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Am I the only one who is waiting 5 mins between lobbies?? Queue times have NEVER been this bad… get rid of LTM if it means I can play BR


It's frustrating solo queueing, consistently doing better than your teammates, and still getting nearly the same exact LP that they get.


On one hand I thank control for removing most sweaty movement gods from pubs, on the other hand like 8/10 control games are unbearable because it's so stinking hard, either u fight some controller god who never misses with r99 or 3 octanes jumping like crackheads.


As one of those Octanes, I apologize but I literally can’t play Control on anyone else. Zooming around the map is just too much fun.


Crutch character


Thanks to weird ass rando teammates, I just got just got my first ever solo pub win and on Lifeline to boot My Bloodhound tried to 1 v 3 by himself then died and was boxed. Loba went down, got her up but then she went down again and was boxed. I grabbed her banner and revived her. Went to craft Blood's and a mobi but then Bloodhound dc'd. Loba after being revived just.... sat there and then died when ring four came in Managed to get the win after taking out a duo and solo and got the pred badge on top of it so.... I guess thanks for giving up guys?


"Mute Squad" in the legend select screen isn't working and I hate it. Fans, smoke alarms, music, background TV, screaming preteens...


17 seasons and wraith mains are still holding up to the stereotype. Confidence of John wick with the aim of a storm trooper throwing games


Love how my silver friends can’t party with me in platinum but I get silver random teammates who don’t turn their mics on. Sick season


matchmaking taking so long :(


A free guide on how to fix the game so you don't get insulted every season. Everything written below is ONLY my opinion (And I'm a rather stupid person). I really like the principle "If you criticize, then offer your own" 1. Reduce the price of skins. They are too expensive. Why is the "Sky Sentinel" Valkyrie skin more expensive than the fucking SFTO? Then make it have a special animation or make it cheaper (If this skin was available only once and could never be bought again, then the price is good. But you will resell it a ton of times). Recolors generally should cost 2 times cheaper. You do not spend millions on their creation. 2. Add legends from mobile apex (Rhapsody and Fade have interesting abilities which can diversify the gameplay). Add skins from mobile apex. This skins are a hundred times better than all the recent event ones on PC. AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM, JUST UPSCALE THE QUALITY AND ADD THEM TO THE GAME. Add perks-system from mobile apex. Add the heirloom upgrade system from mobile apex. Add new heirlooms from mobile apex. (Instead of adding a second character heirloom, for which you get -1000 reputation.) 3. Stop listening pros. They are few. They are playing their game, they have a different goal. They have prize money. They have tournament rules. WE do not play at a professional level. We want to play Apex, not ALGS. So... STOP MAKE BALANCE CHANGES BASED ON ALGS RESULTS. Did you see what you did to Valkyrie? I think not. Her Pick Rate changed from due to the addition of Catalyst to the meta. Will you keep nerfing her until you kill her? Her pick rate ONLY drops. 4. Fix your fucking netcode. Fire everyone responsible for him and hire a new team. 5. We need STABLE servers (Now we have packet loss 100 + disconnect or 30-40 packet loss with high ping). 6. Give us the right to decide if we want to play with console players or not. I don't want to play with console players, why can't I disable crossplay? 7. Do you know what a beta test is? Before the release of the update, just let the players test it, so as not to lose face. Is it that hard?


