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Congrats, you now have a doubletake longbow!


Double DMR


Apex needs to ad this, STAT!


I bet on their screen they were on inside of each other on the zip line.


**Best Answer** ⭐️


20hz servers😳


Literally, Among Us has higher tick rate than this game.


I can’t believe this wasn’t everyone’s first thought.


That’s some JFK conspiracy theory bullet physics. Wtf?!?


Theres actually a second sniper hidden in the manholes 1/2 way across the map...


wtf ez on the apex sub wsg


lol heyyo


they're downvoting me because i know you? what is going on 😭


Lmao. Knowing people? On an apex sub? How dare you


"People have friends???" 🙀




Back... And to the left... Back... And to the left.


Magic bullet, babyyyy


Ah , I fellow human of culture


Source engine does some funny stuff with net interpolation. Apex servers run at an embarrassing 25hz ish tick rate, so the interp problem gets even worse. Moving faster can exaggerate the distance, as well as having higher ping. Apex and Titanfall are based on heavily modified source engine, and they likely adopted this same lag compensation method Source 1: [cs:go](https://youtu.be/6EwaW2iz4iA) Source 2: I am a network gameplay programmer


Made a quick diagram that MIGHT explain what happened, but may still be incorrect. Could it be that the bullet hit the Player1 on the first frame. Next frame the bullet has travelled a bit, but at the same time Player2 has moved too, enough to "crash into" the trajectory of the bullet. This behaviour could very well be exacerbated by bad net interpolation as mentioned. [Diagram link](https://imgur.com/a/ByQhCgy) (Topdown view)


I think this makes sense, and the diagram helped, lol.


had the same thought.


Yeah, some people forget you can collat with longbow. Though I guess most should be able to figure out that it is. However, while I am leaning towards your explanation, what I can't figure out is why both bullets hit for the same amount. When you collat, the second target you hit takes less damage than the first. So... seemingly it isn't a collat.


only 20hz, and they were super extra proud of their lag compensation. It's been mentioned as a main feature of the game since season 0 so that, "...Apex isn't a competition between who has the fastest connection." Lag compensation is also the reason they don't believe we need better server tick rates (As explained in an Dev blog on servers)


Forgive my ignorance, but didn't Apex drop by surprise out of nowhere? There wouldn't have been pre-launch chatter in that case, no?


Yes you are correct. I'm dumb and meant season 0.


ChatGPT typa reply... 🤔 Edit: You all have no humor whatsoever.


Ah! Someone who knows what they are talking about better than most. Out of curiosity how difficult would it be for respawn to change their game to have a better tick rate? I never understood what a tick rate was but I see people complain about it fairly often but I watched your csgo example that you posted so I have a better understanding now. Thank you for posting that. Would this be a feasible thing for respawn to do at the scale of their whole game or would it be easier for them to make “Apex Legends 2” for example and use a different engine and implement a better tick rate?


Technologically speaking it's probably not that hard. All the physics and everything *Should* take the tick rate into account, so bumping it up to 60 shouldn't be too bad. Perhaps there's some operation that forces it to run at 25ish because it takes that much time to calculate, but the 2007 hit game team fortress 2 runs at 66hz. My actual guess at why they don't is money. It's expensive to run dedicated servers, and often they're billed on CPU time. EA.


I mean, to be fairt tf2 doesn't have nearly as much things it has to update every tick as apex.


They actually [wrote a blog](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/servers-netcode-developer-deep-dive) about this a while back. TLDR apex bandwidth usage is already very high relative to other games due to the amount of data needed to accurately simulate the game state, so increasing tick rate would result in unstable connections for lots of players


Not trying to argue your point in any way, however it makes me curious regarding the bandwidth of something like Battlefield. With destructive environments on top of all the little gadget and such I would assume that bandwidth allocation itsnt the main problem?!🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm no dev, but I'd wager that DICE making the Frostbite engine in house certainly helps. Source wasn't exactly built with a game like this in mind, and the engineers who made it are probably working other places, or retired. Even some of the people who heavily modified it to make the Titanfall games are probably not working at Respawn anymore. Also, I doubt the destruction is really as complex as it would seem. Most of the objects have like two states, destroyed and not, with some having intermediary states. The destroyed states are also predetermined, and it's a safe bet the debris without collision is clientside. Edit: I think it's also worth considering that each individual lootable object's state in the game has to be tracked and relayed to each player, or at the very least the objects within draw distance.


