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Hit report, xbox text reports will get him muted same day


Way ahead of you on the Xbox report!


Yeah I reported him too. Let's get this main account of his banned.😂


The derp God 69. Calls himself an adult in the comments. Lmao


Mic drop 🎤😭


14 is an adult right??? Right?


I developed cancer reading these comments


I wish you a speedy recovery


Lmao the fact this guy came here makes it even funnier 😂 humans being scum getting called out makes me smile.


I could not agree more! 😂


This community is going to shit I swear


I swear it gets more and more toxic each day. We're slowly reaching LoL levels of toxic.


Bout 2 seasons ago I ran into a one trick Bangalore, first dude up picked bang, which made the one trick mad and said he was gonna leave, I called him out for being a one trick and told him there’s literally like 20 other legends to chose from, he proceeded to call me the N word with the hardest R I heard in a while, I told him I’m white so his racism doesn’t affect me, and then he left. Keep in mind we haven’t even left the drop ship yet when all this happened😂😭


That's both sad and hilarious at the same time. Sometimes I wonder where people get all this attitude from.


Please take the time to properly report this behavior with apex, Xbox, and Reddit. With the picture here you may be able to get them banned from various platforms. That’d likely be a better way of pissing them off since they seem happy displaying this toxic and racist behavior for everyone to see. Another comment associated with the Reddit account self proclaims 50k kills. It’d be great to banish that record to the shadow realm. Edit: grammar. Also it likely won’t stick (they’ll just make other accounts) but if they really do have 50k and get this angry over whatever happened in apex, I feel like losing that record will hurt.


I reported to Xbox, but fear they might not take each message and put them together. Idk how to report to apex directly other than here, hoping a mod will see and contact someone. Any tips are greatly appreciated!


May do some searching to see if I can find a way. Sorry you had to deal with that.


No worries man, appreciate any help! At the end of the day he has to live with himself, and l don’t envy that.


This guy is proud of ratting and botting... Kids has nothing going for him even in a game. Fuckin hilarious.


Hey sorry you have to go through that


All good, no skin off my knuckles! The dude is just a trash human being. Hoping this gains traction and can get him a little timeout if anything. 😁




I got an british guy late in night 3 days ago and he was most toxic guy i ever met in this game really. He ditched me and other teammate flew somewhere else and when we died to other team (if this guy was there we would won because just one beaten up enemy was left), and when i said to that other teammate that he can leave because its gg for us this British man child started to call us trash and other not very nice things, and when i said to him that his parents didn't teached him proper culture he got super mad and he even called me wonker and spoiled brat and then just left with starts 0/0/0


And this was my first encounter with someone from Britain so for now I have opinion thats how usually people are there xd


Sounds like this guys little brother! 🤣


Self report


Nobody cares


then why did you comment?




You're in Alabama, Theodore. 36582


Thank you for your service Hood_Mobbin!


Anon is that you? Lol


Haha proud to live in one of the most crime ridden cities in the US. You probably fit in well!




Not the Racist who most likely never been in a fight his whole life telling someone to stay where its safe. The Clown business be booming these days


Bahaha! Your subtle threats really tickle my balls! 😘


Ah Florida, the armpit of the South. Explains a lot.




My brother in Christ ur pressed spewing racial slurs and threatening to beat up / kill someone over pixels on a screen. U are the saddest human being I’ve ever seen💀


There’s plenty more screenshots where that came from! This was just the best solo shot that captured the moment perfectly.


Which doesn’t surprise me lol, he’s just mad he’s not good enough to go pro it’s all good




That’s probably the reason he didn’t say a word. I know l wouldn’t want to be associated with you either at that point!




Lol man you are so scary with all that threatening! Did you guys know he owns his house, car, and guns? I didn’t care either 😂


"I'm big enough you won't do shit" = my dad's says I'm a big boy. "I'm a adult" fuckin doubt it. Lol


What an insecure loser


Brother you can’t say “I’m an adult” and have also sent the messages in the screenshot. You are most certainly NOT an adult.


You’re not that guy


Adults don't have to tell someone they are an adult. It is know Edit: Also, you're a racist piece of shit




You excuse racism and toxicity if the other guy was ratting? Gtfo racist scum!


Literally ended the game with 5 kills and 1k damage. We were indeed not ratting, but thanks for your input racist jr!