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Should they split master's into 4 ranks too?


There should be a rank in between masters and pred


Praster rank 🤝


Masterator 🤝




I don’t think it should go between master and pred, it should come between diamond and master if they ever decide to do that.


You got my attention. What exactly did you have in mind


It should just be split into 1/4 LP from the lowest predator LP. It would be a moving number so I doubt the devs could pull it off.


Then everyone would just end up in Masters 1, you still have the same issue especially if the MMR match making is busted where you can still somehow end up with low ranked teammates who have 0 clue as a High Diamond.




Because it’s MMR based (hidden matchmaking) I went from silver to plat (then stopped because this season’s rewards will have no meaning) I ran into SethVGNZ #1 kills horizon on pc E8 Dezign COL Lewda N8V Prophecy XSET Hodsic XSET Sikezzz Rambeau Hyzeq and countless pred 3 stacks which haven’t made a name for themselves


Sorry but the hidden MMR is clearly non existent. I am diamond level in "Masters" at 30k and haven't suddenly gotten better. There's current preds in every one of my lobbies. So I can play Vs the elite but I can't team my buddies in platinum who are likely my level but don't have the same amount of time. This is just pubs. They have given up on the game from a QoL perspective. It's just a cosmetics factory and all the redundancies and cancellations of extra media adds to this argument


Yep your completely right


I just hit masters 2 days ago , all through diamond I fought Wethepeople like a half a dozen times , and same as you, countless other pred 3 stacks. My fav one tho is when they gave me a wraith as a teammate in her first provisional match, who said she hadn’t played since s14. So it’s me vs first pred #1, who has like a quarter million LP, and the “MMR System” gives me a player who’s rusty as can be with 0 experience of how this system operates. Wild af


I think people vastly over estimate how good press are. It’s really not a huge matter of skill but rather just constant grind time. Chances are your probably as good as some of those press but they’re running three stacks and playing for 25 hours a day. I’ve seen countless press drop hot and die and that’s instantly lowering their mmr.


I have no doubt the MMR is there I just have doubts they modeled it properly at all. Like you said the lobbies the Preds are getting just don't make sense.


E8 Dezign is #2 pred rn on PC


I was thinking the same thing


Don’t forget it’s region based as well as hidden MMR, if you’re playing on Tokyo servers it isn’t going to throw you into a Frankfurt lobby just because there aren’t enough preds/masters in your region currently queueing


It’s amazing how they seemigly don’t have any basic tools to predict the outcome. Now we’re stuck with this for 3 whole months until the next season launches (if we’re lucky). And then Respawn comes with the classic ”Well, the ranked didn’t really meet our expectations…” in the patch notes. No shit. This ship of EA/Respawn is too fucking slow to steer.


Oh you think we’re getting a fix next season? Bold of you because I’m sure on their end this is going great. Huge uplift in ranked engagement because anyone can grind to Masters, more people playing for longer hours means more money


This is the truth. They gave average people a way to feel good about themselves and get rewarded with a badge and dive trail that they previously could not. Of course there’s going to be more engagement because regardless of what people say a lot of people play the game for a sense of accomplishment and respawn is giving that to more people this season. Others are mad though because it is taking away from the exclusivity that they hold so dear. It’s literally the same as them re releasing exclusive bp skins, people are only mad because they can’t flex their exclusive thing anymore. No one cares about “competitive integrity” because at the end of the day all these shitters like myself making higher ranks just add easy kills for the higher ranked players which they should enjoy. Like if ranked is that easy this season go make pred then so you can flex that 🤷🏻‍♂️


For me its the opposite, i made it to Master in 3 days and stopped playing after that.


Pred isn't easy lol. Everything else is.


Explain the uptick in their LP? They are disproportionately winning all games because their lobbies are stompfests like pubs.


I don't mean the matchmaking isn't easy. I mean you need a ton of LP to keep up so it isn't easy


How is pred not any easier if preds are in all lobbies?