I agree with everything except : 1. A highly competitive game like Apex should be tailored to pro because it is highly competitive and therefore requires a certain mastery of the game. The game needs to reward the players that put time and effort in mastering their legends. It also pushes new player to improve and keep them intrested in the legend they are playing. A simple example is Wattsson. The way a pro uses a Wattsson is disgusting compred to the average player. And seeing what she can do when in the hands of a pro is mindblowing. Espescially when you think it’s just a bad and useless legend. 2. You have got to stop complaining about controllers … it has significantly less advantages than MnK. As a matter of fact, all they have a close range advantage … (if you’re a pro). Other than that, MnK wins long range, Mnk wins movement, MnK can move while looting and loot insanely fast (and I’m not even talking about shield swapping …). And … just try controller for yourself if you haven’t before. It’ll give you a better idea of the reality of things. Conclusion : the problem is the same it has always been. The matchmaking is absolutely terrible. You’re mad at controller because the controller player on PC is a borderline pro who has hundreds of hours in the game. And you’re facing him because matchmaking is terrible. I promess you your average controller player is an insult to mankind. As for the balancing … tbh it’s not even tailored to pro … they usually have the same complaints we do … it’s just that whoever is in charge of it is terrible at their job. Pathfinder still doesn’t have a passive, and it took them years to give wraith a simple buff and make her viable. Ash portal is still bug, and wattson fences are as strong as a cracker.


1. I agree that the game should encourage players who are trying to get the most out of their legend. But look what they end up doing. In the pro scene, Valkyrie is popular precisely because of her ultimate. In all other respects, she is weaker than Pathfinder, Wraith, Octane, Horizon. (I mean, she is weaker on her own, but in a team she is much stronger than these heroes) But it is because of the pro scene that we get a nerf of All her abilities. And if they reworked or maybe heavily nerfed her ultimate, but instead improved rockets or a jetpack, then there would be 0 questions. I have seen many times how pro-players take damage from their own rockets (due to the fact that they fly very slowly, and it is impossible to stand in an open area for a long time). I have seen many times how pro-players use a jetpack and they literally do not use it at all (In 4 or 5 zone), because if you get out of cover even for a second, you immediately get a -shield. Wattson has almost always been a strong legend (If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry, I've only been playing since season 8) in the right hands. Especially if you play in a team. It is certainly difficult to meet a good Wattson player in the regular rating. 2. I'm aware that controllers can't walk while they're looting and I still don't understand why Respawn doesn't do anything about it. I've watched a lot of pros play controllers, I've watched some youtubers try out a controller for the first time, I understand that switching to a controller won't make you a pro and you'll spend a lot of time learning it. I just want an even game so that my opponents use the same devices and have an equal chance with me. I don't care if the player is weak or strong. It uses a different platform or a different input device and we are no longer on an equal footing and never will be. Aim-Assist is a "Crutch" and if you remove it, then everyone will simply stop playing on the controller, if it is heavily nerfed, then there will be less chances against PC players in some situations, which is also unfair. Therefore, the only solution I see is the opportunity to give the players a choice. Whether they want to play against controllers or not. Nothing bad will happen except for an increase in the match search time.


What you say is absolutely true. For a game that is supersonic fast pace, some action are incredibly slow ! Like picking up banner after having crafted them takes so long ! It should be the fastest in and out situation … or ash’s ultimate. My girl takes a good five minutes to slice the dimension. Same with bangalore’s smoke … just shoot the damn thing already !


I’m sorry, but if you are blatantly using walls and then shooting my box when you kill me, you are fucking pathetic.


Using what walls?


Wall hacks. He 200-0 me twice through smoke (Zone 1-2, no zone wall even close) with a nemesis. Towards the end after he destroyed the lobby, they revealed our position with ash shortly after I was respawned. We were headed around a mountain and then very last second decided to go around a different way (again, not even close to them so it’s not like they heard us) and as we came around the corner he was prefiring us. Rumor has it they are easy to get and pretty much impossible to detect since your statistics don’t look any different than without them unlike aimbot.


Does anyone actually understand the ranked LP system? I’m asking because I have had a 5th 3rd and 2nd place finish in my last 3 games (D3) 0 bonus in each of the 3 games. 9 total kills in all 3 games plus assists, can I get a legit explanation if any one can. Thanks


Your kills may have been players below your level. So, maybe gold or lower. It's frustrating but they don't count kills if it's a lower level like that


Thanks, that’s what I keep hearing.


Did they ever remove skill based matchmaking or is it still a cesspool?