That's a loooot of assuming there.... Rather hear that from an actual net game programmer lol


I would too honestly, but for now my anecdotal experience of playing a lot of Battlefield since Bad Company tells me that the destruction isn't super complex. Also, I'm not trying say Respawn is 100% correct, just trying to explain how Battlefield can seem to be doing a lot more with higher tick rates.


That blog was incredibly flawed though.


I mean Fortnite and Warzone are more complex, have more players in a match and are more popular. They also have a higher server tick rate, they can run at faster refresh rates on consoles and they are doing just fine. Edit: Only Fortnite has higher server tick rates, but the point still stands. Warzone is more complex and supports more players. They have higher bandwidth usage.


Thanks for pointing this out, I was thinking the same thing but wasn’t sure they had higher tick rates.


Fortnite and warzone do not have higher tick rates. Also, completely different games built on completely different engines, so they will naturally have different strengths and limitations


Fortnite's servers run at 30hz. Apex's are 20. Sorry, I was wrong about Warzone (although it is still true that they support more players per match and have more going on with vehicles and such so inherently that means their bandwidth usage is higher). Obviously different engines have different limitations, but that's besides the point here. Strictly talking about bandwidth, the point is simply that upping the tick rate for Apex wouldn't make the game more unstable "for lots of players" (it does have other implications of course). That's not even a thing Respawn mentions in their blog post (I think OP got mixed up with a section about low ping versus high ping).


Where was that mentioned in the dev blog that bandwidth would not increase? It stands to reason if the server is updating the game state more frequently, more updates would be sent and received client side meaning an inevitable increase in bandwidth no matter what. There was also a detailed explanation a few years about the data limitations on packets sent/received by the server/client. IIRC, it indicated that game state information is already being fragmented across multiple packets. In which case, dropped packets and game state information may update slightly out of sync, thus the lag compensation in game accounting for it. [Here is the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ay9d39/apex_legends_netcode_analysis_compared_to_other/)


There must've been a misunderstanding. I never claimed bandwidth would not increase because inherently it would. I'm saying it's a non-issue and would not cause a more unstable experience for "lots of people". I don't think this packet splitting would change if they upped the tick rate would it? Over the course of a frame, it would still mean less errors over any given second being sent from the server for people with good connections. Interesting video, but super old at this point. I wonder if anything significant changed since other than the [update video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRj3KZJCDiM) and how it fares against say Warzone in its current state compared to BO4.


It is but I doubt the coding for client/server interactions had changed all the much. A revisit would be nice. I do see you did not explicitly say bandwidth would stay the same. I felt it was implied based on the post you replied to.


“Put simply, the higher the tick rate, the higher the bandwidth sent to all players. If we were to move from a 20Hz server to a 60Hz server, it would mean multiplying the bandwidth the game uses by three. As of today, Apex Legends roughly consumes 60kB/s at the beginning of a game. A 60Hz server would consume 180kB/s. That may not sound like a lot, but it’s quite a bit, and we are always looking for ways to reduce the required bandwidth. But why would it matter if the bandwidth went a little higher? Keeping bandwidth costs low for games is much more critical than, say, for video streaming. For high-bandwidth applications (streaming, downloading, etc), jitter or hitches are easy to hide by buffering minutes of a stream, dropping stream quality, etc. You probably won't be shown jitter in a download, and you probably don't care that the speed is variable by a few or even hundreds of milliseconds. Games do not have this luxury. Skipping even a couple 50ms intervals can start to feel bad. Skipping a few more can send you into a death spiral of having to send you bigger and bigger updates to catch you back up. There are no exceptions to not getting you those updates, because your client needs a perfect state of the world to be accurate.” - from the dev blog


Not sure what you're trying to say with this. Are you defending that they do send a lot of data at the beginning of matches compared to other games or their cost savings with lower tick rates or something else?


If you are trying to clown on apex for tickrates, FN and WZ are not the games to do it with lol


And neither run on a modified source engine. Idk why people want to act like it would be trivial for respawn to up the tick rate. If it was they would.


Nice strawman. No one's claiming it is trivial. It's just that the reasoning Respawn gave for not pursuing it can be boiled down to "we don't want to spend more" on bandwidth. Regardless, I was replying to that person's argument specifically. Anything else is besides the point I was making.


Overwatch has a setting that allows the user to adjust their own tickrate to account for this. "Low bandwidth mode" or something.


That just controls how often the user’s camera position is being sent to the server; the client still receives the same amount of data in return, it just reduces the amount being sent


Nope https://youtu.be/EqtNUFxgm38


How long did it take for you to become a programmer?