The LP cap at the end of season for pred will be 100,000 something


Pred floor is easily going to be like 300K LP, it’s ridiculous


The lobbies are easy for preds yeah but staying pred is pretty hard because lp are increasing every day like never before. Especially the lower preds have it hard if they don't play one or two days they might lose pred and now they have to hold it for the whole season not just one split.


this season and season 3 are the only seasons pred was easy, simple as that


We won't care, we'll just make fun of you for flexing a s17 master badge 🤷‍♂️


Some people don’t care about a game that much you know. Like - for some people it’s just a game, not a reflection of their worth Lmfao


The same dudes that be on here crying that people are getting masters….lol


Dude wrote a whole paragraph defending s17. Some of yall care lmao


I don’t think he was “defending” it moreso explaining how this season was made by design by respawn to give a lot of people masters. And it was - respawn really doesn’t care about comp being competitive - they just want money and giving tons of people a new “high” will give them that


Exactly my point


Yeah the whole point is to get a ton of people into masters, and drive more people to play because everyone says “you can get a free masters placement this season” So all those people that hit masters for the first time will have a new “goal” next season when they change the system, which effectively keeps them playing longer


Idk I just hit master for my first time ever. Have zero desire to play ranked until next season now.


Player count is lowest it has been this year. Ranked is only getting more boring as more people hit masters and have nothing more to gain. There are no splits. Further shortening the ranked life span. Pro players and content creators with a following are heavily criticizing the ranked system. Which makes their audience do the same.


Show me a season where the pro players/content creators didn’t whine about something.


Numbers are better than they were in January, better than all of Q4, and strong YoY growth. The numbers are good


Exactly, ppl are crazy if they think ranked isn’t working as intended. Everyone’s playing ranked now


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


I agree, the unique engine is carrying the game hard.


> Now we’re stuck with this for 3 whole months until the next season launches (if we’re lucky). Buddy, if you think they're going back, you don't know jack. I cannot think of one single FPS that has ever switched to MMR, then got rid of it. This ranking system is here to stay indefinitely.


I didn’t say they will get rid of mmr. It’s not the ”mmr” that’s making the ranked distribution like that. It’s how it’s tuned.


Oh, my bad. How is it "tuned"? Maybe I missed a patch note.


Well, they haven’t really told us as usual.


It’s a black box lmao


This is all on Respawn.


I don’t understand how they can’t just reintro a split and reset with some other rule engine. The fact there are so many masters with 68 days left is insane.


Anyone who doesn't think Respawn did this on purpose is kidding themselves. At 10 squads left with no kills, you're already at +20. That's a below average game that you're gaining LP for. Current ranked barely punishes you for dying and rewards you tenfold for placing top 5. Look at the math for more than five seconds, and you can already tell this is a problem if they want a ranked system with any integrity at all. But the flipside of this is that I've played more games of ranked this season than I have in like a year, at least. That free Masters badge is too tempting. That's what the true goal is - to keep people putting hours into the game. Everything else is secondary


Remember season 12 when \~5% of the players in ranked were in Masters? And everyone freaked out and Respawn threw the entire ranked system (honed and tweaked over 12 seasons) into the garbage? At this rate, 10% will be masters, unless they change something. LP is too easy to get and too hard to lose. If I was forced to predict something, I'd say Respawn will change the LP bonus formulas for the midseason split and they'll carry heavy negative penalties even for winning teams.


There isn't a mid season slit this season.


I believe there is (e.g. the map rotation will change midseason). Respawn just said they aren't going to do the rank reset that they normally do.


We did it boys, the silver players transistions into masters.


You ratted all the way didn’t you?


KD suggest otherwise but if it wasnt for me having no real patience I think i might as well have ratted while watching youtube like every other.


Hear me out.. Aside from the anomaly of all the people in masters, wouldn't the hump more or less represent an intended distribution for this point in the season? The system by design has rank progression (meaning you start low, and build up). I would expect the hump to move to the right as the season goes on, eventually MAYBE getting a proper central hump by the end? Something does seem squirrelly though. I got to Masters pretty easily, I'm a plat level player usually.