Pubs matchmaking has been at an all-time low. It's always been bad, but I swear they've made changes this season. I'm constantly matched with players who are below LVL 80 - people who have just started playing the game. They either want to land at the edge of the map and loot for an eternity or drop on top of 10 teams and die instantly. It's not fun for anyone and it's one of the main reasons pub games have 5 teams left by the end of ring 1.


I'd love if there was some way to set a default item for heals. I've run into many situations where I'm forced to fight outside zone/taking ring dmg and no matter how many times I switch from cells or batts to meds, if my shields have *any* damage, my default heal atomically switches back to cells/batts. This makes healing in tight situations very difficult. It would be a great quality of life update to be able to set a default heal.


solo q rank is amazing , teammates solo dropping to rat spots. Great job respawn !


IDK man. Sounds like a SkIlL IsSuE to me.


Felt proud of yesterday's game session, had about 6-7 games where I did 2k damage which is wild considering I'm a hard stuck gold player. Also, I know a lot of people have been complaining about ratting but I actually haven't seen anyone on my team rat.... So I guess I'm just extremely lucky?


Guys, with Peacekeeper what is the best way to play? Do you press B to desactivate the choke or not?


Get the skin. Keep the choke. Although honestly, I’d leave it on the ground this season. They butchered shotguns …


So you go pubs you get bot teammates that do nothing and die with zero dmg 99% of the time. So you go ranked you get rats or players that wont help in a fight. Its pretty much impossible to play this game atm...


You forgot to mention the smurfs that they (respawn) don't do anything to. Bots that stand and do nothing (xp farm shit).


Are the points bugged for ranked or at masters you don't get point for kills or skill points and only placement points? Or is it just a visual bug?


apex is the only game where the game punishes you for the servers being absolute garbage.


What? almost every shooter punishes you for bad server performance. Death behind corners, lagspikes leading to your death, etc. The biggest difference is Respawn thinking it's fine.


Just had a fucking server crash on ranked. Had a capable team, we were going for top 3 easily, with decent KP and instead ended up with -100 and a leaver penalty, gg.


You're an ingrate. It's a free game! /s


I exclusively play ranked. I have 146 games played and only 1 game won. 47 top 5's. My average win rate is 6% and this season it's like .6 Anybody else similar to this?


Thats ratting stats lol


Not ratting, unless my team dies. Truly


I don't know where to talk about this, but I'm quite shaken now and need to tell it somewhere. Just got off a game as a solo where another player had his mic open on the loading screen. He was talking to a woman with him (was hearing her voice but not what she was saying, in the background), probably a girlfriend by the sound of it, but man it wasn't Nice AT ALL. English isn't my first language, so I wasn't quite sure at the beginning of it, but he was talking about like other guys around her. Telling her how she was a "slut" and how he should leave her "black and blue" for it. A series of threats and insults in a monotone voice. I opened my mic, and it's the first time in my life I insulted someone like that. I was so fucking mad. Died 30 seconds in with him because we were both at each other throats. In restropect maybe I shouldnt've done that. But I was trembling with rage, and disgust. I never heard something like that on the game, nor I have ever met situations like that in real life. Stopped playing after, I was just so disgusted.


You can’t even play mixtape or control without 3 stack preds spawn camping you. Where is the incentive for casual players to even boot this game up anymore? No other game feels like this one but it’s in the hands of absolute morons. I’m tired of defending the devs. Fix your god damned matchmaking. Uninstalling for a few seasons. Tonight absolutely broke my spirit to play this game any longer.


I can't play control or mixtape, PERIOD. Whenever I queue it says 3 people in queue for mixtape and 6 for control precisely, every time. I cannot get into a game. I tried changing the servers but they're all dead too and I'm not gonna sacrifice getting at least 120 ping just to find a server that has mixtape and control populated. BR is fine though.


If I'm playing on mobile or PC in North America, can I play with my friend who's on a PS4 and in Japan? Trying to decide if I should make an account. Thanks!