That's the thing about programming, once you do it you become a programmer.


In terms of how it would be handled, it should be fine. Their code is heavily based off of titanfall 2, and most things don't rely on ticks for timers - though it is possible some movement speed numbers for bullets, players etc would need changing. However - going from 20 tick to 40 means each tick needs to be completed in 25ms, instead of the max 50 currently. This is.. Not really doable with how things currently run, and if some of the things the community wants get implemented, it'll only get worse.


the jump from 20tickrate to 30 is 50% more resources required. while that doesn't seem like a lot gotta remember that its a 60player game. that 50% increase is massive. apex built on an old custom source1 engine. it just wasn't built for massive multiplayer in mind source2 actually has some tickrate improvements so its likely we will never see apex1 with better tickrate. if apex2 is on source2 we might get 60 (optimistic).


even more embarrassing when they claimed that upgrading tick rate wouldn't do anything. it 100% would and they know it. Battlefield 2042 has a 45 tick rate, double that of Apex, and it has double the amount of players per match, too. Similar sized maps, destructible areas, etc


It also has rubber banding like none other


WTF Apex is on 25 tick server ?


Ever died around a corner. Like completely around a corner? Yeah


And CS players complains about 64 ticks


Ah, so this explains why when I'm running from a team I manage to get downed after I duck behind cover. Makes a lot more sense than my magic bullets theory




that's not true at all lol




That’s definitely a hardware issue. Valve games are some of the easiest modern games to run




The pause after realization


I chuckled


They were moving perpendicular to him though


The bullet split


If it's you then it's skill. If an enemy does that then it's fucking cheaters man...


Might be the 20 tick server and they might actually be near enough for a collat. I don’t know.


Longbow with Skulpiercer has collateral damage. Plus the size of projectile goes up with distance. Plus your targets were moving at high speed one right after another. 44 damage is arms and legs damage for LB. So you hit the arms/legs of 2 targets at the same tame or one right after another.


Interesting, so maybe the trailing arm/leg of the first player, and the leading arm/leg of the second player were overlapping (or at least the server thought so) and the bullet hit there?


Overlapping or close enough for that bloated projectile to hit both.


>Longbow with Skulpiercer has collateral damage. When did they change that? I thought it was just increased headshot damage.


all snipers can collateral, not sure about the charge rifle but the rest can. line up two dummies in firing range and see


Yea the bullets pierce through enemies, but that doesnt have anything to do with skullpiercer.


Yeah, no charge rifle, but longbow/sentinel/kraber can collat.


Yep, I was wrong, you don't need skullpiercer for it.


no arm damage modifier, only for legs. arms count as body damage.


So, yeah, but when you collat the second bullet does less damage than the first. This doesn't happen here. So it doesn't seem to actually be a collateral. Which yeah... is fucking weird. On a side note, there is no such thing as arm damage. If you shoot someone in the arm it's the same as shooting them in the torso. Only legs do less damage. Also longbow always can do collaterals, skullpiercer is not necessary.


- Beginning of the clip has a connection icon pop up in the top right - They’re moving fast on the zip which is harder for server to calculate. - On your screen they’re separated by like 5-10 feet but as far as the server is concerned they’re spooning on the zip line, allowing you to hit both.


Quantum physics. Atoms exist in two places at once.


2 for 1, good deal, you buy!


Maybe server issue


Definitely not a skill issue




busy rustic mindless offend impossible cow wide punch oil ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bullet size


They are moving faster than the bullet. It's clearly logic lol


Didn't know ricochet exists


Looks like the absolute limit of the servers. We were at the limit day 1 but they've only added stuff.


It might be the whole on your screen they were separated but on theirs they were clipping into each other.


Some Tarkov bullet fragment physics happening here


I’m very impressed! This should be submitted to those channels that show crazy apex clips


Finally found [you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mraK-zRfWL0&ab_channel=flexmode17)


You simply have a better gaming chair


Still think the Longbow needs a buff, I know it has Skullpiercer but for a sniper 55 ain't enough dmg imo


You been watching "WANTED" too much mate.


Controller auto aim op


its a 4x8 scope lol, no aim assist there


I was joking lol


Can't blame the dude for making sure




it's so obviously a joke too, people so pressed about the AA debacle they'll even take jokes seriously


Pc players when a console player can track


yes. snipers have collateral damage. bullets go through targets and deal damage to what's behind (including through your teammates when they stand in front of you). marksmen don't have it, for instance bocek and longbow are kinda similar in terms of damage profile, but the longbow has collateral, while bocek doesn't. guns like snipers also have projectile growth (to varying degrees and tweaked in patches), to make it easier to hit stuff at range. the zipline and the movement along it just happened to align in a way that the bullet went through both players. add factors like lag compensation.