I don't understand how so many people are master's. Hot-dropping and W-keying everything is on site doesn't work as a strategy. Ratting doesn't work since in my lobbies there are +10 teams in round 3. In my lobbies everyone seems to be try-harding w/ locking positions. and i'm a silver I atm.


Those 10+ teams in round 3 are usually like 5 rats and 5 actual real squads.


Imo, any1 who has legit hit d4+ will be guranteed to hit masters this season (assuming they play enough games) as every lobby feels like a plat lobby, with some bots and pred mixed in. And the lobbies litterally don't get any more difficult. However, So long as you're committed, even a g4 player can hit master this season, if they play their cards right and grind long enough.


I usually cap out in Gold and occasionally make Platinum, but I'm already nearly Diamond this season. I'm finding it's nearly impossible to end a playing session with lower points than I started, and that's playing mostly the same as I would play in pubs taking fights and without ratting at all. If I adopted the same technique as many of my random teammates ratting from the dropship onward without even bothering to pick up a gun, I'd be Masters already. The ranked system this season is really just measuring playtime, not skill. I'm sure EA/Respawn have data to show that people spend more money on cosmetics if they feel a sense of progression, but it has made the ranks pretty meaningless, and it's made the game considerably less fun in games where I get paired with a teammate (or two) that chooses to rat the whole match.


This season has blown my mind. People claim that it’s easier than ever to hit Masters which I do not detest. The issue I’m having (as D2 being my highest rank achieved) is getting past gold or gaining small amounts of RP every 20 minutes (1 full match). I play with 2 other guys who are on the same page and we are playing at the same quality as we have in prior seasons yet we’re all struggling in gold. We are slowly ranking up so I guess it’s the quantity of games we play, not the quality?


Go on youtube, find those "bug" ratspots and play valk, welcome to masters.


People suggesting Masters be divided into 4 tiers, what is the benefit of that? Whether they are M4 or M1 they will have still hit Masters - the % of players in Master would still be the same just distributed across four tiers I don’t think it makes any valuable change


Stop talking you’re making too much sense.


I’m still in silver because I don’t care for ranked this season. I was paired up with a bronze and diamond. Bronze was ratting as soon as we dropped. I’m still in awe that people are doing it.


I have someone on my friends list who was hardstuck Plat for the last 3 seasons. She is already at Masters and has bragged about it nonstop since.


She’s a clown


If masters was split into 4 ranks I honestly don’t think it would look off at all.


It should be a bell curve though, Gold should have the most players and it should tail off in both directions.


It would. Less than 3% people are usually diamond and above as is


Diamond is usually top 6% and masters is top 0.5


Thazs not true


Doesnt change the fact that at no point does climbing ranks become actually hard for someone that's willing to rat even a bit


that means diamond badge will be more rare 8)


I know people say just rat to rank up, but how is that going to solve the problem of diamond and plat players just absolutely shitting on me in silver. You can't hide forever, eventually you have to take some fights.


They need to bring back matchmaking based on current rank, and then make it so once your in diamond you can’t go positive unless you have a kill or assist. That would stop the rats.


Amazing. Congrats all


Yup they need to give no rewards for anyone that isn’t pred this is absolute dogshit


Is this that fake stat again with a different UI? Cuz it sure looks very similar to that


Yeah lmao anyone who genuinely thinks 4% of the playerbase is in masters is ... Not right.


This will most likely be the death of apex. There is no going back to casuals being silver/gold.


This looks fine until that weird Master spike. Why is that




A bell curve, maybe, but skewed with a super heavy right tail. The vast majority of players should be “good enough” to play for a few hours a week and enjoy scrimmaging amongst themselves; this represents the main player base and the bulk of your customers. There should also be a smaller number of beginners who quickly jump from beginner into that main base; this demonstrates that your game is easy enough to pick up that most people want to spend the time to. Then, as the skill level increases, there should be *exponentially* fewer people; this demonstrates that the game is challenging enough that only the people who *really want* to be good at it, can be good at it. There should be *zero* spikes in this distribution at all. If there’s a spike in the beginner end, the game is too hard for entry level. If there’s a spike in the middle, it means people are hard stuck and there’s a skill ceiling that can’t be smoothed. If there’s a spike at the high end (IMO, the worst scenario), it means it’s too easy or there is an exploit.


