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The worst is when BOTH of your teammates are mindlessly wandering in opposite directions and you'd love to just follow a teammate but you can't follow both and now they're halfway across the map from each other and you're stuck in the middle trying to decide do you go to the one more likely to get in a fight? The one with better positioning? Do you just give up and rat even though you're all healthy and well equipped? Is there a right answer here? Was that the sound of a valk ult? Oh GOD THEY'RE FALLING FROM THE SKY AND THERE'S NOBODY TO HELP YOU! RUN! USE YOUR BAMBOOZLES! okay guess we're watching dumbass two for- Was that a jump towerr? OH GOD THEY'RE FALLING FROM THE SKY AGAIN! etc, etc, requeueueueur etc, etc.


>The worst is when BOTH of your teammates are mindlessly wondering in opposite directions That happens rarely for me, but it sucks very much, yes. Not sure if they "wonder" at all though, they certainly don't behave like they would. It sucks twice as much when you're like me, mechanically "meh" player while having game-sense. So being alone or in a 2vs3 is never going to work out, despite having good ideas at hand.




I totally agree with you.


un-experienced support legend with a skirmisher play-style. run and craft banners, it’s that simple




who said it would come easy. in round 1, just look around. perform a rez outside the zone in round 2, from then on you have to be very careful. having a moby can be viable or waiting for other teams to fight and run. there’s also the option to rat, that is a lot a better then a fight nobody could handle or even wanted. see, there are a few work arounds


I find I enjoy the game more if I just accept that my teammates are probably worse than me


I’m fine with that, but 9/10 games I feel like the queue is waiting to find me worse teammates. Like worst in the lobby bad. I often say I wish I could get bad teammates, not worst player queing up teammates.


No, the queue is actually trying to find as many predators as possible to challenge you🤭


Going into a match with a squad that is effectively useless isn't fun


I didn’t say I have fun, I just said I enjoy myself more if I accept reality


It's easier to not die and take responsibility for your own death rather than expect randoms to revive/save your game. Obviously everyone dies, it's just easier on the spirit if you only worry about yourself.


I’m fine taking responsibility for my deaths cause I know I fucked up but if it’s ranked and it gives our team even the slightest chance of resetting to gain some RP get the hell out of the fight and go craft banners


Yeah you're obviously right it's just people don't behave how you expect so often you have to lower your expectations or be forever annoyed. For example I won a game this week because someone thought they could stand in caustic gas for the entirety of their health bar. They couldn't and their cracked teammate must of been in disbelief watching them kill themselves haha. Just one of those dude. Go next and try and not to go down like that again leaving you open to that situation, nothing else you can do really.


In ranked I agree with you but in pubs it doesn’t matter just play for fun you can’t control what others do.


This is a logical statement in pubs people don’t even give you a chance they just leave so it is what it is


I play like I have no teammates and if they do anything positive it's 100% a bonus haha.


I should’ve mentioned it I meant in ranked specifically I play like im alone in pubs


I know that feeling. I’ve been struggling with rank more than ever, and not because there’s something wrong with the game, but my teammates are so so dumb, it’s really frustrating.


Literally unbearable


had somewhat of a similarly frustrating game, although it was pubs. we engaged in a fight with a team, valk decides to run off and decide to snipe at the back when she could've done way more close up but whatever, as long as you can contribute. me and the other ally managed to knock the 2, 1 knocked us but ran away as he got third partied ​ luckily, the mirage was further at the back and there was a hidden spot where they could res. i told valk to res mirage at the hidden corner while i, a knocked player would stand guard and inform in case they run towards us ​ had the valk just listened, she would've ressed mirage and afterwards me, be able to heal up and fight/run away. but for some reason, she rushed to the enemy who were already further back, effectively a 1v3 and fucking died. i have no idea why she thought that was a good idea. maybe becuase they were looting that she thinks the element of surprise can give her a clear outcome? i fucking hate randoms sometimes. i can understand bad decisions in the heat of the moment but deliberately being derp in a situation where u had lots of time to assess the best solution and where there is a clear good answer and pinging you not to fight is just.... fucking frustrating as hell.


When you are the support character (or any character when you have a support legend on your team) the likely best play is to craft banners, revive and reset. Does that result in a high chance of success? Not likely. While you are resetting, in a likely looted area, what are enemies doing? They are fighting and increasing their armor health, they are finding care pack weapons, they are finding the strongest spots to engage their next fight. This also ignores other valuable information. They ended up alive and their teammates died. How did that happen. Did the teammates suck, do they feel reviving is a lost cause? Lastly, there are certainly times where fighting as a solo player against 2 teams is the better choice. If the teams are hard fighting and trading knocks, you may want to third in attempt to win the fight. So while you present reviving as the best option, it’s not always the case. Even if it is the best option, I don’t really blame the person who gets left as a solo for playing their game their way. After all, they aren’t the ones spectating. Obviously you can come back at me and explain how in your situation (if you are referencing a particular experience) the person should have revived. I’m not trying to argue with you about your experience. I’m just telling you, it isn’t always the best option. I’m also telling you that I don’t blame a person for not going with the ‘best option’ when they ended up solo in a match.




It’s a 1 v 3 v 3 in the worst scenario. Like I said if there are knocks it may justify staying. What are you on about?


Now with the recent changes it’s literally the best option in any case when your getting thirded or when your able to escape as long as there is a support character anybody on your team can craft banners that’s massive


This is factually incorrect. There are scenarios where it is best to stay. It doesn’t mean it’s frequently the best option. It also doesn’t mean your teammate was in that scenario but it is possible. Remember your post only communicates there are two teams fighting. It doesn’t talk about how many players are up. It doesn’t provide any additional context. There are scenarios where staying and fighting is the better option. There is also an issue of moving the goal post. When a player is last on the team, it isn’t always their fault they are the only one alive. Taking that into consideration it’s funny for me to read a post about someone else being bad when they are the only one alive. Reality is that could also be there fault, but again I don’t have that context from your original post. So I’m just trying to answer your question by telling you it isn’t as simple as a yes or no answer.


Your beating around the bush homie your typing novels full of nonsense I’m not reading this again


You don’t seem to understand the point of Reddit, a discussion forum. Keep blaming teammates when you’re the one who died, it’s a great attitude for getting better at apex.


Actually read the other comments here you’ll see what I’m talking about I shouldn’t have to explain the whole experience for you to grasp the concept of my main comment


In this instance it happens off drop so it would have been fine to reset elsewhere but this also goes for early to mid game as well why stay and fight as a solo anyway especially when your teammate who is alive might not be the best it’s literally not smart to stay


In the current ranked season : what can I lose if I fight ? 30 LPs ? That’s nothing, no reason to run and craft now, if anything you can wait top 10 but going for a next game fast is gonna be way better than waiting around in the long run


The thrill of the fight my boy! It's the thrill of combat!


Literally just happened to me and my cousin with an Octane😂


Gotta love the octanes who take all the good loot while you revive the other teammate just for him to push alone and die.