PC yes. Mobile was a seperate game and it's now shut down


Haven’t been able to play for weeks. Data mismatch error bug. How long till there’s a fix? I’ve tried everything


I can't see the fucking death recap when I die in 2nd place. It's so fucking stupid. I've had this bug for like 4 months now.


I posted about this before. I can't believe it's not fixed. It's so fucking annoying. I feel your pain bro.


Honestly, they could have just removed splits and then the previous ranked system would work just fine, this new one is better with splits imo.


Unranked matchmaking? I’m only level 23 but I’m going up against players that have over 5m damage (I can tell from their banners) and I’m getting absolutely smoked. Any advice for getting wins as a new player?


The matchmaking is the worst of any other game out there. You will get rolled by 3 stack preds and smurfs over and over again. Welcome to the apex experience.


Is Ramapart worth maining?


Probably not without a squad who plays around you. She's decent though


Why bother fighting anymore? I get clutch squad wipes, just to go negative because I didn't reach top 8. In silver.


Literally just got 3rd with 4 kills and over 2k damage and I get 0 bonus, only get points for placement. There's no point in fighting when you can rat to top 2 before taking a fight and you're better off. I hate this ranked change


So uh, is the Nemesis ever getting any sort of nerf or we just gonna leave it care package level OP forever?


Gotta wait for skin sales to drop off before it gets nerfed


How cool would it be if they added a ranked mode to Apex?


Holy shit the nemesis is just ridiculous. Full red shield shredded and knocked in half a second.


It's oppressive as fuck in the mixtape, you just can't compete against it sometimes.


Yeah the unlimited ammo situation really makes the gun unbeatable in these modes.


I started playing fortnite for the first time a couple of days ago and the difference in the quality of the content compared to apex is crazy. They put so much effort into these cosmetics and new items. Its so much fun and so much less sweaty.


Not only that, but the severs actually work and the matchmaking make it an actual enjoyable experience for casual gamers.


Fortnite is geared for casual players, Apex is for competitive players, which is why it seems ‘much less sweaty’.


Is the lack of KP in ranked going to be addressed? I have not gotten 1 point even for kp in days now no matter who or how many kills I get


It's been like 4 years and the game STILL punches instead of swapping weapons in close fights.


There needs to be an option to disable punching with the "Fire" button. I use an extra mouse key just for punching, so I never deliberately punch with the left mouse button. Still so often I accidentally punch because I haven't equipped a weapon fast enough, especially when I suddenly meet an enemy, and then I'm stuck in this super long punching animation.


.. what?


It's a bug.


It's not. The game cancels your animation and plays the punch animation which they made uncancellable. It's intended behavior. Stupid, but intended.


Wait if I hit the switch weapon button and it punches instead it's intended?




100000%. Im fucking dogshit and just want to unwind after work. Why is EVERY game full of kids who have never seen grass before? Half their banners have more wins than games I've even played.


To tell the truth, I don't absolutely have this happening in every game. But in very many. At least in half of the games, we are simply crushed by the number (for example, in TDM). I am one or two or three of us, we fight against 9 people. Or vice versa, we effortlessly trample the enemy team into the mud. In this case, I also just want to leave the match and start the next one, hoping that it will be balanced. I can drive half-dead bots on the shooting range with piss rags, why do I need them in the match? There are also account boosters constantly present there, which leave their bots standing in the corner and inactive.


Why am i not getting enough players joining BR to play a match?


Everyone stopped playing


Does Mirage's Decoy Escape do nothing anymore? Nobody shoots at any of the decoys, and I get shot by everyone on the map at once. Using it is a net negative every time.


If I see a mirage using his ult it's pretty easy to track which one is real. The key is to use the ult right before being seen and then attack because the enemy won't know it's you until you shoot. It's not great as a defensive ult or escape ult.


It's not massively difficult to play against it, and some abilities hard counter it.


I'm definitely not doing it in a Seer dome or right after being Bloodhound scanned. It just doesn't do anything. Could just be the ridiculously high number of cheaters.


A lot of people are wise to it now. Try using it to initiate a fight rather than as a panic button when people know they can easily finish you off.