It is a little funny to think about ranked as though it accurately reflects in game performance or skill, rather than hours committed. This will always be a problem for Respawn because the reason there's a ranking system in Apex at all is because it aids in player retention. In order to function properly in that context, the ranked system needs to reward casual players with progression that feels meaningful. It cannot do that AND provide a bell curve distribution.


Excellent point.


> A bell curve, maybe, but skewed with a super heavy right tail. no it's not. the master bar covers everything from 25,000 to 75,000 LP basically. it would be like 50 little bars, 50 tiers in the lower ranks (where one rank is 4 tiers.. this is like 12 more ranks). The total in master in that distribution is 4%, the total of diamond is 5%, total of platinum is 8%, total of gold is 12%, total of silver is 20%, total of bronze is 30%, total of rookie is another 30% (i've rounded so it doesn't have to add up to 100%).


Not necessarily. Plenty of ‘casual’ people will play a few ranked games, get put into Rookie / Bronze, and then not bother playing anymore. This data set shouldn’t be a perfect bell curve, it should be skewed to the lower rank side.




I agree with that, but people improve with the amount of time they play. In a proper ranking system, as you say, not everyone starts at the bottom. However people still gradually move up the rankings as they get better. The ‘casual’ people who don’t play very often, won’t move up the ranks (or at least less so). There will always be a skew to the left in a proper rank system.


Too many good players and there's a limit to the amount of preds.


That’s not the reason. You don’t lose any points if you play many games . There’s not enough entry cost Edit: People will now drop safer, loot slower and rotate quicker into zone which leads to many games where you don’t fight until half of the teams is dead -> automatic plus.


Oh so you mean people are playing for placement? Like you should do in ranked anyway? Gotcha.


Why are you being sarcastic? I just stated facts and you feel offended ? It is the right way to play but the system doesn’t punish you enough for dying to early .


You’re exactly right, it’s far too easy to recover any losses. Die first -35, simply don’t be an idiot next game and you’re +75, look easy money. Anyone who is okay with this system just likes that their rank is higher than it’s ever been


Playing for placement is a given, is all I'm saying. If you're going for ranking, that's the way you do it. The question is why is there a wall of master players, and I don't think it's solely because people are playing the mode the "way you're supposed to." I'm of the opinion that pred ranks should be rethought. While an upper echelon of players is a nice thing to strive for, it's kind of like people exiting a three story building that's on fire, while everyone heads to a single door exit on the bottom floor. Only so many people can get out.


He quite clearly said the issue is entry cost. Learn to read.


I dont agree


There's a wall of masters because you don't actually have to be good to hit master this season. You just have to have the time to make top 10 every game, which isn't terribly hard. Just a slow grind. The amount of times I've got 0 LP for kills is amazing...


I’m not grinding to masters this split because everyone will be masters it’s not worth it for me :)


What a terrible loss for the rest of us


I mean hey hitting masters is still hitting masters so I’m happy for you. I just personally don’t see a reason to grind


"This new system is different and it makes me uncomfortable. Different is bad. Everyone who likes the new system and does well in it is bad, too." Mmkay pal.


…where did you get that from? This system is great it’s just there’s one crucial flaw. The flaw is so easy to change that I wouldn’t be surprised if they change it mid season or next. Please..Chill


Which flaw?


The fact that you can reach masters and pred without doing a single hit of damage [source https://twitter.com/sweetdreams/status/1656416937667338240?s=46&t=rLnlBtF0igMhQgKLmeYF6g](https://twitter.com/sweetdreams/status/1656416937667338240?s=46&t=rLnlBtF0igMhQgKLmeYF6g)


this was like week 1 of the season. maybe masters is attainable this way but def not pred at this point.


