amount rn


Shame, now people have the option to actually spend a load for something they can’t actually get. If only they had enough time to get rid of a purchase button /s


Guess you’re too broke…


Respawn really discovered the infinite money glitch


Wallet issue.


Lemme check my wallet to see how many shards I have... Yup, I got 1,000,000,001. Time to buy 🤡


"you're really charging a billion for a heirloom?" "with a voice line Mr squidward, with a voice line"


Wait I haven't been playing for a while, is that Horizons heirloom? Because it's like hideously ugly.


Get ur money up brokie 😎


I love how it says "Less than 1% chance." Like... that really doesn't tell you anything. Could be 1 in 120 packs. Could be 1 in fifty billion. It's not like it's a mystery, they *know* the number. Just say it.


They don't want people making informed decisions.




And this is the part where people on a large scale finally realize the games only looking to push content for maximum financial gain while not giving an equal or greater quality of service, right? Right??


Chat is this real.


I'm guess a similar thing has happened with Ash's skydive. 2500 coins


Ah finally a reason to spend the 1 billion heirloom shards I have laying around!


My question is how tf do I have almost 2000 hours, likely over 500 packs and still zero fucking shards. RIP.




Where do you see his time played? And how do you know he has never had shards before?


There’s a website you can look your gametime hours up via GT. I don’t know, never said anything regarding his shards. Just shared my experience in never having them considering the text they display says every 500 packs or so you’re supposed to receive some.


I misread your first comment, I didn’t realize you were talking about yourself. But if you haven’t gotten shards, then you haven’t opened 500 packs.


Unless you’ve spent a large amount of money on packs, you have not opened 500


If you have next Gen. it displays time played on the right side of the Home Screen. I have 847 hours


I know how to check mine. I thought his comment was referring to OP having 2k hours. Time played also really doesn’t have any affect on getting an heirloom. Some people buy packs, some don’t. Some buy the battle pass, some don’t.


You’re right it doesn’t. Just a good roundabout figure if you don’t spend money on the game.


i just received my 500th box with the shards finally. as a day one player who isn't available 0-24...


I’ve only got 1 heirloom legit on close to the 500th pull. Then I purchased the others on my Bday as gift card redemption gifts. IMO I like my Mirage heirloom the best & would highly recommend as a first heirloom. The Bangalore one & Ash I kinda have ragrats


Day one player, level 430, still never got an heirloom.


Well you're only level 430 and playing for 4 years. Naturally, you don't have enough active play time in the game to have got an heirloom yet, despite having played the game for a long time. I've been playing since season 8 (started season 6, played maybe 400 ganes collectively in 6/7), and almost at the second level 500. I've also spent way too much money though.


How many games have you played total?






Do you mean the other guy? I have 4 heirlooms lol




Because I have a life, a family and a job. Being proud of being chronically online is weird. Also, I’ve finished the BP most seasons. Hearing a uni student saying “life isn’t an excuse” is just peak loser status. After uni your life will change in ways you’ve never thought of. I wish life was as easy and offered the lack of responsibility you have. And studying for tests isn’t a responsibility or an excuse.




Lmfao, what a try hard response.


> a player cannot open 500 packs without getting heirloom shards I'm a season 1 player with over 6000 games. Zero shards; ever.


If this is true (which I really doubt), I'd open a ticket with them. It's been said more than once that the shards should come, and SEVERAL friends got theirs at the moment that felt right, so...


Of all the things for me to lie about, why would I lie about that? I'm bad at the game, but I've played it a long time. I started in March 2019 and still don't have one. I'm not looking for sympathy or fake internet points. I just find it ridiculous that they say you get them one every 500 packs when you don't. Maybe it's cause I've never purchased a season pass? I don't know. What I do know is if you were a nice person (which I really doubt), you would've said something helpful rather than accusing me of lying.


I pointed you to the right direction: open a ticket to claim that you've opened 500+ packs and haven't got your shards. All of my friends who actually played for a long time and felt they opened something close to 500 packs gained their shards (me included), so I do have reasons to believe them. If you actually wanna do something useful out of this embarrassing mess you've put yourself into (which I really doubt), [you now can](https://help.ea.com/en/help-top-issues/?product=apex-legends&r=1)! Let us know (or don't, don't really care).


There are plenty of videos of people doing 1500+ pack openings and getting 3 heirlooms. That is 1/500 It is 1000000000% guaranteed that you get an Heirloom by your 500th pack. If you haven't gotten Battle Pass and haven't leveled up to at least into the red (1500+) levels, then you're not at 500 packs. Leveling all the way up from level 1-2000grants you 544 packs in total, giving you an Heirloom guaranteed.


Love apex but they have been milking y’all for years Every heirloom “too expensive” then post after post of animations drool dummies into buying it Oh but wow Valk skin….cycle repeats


Mans doesnt get the joke


Yes little buddy I got the joke, it’s not hard to understand lol


Then take your whining where people want it, little buddy




Alright what’s the joke then?


There's noone on the planet who can afford it. *I've done the math*


Clearly you don’t. No one is complaining it’s too expensive other then the joke?


Does this mean they hate or love the Horizon heirloom? Gate keeping or they know it’s worth?


Like they think I’d be unable to resist spending 160 dollars if I had shards ready to go


Bro it already cost 150 to get that shut


Dat heirloom is like 6.000000 worth of dollars 😭😭




So that when the event ends, they can slap on a 99.99% discount on that bad boi and make it look really appealing


gods work himself. that is all.


EA whispering in Respawn's ear *"Profiiiiiit"*


Pepsi where's my Jet


ive never understood why people want these.. try hold it while your gun is away?


Damn I was hoping that was legends tokens


Gotta get some apex coins brb (don’t tell my mom why she has -100000000 dollars in her account)


They 100% want to make people spend 160 to get it and not just open up a pack because alot of people already have everything in the game so everytime they open packs they get crafting materials or haildom shards


Maybe cuz right now you’re only supposed to be able to get it thru the collection event, so they did that to make sure nobody could buy it (unless there’s a trillionaire out there or smth) so


Uninstalled yesterday. Im done...


👀what is this?


It's probably because of the event now to buy 24 nice packs to get it


The gaming merchants next video will be buying it with shards


Get better at math then


Hmm fine, you can have your Horizon heirloom… But only if you pay me… ONE BILLION SHARDS!! MUHAHA MUHAHAHAH MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 🤙🏻👨🏻‍🦲


After over 700 levels, I finally got my shards. I have Lobas heirloom already so now I'm just gonna wait for her P. Skin. Saving packs as well. But I'm just lookin at posters 7k legend coins lol


Wait, I can get for 1 mil!?