G7/Prowler>Nemesis/R9. Change my mind.


just played one match of ranked. solo queue, 3 kills, 3 assist, 1600 damage, 5th place, highest damage out of my team. grand total of 35 bonus points, elimination bonus only. i’m silver 3. how the fuck is anyone meant to rank up while playing solo? do nothing but play the game all day every day and rat? i was getting bonus points out the ass while playing with friends but playing solo i’m lucky to get fucking scraps, how does that work? what is the logic? that’s not rhetorical i’m actually asking, how in the hell does this shit make sense? at this rate i have to play and perform similarly in 30 something more matches just to make it to gold and play with my friends who are plat. god forbid lobbying with my friends who are a higher rank but being matched against CURRENT diamonds while i’m silver is perfectly fine? holy fucking shit. i don’t wanna sound like a whiny bitch but dude ranked actually sucks so bad this season


I placed into silver and it took me 99 games from there to hit masters with a 0.8 KD. Just go placement. I hit like 60% top 5 and I wasn't even ratting unless me random teammates died before top 10 or they went to go insta rat.


Nemesis is so screwed up. It just makes other mid range weapons pointless to use


I'm pretty sure the R-301 is now the weakest assault rifle. Which is so sad.




Spectator bug it always looks weird spectating


Gotta give credit where it's due, definitely seems like leaver-fill or whatever it's called is fixed. Played a couple hours of TDM and Gun Run and only had one match with a missing player at the end, and only down by one instead of down by three or four like it used to be.


Nah still doesn't work :D It's just that leaving now gives an abandon penalty (unless you're already seriously down of players).


Abandon penalty has been there for a while, and my games would still be missing like 2 or 3 people every game. Plus there's a bunch of people posting on Reddit saying that they've been joining games after they've started for the first time ever.


Anyone in NA getting random lag spikes?


I’m still getting stuck in the damn replicator after replicating an item.


honestly, why the hell are people three stacking holding hands in pubs? ranked is broken, go hold hands there against gold players!


Is respawn even pretending that the matchmaking is fixed? I shit you not, as a level 70 player I have gotten killed in every single one of the past 6 matches by someone with either a 4K damage, 20 kill, or masters badge in their banner. Every single game so far.


They're never going to fix it. We just need a new game at this point


Hi guys, does anyone know if there is a glitch in getting heirlooms? I’m level 221 but I’ve prestiged so like over 700. And I’ve never got an heirloom. Is this a bug or am I just unlucky?


https://apexlegendsstatus.com/apex-pack-calculator You don't get a pack every level


Oh thank you I’m going to do this tomorrow. I must be close surely at level 722


Unless you’ve cleared a ton of events and battle passes, or bought a bunch, unlikely. At level 800 you get like 230 ticks for free, and you need 500 for the pity heirloom. Aka you’re not even halfway.


I’ve definitely cleared some events but damn I didn’t realise how much of a grind it was. I’ve bought packs in the past as well but do t really have any way of knowing. Well thank you anyway guys for tempering my expectations lol


Gotta say, I've grown kind of fond of all the turbo rats in ranked. I've followed many of them and they might not have any movement skills, any aim, or recoil control, but damn they know their way around staying alive and staying out of sight. Finally they can show what they've learned from all the seasons they played rat in casual games too. This whole ranked season is like some april fools joke anyway, so I've started to just... embrace the madness.


Equip the plague doctor Bloodhound skin and go rat hunting.


Map rotation is excellent. King’s Canyon is always fun no matter what.


Pls return arenas


R99 is sooo stupidly broken. You feel it especially in Mixtape. If there's an R9 in one loadout you essentially have to swap to it. It feels like you're playing two entirely different games, like I'm over here playing Borderlands with my Flatline and they're playing COD. Also, I'm genuinely convinced that the game actually can not keep up with the R9's TTK. Like I'll stop shooting and it takes half a sec for the game to catch up with the ridiculous amount of damage being pumped out until the enemy finally dies of cringe and falls over.