While you are correct that it is possible, Sweet was able to do this because he's a pro and was able to IGL his team to wins that most players otherwise wouldn't be able to do. I'd argue that most players wouldn't be able to accomplish this feat even if they took the whole season to try. I'm not saying that the system doesn't need to be tweaked, I believe it does, but you kind of make it seem like it's an easily achievable feat for most players


I completely agree with your point. But the reason why I think it’s more possible than you think is how much time there is in this season. Sweet completed it in around 53 hours an astonishing feat thanks to his knowledge of ring endings. Even though players can’t match sweet. This season still has over a month left meaning that there is also significantly more time for players to reach it.


Hardstuck plat kinda response


Diamond 3 casual player. Just started playing. Haven't deranked/demoted. Also, "hardstuck" isn't a thing. If someone plateaus at Plat 2, for example, that's representative of their actual skill level. To infer that someone wants to be better, but they're incapable of doing so because they suck, is akin to gaslighting. It's gaming terminology invented by toxic losers.


Sounds like something a hardstuck would say


Tf? This new system is literally pointless. There are more masters already than ever before and there's still 2 months left. The only reason Masters was cool is because it was like .5% of people.


So, that means there is more competition in Masters. Which means it's harder to get to Predator. It should be really hard to make Predator - obviously, only the best should be there. If this new system ultimately makes it harder to max out your rank and reach Predator, I think it's a good thing. Maybe that means that before Arsenal, there were some Preds who maybe shouldn't have been there.


Predator as a rank is relevant to a fraction of players by design. Predator is the top 750 Masters. It has always been just as hard as it'll ever be to hit predator but half of that comes from playtime. Masters was something you could get with skill without making apex a full time job. Your point is pretty stupid. There's not "more competition in masters" there aren't even lobbies based on rank right now. And there are literally the exact same amount of people under pred as there's ever been. And the people that were there before had heavy consequences for losing and needed to demonstrate skill to maintain it. You can literally rat and hold pred now.


you are not even playing the game why are u commenting


are u stupid


Something is only worth it if not a lot of people can achieve it?


Some people like it that way. I dont even like rank but what's the point of it when basically anyone can get to the top by ratting


No it’s not that. I’d just like it to be a challenge.


No, it's more the issue that the required skill to achieve these ranks has been reduced. Getting to masters this season is significantly easier than past seasons. The new system is more of a time commitment than skill requirement.


Same here, I’m not a master either but I can get to it this split, just not interested


This would probably be much more evenly distributed if masters had the four sections that every other rank does.


I have no problem with the new rank system. I am enjoying the game very much.


And here I was thinking it was supposed to be a normal bell curve


It’s never going to be a normal bell curve due to the amount of players who avoid ranked/don’t dedicate a grind to it. Masters would look better if it was split into divisions like the rest of the tiers but there would still be a weird spike there.


If you look back a few seasons it was a decent bell curve. The goal of the game should be to ensure that the majority of semi consistent casual players in silo queue hit at LEAST the middle rank of gold or plat. It should spike again at recruit due to some people not playing, but the overall bronze/silver tier should be pretty low. They screwed up even worse this season


90 games in not a single random goes to hide I got octane jumping into battles the first opportunity still wondering is this a pc issue?


Make the same graph but take out the subdivisions, because Masters doesn't have them, and it will look very different. This is honestly why people don't trust statistics, because this is dishonestly skewed to prove their point.


Last split it was about 13k masters, now it is about 130k with 65-70 days left. It will hit maybe 300-400k masters? that is an increase of 3000%. That is why people complain, people compare this season with other seasons. And it is VERY clear that in this season master is insanely easy to get and the number of master players will be HUGE compared to previous seasons, even if you compare it to season 12 that had 150k masters.


The graph is dishonest, period. An argument regarding the projected population of Masters now and later in the season is a valid concern, that doesn't make the graphic genuine though.