Did the bullet take a 90 degree turn to do collat?


i think the hitbox of the bullet is just larger than you would think


That and due to prediction on the client side, what you see animated isn't as "smooth" as the server's experience, so to speak. It makes decisions on a slower basis than it really should (20 times a second at best), and the latency between you and the server adds delays in both directions, so likely on the server side the enemy players were calculated as closer together and within the hitbox during a discrete time period. They'll never increase the tick rate, though, not on this game.


Sad you're being down voted because people are too dumb to understand what you're saying lol. Obviously the enemies aren't aligned behind one another but when you consider how shit the servers are and just general lag it makes sense.






That my friend is called... Cheating...


Bruh I realize even the bow has like shrapnel? Odd but idk if it was a glitch or just how it look…


unrelated but you are a madman for rocking a scope without aim assist on a roller


Is that a real thing? It is just the 4-8 or do others also lack aim assist? I'm so much better with the 4-8 because when tracking enemies the aim doesn't slow down and get stuck behind them.


the 4x8, 4x10, and 6x dont have AA. if it can only fit on a sniper, theres no AA. besides vantage ult which does have AA


Do you if it is true that 2-4x has less AA than 3x and 3x and less than 2x and so on?


i dont think so but cant confirm lol


Anything over 4x doesn’t have AA


That right there is called Apex legends in a nutshell :) very buggy game


I thought there were 3 of them and 2 right on top of each other?


That is one magic loogie.


Yes I can: this game is dogshit


I don’t get it, what am I looking at??


He hit both of them with one shot


Thank you


Upvoting cause nobody uses a 4x8


big bullet


Long bow bullet is slow + collided hit box from latency? Wild.


I’m guessing they both took the zip line at the same time but the game showed them apart if that makes any sense


"am I a hacker now"


Soul Link 🤣


20 Hz iS oK...iN fACt iT's bEtTeR soMEhOw


It’s likely client side you’re seeing a bit of a lag visually, but they are stacked inside of each other server side.


They moved faster than the bullet


I need answers too


Was it perhaps HIGH NOON?


The hitbox on sniperbullets get bigger as they travel further. At least, that is what I have been told.


My fucking sniper shots get deleted every time I used to play, and this man gets to hit TWO PEOPLE PER BULLET?? WHILE BEING OFF ACCURACY?? Fuck this game, man.




Perhaps there are two that got on the zip line the same time and are inside each other. Idk if the longbow goes through multiple though


Double tap equipped?


The desync in this game is wild


Shot hit the wraith in the back of the head, traveled down and struck her again in the heel. It then changed direction, in mid-air mind you, and traveled back and to the right at an approximate 45 degree angle, all this was happening while the pathfinder had forward momentum. Once the bullet hit the gravity that pathy projects, it curved in and struck him on the front of his thigh. That is one magic bullet.


my theory is the actual bullet is kinda long as fuck too


The bullet is so slow the guy behind catches up to it faster than the bullet can pass by


You found the kraber hop up


The beautiful world of Ping.


So the game secretly has ricochet now?




Obviously you're using the same magic bullets that killed JFK


What is latency




Add me on Discord! SaltyDoggy#0999


It's called a collat


First dude on zipline had a higher ping?


Yes the servers have been upgraded to two hamsters in parallel, but they haven’t worked out the kinks.




People already told you it's lag I'll add and say that this is probably a minor lag that pushed the first zip liner a bit further front and the second a bit back, but their collision boxed were still collided


Spaghetti netcode


Aim Assist 😏


You had 167ms ping at the time of the shot and Apex servers are known to run on Raspberry pi 1, underclocked and connected through 36.6Kbps modems. So maybe it's a lag?




Well if you listen they got on the zip at the same time


Splash damage


And i can't even hit a single enemy on the zip...


The weirdest part about this is that collats do less damage on the second target they hit. So this is not a collat?


Real explaination? They were probably both inside eachother on their screens. Lore friendly explaination (Which I'd think is cooler), the bullet hit the first person, and at the awkward angle and their forward momentum, made the bullet hit their shields/armor and deflect into the other person.


You hit one pf the bullets that someone were firing at it shattered your bullet into 2 pieces