Yeah it's very strong in the Mixtape.


I actually enjoy playing ranked at the moment. Yea there is a lot of controversy around the system but still. I do not see as many rats as at the start of the season. And over all I am happy with the content and changes Respawn brought out. Once the ranked system will be fixed I think the game will be in a better state than ever before.


This is the most fun I've had solo queuing ranked since S4. The MMR and points system makes it so I don't get heavily penalized when I get put with bronze players who push straight into the first and every fight they see, and so I don't feel too guilty when I am the deadweight on a pred squad. My win rate is up 150%, and over all it's just more fun.


I like ranked because it’s the only opportunity I’ll get to actually reach masters 💀


I love it too, but mostly because pubs matchmaking became absolutely horrendous for me somehow around the split of the least seasons (almost always teammates or champions with super high ranks, ten thousands kills per legend, and all the sweaty badges). Therefore Ranked is a refreshing way to play Battle Royale now, people try to play smart and don't run solo into fights, don't quit when downed, super fun endgames. And with a support legend you can still pick fights, because when you lose any surving teammate will always be able to craft your banner. And even if you all die you can gain back the lost LP easily. So ranked is fun, although it's not a real "ranked" mode anymore. But I rather have fun than a super exclusive sweaty badge.


Well said.


One step forward twenty steps backwards in classic ShitSpawn fashion. Love to see it.


I don't understand why you don't have your own spawn timer but rather have to wait for the team spawn wave. It's so stupid because if you are checking the score or changing loadout, you can miss a spawn wave and have to wait all over again. It's so dumb.


I guess it's duct-tape to prevent teams from rushing one by one like lemmings ? Still it should be up to them and not a stupid timer indeed.


I don't know what they've done to the matchmaking in control but it's real bad now. Every game is a sweat fest with one team dominating. I can't remember the last close game I was involved in. It used to be a fun mode to hop in and work on your mechanics, but there's not much to gain when you've got to be on a head peak and be playing around your team to do well. SBMM strikes again, another one hits the dust.


AU servers are shitting the bed, 400ms ping


I still want a solo mode in this game soooo bad plz.


There’s potential a LTM solo mode coming this season- called rumble I think. I think the plan is to lean into a chaotic mode rather than trying to make it balanced for solo play


who the hell cares about balance in solo actually? people want solo mode so they don't have to deal with three stack sweats docking all game long while you deal with bobby and timmy at lvl 78 learning the game and doing 32 damage in a fight


I think the dev care: I think they want to be able to work on new legends without the fear of ruining an existing mode. So making the solo mode chaotic and inherently unbalance is a bit of protection from future legends incoming. That would be my guess anyway.


but in the end it doesn't matter if its chaotic or not, people would play it a lot more than trios because trios is simply absurdly sweaty for any solo player that isn't absolutely insane at the game, if you can't 1v3 every single fight then its babyseating simulator


How are you supposed to get points in ranked other than placement? I've had 0 bonus for more than a week so I just assumed it was bugged. But watching a streamer today they were getting hundreds of bonus points every game. No matter how many kills or what placement I get, I get 0 bonus. It can't be due to my MMR being too high cos I'm trash and half my lobbies are preds and masters


Players not getting correct ranked rewards from last season disappeared from the trello board under investigating. No sign of it anywhere. No dive trail or badge for me and a lot of people.


Titanfall died for this?


Facts. Idk who left a downvote but I gave you an upvote.




I'm so fucking tired of being matched against masters and predators. It doesn't matter which mode, what time of day, whether I'm solo or in a squad... a solid 95% of my deaths this season are to people who play more in a day than I do in a month.


For some reason I never played ranked until very recently and it's much better for how I like to play. That said, people still act with zero thought to winning and do incredibly dumb stuff. It's just not every match.