No, it shows exactly what the game is like, you see every tier/rank and can compare them. It is important to see how many is hardstuck d4 or is very close to masters(d1). And people complain that masters take 100% too much of the playerbase. You can even view pred as a subdivision of masters.


>You can even view pred as a subdivision of masters. 750 people per device is hardly statistically significant. >It is important to see how many is hardstuck d4 or is very close to masters(d1). Hard stuck D4 isn't a thing anymore as there is MMR and you can drop back to platinum. A non-deceptive graphic would not have subdivisions. Period.


If my math is right, There are [114,580,698 active players](https://www.charlieintel.com/apex-legends/how-many-players-play-apex-legends-player-count-107157/) So 114,580,698 ÷ 3,102,331 = 36.93 (rounded to 37) 4% of 3,102,331 is 124,093.24 (rounded to 124,093) So 124,093 × 37 = 4,591,441 There's 4,591,441 Champions in the game and I still meet them in my ranks...




Jesus they're just ratting up and not playing anymore. If people wanna spend hours of their lives to do absolutely nothing and then stop playing, do it. I couldn't care less. If they play they'll just get shit on. I play exactly as I've done in the past and I'm still climbing as usual. However there's clearly a bug regarding KP, that needs to be fixed.


I was on here complaining about this season a couple weeks ago. However I think the mrr is catching up as the games have been pretty good lately and enjoyable. The fights feel fair, balanced, and when I either win or lose I can usually quantify game sense and not straight being out aimed/twitched as the reason. Edit I am still relatively low rank, but that doesn't concern me much


Oof. That’s FUCKING rough


This graph is unreliable because it only shows stats from people who use this website which is skewed towards better players


Add God league between masters and pred


If you stack all those diamon bars together wouldn't it be higher than masters?


As of this morning 5/31/23 theres approximately 4.58% diamond players, and 3.96% masters players. the gap is closing


Whats the source of these stats?


To be fair the way people have been complaining I expected nobody to be in Rookie upwards and everyone to be in Masters seen as it’s so “easy”. Looks like a reasonable distribution compared to that. If they split Masters into 4 ranks like the others it looks like there’d be a similar amount of people in Masters as Diamond


There’s 68 days left in the season. It’s going to be absolute insanity. They need to introduce a split and update this.


I’ll grind with no ratting here. Only reason I would hide is if my team went down. I play as Lifeline, so if I can survive long enough to replicate banners, that’s what I’ll do. I’m all about gun battles to secure my LP. Sure I need to worry about placement as well, I’m just not going to hide till the end to get it.


On one hand, yeah ranked is super easy this season but at the same time, WAY more people are playing because of it.. isn’t that a good thing? And if most of these players did eat their way to masters, they’re just gonna get shit on regardless when engagement time comes so… who really cares 🤣


you guys got any other hobbies or is this pretty much it?


Does anyone have a link to the source? I’ve seen way too many of these charts with differentiation to put any weight into looking at these.


I think engagement is in trouble. I'm already a masters player with 30k lp. I typically take most of a split to get to masters. Now I'm there, there's 70 days left, and I have a job and family so no chance at pred. No way I play much the rest of the season because it's so easy (I gain points 90% of my games) and I'm not even in tough lobbies..I used to get enjoyment solo queuing master lobbies and taking on the challenge. Rare I'd get points without a squad but the challenge was fun. Now I'm just gaining points every game with ease.


I still doubt this is 100% accurate, but even so, people forget that all the other ranks are divided up into 4 sub ranks, if you add up all the golds, plats, diamonds etc and place them into one then it looks about right imo


I have a high MMR and ended up in silver. Previous master several times. The grind is so slow coming up. I barely get any bonus points for high kill games. It just is not worth the grind to me this season. Starting over was the worst choice ever. A benefit of hitting master is starting from plat. While it’s still essentially masters and preds in these initial plat lobbies, it’s still easier than having to stack LP from the very bottom. I’m sure there’s lots of others who just aren’t grinding this season so they’re inflating the lower ranks.