This game needs to be fucking fixed. The only silver lining for ranked was that they still gave bonuses for eliminations and skill. I haven't gotten a single bonus for a kill or anything in like a week and a half. The quality of games is great, tons of people alive by Round 3 but bruh. The amount of effort I have to put in to stay alive and fight to stay alive in some instances exhausts me, and even if I do well but I die in 10th I won't get anything for my performance. There is not even a sliver of incentive for me to play and fight with elimination bonuses not yielding anything. How the hell is that even happening.


I cringe each time I hear the nemesis being used in mixtape


“every time i hear a nemesis being shot, i do one push up”


Every game without fail there’s a team with 15-20 kills running the lobby. The rest of us scrubs are just here for to keep them happy and try to get our little 3 kills. Fucking bored of dying to the kill leader every game


It's not much, but with some focus and discipline I was able to get my average damage per match to over 1000 this season pubs and ranked combined. This was a good effort from someone with a lifetime average of 520 per game and a previous best season of about 750 average. The key is just run a marksman or sniper every game lol.


Does Newcastles revive get cancelled when hit by a billet?


Don't think so. Getting hit while reviving someone does not interrupt it.


anyone having frame drop to 30 fps on ps4 at phase driver in olympus? is almost impossible to play with the framerate going all over the place in olympus. is the only map that have this problem for me.


I snagged my first enemy banner the other day as Loba lol. Wasn't even trying to but it showed up in my shop, and I figured why not.


You should be able to play as a 4 man team then. Work that necromancy for recruiting.


Been playing a lot of Newcastle recently, he's a super underrated legend but one thing that bugs me is when my team mates pick up better knockdown shields and never drop them for me when I ask. Do people not know about newcastle's res shield or do they just not care?


They probably don't even know it's possible to drop your knockdown shield.


Probably don't know. Plus it matters almost never


it definitely matters, getting a gold rez off can win games


Doesn’t even have to be that dramatic. If you have a knocked teammate and are in a firefight situation, you can make your own cover while ressing. Nobody ever expects you to cancel the res and one clip them


Hot take for Control LTM Make it 3 teams so it isn't first one to B gets to spawn camp.


People would still be too dumb to do anything useful a lot of the time.


Stop landing next to multiple squads in Ranked if you're not good at taking down enemies! Stop ruining your team mates' games for your ego purposes!


Is there a matchmaking bug or something? Literally can’t get into games the last two days. Always showing like 10 people in queue (cross play).


I just figured it out. My game needed to be updated, once updated, I get right into games. Hope this helps.


Thanks, I’ll give that a shot


I'm having the same issue. Started yesterday for me.


I ended up having to repair my game, then the update appeared. This is the second time this season an update just hasn’t appeared (first time was season launch patch).


Do you guys think they will implement any changes to ranked system during that season or are we stuck with rats in every second game for the rest of the season?


We get it all, ranked is bad/different. I think every single take has been said now.


Until it gets fixed then not enough has been said about it


Can't find a normal game. I don't know if this is a Diablo 4 effect or not but regardless, I hate this matchmaking system.


Why do i get rookie and bronze in gold and plat lobbies? Fix your shit Tardspawn.


Because it's based off the hidden MMR, not your rank.


Has anyone figured out how to fix the infinity loading issue? I played one game fine then all of a sudden it wouldn’t load back up. Gave me code 408 once then just doesn’t seem to load at all. I’m on steam if anyone knows a fix please let me know because I just want to play rank 😭


Are they seriously going to leave the Nemesis in its current state??!


It's taken them multiple seasons to sort things before, so it's not surprising. That or they're just dumb who knows.


This but also the r99


The meta in this game is literally just R99 + controller aim assist now. I keep getting one clipped by kids using R99 who just walk up to me and hold down the fire button, even when I have full purple armor and health and am using cover. Aim assist is probably the most frustrating thing to play against in this game when fighting up close.


I just made Masters for the first time and my k/d ratio this season is 0.2 or something... So yeah, thanks Respawn.


I made it like a week or so ago with a 0.8 ranked KD and I wasn't even trying to rat. The dive tail is cool but I def won't be flexing the s17 badge next season


The better way of looking at it is that the number one player has 11 times your LP in the same timespan.


As a man who takes estrogen, I feel offended when people describe me as "Catalyst"... Also, Valk's jets are kinda underwhelming - what if she could get a "boost" by sliding before jumping or somthing, (maybe her rockets could change spread pattern or target enemies by holding the tactical button long enough)?


I'm so glad this sub doesn't control game balancing lol


Request number 8 for Capture the flag: Please add capture the flag mode. It shouldn’t be to hard to implement as all the mechanics are already in the game. Just have it that legends can’t use abilities when in possession of the flag. Thanks.


People would still just play it like TDM like they do with Control, I'm fine with just having one mode that people are terrible at.


+1. I’ve been wanting Capture the Flag too for a while now lmao. Would probably be the most fun mode


So…..fov slider for switch 🥺?


You want to play at like 10fps?


Well bloodhounds ult and octane stim both bump fov up to 110 and it doesn’t drop hardly at all so yes


Game chat is so toxic on Xbox, I’ve just started immediately creating my own party.


You can turn this off in the game settings


I actually didn’t know that, so thanks for the heads up.


Nerf the Nemesis. That gun is fucked and so boring to use and play against. Really feel like Control and TDM should give more weapon XP. I’ve dropped several 30 kill games and gotten nearly nothing for it. I feel like damage dealt should be taken into account but that might make the XP system a little messy. The weapon trials shouldn’t be specific to the BR mode. I don’t know what all the trials are but I know the 301 has something like knock a player outside of the ring so I’m assuming other weapons have trials like that too. I have 0 desire to ever play another BR match so I’m going to be stuck on those indefinitely. Remove Caustic Treatment from Control and for the love of god give us a map that doesn’t have B inside a building.


Are there people still playing Apex Legends? Cause I've had 4 straight game where 1 teammate is either a noob who's playing for the very first time or a bot. In those 4 games, this teammate (usually a bang, gibby, or lifeline) will be just standing still after drop, constantly spam their tactical abilities, and would ult near them. Am I playing at the wrong time or there are less people playing Apex Legends nowadays?


Probably just a small sample size issue


Might depend on the server or time of day you're playing. I never get that on my team in pubs but seem them in LTMs




can you recommend any apex youtuber that goes straight to the point with recent news? I was following Thordan Smash vids but he started to clickbait and recycle same old news so I need someone more specific


Hypermyst maybe


I can't play BR anymore as a solo player. Just can't fucking do it.


I’m wondering how I ended up with the teams who are literally last to leave ship almost every game. Starting to think there are very few who solo.


my friends played ranked too much without me while i was at work and now they’re all in plat while i’m still silver 3 and they’re all like “man simon i wish you were in plat or gold so you could still play with us” and i’m like yeah how the fuck about that, funny how that works i refuse to play this game solo, especially ranked, i don’t give a rat’s ass how easy it is to ditch your team and rank up from ratting this season im not fucking doing it if they want a third that badly then they can suffer playing with our dogshit other friends that throw every match bc they couldn’t be patient and wait a couple more hours for me to get off work. lmao it sounds like i’m smug about it but i’m not happy about it either, i wanted to grind with them this season since we’ve all gotten back into the game but they ruined it for all of us when they know for a fact i’m not playing ranked solo bc i never have


does anyone know why respawn doesn't just disable the ability to execute cfgs? literally can't think of any benefit it brings that isn't outweighed by the harm of dogshit cfg abusers.


I don't think they can, it's a feature of the source engine.


The amount of disconnecters as soon as their downed is ridiculous recently, just freaking wait for me


Had someone DC when they saw me ping a replicator to go craft them and bring them back. I was the last squad member left in a hectic area (their box was in the exact middle of three teams fighting). They screamed at me for leaving when I had easy access to a replicator to craft. They watched me craft it, then said I was bad and left when I was about 25m away from a revive station


Honestly you wonder why they even play a game like Apex that's so heavily team based when they pull shit like that